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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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12 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

I absolutely agree with you on this.  There was no hacking involved.  Someone just set up a PP account and sent Friends and Family requests to the buyers in the comments.  I'm surprised this scam doesn't occur more often in LLR.  whoever it was probably sent out their requests before Meri sent the invoices and from the comments several buyers paid PP.  

It's deleted now of course but on Sunday, the day after this all went down, Meri posted a Happy Sunday message with the list of the buyers who hadn't paid yet and said if you lost money as a result of paying the PP link then TS, the money for the sale is still due at 2 PM if you want your clothes.  What a beyotch!

The good thing is that those people should be able to easily get their money back.  They should be able to file a claim for goods not received, even if it was sent friends and family.  

On 6/18/2017 at 2:02 AM, 4leafclover said:

I just had a thought.  The Browns bought their McMansions in December of 2012--this December will mark the 5th year.  Wasn't the builder-financed-interest-only-loan good for 5 years?  If so, that means they will all have to secure new financing or come up with the money to pay off 4 huge balloon notes in less than 6 months.

I really want to see the entire Brown family have to move into Meri's house because they can only afford one place to live.  You know, Meri's house - the one she demanded be as big, if not bigger, than everyone else's houses because she only had one child but it's not her fault that she couldn't have more?  The house that had to be re-drafted to make room for the wet bar?  I want to see Robyn and her brood move into the hobby room.  Janelle and gang can put up tents in the Computer Room of Misguided Online Pretend Boyfriends (thereby making it impossible for Meri to "chat" in privacy, which we all know she is still totally doing).  I want to see Truly and Sol color with Sharpies on the wet bar, while Kody snoozes on the couch.  Heck, there's probably another wing in that house that we've never even seen for Christine and her kids.

Make it happen, TLC.  I would watch the crap outta that show.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Ariella is a LLR model, too


Oh, but of course!  Must pretend Robyn is still Meri's BFF, and her kids are golden, because they're Cave Man Kody's favorites.

So Meri wants everyone to think her being alive is so she can sell Lularoe?    Living My Why, WHY?

On 7/5/2017 at 0:52 AM, ginger90 said:

Ariella is a LLR model, too


I do not pay 100% attention to their attire on their show but do remember seeing the women in long sleeve majority of the time. I remember they said it was for modesty. Yet, here is Meri, showing arms, ankles, and calves. What happened to modesty? 

  • Love 1
48 minutes ago, Rainflower said:

What happened to modesty?

Their "rules" for "religious reasons" are a load of BS that changes to fit the situation.  That's because their "religion" is entirely made up on a daily basis to fit the show since it's the only source of income.  If TLC dictated that they need to run around topless to stay on the air, the "religion" would suddenly not only allow it but encourage it because the Lord High Prophet on Earth Kadoofus says so.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

This is what Meri thinks should be worn on a hot day in Vegas


Um, no.  Why LAYER in the frigging heat?  Oh of course, her McMansion is over-air-conditioned.

Those shoes?  No again.  For a "fashion consultant", dear Meri has ZERO fashion sense.  Just, ugh all over.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Polyester layers and those god-awful, lace-up to the ankle shoes. Yeah, that will work just fine in the heat. 

Polyester + heat = YUCK. Having spent thousands of hours in the field in the Mohave desert, I've found loose-fitting breathable cotton to be ideal  

Pretty sure Meri is just going from the house to her car and onto another air-conditioned location. Sweating in the outfit would turn ugly, real fast. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Bunkerdown said:

This is off topic however I am wondering if any of you have followed the scammer who catfished Meri on twitter or Facebook? She/he just put a new article our in  life & style again about Meri and included damaging info about herself recently. I just want to know if anyone else is following the catfish or the trolls on twitter haunting her with their hateful accounts and horrifically hateful warnings to potential victims. How is that any different than scamming? Some of these accounts go after Jacquelyn and justify behavior and sociopathic taunting as being an advocate and helping others. I'm baffled by all of it. Also LLR isn't flattering and I have so many friends trying to get me to buy it, bleck.

Not me, I'm done with Overton.  Her 15 minutes was up long ago.  

I don't think Overton or Kendra "put articles out" in any of the tabs, they just allow themselves to be quoted.  Life and Style must be desperate for content since both women have had no contact with the Browns for TWO YEARS now.  They are no longer relevant IMO.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Bunkerdown said:

I was curious if they were filming this summer or if they are going to have another season 

I think we can guess that yes, they are coming back.  Nothing has been shown on the baby except online. Mariah and Logan have graduated university. Janelle recently tweeted photos of multiple wives children together at a national park.  The families seem to rarely be together during a vacation type travel unless filming is going on.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

I think we can guess that yes, they are coming back. 

Why?  What's happening that anyone could possibly want to see?  Hour long episodes of fawning over a newborn?  Boring.  The kids are in college and away.  Nothing there to see.  Another stupid family vacation with people running around like a Chinese fire drill?  Count me out.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

Why?  What's happening that anyone could possibly want to see?  Hour long episodes of fawning over a newborn?  Boring.  The kids are in college and away.  Nothing there to see.  Another stupid family vacation with people running around like a Chinese fire drill?  Count me out.

I would tune in IF the poop hose comes loose on an RV and Kody gets sprayed again.  Otherwise, not so much.

  • Love 14

Last weekend I was in a hotel and one of the big conference rooms was being set up for selling LLR.  It looked like lots of different sellers were bringing in their ugly clothes.  Just looking in the room at racks and racks of those patterns was just about enough to send me into a seizure.  Yuck!  And of course everyone was wearing the leggings as if they were slacks.  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, toodles said:

I would tune in IF the poop hose comes loose on an RV and Kody gets sprayed again.  Otherwise, not so much.

That was SO GREAT!  I like thinking one of the older boys did it on purpose.  Just like I admired Garrison for scolding King Solomon for being a brat.

2 hours ago, camom said:

Last weekend I was in a hotel and one of the big conference rooms was being set up for selling LLR.  It looked like lots of different sellers were bringing in their ugly clothes.  Just looking in the room at racks and racks of those patterns was just about enough to send me into a seizure.  Yuck!  And of course everyone was wearing the leggings as if they were slacks.  

Just curious; what city?  You're right, some of those prints could induce a migraine.  I REALLY have to wonder how much profit even a D-list celeb like Meri makes from selling that crap.

  • Love 2
On 7/17/2017 at 7:45 AM, Jellybeans said:

Most of us have caught, gutted and fried the catfish.  I think we are DONE.  No more.

WE are done.  But is Meri done?

I think she is addicted to that high she got when texting with her sweet babboo.  I mention this because of the way her and that other "victim" were giggling like 12-year olds when they met and went to dinner, shopping, wine tasting, painting the town red, etc.  They were supposedly connected by the fact that they were both horribly scammed by that rascal Sam.  But Meri has never really seemed all that upset about it, except when she's being interviewed about her fillings or being stared down by Kody's dead eyes, and then she does that thing where she looks to the skies so that the tears might fall quicker.

If, as someone posted, she is indeed meeting with another "victim," that's only to keep the high going a little longer, not to try and spread awareness of the evils of catfishing or whatever she's claiming those meetings are for.  She has, not once, come off to me as sincerely sorry for all that went down, she's only sorry she got caught.


EDIT: add me to the list of those who would like to see Kody sprayed with the poop hose once again.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 8
On 7/17/2017 at 0:30 PM, Kohola3 said:

Why?  What's happening that anyone could possibly want to see?  Hour long episodes of fawning over a newborn?  Boring.  The kids are in college and away.  Nothing there to see.  Another stupid family vacation with people running around like a Chinese fire drill?  Count me out.

I'd like to see more about Mariah and her dating life post-announcement, but I'm probably out of luck.

8 hours ago, laurakaye said:

WE are done.  But is Meri done?

I think she is addicted to that high she got when texting with her sweet babboo.  I mention this because of the way her and that other "victim" were giggling like 12-year olds when they met and went to dinner, shopping, wine tasting, painting the town red, etc.  They were supposedly connected by the fact that they were both horribly scammed by that rascal Sam.  But Meri has never really seemed all that upset about it, except when she's being interviewed about her fillings or being stared down by Kody's dead eyes, and then she does that thing where she looks to the skies so that the tears might fall quicker.

If, as someone posted, she is indeed meeting with another "victim," that's only to keep the high going a little longer, not to try and spread awareness of the evils of catfishing or whatever she's claiming those meetings are for.  She has, not once, come off to me as sincerely sorry for all that went down, she's only sorry she got caught.


EDIT: add me to the list of those who would like to see Kody sprayed with the poop hose once again.

I agree she has not helped anyone with her promise to do so. She would've named real names and pressed charges if she wanted to help.

Meri's LLR page:



Something new & exciting coming to my group in August! Comment if you're curious! What's your guess?

Who was the brave person that wrote:


Kody will model clothing lol

I tip my hat to you, kind person, for making me laugh so hard my sides hurt. I am also shocked that person didn't get kicked out for writing that. I know how sensitive Meri can be about her "husband" and sister wives. Also, I am sorta hoping it is Kody modeling LLR. LOL.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Great marketing. So, there will be guesses followed by disappointment. That's my guess! Strange woman, that Meri.

Well, for once, I won't blame her for the disappointment. LLR is a crap brand. They assumed grown women would be interested in wearing Disney prints. So many people tried to hype up the Disney release but buyers aren't biting.

So even if Meri was good at marketing, buyers would be disappointed. LLR's ship has sailed. Time to throw in the towel, GOOB, and find another MLM before things really hit the fan.

  • Love 2

I was at Walmart today and saw leggings that looked and felt like LLR. Personally, I couldn't tell the difference. (I am not so much a leggings' person, except for the occasional black pair under a dress/skirt/tunic in the winter.) If I WERE a leggings' person, however, I'd rather just pop into Walmart and pick up a pair that I can hold and feel before purchasing rather than wait around for an online "party" or some other complicated shopping endeavor. 

BTW, I know that LLR peeps aren't meant to sell the stuff in actual stores or anything but a local lady has opened a shop: Lula Lady's. She sells, you know, trinkets and leggings with prints. Good for her. 

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