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S06.E12: A Boy or a Girl


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Just realized that, in my 10000 other comments, I hadn't said anything about the grocery bill so........


I have no idea if TLC or the grocery store picked up the bill. We have seen, however, that the Browns have zero financial responsibility. They refuse to have any concept of money, debt, etc. It's just spend, spend, spend, grift, file bankruptcy, spend some more. So...I can see them either saying "free sponsored groceries, let's spend like it's Supermarket Sweep, and show them just how high of a bill we can rack up, because we're WACKY POLYGAMISTS" or "charge it, we'll never pay for it anyway, we deserve it, because we're POLYGAMISTS." 


Even with a higher cost of living in Alaska, and in a resort area, that was an insane grocery bill. BUT - when you're loading a cart with Fiji Water, Boar's Head deli meat and cheese, etc., that's going to rack up. At least Christine was picking out boxes of cereal for breakfast. Now that's easy and economical. Meri has expensive taste. Forget about living within your means. She only has one baby, when she wanted 6. She deserves that Fiji water. Doesn't matter that it's just water, no better than generic store brand bottled water or tap water, it says FIJI. It's fancy and expensive, so Meri has to have it.


Kody's obsession with almond milk. All he cares about is himself. Who cares if the kids have food. Kody needs his almond milk, which I suspect, he likes, because he thinks he's some sort of rad, surfer, hipster by choosing almond milk instead of plain ole cow's milk. It's all about him. Duh.

  • Love 7

This might be petty, but when they arrived at the house in Alaska, there was a sign asking people to remove their shoes. We don't wear our outside shoes indoors either. I read a study about all the crap you bring into your house if you do wear your shoes in. I saw a few of the Brown's decided that rule wasn't for them, and wore their shoes- Logan, and Robyn, and maybe more. I bet that rental house is a mess when they leave as cleanliness doesn't seem like one of the Brown's virtues! When they talk about how Mariah is going to be a doctor, Maddie a lawyer, etc. I don't hold my breath. Time will tell. I loved that Garrison acted up, because it shows what the Brown's don't want us to see!

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I think if Meri wasn't catfished and the whole online romance was real, she would be so out of there. Now she has been exposed, she has embarrassed the family in front of the world and she probably feels totally trapped now more than ever. She wanted out and thought she found a new love to help her get out. Now she is playing the victim. I can't imagine the conversations between the adults behind closed doors regarding this mess. They can try to spin it in Meri's favor in public all they want but you know they must be PISSED!

I don't know. Part of me agrees with you, but the other part of me wonders if they care enough about her to be angry.

Kody won't perceive it as a slight against him because he is too much of a narcissist. Besides, he must be a stud because he has FOUR WIVES.

The adults may be delighted about the scandal. It raises ratings and guarantees another season.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
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I don't know. Part of me agrees with you, but the other part of me wonders if they care enough about her to be angry.

Kody won't perceive it as a slight against him because he is too much of a narcissist. Besides, he must be a stud because he has FIVE WIVES.

The adults may be delighted about the scandal. It raises ratings and guarantees another season.

Honestly, Christine might boo hoo a little, bc she's the Official Polygamy Cheerleader and would hate to admit it didn't work, but I think Janelle, Robyn and Kody would pack Meri's bags ASAP and hold the door for her if she decided to leave. Then Kody would proceed to find wife #5.

  • Love 3

I didn't catch this episode. What were the sleeping arrangements? Did Kody pack his little bag and change rooms every night? Barf.


The sleeping arrangements were not mentioned.


At the end of the catfishing preview, Meri muttered "bastard."  I wonder if she is going to say she was catfished by a man, and conveniently forget it was a lesbian pretending to be a man?

  • Love 2

I didn't catch this episode. What were the sleeping arrangements? Did Kody pack his little bag and change rooms every night? Barf.

I'm sure they have managed to find some reason the Kody has to sleep with Robyn, what if she gets a craving? Or a leg cramp? They are in Alaska, we can't let her toes get cold, she's pregnant for goodness sake.

I noticed her bedazzled shirt, but I didn't realize it was the due date... Seriously!? Has she never been pregnant before? I'm not saying she can't be excited, but she acts like this is her first pregnancy. I have never heard of someone wearing a shirt with the due date, it's not like babies follow that anyway. Usually in my experience by the 5th kid the mom is like let's get this done. Thank god the finale is this week, so we won't have to sit through all the appts and baby showers etc.

I was gonna going to suggest a drinking game where you drink anytime the word "adoption", "for the kids", "catfish", were said... But this show comes on Sunday night, most people can't risk alcohol poisoning Monday morning.

Edited by leighroda
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I bet the wives, namely Janelle and Christine, don't care if Meri leaves because it would be more family resources and more Kody sexy time.


I'm not so sure.  If Meri leaves, she might be entitled to spousal support for a period of time.  And Meriah is still in college, so Kody will be on the hook for his portion of that bill.


More sexy times with Koduche?  Surely you jest!  I'd be shocked if any wife not named Robyn has had sex more than five times since they've moved to Las Vegas.


It does make me wonder if Meri will get more time with Kody and pity sex to keep her around so she doesn't flounce off and make polygamy look bad.


Flounce, Meri, flounce!  Get your head out of your ass and get a job, then keep living there and paste a big smile on your face as you ostentatiously go out on dates and have friends over. 


(Hint:  if you don't really have a date, ask your friends to have their male friends pick you up, even if they just drop you off at the nearest Denney's.  I had a friend who had a creepy neighbor who wouldn't leave her alone.  My friends sister had her husband get his friends to go pick her up several times a week to take her to her job, or drop her off at a friends or a relatives house.  It helped that they were all buff Marines, but creepy neighbor stopped bothering her.  I'm sure TLC would be happy to help you out in your deception as they film the slow death of the Kody Brown Polygamous Family.)

Edited by Zahdii
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It does make me wonder if Meri will get more time with Kody and pity sex to keep her around so she doesn't flounce off and make polygamy look bad.



Not a chance. If she gets more time with Kody it will be controlling time where he glares at her the entire time and hovers to make sure she isn't doing anything she shouldn't. He'll probably have Robyn do some monitoring too. I don't see Kody being self aware enough to think that there is anything he would need to do to improve her life. If he manages to acknowledge that she was considering leaving, which I think is a long shot, he'll never admit she has a reason for being unhappy. He's a controlling ego-maniac and he'll control. He won't try to fix it with love, compassion, and attention.

  • Love 4

Whether the show is picked up for another season or not, they will milk this catfish story out into at least one or two Very Special Episodes.  Even if it's canceled, so were the Roloffs and they drag them out every 6 months.  


I do feel for Meri in the previews.  The shame of discussing it just has to be brutal.  Even if she keeps up the insane pretense that she was ever talking to a guy, talking about how desperately lonely and sad she was is still far more revealing than any other glimpse behind the "this life makes us all better!" facade they've been hiding behind.  Not that she hasn't been expressing that with her complete detachment on the sofa, but to actually speak the words?  That's a major break.  


Unfortunately, they will step it back and blame menopause, just as they blamed "PMS" for Christine's momentary rebellion.  

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You know what, I think the dinner table confession from Meri is about the medical tests/'cancer' and not the catfishing.  This show is notorious for bait-and-switches.  As if Meri would bring up the catfish thing in the middle of a busy restaurant...  

I agree, I think the restaurant scene will be to tie up the "cancer scare" storyline that they started a couple eps back. And then Meri will use the stress of the cancer scare as part of her excuse for why she needed someone to talk to.

Robyn's kids have learned that dads are replaceable. If they have any feelings for Kody, they may try extra hard to keep him happy so they don't lose another dad.

I imagine that Meri initially did get into the catfish mess because she was lonely, and her feelings escalated as she got played. I think a lot of people in affairs got there by surprise, in a way - not that many wake up one day and think, "hmmm, I feel like cheating." It so often develops out of another type of need.

That person who messed with Meri is loathsome. But I hope it awakened Meri to what she is missing in life, and that she takes steps to change things for the better.

And speaking of loathsome, if Kody were perfect in every other way, he is still an utter ass for telling the world his negative feelings about Christine. What a complete DICK. I wish she would have an epiphany, but off his stupid ponytail, shove it where the sun don't shine, and LEAVE. Who the hell is he to call anyone else unattractive, on ANY level??

Greattttt. Now I have a visual in my head of that douchecanoe prancing from house to house in the cult-de-sac with a ponytail hanging out his ass end. It must be twelve o clock somewhere hey? Beer me.
  • Love 4

Except how does he tell that story without mentioning that Janelle was Meri's sister in law when they met?

"Well, Caleb, let me tell you the most romantic story in the world!  When Maddy's mama first saw me, it were like she was stricken by lightning (relevant book citation) and she KNEW that I was meant to be *partly* hers!  The only little hitch in our giddy-up was that I was married to Meri, and Maddy's mama was married to Meri's brother!  What was true love to do?  I'LL tell you what it did... it snuck around and had secret lunches and made plans (relevant book citation)!  BIG PLANS, complete with business proposal!  Then we sprang those plans on my new bride, and so it all began!  Yes-sirree...  A true love story... "  


Just a suggestion for good ole Kodster, for the next time he needs to have "the courtin' talk".  


On another note, my first thought at Garrison's gagging was that he didn't like plain black coffee.  Of course, the history of racism (and homophobia, misogyny, child rape, etc), in that "church" makes sense, but that was my first reaction.   

  • Love 2

I DVR'd a few episodes of a show on A&E called "Escaping Polygamy."  I don't know how I missed it the first time around.  It features Kolleen, the blonde who made an appearance on Sister Wives a couple of seasons ago.  While I am certain that some of the show is reenacted and scripted, it features real members of the Kingston cult trying to escape the compound.  The majority are young girls who have been presented with a list of potential husbands, where every man on the list is either a relative (uncle, half-brother, cousin), several years or decades older than the girl, or both.  These girls are between the ages of 14 and 18.  Some of the stories involve mothers moving several of their children under the cover of night to avoid having their young daughters abused by the Kingston men.  I have gotten tears in my eyes, and sat with my mouth open in disbelief, as the narrators of this show talk about the lineage of terror from this clan.


And then we have the Browns.  Are they a church?  Well, sometimes - when Kody knows that he's got anthropology students watching.  Are they modest?  Well, sometimes - but it's pretty hit or miss.  Are the kids encouraged to follow polygamy and its tenets, as set forth by the Church of Kody Brown?  Not really...I guess they don't have to if they don't want to.  Does Kody lead by fear?  Hard to say, but mostly he just runs around from mirror to mirror, making sure his hair looks okay.


Real polygamy is scary, and awful, and abusive.  Kody's brand of polygamy is ridiculous in comparison.  He's not following anything but his own loins.  He makes rules that are very bendable, depending on how motivated he is to get off the couch and enforce them.  His kids are leaving one by one and so far, none of them are following their father's church and its rules.  What this all says to me is that Kody is making a mockery of a very serious issue.  I don't see how Kody's beliefs, if we can call them that, are rooted in anything but his own brain.  Maybe I'm comparing apples and oranges here, and I'll admit to not really being clear on the differences in the Mormon sects.  But having watched Sister Wives, followed by watching Escaping Polygamy, it just deepens my disgust of Kody Brown.


/end rant, just had to get this off my brain.

Edited by laurakaye
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Marie Osmond and the Houghs would have had to get permission not to wear them for "Dancing with the Stars" from the LDS church.  Not sure who the Browns would have to ask for an exception although Kody seems to be their acting leader since they don't have a community where they live and it looks like he's making up the rules to suit himself.


I'm not so sure.  If Meri leaves, she might be entitled to spousal support for a period of time.  And Meriah is still in college, so Kody will be on the hook for his portion of that bill.

I think since Meri is no longer his legal wife, unless she was smart enough in the divorce to request spousal support (doubtful), that she's out of luck. Meriah is also probably out of luck finacially if Meri leaves. It is very common for young adults to have to bear the responsibilty of college tution on their own. I'm pretty sure Meriah would be in the same boat and with what we've seen from this family I don't see Janelle or Christine helping her out and you know there in no way on earth Queen Robyn would dare allow Kody to spend a dime on her.

Spousal support, that's debatable. As if Kody really has much of an income.


College assistance, IMO, does't matter if Kody and Meri are married or not, he still should have the same responsibility for his child no matter what his marital status. That goes for all the kids, too. You brought them into this world, whether or not you're married to their mother.

  • Love 2

Spousal support is extremely doubtful as Kody and Meri have the same income if reports of how they handle the show funding are correct.  The parental adults all get an equal share.  Divorce decrees mandating college support are problematic and unenforceable in some states due to it not being child support once the student turns 18. 

  • Love 1

Does the magic underwear come in a crotchless version?

Ok showing my History Nerd side - until Jane Austen/Regency/Empire Waist Dress times, most women didn't wear undies bc they had heavy long skirts. Then when they started wearing bottom undies because of the slimmer skirts, a whole lot back then were 'crotchless' - came down to your knees or right below, and had a slit in the crotch so you could pee. Sometimes with a button, sometimes, not. Not really a cut out hole, but no sewn seam, so late 1800s Mormon undies or any 'drawers' were like that. One reason the Can Can dance was so risque, is because when the dancers did cartwheels and high kicks, you didn't just see their legs, but you saw their lady bits through those split bloomers as well. 


So............keeping on topic......I don't know how the Browns, especially in earlier seasons, could wear anything like traditional temple garments under those coochie cutter tight jeans and sausage casing Spanx tees under spaghetti tops. Newest episodes, there are far more shorts, tanks, lower necklines, etc., so you'd see them there, too. 

  • Love 4

I have a question ... about when Caleb arrived at the vacation house.


Just as everyone starts freaking out and running around because Caleb has pulled up, the older brother is trying to calm everyone down.  As the camera pans around the room, you see this blur as someone's hand catches the frame of the doorway that leads to the room where the stairs are as the person rounds the corner really fast. 


They show a little more of the chaos, then they cut to a shot of Caleb exiting his car in the driveway.  He waves to someone who is upstairs on the second floor, and they pan up to show a shot of a girl standing alone on the balcony.


Is that Aurora up there?  Because it sure looks like her.  And I can't find her among the assembled group when Caleb walks into the house, or spot another girl wearing the shirt the girl on the balcony is wearing.


It just seems really weird to me that Aurora was so determined to meet Caleb that when she saw how everyone was going to be held back downstairs, she made a beeline up the stairs to get to the balcony so she could get at him.  Maybe it's just in light of some of her other behaviors, I don't know.  But it struck me as kind of, well ... almost creepy. 

  • Love 5

I have a question ... about when Caleb arrived at the vacation house.

Just as everyone starts freaking out and running around because Caleb has pulled up, the older brother is trying to calm everyone down. As the camera pans around the room, you see this blur as someone's hand catches the frame of the doorway that leads to the room where the stairs are as the person rounds the corner really fast.

They show a little more of the chaos, then they cut to a shot of Caleb exiting his car in the driveway. He waves to someone who is upstairs on the second floor, and they pan up to show a shot of a girl standing alone on the balcony.

Is that Aurora up there? Because it sure looks like her. And I can't find her among the assembled group when Caleb walks into the house, or spot another girl wearing the shirt the girl on the balcony is wearing.

It just seems really weird to me that Aurora was so determined to meet Caleb that when she saw how everyone was going to be held back downstairs, she made a beeline up the stairs to get to the balcony so she could get at him. Maybe it's just in light of some of her other behaviors, I don't know. But it struck me as kind of, well ... almost creepy.

Aurora has very poor boundaries. For years her mother told her to he the best Brown kid that ever Browned. Now she can't turn it off.
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