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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I've never had a problem with Rick's chip on the shoulder regarding Ridge so much as the often brattish and sometimes equally entitled and shitty ways he's gone about expressing such sentiments. I wish he'd realize much of the blame is on Brooke's shoulders for never shutting that shit down and the only time she ever "stood up" for Rick was that pitiful excuse she needed to go meddle in Nick's life.

Anyway, no. He didn't need to pee on Ridge's leg like he always does, but that's no reason to have him Team Bridge. FFS, I've seen the guy cheerlead on Nick's behalf and that was AFTER all the shit he'd put his sister through. There are very few things which stay consistent on B&B, and his well earned Ridge hate is one of them.

Hell, Rick even cheerleaded on Bill's behalf when Brooke had her drunken meltdown after learning about Ridge-Pen and Katie ("I'm with Katie now.")  He, himself, encouraged Brooke to explore a relationship with Bill because the guy really seemed to care about her.  Since when has he been pimping for GarBridge?  He was there when Ridge left Brooke crying on the steps when he annulled their marriage to be a full-time father to baby Thomas (at Taylor and Stephanie's insistence).  He was there all the other times Ridge figuratively kicked Brooke in the teeth and broke her heart.

When Ridge-Pen groused about Brooke marrying Bill sickening himall I could think about how his kissing Brooke should have sickened her.  Not only is he poorly groomed, he looks as if he suffers from a bad case of halitosis.  Not once did he give a rat's ass about how Brooke may have felt about him being with Katie or Carowhine.  He didn't even give a dam about how Ridge-Pen, Jr. might have felt about it.  By, the way, his slouchy little ass couldn't go back up to the attic (i.e., boarding school) soon enough for me.  

I also have to complain again about the idiot writers' choice to dredge up this GarBridge ghost yet again.  Why?  Why, in the name of all that is unholy would they foist this shit on us again?  And, with an actor who has absolutely NO CHEMISTRY whatsoever with his leading lady?  With an actor who acts as if he doesn't even want to be there?  And, why do this when the character in question was in TWO committed relationships and has no right whatsoever to fix his putrid mouth to complain about jack?  

This leads me to ask my last question:  What fans are out there clamoring for a GarBridge reunion in fucking 2016?

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I maintain that Stephanie was the glue that made Bridge stick (that, and Joanna Johnson leaving the show left a hole wide open for a new heroine). How many schemes of hers backfired on her and brought those two closer together? The ToD was never Brooke/Ridge/Taylor, but Brooke/Ridgr/Steph. 

Although I'd love to visit the alternate universe with Original Mulletor Ridge and Brooke and what conflicts they would have had without her around anymore, there is just no place for them here. Perhaps with an actor that gave some fucks, maybe...as another poster said, there's no excuse to not even try, and he's getting paid to do this. Ronn Moss, bless his heart, sold the hell outta that horrible relationship with Bridget. KKL likewise very seldomly has been on record for advocating for or against a particular story, and I've heard a rumor that Flannery's fibroidmyalgia that coincidentally flared up at the peak of Brooke's rape story was a protest about how Ridge centric the story had become, but she had her game face on for each and every scene she appeared in.

Kaye reminds me far too much of the sales team I worked with who didn't bother to call customers or go out to greet people if the weather was "bad" (San Diegans have a considerably different standard of weather than most ;) ) because we got paid $13 an hour if we didn't make enough in commission to cover the mid month draw. Why bother?

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I agree that the real super couple on this show was Brooke and Stephanie.  

I remember when Nick halted GarBridge's 666th wedding ("Hold it!") and whisked Brooke upstairs.  She didn't seem all that pressed to marry Ridge, and it wasn't until Stephanie got Brooke alone in another bedroom and started in on her standard spiel that Brooke's countenance changed and she looked as if she was going to marry Ridge come hell or high water.  If Stephanie had just learned how to keep that yap of hers shut, Brooke probably would have moved on from Ridge--and stayed--gone a lot sooner.  

There came a point where I believe Brooke's motivation was all about proving she was "good enough" for Ridge and the Forresters' rarefied world.

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That last bit is something I've noticed in a lot of the YT clips I find. It's most striking in 2005, when Ridge went missing after Amber's photos of Ridget in the Big Bear cave got out and how Stephanie praised Brooke's grace in that situation for "putting the family first" (code for "not divorcing Ridge's ass for yet again betraying you").

Mind you, that story wrapped up about a month or so before Taylor was brought back from the dead and Steph would pull the football out from Brooke.

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On October 24, 2016 at 3:42 PM, bannana said:

And Rick, if he was smart, should have supported Eric, to get back in as CEO.

But we all know Rick's not the sharpest crayon in the box. Also, that would've been interesting to watch, and we sure can't have that.

10 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

that shit really took the shit.

Best description of this show I've read in a long time!

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I think Brooke needs an option C, because she deserves better than Arrogant Prick A or Arrogant Prick B.

When $Bill learns about that Steffy is on an all waffle diet will he switch favorite sons again ?

Better turnout at this wedding than Eric and Quinn got.


Some Quinn related thoughts.

Donna, have you ever even appeared in the same episode as Quinn ? No ? You can STFU about Quinn.

Anyone who has forgiven $Bill for his actions while trying to control waffles love life can STFU about Quinn.

Actually anyone not named Liam, Ivy, or Mr Montemayor can STFU about Quinn

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I agree that there is nothing romantic remaining between Ridge and Brooke, nor is there any apparent chemistry beyond friendship. But I've been watching this show from long ago, my mum used to sneakily watch it in the days of Prince Omar and loved Taylor, and it was something we shared and enjoyed together. I liked Taylor well enough, and seem to have an different view of many characters from many of the posters here recently.  I never cared much for Brooke and her coy mannerisms, and the nostalgia for Ron Moss amazes me; he was smug and spoiled. I still miss Sally Spectra and Darla, they had so much life and humor. In the present lineup only the Avants offer that, though if Deacon were let out of whatever cage he's in, he could add a lot of fun. 

Finally, I remember TK from OLTL, where if anything he was toooo romantic, as an "Irish poet."  I still respect him as an actor, and find him pretty compelling, given the unpleasant story line he's being given. And when I noticed today the light gleaming on his truly shiny hair, clearly shampooed and fluffy, I decided it was time to say something. He had a scruffy beard today, yes, but I'm weary of the continuing shade thrown in his direction accusing him of being "greasy" or dirty, even dissing his impossible-to-gauge breath. He's not the metrosexual RM, with a pretty scarf flung around his elegant neck. Fine with me, he has a power and charisma that RM never had. I don't see him overacting, but nor do I sense disinterest on his part. I'd suggest taking a deep breath and taking a good look at the man - he's accomplished, he's very handsome, and he's playing a part. Pretty convincingly, given how bitter some posters have been towards him lately. 

Edited by tantrumette
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I liked TK as Zach (AMC) and Ian Thornhart (PC) and am willing to blame the writers for a lot of the mess I see on my screen right now but TK has to take some of the blame.  There is no subtlety in his performances these days.  He should be able to generate some kind of sympathy for Ridge, in what I assume is meant to be his panic over Eric being conned by a gold digging Quinn and his fear that everything that means anything to him (the business, Brooke) is slipping away but all I get is sheer ugly meanness - oh, and entitlement and arrogance to round it out.  I know he can do better so my assumption is that he isn't even trying.  But mileage varies, as they say...

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You'll get no argument from me, tantrumette.  I'm a longtime fan of TK's from his AMC days, and while I don't believe that any of his pairings on B&B to date have come anywhere close to Patrick and Marty, or Zach and Kendall, in terms of quality, romance, passion and overall writing for the couple, I think he's doing a pretty good job with Bridge, or I should say, as good as he can with clunky dialogue, bad storytelling, and a rapid about-face for his character who was married just a few months ago to another so-called love of Ridge's life, Caroline.  YMMV, but I think he looks pretty good.  I have no idea what he thinks of Bridge.  Past interviews that go back 3 years or so have been cited to show that he's just not into Bridge, and maybe he currently feels the same way, I don't know.  But his recent interviews have shown respect and admiration for KKL, and respect for Bridge's history, so I'll go with those interviews until he says something more recent to the contrary.  To answer a poster's question from up-thread, I don't think TK whispers, and I can't say that he spent alot of time whispering on AMC, except whenever he did whisper to Kendall, it was mega-hot.  I mean, really, really hot.  TK has a voice that's more hoarse than other actors' voices, but I like it.  Again, different strokes and all.         

Edited by SingerIslander
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13 minutes ago, SingerIslander said:

  I have no idea what he thinks of Bridge.  Past interviews that go back 3 years or so have been cited to show that he's just not into Bridge, and maybe he currently feels the same way, I don't know. 

That's my point exactly. If you willingly accept the role of a long-standing show's legacy character who happens to have a long history, present and future (if by nothing more than sharing a child) with another legacy character, what gives you the right to "just not be into" one of your main, if not THE main storylines?" And show it. There was absolutely nothing convincing me today that Ridge had the slightest interest and intent in reuniting with Brooke, especially the way he spat out, "Destiny," and "I love you."

Anyway, if that snot-nosed brat RJ had been shutdown hard right at the start with this nonsense, most likely none of what went down at the end of the show would have happened.  For the record, Ridge did not fall for Brooke "love at first sight." Brooke was helping her mother cater Ridge and Caroline's engagement party at the Forrester mansion.  Ridge saw Brooke from the back and mistook her for Caroline and spoke to her. The two exchanged a lingering glance and that was it.  If anything, Brooke read a lot more into the fleeting exchange and that, fueled with her imagination/obsession with everything Forrester and a whole lot of scheming and manipulation shaped that "destiny."  (I'm throwing shade at the stupid writers here, not the actors.) So now what? Bridge reunites and they take RJ to the Santa Monica ferris wheel and ride it together? I'm not sure what the kid even wants.

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22 minutes ago, grisgris said:

That's my point exactly. If you willingly accept the role of a long-standing show's legacy character who happens to have a long history, present and future (if by nothing more than sharing a child) with another legacy character, what gives you the right to "just not be into" one of your main, if not THE main storylines?" And show it. There was absolutely nothing convincing me today that Ridge had the slightest interest and intent in reuniting with Brooke, especially the way he spat out, "Destiny," and "I love you."

Anyway, if that snot-nosed brat RJ had been shutdown hard right at the start with this nonsense, most likely none of what went down at the end of the show would have happened.  For the record, Ridge did not fall for Brooke "love at first sight." Brooke was helping her mother cater Ridge and Caroline's engagement party at the Forrester mansion.  Ridge saw Brooke from the back and mistook her for Caroline and spoke to her. The two exchanged a lingering glance and that was it.  If anything, Brooke read a lot more into the fleeting exchange and that, fueled with her imagination/obsession with everything Forrester and a whole lot of scheming and manipulation shaped that "destiny."  (I'm throwing shade at the stupid writers here, not the actors.) So now what? Bridge reunites and they take RJ to the Santa Monica ferris wheel and ride it together? I'm not sure what the kid even wants.

Thanks for the reminder of what GarBridge was really like, GrisGris.

Apparently, we're supposed to forget that Ridge ultimately chose Original Recipe Caroline over Brooke after she miscarried their baby.  In fact, he looked downright relieved when Brooke had her miscarriage.  We're also supposed to forget the "rape prank" which occurred while Caroline was not only married to Thorne, but also while Ridge was supposedly in a relationship with Brooke.  We're also supposed to forget the other women Ridge chose over Brooke, particularly his mother--the real love of his miserable life.

And, as crappy an actor as RM was, Ridge had such amazing chemistry with Caroline, Brooke and Taylor, it was easy to see why fans were torn as to who he should be with.  

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Are the producers of Survior and B&B the same?  I'm convinced that there is a Millennial vs Gen-X. Millennial being Liam and Steffy and Gen-X being Ridge and Brooke.  Liam was betting that Wyatt would do something that will bring Steffy back to him as is Ridge betting that Bill would do something that would bring Brooke back to him.  

Allison is very pretty but I think she likes bad boys like Deacon.  I think Bill is her type but would never act upon  any feelings she might have  To Allison, Wyatt is a light weight.  If Ivy is still not in the cards for Wyatt, I hope Sasha would be.  After all they will be seeing each other around FC.  

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3 hours ago, grisgris said:

For the record, Ridge did not fall for Brooke "love at first sight." Brooke was helping her mother cater Ridge and Caroline's engagement party at the Forrester mansion.  Ridge saw Brooke from the back and mistook her for Caroline and spoke to her. The two exchanged a lingering glance and that was it.  If anything, Brooke read a lot more into the fleeting exchange and that, fueled with her imagination/obsession with everything Forrester and a whole lot of scheming and manipulation shaped that "destiny." 

Indeed, and given the creative editing that TIIC had been doing with that scene I remember being underwhelmed when I saw that dinner party in its unedited entirety.

Someone a few pages back mentioned how B&B never had much in the way of supercouples and Bridge was probably the closest thing to a pairing everyone outside the fandom would know about. And it goes back to them being primarily combatants with benefits for most of their "glory" years. I mean, by no means is Ridge anywhere near the level of vile as Victor Newman has been to Nikki, but even they had years of relative peace to settle in. Apart from the year between RJ's birth and Taylor returning from the dead (and even that's a reach, given the Ridge and Bridget pics that Brooke kicked his ass out the house for), when have they ever been allowed to just *be*? 

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I decided it was time to say something. He had a scruffy beard today, yes, but I'm weary of the continuing shade thrown in his direction accusing him of being "greasy" or dirty, even dissing his impossible-to-gauge breath. He's not the metrosexual RM, with a pretty scarf flung around his elegant neck. Fine with me, he has a power and charisma that RM never had. I don't see him overacting, but nor do I sense disinterest on his part. I'd suggest taking a deep breath and taking a good look at the man - he's accomplished, he's very handsome, and he's playing a part. Pretty convincingly, given how bitter some posters have been towards him lately

I used to read the same thing about Daniel Jonas (Days)...greasy, dirty, etc. and how he's so disliked by the majority on these forums. When I'd ask why everyone felt that way, they'd say because he's "Mr. Goody Two Shoes" (or something to that effect)...as if it were the actor's fault for the way the writers had written him. Apparently some folks can't tell the different between real and fiction.

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8 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

I think Brooke needs an option C, because she deserves better than Arrogant Prick A or Arrogant Prick B.

I second that emotion.

5 hours ago, grisgris said:

Anyway, if that snot-nosed brat RJ had been shutdown hard right at the start with this nonsense, most likely none of what went down at the end of the show would have happened.  For the record, Ridge did not fall for Brooke "love at first sight." Brooke was helping her mother cater Ridge and Caroline's engagement party at the Forrester mansion.  Ridge saw Brooke from the back and mistook her for Caroline and spoke to her. The two exchanged a lingering glance and that was it.  If anything, Brooke read a lot more into the fleeting exchange and that, fueled with her imagination/obsession with everything Forrester and a whole lot of scheming and manipulation shaped that "destiny."  (I'm throwing shade at the stupid writers here, not the actors.) So now what? Bridge reunites and they take RJ to the Santa Monica ferris wheel and ride it together? I'm not sure what the kid even wants.

Unfortunately we weren't shown Brooke and RJ discussing her impending marriage to $Bill after RJ cockblocked their nuptial plans a few weeks back. I imagine Brooke tried to put the best spin on being married to $Bill, and RJ was a teenage pain in the ass, repeating tall tales of DESTINY he was told at Ridge's knee.

RJ wants what he's never had -- Brooke, Ridge and RJ together, in a Happy Family sepia-toned greeting card -- Something none of these three people know anything about or the personal skills to accomplish.  


Is anyone surprised Ridge is trying to stop Brooke from marrying $Bill again? TIIC have been telegraphing this scenario ever since Katie failed to negotiate with $Bill for his Forrester Creations shares as part of her divorce settlement. Ridge has been arguing for and against his plan to use Brooke in exchange for the shares since he conceived it.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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6 hours ago, tantrumette said:

I agree that there is nothing romantic remaining between Ridge and Brooke, nor is there any apparent chemistry beyond friendship. But I've been watching this show from long ago, my mum used to sneakily watch it in the days of Prince Omar and loved Taylor, and it was something we shared and enjoyed together. I liked Taylor well enough, and seem to have an different view of many characters from many of the posters here recently.  I never cared much for Brooke and her coy mannerisms, and the nostalgia for Ron Moss amazes me; he was smug and spoiled. I still miss Sally Spectra and Darla, they had so much life and humor. In the present lineup only the Avants offer that, though if Deacon were let out of whatever cage he's in, he could add a lot of fun. 

Finally, I remember TK from OLTL, where if anything he was toooo romantic, as an "Irish poet."  I still respect him as an actor, and find him pretty compelling, given the unpleasant story line he's being given. And when I noticed today the light gleaming on his truly shiny hair, clearly shampooed and fluffy, I decided it was time to say something. He had a scruffy beard today, yes, but I'm weary of the continuing shade thrown in his direction accusing him of being "greasy" or dirty, even dissing his impossible-to-gauge breath. He's not the metrosexual RM, with a pretty scarf flung around his elegant neck. Fine with me, he has a power and charisma that RM never had. I don't see him overacting, but nor do I sense disinterest on his part. I'd suggest taking a deep breath and taking a good look at the man - he's accomplished, he's very handsome, and he's playing a part. Pretty convincingly, given how bitter some posters have been towards him lately. 

As a not long-time viewer, I see nothing between Brooke and Ridge-pen.  Good friends, sort of, but not really co-parents.  No longing, no passion, no desire.  Didn't he dump her for Katie?  Didn't he stop her wedding to Bill the first time and then end up with Caroline?  What woman in her right mind would say, this is the guy who truly loves me!

Bill loves her, and I believe it.  She should too.

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16 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

The next time that B&B survey comes around, I'm seriously going to campaign for Dave the policeman (now Charlie Baker's boss as chief detective of the LAPD) to be recast and to rekindle that shit.

I can't believe you mentioned this, I've been wanting Dave back for Brooke for a very long time!  

As far as TK and his grooming goes, it has nothing to do with how his character is portrayed, and I do know the difference between an actor and the role he plays (some people who blur those lines can get off the charts weird), I just think he looks greasy & sloppy, often with ill-fitting, wrinkled clothing.  As far as the greasy thing goes, that very well may not be his fault (in fact, I think it's a safe bet that he regularly showers), I'm betting he has frizzy/stubborn hair that they probably try to control with too much styling product, which doesn't show up so attractive on screen, and likely has oily skin that should be powdered more often.  I don't think Thorsten Kaye is a giant ball of grease, I think Ridge Forrester is.

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I wondered the same thing. Wyatt and somebody else mentioned the "back staircase" a few times, so I assume that's how R-P got in.  I also didn't care for the way he roughly shoved Donna aside and out the door.  RS, KKL and now JG must have permanent black and blue marks on their arms from that ogre yanking and dragging them around.  It's too bad that actors can't get called for "unnecessary roughness" by a floor director like they do in the NFL. LOL!

What I was hoping would have happened was that Wyatt went ahead and snuck up the back staircase to see what was going on with Brooke and saw Ridge.  No Brooke wedding is complete without some high drama, so I'm looking forward to $Bill cleaning Sludge's clock with the blessing of Reverend Wink.

Isn't it about time for TK to make another lengthy exit to the East Coast? This seems like the longest stretch he's been on every day since he joined the show.

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How many times have we seen this? Let's see; James, Grant, Eric, Nick, Bill (1st go round). What is different about this time is that Ridge is alone. With all the others he was happily ensconced in another relationship with Caroline 1.0 or Taylor or Ashley or Katie or Caroline 2.0. He didn't want Brooke back, he just didn't want her to be happy, or specifically, happy with another man. This time however, he does want her back. Can I say how refreshing it was to see Ridge begging Brooke? I was flashing back to so many things while watching that. The original "Ridge's decision" SL, when he went away to decide if he wanted Taylor or Brooke, ultimately choosing Taylor (shocking!), but to add insult to injury, when he went to Brooke's condo to tell her the news he also gave her the contract that would remove all her rights to BeLief; telling her it was something else. Brooke was so distraught over losing Ridge she didn't care about some contract and signed away. Ridge walked out on her with signed contract in hand and returned to Taylor, never looking back. Or so he thought; hence the beginning of Red Suit Brooke. And of course Stephanie had to make a personal appearance that night to rub salt into Brooke's wounds. I was also thinking about the first time Taylor returned from the dead and after being away for more than a year, just expected her life with Ridge to pick up where it left off. It didn't matter that Brooke was married to Ridge, Taylor was back and wanted her husband. Ridge unbelievably chose to stay with Brooke, but as soon as he learned Thomas was his son, he couldn't get back to Taylor fast enough. On Taylor's second return from the dead as well, fake heart attacks not withstanding. More crushing for me, was the more recent smack down when Brooke ambushed him in her bikini. That whole scene was beyond pathetic, and I was wholly embarrassed for my girl. Ridge was a colossal jerk. For someone who had known Brooke for most of his adult life, who claimed to know her better than anyone, he couldn't see her desperation? Her despair? Her hurt and confusion? If the asshat didn't want to be there for her as a love interest, then he could have at least been there for her as a fucking friend. But no, it was all like "I am with Caroline now", "We will still see each other", "We will be in touch about RJ." Where was his concern for his Destiny then? A real true friend would have calmed Brooke down, talked to her as someone should when they are special and a big part of your life. But Ridge was all about his new love interest and couldn't be bothered with his punching bag anymore. When you think of the many, many times Brooke was there for Ridge; after Caroline died, after both of Taylor's deaths, after his paternity reveal, after his heart attack. Yeah, so she may have had ulterior motives, but she was still there for him, to support him, to help raise his ungrateful brats, to put him before herself. 

I bring this up because in all these scenarios, and there are still plenty more, Brooke begged. My God how she begged. She would grovel at Ridge's feet and grab whatever crumbs he would deign to throw her way. She was kicked in the heart repeatedly by not only Ridge, but his sainted mother and wife as well. And after begging and subjugating herself, Ridge would smile and say "Ah Logan, I am sorry but......" And now Ridge is begging. My hope is Brooke says something like "Ah Ridge, I know you are waxing romantic, but this is all due to RJ returning and stirring up your emotions. I am sorry but....."

I am pretty sick and tired of Brooke being the perennial punching bag. You want to hate her for screwing her son-in-law and having his baby that is fine. I hate her for it too, but I still love her all the same and she remains my girl. Brooke has never operated with malice or forethought. She didn't wake up and say "Today I think I will devise a plan to fuck with ____________", no that was Stephanie's terrain. Yeah, Brooke was wrong to screw Deacon, but when you consider the many horrible things that have been perpetrated against her by Stephanie and her henchmen, to me there is just no comparison. And this is what waxes my chaps to the inth degree. Brooke detractors refuse to acknowledge how badly she has been treated. Going all the way back to the beginning, with Stephanie demanding Brooke get her mom out of LA, then fucking with Brooke's head when Eric wanted to marry her, telling Brooke her father was dying to get her to Paris and away from Ridge, the whole fiasco in Italy with Thorne, the BeLief contract, facilitating rape, coming to Brooke's house with a gun and telling her to off herself, taking her kids away, walking away from two committed marriages without a  backward's glance; the list just goes on and on. Oh, but Brooke was, is, and will always be the bad guy, that raging "Slut from the Valley", because men love her, and she done stole another woman's man. PFFFT!!! As the fuck if. No one can be stolen. People are not possessions. If a man is unhappy in his relationship, he is most likely gonna stray. But the reality is, the majority of Brooke's romances have been with single, available men. 

I hope with everything in me that Brooke tells Ridge to beat it. I say that knowing full well what it means; B/R/B. I don't want another triangle. But I don't want Brooke to cave to Ridge either. There is no foundation anymore and the Bridge has collapsed. I know if she says yes to Ridge, that two months down the road we will learn that Ridge is Douglas's bio dad, and he will dump Brooke like a red hot poker. And I doubt that Bill will be there to pick up the pieces. Like he said, he is not a patient man, and I would lay bets that he will be in bed with Puffy Forrester after she and Liam implode for the hundredth, billionth time. I don't think I can watch Brooke and Ridge again. Any magic they shared is long gone, and for me that has nothing to do with TK, and everything to do with Brooke. I think the failed bikini ambush was the last straw. I think being alone all this time has maybe shown her how much time she has wasted on empty destinies. Please let her marry Bill and let Ridge twist in the wind of the destiny that he has forged for himself. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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31 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

How many times have we seen this? Let's see; James, Grant, Eric, Nick, Bill (1st go round). What is different about this time is that Ridge is alone. With all the others he was happily ensconced in another relationship with Caroline 1.0 or Taylor or Ashley or Katie or Caroline 2.0. He didn't want Brooke back, he just didn't want her to be happy, or specifically, happY with another man. This time however, he does want her back. Can I say how refreshing it was to see Ridge begging Brooke?

That whole post was a thing of beauty, but especially this. Too little too late, but given all the times she's had to beg him to stay, I'll take it. 

Ridge actually did this once before, after Taylor's hypocrisy was known and he left her flat. It was likely the only time they were both single where Brooke made no effort to get back with him and it took about six months and the writers turning Nick into a jealous controlling asshole that cheated with Bridget to really push Brooke away (making it all the more bizarre and irritating when she started sniffing behind Nick less than a year later, but I digress).

37 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Any magic they shared is long gone, and for me that has nothing to do with TK, and everything to do with Brooke

All of this.

39 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

And I doubt that Bill will be there to pick up the pieces. Like he said, he is not a patient man, and I would lay bets that he will be in bed with Puffy Forrester after she and Liam implode for the hundredth, billionth time.

One can only hope. If she gets knocked up and gives him a daughter (named Phoebe Taylor, I assume) and kill any chance of reuniting with Liam or Wyatt, all the better.

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47 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I don't want another triangle. 

Neither do I, but I guess I better accept the fact that it seems this is the only "drama" the writers want to write (or are capable of writing).

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Just now, Anna Yolei said:

Ridge actually did this once before, after Taylor's hypocrisy was known and he left her flat. It was likely the only time they were both single where Brooke made no effort to get back with him and it took about six months and the writers turning Nick into a jealous controlling asshole that cheated with Bridget to really push Brooke away (making it all the more bizarre and irritating when she started sniffing behind Nick less than a year later, but I digress).


Not to take away from RuntheTable's awesome rant, but I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.  That's why his begging doesn't move me (other than my bowels).  I also contend that the primary reason Ridge-Pen wants Brooke back now is because he has no other prospects.  Oh, but let little Dougie turn out to be his kid after all and see what happens.  There wouldn't be enough bleach to get rid of the skidmarks that Brooke will have on her lovely backside from Ridge-Pen breaking his neck to get to Carowhine and their child.  Nor, would there be any consideration for Slouchy, who is only convenient when Ridge-Pen wants to manipulate Brooke.

As for my decision to call Ridge-Pen just that (Pig Pen in ill-fitting designer clothes), I stand by that decision.  And, trust--I do know the difference between a fictional character and a real live actor.  Even if he was the most well-groomed man on the planet, I would still call him that because of the aura of sleaze that permeates his being.  It was quite apparent during this battle with Quinn, as well as some of his other actions.  Even when RM inhabited the role, the character was nothing more than a trifling human oil slick still suckling at his mother's teats by the time he dumped Brooke over an email.  It was always Brooke who had to jump through the hoops in the foolish belief that she had to prove she was good enough.  Meanwhile, that jackass could do anything he want and get away with it.  

I had high hopes that Bradley and his team of hacks would buy a fucking clue when the decided to resurrect Ridge's corpse and bring him back.  I had high hopes that they would actually do something differently and that we would actually be pleasantly surprised.  Instead, we're seeing the same storyline play out nearly 30 years later.  The pitiful thing is that this is the second time it's played out in less than 3 years.  It was fine when Brooke/KKL was an ingenue, but as the TOD limped along way too long it was becoming way too ridiculous and tedious.  As much as I disliked Taylor, a part of me wanted her and Brooke to actually become friends and sit down and start comparing notes.  It was clear to me years ago that the man they both obsessed over would tell each woman what she wanted to hear.  It was particularly cruel for Brooke because he gave her just enough hope to believe, "If it wasn't for my mother, my new baby, my family, my wife, then Logan, we would be together."  Frankly, he wasn't good enough for either of them.  Despite this, they fought over that jackass the way a dying patient fights for a liver transplant.  

There is so much more story to tell with Brill, as someone mentioned upthread.  Could they really actually live together?  Would they end up as rivals in business while being able to maintain peace and order at home?  Will they be able to successfully blend their families?  And, how refreshing this would have been if we found out without Ridge-Pen muddying the waters with his foul presence.

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I know it's been mentioned a time or two but I've been impressed with how DD/Bill has been selling his love for Brooke and his joy and delight that they are finally getting married.

So a question for long-time viewers - is Bill the kind of guy who if he thought that Brooke was still in love with Ridge and really marrying him for his FC stock, would he be the devious payback guy or would he just dump her?   

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I hope with everything in me that Brooke tells Ridge to beat it. I say that knowing full well what it means; B/R/B. I don't want another triangle. But I don't want Brooke to cave to Ridge either. There is no foundation anymore and the Bridge has collapsed. I know if she says yes to Ridge, that two months down the road we will learn that Ridge is Douglas's bio dad, and he will dump Brooke like a red hot poker.

My biggest hope for this story is that Brooke turns him down flat now.  Then, when Douglas's paternity reveal eventually happens, and Ridge is back and happy with Caroline, Brooke can point out to him that she knew they were both meant to be somewhere else now, and that she's glad he sees that and is happy again.  But, you know, that would be adult and all.  Can't have that.  

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13 minutes ago, tessaray said:

So a question for long-time viewers - is Bill the kind of guy who if he thought that Brooke was still in love with Ridge and really marrying him for his FC stock, would he be the devious payback guy or would he just dump her?   

That's what I want to see: what is the line with Bill that Brooke cannot cross and how would Bill react to that. Would he go back to 'You's a ho!' level of bastardness and punish the Forrester's collectively to hurt her or just drop her and move on to Donna or Steffy or some new sidepiece. Alison, girl, this may be your chance!


And I doubt that Bill will be there to pick up the pieces. Like he said, he is not a patient man, and I would lay bets that he will be in bed with Puffy Forrester after she and Liam implode for the hundredth, billionth time.

One can only hope. If she gets knocked up and gives him a daughter (named Phoebe Taylor, I assume) and kill any chance of reuniting with Liam or Wyatt, all the better.

Well, if they keep the Liam/Ridge parallels then losing the love of his life to his daddy would be on schedule (even though Still was first and honestly a more believable love of life than anything Steffy's had with Liam or Wyatt; Liam was a prize to rub in Hope's face, Wyatt was a warm body to make Steffy feel better about herself - and rub in Liam's face).

And I can totally see Bill adoring his princess birthed to him by Steffy since he's got 2 sons and a contender (Wyatt blood test pending, IMO) in the bag.  And I'd even stomach her being named Phoebe because Phoebe Spencer is a cute name.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Ridge actually did this once before, after Taylor's hypocrisy was known and he left her flat. It was likely the only time they were both single where Brooke made no effort to get back with him and it took about six months and the writers turning Nick into a jealous controlling asshole that cheated with Bridget to really push Brooke away (making it all the more bizarre and irritating when she started sniffing behind Nick less than a year later, but I digress).


1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Not to take away from RuntheTable's awesome rant, but I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

Ah yes, I was so full of fire, venom and despair with what I saw yesterday that I totally forgot about this! 

I am soooo tired of Ridge always coming out on top. I will be over the moon if Brooke tells Ridge to bug off. What does it say that it took his teenage son's relentless harping to get him over to Bill's? If Ridge was that much in love with Brooke, then he should have dug his heels in weeks ago and shares be damned. But as always, Ridge's desire to be in command of FC's overrode everything else. What scares me is Brooke will know this. She will know the "sacrifice" Ridge is making by picking her over FC's and will probably be moved to say yes. And I never, ever, thought I would be saying this, but I will feel really bad for Bill if Brooke goes back to Ridge. Bill is a jerk, he is an egomaniac and a bully, and generally a harsh unlikable man, but he loves Brooke with all his heart. If only she hangs onto that. Please let her reflect on what her life with Ridge has been like. The only time they were ever happy was after Taylor's first death, and Ridge surprised her with the house she still lives in.  After that all they ever did was fight and have disagreements over Mothuuuur, and the kids and the company. 

And won't their union be boring without Stephanie and Taylor to spark it up? Their constant interference is what kept me glued to my tv from 1:30 to 2:00. 

I just don't know what I will do if we have another Bridge reunion. 


That's what I want to see: what is the line with Bill that Brooke cannot cross and how would Bill react to that. Would he go back to 'You's a ho!' level of bastardness and punish the Forrester's collectively to hurt her 

OH! This just made me think that Brooke is going to go back to Ridge, and as punishment, Bill will throw in with Eric and Quinn. That would piss Ridge off no end, and would deeply wound Brooke. 

The only good to come out of it is happy times for Quinn and Eric. The thought of Quinn thumbing her nose at Ridge and his greed almost makes it worth it. 


Edited by RuntheTable
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9 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I just don't know what I will do if we have another Bridge reunion. 

Like The Walking Dead with Negan the pontificating villain I could threaten to never watch again, but I know damn well I'd never follow through :)

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17 hours ago, grisgris said:

That's my point exactly. If you willingly accept the role of a long-standing show's legacy character who happens to have a long history, present and future (if by nothing more than sharing a child) with another legacy character, what gives you the right to "just not be into" one of your main, if not THE main storylines?" And show it. There was absolutely nothing convincing me today that Ridge had the slightest interest and intent in reuniting with Brooke, especially the way he spat out, "Destiny," and "I love you."

Anyway, if that snot-nosed brat RJ had been shutdown hard right at the start with this nonsense, most likely none of what went down at the end of the show would have happened.  For the record, Ridge did not fall for Brooke "love at first sight." Brooke was helping her mother cater Ridge and Caroline's engagement party at the Forrester mansion.  Ridge saw Brooke from the back and mistook her for Caroline and spoke to her. The two exchanged a lingering glance and that was it.  If anything, Brooke read a lot more into the fleeting exchange and that, fueled with her imagination/obsession with everything Forrester and a whole lot of scheming and manipulation shaped that "destiny."  (I'm throwing shade at the stupid writers here, not the actors.) So now what? Bridge reunites and they take RJ to the Santa Monica ferris wheel and ride it together? I'm not sure what the kid even wants.

Wordy McWord to all of this, GRISGRIS.

When TK signed up to play one of the most iconic characters in soap history and certainly one of the core four for B&B, he made it very clear that he couldn't have cared less about the history and legacy of the character. He was going to go in and do it his way from Day One. To me, that speaks volumes about him that he would have so little disregard for the history of the character and the history of said character with his main leading lady. And to me it's very arrogant and disrespectful. It was very, very clear he wanted absolutely nothing to do with KKL or Brooke and couldn't jump into the May-December romance with Caroline II fast enough. Until it fizzled. It's only been in the last few months that he has seemed to show any interest in rekindling Bridge - perhaps because he finally wised up that KKL/Brooke are the heart of the show (love or hate Brooke regardless).

I did watch him briefly as Patrick Thornheart and I can absolutely understand the appeal and why he won Marty's heart (and Susan's heart). I only wish they had brought him on in an entirely new role - and with his real accent - instead of trying to fill RM's shoes. Love him or hate him, Ronn was the embodiment of Ridge and TK just isn't and it goes way beyond wearing scarves (which RM does in real life, Ridge, I don't think he ever did LOL). No one here is expecting him to fill Ronn's OTT shoes but to not have any awareness (or desire for awareness) is just wrong IMO. 

As for the cracks on his hygiene, well, we call 'em as we see 'em - he does look slovenly, wrinkled, rumpled, and yes, often as if he just rolled out of bed. That may have worked fine for Patrick the Poet but not for a fashion designer. And maybe that's more an issue for wardrobe/hair but it still bugs and is a constant reminder that he's a recast. I also agree that it goes way beyond the physical - RM's Ridge was an ass, but a charming, forgivable ass, whereas TK's Ridge just makes me want to nut-punch him most days. I saw the tiniest glimpses of charm from TK when Ridge was having the pre-Queric conversations with Brooke as longtime friends and lovers and she laughed her lovely giggle and he had a smile that reached his eyes - both seemed to be enjoying themselves but that's all but forgotten now. 

ETA: And now I need a cigarette after reading RuntheTable's manifesto on Ridge-Pen and valentine to Brooke. I feel the exact same way about our girl.

Edited by CountryGirl
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54 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Love him or hate him, Ronn was the embodiment of Ridge and TK just isn't and it goes way beyond wearing scarves (which RM does in real life, Ridge, I don't think he ever did LOL).

That's the other part, too. Ronn Moss has a fashion sense that a Japanese school girl from Harajuku would feel second hand embarrassment for; however, when he was on the clock, he left that shit at the door and dressed as a high end fashion designer/businessman would dress. It drove me up the wall when Amelia Heinke on Y&R was going around with her bohemian hair too and trying to pass herself off as Victoria Newman. To her credit, she had been in the role for a while before pulling that and she mentioned part of that was to relieve the stress on her hair that the constant grooming put on it, but...no.At a minimum, at least wear a wig.


I speak for everyone here when I say we were interested in what a new Ridge could bring to the table. Finding a stronger actor than RM was the easy part; finding a new direction for the character while acknowledging 25 years of history, less so. It looked like they had that with CaRidge until that was busted up. Now he's back to being the same tyrant he always was and treating Brooke like his girl Friday.

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That scene of Zzzende and Nicole making out was more uncomfortable than a metal bench on a 30 degree day.

Brooke's choice:  Bill, a nice looking man who appears well-groomed or Ridge, who tries to get a woman to not get married after apparently rolling out of bed.

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Wow, I thought that Zende only liked to workout, at FC, but he has discovered the 1st best thing to do, at FC, is fuck in the office.  It looked like it was going to be on the desk to but given time I'm sure it would have moved to the couch. Maya beckons and Nicole jumps. Hey Zende, get a clue, she rather put off having sex with you to have a meeting with Maya.  Didn't Zende lock the office door?  I guess Nicole can open doors while they are still locked. 

The baby is only a few months old and she can see everyone in her face. Give me a brake. No pressure. Yeah right. I wonder what Maya would call pressure.  I'm giving 5 to 1 odds that Nicole is going to give Maya another "greatest gift" another "miracle".  

Ridge/Brooke/Bill can't muster the energy to comment or give a shit. 

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54 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Re Brooke and Ridge in the bedroom since yesterday: This show can beat a dead horse like no other. Move it along!!!!!

No kidding, and the same could be said of everyone else. Especially Zzzzzzzzzzzzzende and Nicole. OMG.

Fuck Ridge.

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23 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Or be really bold and have her pull a Meredith Baxter and completely switch teams late in life with Sasha's yet-to-be cast mother.

For some reason I feel like Sasha's spitfire mother might ultimately charm Bill. Wish they'd cast her and bring her on already.

Brooke needs a new attitude more than she needs a new man. Secure her children's and grandchildren's legacy at Forrester against Quinn and Ridge. Spin off Brooke's bedroom to run herself and start her own company. Mentor an awkward nerdy chemistry grad student who works in her lab (I'm thinking similar to how Cat Grant mentored Kara on Supergirl). Assert herself as an independent matriarch and get all her kids in line.

Once she gets right with herself, then she can look to love again. Preferably with a rival to her company that she sets out to destroy and ends up falling for.

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19 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Brooke needs a new attitude more than she needs a new man. Secure her children's and grandchildren's legacy at Forrester against Quinn and Ridge. Spin off Brooke's bedroom to run herself and start her own company. Mentor an awkward nerdy chemistry grad student who works in her lab (I'm thinking similar to how Cat Grant mentored Kara on Supergirl). Assert herself as an independent matriarch and get all her kids in line.

Once she gets right with herself, then she can look to love again. Preferably with a rival to her company that she sets out to destroy and ends up falling for.

Yes to all of this!  Brooke needs to decide she deserves better and dump these two jackasses. She should stand with Eric and Quinn's and help run FC with them.  Together they would be a powerful team that could easily keep Ridge and Steffy in their place.   

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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Bill/Brooke should've had a costume party Halloween wedding so everyone could appear and dress up; illicit hook-ups happen; an attempted murder or two and just some good old fun.

Brooke may be a bit gun shy about making it a costume thing, given her past.  Don't want to accidentally screw LDG at the reception, thinking he's Bill.  

52 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

For some reason I feel like Sasha's spitfire mother might ultimately charm Bill. Wish they'd cast her and bring her on already.

Brooke needs a new attitude more than she needs a new man. Secure her children's and grandchildren's legacy at Forrester against Quinn and Ridge. Spin off Brooke's bedroom to run herself and start her own company. Mentor an awkward nerdy chemistry grad student who works in her lab (I'm thinking similar to how Cat Grant mentored Kara on Supergirl). Assert herself as an independent matriarch and get all her kids in line.

Once she gets right with herself, then she can look to love again. Preferably with a rival to her company that she sets out to destroy and ends up falling for.

I know Ivy's all BFF with Quinn now, But I would love to see her be Brooke's protege in this scenario.  (Which could totally work if Brooke teams up with Eric and Quinn and she's brought in to run FC for them.)  

The fact that Bill's assistant ran off before hearing Brooke say she loves Bill and is marrying him gives me hope that we're actually getting a Brill end game here.  Of course there needs to be a misunderstanding in their way if they're the "root for" couple here.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

No kidding, and the same could be said of everyone else. Especially Zzzzzzzzzzzzzende and Nicole. OMG.

Fuck Ridge.

Not without a trip to the clinic first!  Sorry...couldn't resist [hangs head sheepishly].

I do like the idea of bringing Dave Reed back.  I could see him owning his own security firm or being a deputy director of Homeland Security and Emergency Services in one of California's field offices.  I still laugh when he proposed to Brooke and one of them mentioned that it may be last marriage proposal she would ever get!

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43 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

Lawd....Was he going through a Count Dracula phase then?  Which is apropos since he seemed to suck all of the life out of Brooke at that time.

I remember when there came a point when they seemed to be dyeing RM's hair with black shoe polish long after they should have been doing so.  I was relieved when they finally allowed him to let it go silver a little bit.

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How about Brooke gets sick of dealing with both of these controlling men (plus that whiny RJ) and teams up with Quinn to run FC? Let's let the women run the world for a change and kick these assholes to the curb. Or to France. Go Ladies! 

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That's good to hear. Glad to know the guy got some primetime gigs and bailed. Otherwise, who knows who he'd be stuck in an endless triangle with by now.

"No pressure, Nicole." Ya think?  I really have no idea which way this is going to go.  It's kind of a no-win situation for Nicole, which I'm not going to be losing any sleep over. Neither should any of you. I can't believe Miss Goody Two-Shoes who couldn't dress up in a mildly sexy Halloween costume was all primed to let Zende bend her over the top of the CEO's desk. WTF?

I so want Bill to punch Ridge in the face tomorrow.

So many good and creative ideas for stories. It's just so sad that none of them will ever see the light of day.

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