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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I was a little choked up for Wyatt. The guy has been the shows male punching bag for pretty much his entire run. His one misstep; messing with Nicole to get the dirt on Maya wasn't even his doing, but was driven by his dad and brother. Is Eric going to cut Ridge out for Wyatt?

I am disappointed that Eric didn't call Carter out for his sabotage.

I was a little surprised that Eric was calling Wyatt "son" being that he was a no-show for the wedding, and yes it is disappointing that Eric didn't call Carter out.  What I'm hoping is that Eric doesn't blame them & figures their actions are a result of his greasy son's bullying.

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Eh, I'm not ready to call Wyatt so innocent. Most of his relationship problems have been from chasing after every woman Liam disappointed with his waffling. But it was a nice scene, even if Wyatt and Carter didn't really earn it.

Quinn and Eric are so great together. It's amazing what good actors can do, even on this mess of a show. 

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Innocent isn't quite the word for Wyatt, but he at least owns up to his mistakes and stands by his actions. The Nicole thing, for example--Bill and Liam encouraged it, but he didn't whine to Nicole and blame them when he was found out. That's more than I can say for Liam who has never had any clear motivation for anything he does

Speaking of which, I forgot about his moralizing when he discovered Bill's fuck nest because he was pissed that for once Daddy Warbucks wasn't enabling his waffle behavior. But hey, it's cool to fuck Steffy because....reasons? RME. And he's supposed to be a "good guy"?

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Meh. Chickenhead didn't earn being called "son" by Eric. He wasn't at the wedding. Please don't let Eric adopt him too ala Mushmouth. And I don't feel sorry for him either for losing out to Waffles over another shared chick.  Quinn says she's changed but she's sung that tune before and it fell flat. Time will tell. Ridge and Puffy are so awful they make everyone else look good in comparison I guess.

Please no more close ups of Puffy's face and no more sex scenes featuring her. Just put a bag over her head and call it a day. She does have a banging body though. See I said something positive about her ;)

Edited by tricknasty
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That was a damn satisfying episode.  

My 14 year old son had a half day today, so he was home while I was watching, and he was team Queric just from today.  Kept telling Pam and Charlie to get out.  

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Quinn totally kicked ass today.  She went into the meeting being very calm but assertive and took control of FC.  She told the family that she wanted them all to work together for Eric's sake.  Ridge's response was to double down on his aggressive power grab.  Quinn did not get angry, she relieved Ridge and Steffy of their duties at FC until Eric's return because she could not trust them.  She had no other choice.  Ridge's behavior would continue to threaten Eric's health and FC.  Ridge and Steffy only have themselves to blame.

Edited by movingtargetgal
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Queried are legally married?  Quinn kicked Ridge-pen and Puffy out?  Really and truly?

I have 30 episodes I haven't been able to watch, because if this story was going to go bad, I didn't want to see it.  I keep expecting Ridge to have Eric declared incompetent and put away, and I cannot bear to see that happen. 

But this news gives me two rays of hope that maybe Queric will have a happy ever after.   At least for a while.

Edited by minirth
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1 hour ago, tricknasty said:

Meh. Chickenhead didn't earn being called "son" by Eric. He wasn't at the wedding. Please don't let Eric adopt him too ala Mushmouth. And I don't feel sorry for him either for losing out to Waffles over another shared chick.  Quinn says she's changed but she's sung that tune before and it fell flat. Time will tell. Ridge and Puffy are so awful they make everyone else look good in comparison I guess.

That's probably the one major drawback to fully enjoying this story playing out....no one has earned anything here. I'm glad for JMc getting a front burner story after all these years (and I hadn't even realized how backburnered he had become till reading comments from newer Preverts who mentioned they'd never seen him really acting on the show) but it was truly the height of laziness to throw them together with no build up and when Liam was the love of Quinn's life a month before.

Still, he and Sofer are selling the love between them, and having truly happy couples on this show is rare indeed.

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Hey Zende, hey Nicole, it's called Forester Creations not Average Joe's Gym. They have become entitled brats instead of interns. 

Steffy and Liam are together but they want to keep it on the down low so Ridge has to make a big announcement especially with Pam in the room. Hey Pam, your lemon bar routine is getting quite stale. She acts like lemon bars are a miracle cure and, according to Charlie, it's all in the corner pieces. 

Rick, the adulterer, and Thomas, the raper, speak up. Wow!  Zende, who can cure your insomnia, also speaks up. Wow again!  Steffy, the wench, is not even concerned about FC because her true love is in her ......  

Quinn had a royal flush today with axing the black night and the wench but she also has to get rid of the court jesters namely Pam and Charlie. Is there going to be solidarity within the ranks with the rest of the entitled ass holes walking out, to support Ridge, or is Rick and Thomas going to stay loyal to Eric via Quinn's?

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14 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Hey Zende, hey Nicole, it's called Forester Creations not Average Joe's Gym. They have become entitled brats instead of interns

You say that as though Nicole was ever not an entitled brat. 

16 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Rick, the adulterer, and Thomas, the raper, speak up. Wow!  Zende, who can cure your insomnia, also speaks up. Wow again!

I loved how Rick was using Steffy as bait...a classy move, given that sorry history. And ThomAss? What else can be said, really?

Ridge can take every seat in every major sport stadium in the entire United States trying to criticise anyone for being too attached to their mother. Name me one time Ridge ever refused to go along with a plan to screw over "his" Logan that Mommy Dearest orchestrated? I'll wait.

I did like that Brooke shut his ass down hard and there was no hint of hesitation in her voice. Holy shit. 

One thing I do genuinely like is them acknowledging the characters who aren't on screen showing up to visit. Too often on shows, no one makes any mention one way or the other. The context aside, I did like Rick mentioning that he missed Bridget when talking to Nicole about poping out another baby since they were rather close as kids. Maybe we'll get to see AJ and Eric's other kids in the 30th Anniversary episode in a few months?

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Brooke got points the other day for thanking Quinn for letting them visit Eric. She lost all of them for standing there by Pig Pen, being all condescending to Quinn.

Is Ricky joining the circus? He looked like a clown in that shirt and tie.

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3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Is Ricky joining the circus? He looked like a clown in that shirt and tie.

I was just thinking how great it would be to see this version of Rick going up against Ron Moss and his scarves.

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Also, what is with all the dudes on this show having beards? Did they decide to extend No Shave November into a year-round thing? That kid playing RJ is the only not sporting facial hair, probably because he can't grown any yet. Ye gods!

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1 hour ago, donovan said:

Hmmm. I'm getting a whiff of crazy Quinn bubbling under the surface. And no one is allowed to visit Eric- trying to keep him isolated maybe? 

I see it more as her protecting Eric because every time the family is in there with him alone, he gets agitated. 

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1 hour ago, pianogirl73 said:

I see it more as her protecting Eric because every time the family is in there with him alone, he gets agitated. 

Me, too. Compared to the many other times FC has been taken over by an "outsider"--or hell, even one of their own in the case of Rick--Quinn is low key as hell. She wasn't even trying out kick Sausage McMullet and his Mini Me out the company for payback. 

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I loved the way that Brooke shut Ridge down today. That look of pure disgust on her face said it all.  However, I was very disappointed by her behavior towards Quinn during that meeting. How many times did Quinn state that she was carrying out Eric's orders, not her own. I felt very bad for Wyatt from the way he was being treated by Rick and Ridge. Payback's going to be huge karma! Not a moment too soon.

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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

That's probably the one major drawback to fully enjoying this story playing out....no one has earned anything here. I'm glad for JMc getting a front burner story after all these years (and I hadn't even realized how backburnered he had become till reading comments from newer Preverts who mentioned they'd never seen him really acting on the show) but it was truly the height of laziness to throw them together with no build up and when Liam was the love of Quinn's life a month before.

Still, he and Sofer are selling the love between them, and having truly happy couples on this show is rare indeed.

I think everyone is pissed cause they are happy and every one else is Miserable!


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16 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Is Ricky joining the circus? He looked like a clown in that shirt and tie.

16 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

I was just thinking how great it would be to see this version of Rick going up against Ron Moss and his scarves.


At least Rick is groomed, pressed, and dressed like an executive of a fashion house ... unlike Ridge-Pen.

A Rick and Boho-Ron Moss competition would be a hoot.

11 hours ago, grisgris said:

I loved the way that Brooke shut Ridge down today. That look of pure disgust on her face said it all. 

Sealing his $Bill intervention with a head butt seemed a little much.

This isn't the first time Ridge jabbered this crap like an embarrassed teenager to Brooke -- I'm pimping you out to get my hands on the controlling shares by having you marry $Bill. You'll pass the shares on to me, then divorce $Bill because he's Ick and I'm not. Then we'll dropkick Eric and Quinn out of Forrester Creations and we'll run the company together, because our DESTINY is never over -- If Brooke was so in love with $Bill, she should have shut Ridge down the first time he wanted to use her to get his hands on the shares.  

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Sounds like I might have to watch today's episode!  I'd been staying away after seeing a preview of Ridge-pen (tm the brilliant poster who penned this) mercilessly bullying his recovering father and physically menacing Quinn.  I think Ridge is in dire need of defenestration, or another drop kick out of a helicopter.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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**raises hand** Who is going to be designing now? Thomas? Caroline? Some mystery designer? As a business person, keep your personal shit off the job. That's the drawback in Quinn being the active CEO and dismissing somebody who seems to be the only designer. Eric can barely speak. Let alone sketch or anything. I'm no fan of Ridge, but business is business. It's just hard to root for Quinn's so-called goodness when all this is going to do is make those ingrates think this is what she was after any way. Lady likes the power and the position, and nothing in me believes she doesn't.

Ivy is really grating on my nerves. She's Quinn's lap dog/bitch, and it's pitiful that they brought her back to be a puppet.

Wyatt hasn't done crap to deserve being called son. He wasn't at the wedding either, so this glorification is pitiful. I haven't heard him apologise for not being present, and now he gets to live in the Forrester manse and help run the company into the ground.

Edited by AussieBabe
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3 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Wyatt hasn't done crap to deserve being called son. He wasn't at the wedding either, so this glorification is pitiful. I haven't heard him apologise for not being present, and now he gets to live in the Forrester manse and help run the company into the ground.

Good point...if anything, he's been nothing but a whiny little bitch to his mother because he was so desperate to hang on to a wife who doesn't even want him.  

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12 hours ago, pianogirl73 said:

I see it more as her protecting Eric because every time the family is in there with him alone, he gets agitated. 

Could be - but I still think the leopard hasn't changed all her spots.  

Keep Eric sequestered away, Quinn with Chickenhead by her side are now running Forrester.

I hope not, because I like Quinn & Eric together, but I'm going to be side eyeing this for a bit.

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6 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

**raises hand** Who is going to be designing now? Thomas? Caroline? Some mystery designer? As a business person, keep your personal shit off the job. That's the drawback in Quinn being the active CEO and dismissing somebody who seems to be the only designer. Eric can barely speak. Let alone sketch or anything. I'm no fan of Ridge, but business is business. It's just hard to root for Quinn's so-called goodness when all this is going to do is make those ingrates think this is what she was after any way. Lady likes the power and the position, and nothing in me believes she doesn't.

When was the last time Ridge concerned himself with designing at Forrester Creations? As CEO, Ridge has produced one personal and public fiasco after another, connecting the FC brand to those failures. As a division manager, I would have put Ridge on unpaid leave until he grew up and accepted his fate as regenerate jackass. Translation: You're out until you clean up your act and can fulfill the terms of the Morals Clause in your contract, and from past practice, that will be never.

The last person to do anything fashion-related was Zende pointing a camera at Sasha. Before that was Thomas fitting a banal dress on Sasha. In both instances fashion took a backseat to yammering endlessly about TIIC fixation on Baby Rabies SLs.

I agree that "As a business person, keep your personal shit off the job", but I gathered that Eric had given Quinn instructions to remove Ridge and Steffy -- They were the leading detractors of his marriage to Quinn, and they would have openly worked against Quinn running FC while Eric was in recovery. And no one needs to be reminded that all of Ridge and Steffy's activities, insults, threats and demands been personal against both Eric and Quinn, with the "future of Forrester Creations and the family" as their defense.

Thomas and Caroline haven't been doing much of any designing that the viewer is aware of, so finding design talent (considering the pedestrian design house FC has always been) wouldn't be difficult. FC has a large library of past designs that could be redesigned for present use until a new design team got up to speed. Of course Pam, Charlie, Thomas, Caroline and Zende will plot with Ridge to work against Quinn, and they are all replaceable. Rick might see the advantages of cooperating with Quinn and getting in Eric's good graces by doing so. Rick could play both sides against the middle by paying lip service to the anti-Quinn forces, all the while working with Quinn. It could be his chance to returning to the big chair at FC, while disarming Ridge and Steffy's plotting, conspiracies and interference.


Ivy is really grating on my nerves. She's Quinn's lap dog/bitch, and it's pitiful that they brought her back to be a puppet.

I would have made a special note to security to shoot those pinheads on sight.

It was wise of Quinn to have Ivy stay with Eric as a gatekeeper. Pam and Charlie may mean well, but bribing security and trying to out-maneuver Quinn by not asking if Eric was available for visitors is presumptuous and rude. Pam and Charlie will blow this encounter out of proportion, because they're drama queens (We're a pair of well-meaning goofballs and we always get our way, because it's like kicking puppies if we don't) and never forgive the slight to the recuperative powers of lemon bar corner pieces.


Wyatt hasn't done crap to deserve being called son. He wasn't at the wedding either, so this glorification is pitiful. I haven't heard him apologise for not being present, and now he gets to live in the Forrester manse and help run the company into the ground.

It's another oversight by TIIC. They have been taking a lot of transition shortcuts in scenes to move the Plot Plot Plot along. Wyatt needed to show his regret and apologize to Eric and Quinn for sticking with Steffy and Ridge's plan to humiliate them at the wedding. Then Eric embracing Wyatt as another son and asking him to live at the mansion would have more resonance. Just another dramatic and cathartic opportunity lost in World War Forrester.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Of course Pam, Charlie, Thomas, Caroline and Zende will plot with Ridge to work against Quinn, and they are all replaceable.

Could this possibly be the beginning of the formation of a competing design house storyline we've been hoping for???

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In a perfect world, every one would die in a Holocaust of some sort...except Eric, Quinn, Brooke and Wyatt. Possible survivors would include Katie and Sasha.   Everyone else is irrelevant and irredeemable. BLURRRRRGH! SHOW, STOP SUCKING PLEASE!

Everyone needs to smoke weed or something and CALM DOWN

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I think it would be super fun if Forrester Creations went away and Everyone had to get a Real Job! What would everyone do?      For sure Steffy could work at the Wax Museum , Ridge would be changing Oil at Jiffy Lube, .. what else?

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I think a competing design house of Logans vs. Forresters (with Eric heading the Logan team) would be great!  Quinn, Wyatt, Eric, Brooke, Ivy, Rick, Caroline, Maya and Sasha vs. Ridge-pen, Steffy, Thomas, and I guess, Liam and Zende. That would generate all kinds of conflict between Bill and Brooke (because she'd be ignoring his wishes to avoid all things Forrester) Zende and Nicole/Maya/Rick and Ivy/Liam (if that ever bears fruition.) Katie would probably side the the Team Forrester and Pam and Charlie would be caught in the middle, but who cares about those two?

As far as designers go, the whole crew of Forrester offspring have at one time or another, picked up a pencil: Felicia, Kristen and even Bridget. (Sorry, I guess Thorne never tried to design.) It would be too much to ask to bring either Felicia or Bridget back. (Isn't AJ already on another soap?)

Instead, we're probably going to see Eric make a speedy recovery and be back at the helm at FC by Halloween and that whole SL will be back-burned for another Raya surrogacy and a new Nicole/Sasha/Zzzzzende triangle, as well as probably Brooke/Bill/Ridge. I can easily see Ridge's one-track mind jumping off the Queric rails to interfere with Bill and Brooke. Double yuck and ugh.

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Could this possibly be the beginning of the formation of a competing design house storyline we've been hoping for???

1 hour ago, grisgris said:

I think a competing design house of Logans vs. Forresters (with Eric heading the Logan team) would be great!  Quinn, Wyatt, Eric, Brooke, Ivy, Rick, Caroline, Maya and Sasha vs. Ridge-pen, Steffy, Thomas, and I guess, Liam and Zende. That would generate all kinds of conflict between Bill and Brooke (because she'd be ignoring his wishes to avoid all things Forrester) Zende and Nicole/Maya/Rick and Ivy/Liam (if that ever bears fruition.) Katie would probably side the the Team Forrester and Pam and Charlie would be caught in the middle, but who cares about those two?


A competing design house wouldn't be a bad thing.

It would be interesting to see Ridge and the rest of "The Future of Forrester Creations and The Family" gang in a real struggle to build a business from scratch. It could be very humbling experience for all of them.

They have no facilities, no letter of credit to buy supplies, equipment, or sign a lease -- they'll have to sign over their personal assets to the bank to get a letter of credit, and no wages until their vendors and employees are paid off first and they have enough money for a second design season -- no patternmakers, no cutters or seamstresses, no specialty (embroidery, beading, appliqué) hand-work sewers, no transportation, no website or IT, no expediters, no accounting department or schedulers, no sales reps to find slots and space for products in boutiques and specialty department stores, no marketing personnel or budget, no record of performance except what they did under the umbrella of Forrester Creations.


As far as designers go, the whole crew of Forrester offspring have at one time or another, picked up a pencil: Felicia, Kristen and even Bridget. (Sorry, I guess Thorne never tried to design.) It would be too much to ask to bring either Felicia or Bridget back. (Isn't AJ already on another soap?)

Sure, they all have designed for FC, with varying success, and within the rigid and jealous dictates of Ridge. And the fashion industry is awash in designers looking for a fulltime gig. Eric and Quinn would have no problem finding qualified designers that weren't demanding, threatening, stealing, lying or conspiring against them.

At this point, Ridge and Steffy are completely untrustworthy and major business liabilities.


Instead, we're probably going to see Eric make a speedy recovery and be back at the helm at FC by Halloween and that whole SL will be back-burned for another Raya surrogacy and a new Nicole/Sasha/Zzzzzende triangle, as well as probably Brooke/Bill/Ridge. I can easily see Ridge's one-track mind jumping off the Queric rails to interfere with Bill and Brooke. Double yuck and ugh.

Double yuck and ugh x infinity

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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2 hours ago, Nanu160 said:

In a perfect world, every one would die in a Holocaust of some sort...except Eric, Quinn, Brooke and Wyatt. Possible survivors would include Katie and Sasha.   Everyone else is irrelevant and irredeemable. BLURRRRRGH! SHOW, STOP SUCKING PLEASE!

Everyone needs to smoke weed or something and CALM DOWN

There's not enough bong water in the world, Nanu.

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3 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

I agree that "As a business person, keep your personal shit off the job", but I gathered that Eric had given Quinn instructions to remove Ridge and Steffy -- They were the leading detractors of his marriage to Quinn, and they would have openly worked against Quinn running FC while Eric was in recovery. And no one needs to be reminded that all of Ridge and Steffy's activities, insults, threats and demands been personal against both Eric and Quinn, with the "future of Forrester Creations and the family" as their defense.

Eric said he heard everything that went on while he was in his coma.  He was aware of Ridges attempt to grab control of FC and of Eric's person.  He told Quinn that he did not trust Ridge, which proves to me that Eric is definitely of sound mind.   Quinn gave Ridge a last chance to work with her to help Eric while he is recovering.  Not only did Ridge refuse to cooperate, he declared war on Eric and Quinn.  Quinn had no choice but to fire both Ridge and Steffy because they could not be trusted.   Eric told Quinn that Ridge and Steffy were only loyal to themselves and not to trust them.  I don't think he will be upset that Quinn fired them.  I think Eric will be sad but relieved to have those two temporarily out of the way so his legacy will be preserved while he recuperates. 

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13 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

Eric said he heard everything that went on while he was in his coma.  He was aware of Ridges attempt to grab control of FC and of Eric's person.  He told Quinn that he did not trust Ridge, which proves to me that Eric is definitely of sound mind.   Quinn gave Ridge a last chance to work with her to help Eric while he is recovering.  Not only did Ridge refuse to cooperate, he declared war on Eric and Quinn.  Quinn had no choice but to fire both Ridge and Steffy because they could not be trusted.   Eric told Quinn that Ridge and Steffy were only loyal to themselves and not to trust them.  I don't think he will be upset that Quinn fired them.  I think Eric will be sad but relieved to have those two temporarily out of the way so his legacy will be preserved while he recuperates. 

I agree 100% with Quinn firing Ridge and Steffy as she cut off the head of the snake. What has Ridge done lately as far as designing and what has Steffy done beside being a demanding bitch. 

I feel that Thomas will stay on as designer out of guilt and Caroline will be there to pine over her rapist.  Rick will stay also out of guilt and an opportunity to get on Eric's good side. 

I'll give Wyatt a brake since he awoke from the wench's spell and finally saw the light that Quinn/Eric were good and Steffy really wanted Liam. 

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

Eric said he heard everything that went on while he was in his coma.  He was aware of Ridges attempt to grab control of FC and of Eric's person.  He told Quinn that he did not trust Ridge, which proves to me that Eric is definitely of sound mind.   Quinn gave Ridge a last chance to work with her to help Eric while he is recovering.  Not only did Ridge refuse to cooperate, he declared war on Eric and Quinn.  Quinn had no choice but to fire both Ridge and Steffy because they could not be trusted.   Eric told Quinn that Ridge and Steffy were only loyal to themselves and not to trust them.  I don't think he will be upset that Quinn fired them.  I think Eric will be sad but relieved to have those two temporarily out of the way so his legacy will be preserved while he recuperates. 

Ridge's temper tantrums are nothing new. Off the top of my head, I can remember him cutting FC's suppliers off during the Ambrosia production, forcing them to sell that line on QVC; him rage quitting when Rick used his illness to manipulate a promotion to co-CEO (or President, I hardly even know who has what position anymore); orchestrated that DARE campaign after their collective ineptitude got the company in Bill's control; and let's not forget him hiding the fact that he couldn't draw after the helicopter accident and the whole Chenobyl level chain reaction of events which followed.

TL;DR : Quinn was more than justified not to trust Ridge. He'll be let back in the minute Eric recovers, but for now I'm glad Quinn has the upper hand. Whatever her sins, her list pales in comparison to Ridge-Pen.

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I wanna tell you all a story ‘bout a Bell LA newly empowered bride

Who had a grownup son that she viewed with nothing but love and pride

The brides sick husband shocks them both by asking the son to stay

Saying you are my wife’s only support, and you told her about the POA


Well the husband is through with his traitorous family right ‘bout now

And tells his wife and new son to go to FC’s and call a family pow wow

The bride and son arrive determined and won’t allow the family to bully

Telling the brats she doesn’t care what they think, they ain’t her judge and jury


Well the kiddos get mad and can’t wait to have their say

Even shouting nasties at the son, trying to pull him into the fray

Staying strong the bride and son keep control and will not be swayed

Saying these weren’t their demands, but the ones her husband had made


Standing tall the bride looked each one of them straight in the eye

And said “It isn’t about me, but the fact y’all made my husband cry”

All he wanted was for you to be there on his wedding day

But you weren’t, so now you will learn the price you will have to pay


Looking at Ridge she said “you and your daughter have proven you can’t be trusted”

You stole my POA and broke the law, but thanks to my son you both were busted

You broke your father’s heart by telling him he’s crazy and treating him like a child

So you and your Puffy daughter are being relieved of your duties at FC’s for awhile


Surveying the room the bride said “You are all responsible for my husband’s health

But you don’t care about that because all you are interested in is his power and his wealth

And then you have the nerve to tell me as a wife you think that I’m not fit

Well this is just a little Peyton Place, and you’re all Bell LA lying hypocrites"


No, I wouldn't put you on because, it really did happen just this way.
The day the new Mrs. Forrester socked it to those Peckerheads out in Bell LA

The day the new Mrs. Forrester socked it to those Peckerheads out in Bell LA

Edited by RuntheTable
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Another weekend binge watching last week's episodes.  I really need to either watch daily or just check in to the barge for awhile. (Hmmm... I don't remember, do you guys have a barge?) 

Tuesday/Wednesday were just god-awful.  I hate Ridge, Steffy, Liam and RJ - in that order.  But Thursday was nice** and except for Ridge**, Friday was okay.  I'm apprehensive for Quinn though, TK is playing Ridge as so menacing.  I cringe when they are in the same room.  I need Quinn to have a few wins before the inevitable battle begins. 

** WTF with Carter after everything he did, it's all fine? Ugh. 

** I'm not even going to comment on the Zende/Nicole banter (ick) but hey, at least Nicole was smiling. 

ETA:  Kudos to John McCook.  He deserves a whole bag full of Emmy statuettes for this storyline. 

Edited by tessaray
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1 hour ago, politichick said:

This show is the worst and looking at the spoilers makes me even less inclined to watch this week.

The one thing I'm looking forward to is

seeing Steffy waffle back to Wyatt when Eric puts him in her and Ridge's vacated spot and Liam getting waffled on.

Other than that, I'm with you.

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Unpopular Opinion, I know, but Eric is acting like a big fucking baby.  And a spiteful, vindictive prick on top of that (calling Ridge a "Marone").  Everyone else may be behaving poorly too (or even worse) but calling Wyatt "son"?  Where'd that come from?  Wyatt hasn't earned one bit of that.  Those two have barely had a relationship and now he's being elevated to "son"?  That really rankles me.  The father-son relationships on this show have usually been pretty good, e.g., Eric-Ridge, Bill-Liam (I know both these fathers have other sons with whom they don't have the same kind of relationships, but I've always liked these.)  I hope dumbass Eric adopts Wyatt and changes his last name to Forrester.

I know, I know.  Ridge is being a complete ass right now but I'm not crazy about Eric's behavior either.  Just my 2 cents.

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22 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

I hope dumbass Eric adopts Wyatt and changes his last name to Forrester.

If he does, then for sure Steffy would go running back to Wyatt, she always did have a thing for uncles :)

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I've not been fond of Eric pulling the Marone card out, either. Apart from the fact that Ridge has never at any point considered Massimo his father (nor should he), it wasn't Massimo who enabled that SOB's entitlement for the first forty-something years of his life.  He and Stephanie both created that monster.

8 minutes ago, ByTor said:

If he does, then for sure Steffy would go running back to Wyatt, she always did have a thing for uncles :)


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46 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

Unpopular Opinion, I know, but Eric is acting like a big fucking baby.  And a spiteful, vindictive prick on top of that (calling Ridge a "Marone").  Everyone else may be behaving poorly too (or even worse) but calling Wyatt "son"?  Where'd that come from?  Wyatt hasn't earned one bit of that.  Those two have barely had a relationship and now he's being elevated to "son"?  That really rankles me.  The father-son relationships on this show have usually been pretty good, e.g., Eric-Ridge, Bill-Liam (I know both these fathers have other sons with whom they don't have the same kind of relationships, but I've always liked these.)  I hope dumbass Eric adopts Wyatt and changes his last name to Forrester.

I know, I know.  Ridge is being a complete ass right now but I'm not crazy about Eric's behavior either.  Just my 2 cents.

I'm with you. I watched the last 10 minutes or so and Eric is turning into a lovesick sap who can't see through the sex haze. I know he's mad at his family and has a right to  be but why give Quinn control of Forrester. How is she going to act as CEO of a business she knows little about? Ridge is totally acting like a prick, but as he said, he has decades of experience in that company. And who is going to lead the design effort? 

The whole torn between two lovers thing Brooke is going through now also is vomit-inducing. You break up your sister's marriage and her heart and then start thinking about Ridge as an option? She's a twit. 

Where is CAroline? I'm mad at her anyway with this new infatuation for Thomas. That will fizzle out, they'll discover Ridge is really the father and then he'll dump Brooke if that's who he's with to rebuild their family. Or, as others have suggested, he may have a fling with Quinn. They certainly have more chemistry together than he has with Brooke.

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Eric being a horn dog thinking with his small head is nothing new. But OTOH, Quinn *did* own her own business along with Wyatt, no? FC may be bigger than her jewelry company but the company could do worse than Quinn Fuller. After all, it flourished under Brooke's guidance and scraped through Stephanie's morality campaign when Taylor was head model; Nick N. Sane's butthurt/revenge; the year or so when Katie was Bill's figurehead, and all the recent antics from Rick's tyrannical rule.

Yeah,Eric's likely doing this outta spite, but Quinn is still more qualified than half those entitled leeches, and more trustworthy.

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Enough is enough, every day is like beating a dead horse. The high and the mighty Ridge, Thomas, and Rick should just look in the mirror, of their glass houses, for they are worse than Quinn can think about being.  If I was Quinn, I would give them all notice. In or out and if out, have security show them the door. 

As for Eric, maybe he called Ridge a Massimo out of complete and utter frustration. Eric was deeply hurt by Ridge and wanted to hurt him back.  I'm not a B&B historian so I can only judge Ridge over the past couple of years so , in that time, Ridge has done very little to support Eric.  For that matter, Rick has also done very little to support Eric. Both have done nothing but slap Eric in the face.  It should be Familia Super Omnia unless it's not to their benefit.  I still don't get why Brooke is favoring Ridge over Rick and why Rick is accepting this fate. 

In my life, my parents and brother had contempt for my first two spouses but yet they not only attended my weddings but helped pay for them.  I hate my brothers spouse, but I will attend family functions with her there.   The hate Ridge has for Quinn, I feel is a lot less than the hate he has for Bill.   But, even though he hates Bill, he is a means to an end and that end is greed and control. 

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I  don't get why Brooke is backing Ridge either.  And Rick, if he was smart, should have supported Eric, to get back in as CEO.

It feels like it was just the other day that Brooke said she wasn't going to marry Bill right away and now she is suddenly marrying him tomorrow.

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