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Brooks Tells All

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Regarding the "Brooks Special" - If I remember correctly, it was initially going to be an hour long special.  Then it became a 30 minute special after the admission to faking cancer docs.   I can't help but wonder if the editors picked out the most twitchy moments to show us.   Bravo, editors (no pun intended)!!  You made him look like more of a sketchy liar than he does himself - and no one thought that was possible.

Edited by tabloidlover
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Huh. Vicki "misspeaks" which causes the confusion.


Flashback Vicki: I haven't gone to any drs. appointments, just one chemo appt. 

Interview Brooks: Yes, Vicki has come to around 15% of my dr. appts.


Not a body language expert - or any sort of expert lol - but here's a little nugget for spotting a con artist's lies: when they pull out weirdly specific details while evading hard answers. He can't give a single straight answer regarding this entire cancer storyline, but he's taken the time to calculate the percentage of visits - not just the basic number, the percentage - that Vicki joined him on. Bullshitter bullshittin' about bullshit.


Bravo insisted on having Babbling as a cast member. They filmed the material and aired it. Bravo could have made different choices. They didn't. Instead, they made money.


^^ THAT is why I refuse to watch any more. I assume we're not allowed to talk about the big S in the room, so all I will say is everyone involved in allowing Dr. Z's practice (including his little detox cohort) to be highlighed on television for dollars and ratings should be driven off the nearest cliff. Andy has crossed a terrible line this time imo.

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One question I would love to know--since I haven't watched the episode yet--did Andy ask him how he was paying for all of his treatments?  There never seems to have been any questioning on this.  Wouldn't it be your first thought?  How much is my co-pay?  Or how am I gonna pay for this?  I wonder if he grifted money from Vicki to pay for the 'medications' and the 'chemo' etc etc etc

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I am not sure where I have been, but I did not hear that Brooks confessed faking cancer. In my gut I knew he was faking, but didn't realize he came clean (if that is at all possible for a bastard like him).


He confessed to faking documents from a cancer facility, but still insists that he has cancer....

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I am not sure where I have been, but I did not hear that Brooks confessed faking cancer. In my gut I knew he was faking, but didn't realize he came clean (if that is at all possible for a bastard like him).

Brooks only admitted to faking the documents that he used to prove he has cancer, he still maintains that he has cancer.

I am not a usual viewer of RHOC but I did start watching this season because of the fake cancer story. I was always creeped out by Brooks and annoyed by Vickie, but this shit is just too much. Perhaps it's because I lost a good friend to actual cancer in September, after watching him battle Stage IV colon cancer for almost 2 years. Surgery after surgery, debilitating chemo, bad news on top of bad news on top of worse news. He was 35.

Then this POS, with his reveratrol and vitamins and flat tires and fake documents. Just disgusting. I don't believe in sickness as karmic punishment, but this man is testing my resolve in that belief.

Of course he choose a cancer that would not require any surgery, but I'm wondering about a chemo port. Is all chemo delivered through a port? Anyone?

Edited by shoegal
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One question I would love to know--since I haven't watched the episode yet--did Andy ask him how he was paying for all of his treatments?  There never seems to have been any questioning on this.  Wouldn't it be your first thought?  How much is my co-pay?  Or how am I gonna pay for this?  I wonder if he grifted money from Vicki to pay for the 'medications' and the 'chemo' etc etc etc

I am sure Brooks has that covered with his medical insurance.  Of course fake non-existent treatments are pretty cheap.  all Brooks is out is paper and ink cartridge, a little gas money and tire repair.

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Brooks is a lot of totally contemptible things: conman to the core, pathological liar, well-practiced user and abuser of women (usually the relatively wealthy type, for good reason), remorseless abandoner of his own children, lazy, shiftless, self-promoting asshole, etc., etc. But while he displays many of the earmarks of the sociopathic personality type, he fails miserably at one key characteristic of the true sociopath: being able to lie to a large audience in anything approaching a convincing manner; instead he sweats like a pig on a hot Mississipi summer day, drinks copiously to combat his everpresent cotton mouth and to give himself something to do while he thinks up the next lame answer to Andy's oh-so-incisive questions.


True sociopaths can look seasoned police detectives. and even fully-populated courtrooms, directly in the eye and spin off lie after lie without batting an eye, can pass lie detector tests with nary a blip in their normal heart rate or blood pressure. They simply cannot be rattled while they reel off a series of lies. They do not have any conscience or normal human physiological stress reactions. Brooks cannot.


So Brooks, the perrenial conman and lover to numerous homely women with money, is just an incomplete and ineffective sociopath. In other words, he can't succeed at anything except generating our complete disgust and contempt. He didn't just fake cancer, he selfishly trivialized this deadly scourge of mankind and the horrible suffering that the real victims and their families go through and will go through. A pox on him and his former OC squeeze.

Edited by Should Be Working
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Brooks only admitted to faking the documents that he used to prove he has cancer, he still maintains that he has cancer.

I am not a usual viewer of RHOC but I did start watching this season because of the fake cancer story. I was always creeped out by Brooks and annoyed by Vickie, but this shit is just too much. Perhaps it's because I lost a good friend to actual cancer in September, after watching him battle Stage IV colon cancer for almost 2 years. Surgery after surgery, debilitating chemo, bad news on top of bad news on top of worse news. He was 35.

Then this POS, with his reveratrol and vitamins and flat tires and fake documents. Just disgusting. I don't believe in sickness as karmic punishment, but this man is testing my resolve in that belief.

Of course he choose a cancer that would not require any surgery, but I'm wondering about a chemo port. Is all chemo delivered through a port? Anyone?

No, not all chemos are given via an IV port. IMO, Brooks didn't need a port because he never recieved chemo treatments........ because he does not have NHL or any other form of cancer.

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No, not all chemos are given via an IV port. IMO, Brooks didn't need a port because he never recieved chemo treatments........ because he does not have NHL or any other form of cancer.

Make no mistake, I don't believe for one second this POS ever recieved a chemo treatment. However, I believe he is claiming this is a recurrence of NHL, is he claiming that he recieved chemo the first time? I'm just wondering the likelihood that a person would be able to be treated for cancer, TWICE, without having to get a port for chemo.

Interesting also that I read NHL has a 60% cure rate. He obviously did his research about the best cancer to fake!

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Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I have not seen any of the interviews with either Brooks or Vicki. How did Brooks explain that he has cancer but faked the report? Why would he just not have shown a 'real' report if he 'really' has cancer? Or was his binder stolen from his car when it had two flat tires?

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He confessed to faking documents from a cancer facility, but still insists that he has cancer....


Yes, that is true.  For now, this is all he's admitted to lying about.  But it's a big freakin' lie.  AND it was a lie about what was supposed to prove to the world he has cancer.  To me, Crooks admitting to this lie just made watching the interview a total waste of time.  Everything Crooks said in this interview was undermined by his admission of faking that document.  The interview was supposed to be a big deal for Satan Andy.  But Crooks' admission turned it into unwatchable bullshit & babble.  Satan Andy can't be too happy about that -- unless it gets decent ratings, which it might.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Not a body language expert - or any sort of expert lol - but here's a little nugget for spotting a con artist's lies: when they pull out weirdly specific details while evading hard answers. He can't give a single straight answer regarding this entire cancer storyline, but he's taken the time to calculate the percentage of visits - not just the basic number, the percentage - that Vicki joined him on. Bullshitter bullshittin' about bullshit.



^^ THAT is why I refuse to watch any more. I assume we're not allowed to talk about the big S in the room, so all I will say is everyone involved in allowing Dr. Z's practice (including his little detox cohort) to be highlighed on television for dollars and ratings should be driven off the nearest cliff. Andy has crossed a terrible line this time imo.

Dr. Z's practice is listed as permanently closed.

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The interview was supposed to be a big deal for Satan Andy.  But Crooks' admission turned it into unwatchable bullshit & babble.  Satan Andy can't be too happy about that -- unless it gets decent ratings, which it might.


I think it still *is* a big deal for Andy.  If you watch, I think you will come away with the same conclusion I did:  that Andy already knew, without a shadow of a doubt that Brooks was lying about it all. His incredulous expressions were perfection.  Like, the entire interview there was a thought bubble over Andy's head, "You lying, worthless POS".  I enjoyed it immensely and you could tell Andy did, too. He had that gleeful, cat-got-the-canary look he gets that I normally dislike during reunions but loved last night.


For me, going into it already knowing it was a big, fat lie made watching Brooks try to be convincing hilarious.

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I'm still interested in "what now?" The viewing public has gotten to see Brooks and his cheating, lying ways exposed. Thankfully there shouldn't be any MORE women [other than those living under a rock without tv] that can be taken in by him.

But I'm wondering if, as the dust settles, those ex-wives and mothers of his children are thinking back to the pleas Brooks may have made -- perhaps in court -- to have his child support payments reduced because of his "disability."

I'm also wondering if Brooks filed for, and received, some sort of disability payment(s) because of his "cancer."

If either of these situations is true, Brooks may be facing some legal action, both civil and possibly criminal, to get that money back, or,in the case of child support, paid. I'm sure there are SOME enterprising lawyers out there who are contacting folks.

Finally, perhaps one of the things that kept Vicki so "supportive" of Brooks is a possible reminder, by him to her, that because she "assisted" in this ruse, SHE might be facing liability as well. I don't imagine the insurance licensing boards take to kindly to having "agents" who are fraud-mongers and crooks.

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Brooks only admitted to faking the documents that he used to prove he has cancer, he still maintains that he has cancer.

I am not a usual viewer of RHOC but I did start watching this season because of the fake cancer story. I was always creeped out by Brooks and annoyed by Vickie, but this shit is just too much. Perhaps it's because I lost a good friend to actual cancer in September, after watching him battle Stage IV colon cancer for almost 2 years. Surgery after surgery, debilitating chemo, bad news on top of bad news on top of worse news. He was 35.

Then this POS, with his reveratrol and vitamins and flat tires and fake documents. Just disgusting. I don't believe in sickness as karmic punishment, but this man is testing my resolve in that belief.

Of course he choose a cancer that would not require any surgery, but I'm wondering about a chemo port. Is all chemo delivered through a port? Anyone?

It's possibly that he didn't require a port but with his claim of a third reoccurrence I find that highly doubtful. A port makes things so much easier not only for chemo but for the frequent blood draws, contrast for test, antibiotics etc. My last port was in few a few years (with monthly maintenance of flushing) because my doctor kept saying "let's wait for one more good scan". Which of course I interpreted as "it's coming back any day now". Chemo is just one part of the living hell that is cancer. Let him get a Nulasta injection and see if he can sit upright or even think of getting out of bed. F U Brooks and Vicki, you deserve every bit of disdain and ridicule you are getting.

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"One interesting aspect about chemotherapy is the method of drug delivery. Most people are used to taking medicines orally, like one would take Ibuprofen or many prescribed pills. Like this, chemotherapy can also be taken orally, but it is not always done this way. Chemo drugs are also often delivered intravenously. An IV line is connected to one’s body, often at a site on the forearm, and the drugs travel through a tube directly into a patient’s bloodstream. This intravenous method of drug delivery is most common for chemotherapy. In addition to oral and intravenous delivery, chemo drugs can also be injected, like a vaccine. The method of drug delivery is heavily dependent on the medicine being taken, so most of the time patients do not have a choice between these methods."


I recall Mom had a port, but I think it's b/c she had received so many IVs that there was nowhere to stick the needle.
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He confessed to faking documents from a cancer facility, but still insists that he has cancer....

Seriously, who the fuck does that and why?  "I had chemo, but instead of showing people my real documents, I did some cutting and pasting from the Internet."


He also told Andy that he would show Terry the real documents, but the Dubrows have not heard from him after one month and counting.


Liar, Liar.  Pants that Vicki bought him on fire.

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I wonder if Brooks dispatched himself to Florida for legal reasons.  He doesn't seem to be maintaining an address.  Like I'm wondering if he wants to avoid service of process, or if Florida has lenient extradition laws... no clue, but Florida always strikes me as a place with an excess of ex-cons.  Course he's still a current con, not an ex-con.  

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Finally, perhaps one of the things that kept Vicki so "supportive" of Brooks is a possible reminder, by him to her, that because she "assisted" in this ruse, SHE might be facing liability as well. I don't imagine the insurance licensing boards take to kindly to having "agents" who are fraud-mongers and crooks.


Vicki was raised by a woman whose moral compass told her to key an expensive vehicle and then lie to police officers about it.  Vicki thought that was the best thing ever, called this woman her role model and constantly sought validation from her. Vicki's best friend was Tamra. Vicki's lover for 4 years was Brooks.  Do I think Vicki is capable and was complicit in something fraudulent that Brooks is holding over her head?  You betcha.

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I think it still *is* a big deal for Andy.  If you watch, I think you will come away with the same conclusion I did:  that Andy already knew, without a shadow of a doubt that Brooks was lying about it all. His incredulous expressions were perfection.  Like, the entire interview there was a thought bubble over Andy's head, "You lying, worthless POS".  I enjoyed it immensely and you could tell Andy did, too. He had that gleeful, cat-got-the-canary look he gets that I normally dislike during reunions but loved last night.


For me, going into it already knowing it was a big, fat lie made watching Brooks try to be convincing hilarious.


I think you hit on a great point -- that Satan Andy & his minion producers knew (or at least had a strong hunch) Crooksie was lying about cancer & figured they'd make a season of showing him to be a liar.  My theory is the Meghan PI stuff was completely scripted by Satan Andy.  Did it make for a season that was extremely unpleasant to watch?  For the most part (to me), yes.  But ratings were quite good, and in the end, that's all Satan Andy cares about.


I didn't find this interview hilarious.  Maybe I should have enjoyed watching Crooks squirm & lie so badly & unconvincingly.  I didn't.  I've always believed, since his first appearance, he is a con artist.  Why I, as a viewer, could see this, & Vicki seemingly could not, is a mystery.  So that he has revealed himself to be a con artist -- well, I don't get any satisfaction from it.  No, I found this distasteful storyline even more distasteful.  


No, I didn't find this interview hilarious at all.  Rather, it reminded me of my beloved aunt who battled breast cancer bravely for over 10 years & finally succumbed to it.  No, I didn't get a laugh from watching Crooks lie yet again.  Instead, after watching this slimy piece of shit babble his ridiculous bullshit, I had a good cry thinking about my wonderful aunt & the horrible way she died.  Bravo can repeat this crap a zillion times, but I refuse to watch it again.  You can promote this shithead for your precious ratings, Satan Andy, but I won't be a part of it, thanks.

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I am sure Brooks has that covered with his medical insurance.  Of course fake non-existent treatments are pretty cheap.  all Brooks is out is paper and ink cartridge, a little gas money and tire repair.

Do we really think he didn't fake the flat tires?  The paper and ink cartridge were probably Vicki's, and he probably used her credit card for any gas.  So he's out not one dime.

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I've never watched E News before but being obsessed with this story I broke down. One interesting interview I saw was with an attorney who said Brooks could be charged with falsifying medical records, a felony which could result in jail time and hefty fines. Vicky has got to be shaking in her boots right about now.

Edited by Fatkat
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Do we really think he didn't fake the flat tires?  The paper and ink cartridge were probably Vicki's, and he probably used her credit card for any gas.  So he's out not one dime.

Two flat tires or four...don't people usually call and reschedule doctors' appointments if they can't make it?  Does that doctor have a strict policy that patients cannot miss a single appointment or they are forever banished from his office?

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Two flat tires or four...don't people usually call and reschedule doctors' appointments if they can't make it?  Does that doctor have a strict policy that patients cannot miss a single appointment or they are forever banished from his office?

Andy called him out on that. He. Brooks, tried to blame production for missing that apointment with Shannon's Dr because they gave him the "wrong time" and Andy countered with "Didn't you tell Shannon you missed the appointment because you had 2 flat tires?"! Brooks then actually tried to say BOTH things happened, he/Vicki were given the wrong appointment time by production AND he got 2 flat tires on the way to said appointment. LOL

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For me one of the biggest giveaways is how Brooks tells Andy he's going to show Terry his medical records and then never did. Andy also mentioned at the reunion that when he said goodbye off camera he said something like "See you next time" or whatever and Brooks said there wouldn't be a next time. IMO Brooks got what he sought after, attention, sympathy, and money for this little scam, now that he has it, off he goes to Florida where Bravo will never see or hear from him again. Off to his next victim/scam.

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I knew for sure Brooks did not have NHL when he said he went from stage 3 to stage 2. The devil is in the details, if he had cancer he'd know he's at stage 3 and that you don't go backwards to stage 2, especially since it was his third time battling it.

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Is it even true that he actually had this same cancer (or any kind of cancer) before? Or did he lie about it then too? If it's true that he's really had this or other types of cancer before, I just can't believe he'd really try to lie about having it again. WHO DOES THAT?! That's just tempting fate, as far as I'm concerned.

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Production made his appointment with City Of Hope Doctor?  What a lying sack of shit. Getting an appointment at City Of Hope is a big production where you have all your ducks in a row.  My husband was treated as a second opinion there and we were both impressed with both the doctors and the hospital capabilities. You check in on the floor you are to be seen and from that point they know where you are in the hospital, like in the lab or getting a scan. Records can be linked from other hospitals.

There is no way Vicki did not know, nausea medications, barf bags weekly blood work. Doctors offices calling with appointments to scan schedule etc. . We had a trunk full of paperwork, insurance, disability forms, schedule of chemo (s) copies of scans labs nurses stations phone numbers.  You get deathly sick at home you call your doctor and they advise you to come in for fluids. You don't call home delivery of an IV from a plastic surgeon kinda friend.

I remember her grabbing bread from him saying cancer feeds on sugar with her arms full of vegetables. Aren't you glad you don't have to go through this by yourself?

These two poor excuses of human beings are sucking up perfectly good H20.

Edited by athousandclowns
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Is it even true that he actually had this same cancer (or any kind of cancer) before? Or did he lie about it then too? If it's true that he's really had this or other types of cancer before, I just can't believe he'd really try to lie about having it again. WHO DOES THAT?! That's just tempting fate, as far as I'm concerned.

Never had nose cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer, or Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma IMO.

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Production made his appointment with City Of Hope Doctor? What a lying sack of shit. Getting an appointment at City Of Hope is a big production where you have all your ducks in a row. My husband was treated as a second opinion there and we were both impressed with both the doctors and the hospital capabilities. You check in on the floor you are to be seen and from that point they know where you are in the hospital, like in the lab or getting a scan. Records can be linked from other hospitals.

There is no way Vicki did not know, nausea medications, barf bags weekly blood work. Doctors offices calling with appointments to scan schedule etc. . We had a trunk full of paperwork, insurance, disability forms, schedule of chemo (s) copies of scans labs nurses stations phone numbers. I remember her grabbing bread from him saying cancer feeds on cancer with her arms full of vegetables. Aren't you glad you don't have to go through this by yourself?

These two poor excuses of human beings are sucking up perfectly good H20.

So sorry to hear about your dear husband. ITA Brooks had nothing to show he had cancer and Vicki knew or didn't give a darn about whether he was ill or not. It conveniently gave her a one million dollar storyline and Club Detox product line to promote. Edited by talula
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Is it even true that he actually had this same cancer (or any kind of cancer) before? Or did he lie about it then too? If it's true that he's really had this or other types of cancer before, I just can't believe he'd really try to lie about having it again. WHO DOES THAT?! That's just tempting fate, as far as I'm concerned.

Well, he has made claims of having "nose/pancreatic/prostrate" cancers as well and he never had ANY of them so his claim of 3 bouts of NHL is questionable as far as I am concerned. I would check his twitter from time to time and never saw anyone say that they KNEW he really had NHL at any time. Not 1 person, friend, family member has stepped up and backed him up in any of his cancer claims.

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I've never watched E News before but being obsessed with this story I broke down. One interesting interview I saw was with an attorney who said Brooks could be charged with falsifying medical records, a felony which could result in jail time and hefty fines. Vicky has got to be shaking in her boots right about now.


Idk, that seems to be a stretch to me (speaking as an attorney).  Yes, falsifying a medical document is absolutely a crime, but it also depends on how the fake document is used -- as to whether one would be prosecuted for doing so.  In this situation, I don't think it means anything.  BUT if Crooks took that fake document & tried to get government benefits or used it to reduce his court-mandated child support payments?  Wowza, he'd be in very, very, very deep doo-doo then.


So how do we think Crooks is living nicely down in Florida & finally apart from Vicks & whatever dough (mostly from Bravo) she's got?  I suspect Satan Andy funded Crooks quite nicely for providing him with a season of good ratings.  So what happens when Crooks runs outta the Satan Andy dough?  Oh, I'm sure he'll run back to sucker/love-starved (translation: desperate as hell) Vicks then.  And we all know she'd take him back in a second, despite this guy she's now er, um, "dating", who pings super loud on my gaydar.

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Not a body language expert - or any sort of expert lol - but here's a little nugget for spotting a con artist's lies: when they pull out weirdly specific details while evading hard answers. He can't give a single straight answer regarding this entire cancer storyline, but he's taken the time to calculate the percentage of visits - not just the basic number, the percentage - that Vicki joined him on. Bullshitter bullshittin' about bullshit.

Another big tell was that when Andy said, "I thought you told Shannon you had a flat tire?"  Crooks not only said he did but that it was two flat tires and which ones they were - front and back passenger for example, I don't remember exactly  but I thought what a specific answer for someone that can't keep his stories straight.   



I've never watched E News before but being obsessed with this story I broke down. One interesting interview I saw was with an attorney who said Brooks could be charged with falsifying medical records, a felony which could result in jail time and hefty fines. Vicky has got to be shaking in her boots right about now.

Why would Vicki be shaking in her boots if Brooks was charged with anything?   Unfortunately, I doubt Crooks will face any real consequences for this scam.  He's probably in Florida looking for another middle-aged woman with an empty love tank and full bank account if he hasn't found one already.  

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Unfortunately, I doubt Crooks will face any real consequences for this scam.  He's probably in Florida looking for another middle-aged woman with an empty love tank and full bank account if he hasn't found one already.  

Yep, and there are plenty of women stupid enough to have seen all of this crap he's pulled and yet remain willing to play along because he's a "celebrity".  


Someone mentioned earlier that one of the tells of a big fat liar face is the spouting off of a long list of irrelevant details surrounding the subject in question while never answering the question at hand.  That was dead on.  He's done that since the very beginning, even about subjects other than his faux diagnauxsis.  Vicki picked up on this little trick and I believe that she practiced the move with her babbling about that stupid binder.

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Yeah, I still remember Michaela Salahi talking about the lentils they served at the White House dinner she crashed - um, was "invited" to - on the RHoDC reunion. It was like, why the f are you talking about the lentils right now? Just total deflection.

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Why would Vicki be shaking in her boots if Brooks was charged with anything?   

Because I believe Vicki knows more than she's letting on and she might be called to testify. Not good for business...

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I'm pretty certain that Brooks didn't apply for government disability as he certainly would not meet their criteria for being disabled but perhaps he has a private short term disability policy. A few weeks ago I would have said "he wouldn't be that stupid" but after the medical record debacle who knows what he is stupid enough to do.

Edited by nc socialworker
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Does anyone know what the ratings were for Andy's "Brooks Tells All" interview?  I tried to find them but couldn't.  I was curious to see how it did considering Brooks admission to faking the documents and City of Hope's statement that they never treated him.

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Crooks doesn't have cancer, never has IMO, but the man really DOES have a giant case of the DUMBASS. And so does Icki.


IMHO, NBC Universal/Bravo should think hard and long before bringing back Vicki for another million dollar pay check. Unless, that one million dollar salary is donated to cancer research/cures.

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I've never watched E News before but being obsessed with this story I broke down. One interesting interview I saw was with an attorney who said Brooks could be charged with falsifying medical records, a felony which could result in jail time and hefty fines. Vicky has got to be shaking in her boots right about now.

I read this as "shaking in her boobs" I think it's fitting.

I could write page upon page upon page as to why I knew he was lying, from the port, to not losing any hair, to not appearing to look ill... Yes, all of those things are variable, there are always cases where they don't happen, there are always exceptions to the rule, BUT, for as aggressive as it seems Brooks is claiming his cancer is, I find it hard to believe he is not having ANY of them. And when you have cancer and it is staged one of the first conversations you have is how staging works, and the implications of those stages... I have NEVER heard anyone mistakenly say the stage went back down from 3 to 2, at least not the person who actually has cancer.

As a current Florida resident I would like to extend an invitation to Brooks, to GET THE HELL OUT OF MY STATE!!! I swear to everything holy if I run into you in public so help me God... I would say I hope you get eaten by an alligator, but I don't wish that on the alligators.

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Because I believe Vicki knows more than she's letting on and she might be called to testify. Not good for business...

Or she could use what she knows to nail him for good. 


I'm pretty certain that Brooks didn't apply for government disability as he certainly would not meet their criteria for being disabled but perhaps he has a private short term disability policy. A few weeks ago I would have said "he wouldn't be that stupid" but after the medical record debacle who knows what he is stupid enough to do.

Can someone without a job get disability?   Forget the cancer, we all knew that was a lie, what about all this travel "for business" crap?  I get why Vicks wanted to pretend Brooks had a job but I wanted Andy  (or Tamra or anyone) would ask him about his so-called "work".  He's been on this show about four years and no one ever talks about it.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I'm also wondering if Brooks filed for, and received, some sort of disability payment(s) because of his "cancer."



As others have said since this comment was made with respect to his filing for disability, one thing is for sure:  if he has received any payment from any program, he will then be forced to submit his medical records to prove there wasn't fraud involved in his collection of those funds.  We don't know if he has or he hasn't, but some agency that may be involved must have some one within their department that watches this show.  His story has been outted and he would certainly be open to investigation.


The only thing that saves Vicki from investigation is that she wasn't married to the guy.


Along with the others who have lost family and friends to cancer - my mom and my sister.  So yes, I know what it is to be an orphan (my dad died from other issues) and I certainly didn't curl up in a ball and whine about how I was all alone in the world.  Vicki needed a story this season.  Her mother's passing was secondary to this line of crap she fed everyone.


Andy needs to tell her she's through.  Let her live off her insurance business, if anyone will remain with her (I certainly wouldn't, the dishonest woman that she is).  But she needs to be done and RHWOC needs to be entirely re-tooled with people who aren't on the edge of lawlessness and poor ethics.

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As long as Vicki remains on the show, there's a good chance we'll have to watch this jerk come breezing into yet another party or get together to regale the rest with stories of his challenging ongoing battle with or his complete victory over cancer. And that's something nobody in their right mind wants to see, especially after wasting 30 minutes watching him lamely try to convince the world that he has had and still has cancer but the "growths" in his abdomen have all disappeared. We also know that Vicki won't be able to transition down to a "friend" position; her ego and delusions of grandeur and martyrdom are so massive as to require that she dominate entire scenes ad infinitum. And where she goes, this perennial shuckster is bound to follow as soon he begins to miss her financial support and the Bravo limelight.


As for that 30 minute "tell all," he played it all wrong. For Christ's sake, don't come out pissed off and swinging.  Instead, he should have treated it as a half hour acting job. Muss up that hair, practice the glassy-eyed look, wear XXL shirt and pants to accentuate the weight loss, and try to look enfeebled and fatigued, Answer the questions serenely but also a tad resigned and aggrieved, After all, you're a 3-time cancer victim who's been through hell and just wants to get better. You're not really angry at these bitch housewives for questioning the veracity of your illness. You can understand why people would want some sort of proof. By now, you've risen so far above the petty bickering of normal human discourse that all that noise doesn't really get to you. You just want to get better.


You'd still be a damn liar, but a few hundred lonely divorced housewives or widows would have bought it hook line and sinker and actually sent your their addresses and phone numbers with offers of support. And you could finally move out of that tiny, dark, roach-infested studio apartment in Florida.

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As long as Vicki remains on the show, there's a good chance we'll have to watch this jerk come breezing into yet another party or get together to regale the rest with stories of his challenging ongoing battle with or his complete victory over cancer. And that's something nobody in their right mind wants to see, especially after wasting 30 minutes watching him lamely try to convince the world that he has had and still has cancer but the "growths" in his abdomen have all disappeared. We also know that Vicki won't be able to transition down to a "friend" position; her ego and delusions of grandeur and martyrdom are so massive as to require that she dominate entire scenes ad infinitum. And where she goes, this perennial shuckster is bound to follow as soon he begins to miss her financial support and the Bravo limelight.


As for that 30 minute "tell all," he played it all wrong. For Christ's sake, don't come out pissed off and swinging.  Instead, he should have treated it as a half hour acting job. Muss up that hair, practice the glassy-eyed look, wear XXL shirt and pants to accentuate the weight loss, and try to look enfeebled and fatigued, Answer the questions serenely but also a tad resigned and aggrieved, After all, you're a 3-time cancer victim who's been through hell and just wants to get better. You're not really angry at these bitch housewives for questioning the veracity of your illness. You can understand why people would want some sort of proof. By now, you've risen so far above the petty bickering of normal human discourse that all that noise doesn't really get to you. You just want to get better.


You'd still be a damn liar, but a few hundred lonely divorced housewives or widows would have bought it hook line and sinker and actually sent your their addresses and phone numbers with offers of support. And you could finally move out of that tiny, dark, roach-infested studio apartment in Florida.

Thanks for the laugh! ITA Andy's interview with Brooks was an audition for Brooks' next target. Unfortunately for him in addition to coming across as a liar, his nasty short temper came out when Andy asked if Brooks brought any medical proof of having cancer with him.

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I know nothing that happens on this show has anything to do with me but I can't help taking this Brooks nonsense to heart. I just found out that a friend's nine year old child is going to die of lymphoma. So I think the universe might forgive me when I say Brooks deserves nothing less than to come down with all the cancers he's pretended to have. To start with I hope his nose falls off and he gets two flat tires on the way to have it re-attached by Terry's friend. 


For the most part I ignore anything that happens in the Real Housewives world that doesn't make it into an episode. I don't really care what happens in their real lives when the cameras aren't rolling. I'm happy to just watch what the editors want me to see. This story has really struck a nerve with me though. I'm glad to see it go beyond the show because I feel like the show just left it hanging with a lot of unanswered questions. There's still a lot of unanswered questions but I'll happily watch Brooks dig himself deeper and deeper into his pile of lies. I wouldn't mind if he pulled Vicki in with him.

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