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S31: Ponderosa


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I like Joe out there. He enjoys the game and is a good person. He is quietly intense as opposed to Stephen's nervous intense. I understand where he is coming from, he is a challenge beast and cannot avoid that. He is too much of a competitor to throw challenges and he had a reputation coming in that could not be ignored. From his perspective, the idea of voting out the strong is annoying because that is who he is.


I would love to see him back for a third season but not for a few years. Give him some time to find the strategist in him. He has a great social game and an excellent physical game but he needs to figure out the strategy.

  • Love 7

It doesn't seem they gave him anything substantive.  It makes me wonder if it would be considered an unfair advantage. 

That was my thought as well. I think if Medical gave Joe (or any other player in a similar situation) anything beyond the minimum required to stabilize him and get him back on their feet, it could quite easily be considered an unfair advantage - similar to Production slipping him extra food.

My opinion - if you can't correct the problem, the survivor has to be pulled.  They could have given him oral glucose gel and brought his sugar back to normal, and then he exerted himself enough getting back to camp to drop it again.  Plus, living primarily off of rice is going to yo-yo the blood sugar of someone sensitive to hypoglycemia.


I agree that Joe's statement may have been influenced by low blood sugar.  I used to occasionally experience hypoglycemia when I worked the night shift.  It should have been obvious, but instead I would get irritable, a little confused, then too nauseated to even eat my dinner.  Once a fellow nurse had to actually wrestle with me to test my blood sugar.


My sister-in-law was a poorly-controlled Type 1 diabetic - and when her blood sugar numbers went in the toilet, describing her as "mentally spastic" would be charitable in the extreme (another term which pops to mind is "psycho"). So I have no problems whatsoever giving Joe a pass on a minor degree of emotional display.


If Andrew thought about bringing hair dye, he probably dismissed it with a "of course I won't get a chance to dye it because I'll make it all the way through to Final Tribal Council."

If your one personal item for a Survivor run is a bottle of hair dye, I'd strongly question whether you should be out there in the first place. And I truly doubt anyone has ever seriously investigated the logistical difficulties of scoring a bottle of Grecian Formula in Cambodia.

That being said - shoulda lost the hat, d00d. You missed the Cobain Train by a couple of decades at least.

  • Love 6

Regarding Joe's painting of the sailboat...if I were a member of that Ponderosa, I would certainly ask him if he'd paint something for me to take back home and frame, as a personal souvenir of our time on Survivor.  I have little artistic talent, and seeing him paint that picture with nothing but what looked like a watercolor set you might find in a child's art kit was pretty cool.


If I ran a charity, I'd be on the horn soliciting free paintings to auction off.  I'm involved with an animal shelter whose dogs are rescued exclusively from county shelter death rows.  They do a yearly fundraiser with silent auction, but for some reason I don't think these people are into Survivor.

  • Love 2

If I ran a charity, I'd be on the horn soliciting free paintings to auction off.  I'm involved with an animal shelter whose dogs are rescued exclusively from county shelter death rows.  They do a yearly fundraiser with silent auction, but for some reason I don't think these people are into Survivor.


I know that the auction off memorabilia after the season is over, but I was thinking that maybe they should throw some of Joe's artwork in there.  I've seen people ask him about it, and right now especially since he was one this season they might be able to bring in some money for it.  I saw him say he was going to make a painting and sell it with the money going to Terry's family.  I know people who aren't into Survivor, but they would probably go for one of his paintings.  He's got a really great gift.

  • Love 4

I bet Joe's jewelry career just got a big boost.  


That was my thought as well. I think if Medical gave Joe (or any other player in a similar situation) anything beyond the minimum required to stabilize him and get him back on their feet, it could quite easily be considered an unfair advantage - similar to Production slipping him extra food. 

I wonder if they give the rest of the players some sugar cubes or juice or whatever they gave Joe, to even it out.  

If your one personal item for a Survivor run is a bottle of hair dye, I'd strongly question whether you should be out there in the first place. And I truly doubt anyone has ever seriously investigated the logistical difficulties of scoring a bottle of Grecian Formula in Cambodia.


I don't know if they still do personal "luxury" items on the island--they haven't shown that for years--but, though they are often shown pawing through the packaged toiletries they get when they arrive at Ponderosa and are about to shower, with exclamations that seem to indicate the toiletries are production-provided, I always assume that if there were special needs like oh, contact solution, watercolors, hair dye, ugly knit hats, etc., they would either have been allowed to request them or to pack their own, just like they pack extra clothes for Ponderosa.  I'm sure the producers vet everything, but it's not like they only have only one item they personally own at Ponderosa.  


I meant he would have packed it for Ponderosa himself, if his hubris didn't make him assume that he would not get a chance to dye it because he wouldn't have any time in Ponderosa.

I absolutely disagree that crying is a sign of weakness.  People can only stand so much before they break, and to Fishbach's credit, he didn't quit.  The non-stop rain, the horrid state of his feet and the lack of sleep had to be bad enough, but to add having awful stomach cramps and diarrhea on top of all that?  Something's gotta give.  Crying is a way to relieve stress, so if crying about it a bit helped him decompress and move on, more power to him.  He didn't quit and continued giving it his all, and that's what's important.


+1.  And I don't think anyone has a leg to stand on to judge if they haven't been in the same position.  (Even if they have, I would still not agree with their calling out another contestant for crying, but at least they would be able to make the argument without looking like they were all talk.)


Quitting Survivor is unforgivable and unacceptable.


I know you stood up for the "right to cry", but I think this is going too far as well.  To me, it comes across like someone saying "well, if I were there I would have tackled that gunman, instead of cowering in fear like those wussies did".  It's not credible if you weren't put to the test.  The Monday morning quarterbacking from the peanut gallery, from people watching the show (presumably) in climate-controlled comfort and with access to all the food they need, just isn't credible to me.


IMO that's harsh. Ultimately, it is a game show that involves enduring significant stress as a gamble that there will be a huge pay off at the end. If someone, upon embarking on the experience, decides that the stress isn't worth the gamble, that's certainly their right.


Yes, and not just their right (since you got pushback that agreed it was their right, but still denounced it), but something no one should judge (or have any credibility in doing so) unless they have gone through it themselves for 39 days.  IOW talk is cheap, walk a mile in their shoes, etc.

Edited by SlackerInc
  • Love 4

I don't have a problem with quitters that truly couldn't deal with the conditions, like Kathy from Micronesia(?), or Jenna quitting over misgivings about leaving her dying mother.  I have a problem when they quit after they know their chance of winning is slim to none, so then it's not worth the suffering.  If everyone did that, the show would lose the whole underdog tribe at every merge.  And I have a problem with quits like Jonny Fairplay, where he took a slot from someone to play 3 days and then volunteer to be voted out.  



Lost 11 lbs.  She got voted out on the 4th of July, so arrived at Ponderosa to a fireworks display (which terrified Stephen).  No one was happy to see her, but she didn't completely ignored.  I may not have like Abi, but I'm glad people were big enough to not entirely ignore her.  I felt like there was as much focus on Abi as there was everyone else.


Honestly, I think this was my favorite Ponderosa vid.  Stephen says they expected Abi to cause conflict and were bracing themselves, yet it was Kass and Savage fighting like an old married couple over Tasha.  Wiglesworth and Abi had to bunk together, and they hate each other (but Ciera ended up rooming with Abi instead).  This was better than the episode tonight.  They really hit on what Abi's problem is, in that she takes things in ways they aren't meant and uses that against people.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 3

A lot of the exit interviews have said Tasha was getting a great edit which didn't really represent her acuratly. I think Savage is the only one who has spoken nicely about her. So, considering the source I think I might agree with the majority on this one. I'm not really sure what they could have left out in Tasha's edit but it must have been a lot. It was funny when Abi was eating her burger and it was Savage & Kass who were having the fight and causing the tension. Also, beanie is still apart of Ponderosa. Oddly enough, I was at my local Costco and they were selling beanies in a 2 pack. The first person I thought of was Savage and no, I didn't buy one. LOL!!!

Edit to add: Abi looked pretty with her amazing hair and body.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 6

Has anyone had bad words for Tasha other than Varner (who's not on jury) and Kass? I don't recall seeing Tasha come up that much other than in terms of being tight with Jeremy.


They really hit on what Abi's problem is, in that she takes things in ways they aren't meant and uses that against people.
I feel bad for Abi because she seems so unaware of what she actually does. But at least she had Ciera and Kass there to be legitimately friendly with in the beginning.


Shallow comment alert... is anyone else finding Stephen to be really cute now that he's gained some weight back and doesn't look like he's on death's door? 

  • Love 4

Has anyone had bad words for Tasha other than Varner (who's not on jury) and Kass? I don't recall seeing Tasha come up that much other than in terms of being tight with Jeremy.



Abi calling Tasha fake, maybe? Because that was what instigated this particular round of Savage/Kass sniping on the Tasha topic.


I feel bad for Abi because she seems so unaware of what she actually does.

Purely a hunch on my part, but I'd hazard a guess that self-awareness might possibly be one of Abi's major weak points.


But at least she had Ciera and Kass there to be legitimately friendly with in the beginning.

At least from Ciera's perspective, we know what Abi brings to the table - namely, wardrobe and cosmetics.  ;)

  • Love 3

know you stood up for the "right to cry", but I think this is going too far as well.  To me, it comes across like someone saying "well, if I were there I would have tackled that gunman, instead of cowering in fear like those wussies did".  It's not credible if you weren't put to the test.  The Monday morning quarterbacking from the peanut gallery, from people watching the show (presumably) in climate-controlled comfort and with access to all the food they need, just isn't credible to me.


There's 30 seasons of shows to pull from. If you don't know what you shouldn't sign up. This show is voluntary, and you're pulling a spot from somebody else who wants to be on. So yea, quitting is quite a despicable thing to do at this point.


So if they're already running out of bungalows in ponderosa? Does that mean that if Tasha Kimmi or Kelley are voted out next that they're sleeping in the sand? :o

  • Love 2

Best Ponderosa video this season!  


So Abi's mother has told her she is a fighter, for her entire life.  A questionable message but hey, it worked.  So kudos?  


Kass and Andrew fighting was a treat I did not expect to get.  Thank you!  for a  refreshing change from the level headed mature attitude that prevailed. *


ETA. * this is sarcasm for the humor impaired. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I am watching Abi's Ponderosa. I love how she comments that she wanted to be seen differently but that she would never be able to get past her reputation of being annoying. Never mind that she was annoying. And then the idea that you cannot play this game honestly. I guess honestly meant being a bitch to peoples face. I think she might be very, very clueless as to how her behavior is perceived because she really doesn't get it.


There is a difference between being a fighter and a lunatic and, well, a bitch. There are ways to fight without being acerbic (is that the word that I am looking for?)


Kass is still Kass. Andrew is still Andrew. Kass is determined that Tasha will not win this game. Whatever the hell happened between the two of them is really, really deep. I actually agreed with Andrew. Kass is the one who is harping and he says something and Kass jumps on him. I think that Kass's grudge is pretty damn deep.

  • Love 4

I'll actually miss Abi from the entertainment  point of view.  Not being particularly smug or arrogant she didn't trigger my personal peeve points so I sort of liked her. I still had to laugh at her saying she entered the game wanting to lose her reputation as most annoying Survivor ever, so, day one, what does she do?  Bug every single person, over and over, about her poopy-pants bracelet. Heh.


Kelly Wigglesworth should get over herself.  I gave her the benefit of the doubt the last Ponderosa, thinking we hadn't seen everything, but now we have and honestly, the sort of person who maintains a stone cold bitch face while everyone around her is smiling, is just plain ugly to me. 

  • Love 9

And do you honestly think Abi didn't do something to get those comments? I get it, there are two sides to every story. Got it. But listening to Abi in her interviews and what she has to say it is pretty clear to me that she thinks that her comments are blunt and doesn't see them as rude or demeaning or childish.


Will and Dan and Joaquin argued last season that Shirin was disliked by folks for good reason and I didn't quite by that because of the people who were making the argument. How many months later and Shirin is no longer talking with the vast majority of the Season 30 cast and has even bad mouthed Joe on twitter. Which makes me rethink some of the comments that we heard last year from Will, Dan, and Joaquin.


And yes, it pains me to say that.


We are now into two seasons with Abi and the story from other players is the same. The comments about how hard she is to live with, how much a pain in the ass she is, and how she needs to be wrangled and handled at all hours. We saw some pretty bad behavior in her first season and have seen even worse this season. Her own allies talk about how hard it is to work with her.


So how many people do we have to hear the same thing from before we start to believe that there is some truth to it? I get that Abi is probably a good person to be around if she likes you and you are always kind to her. I think she is the type of person to turn on someone the second she thinks they are not being loyal to her and that her bite is pretty damn severe.


I have not met her and I will probably never meet her. I wish her the best but I wonder if one day she is going to look at all that has been said and honestly try and figure out why it was said and see that there is a pattern and that maybe, just maybe, how she interacts with people, especially in highly stressful situations, is problematic.

  • Love 12

It's very confusing to me how she revels in her villain role when it gets her attention or makes her feel important, but then whines about people's rude comments afterwards as if she has no idea where they come from.  I wish someone who cared for her and whom she trusted implicitly, so she wouldn't get paranoid and disbelieve their comments, would sit down with her and go over the most egregious footage.  "Sure, you and Peih Gee don't get along.  I'm sure she can be annoying.  But--now don't argue back, listen to what I'm saying--watch this footage where Peih Gee and Spencer[?] are talking about a fire, and you come over seemingly already in attack mode and speak to Peih Gee in a belligerent non sequitur.  And look here where you act like you don't know why someone is upset--almost like gaslighting them.  How would you feel if someone did this to you?"  etc. etc.  That's if she truly wants the answer.  I don't believe she does.

Sure, Kass can be an instigator, but Savage is a whiner.  A trial lawyer can't take statements made by a fellow trial lawyer without whining and fussing?  (Fair warning, I like Kass, dislike Savage).

  • Love 6

I think Kass is bashing Tasha pretty hard core in Ponderosa and Andrew tried to defend her once and Kass tore into him. I am not an Andrew fan but the context of that argument was that Kass is very anti-Tasha and Andrew had the audacity to defend Tasha.


I can fully understand why Kelly and Stephen would try and hide from most of these folks at Ponderosa. There are some huge egos and agendas. I don't think this was a fun group to hang out with. Ciera and Abi got along in the game so I think they will have a good time. Abi seems to dislike the same people as Kass and they are both pretty clueless as to how their treatment of others caused them issues in the game and so they will be good hanging out.


I don't think it is the toxic enviroment we have seen in past years but I don't think it is fun or welcoming.

  • Love 1

I can't get into specifics (nor would I) but a lot of snide backhanded remarks were thrown Abi's way. It would make anyone bristle and fight back.

And yeah, Wigglesworth, get over yourself.



So maybe Wigglesworth was tossed some backhanded comments resulting in her cold attitude.  **shrug**  


I am not trying to be a smart ass here.  I know you see a side of Abi we did not access.  But what is defense for one, applies to everyone. 


My point is, maybe Abi instigated those comments with her behavior.  I have a hard time believing she is an innocent victim.  It doesn't surprise me to hear that she is blaming others for her annoying behavior.  


I do agree that Wiggles is acting cold and a tad haughty.  It doesn't surprise me because it is consistent with her stand off-ish behavior in the game.  


I think we are seeing a truer picture of these people when the game is no longer afoot.  

  • Love 9

Does anyone care to speculate about Kass's issues with Tasha?


I think the answer lies on the editing room floor.  They are both strong willed and probably butted heads a lot.  Hopefully we will hear more about that in Kass' after interview when this concludes.  I am curious, too.  


I like Kass now that I have seen her in Ponderosa!  Didn't think that would happen.  

  • Love 1

Wigglesworth strikes me as a loner in real life. She moved to Mexico, she has no internet or television at her current home. She is someone who enjoys being out doors and active. I suspect she is a bit of an introvert and not really interested in hanging out with people unless she really likes them and knows them well. She struggled with Ciera's arrival but was joking about Ciera later on.


Given that Abi's line throughout the show has been you fuck with me your dead, I am guessing that Abi was not exactly willing to let things go at Ponderosa. We flat out heard her asking someone about what she did that was annoying. Ciera was not well recieved when she tried to resolve game issues with Andrew and Kelly and she wasn't all that obnoxious about it. I can only imagine how well received Abi's "How was I annoying?" question was and then her response to anyone who gave her an honest answer.

  • Love 5

I thought it was Abi who said that Tasha was fake and then Kass said that it's a very sensitive subject to Savage and Kass doesn't want to elaborate. But Savage acted like a 3 yr old walking out.

And see how his face changed when Abi said that he and Kass are like husband and wife. LOL!

Yup. Saveage responded to Kass's statement was that he defended Tasha once and Kass keeps bringing yo how awful Tasha is. He said something once, Kass says somethign 40 times, and Andrew is the one with the problem? Paraphrasing the tiff. And if that is how it has gone, and to be honest with you I can see it going that way, Andrew is right.


Kass has an ax to grind. I think Tasha does at well. The two of them do not like each other and the animosity is pretty evident. They went at it hard core in camp and Kass has not hid how she felt about Tasha at Ponderosa. Kass has not hid her disdain for Tasha in her exit interviews. I can see Kass not letting the BS go and doing her damndest to make sure Tasha does not have a chance in hell of winning.


Abi was counting on Tasha saving her because Abi saved Tasha at Angkor and was not happy that Tasha took her out. That is from her exit interview in the Bonus Clips. I think Tasha distanced herself from Abi the second she could and never looked back. There is a Tasha clip where Tasha is weighing working with Kelley and Abi or Spencer and Jeremy and it comes down to the fact that she cannot trust Abi and Kelley. Tasha spent enough time with Abi to know that Abi flips on her alliance mates and is not trust worthy, never mind trying to wrangle Abi is a full time job.

  • Love 1

Does anyone care to speculate about Kass's issues with Tasha?


I'm too lazy to go back and find it, but someone in one of the threads here said there was an exit interview by someone (not Kass) (heh, helpful, I know) saying that Kass and Tasha fought at the TC where Kass was voted out and that part of it was because Tasha accused Kass of making racist comments about her. I don't know if that's a credible story or not because I didn't see the interview the OP was referring to. I do remember that in one of Kass's exit interviews, she said she didn't want to get into details but, "Tasha knows what she did and she has to live with it," so clearly there was something specific that Kass is bristling at, but she's not saying what it is and Tasha certainly won't, so we might never know.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 1

Tasha and Kass have had issues since Cagayan that Tasha could not let go. If Tasha claimed Kass made a racist comment I can see why Kass would bristle. Kass is many things but I have not seen much to point to her being racist. That can all be hidden if they want to but none of the interviews or responses from past cast mates point to Kass being racist and I don't think that is something they would be quiet about.

  • Love 4
I am watching Abi's Ponderosa. I love how she comments that she wanted to be seen differently but that she would never be able to get past her reputation of being annoying. Never mind that she was annoying. And then the idea that you cannot play this game honestly. I guess honestly meant being a bitch to peoples face. I think she might be very, very clueless as to how her behavior is perceived because she really doesn't get it.


That made me laugh too. "They said I was the most annoying survivor ever and this time they said I was annoying too. I can't catch a break..." 


Hmmm, who is always present at the scene of the crime, Abi? If 2 completely different groups wind up with the same impression of you in the game, it's you.


This was not a fun Ponderosa video, Savage seems like a major pain to be around (though Kass does seem to be poking the bear as well.) Seems like quite a few of them are over it and want out.   

  • Love 2

It seems that they are having with the accommodation at Ponderosa. Not enough beds / rooms? Next one will be sleeping in a tent.

Conspiracy theory - merge should have not happened at 13.

This is not the first time that they have had people sleeping in tents while others had rooms. I remember Corrine gave up her room so that the Olympic runner whose name I cannot remember would not have to stay in a tent. It was the one decent thing Corrine did.

  • Love 3

I know, Abi, that was "your Ponderosa," but I give it to Kass and Andrew for that hilarious, married-couple sniping fight.  Almost as good as Chris and Logan over on TAR.  Except in this case, Kass knew exactly what she was doing (poking the bear, as someone said upthread).  Andrew is just such an easy "get" I'd have a hard time resisting, too.


Also:  we hardly saw Joe at all in this Ponderosa. I guess they are still hiding the massive conflict that Joe and Abi apparently had.


Kelly needs to get over herself.

  • Love 3
I think Kass is bashing Tasha pretty hard core in Ponderosa and Andrew tried to defend her once and Kass tore into him. I am not an Andrew fan but the context of that argument was that Kass is very anti-Tasha and Andrew had the audacity to defend Tasha.


Oh yeah, I'm very sure Kass was talking about it a lot, but I'm just going by what is shown in the video and how they went about talking about it, and Kass has a matter-of-fact tone and Andrew is sulky and whiny and grouchy.  I'm sure she gets on his nerves, but it's on him as a grown man to figure out how to display that.  And as he has come across in every Ponderosa as a crotchety ol' guy that has to be jollied out of his resentments, well....

  • Love 5
I thought it was Abi who said that Tasha was fake and then Kass said that it's a very sensitive subject to Savage and Kass doesn't want to elaborate. But Savage acted like a 3 yr old walking out.
Yeah, I'm sure Kass has been annoying with anti-Tasha comments given that Savage likes Tasha, but in that specific incident, I thought it was all Savage. Kass seemed like she was trying to warn Abi off that line of conversation, and Savage just bristled (and came across as sensitive).
  • Love 5

I know, Abi, that was "your Ponderosa," but I give it to Kass and Andrew for that hilarious, married-couple sniping fight.  Almost as good as Chris and Logan over on TAR.  Except in this case, Kass knew exactly what she was doing (poking the bear, as someone said upthread).  Andrew is just such an easy "get" I'd have a hard time resisting, too.


Also:  we hardly saw Joe at all in this Ponderosa. I guess they are still hiding the massive conflict that Joe and Abi apparently had.


Kelly needs to get over herself.


I noticed the lack of Joe, and I wondered if maybe something further happened to him medically (another relapse or something-I didn't think he looked that great at tribal).  Anyway, lack of Joe was made up for with the Kass/Andrew fight.  That just rolled together perfectly, from Abi saying Andrew was Kass's Ponderosa husband (I liked the look on Ciera's face more than Andrew's) to Kass picking the fight with Andrew and keeping it going.  Seemed like we saw more of Wiglesworth here than we did all season, too.


LanceM, Abi's Ponderosa vid might as well have been a sitcom about a dysfunctional family.  I'm surprised they didn't make them bunk together for that reason lol

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 3

The whole cast stayed there before the marooning, I thought.  I guess it was in the tents they referred to in this video?  


I have trouble believing Kass, even if she was racist, would actually say anything racist on Survivor.  She knows how to control her speech.  However, I can totally see Tasha getting riled up and claiming she had.  


I didn't see Kass instigating.  Abi insulted Tasha, Kass calmly said "I'm not commenting on Tasha, but Andrew doesn't want to hear it..."  Andrew went off.  I'm glad Kass defends her right to speak against Tasha.  This is the jury.  They can't ignore the game because Andrew doesn't share their opinion and doesn't want to hear it.  


I don't think Abi needs taught self-awareness or normal human behavior.  I think she's a good actor and is playing the role of the poor, misunderstood Survivor villain.  It's pretty funny.  She plays both sides very believably-- the bully and the victim.  

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