ElectricBoogaloo October 28, 2015 Share October 28, 2015 (edited) Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. Jay tells Barry that Dr. Light was not a threat on Earth-2 and that Barry can reason with her. However, during a fight with The Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty go out on a date Edited November 5, 2015 by Chip video was removed by network Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/
Sakura12 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Caitlin: "I don't think any of us will become evil if we get powers" nice meta for Killer Frost. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671674
miracole November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Harry is very abrasive. I figured something had happened to his daughter, however that doesn't explain why he's talking like he's Batman.I like that Iris aimed for the head.That almost kiss between Caitlin and Jay was hecka awkward.Go away Patty. Edited November 4, 2015 by miracole 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671685
Jediknight November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Cisco got a date with Hawkgirl , way to go Cisco. Harry doesn't screw around, and I like that he let it be known that Cisco is a meta. No more of that being hidden. Edited November 5, 2015 by Chip spoilers 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671693
bettername2come November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 That was the best of the season for me. Cisco got a date! And a name! And his friends know! Iris with a gun! The Barry/Patty date didn't suck. Malese Jow being awesome. Tom Cavanagh playing a wonderfully dickish new character. Uh, I love him and want to smack him at the same time. I like the daughter angle. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671694
madhacker November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) nice episode,but there was one thing that kinda pissed me off: NuWells basically "outing" Cisco. That was Cicso's secret to tell his friends.But I am glad that he's Vibe ofiically now (I'm just hoping he'll develop his vibration through his hands powers eventually) And the set up for LegendsOT continues, I can't wait for Vibe to find out his new girlfriend is Hawkgirl , Cisco might actually die from a geekasm. Edited November 5, 2015 by Chip spoilers 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671703
Marie F. November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) I actually lost interest in Wells a long time ago, but was wondering how they planned to incorporate him back into things. They made him interesting, but maybe a little over the top--he talks like Shatner now. Stupid fight between him and Jay--will there be an Earth 1 Jay? And I guess Caitlin isn’t a meta since Wells's watch didn’t go off? And I'm guessing once he saves his daughter, he'll go back to profiting off of metas and be an enemy of Barry's. Okay, I like Linda. And thumbs up to the Iris and Joe scenes; I saw pictures of this episode of her holding a gun and wondered what that was about and thought it would be stupid and contrived. I’m so not interested in Barry/Patty, but I keep waiting for him to tell her about Iris since he’s allegedly in love with her. Same problem I had with him and Linda last season—no woman wants to date a man that’s in love with another woman. Allegedly. At least, tell her up front so that she can decide if she still wants to go there with you. Patty seems excessively agreeable; doubt she’d have a problem with it. Other than that, Barry/Patty makes me sleepy. Also, That was a weird setup for the kiss between Caitlin and Jay. Special thanks to Dr. Light for breaking that up. Cool supervillain. Edited November 4, 2015 by Marie F. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671706
pookat November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Favorite episode this season. So happy to have Wells (Harry) back on my screen. He's rocking the hair and the jerkiness. (So embarrassed that I still find him this appealing). Really liking Linda, Iris and Patty. The women are not to be messed with. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671714
nksarmi November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) That was fun and I'm loving Cisco's development. He got a date with Hawkgirl - boy is gonna flip when he finds out about her! Edited November 5, 2015 by Chip spoilers 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671720
Sakura12 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 When Cisco finds out his date has wings is going to be awesome. Although then it will suck for him when he finds out she's been taken for the past couple thousand years. Don't care about Patty. Their date seemed a little to forced cute.So they are filling the pipeline again. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671732
tennisgurl November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Cisco gets a new name, everyone knows about his powers, AND he gets a date? With Hawkgirl ? Great day to be Cisco. Although, we all know he belongs with Lisa (they got me, damn it). Iris had a good showing today, especially when she got off the head shot. Way to go, Iris! I am very interested by this Harrison Wells. He is abrasive, obsessive, and not anywhere as nice as Earth 1s Harrison Wells (stop calling Thawn Harrison Wells! He was a damn impostor), but he does not seem to have bad intentions. At least, now. Oh, and I see what you did with the Killer Frost foreshadowing. I see you show. I see you. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671772
Lantern7 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Man, so many wrong things about this episode. Sitcom date between Barry and Patty? Check. Joe giving Iris a gun? Check. "Harry" outing Cisco in the most obvious way possible? Check. The agita isn't as present as with Arrow, but it's increasing at an alarming rate. Wow, Harry is an asshole. Nowhere near as nice as Earth-1 Original Recipe Wells. At least the actor won't have to do Allura/Astra-type acting. Nice twist with E-2 Linda being Dr. Light. Also nice that Cisco can operate out in the open, and with a nice codename. And he's got a date with a (possibly literal) angel . Good to be the goober this week. Note to the show: stop trying to make Batty happen. Ditto with Jaytlin. I like Zoom's look. Looks like his mouth Is melted. Very creepy. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671793
nerdyduck November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Don't they have a metahuman wing in Iron Heights? Might want to put that to some use beside Captain Cold. Didn't care about the date but I did like that Patty wasn't a complete idiot and realize Barry was blind. I'm kinda meh on her. I'm one of the few that like Jay and Caitlin and even I thought that was forced. Let's keep badass Iris around. Wow, this Dr. Wells isn't holding back. But once the girl called him Dad, it was easy to figure out where that was going. I have to say this was the best episode this season. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671810
Jenesis November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 The Wests were not playing today. Joe came up in Star Labs guns a-blazing. Granted, that scene was just to show Barry's powers. Iris was so proficient with a gun, she nailed someone right in the head, one handed. How is this women useless? I like Malese Jow and I liked her character with Iris tonight. She was badass as Dr. Light. "Hello Gorgeous". I want to keep her, and get rid of Patty. Speaking of which. Patty. She....creeps me out, I mean she just rolls up in Jitters behind Barry and Cisco with this huge Cheshire Cat grin and it's supposed to be cute? She's just too thirsty for Barry. Who the fuck wants to help write a police report? Best part of that date was Cisco. I swear show, if we didn't know for sure, we'd think Iris was just Joe's daughter, not Barry BFF and love of his life. Why can't someone just point out that they never, ever knew Wells. It was Eobard. Not Wells. Why is Wells such a methodical prick? But at least he got in a Big Belly Burger reference But Yeah, he's totally working for Zoom. Ahaha Caitlin thought she was getting kissed. Hi Vibe. Hi Hawkgirl ,. Will Cisco get to name her? Will she make him say her name?? I did like this episode, it gave some info and is moving the whole plot of the season along and gives us some things to speculate over. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671831
jay741982 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Harry is very abrasive, I figured something had happened to his daughter. However that doesn't explain why he's talking like he's Batman. I like that Iris aimed for the head. That almost kiss between Caitlin and Jay was hecka awkward. Go away Patty. No stay please Patty she's gorgeous and Likeable. Her and Barry are cute. I feel she's getting hate cause how dare Barry not be pining for Iris. Not saying you feel this way by the way im not presuming anything 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671832
Commando Cody November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 No. I'm not a fan of Iris either. Patty's character is just bland and not necessary. I want her to go too. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671843
jay741982 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Very good Episode. Barry and Patty are adorable. I like Patty. Barry should get out there and date someone if he's interested which he is and she's goregous and likes him. Score for Barry. But I'm not someone who thinks he should just pine for Iris non stop. Figured E2 Harrison had an Ulterior motive. I see you Cisco scoring a date with Hawkgirl and getting your Meta name. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671848
bmoore4026 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Oh, this episode did my comic book geek heart some good. Kendra Saunders! Vibe! Aquaman shout out! So much love! Again, I'm super interested in Earth 2, what with the 1940s/2010s mash up of fashion and technology. Looks fun! And we got hijinks with the Barry/Patty date. Classic sitcom-y stuff there. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671866
thuganomics85 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 To hell with the vibe powers, I can't help but to marvel at Cisco's ability with women. First, he gets a thing with Lisa, and now he's got a date with freaking Hawkgirl ! The very small chance we get a Wonder Woman in this universe, I'm starting to think Cisco could totally get her number too. So, thanks to Cisco, I guess it would be best to just call Harrison Wells 2.0. "Harry" for now. So far, I'm with Cisco that Harry doesn't seem flat-out evil, but he sure is a major dick and a half. Tom Cavanagh was having a blast in the role, although he did resort to the raspy voice a few times too many. But I loved everyone's reaction to his "return", especially Joe hilariously just shooting at him like a madman. I also like that Harry is less "Run, Barry, Run!" and more "football coach from hell", when it comes to motivating people. This could be fun dynamic. As soon as I saw Dr. Light, I thought she looked like Malese Jow under that mask, so I enjoyed the reveal of it being the Earth 2.0. version of Linda Park. At Iris stopped her from killing the real Linda Park. Of course, that "old-fashion" boss of theirs had to bite it. Well, if I have to suffer through a cutesy Barry/Patty date, at least I get to have Cisco along to provide commentary. I'm all for Barry moving on, but I still feel like they are trying too hard with Patty, although I did find her better this time around. They didn't annoy me as much as Jay/Caitlin did this time around. Way to do surveillance, guys. Had Linda died, both of you would have been dead to me! So, Zoom's got Harry's daughter as a prisoner. I can only imagine what he has planned. Definitely recognized Tony Todd's voice as Zoom, but I wonder who he is actually going to end up being. Probably my favorite episode so far this season. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1671878
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I like it okay. Linda as Dr. Light was cool. Wells back is good. I'm starting to think Cisco is the best part of the show though- he's great and nails it every time. Cisco was the only good part of the Barry/Patty date. I'm sorry, but Patty is SUPER boring and bland. This is worse than Felicity/Ray last year. Although even they may not be as bad as Jay/Caitlin. Geez, those two are terrible together. Is anyone into that? I feel like DP's acting is getting even worse, I don't understand why Caitlin gets so much screentime. Iris was good here, but once again underused and left out of the quiet moments. It does not feel at all like her and Barry are best friends- Cisco/Caitlin are clearly his best friends. I don't know why they're so against making the most of Iris- Candice Patton is a better actress than DP by far. I do assume that if she was Barry's girlfriend she'd be more involved in everything, so once they get rid of Patty, maybe they can go for that? I'm predicting two things right now: Barry from Earth-2 is obviously Zoom, and he's messed up because Iris from Earth-2 is dead. Last one's pure guessing, but there it is. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672001
Actionmage November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I was so happy to see Malese as Dr. Light (I understand budgets and conservation of characters). Linda Park is badass in whatever universe, is my takeaway. Also in the badass column, Ms. Iris West. Go for those head shots ma'am! ITA that the Wests don't play. The stakeout talk was fine until the description of Atlantis. No, Atlantis sounds like it's actually pretty awesome; it is the 'here is where we kis-' that lost me. "Harry" was fine as far as charismatic dicks go, but to dismiss Caitlin's husband and for her to 'whatever' this asshole's comment? Ronnie may not have been a PhD, but he wasn't just some guy. He helped build the reactor to Thawne's specifications. (Yeah, it bugs that no one will admit that Thawne was their Wells and actually put the blame on the correct person. "Their" Wells was never a Wells, so quit saying that name, Show.) I was fully expecting Harry to plunk Light's helmet onto Cisco's head to trigger a vision. While I might've loved the sight, I am glad they didn't actually do that. This episode was brought to you by: the concept of facing your fears and, as all this season no doubt, by the number 2. In case you couldn't tell from all the repetition in the dialogue. If Patty could tell that Barry was blind, because she seems to live in the world, why did she not say anything sooner? Barry's stumblebum thing wasn't that cute and would have made me concerned that he was drunk or otherwise altered. ( Patty mentioned just such an encounter with an ex, too.) Why Barry didn't lead off with "I had an eye appointment earlier" confused me as well. If Patty is supposed to be cool enough to empty her clip into the shark guy, surely she can understand about an eye appointment or rescheduling a fancy, proper date and go to freakin' Jitters or a sports grill. Yet this awesome cop has self-esteem issues enough to let a poorly executed cover story continue past a meal? Whatever, Show. Oh, and Patty and Barry had near-death experiences! So has Joe, Iris, Cisco, Caitlin, and now Linda. Also, Cisco's brother, Lisa Snart, Caitlin's now-dead husband and Dr. Stein and loads of other folks just in Central City. In our world, it could be more rare to end up on a date with someone who had a near death experience, but the writers really want Patty to have just scads and scads of stuff in common with Barry. Tonight's Caitlin/Jay almost kiss was less forced than Barry/Patty's meal ( and I don't mind Patty usually!) and that near kiss was pretty forced, imo. Joe and his oh-so-casual feelings towards murder? "It's not murder if the guy's already supposed to be dead." (If not the exact quote, pretty close.) Harry had given no one reason to want to actually murder him, not even Dr. McGee, whom he stole from. The only one with any axe to grind was Jay, and he let his temper get the best of him, not that I wasn't down for a couple of punches. Harry's an a-hole and needs to find a balance, some decaf, just something so he is not as slappable . Kendra! Cisco is named by Barry! Wellses skulk and stalk, as is their way! I was glad that there was movement, but the dialogue almost killed me with the repetition. We're five episodes into the season and there is still talk of varios Harrison Wellses and who was who and when. Hanging a lampshade on how it seems confusing isn't cute. (It also isn't that confusing, like the concept of a multiverse. ) Hopefully, next week we get even more movement in the Zoom story. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672029
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I don't like how Barry acts with Patty either- I don't know what it is, but he seems different and not in a good way. The way he asked for that kiss made him sound reluctant. Idk, I'm just not buying it, it's way too forced and she has no personality traits except to not stop smiling. If they wanted a real nerd the should have cast somebody who looks and acts like one. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672057
bettername2come November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Agree that Barry 2 is probably Zoom, especially since we have people trying to kill their doppelgangers. I was fully expecting Harry to plunk Light's helmet onto Cisco's head to trigger a vision. While I might've loved the sight, I am glad they didn't actually do that. I'm pretty sure he was trying to stress Cisco out to trigger the vision, since he raised the helmet and aimed it at Cisco's chest like Thawne did when he killed him. Also, he called Cisco "Crisco." Which has nothing to do with anything, but amused me greatly. Edited November 4, 2015 by bettername2come 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672066
Cthulhudrew November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) So, things picked up quite a bit with Harrison Wells (and Tom Cavanagh) back in the mix. He's so good. I'm still kind of hoping he actually turns out to be Eobard Thawne somehow. Two questions I have: 1) Wouldn't it have been just as easy (or easy, at least) to give Barry the Meta-Detecting watch and just have him run around the city looking for Light? Even if he found other metas, he knew who he was looking for. 2) Why are these otherwise non-evil, non-murderous Earth-2 people mysteriously compelled to kill their counterparts? And why hasn't anyone addressed it? (Okay, 3- why would the Earth-2 guys refer to their home as Earth-2? That seems odd.) So, apparently Zoom must know about Barry somehow and his connection to Iris. He must either be someone we know or else have some inside information. (Could he be an evil/brainwashed Eddie Thawne?) I'm still convinced Patty is going to end up being her own Earth-2 evil counterpart, out to kill Barry. But man, she looked hot on that date. EDIT: Barry-2 as Zoom! Oh, dang! Can't believe I didn't think of that. It would explain a lot, notably his inexplicable desire to kill his counterpart- because that whole "I have to be the fastest everywhere!" motive wears pretty thin. EDIT2: Also, since we know Zoom has kidnapped Wells' daughter, and I believe has threatened the loved ones of other "Breachers", I'm guessing Wells has actually been sent to kill Barry, too, and is just infiltrating the team to do so? That's gonna go over well when/if it comes out. EDIT2: One last question: Why "Doctor" Light? The DC universe versions it fits- they held degrees. Does Linda Park- either world's- have a Doctorate in something? Journalism? Edited November 4, 2015 by Cthulhudrew 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672072
Sakura12 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) As for Well's app, I'm thinking Killer Frost if she's not Earth 2 Caitlin is not going to be a meta human. She'll get her powers another way. They are starting to branch out that others can have abilities. The Hawks aren't metas. With Iris, I don't really get why they are keeping them apart. The EP's said it was because she's mourning Eddie. Not that I can see, I haven't seen her mourn Eddie at all. If they are going to say things like that they need to show it. What they are showing me is that Iris has moved on and seems happy with her life. And her Barry act like they are co-workers, not best friends. I'm hoping with Linda seeing her evil doppelganger that she gets more involved in the story. I want to see her and Iris investigating things together. Maybe she can talk to Linda about losing her fiance. Or talk about anything really. I'm not liking Patty because she's taking away from Iris's screen time and not adding anything to the show. I suppose we should be grateful that Joe told Iris about Wells and didn't want to keep it a secret to protect her. However, Team Flash, especially Joe better not be ragging on Oliver for killing people. They killed 2 Earth 2 metas and Joe tried to murder Wells and told Iris that murdering him would be okay. He's a different Wells and so far has done nothing wrong that they know of. Edited November 4, 2015 by Sakura12 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672096
Cthulhudrew November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Don't they have a metahuman wing in Iron Heights? Might want to put that to some use beside Captain Cold. Good point. Although I think the reason they didn't this time is their plan to use her (somehow?) to lure out Zoom. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672099
iRarelyWatchTV36 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 So Jay Garrick is a big coward. "He always 'ran away'", and not only that, but was (supposedly) significantly slower than Barry... Yeah, not buying it. Although I think the whole Barry/Patty thing is wrong, because "its just so much a 'CW trope'", I will truthfully admit she was looking hella attractive for their date. Really wish they would tone down the whole 'nerdy awkwardness' thing they've going between the two though, its just getting painful at this point. This team really is the "kings of forgiveness" of superhero units. I don't care if it isn't 'their' HW, its still a dickish one that seems perfectly ok with using tactics that aren't exactly humane. But hey, despite everything, we're all in with you buddy! And oh, now Barry has a second to be Iris' BFF, when her mother isn't even a part of the storyline this week. Oi vey..... So, color me stupid, but was Light there to actually kill Flash or just be a distraction? It was never made clear by her - despite all the other breachers up-front admitting to being sent & trapped there by Zoom, to kill Flash. She clearly didn't want to kill him, and was perfectly ok with 'running' as evidenced by trying to get away on the train. *insert 'confuzzled' emoji here* This whole Caitlin/Jay thing..... blech. But I guess there has to be something worse than B/P to offset it. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672132
Sakura12 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 So, color me stupid, but was Light there to actually kill Flash or just be a distraction? It was never made clear by her - despite all the other breachers up-front admitting to being sent & trapped there by Zoom, to kill Flash. She clearly didn't want to kill him, and was perfectly ok with 'running' as evidenced by trying to get away on the train. *insert 'confuzzled' emoji here* Yeah, it looked like Linda 2 was leaving and didn't want to kill Barry. But now Team Flash trapped her and are going use her as bait. How exactly are they the heroes in that story? That's why I still hate Barry running around calling himself a hero and being celebrated as one. Heroes don't call themselves heroes. And they do the right thing for everyone, not just something that helps themselves. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672149
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 This whole Caitlin/Jay thing..... blech. But I guess there has to be something worse than B/P to offset it. Lol- yeah really. I think both of these storylines are awful, but man this Caitlin/Jay thing....when you pair up two bad actors you get bad results, period. (And I have no idea why Teddy Sears is falling so flat in this role, because I thought he was really good on Masters of Sex). I think Patty's looks are her only saving grace. People are forgiving how incredibly bland and nothing this character is because Shantel VanSanten looks like a live action barbie doll. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672153
Lady Calypso November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I did find myself laughing at Barry's subplot with being blind. I know it was mostly for his date with Patty, but I like when the show actually goes for humour. Plus, I did think the Barry/Patty date was cute. I know they're not endgame, and I know this is only to get Barry past a certain point and not being single until he gets with Iris. I just wish there was more acknowledgement about Barry/Iris. So, Cisco's secret gets out by Harry. Well, I'm glad his secret is out, but dislike that it had to be Harry to tell them about it. But hey, Cisco gets his cool nickname, so I'm happy. Also, I'm guessing Caitlin's powers are still dormant, or Killer Frost will be Earth 2 Caitlin. I could be fine with Earth 2 Caitlin being Killer Frost. Not everyone has to be a metahuman, but having more female metas would be awesome. Light was absolutely awesome and I love that it was Linda. Iris saves the day; good for her. At least Joe gave her a gun and told her to protect herself, instead of relying on a guy this time to save her. I also want more Linda, that's for sure. I do like Harry, even though he's a total dick. I guess he thinks his daughter is dead, or something. Also, hey Kendra! Glad to see you! Jay/Caitlin still sucks. I still hate that she seems to have all but forgotten about Ronnie. That's the fault on the writers. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672159
Actionmage November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Also, he called Cisco "Crisco." Yes! Best misnomer of the night! EDIT2: One last question: Why "Doctor" Light? The DC universe versions it fits- they held degrees. Does Linda Park- either world's- have a Doctorate in something? Journalism? I hope that has something to do with the name. I love Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi, she's pretty badass. Anyhoo, I am relatively sure it was due to Malese Jow being on contract and not having a lot to do after breaking up with Barry. I liked the outfit and how well Malese seemed to handle powered-Linda! (Okay, 3- why would the Earth-2 guys refer to their home as Earth-2? That seems odd.) Yes! In the comics, there's running jokes about why the "modern" Earth is Earth-1 and the "older" one Earth-2. Maybe the folks from there can tell there'd be sanctimonious pushback, so they defer to their "hosts" just to get to actual information? Harry is the Cordelia Chase of Earth-2, and I kinda love him in those moments. I want Tina to meet him and see what she thinks. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672167
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Was Linda ever really Barry's "girlfriend?" I seem to remember them going on literally two dates. Although I guess to him that means they were in a serious relationship, lol. I'm really not sure why the show doesn't want to use Candice Patton more, because, I gotta be honest here...I think she's the only decent actress on the show. I know that sounds harsh, but to me the men (aside from Teddy Sears this season) are far better actors better than the women they have. Gustin, Valdes, Cavanagh and Martin are all terrific. Panabaker is really bad and possibly getting worse (I ignored it last year but now it's starting to bother me), VanSanten registers no spark whatsoever, and boy, the less said about the woman they cast for Iris's mom, the better. Malese Jow is okay (although next to DP and SVS she looks better already). I'm not saying Patton is on the level of EBR or anything, but when they do give her somewhat longer scenes (which is inexplicably rare), she does well, like last week with the deadbeat mom. I would think they would at least respond to that aspect of her. Edited November 4, 2015 by Ruby25 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672176
iRarelyWatchTV36 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Lol- yeah really. I think both of these storylines are awful, but man this Caitlin/Jay thing....when you pair up two bad actors you get bad results, period. (And I have no idea why Teddy Sears is falling so flat in this role, because I thought he was really good on Masters of Sex). I wouldn't say it's that, per se, but more like... Jay/Caitlin still sucks. I still hate that she seems to have all but forgotten about Ronnie. That's the fault on the writers. That is my biggest thing with it all. We know there was some bit of a time skip between the time Ronnie died in the singularity and when Jay showed up, but Caitlin was almost immediately smitten with him [Jay] at first glance. I mean, WTH? Where's the "ice queen" who was so closed off when she thought Ronnie was dead the first time, after the PA exploding?? Dumb and not-remembering-character-traits-on-your-own-show writing. Was Linda ever really Barry's "girlfriend?" I seem to remember them going on literally two dates. He couldn't handle her anyways... she caused him premature excited speed vibrations. Edited November 4, 2015 by iRarelyWatchTV36 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672180
dirtypop90 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Really liked blind Barry. My only issue with B/P is the lack of sexual chemistry and they get a wee bit too much screen time. No problem with Barry no longer pining over Iris but a bit weird to watch them speaking about his date so casually. I couldn't even tell that he used to be into her. I liked Iris's scenes this ep. I do wish the writers would allow her to show emotions for more than one ep. though. She's just over everything (barry, mom, eddie) so quickly! And if she's not, I don't have a clue as to how she is feeling. This is a problem if she is supposed to be the leading lady. Still like Linda and wish she could stay. Edited November 4, 2015 by dirtypop90 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672191
Cthulhudrew November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I still think there was some good chemistry between Caitlin and Barry last season. Better than he's had with most of the other love interests they've given him. This Jay/Caitlin pairing has been telegraphed from episode 1, but it definitely feels forced. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672204
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Really liked blind Barry. My only issue with B/P is the lack of sexual chemistry and they get a wee bit too much screen time. No problem with Barry no longer pining over Iris but a bit weird to watch them speaking about his date so casually. I couldn't even tell that he used to be into her. Yeah, I don't think we're going to get that with him and anybody. I've reached the conclusion that as good as he is, he's just not capable of projecting that kind of chemistry with an actress. The only time I ever saw anything like that was the early scenes on the roof with him and Iris when he was disguised as The Flash. Maybe that bodes well for when he and Iris get together, or maybe it had something to do with the mask, I don't know. Edited November 4, 2015 by Ruby25 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672206
TV Anonymous November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Don't they have a metahuman wing in Iron Heights? Might want to put that to some use beside Captain Cold. Captain Cold is not a meta human. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672228
Commando Cody November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I would have accepted Barry and Felicity getting together. I thought they were good together on Arrow. I am so happy to see Harrison Wells again. I don't care if he's a dick. I loved the "Crisco" line. How much of a time jump have we gone through? I thought Caitlin's husband just died. She's already hitting on some new guy. That was a pretty fast turn around. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672235
dirtypop90 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Yeah, I don't think we're going to get that with him and anybody. I've reached the conclusion that as good as he is, he's just not capable of projecting that kind of chemistry with an actress. The only time I ever saw anything like that was the early scenes on the roof with him and Iris when he was disguised as The Flash. Maybe that bodes well for when he and Iris get together, or maybe it had something to do with the mask, I don't know. IA it was there during the roof scenes. (I actually think we talked about this in another thread) And tbh I thought he had more chemistry in that one scene with CP than during the date scene with Patty. And yea I guess it does bode well for Iris/Barry. But it's a bit odd to me. Since Barry/Iris did grow up in a house together I expected less sexual chemistry between them (whether he's wearing a mask or not) than with his current love interests because they should be "new" and "exciting" so expect the relationships to be lust-driven, but nope, I don't feel the lust. It could also be CP. I do think she oozes a bit more sex appeal or she feels a bit more "grown up" than the other female actresses in their roles. So when she was playing opposite GG as the flash, she was able to generate some heat with him by playing up the lust on Iris's part for the Flash. I know looks are subjective so I'm not talking physical attractiveness. Edited November 4, 2015 by dirtypop90 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672240
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 IA it was there during the roof scenes. (I actually think we talked about this in another thread) And tbh I thought he had more chemistry in that one scene with CP than during the date scene with Patty. And yea I guess it does bode well for Iris/Barry. But it's a bit odd to me. Since Barry/Iris did grow up in a house together I expected less sexual chemistry between them (whether he's wearing a mask or not) than with his current love interests because they should be "new" and "exciting" so expect the relationships to be lust-driven, but nope, I don't feel the lust. I don't either. I don't know what that's about. I guess it can't happen with every actor, although he presumably knows what it's like to feel lust/attraction in real life, lol. But he just doesn't show that onscreen to me. He's good with just about every other emotion though, that's his one weak spot. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672251
Marie F. November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 And oh, now Barry has a second to be Iris' BFF, when her mother isn't even a part of the storyline this week. Oi vey..... It concerns me that Iris's mother is apparently gone. I mean, that's been her only story up til now. What are they going to do with her until Wally gets here? When exactly does Wally get here and what will they do with her then? I'm imagining that Wally and Barry's relationship will get more attention than Iris/Wally's. So Jay Garrick is a big coward. "He always 'ran away'", and not only that, but was (supposedly) significantly slower than Barry... Yeah, not buying it. I was shocked that they made Jay a coward and actually had him (and Wells) telling Barry that he was a better Flash than Jay. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672299
foreverevolving November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) The ladies were on fire tonight!! Also, am I the only one who got this vibe (no pun intended) that Jay's and Harry mutual dislike runs beyond just the PE? I'm putting my money now that Jay dated/married to Harry's daughter. (ETA: the actress was cast to portray Jesse Quick, a female speedster so.. interesting, and possibly cancels my theory about her and Jay). BTW: Dear flash- I would give anything for one of the people Zoom brings over to be an evil Felicity Smoak... In full on goth look.. I need it to happen, and if you can bring in an evil Oliver as her other half I wouldn't mind one bit :-P also, yea if Zoom isn't Barry E.2 i'll be shock! Edited November 5, 2015 by Chip spoilers 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672300
cynic November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 Lol- yeah really. I think both of these storylines are awful, but man this Caitlin/Jay thing....when you pair up two bad actors you get bad results, period. (And I have no idea why Teddy Sears is falling so flat in this role, because I thought he was really good on Masters of Sex). ... I liked Sears in MoS too. He's so flat here though. As for Panabaker, she's never impressed me. I haven't seen her in anything else, but I think her performance on the Flash ranges from mediocre to cringe-worthy. When she jumped back at the punch, I actually laughed out loud is was so bad. ... I liked Iris's scenes this ep. I do wish the writers would allow her to show emotions for more than one ep. though. She's just over everything (barry, mom, eddie) so quickly! And if she's not, I don't have a clue as to how she is feeling. This is a problem if she is supposed to be the leading lady. ... It's almost like the writers are afraid to give her strong emotions, because it seems like a lot of the fandom roasts her whenever she has an opinion. They really need to get over it and give her a POV and make her more involved in the main storylines. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672309
Ann Mack November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) I agree with this article http://www.docbrowntv.com/flash-season-2-everyday-love-story/ it's like the writers are pushing flawed ships with gigantic holes in them. I'm really disappointed at how they conveniently let Caitlin fawn all over a new guy with her husband and love of her life being dead all of maybe 7 or 8 months now. Yet Iris doesn't even get to mention Eddie and also gets no love interest either. Have these writers really looked at Iris do they really think no one would be trying to get with her? It may be too soon for both of them (but they are only mourning for as long as the writers want them to be mourning) but I'm just not sure why Caitlin gets to at least mention Ronnie, have a POV, and then become horny for another guy and nothing on any of those fronts for Iris. Not sure why they are trying to the point of overkill to pair Barry with a mirror reflection of himself just with breasts either? I am in agreement with this article on so many levels. Edited November 4, 2015 by Ann Mack 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672314
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) It concerns me that Iris's mother is apparently gone. I mean, that's been her only story up til now. What are they going to do with her until Wally gets here? When exactly does Wally get here and what will they do with her then? I'm imagining that Wally and Barry's relationship will get more attention than Iris/Wally's. This is my question too. I noticed tonight how completely overcrowded with characters it's getting- Joe of all people only had two short scenes! But with Wells back, and the Wells/Jay thing, and Patty and Kendra now...Iris is getting kinda shafted because of this, but now Wally's going to come on, and not just a guest star but as a series regular! I think somebody's gotta go to make room for him, don't you? Iris will likely be heavily involved with that, as will Barry and Joe. I'm thinking Patty's the one who's out by then, since she has no powers, and basically exists to get Barry laid (imo). Once that's done, Jay's still got a big arc to play out, so I'm figuring she's the disposable character here. And Linda, if they want to keep her around (which they should because it gives Iris an actual, regular setup at the newspaper) is supposed to be a major figure in Wally's life, so there's another female addition (when they need her) right there. Edited November 4, 2015 by Ruby25 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672319
dirtypop90 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) ^ Are we supposed to think Barry's a virgin? Is that why it is seemingly so important that he sleeps with Patty (anyone) before he gets with Iris? or is this more about letting the audience see him have a relationship since we saw Iris with Eddie? I can't tell. Edited November 4, 2015 by dirtypop90 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672325
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) ^ Are we supposed to think Barry's a virgin? Is that why it is seemingly so important that he sleeps with Patty (anyone) before he gets with Iris? or is this more about letting the audience see him have a relationship since we saw Iris with Eddie? I can't tell. They haven't said it explicity, but they have indicated for a long time (and did again last week) that he's never dated anyone besides Linda, and we know nothing happened with her. So yeah, I kinda do think that's what this is about (I guess there was the high school gf Becky Cooper, but aside from that, nada). They want us to know Barry's had sex with at least one person before Iris. Edited November 4, 2015 by Ruby25 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672335
Jack Kerouac November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 They haven't said it explicity, but they have indicated for a long time (and did again last week) that he's never dated anyone besides Linda, and we know nothing happened with her. So yeah, I kinda do think that's what this is about (I guess there was the high school gf Becky Cooper, but aside from that, nada). We know he dated Becky Cooper, right? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672351
Ruby25 November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 (edited) Yeah, but nobody since? And there's always some ambiguity about a high school relationship being serious or not. They kinda made it seem like that was a joke. Edited November 4, 2015 by Ruby25 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672357
VCRTracking November 4, 2015 Share November 4, 2015 I'm so glad Well's daughter turned out to be alive. I thought she might be dead by the way he acting and his obsession with Zoom. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/33977-s02e05-the-darkness-and-the-light/#findComment-1672368
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