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Small Talk: No Pun Intended

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Oh my gosh, from a few pages back Dr. Pol is a terrible horrible vet.  His clinic has been cited several times for problems.  He did a hip surgery for hip dysplasia on a dog without proper anesthetic, when he had it available.  A tail amputation with no anesthetic.I can't bring myself to watch his shows at all.  He was cited for negligence and incompetence.



 A few pages back in this thread?   I am lost, help...:)

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I'll meet her in the morning... My mom blew my cover already about loving the show... So now I have to play it cool.

When I got there today my mom kept saying her doctor had come this morning and she kept just saying "Jenn from the little couple" but wouldn't finish her sentence... She's been confused, so I was like "no mom, your doctor was not Jenn from the little couple"... Until she finally spit it out. At least now I can trust she's getting the best treatment possible.

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Sometimes, they're in the "parent's" (and I use that term loosely & with extreme prejudice) sight:  http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jan/12/indiana-couple-arrested-baby-video-gun-in-mouth


When I saw the linked video, I forgot all about Will's toy gun kerfuffle (and I think my head may have exploded).


Walnutqueen, this article troubles me on so many levels I can't deal with it.  If you leave out the horrific fact that the 19 y/o boyfriend allowed a one year to put a gun (even if unloaded) in his mouth, encouraged him to say "pow", and was observed by the 22 y/o mother, it's still troubling.  How about the video was found when the boyfriend was arrested for robbery.  How about the fact that the mother also has one month old twins.  Thank God the twins were removed, but that won't last.  It fact, it will only worsen the situation because they are losing prime bonding time with their mother. 

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I met dr Diaz-arrastia today... I mean she now has my phone number... I'm kinda a big deal lol. I never noticed it on tv, But she talks really slow. She's also shorted than I imagined, I guess in comparison to Jenn she always looked taller, but when I stood up I was taller than her and im 5'5"

Thanks for the kind thoughts, I can use all the positive thoughts I can get, dr Diaz was actually called in because of the complexity of my moms case, long story short we found out on New Years day that my mom has uterine cancer that has spread to her lungs and brain. Unfortunately surgery is not an option, so we are doing radiation therapy to try to keep her comfortable, but there isn't much more treatment they can offer at this point. I know you are all strangers so this is all a little tmi... But like I said I can use all the positive thoughts/prayers I can get :)

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But like I said I can use all the positive thoughts/prayers I can get :)


Count me in!




Regarding guns in Texas. My friend who used to live in Texas told me that down there women had guns on the dashboard when they went food shopping. Guns are a totally accepted part of the culture in Texas.


I don't know what prompted this response, but open carry is forbidden in Texas, therefore all handguns must be concealed.  And yes, guns are a totally accepted part of the culture in Texas, and we are very proud of it. 

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leighroda - I am so sorry you and your Mom have to go through such an ordeal; mere words don't express the depths of empathy I know many of us here feel for you.  I hope you can find some small comfort in knowing we're here for you whenever you need to talk or vent or just share a moment; we may well be strangers, but in many ways we are also your friends and kindred spirits.  All good and kind thoughts are coming your way.


(my poor old Mum has had a series of tough diagnoses and unfortunate accidents in the past couple of years, and I know it has knocked the snot out of me, so stay strong, my dear)

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so we are doing radiation therapy to try to keep her comfortable, but there isn't much more treatment they can offer at this point. I know you are all strangers so this is all a little tmi... But like I said I can use all the positive thoughts/prayers I can get :)

Sometimes life is very hard. Don't discount the benefit of strangers, it can be super helpful to talk to people that aren't emotionally invented.

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Leighroda, allow me to add my prayers, both for your mother and for you.  I have been a caregiver for two relatives who have battled cancer, so I know how emotionally, mentally and physically taxing it can be.  While you take care of your mother, take time for self-care.  If it helps at all, know there are people who don't know your face (or even your real name) who stilll care enough to send our best wishes and thoughts in your direction.  May miraculous things happen for your mom.

  • Love 12

"Professionals" can take 6 seats back from Sundays.  I would've bolded this, but apparently my less-than-ideal Mother taught me some manners, and I taught her how to hug, say "I love you" and swear like a fucking sailor, only a little too late in my life to make me whole.


While I'm on a roll, I think it is most unseemly and more than a little pervy to be checking out any child's bottom for evidence of diapers or pull ups.  


Sorry, folks, but I am still coming down from a 5 day marathon of The Wired after being forsaken by most of my loved ones, and am feeling particularly stabby tonight.  There's nothing like going from KILL,KILL,KILL of The Wired to the nicest show ever, and then regretting reading about it here.


I'm new here and am really not following this comment concerning "professionals." Have other comments that would make this one clearer been deleted? Since I understand the overall vibe here is to snark on the TV shows and their participants, I'm missing the point - is there some issue with Jen's credentials?  

Edited by Wellfleet
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Wellfleet - I was not referring to Jen, but making a general statement.  Some people think their own experience and/or training make them experts in anything remotely related to same; from armchair diagnoses to suggestions that Bill and Jen are not competent enough to be making informed decisions about what their family needs themselves.  Many of us with chronic conditions encounter this, from the well-meaning strangers to the arrogant pedants we sometimes have to deal with; some of us get a little fed up from time to time.  :-)

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Wellfleet - I was not referring to Jen, but making a general statement.  Some people think their own experience and/or training make them experts in anything remotely related to same; from armchair diagnoses to suggestions that Bill and Jen are not competent enough to be making informed decisions about what their family needs themselves.  Many of us with chronic conditions encounter this, from the well-meaning strangers to the arrogant pedants we sometimes have to deal with; some of us get a little fed up from time to time.  :-)


OK, understood. It sounded as though there had either been questions at some point about Jen's credentials OR possibly fellow posters who are professionals in other fields. I couldn't understand how there could be any issues with Jen's background, considering the job she landed. And while I would not necessarily have additional respect for the comments of, say, a professional AUTO MECHANIC on this site, I definitely would if I knew the poster was a professional in a field relevant to "The Little Couple," such as pediatrics, orthopedics, adoption, fertility, surrogacy, education, social work, child development etc. And as I said, I thought the idea is to snark about the people on TV, not fellow commenters.

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Wellfleet - I was not referring to Jen, but making a general statement.  Some people think their own experience and/or training make them experts in anything remotely related to same; from armchair diagnoses to suggestions that Bill and Jen are not competent enough to be making informed decisions about what their family needs themselves.  Many of us with chronic conditions encounter this, from the well-meaning strangers to the arrogant pedants we sometimes have to deal with; some of us get a little fed up from time to time.  :-)



Jen is a "professional."



"Professionals" can take 6 seats back from Sundays.  I would've bolded this, but apparently my less-than-ideal Mother taught me some manners, and I taught her how to hug, say "I love you" and swear like a fucking sailor, only a little too late in my life to make me whole.


It was a reference to this post actually which Wellfleet responded to.  

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Just an update, so far I have kept my cool and not let on that I recognize Dr. Arrastia from television... The hardest part is that while on the show they always said "Dr. Arrastia" in real life she uses "Dr. Diaz"... I feel like that may be my biggest give away if I call her Dr. Arrastia. I actually don't mind telling her I saw her on TV... When my mom told her she just made a polite comment about being a fan... But there is usually a gang of no less than 6 med students with her when I've seen her. There is another reality TV cross over... If anyone watched 90 day fiancé... One of the residents looks just like Chelsea. I kinda want to tell Dr. Diaz I feel like it would be so helpful and beneficial if we could talk to someone who had a similar form of cancer... If they happen to work in the area (for those unfamiliar with Houston, there is an area called med center that houses all of the major area hospitals so they are all in walking distance), and maybe if this person was under 4 ft tall, and blonde... I really think that will help :). I'm totally kidding I would never ask for something like that, but a girl can dream.

Thank you for all the well wishes. Unfortunately this is all pretty complicated, which is why Dr. Diaz was called in to begin with. At this point we are focusing on comfort, but we're taking it all day by day. These boards have been a great time passer for me, my mom spends a lot of her days in radiation treatments, procedures, and resting herself... So I have a lot of down time :)

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Someone said that the 7 Little Johnstons were just reruns from their cancelled show on the OWN network. I guess TLC was using the show for filler.

This new family's name is Hammel. Husband, wife, 3 kids. It looks pretty good to me.


I saw the promo, love that blonde hair!  The only thing the promo confused me about was they said what set them apart from other families was that they were all little people and I thought doesn't The Little Couple already have that claim?  


Those little ones look like they are TH ready too like Josie from 19K or the Gosselin six when they were so small...hilarious!  Some think Josie is behind but wow any child who can sing every word of the SSB on key has my vote.  She had a rough start like Will.     

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

The only thing the promo confused me about was they said what set them apart from other families was that they were all little people and I thought doesn't The Little Couple already have that claim?


If its reruns of the older episodes already made then they might have been filmed before The Little Couple had kids. Up until 2013?, all the dwarf family shows had someone average height

If its reruns of the older episodes already made then they might have been filmed before The Little Couple had kids. Up until 2013?, all the dwarf family shows had someone average height


I don't think the new little family with the 3 blonde kids has been filmed before and are new to tv unlike the The 7 Johnstons who had been on OWN before. We are certainly getting educated with all these little families!  I hope the Kleins know when to call it quits and focus on the kids and just give us a special every now and then.    

I think Arnold/Klein are out of things to do.  They have had endless parties, trips, bought and built the custom home and had the vow renewal. 

           I think for whatever reason/decision we see very little of what really goes on in their lives.   They clearly avoid meltdowns and tantrums, but sadly that is what gets ratings.  

       I hope as the previous poster said, they will stop filming. It is not in the best interest of the children to work on a tv show.

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Does anyone other than me check Bill and Jen's tweets on twitter?  It seems they are showing less photos of the kids than before. The last time Bill posted a photo of the kids was Dec 30 and the last time Jen did was Jan 7. For a while there, it was almost daily you could find a new pic of the kids. Very interesting.  It seems during the month of January, Jen has been to at least one professional conference in New Orleans for about a week. And i think she made mention of going to a second one. Bill is apparently in great pain according to his tweets and has insomnia. They are lucky to have Dave and Judy and Kate around. No way he could take care of the kids in his condition especially if Jen is on business trips.

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Does anyone other than me check Bill and Jen's tweets on twitter?  It seems they are showing less photos of the kids than before. The last time Bill posted a photo of the kids was Dec 30 and the last time Jen did was Jan 7. For a while there, it was almost daily you could find a new pic of the kids. Very interesting.  It seems during the month of January, Jen has been to at least one professional conference in New Orleans for about a week. And i think she made mention of going to a second one. Bill is apparently in great pain according to his tweets and has insomnia. They are lucky to have Dave and Judy and Kate around. No way he could take care of the kids in his condition especially if Jen is on business trips.

Yes I check twitter and FB and thought the same thing, no new pics of the kids, the ones being posted are old.  Jen has been away at a conference for an extended period it appeared.  She did thank both sets of Bill's parents for helping post op with Bill and the kids so I guess his Dad came as well at some point.  It was a cute tv moment though when Jen bent over him prior to surgery and told him and the camera how it was now her turn to look after Bill and then promptly turned to the parents and handed them plane tickets!!  LOL  Physically she can't do much with the kids anyway but some emotional support would have been nice instead of skype!  


I think Bill's recovery is going as expected @6months for fusion.  Insomnia can be a sign of another problem.  He said on Dr Oz his pain was just as great if not worse in some ways than what he had been living with for over 2 years and confirmed to Oz he was indeed surviving with the use of pain pills.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

I think it's wonderful that the Johnstons are not changing the heights of counters and furniture for their kids. Simply because this will not be how they will live when they go outside of their family home. They need to know how to climb a cabinet safely or figure out how to navigate in their dorm rooms and the showers and locker rooms. It is a great thing to have the luxury of having everything easy at your home but, it's not preparing them for the real world. Also the Johnstons didn't seem so hung up on cameras being there and being careful of what they said in fear of it not sounding perfect. They seemed like regular folks living regular lives. I guess from looking at the little couple, I thought that mostly all little people go where the best doctors are. If you have the $ to do so but the majority of Americans don't and the surgeries come out just as well. We have seen the best of the best with Jen and Bill. California for fertility and egg retrieval, Baltimore for meeting with a doc about the issue of carrying a baby, Chicago for genetic testing results, and now I think Delaware for the kids doctors. I am sure if I was able I would be seeing the best of the best when I needed medical help. Despite the hurdles that Jen and Bill go through their life still falls in as a fairy tale, IMO. It's not realistic to me. On top of all the travel for medical needs, vacations are just as frequent. Honestly seeing , the Johnstons and the new little family coming to TLC will probably be more appealing to the majority of us.

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I don't see anything wrong with equipping one's home to make living more convenient. You could say the same about ramps for people in wheelchairs; they have to face a world full of stairs so why should they add ramps (or chairlifts) to their own home?

Because it's their home, and they should be comfortable, safe and secure in their own space.

  • Love 9

I don't see anything wrong with equipping one's home to make living more convenient. You could say the same about ramps for people in wheelchairs; they have to face a world full of stairs so why should they add ramps (or chairlifts) to their own home?

Because it's their home, and they should be comfortable, safe and secure in their own space.

I don't either with a big but. Jenn had to have the whole kitchen made lower when I'll bet it gets the most use by average sized people or Bill. Maybe its my practical side coupled with thoughts of resale value that I though a better solution would have been a more standard kitchen along the walls and a modified island. I guess it was just highlighted for me because a friend just did a really lovely but expensive kitchen remodel so she could cook and she doesn't cook...

This was brought up on another thread but I thought I would bring it up here. Folks are talking about the possibility of Will and Zoey accessing this forum or others on INTERNET and reading comments. This forum is tame by comparison to the stuff on YOUTUBE about them. Those kids should never read some of the comments on there about them.

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This was brought up on another thread but I thought I would bring it up here. Folks are talking about the possibility of Will and Zoey accessing this forum or others on INTERNET and reading comments. This forum is tame by comparison to the stuff on YOUTUBE about them. Those kids should never read some of the comments on there about them.

The blame lies solely on the parents if Will and Zoey read about themselves on the internet.  They adopted two innocent very young children with tragic and heartbreaking beginnings and turned them into registered workers with no power to say no.

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