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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Ridge's fall was epic! I burst out laughing! Brooke sure didn't try hard to get the tool to unhand her. She got on the helicopter of her own accord. HTF did Bill arrange for Justin (that was Justin, right?) to be piloting that helicopter?

Edited by LittleIggy
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I laughed and laughed and laughed. It was priceless. The first person to gif that scene will be my new best friend. 


Also color me shocked, I liked the scene between Katie and Hope. Katie wasn't in her judgmental shrew mode with her. I think I'd like more scenes of them together.

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That was a huge distance for someone to fall.  If it was a few feet up, that would be one thing, but Ridge got dropped at least 50 feet into the middle of the ocean.  How did Bill think he was going to get away with somene just chalking that up to coincidence?  Since when does Justin know how to fly a helicopter?

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Once again, I find myself cheering for $Bill!  I know I should feel bad for him dropping Ridge to his almost certain death, but I feel like Ridge deserved it. 


Did Bill know that Ridge was coming and that is why he was prepared?

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I have been gleefully anticipating this day; so that makes my disappointment all the greater. I thought this would go down in an entirely different manner; Bill and Ridge fighting in the helicopter, Ridge grabbing at Brooke and missing, Ridge and Brooke arguing and he somehow falls. But I wasn't expecting this; to me, that was attempted murder, and I can't get with that. I guess we now know where Ridge's car and helicopter got off to; Justin was running interference in the backgroud, found out Ridge was on his way, or that he had landed, and messed up Ridge's arrangements. This turn of events sucks for this viewer; I wanted Bill and Brooke together, but now I don't think I can support them.


Katie's perpetual sarcasm wears me out; justified or not, it is old. That was really magnanimous of Katie to say that she wants to mend fences with Brooke, but only if Brooke is alone or without Bill, and Katie has Ridge. Of course she would, that would put her firmly in the driver's seat, and give her the upper hand. I did appreciate that Katie had enough self awarness to acknowledge she was being a hypocrite. Her Red Ribbon Relationship with Ridge is all kinds of wrong, not to mention gross, and she knows it. How many times has she said she won't apologize for her feelings for Ridge? And how long did she hold Brooke's feet to the fire over her feelings for Bill? Hypocrite indeed.


Quinn's eyes are going to be firmly opened when,

Rick fires her. It also looks like Hope is going to choose Liam, and Wyatt blames his mother. In fact, it looks like he is going to blame his mother for a lot. And that Quinn is going to be scrambling to make things right. 

A little too late I say.

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These writers must think we viewers have the collective IQ of a gnat. Look, those two dopes are running in the sand, Dope 1 keeps looking back at her love, but never attempts to let go of Dope 2's hand, or falls down, freeing herself? Come on, get freaking real. This show is like watching the Three Stooges---or a regular episode of the constantly rediculous Young and the Restless.

But one good thing is going to happen with this lunacy-----Ridge's falling into the water might get some of the greasy oil out of his hair.

Like Sugarbaker, I also thought that Ridge will wake up thinking he's the Sultan of Qatar.

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I just remembered the horseback wedding flashback. Was that a thing that actually happened? I laughed. Oh, how I laughed.

Yup, it sure did. Brooke crashes into the beach house as the preacher says "I now pronounce you man and....HORSE!" Man, good times!
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Highlight of the day was Darin Brooks and his over-the-top British accent that came out of nowhere! Reminded me of Ian Buchanan for some reason.


I thought this would go down in an entirely different manner; Bill and Ridge fighting in the helicopter, Ridge grabbing at Brooke and missing, Ridge and Brooke arguing and he somehow falls.
Dope 1 keeps looking back at her love, but never attempts to let go of Dope 2's hand, or falls down, freeing herself?


I feel this too. Action sequences are not soap opera's bread and butter but you would think in this day and age there would be easy ways to film this sort of thing without it being too time consuming or expensive. I did see KKL trip a little as TK dragged her along the sand; on one hand I feel she should have played it up and gone with it, but on the other she probably wanted to stay relatively bruise-free for the triathlon. Oh well. I would have liked to see Ridge hanging from the helicopter for a little while before falling into the sea, too, in true cliffhanger style, but again, oh well. It wasn't a completely terrible sequence though, just didn't live up to the hype of the promos for mine. Oh, and also, the lack of fight from Brooke was uninspiring. She even let Ridge buckle her up! C'mon now.


Rena Sofer continues to play her scenes to perfection, even if Quinn as a character is starting to unravel.


Since when does Justin know how to fly a helicopter?


Forgive me for painting with a broad brush, but it would seem like the POC in Bell-A are jacks-of-all-trades. What's up with that?


Katie leans on Eric’s supportive shoulders


It begins...!

Edited by St3phForrester
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When I started watching this show a couple of months ago, I had no idea it was a comedy!  But they just keep cracking me up.  Today, it started with Bill's "Did you come all this way just to make a jerk of yourself?"  Who says "make a jerk of yourself"??  Hysterical.


And then..the entire helicopter sequence, with Bill in that glorious suit and beard (what is the story with his beard?), giving the slow nod to the pilot (the guy that works for him, I guess); Ridge's face as he realized who the pilot was; the terrible-wonderful special effects of Ridge "falling" in to the water..all of it was just wonderful.  

But seriously - who does Ridge think he is, basically kidnapping a woman who has expressed her desire to not be kidnapped?  And he didn't even have a snazzy suit!

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(what is the story with his beard?)


I imagine it has to do with separating the character of Bill Spencer from Brad Carlton, as Don Diamont moved over to B&B relatively quickly after being pink-slipped from Y&R in 2009. Why it's so manscaped, though, I don't know - probably just due to it being grown at a time when metrosexuality was the in-thing, and now it's an identifier. I bet it's a pain in the ass to maintain. 

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I imagine it has to do with separating the character of Bill Spencer from Brad Carlton, as Don Diamont moved over to B&B relatively quickly after being pink-slipped from Y&R in 2009.

And what a blessing in disguise that was.  Granted, DD still had to go through the indignity of being George Kaplan, Nazi hunter, but he got out of there while his character still had some good will left.  And is clearly having a ball on B&B.

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These writers must think we viewers have the collective IQ of a gnat. Look, those two dopes are running in the sand, Dope 1 keeps looking back at her love, but never attempts to let go of Dope 2's hand, or falls down, freeing herself? Come on, get freaking real. This show is like watching the Three Stooges---or a regular episode of the constantly rediculous Young and the Restless.

But one good thing is going to happen with this lunacy-----Ridge's falling into the water might get some of the greasy oil out of his hair.

Like Sugarbaker, I also thought that Ridge will wake up thinking he's the Sultan of Qatar.

I kept shouting to Brooke "let go of his hand, fall down," then the stupid heifer goes and gets in the helicopter! Puh-leeze!

I hope their is not to much of an environmental impact to the Gulf from Ridge's hair and body grease. Get out the Dawn to wash the birds!

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Katie leans on Eric’s supportive shoulders


And Eric attempts the ultimate hat-trick in all B&B history.


Oh man, Ridge being a part of Prince Omar's harem would be fantastic. Maybe Omar just happened to be vacationing in Dubai at the same time...

Edited by AndySmith
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I just remembered the horseback wedding flashback.  Was that a thing that actually happened?



Yup, it sure did. Brooke crashes into the beach house as the preacher says "I now pronounce you man and....HORSE!" Man, good times!



That was actually a clip from Brooke and Ridge's first wedding back in 1994. Taylor was presumed dead and Brooke finally got her man and planned this very elaborate beach wedding, much to Stephanie's dismay.


Katie leans on Eric’s supportive shoulders



And Eric attempts the ultimate hat-trick in all B&B history



Do I dare to dream?



No! I can't even get my mind around that, but this being B&B, it would not surprise me in the least.


And agreeing with other posters about the idea of Ridge waking up in the care of Prince Omar. The real question is, would the Prince enlist Taylor's help in nursing Ridge back to health? That could make a muck of everthing! Ridge falling back in love with Taylor, and pissing Thorne off. The Prince falling in love with Ridge, and pissing everyone off. Eric and Katie bonding over the missing Ridge, and pissing everyone off. Brooke staying single because she dosen't know who she wants, and pissing everyone off.

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. . . with Bill in that glorious suit and beard (what is the story with his beard?) . . .


Bill's a pirate.  You can also tell by the cocktail sword he wears on a cord around his neck.


I agree with you about the suit.  It was snazzy and the best thing about the episode was seeing Bill run barefoot through the sand in that suit.


Otherwise . . . oh, gosh, words fail me at how much I HATED Brooke being led away from her wedding by the hand like a goddamned child.  Allowing herself to be led away.  Oh, words are really failing me.


She even let Ridge buckle her up! C'mon now.


I thought my head was going to explode at that moment.



I have been gleefully anticipating this day; so that makes my disappointment all the greater. I thought this would go down in an entirely different manner; Bill and Ridge fighting in the helicopter, Ridge grabbing at Brooke and missing, Ridge and Brooke arguing and he somehow falls. But I wasn't expecting this; to me, that was attempted murder, and I can't get with that. I guess we now know where Ridge's car and helicopter got off to; Justin was running interference in the backgroud, found out Ridge was on his way, or that he had landed, and messed up Ridge's arrangements. This turn of events sucks for this viewer; I wanted Bill and Brooke together, but now I don't think I can support them.


And then there's this.




That even took some of the fun out of the cheesetastic shot of Ridge going overboard, or whatever it's called out of a heilicopter.  :-/

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I imagine it has to do with separating the character of Bill Spencer from Brad Carlton, as Don Diamont moved over to B&B relatively quickly after being pink-slipped from Y&R in 2009.

I'm not sure if his beard is solely responsible, but I really have to hand it to DD.  Bill Spencer made me forget all about Brad Carlton.

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I'm not sure if his beard is solely responsible, but I really have to hand it to DD.  Bill Spencer made me forget all about Brad Carlton.

Totally agree. Bill is like Brad, but with much more real, tangible power. Brad had a similar ladies man thing going, but in Genoa City he was never on equal footing to the major power players. It's a lot more entertaining to watch Bill for me. 

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I can't get over the stupidity of Brooke willingly going off with Ridge.  I get that he was holding her hand/wrist, but if she didn't want to go, then she could have SAT DOWN.  Instead, she willingly allowed him to take her away.  So stupid.


Maybe they are going to recast Ridge and get rid of Greaseball.  Not that I want Ronnnnnnnn Mossssssss back, I loathed him and his mullet.  But he was comedy gold.  I love posting this clip, it never gets old.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jEsshy26N4  There's nothing remotely entertaining about Greaseball.

Edited by blackwing
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These writers must think we viewers have the collective IQ of a gnat. Look, those two dopes are running in the sand, Dope 1 keeps looking back at her love, but never attempts to let go of Dope 2's hand, or falls down, freeing herself? Come on, get freaking real. This show is like watching the Three Stooges---or a regular episode of the constantly rediculous Young and the Restless.

But one good thing is going to happen with this lunacy-----Ridge's falling into the water might get some of the greasy oil out of his hair.

Like Sugarbaker, I also thought that Ridge will wake up thinking he's the Sultan of Qatar.


I'm actually quite concerned about the environmental impact on the Gulf.  How many more oil spills must the Earth's waters endure before people get wise?  Just the thought of all that oil, sludge and musk from Ridge's hair and body polluting that body of water is enough to cause me to toss and turn.  How many years will it take to clean up?  How many millions--no, billions--will it take?


I also have to wonder if this was justifiable homicide or attempted murder?  Bill has grown on me quite a bit in recent months, but one of his major faults is overkill [no pun intended].  Sometimes this guy is his own worst enemy.  Why not just have Justin turn the friggin' chopper around and take Brooke back?  This leads me to the other thing that bugs me.  Maybe Brooke was in shock but I would have fault like a wildcat given this is the second time in so many days that Ridge has interjected his unwanted carcass into Brooke and Bill's business.


It will piss me off to the highest of pissivity if Brill is tainted because of this.  Frankly, I go for justifiable homicide.  Had Ridge stopped obsessing about his ex and actually kept his sorry ass at home and worked on planning his future with Miss Sour Face, none of this would have happened.

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I logged in to post and pile on about how it is silly to fall out of a lap and shoulder belt...


but you know what? This thing is so far past a comic book storyline at this point there is nothing left to suspend disbelief with. The show is making Agents of Shield look like a realistic drama.

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Why not just have Justin turn the friggin' chopper around and take Brooke back?



And there you have it; there was absolutely no reason to dump Ridge out of the helicopter. Justin was flying the damn thing, just tell him not to take off, go over and get your bride and tell Ridge to take a hike.  Additionally, Bill had ample time to climb aboard and engage in fisticuffs, or name calling or whatever, but chose instead to stay on the ground and tell Justin to "cool him off". The whole thing makes Bill look bad, and I am wholly disappointed and upset, because I too have begun to actually like Bill, and love him with Brooke. At the end of the day though don't we all know where this is going? Such dramatics to resurrect Bridge. Believe me, I have no problem with the writers proving me wrong, I would actually jump out of a helicopter if it would help convince them that Bridge is a closed book, and they need to take both characters in a new direction. Good grief, how boring would Brooke and Ridge be with no Stephanie or Taylor there to run interference? And I am sorry, but Katie will not cut it. There is a difference between sucking lemons and being a genuine bully.

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I noticed Katie was wearing her beautiful red ring, err I mean STRING today.

Does she take the damn thing off every time she washes her hands?

I wonder if they did the whole Ridge falling out of the chopper thing in order to accommodate TK's schedule of being on for a time then off for a longer time? As has been remarked, it would make more sense for Bill to have had Justin keep the chopper on the ground. With this storyline, TK gets to go home to Connecticut.

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Ridge didn't just fall out of a shoulder belt..he slipped himself out of the shoulder belt on order to fall. And Brooke pissed me off.  Just sort of jogging along with a guy who was supposed to be forcibly pulling her away from her true love.  They might as well have been hand in hand, purposely trotting off into the sky together.

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Seriously, Ridge can't really be lost. Bill must be holding him hostage somewhere. The water seemed so shallow, he could have easily swam to shore - unless he was too exhausted from all the running he had to do to stop the wedding. 


Actually, the Dubai scenes, while being extremely picturesque, defied credulity.


Another point: While, B&B is still daily viewing for me,  the game-changing, paradigm-shifting plot points are happening without suitable buildup or fallout. As a result, I have a harder time being invested in the story lines. For example, Stephanie's death and the reveal of Brooke and Bill's one-night stand and resultant pregnancy were wonderfully written and drawn out. On the other hand, everything about Ridge's return has seemed rushed. As a result, TK still doesn't register as "Ridge" to me when he is on the screen. I am not invested in the Kridge relationship. Nor, do I feel the weight of the Bridge history.


I was reading a KKL quote in which she explains the essence of Brooke: " Nothing stops her.  When she makes her decisions about what she wants, she goes for it. She doesn't dwell on the past and let things scare her off. She's truly a person who doesn't look back, just forward, no matter what. No matter how many times she's been knocked down, she gets back up." This is truly Brooke's strength and weakness. She is definitely a survivor. But, by never truly taking time for self-reflection, she makes the same mistakes over and over again. Plus by trusting persons who have proven to be untrustworthy in the past, she allows those persons to hurt her over and over again. I love KKL and Brooke but I would love for Brooke to evolve somewhat into a woman who is a bit world weary- no longer a hearts and flowers romantic, owns up to her past mistakes but refuses to be slut-shamed, and calls out others for their hypocrisy. 

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I logged in to post and pile on about how it is silly to fall out of a lap and shoulder belt...


I didn't think that he was actually secured in those belts; he was basically sitting with his back to the open door while he was talking to Brooke and making sure she was strapped in.  It looked like he was in the process of putting them on when Justin tipped him out.

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Still detesting Bill over here in my little corner of the world.  If Justin had simply prevented the arrival of the helicopter just as he did with all the other transportation Ridge had lined up, then where would Ridge have taken Brooke?  Would Ridge have endlessly run Brooke along the beach until they reached the airport and then onto the Forrester jet?  Anyway, the situation was just really weak.  It is consistent with Bill's past behavior though.   "My wife is interrupting me while I meddle in my son's wedding to her niece, I think I'll lock her up then buy her a big piece of jewelry to make it up to her.  Everything will be fine."  Yes, that's the Bill I know and loathe.

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Brooke's willing/unwilling flight through the sand on bare feet, I wonder how hot the sand was.  Brooke didn't look taken against her will when she hopped into that helicopter, that took some doing.  The pilot would not intentionally be dumping Ridge when he would have assumed the guy was strapped in.  People don't just fall out of helicopters, do they, even when the thing banks sharply, any more than the pilot falls out.  Or if Ridge would fall out, how would the pilot know that Brooke wouldn't fall out also?  Maybe Justin wanted to scare him a little.  Who rides in a helicopter with no door and the safety belt off?  I'm hoping the camera made it look like Ridge fell farther than he did.  We wouldn't want him to have a broken back while coping with sharks and jellyfish, would we?  I guess this makes Brooke single again.  Any chance of a Brooke-Wyatt hookup?  Guess not.  Bill did look so handsome in that suit, looked so right against that background.    

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How did they get rid of all the people in the UAE?  There is no one, anywhere, except the few hack actors playing the hotel staff etc.


I guess Bill didn't just ground the helicopter because he wanted Ridge to disappear for a while, while he woos back Brooke.


I think Katie is an idiot, but seriously, that red string/ring is all she has to hold onto while Ridge chases after his ex?  He had no time to buy her a ring, but plenty of time to fly half way around the world for Brooke.

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So Katie called Eric a gentleman today. Game on! (Oh, I'm joking. But I will always take glee in seeing characters' orbits collide like this, and especially with two of my favourite B&B actors.)


It will piss me off to the highest of pissivity if Brill is tainted because of this.

I am wholly disappointed and upset, because I too have begun to actually like Bill


Me too. The other thing about all this is that Ridge is impossible to root for (right now), so by default we as the viewer stand by Bill, but if Bill has now acted indecently in collaboration with Justin - it was Bill who gave the order to dump Ridge, after all - how can we support him? I'm sure it crossed Bill's mind that such a fall would at least injure Ridge if not outright kill him, so is his "We're doing all we can to rescue him" act just that - an act? What happened to this honesty that Brooke, Katie and Quinn were busy championing in the last few episodes/weeks? But as someone mentioned upthread, this is true to Bill's nature, taking advantage of a situation to suit his purposes, and in the battle of character growth vs character change, I'm quietly glad this is still part of him - as the introduction of Quinn has demonstrated, there needs to be someone who is able and willing to be the catalyst of drama. Which brings me to this point:


Good grief, how boring would Brooke and Ridge be with no Stephanie or Taylor there to run interference? And I am sorry, but Katie will not cut it.

The game-changing, paradigm-shifting plot points are happening without suitable buildup or fallout. As a result, I have a harder time being invested in the story lines.


This is where I would have liked to have seen Quinn interact with Brooke a bit more in the lead-up to this Quill revelation. They had two scenes at the introduction of the Fullers, once when Quinn went over to the Logan mansion to talk shop with Brooke about Hope, and then shortly after that when Brooke came to FC after the HFTF relaunch show, the one Eric barred her from attending because of the negative publicity Brill was drumming up. Other than that I don't think they've had any other scenes together apart from the recent FC board meetings when everyone turns up for no reason. How much more emotional impact would this selfie revelation have had if Brooke & Quinn were friends? Didn't Brooke & Sheila team up for a little while around the time of the BeLieF patent storyline? Hell, what about Stephanie & Lauren and the picture in the Good Book? And when it all turned to shit there was drama gold to be mined. Now, not so much. With Quinn as a friend of Brooke's, you have her develop into a sinister, emotionally-driven villain instead of the Machiavellian nuisance she is, and also have her more deeply involved in the front-burner story as opposed to simply "running interference" for Wyatt/Hope/Liam. But anyway, shoulda woulda coulda.


I love posting this clip, it never gets old.


God bless the Smelled a Fart School of Acting! And the comments on the YT page for this video make the experience even better.

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So, Bill actually thought Ridge was going to be floating out there in the Gulf just waiting for someone to come get him? It looked like Ridge fell between 30 and 60 feet; I know from personal experience that you can survive a fall from that height, but you are not going to be ok. A friend of mine fell almost 80 feet into water, and they were in recovery/rehab for over a year with a myriad of broken bones including back, ribs, legs; they also had a host of internal injuries, a concussion and a punctured eardrum. So what are our options:


  • Ridge died on impact and his body sank. Highly unlikely since Ridge is going to Monte Carlo next month; unless of course Prince Omar intervenes and works his come back from the dead magic.
  • An unknown boat came along and picked Ridge up and took him to safety. Possible, but I didn't see any boats in the area when Ridge fell, so unless someone from the shore saw it and got out there fast, I don't see how Justin wouldn't have seen the boat.
  • Ridge was eaten by the ocean animals. See option one.
  • On his return, Justin did find Ridge and he brought him back to shore to an undisclosed location. This sounds right to me. Bill told Justin to find Ridge and bring him back to shore, he didn't say anything about bringing him back to the resort. I have no idea where Justin could have taken Ridge in that short amount of time, but Bill wouldn't want him anywhere near Brooke right now. She is going to be beating herself up with guilt, and would have been by Ridge's side making sure he is ok, and asking him to forgive her for putting him in this position. Of course the fact that Ridge acted on his own wouldn't come into play.


I am totally bummed about this SL now; I think it is going to take Bill into a whole new arena of darkness. Brooke probably won't give a hoot about the stupid selfie or the ONS with Quinn, but when she finds out what Bill has done to Ridge? And if Bill compounds things by lying to cover his tracks? I don't see any weddings for B/B in the near future. Is there any doubt that this ordeal will convince Brooke that she really loves Ridge? What I don't want to see is Ridge returns, overcomes his injuries, picks back up with Katie, while Brooke is hovering and pining. 


I was annoyed that Brooke called Katie, no doubt Brooke should have been making calls, but in this order:


1. Eric

2. Massamo

3. Taylor

4. Katie


Quinn received her first lesson yesterday about consequences; hopefully, there will be more to come.

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A friend of mine fell almost 80 feet into water, and they were in recovery/rehab for over a year with a myriad of broken bones including back, ribs, legs; they also had a host of internal injuries, a concussion and a punctured eardrum.



That's real life, this is a very unrealistic CBS soap opera.  You know, the one with the woman who banged a 25 year old guy against a wall at her daughter's party and thought it was her 50 year old husband.  The one with the psychiatrist/oncologist who came back from the dead twice.


I have no problem with one of the worst characters ever on daytime taking a dive into the waters of Dubai, hopefully we won't see that much of him.  Justin and Bill should get the Dubai equivalent of the Medal of Honor.

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Prince Omar intervenes and works his come back from the dead magic.

Wait a minute, this is an option? That's hilarious because this will be the second* time TK has played a soap character who had a fatal aviation-related accident and was later brought back from the dead. Kudos to B&B for a making a cute nod to TK's soap history.


*Am assumming it's only the second time since I'm not familiar with the characters TK played on OLTL and PC.

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I'm not understanding how Bill knew for certain that the sudden bank was going to eject Ridge from the helicopter.  What if Ridge had also buckled up?  Are we to believe that the shoulder belt on the outside seat was broken?  What if Ridge had climbed in first because it would be easier to help Brooke in once he was inside, and she had ended up on the outside?  And why wasn't Ridge buckled?  He sat down, the helicopter certainly took some time to get up in the air.  Meanwhile he's just sitting there with one hand on the strap.  Such bad acting, the actor clearly and deliberately threw his arm away from the strap.  The fall was hilarious.  The look, the body position, everything about it.


I was annoyed that Brooke called Katie, no doubt Brooke should have been making calls, but in this order:

1. Eric
2. Massamo
3. Taylor
4. Katie

I don't agree, why shouldn't Katie have been the first one called?  Despite the situation and the disagreement between Brooke and Katie, Katie is Ridge's fiance.  I absolutely thought she should have been called first.  And then Eric.  Massimo doesn't deserve a call, he hasn't bothered to call or write Ridge or inquire about any of his grandkids in about 5 years.  Taylor???  She moved on with Thorne.  Someone else can tell her.  If she was really still into him, she would have resurfaced as soon as Ridge dumped Brooke.
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I think the reasoning to tell Taylor is because they have 2 kids together.  She (nor their kids) should learn second hand that he's missing at sea.

Edited by kia112
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I don't agree, why shouldn't Katie have been the first one called?  Despite the situation and the disagreement between Brooke and Katie, Katie is Ridge's fiance.  I absolutely thought she should have been called first.  And then Eric.  Massimo doesn't deserve a call, he hasn't bothered to call or write Ridge or inquire about any of his grandkids in about 5 years.  Taylor???  She moved on with Thorne.  Someone else can tell her.  If she was really still into him, she would have resurfaced as soon as Ridge dumped Brooke.




And I can't agree with this; I am a firm believer that in emergencies there is a certain order of alerting family members. Of course every scenario is different, but for me the general order is; parents, wives and children should always come first. Eric, as the man who Ridge has called father for his whole life should have been notified first. I don't care if Massimo has been MIA, and we don't really know if in the background there is a relationship between R/M, but he is still Ridge's bio dad, and should be told about his son. Taylor, as Ridge's wife of many times and many years, as well as being the mother of 3 of his children should be told as well. I fail to see any relevance in her moving on with Thorne; Taylor will always have feelings for Ridge, and I would imagine she would be quite shaken by this news. I realize that Katie and Ridge are.........um......."engaged", but at the same time Ridge is half way around the world trying to save his Logan. He certainly had enough time to ponder, to worry, to try to convince Brooke, try to bully Bill; all in an effort to stop the wedding, but he didn't have enough time to buy his fiance a real engagement ring. I do believe that Katie's Red Ribbon of Commitment will become embedded in her finger before Ridge replaces it with the real thing. So for this viewer, I am not invested in K/R, because I don't see any real commitment from Ridge.

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The only consequence Quinn should be worried about is being fired.  I'm not sure how sending a picture to an engaged man, of his ex-wife's current fiancee in bed with another woman, should lead one to forsee that he will fall out of a helicopter thousands of miles away.  Is Ridge not a grown man, responsible for his own actions?   Dude has his own fiancee to worry about!

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To me, it's the equivalent of waiving red in front of a bull and then being "surprised" that he goes crazy.  No, she couldn't have predicted he was going to fall out of a helicopter, but she counted on some kind of fall out.  And I'm really not trying to absolve Ridge, Bill or Justin of any of their actions, but they're all culpable, including her.

Edited by kia112
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Another point: While, B&B is still daily viewing for me,  the game-changing, paradigm-shifting plot points are happening without suitable buildup or fallout. As a result, I have a harder time being invested in the story lines. For example, Stephanie's death and the reveal of Brooke and Bill's one-night stand and resultant pregnancy were wonderfully written and drawn out. On the other hand, everything about Ridge's return has seemed rushed. As a result, TK still doesn't register as "Ridge" to me when he is on the screen. I am not invested in the Kridge relationship. Nor, do I feel the weight of the Bridge history.


I wholeheartedly agree with this.  I'll state from the outset that I despise Ridge no matter who is playing him.  However, TK should have been brought on as a totally new character without the baggage of Ridge's well-documented doucheries.  Ridge was already insufferable, but now I just see a guy who is not only a hypocritical jackass, but who also has an apparent adversarial relationship with soap and water.


When Ridge recently called Brooke "Logan," all I heard were crickets chirping.  The flashbacks of their beach wedding evoked no emotional response from me.  The flashbacks and endearing name simply do not have the same emotional impact that they should have had.  Perhaps Brad Bell will get it through his thick skull once and for all that Bridge should not be resurrected.  Nor, am I emotionally invested in Kringe (so named because that's what they make me do).  As wrong as it was, Brill's relationship was treated to a slow build up over the course of several months.  Nor, does it help Kringe's cause that Ridge has been obsessing about Brooke and Bill ad nauseam under the guise of being "concerned" about RJ.  Meanwhile, his own "really, really cool" fiancee is walking around with some red silly string on her finger to signify their "commitment."  He's so busy obsessing about Brill that he hasn't found the time to buy Katie a real engagement ring.  I'm sorry, but a few poetry readings (as if Ridge can actually read), a faked cardiac crisis and their mutual malevolence toward Brooke does not a supercouple make.

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