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56 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Not spoiler related but who announces on Twitter what airport they're leaving and flying to? No hate or anything but it's just so bizarre to me. Is this a thing people do now?? 


She wants paps to take pics of her.

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9 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

She wants paps to take pics of her.

I have friends who do this on Facebook when they are about to go on trips. Announce that they are headed to "X" airport from "Y" airport. I never put much thought into why KC does it though. It could be to let her fans know that she's headed back to filming. SA does it too with emojis before vacations/cons. 

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19 minutes ago, HighHopes said:

I have friends who do this on Facebook when they are about to go on trips. Announce that they are headed to "X" airport from "Y" airport. I never put much thought into why KC does it though. It could be to let her fans know that she's headed back to filming. SA does it too with emojis before vacations/cons. 

IDK what Stephen has to do with this but ok...

There's nothing wrong with it, it's just what some celebrities (whoever it may be) do... 

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If they are giving him a flash back dedicated episode and back story there's nothing to say they won't give him greater ties in the show such as a romance too. Maybe with Thea or Tina. He's clearly teachers pet.

Plus if those rumours about Wild Dog being tested out as a potential movie are accurate a flash back episode make even more sense.

3 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I can't say it comes as a surprise. How about a flashback to Havenrock the day it was hit?

That would be AWESOME! 

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Ugh, WD. They probably hope that the flashbacks will paint him in a new light and make viewers, at the very least, warm up to him, but they're going to have to be pretty spectacular for that to happen. That makes me think that present-day 513 is going to be Rene-focused too. Oh joy. 

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I'm not getting into the possibility of a Tina/Wild Dog romance but it actually wouldn't surprise me if they knew each other previously and the flashbacks maybe highlight that? Just spec but it took 2 plus seasons for Diggle and Felicity to get flashback scenes and yet Wild Dog is getting one after only 13 episodes. To me it seems like it might be to establish more than just Wild Dog.

But then again, they are pushing him pretty hard this season so what do I know? LOL.

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You know what flashbacks I'd rather see? Felicity and Diggle bonding between seasons 1 and 2. Team between seasons 2 and 3. Olicity on their trip/deciding to get a house in Ivy Town and Diggle/Thea/Laurel learning to work together between season 3 and 4. Etc. You know, flashbacks with the regulars. 

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Wow they sure are pushing Wild Dog hard. I can't say I've followed his reception from the wider audience eg media reviews, the action fans, the people who are generally praising and liking this season. Do they like him?

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2 minutes ago, sara1121 said:

Wow they sure are pushing Wild Dog hard. I can't say I've followed his reception from the wider audience eg media reviews, the action fans, the people who are generally praising and liking this season. Do they like him?

I know spoiler tv I think had a poll for who was the favourite newbie of the season and Wild Dog was sitting I believe right at the bottom while Rory was at the top.  I believe when previews for season 5 came out those who had screeners were talking up Wild Dog but whether that's their actual critical opinion or a quiet word from the writers to talk him up I don't know, but I don't think I've seen much glowing praise and buzz for him since then.

I don't know if that's a valid example or not but to be honest I don't think any of the newbies have taken off of their own merits. Wild Dog just seems to be the one the writers are desperately hoping to take off.

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Every poll I've seen about the newbies he comes in dead last.  (Whether or not that means anything is of course up for discussion.) TVLine named him Runner Up for Worst New Character Added to an Existing Show.   Not saying he doesn't have his fans, but most of the online response I've seen about him has been negative.  

And yet, he has consistently been the one TPTB seem to be pushing the hardest.  It's a mystery. 

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9 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I don't know if that's a valid example or not but to be honest I don't think any of the newbies have taken off of their own merits. Wild Dog just seems to be the one the writers are desperately hoping to take off.

I like Rory but it almost seems like, well, he's not as annoying as WD or as grating as Curtis, and if I have to have any of these bozos around, he's the least offensive. That desperation to make WD happen is obvious, and it makes me dislike him even more. I don't know why they got it so right with Roy and have failed so spectacularly with WD. 

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The EPs like Wild Dog. Fans?  Not so much.  He was the winner by a wide margin on "Which new characters should go?" at TVLine, although I suspect that the people who think this season is the best evah like him more.  Rory is much better liked generally but the show is really pushing Rene hard probably because they want to add him to the show as a regular next season.

I can deal with yet another episode of Wild Dog as long as I've had a lot of Felicity 510 - 512.  5A was hard because was barely any of the Real Felicity as opposed to Prop Felicity.

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29 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

 I don't know why they got it so right with Roy and have failed so spectacularly with WD. 

I suspect it's the same reason why they got Oliver/Felicity so right in the first two seasons when they weren't writing it, and so wrong in seasons 3 and 4B when they were pushing it as the OTP.  They suck at what they're deliberately writing.

Rory has been kept in the background.  He had the one scene with Oliver when he told him about Havenrock and his father's legacy, and a couple of scenes with Felicity when she got him to stay on the team.  Other than that, it's been small, quiet moments.  Rene they've pushed hard and keep hitting use over that head that He's. Just. Like. Oliver. as well as these Very Special bonding moments with Diggle (and making everyone of Digg's friends, not to mention his wife, oblivious to him wanting to attend JJs birthday).  I also think that Joe Dinicol is a better actor.

Same with Roy.  When they were building his story in seasons 1 and 2, the main focus was on Oliver, Laurel, Tommy and Diggle.  Roy was a background story even after he was mirakuru'd.

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14 hours ago, LeighAn said:

That's a good point. Felicity forming her own team of cohorts is pretty counter to Felicitys and friends arguments

Eh, that they had her almost do nothing until after the winter hiatus still speaks volumes to me.  I do think that their freak out happened later though, after season 4 was wrapped so after perhaps they'd already toyed with season five happening one way only to make changes.  Just a feeling.      


I don't know why they got it so right with Roy and have failed so spectacularly with WD

I don't like blaming the actor but CH is a lot more personally engaging.  From some of the interviews, I have to believe that the guy playing Wild Dog has taken the not great writing for his character and made it even worse with his interpretation. 

The cocky, I don't answer to anyone or follow the rules attitude only works when: a character is supremely talented and justified in their utter confidence in themselves,  they quickly acknowledge they were wrong and drop the tude, or are so charming you forgive the cockiness.  

But Rene is still a tool to everyone.  He's a negative 5 on the charm factor. He's only a so so fighter.  Can't withstand torture.  We have no back story for why he's so mad to mitigate his behavior, we've seen that him not following the rules is a bad thing, and he's still the same jerk that is sure he's better than everyone even though so far there has been nothing special or redeeming about him.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Why do they love Mad Dog so much? He's an annoying prick and the actor isn't really bringing anything to the table. He's honestly the most hated character since LL. 

He's one of the reasons why I won't even let myself get excited about Tina because I was excited about WD over the summer and here we are now.

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6 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Why do they love Mad Dog so much? He's an annoying prick and the actor isn't really bringing anything to the table. He's honestly the most hated character since LL. 

He's one of the reasons why I won't even let myself get excited about Tina because I was excited about WD over the summer and here we are now.

I think the disconnect is why so many of us are looking for a behind the scenes excuse 'cause what is on the screen doesn't compute.  

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Another reason (for me at least) is that Roy was slowly introduced and they made me care for him as a person before giving him a mask. The mask is the last thing that makes any of those characters special to me. They could make make another character take Wild Dog's mask tomorrow and it would change nothing to me. He was introduced as a mask, I don't even remember his last name. In addition to that he has a nasty personality that makes him particularly annoying.

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20 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Another reason (for me at least) is that Roy was slowly introduced and they made me care for him as a person before giving him a mask. The mask is the last thing that makes any of those characters special to me. They could make make another character take Wild Dog's mask tomorrow and it would change nothing to me. He was introduced as a mask, I don't even remember his last name. In addition to that he has a nasty personality that makes him particularly annoying.

I probably wouldn't even know his first name if it wasn't for the forum discussing him, lol.  

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36 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think the disconnect is why so many of us are looking for a behind the scenes excuse 'cause what is on the screen doesn't compute.  

Well this season was clearly about the Dudebros and WD is definitely one of those (the most obnoxious kind) maybe they thought the new focus on "it's definitely a comic book show now + lots of (Wild) Dong!" would naturally mean he'd be a fan fave? Plus if he it they'd have a so called "mini Oliver" for if SA needed time off or started making further contract negotiations difficult. And the diversity issue is eased as well, thus solving several issues with one (supposed) stone, just doesn't seem to have been the right stone. I've seen RG in a few other things (most notably a few years ago in Reaper and Rush) and he was fine there but he really isn't clicking here and it then becomes baffling why they pushed him so hard. Surely the whole point of introducing so many new characters at once was to be able to whittle down to the ones that proved they clicked and get rid or limit the others ala House S4? (somewhat successful anyway).


Stranger things have happened, but I can't think they wanted a WD spin off, if ex Superman BR couldn't make poor man's iron man work without an ensemble, but maybe they are/were thinking of shipping him across to LOT (please no, nor LL full time).

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15 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Stranger things have happened, but I can't think they wanted a WD spin off, if ex Superman BR couldn't make poor man's iron man work without an ensemble, but maybe they are/were thinking of shipping him across to LOT (please no, nor LL full time).

I can't see where he'd fit with LoT.  Mick Rory is a waaaaaay better asshole to have around.  Unless that actor isn't planning on sticking around.  Still I really doubt that would work.  Sara has Mick's respect.  I don't see Rene giving it to anyone.  

The show runners have talked about how much fun they are having with writing him.  So that has to be part of why he's getting the hard push but I can't help wonder if how they are writing him and what is coming across on screen turned out to be two very differnt things.  

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I didn't seriously think he was moving to LOT as you're right as long as most of the current cast stay there isn't much room for him, just looking for possible alternatives to "push to be a series regular on Arrow" or "possible Spin off".

It's true that many writers do have fun writing assholes, see Mick Rory for one, the entire scenery chewing LOD for another, but neither the writer nor the actor are selling "charming/mysterious asshole with man pain" or "guy you love to hate who's going to get what's coming to him" either.  

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46 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

 Surely the whole point of introducing so many new characters at once was to be able to whittle down to the ones that proved they clicked and get rid or limit the others ala House S4? (somewhat successful anyway).

It was never a competition on House, they knew from the start who was going to stay and who wasn't. Thirteen was the most hated character ever on that show but they had Olivia Wilde and dammit they were going to keep her.  (The producers refused Jesse Spencer time off to make a movie when Chase was barely on but wrote two arcs explaining Thirteen's absences when Wilde went off to make a couple of movies.)  Even two years later, so many people were asking them to drop Thirteen and bring back Cameron that Shore and Jacobs suddenly fired Jennifer Morrison mid season 6.*  Sometimes producers make stupid decisions for personal or ego reasons.

I think jbuffyangel made a good comparison to Grey's Anatomy season 6.  Two hospitals merged bringing in a lot of new chaacters but they waited till the end of the season and then a shooter killed off most of them, presumably the ones that didn't work.

*In a lovely bit of schadenfreude Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer have had good careers post House (OUaT and Chicago Fire respectively) while most of the other actors (other than Hugh Laurie) ... didn't.

Edited by statsgirl
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Hmm Ok I'd successfully blocked out 13, maybe she's the opposite of the example I was trying to make, EPs love her so she outstays her welcome. Thinking more about it I do agree Shonda and co cleaned house pretty brutally of NZ and CB especially, though April another of the annoying characters is still there.

Well that ended up with several characters who outstayed their welcome because of BTS like but I do stand by the point that in any show, why bring on so many new characters all at once if you aren't basically auditioning them onscreen (a privilege a lot of shows can't manage) to see who works best and I don't think many people would be arguing WD. I do wish we'd seen more of Artemis as well as Rory if for whatever reason Thea can't suit up much right now.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

It was never a competition on House, they knew from the start who was going to stay and who wasn't. Thirteen was the most hated character ever on that show but they had Olivia Wilde and dammit they were going to keep her.

This kind of thing is what I'm afraid of, that he already has a free pass to next season.

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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Per KP, RW was filming with KH and AG. Not sure if it's 14/15. I'm wondering if it's both. 

I think he said that KH and AG wrapped, so I'm guessing they were all just there for 514, but I guess they could always stick around longer. They've all just been VOTWs, so I just kind of assume that they would only be back for one episode again.

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40 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Hmmm Dark Birds of Prey looks a little more likely? It could be interesting to see Felicity branch out and become a Baby Waller. 

It could also be a hot mess haha. Time will tell. 

I actually thought the opposite because EBR was likely in Peru while these three were reported to have been filming. Did I mix up the dates?

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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I actually thought the opposite because EBR was likely in Peru while these three were reported to have been filming. Did I mix up the dates?

Unless Felicity does everything from behind a computer to keep her identity from them? Then they could have them filming on different days - EBR does her stuff, then the others do their field stuff. 

Still impatiently waiting for anything on Thea and Lance in 5B. 

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Just now, Velocity23 said:

EBR is still posting old Peru pics even when already in Vancouver.  She must have come back at the same time as SA. 

What leads you to believe she's been back for a while now?

3 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Unless Felicity does everything from behind a computer to keep her identity from them? Then they could have them filming on different days - EBR does her stuff, then the others do their field stuff. 

True, although I'd be kind of disappointed for EBR's sake because she's been relatively vocal about working with more women and this would be a situation in which Felicity is working with three actual women, yet EBR wouldn't get to work with the actresses.

Just now, Sunshine said:

He has scenes with Rene in 5.12. :-)

Like Lance doesn't have enough problems.

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3 minutes ago, bijoux said:

What leads you to believe she's been back for a while now?

8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

From what i could gather she was vacationing with Lindsey Morgan and her friend. Aisha Tyler joined them at some point. Lindsey Morgan from the 100 hinted that the 2nd is their last day. Since both shows started production at the same time they most likely returned at the same time. And she was definetely in Vancouver on Saturday. 

Edited by Velocity23
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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:


True, although I'd be kind of disappointed for EBR's sake because she's been relatively vocal about working with more women and this would be a situation in which Felicity is working with three actual women, yet EBR wouldn't get to work with the actresses.


Kelly Hu was reported to have been filming before Christmas. I don't know about the others. EBR could have filmed with them then.

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Yeah, I could imagine Felicity not revealing her identity to the new group, using blackmail to get them together, and running everything from behind the computer (like Noah)...especially after what happened with Wild Dog (getting tortured and outed Green Arrow) and Evelyn's deception.

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19 minutes ago, bijoux said:

True, although I'd be kind of disappointed for EBR's sake because she's been relatively vocal about working with more women and this would be a situation in which Felicity is working with three actual women, yet EBR wouldn't get to work with the actresses.

Hasn't EBR also said she's wanted Felicity to have friends and then they gave her a BF this season? So... 

4 minutes ago, ComicFan777 said:

Yeah, I could imagine Felicity not revealing her identity to the new group, using blackmail to get them together, and running everything from behind the computer (like Noah)...especially after what happened with Wild Dog (getting tortured and outed Green Arrow) and Evelyn's deception.

Exactly. So then when the others find out, she can point out that she didn't reveal who she is - which could lead to someone finding out who the others are - and was very careful. Considering how she felt after finding out about Evelyn's betrayal, this would make sense. (It would also make sense if, perhaps, she looped in Lyla, so she could have ARGUS as a backup and/or something to threaten the new group with.) 

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