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S06.E11: Chaos in the Cul-de-Sac

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I just can't see it being from the kids on their own.  


I agree as well. These kids are constantly fed what to do and think. Just look at the scene where Robyn is trying to get them to say 'because we love Kody' and ends up having to flat out them them 'Because you love him, right???' and they bob their heads yes obediently. I think they were told over and over by Robyn that it would be good to give this present to Meri so they did. I don't think there was anything malicious or intentionally insulting on the part of the kids. Robyn, on the other hand, enjoys the dig in reminding Meri that she used to be top wife but isn't anymore all the while acting like she's so grateful to Meri for the sacrifice. By continuing to focus on her supposed gratitude, Robyn effectively handcuffs Meri and makes it difficult for her to complain about her situation. If she complains about being duped into this, they will just throw the 'but it's for the children' in her face and she instantly becomes the bitch.

  • Love 3

My understanding is if the wife dies first she hangs around in some other place until her husband dies, and then if she was a good sweet wife and he still cares for her, he will call her by a secret name known only to the two of them, and will "pull her through the veil."

if he doesn't remember her secret name, or doesn't want her to join him on his planet, she doesn't get to go.

The husband is the priest, teacher, savior and redeemer. Nobody gets to the kingdom except through him.

The women really are stuck. One poster here said something like "I wish these women would realize they don't need a man," as if this were all a secular, economic problem. But it is a religious problem. It would be like telling a Christian "I wish you would realize you don't need Jesus." They can't leave their marriages without leaving their religion.

I don't know where the women spend eternity if they don't join Kody on Uranus, but it must not be pleasant,

  • Love 6

I wonder if Solomon and plyg fetus are going to get plaques too, we can't have the little prince feeling left out that his siblings got plaques and he didn't.


I'm sure there will be a Very Special Episode next season as a follow-up to this episode where Robyn breaks down crying that her newborn wasn't included in the plaque, so they will have to commission the artist to create a new one. In true Brown style, they'll contact the artist at 10:00 in the morning, but need the plaque done by 10:30, because that's when their awesome plyg cake is coming for celebration #14, 378. And they'll need new dresses made for the wives, so they'll contact a dressmaker and ask her to whip something up for them in 15 minutes, because that's just Brown chaos for ya!

Edited by egilsdottir
  • Love 6

I just can't see it being from the kids on their own.  I didn't look that closely at it, but it seemed like it is probably less expensive than the ring in the jewelry commercial just because I don't recall the diamonds being large at all.. I just don't see the kids thinking this up on their own or being able to pay for it. I don't fault the kids at all for this.   there should have been gifts to Meri, Janelle, and Christine for their acceptance of Robyn's kids.  A gift to Meri for the divorce should have been separate.  I just can't stand Robyn so maybe that's why I want to blame her for this and why I think it is an insult to Meri.

I agree, this is from the adults and it's glaringly obvious.  From the kids, it would have been handmade cards, maybe a a knickknack, but definitely something heartfelt/sincere.  Something for the whole family....all their new sibs.  

My understanding is if the wife dies first she hangs around in some other place until her husband dies, and then if she was a good sweet wife and he still cares for her, he will call her by a secret name known only to the two of them, and will "pull her through the veil."

if he doesn't remember her secret name, or doesn't want her to join him on his planet, she doesn't get to go.

The husband is the priest, teacher, savior and redeemer. Nobody gets to the kingdom except through him.

The women really are stuck. One poster here said something like "I wish these women would realize they don't need a man," as if this were all a secular, economic problem. But it is a religious problem. It would be like telling a Christian "I wish you would realize you don't need Jesus." They can't leave their marriages without leaving their religion.

I don't know where the women spend eternity if they don't join Kody on Uranus, but it must not be pleasant,


And that's the one aspect of this show that I was looking for and never got.  Where is the religion in all of this? At this point, I don't see any at all, which to me makes this entire situation all the more strange.  

My understanding is if the wife dies first she hangs around in some other place until her husband dies, and then if she was a good sweet wife and he still cares for her, he will call her by a secret name known only to the two of them, and will "pull her through the veil."

if he doesn't remember her secret name, or doesn't want her to join him on his planet, she doesn't get to go.

The husband is the priest, teacher, savior and redeemer. Nobody gets to the kingdom except through him.

The women really are stuck. One poster here said something like "I wish these women would realize they don't need a man," as if this were all a secular, economic problem. But it is a religious problem. It would be like telling a Christian "I wish you would realize you don't need Jesus." They can't leave their marriages without leaving their religion.

I don't know where the women spend eternity if they don't join Kody on Uranus, but it must not be pleasant,

Thank god I'm an atheist.  I'd hate to be Janelle or Christine waiting for eternity for Kody to call for them.

  • Love 5

I agree, this is from the adults and it's glaringly obvious.  From the kids, it would have been handmade cards, maybe a a knickknack, but definitely something heartfelt/sincere.  Something for the whole family....all their new sibs.  


And that's the one aspect of this show that I was looking for and never got.  Where is the religion in all of this? At this point, I don't see any at all, which to me makes this entire situation all the more strange.  


I don't think there is any actual religion to this. FLDS polygamists are highly religious. They suffer their unimaginable lives because they believe down to their core that they have no choice. Mothers offer up their daughters for rape and abuse or send their sons away because they believe God requires it of them. While that is horrible and disturbed, the belief is real. 


I see none of that kind of intense belief here. By that I don't mean just because they don't believe in rape and abuse. I really don't think there is a depth in their religious beliefs. The wives have a bit of religious beliefs but I don't think they are in this because they believe it's the only way. Remember, Meri agreed to become a polygamist because she wanted Kody. This is the church of Kody. For some reason these women want him. I can't wrap my head around it but they do - or at least they did. Now they feel stuck. None of these women, maybe with the exception of Robyn, have any kind of self-esteem.  I'm sure there is a component of not wanting to rock the boat of the kids either. There might be a bit of a religious component for the wives but for Kody it's all about power and ego.

 I'd hate to be Janelle or Christine waiting for eternity for Kody to call for them.


If I was Janelle or Christine I'd be more worried that Kody would call me and I'd be stuck with him for eternity. The lessor planet sounds better to me.

  • Love 8

You don't even need to be an atheist, but a real Bible believer (as I am). They claim to be Christian but then added these extra layers of difficulty to a fairly straightforward idea.

Yes, they have added a lot, like marriage in Eternity, when Jesus stated, very clearly and quoted in both Matthew and Mark, marriage will not exist. Jesus was also pretty clear that nobody gets to the Kingdom except through Him, and never said anything about women needing husbands to go.

When you really study these teachings you can start to see why Mormons were persecuted as heretics by Christians.

They really were driven west in fear for their lives, so they weren't paranoid, people really were out to get them. This led them to create insular communities and develop a siege mentality.

Edited by algebra
  • Love 8


One gets the feeling someone with the ego of kody might be punishing her or exiling her, rather than looking at what caused the whole recent mess or acknowledging his own part in it.


This actually made me laugh.  The idea that Kody would ever even consider that his behavior was a problem is ridiculous.  It's always someone else's fault.

  • Love 4

This actually made me laugh. The idea that Kody would ever even consider that his behavior was a problem is ridiculous. It's always someone else's fault.

Of course it's not his fault, his religion, which he used to bring up in almost every episode as justification for all this, has put him in the position of high priest. He is infallible, like the Pope.

  • Love 2

I'm sure there will be a Very Special Episode next season as a follow-up to this episode where Robyn breaks down crying that her newborn wasn't included in the plaque, so they will have to commission the artist to create a new one. In true Brown style, they'll contact the artist at 10:00 in the morning, but need the plaque done by 10:30, because that's when their awesome plyg cake is coming for celebration #14, 378. And they'll need new dresses made for the wives, so they'll contact a dressmaker and ask her to whip something up for them in 15 minutes, because that's just Brown chaos for ya!

sol didn't get a plaque so make it two.

Thank god I'm an atheist.  I'd hate to be Janelle or Christine waiting for eternity for Kody to call for them.


If I was Janelle or Christine I'd be more worried that Kody would call me and I'd be stuck with him for eternity. The lessor planet sounds better to me.


Doesn't Kody only need three wives to get his own planet?  And now he's got four.  Does he have to 'call' all of them?  Hmmm.  At this point, if they all died today, Kody goes to his planet while the wives wait on the lesser planet and wait for his call.  If he calls Robyn, she'll prance around in her Victoria's Secret undies and they can have hot monkey sex for all of eternity.  She's a lock.


Janelle doesn't require much from him, and she'll take care of the pesky details of running a whole planet in the meantime.  She'll be called, but it'd be hilarious if she ended up taking over the joint and ends up in charge of the place.  I'd love to find out that she eventually banished Kody and Robyn to a tiny planetoid and started a revolution on the celestial plane.  She can swoop in occasionally in a galactic convertible and let them know that she's systematically taking over the other planets and letting the wives banish crappy husbands to similar planetoids, finally taking back their power.  Since Kody and Robyn aren't that smart, she'll have to spell it out in a progress report using small words and lots of drawings done in pencil.


Meri and Christine would be in quite the fix.  For years, Meri was the favorite.  But she caused problems and eventually allowed herself to be supplanted by Robyn.  Then she committed the worst crime of all, she started thinking that there might be someone else out there who she could love instead of Kody.  Kody does not tolerate dissension in the ranks, he doesn't admit to being at fault, and he certainly doesn't want to be rejected in any way.  Kody might reject someone, but if you're one of Kody's harem, you don't reject him.  Meri might just be left on that lesser planet after all.  She might have been the first wife, the legal one, the woman who agreed to polygamy just so she could keep him.  But she also initiated a divorce, never mind that it was because that was what Kody wanted.  After the catfish scandal, Kody is the type to decide that Meri divorced him with the intent of leaving him.  It's a case of "you did what I wanted you to do, but you did it for your own benefit", and Kody doesn't seem like the type of person who will let that go.  Meri's got a lot of ass kissing to do to overcome that kind of 'betrayal'.


Christine was brought in because she really wanted to join the family, but Kody didn't really want her.  She was too chubby for him, but he married her anyway.  Christine's figure might not have been what he wanted, but he managed to impregnate her six times, and she was useful to him in many other ways.  Kody seemed to get along with Christine just fine until Robyn entered the picture.  Suddenly Christine was someone who had to bargain with him just to get him to stop by and see their kids.  He's done everything he can to distance himself from her for several years now.  But when Meri started to distance herself from Kody, and Christine was willing to do everything in her power to stay close to him on any level at all, Christine might just have more value to him than before.


Kody's planet sounds like living on the lesser planet might be more pleasant. 


Can a wife refuse the call?  If he were calling me I'd be saying, "I'm sorry; the number you have reached is not in service, or temporarily disconnected.  Please call back again never."

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 16

SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!  Where did you see this? I sure hope it's more than 'Poor Meri had something bad happen to her because she's a kind polygamist and people are jealous' with no other details.

I suppose they will put their typical hard Brown spin on it.


I almost don't want to watch it and see what happens (but I will).  At this point, although I think Meri made her own bed with a ragingly narcissistic polygamist girly-man, as a fellow human being it's getting more and more difficult to sit on my couch with my glass of wine and my monogamist husband in the other room, and watch what she is going through.


I am, however, extremely curious as to how the other wives will react.  If they actually feel any sort of empathy for Meri, they'd be acknowledging that living a plural life with the Kodester isn't all the sunshine and rainbows they've been proclaiming it to be.  If they come across as "she deserved it for looking outside the marriage," then that will confirm my suspicions that the other wives are not-so-secretly thrilled at Meri's fall from grace, as it elevates them in Kody's beady little eyes.

  • Love 6

It occurs to me that perhaps the religious aspects, which I recall we used to see more often, have been toned down due to pressure from the LDS. The LDS might have rejected Maddie to drive home the point.

I wouldn't be surprised if they took legal action to enjoin the Browns from referring to themselves as Mormons.

As for what happens to these women in the afterlife I don't see what difference it makes if they go to Planet Uranus or Planet Urinal

Edited by algebra
  • Love 2

I'm not holding my breath, even if the address it I'm sure it'll be a) just Meri taking the blame and crying about dragging the family through this b) Kody being indignant about being wronged and how vulgar it is that Meri even considered another man (regardless that he has 4 wives) c) this isn't the America Robyn learned about, how dare Meri look elsewhere for love. D) Christine saying she didn't know women could be bastards and even consider an affair

  • Love 10

I can't help but look back towards the beginning of this show, when Kody and Meri went out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary, and Meri asked Kody how he would feel if she took another husband.  His response, which I remember as clear as day because it made me furious, was "the thought of you with another man sickens me."  


Well, Kody - it's a good thing you've got your pretty new wifey to take your mind off of what Meri did to you and your humongous ego, yes?



  • Love 11
I t ally don't want to have to sit through Kody making his "I feel betrayed" face.


Oh gosh, I just pictured it now. The furrowed brow, the confused/angry look, shaking the werewolf hair back and forth. Ugh....




I can't help but look back towards the beginning of this show, when Kody and Meri went out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary, and Meri asked Kody how he would feel if she took another husband.  His response, which I remember as clear as day because it made me furious, was "the thought of you with another man sickens me."


I think of it every single time, and it makes me so happy. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 6

well regardless of what happens, I still won't be watching.  I'm sure that I'll get every single relevant bit online through all the blogs and recaps. 

I'm right there with you. I'm grateful to the women on this board willing to sit through the disaster for me. I watch about 10 minutes last week. It was the first time in almost 2 years. It was enough to cure me forever.

  • Love 1

My understanding is if the wife dies first she hangs around in some other place until her husband dies, and then if she was a good sweet wife and he still cares for her, he will call her by a secret name known only to the two of them, and will "pull her through the veil."

if he doesn't remember her secret name, or doesn't want her to join him on his planet, she doesn't get to go.

The husband is the priest, teacher, savior and redeemer. Nobody gets to the kingdom except through him.

The women really are stuck. One poster here said something like "I wish these women would realize they don't need a man," as if this were all a secular, economic problem. But it is a religious problem. It would be like telling a Christian "I wish you would realize you don't need Jesus." They can't leave their marriages without leaving their religion.

I don't know where the women spend eternity if they don't join Kody on Uranus, but it must not be pleasant,

Here's the wiki of who can go where and how: http://www.mormonwiki.com/Celestial,_Terrestrial,_and_Telestial_Kingdoms#Telestial_Kingdom


I totally agree that the women are stuck as long as they believe they need a man to be OK with God and go to the highest levels of heaven. What I don't get, is why they think they can just swap husbands, and in Meri's case, be adulterous, and STILL get into heaven, when their religion says adulterers (married people who have relationships with people not their spouse - and in this case, they all still considered Meri spiritually married, if not legally).


Holy crap, they're actually going to address fhe catfish next week!

Probably as close to they'll come to addressing catfish is a trip to Long John Silvers, so Kody can dress like a pirate.



It occurs to me that perhaps the religious aspects, which I recall we used to see more often, have been toned down due to pressure from the LDS. The LDS might have rejected Maddie to drive home the point.

I wouldn't be surprised if they took legal action to enjoin the Browns from referring to themselves as Mormons.

As for what happens to these women in the afterlife I don't see what difference it makes if they go to Planet Uranus or Planet Urinal

Not sure how the LDS can put any pressure on the Browns. They're not LDS. They used to be (and I suspect still are tightly affiliated) with the AUB.

  • Love 2
I'm right there with you. I'm grateful to the women on this board willing to sit through the disaster for me.


Virtual applause to those of you brave enough to report from the Whacky World of Polygamy. I.Just.Cannot.


Have the Brown Clowns ever actually said they were Mormons?  I honestly don't remember.  In my mind their "religion" is Polygamy.  And one where the rules change by the TV ratings and Kody's need to nail somebody.

Virtual applause to those of you brave enough to report from the Whacky World of Polygamy. I.Just.Cannot.

Have the Brown Clowns ever actually said they were Mormons? I honestly don't remember. In my mind their "religion" is Polygamy. And one where the rules change by the TV ratings and Kody's need to nail somebody.


They belong to the AUB, Apostolic United Brethren. They are Mormons.

  • Love 1

Virtual applause to those of you brave enough to report from the Whacky World of Polygamy. I.Just.Cannot.


Have the Brown Clowns ever actually said they were Mormons?  I honestly don't remember.  In my mind their "religion" is Polygamy.  And one where the rules change by the TV ratings and Kody's need to nail somebody.

They've referred to themselves a couple of times as "fundamentalist mormons." They've always seemed pretty loosey-goosey with their standards and rules, whatever they may call themselves. The only true constant seems to be Kody's deep commitment to himself.

  • Love 6


They've referred to themselves a couple of times as "fundamentalist mormons." They've always seemed pretty loosey-goosey with their standards and rules, whatever they may call themselves. The only true constant seems to be Kody's deep commitment to himself.

The fundamental sects have always played loose with their rules and regulations. They can change as the lead prophets change (see: Rulon Jeffs and Warren Jeffs) or as the lead prophet gets wackier and wackier (see: Warren Jeffs). The AUB decided that incest was needed to keep bloodlines pure, so they added in raping...I mean marrying sisters and daughters. You want to know the story about the afterlife on the planets? I'm sure THEY don't even know the real answer. Kody's commitment to himself isn't unique just to him, it is the only constant in the fundamental sects. 

  • Love 1
I am, however, extremely curious as to how the other wives will react.  If they actually feel any sort of empathy for Meri, they'd be acknowledging that living a plural life with the Kodester isn't all the sunshine and rainbows they've been proclaiming it to be.  If they come across as "she deserved it for looking outside the marriage," then that will confirm my suspicions that the other wives are not-so-secretly thrilled at Meri's fall from grace, as it elevates them in Kody's beady little eyes.


Regardless of how they feel in private, I'm sure they're going to present a unified, supportive front on the show.  I can't see them admitting any division among them or lasting conflict with Meri.  I'm sure she'll say she asked for forgiveness and they gave it to her.  They will say they support Meri in her recovery from the episode and the feelings that led her into it.  She'll go on about how her "conflicting feelings" since the divorce made her make some bad decisions that she now regrets, etc., etc.  I'm sure the K-man will say that he and Meri need to go for counseling and that he wants to help her work through her feelings, etc.  It will be more or less a let down, not the scandal that we might be hoping for.

  • Love 8

The fundamental sects have always played loose with their rules and regulations. They can change as the lead prophets change (see: Rulon Jeffs and Warren Jeffs) or as the lead prophet gets wackier and wackier (see: Warren Jeffs). The AUB decided that incest was needed to keep bloodlines pure, so they added in raping...I mean marrying sisters and daughters. You want to know the story about the afterlife on the planets? I'm sure THEY don't even know the real answer. Kody's commitment to himself isn't unique just to him, it is the only constant in the fundamental sects.

I wasn't aware of some of these other sects, the blood feuds and contract killings; these families are like rival organized crime syndicates.


  • Love 2

Just chiming in to say (like several above me) - I appreciate each and every one of you who is still watching and posts on this board.  I made it thru the first two episodes of this season - and at some point during the second episode realized that I just couldn't any more with these people - they are BORING.  heh.  But I do love to log on here to see what is going on with the crazy Browns - well, I love to see you all gnash your teeth about them, your descriptions and reactions are so much better than the damn show!


I MAY cave and watch the catfish episode.  If you look on the TLC site, there is some sort of first look on the Friday before (I don't think was mentioned before apologies if it was).   I'll only watch because like everyone else, I am more interested in how they are going to SPIN it - I already know what happened.  :)


  • Love 2

I"m sure there were a lot of emergency meetings between TLC and the Merry Band of Polys when the catfishing news hit. Should they spin it as a momentary loss of sanity on Meri's part?  Or play it major break up of the group with all of the subsequent breakdowns of the family structure?


The first way would be a total bore. Lots of pontificating on prayer and forgiveness and rebuilding  trust.  These phony religious types (see Duggars and all TV evangelicals) commit all kinds of nasty acts, say they prayed on it, God forgave them, and the world should too.  End of story.  As you said, Snarklepus, there will be lots of brow-furrowing on the part of Kody, some fake ass counseling, and behind the scenes threats from the group to Meri to play along lest they lose their only paycheck.


The second scenario would be more entertaining but would seriously undermine the whole "polygamy is SO wonderful and you stupid monogamists just don't get it" premise.  No more keep sweet crap, no holds barred, no more pretending they support each other.  We all know what a cesspool they live in but will they admit it and lose their ability to talk persection?  They might, if the money is there.


But in either case someone (most likely TLC because these idiots don't have enough brain cells between them to figure it out) has got o know that this circus is ready to fold up its tents.  They are major losers on all sides.  And since Meri is the cause, she'll be tortured any way they spin it, either by having to confess and repent or be kicked to the curb (literally or by shunning) if this happy little band parts ways.

Edited by Kohola3
  • Love 3

There's a third option: Blood Atonement. In addition to polygamy, fundamentalist Mormon sects have this concept of Blood Atonement. (Remember LDS is, in their minds, a watered down version of Mormonism.

The concept is based on the idea that there are some sins so heinous that the blood of Christ isn't enough. (Unlike the latest declaration from the Pope that No sin, even abortion, is too great for God's forgiveness)

In the case of such heinous sins, only shedding the blood of the sinner will save his soul from eternal damnation. And those sins are murder, apostasy, covenant-breaking, adultery, and miscegenation.

Sounds more and more like Islam doesn't it?

Anyway, Meri just might have to be led out into the backyard and executed by firing squad. So her blood will soak into the hallowed ground of the cul-de-sac.


Edited by algebra
  • Love 5

Regardless of how they feel in private, I'm sure they're going to present a unified, supportive front on the show.  I can't see them admitting any division among them or lasting conflict with Meri.  I'm sure she'll say she asked for forgiveness and they gave it to her.  They will say they support Meri in her recovery from the episode and the feelings that led her into it.  She'll go on about how her "conflicting feelings" since the divorce made her make some bad decisions that she now regrets, etc., etc.  I'm sure the K-man will say that he and Meri need to go for counseling and that he wants to help her work through her feelings, etc.  It will be more or less a let down, not the scandal that we might be hoping for.

I'm not even sure I want to see a scandal (although of course that IS what it is).  I want to see some honesty...that this way of life is entirely too hurtful to the women and children and it's ridiculous to think that the jealousy you feel while your "husband" is away 3/4 nights is a character flaw.  

There's a third option: Blood Atonement. In addition to polygamy, fundamentalist Mormon sects have this concept of Blood Atonement. (Remember LDS is, in their minds, a watered down version of Mormonism.

The concept is based on the idea that there are some sins so heinous that the blood of Christ isn't enough. (Unlike the latest declaration from the Pope that No sin, even abortion, is too great for God's forgiveness)

In the case of such heinous sins, only shedding the blood of the sinner will save his soul from eternal damnation. And those sins are murder, apostasy, covenant-breaking, adultery, and miscegenation.

Sounds more and more like Islam doesn't it?

Anyway, Meri just might have to be led out into the backyard and executed by firing squad. So her blood will soak into the hallowed ground of the cul-de-sac.


My Mormon friend told me that, as opposed to mainline Christian thinking, sins were forgiven by the sweating of blood Jesus did in Gethsemane, prior to the Crucifixion...THAT was the blood atonement.  (OK, if that covers it why be crucified....but whatever).  So it is not necessary to go full-on firing squad....some finger pokes might be sufficient.  

  • Love 1

I can't help but look back towards the beginning of this show, when Kody and Meri went out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary, and Meri asked Kody how he would feel if she took another husband.  His response, which I remember as clear as day because it made me furious, was "the thought of you with another man sickens me." 


I remember when he said that and I don't doubt that's what he'll say if they open up about Meri and the catfish, although I am sure that once he sees what the episode does for the show ratings, he might have a change of heart!


I can just see the BS now - "I hate to think that I was the cause of Meri feeling unloved or unwanted in any way that would cause her to be vulnerable to this type of seduction, blah blah blah.  I need to let Meri know that she can come to me with these feelings before anything like this might happen, blah blah blah, snooze".

I think it's simply going to be spun to be an attack on them because they are polygamists and quasi-famous. They will say Meri was targeted and didn't do anything wrong. They will never admit she was actively looking for a new relationship.

Of course they'll skip over the fact that Meri first met "Lindsey"/Jackie at one of the Brown's scammy MLM parties. She began corresponding with Lindsey's boss "Sam" in hopes to get his money. Financial scammer Meri was Catfished -- very poetic.
  • Love 4

So this Sunday, we will be treated to 30 minutes of rehashed-Brown stuff from last week, two or three teasers about the catfish incident interspersed with 27 commercials, and at the very end, Kody's voice will intone "And next week, on a very special Sister Wives..."  Whereupon Meri will say something like, "I just had all these fillings and I didn't know what to do with the fillings, so I did something truly awful..."  CUE DRAMATIC MUSIC.  TO BE CONTINUED.


I can't wait to see if I'm right.


To those of you who can no longer watch this show and look at yourselves in the mirror the next day...I understand.  I am very close myself.  But I have been watching this show since episode 1 and even though I do the walk of shame from my couch after every Sunday's episode, I simply cannot stop.  I think what fascinates me the most now is watching the other wives on the couch when one wife is talking.  Their facial expressions and body language tell the true story of what's going down in the cuddle-sac.  What they say and how they act are just so completely at odds with each other, and yet - I really think they believe that they are continuing to fool their viewers with their vacuous "rainbows and unicorns" Tweets.  It's just all so bizarre.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 13

I have been chewing for days on Christine's Idea that it is great to have sister wives to bitch to about your shared husband. I don't know if I can articulate this clearly but... I would feel too vulnerable to share anything like that. What if you say, "Hubby drives me nuts when he forgets to wipe up the toast crumbs" and another wife says, "Huh, that's weird, at my house he shines the entire counter and mops the floor after bringing me breakfast in bed. That we just had wild monkey sex in." Maybe I'm too competitive.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 16

I have been chewing for days on Christine's Idea that it is great to have sister wives to bitch to about your shared husband. I don't know if I can articulate this clearly but... I would feel too vulnerable to share anything like that. What if you say, "Hubby drives me nuts when he forgets to wipe up the toast crumbs" and another wife says, "Huh, that's weird, at my house he shines the entire counter and mops the floor after bringing me breakfast in bed. That we just had wild monkey sex in." Maybe I'm too competitive.

I would be very afraid to confide in another wife about the hubby for fear that they would take that information straight back to the husband, and then he might skip Thursday night at my house or something.  Although in this particular situation, I'd be more than happy to skip Kody leaving his stank behind in my bedroom.


Plus - and I mean this honestly - is there truly not a huge "ICK" factor with these women, knowing that this man was just sleeping with another woman, and now here he is in your bed?  What is the tenet of their religion that causes the wives to overlook this?  How does polygamy address this, or does it nicely gloss over this detail?  Especially when Robyn would show up with cold sores on her mouth...it's just so BLEHHHHKK.

  • Love 16

Plus - and I mean this honestly - is there truly not a huge "ICK" factor with these women, knowing that this man was just sleeping with another woman, and now here he is in your bed? What is the tenet of their religion that causes the wives to overlook this? How does polygamy address this, or does it nicely gloss over this detail? Especially when Robyn would show up with cold sores on her mouth...it's just so BLEHHHHKK.

I may have this wrong but it gather they believe it is kind of like a test from God - that it makes you a better person to overcome earthly feelings like jealousy. Yeah. How convenient for the men that God came up with yet another concept to make woman feel like they're failing when they need or want more from their part-time husbands.

I guess that really isn't about the ICK factor, though. That part does add to the WTF-ness of this "lifestyle."

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Plus - and I mean this honestly - is there truly not a huge "ICK" factor with these women, knowing that this man was just sleeping with another woman, and now here he is in your bed?  What is the tenet of their religion that causes the wives to overlook this?  How does polygamy address this, or does it nicely gloss over this detail?  Especially when Robyn would show up with cold sores on her mouth...it's just so BLEHHHHKK.


I know, I can only imagine they all have one big yeast infection all the time - Sorry for being gross but it is completely gross to contemplate this garbage.

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How much money is it going to take for David Preston Jessop to do an interview?  WE NEED ONE!


So he "signs away his rights", his name is removed from their birth certificates and then they go and visit him in the same month?!? What???


And the portrait...so creepy. Kody wasn't their dad back then...stop trying to make it happen, Robyn. It's so obvious he only likes Robyn now. And what on Earth is Jessop saying about all this? I feel like Dayton got coerced into this. The kids come back and say they had an amazing time with real dad, but wanted Kody to be their dad so bad. I'm so confused!


Meri has checked out. Who texted Meri in last week's episode? Why show a text and then not say "Oh it's Kody asking if I'm ready!" Why so obviously include a text and not explain it. I can't wait til the next episode now!!

I wonder if Jessop is too smart or too dumb to do an interview.  Too smart in that maybe the AUB has warned him to keep quiet or pay certain consequences.  Maybe they are getting a cut of the TLC gravy train in the form of a tithe or other payments and don't want him ruining the Browns' reputation (lol) and they will lose their show. 


If all the above isn't true then maybe he's too dumb in that he doesn't realize that he might be able to make a few thousand dollars from a rag sheet or two. 

  • Love 3


Plus - and I mean this honestly - is there truly not a huge "ICK" factor with these women, knowing that this man was just sleeping with another woman, and now here he is in your bed?  What is the tenet of their religion that causes the wives to overlook this?  How does polygamy address this, or does it nicely gloss over this detail?  Especially when Robyn would show up with cold sores on her mouth...it's just so BLEHHHHKK.


It's a enormous ICK factor. There is no way they don't feel it. Although I don't believe Kody is actively having sex with any of them other than Robyn at this point, imagine what it's like to be expecting your husband for the night and instead he's too tired because he was up all night banging someone else. 


Imagine how you feel when you find out your husband has gotten someone else pregnant. I also wonder if even amongst themselves they addressed the issue of what it means to all of them of Meri's attempt to find a new man had been successful. If she began a physical relationship with someone else that would really affect all of the wives (and Kody).  If that isn't a problem for any of them they are either bigger morons than I even imagined or they all know Kody doesn't get anywhere near her so it doesn't matter. 

  • Love 5

I wonder if Jessop is too smart or too dumb to do an interview. Too smart in that maybe the AUB has warned him to keep quiet or pay certain consequences. Maybe they are getting a cut of the TLC gravy train in the form of a tithe or other payments and don't want him ruining the Browns' reputation (lol) and they will lose their show.

If all the above isn't true then maybe he's too dumb in that he doesn't realize that he might be able to make a few thousand dollars from a rag sheet or two.

Everything I have ever heard is that Jessop lives off the grid, so I kinda wonder what he actually knows about what is going on, surely someone is telling him how he is being portrayed. I wish I knew what it would take to hear his side though... I'm sure it would put some stuff in a different perspective.

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When it came time to visit the bio-dad Jessop, I think grandparents were also mentioned.  The kids may have actually been staying with Jessop's parents or at least visiting with his extended family.  I think Christine said something like they were "fine people."  I would think the whole Jessop family would be furious with the way David Jessop is treated, and I really can't believe Robyn's said such horrible things about him on television and then packed her children off for two weeks.  The crap she has pulled to alienate her children from their father and his family is going to come back on her someday.  What goes around comes around.

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