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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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I work in downtown Chicago, so I'll keep my eyes peeled for a 6'6 dude wearing a short sleeve shirt, shorts & a tie and a heavily pregnant woman. *snort*


JO is also deranged enough to steal people's photos of their twin baby boys and post them on the notbatman blog, passing them off as Sam's own.


P.S. momofsquid - I love the idea of Sam as a Doctor Who type figure.

LMAO! As my gran used to say (she referred to herself as 'a baudy old trollop')..JO would stand out like a 'turd in a punch bowl'.

I read somewhere that "Sam" has already been killed off once or twice, but unfortunately he has amazing regenerative powers and can rise from the dead. As long as JO survives "Sam" will live on in one form or another, sort of like Doctor Who. What I'm curious about is how many people actually believe he exists. It seems unfathomable that anyone would have missed all the red flags, but there are always a few gullible ones who want to believe. I'd like to know what the number is. Five? Five thousand? I have no idea, but I'm sure there must be some. And they probably form the pool from which JO will select her next victim.

That's what I'm trying to figure out too!  Like, the "people" on the interwebs who act like any of this shit is real...how many of them are Jackie herself?  How many of them are like us, and know that it's all lies but are trying to bait her?  And how many of them are the gullible ones who really believe that Sam is real and Lindsey is real and that he really had an in-person affair with Meri Brown from TLC's "Sister Wives," and has been so hounded by the media and the trolls that the only solution is to...blog daily and release a book!  Because that logic alone is INSANE. 

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Ok, which one of you is making Sam sweat over on his blog by questioning why a woman who's pregnant with twins would be able to fly to doctor's appointments twice a month so close to her due date?


I'm dying.


Claire says:

January 29, 2016 at 7:08 am

Has she been seeing a doctor in Chicago? It’s rather late in a high risk pregnancy for her to change providers, particularly if her regular OB has already scheduled a c-section. Is she at least from Illinois? If not I can’t imagine the headache you all are dealing with as far as insurance goes.


Samuel says:

January 29, 2016 at 7:16 am

Yes she has been. She is not from Illinois. Her and her mom fly in twice a month for dr appointments. But I’m not allowed to go to them. I only get the information afterwards. My cousin’s daughter does not want to know certain things she feels the less she knows the better about them. Her mom calls and tells me if things are okay or if there is a concern. So far everything is going okay. Only one small issue that is being watched closely.

We have already signed papers that I am now paying for all medical expenses out of pocket. And I pay for them to fly in and out of town plus hotel and food or anything they need. When they move in her mom said she wants to help me with the nursery. She has agreed to remain as their grandparent on my side since my parents are deceased. That will help me out so much. And when I get married that woman’s family gets to be instant grandparents. It’s a Modern Family.


Claire says:

January 29, 2016 at 8:03 am

I’m surprised they’re letting her fly that late, up to 2 weeks before the scheduled section. How far along will she be when she delivers? I’m glad her mother is supportive. It sounds like this is the best case scenario for all involved!

Maybe JO will just go fetch her in the Bat mobile?

I think I read as well that they don't even know if the twins are fraternal or identical. I don't have twins but wouldn't that be discovered fairly early? I mean she's almost 8 months (if the early March delivery is to term).

The ultrasound tech can tell instantly whether or not twins are identical. Fraternal twins each have their own placenta. Identical twins share.
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We have already signed papers that I am now paying for all medical expenses out of pocket. And I pay for them to fly in and out of town plus hotel and food or anything they need.




So this teenager hugely pregnant with twins (who have an "issue" of some sort ... oh, I can hardly WAIT to find out what that turns out to be) is flying every other week to see an OBGYN out of state.  Since when?  Sam only found out a little while ago he was actually getting the twins.  When exactly did she start these treks to the windy city?  This whole thing is so ridiculous. 


And it is simply nuts that someone would take on the responsibility to pay cash for the delivery of twins by cesarian section if insurance was available.  I don't care how much money you have.  I googled real fast and found the average cost of a C-section starts at $50K.  That is for one baby with no complications.  I can't imagine how much a C-section for twins would cost if there was even a small problem.  The costs could top a million dollars easily if NICU care is required.  Why is she having a scheduled C-section anyway?  


Ughhhh!   There is no point trying to figure any of this out.  It's the ignorant ravings of a madwoman.  But dammit these stories are just absurd, lol.  And they don't have to be.  Why add these goofy details?  Just let the kid have the damn babies where she lives using her mother's insurance.  Why complicate the story so much?  I can only guess that it has turned into this Gordian knot of lies because of some random careless statement JO made and is now scrabbling to explain away.  


I am kind of surprised "Sam" is even posting all this stuff that questions his story.  I suppose it's possible JO is really that ignorant and just has no idea how transparently phony this whole story is to anyone who knows anything about birthin' babies.  She may think she is really fooling someone.  But I personally don't believe there is one single person on the face of the earth who actually believes any of this is real.  Even if you started out believing, anyone who cares enough to follow the story would surely have been exposed to all the stuff online that shows how totally fake this whole "Sam" thing is by now.  


But I don't actually think it really matters to JO of anyone believes in "Sam" or not anymore.  Sam is just a way to get attention (even if it is just negative attention) and live out some kind of male superman fantasy and (at least in the past) to scam trips and whatever material rewards she manages to trick people into giving her.  She seems to get her actual emotional satisfaction from fighting and warring with people as the character "Lindsay."  Because Lindsay" is the real her - obnoxious, combative, surly, vulgar.  Likely a drunk.  That is where she really shines.  You will never catch her making these kinds of mistakes as "Lindsay" because Lindsay is essentially a real person - JO herself. 


Just Australian, lol.  

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I just caught myself getting ragey over the whole mom doesn't want to know about them but grandma still wants to be grandma issue, because my opinion in most cases a family member adoption isn't a great idea (because I imagine it would be harder to give up a child but still be related, see/hear about them all the time etc) and I had to remind myself this is all pretend, there are no twins, no grandma, no birth mother... I feel like I'm losing my grip with reality reading all of this, lol.

I don't have a lot going on in my life right now, so luckily this is t cutting into the rest of my life, but I'm going to start hedging bets as to what is going to happen when the twins should be born. I also find it funny that JO seems to be holding out to the full 40 weeks, but twins are generally born early and do not even make it to 38 weeks (I mean before they are born that kinda sounds like I'm saying they die). I'm guessing the due date will come and go and Sam will have some heroic story of how he decided it would be best for them to stay with the birth mother, but he's going to pay all of the expenses, or she is going to take them and run, leaving Sam heartbroken.

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I don't have a lot going on in my life right now, so luckily this is t cutting into the rest of my life, but I'm going to start hedging bets as to what is going to happen when the twins should be born.


My guess: wacky Lindsay will babysit the twins, but forget them in the backseat of a cab after a long night of boozing and gambling on the Vegas strip. Sam will reprimand her, and the two will have a madcap adventure trying to find the babies. Don't worry everyone: they'll be found safe and sound brunching at the Mirage hotel. Plot twist: during their frantic search for the twins, Sam and Lindsay will realize they've always been in love with each other and decide to get married, driving Meri insane with jealousy.

Edited by egilsdottir
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I'm a mom to twins.When I had the ultrasound at 12 weeks where we found out it was twins they moved my due date up to 36 weeks. That's considered full term for twins, but if you go longer yay you! They can't always determine if they are identical by ultrasound. If they are sharing a sac they are identical. Mine each had their own sac, but one placenta, so it could go either way (because two placentas can grow together).  They offered me a dna test when the twins were born to determine for sure. It's pretty common to have a scheduled c-section. When I went to Lamaze class they had a guest speaker come in and she had wanted a natural birth, done 14 hours of labor had one baby vaginally then the second baby fell breech and they couldn't turn her, so she had to have the second one c-section. I had my doctor schedule my c-section that day. Also they wouldn't let me travel after 32 weeks at all. Planes were a big NO. 

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... I'm going to start hedging bets as to what is going to happen when the twins should be born.


I am expecting the thing JO said about there being some kind of "issue" with the pregnancy will become big in the narrative.  My guess is at least one of the twins will turn out to have some kind of special-needs issue in order make our Sam even more heroic as he bravely cares for a disabled child.   I mean she has already claimed to be a former Marine who suffers from PTSD.  There is obviously no issue JO would find too serious to exploit.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein

I just popped over to the blog, to see the comments. I'm willing to bet the fake babies (fakebies?) will be born on Sams birthday. I want to say too at that point in my pregnancy they had me seeing my OB every other week, and on my off weeks I went to a Perinatologist, because twins are considered a high risk pregnancy which often times ends in premature birth.

SMH...Sam the Sham....


Samuel says:

January 28, 2016 at 8:47 pm

The 2 organizations agreed to meet me in Provo for the ebook pre order donations. I did not have time that day to go to where they both are in the state because I had to be in Reno at a certain time. They were so great and organized special things for me. I was really proud I could give them each over $15,000

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Ughhhh!   There is no point trying to figure any of this out.  It's the ignorant ravings of a madwoman.  But dammit these stories are just absurd, lol.  And they don't have to be.  Why add these goofy details?  Just let the kid have the damn babies where she lives using her mother's insurance.  Why complicate the story so much?  I can only guess that it has turned into this Gordian knot of lies because of some random careless statement JO made and is now scrabbling to explain away.  



       Haven't you noticed that compulsive liars add way too many details? Think of other famous liars we have heard of in the news, some of them came up with all kinds of different characters and lives for them, and far-fetched stories to keep others at bay? "yeah , that's the ticket, we umm got into a car wreck, and the lady I work with, umm, well she took so and so to a hotel and well, this other person is still at the hospital, we don't know yet how things are going, etc..." They always have an explanation for everything.  http://womeninwetlands.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-to-spot-con-artist-part-2.html


Oh please don't waste time keeping track of anything JO is putting out there and trying to catch her in this or that, life is too short. Sure hope something else happens this next season, like hey, how about being real, instead of prepackaged events used to distract from people relating to each other, and it doesn't always have to be about kod-fish either. How about the women talk about their lives, their growing up, their idea of what their thing is all about. I mean the grade-school stuff framed in a cutesy way like on the tell-alls "I'm still jealous!" "me too!"

yeah we all knew that years ago. Was hoping the Meri/Janelle friendship attempt would go somewhere, even south, as at least that showed

move in a more mature direction. More let's deal with this, less crying and parties.

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More let's deal with this, less crying and parties.


But, you see, that's assuming that there IS more to their lives.  But all they do is shill their toxic crap (which they won't show) and supposedly do church sevices (which they won't show) so what else is there?  They don't work..  Shopping?  Entertaining little kids?  Or sitting around a table trying to come up with the next loony idea that will keep TLC filming? They clearly hate each other and I doubt anyone wants to see Kobyn exclusively making goo-goo eyes at each other.


There isn't one single thing that would bring me back except a mass exodus of all of the wives.  Or maybe the bank foreclosing on the houses.  I don't give a rat's ass about JO and her part in this fiasco of a family.  Meri got catfished.  Who cares?


Move on folks, there is nothing here to see.

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Denver> Provo, Utah> Reno >Los Angeles >San Francisco> San Diego> Las Vegas> Pittsburgh.. Just another week in the life of Samuel Cooper.

That made me smile, too. Is Jerkie at all familiar with California geography? So, Sam will go to Los Angeles, then travel 400 miles north to San Francisco, then turn around and go 500 miles right back in the direction s/he just came from to San Diego. The dumbass doesn't comprehend that one hallmark of the successful business person is some savvy and respect for how they spend their time and money. This itinerary is just as riddled with bullshit as all her other fantasies. Meri Brown's fantasy paramour believes that tall dudes are naturally aggressive (probably watched a few too many WWF bouts on the tee vee) and that wealthy people all throw money around like it's microwave popcorn on American Idol night.

After she checks in here to see what her critics are saying, she'll probably concoct a story about needing to travel twice through the San Joaquin Valley so she can check on her almond orchards and her cattle CAFOs.

Edited by SometimesBites
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Wonder if Meri was going there for another LIV inspirational marketing meeting? Or if she just drove out there with some friends for a weekend? Las Vegas isn't that far from Disneyland, and since she doesn't have any kids of her own at  home, what's to stop her from picking up and taking off for a weekend? I don't begrudge her any time away from the cult-de-sac--publicly they're sticking with the "we're all one big happy family", but unless this trip is strictly for her MLM business, I think she's seeking whatever escape for whatever amount of time she can get.

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Sam the benevolent CEO shares his philosophy on dealing with his employees:


"I know I can help people. I know I can provide for my employees with great lives because I don’t run any of my businesses pushing people so hard they crack. I give people time off if they need it. Sometimes they just want a day. I treat them as if they are family because they all are."


Sam is accomplished & successful, but also humble:


"I do try my best but I wake up in the morning with endless possibility. I can afford anything I dream of financially***, but I sometimes feel like I don’t deserve any of this. I struggle accepting compliments even though I am enormously confident."


In spite of the fact that everything seems to be coming together for ol' Sam, he still wants to know what the future holds. He will be visiting a psychic tonight and posting her predictions on his blog:


"I have an appointment to go see a psychic tonight after work. I had seen her last year. She said a lot of things that didn’t make any sense at the time. Now it makes sense. She sent me an email once a month asking me to come back for a follow up. I’m finally interested enough to go find out. I will update tonight on what she shares."


*** "I can afford anything I dream of financially" = let's just say that Sam's AmEx gets quite the workout when Yankee Candle is having a buy one, get one free sale on large jar candles!

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Sam's latest couple entries are both head-scratching and hysterical.  In order to prepare for his upcoming adoption, he has, among other things, "watched Mr. Mom, 3 guys and a baby, and a few other movies to get my mindset prepared for the hard work, late nights, and sheer comedy of a single guy with newborn twins."  There was also something that made it patently clear that JO has been reading here and was responding directly to something we've posted, but I can't remember what it was!

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"I have an appointment to go see a psychic tonight after work. I had seen her last year. She said a lot of things that didn’t make any sense at the time. Now it makes sense. She sent me an email once a month asking me to come back for a follow up. I’m finally interested enough to go find out. I will update tonight on what she shares."



Yeah, that really jives with his Catholic faith...

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Sounds like Sam is the woman Jackie wishes she could be.  This train has completely gone off the rails, and I'm somewhat insulted that Jackie cannot get her act together and keep her facts straight.  This ignorant jackass can't do anything right, not even catfish people and maintain a realistic timeline for her avatar.  (or whatever they're called.)  She claims to be some amazing hacker and she can't even fucking run spellcheck in a word document.  We deserve better, Jackie. 


At what point will she kill him off you think?  After the twins?  Maybe he'll have some rare form of male post partum depression?

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Does Sam ever do guy things like golf? tennis? Does he watch sports with friends? Dinner/ drinks with friends? 


Or does Sam the millionaire devote his free time to blogging, chick flicks, and shopping mall candle stores?


In the past, JO made somewhat of an effort to butch up Sam (hanging out with his military buddies in Dubai, boxing and attending a football game), but Sam's true "girlie" interests always shine through. Disney movies, candles, inspirational quotes, Pinterest and now babies.


JO must not know any straight single men in real life.

  • Love 5

Sam's latest couple entries are both head-scratching and hysterical. In order to prepare for his upcoming adoption, he has, among other things, "watched Mr. Mom, 3 guys and a baby, and a few other movies to get my mindset prepared for the hard work, late nights, and sheer comedy of a single guy with newborn twins." There was also something that made it patently clear that JO has been reading here and was responding directly to something we've posted, but I can't remember what it was!

Because those are *just* like real life. Next we are going to hear that his best friend from college and former brother in law (from a super secret first marriage that he never felt like he could acknowledge until now) are moving in to help raise the babies...cue the theme music.

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Y'all, Sam is HIRING!

We are looking for a VP of Economic Development to oversee both of my Las Vegas offices. This will be fun to find the right person.


Excuse me, I have to go brush off my resume, especially because he's so generous with the "promotions":

Company promotions went out this morning. Congrats to all of my people who got a bump up the ladder. Very proud!


How do promotions "go out"??  Does this company not do anything on email?  He runs the company, so wouldn't he be the one who, "bumped them up the ladder"?

Edited by Nancybeth
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It is so very obvious JO reads every word written about her. Things brought up here or on CJ's living room or Twitter. He is calling church 'Mass' now. And someone mentioned he never talks about his dog anymore and suddenly there's a 'fan' on his blog, asking about the pooch So he can address where the missing dog has been.

Wish I was more familiar with Twitter. I have a fab idea to troll her with.

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At what point will she kill him off you think?  After the twins?  Maybe he'll have some rare form of male post partum depression?

Oh no! What would happen to the fake twins when Sam dies? Oh right, the mother will then probably decides to keep them. Even better if master hacker Lindsay takes them.



Excuse me, I have to go brush off my resume, especially because he's so generous with the "promotions":

Hahahahaha! And he is totally cool with his employees taking days off. Don't worry he will treat you like family, because as he said "I treat them as if they are family because they all are". 

And more from JO's endless blather:


I want to help some people break the chain of fear and restlessness they live in by throwing my entire life onto a canvas and either learn from my example or learn from my mistakes.


I'm sure that's what you're trying to do for Meri with your "tell all" piece of crap.  Your "life on canvas" is pretty much senseless impressionism on black velvet.

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