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Maddie Brown: Seeking a One-Woman Man


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On 8/13/2022 at 11:37 AM, Gramto6 said:

I hope to God she is not really drinking this $hit while pregnant. It is such a risk when already having 2 children with health problems. Maybe she has bought the hype that he pink drink will make all better. OMG hate to think that!!

Or worse… maybe she now even believes she would have had two healthy kids if she’d used it during those pregnancies…

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3 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

What is WRONG with this family? Do they all have crappy gut microbiomes (pun intended)?

Eat enough fruit//veg//natural fiber and drink plenty of water and one will be regular. Instead of eating and recommending a whole food based diet, these idiots peddle that stupid pink shit. 

I eat fruit every day — yesterday it was oranges, banana, fresh picked berries and an apple. 🍌🫐 🍎 🍊 Every. Day. And every morning right after I wake up — a very regular schedule. No pink mystery potion needed.

Both Janelle and Maddie are really remedial when it comes to food and health. Janelle especially should know better, since she’s the card-carrying health  “coach”. 🙄 🤦🏽‍♀️

I wish I could eat apples and berries but it would keep me in the bathroom in a bad way. However most people do not have IBS - d and fresh fruits and vegetables are a good thing. The parents have done the children a disservice by not showing then ( by example) the correct foods to eat. 

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7 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Evie is all kinds of cute.  

Unfortunately I can’t see the pics, Maddie blocked me way back when she was ripping people off for $25 for her amazing makeup brushes that were selling on eBay for $1.50 with free shipping.

I sent her a pm telling her that she might want to reconsider shilling makeup brushes for $25 that were ripping people off and I sent her the link to the exact same brushes on eBay for $1.50

She threw a fit and blocked me.

Then she discovered an even more lucrative con game ripping people off by shilling Plexass pink poison and she dropped the makeup brushes like a hot potato.  🙄

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6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Unfortunately I can’t see the pics, Maddie blocked me way back when she was ripping people off for $25 for her amazing makeup brushes that were selling on eBay for $1.50 with free shipping.

I sent her a pm telling her that she might want to reconsider shilling makeup brushes for $25 that were ripping people off and I sent her the link to the exact same brushes on eBay for $1.50

She threw a fit and blocked me.

Then she discovered an even more lucrative con game ripping people off by shilling Plexass pink poison and she dropped the makeup brushes like a hot potato.  🙄

Proud of you for calling her out Joan.  

Meri breastfed Maddie a few times as an infant, the defensive attitude must have transferred as a result. 

  • LOL 13

OMG that’s a nightmare and an absolute horror to clean it up! We had the contents of a bean bag scattered around a bedroom once. Getting rid of 80% is easy, the remaining 20% is not. It sticks to everything, gets into impossible places and before you know it, it shows up in the rest of the house too! (I have to admit, little toddlers running through that mess and then through the rest of the house didn’t help.) It also clogged up my vacuum cleaner, almost destroying it because it got overheated…

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My daughter's MIL and grandmother-in-law said some fairly unforgiveable things.  I left a bag of glitter in a present bag to be opened by one of the grandchildren at MIL's house.  She may have gotten the message and learned to shut her mother up.  Eight years later and I think she's gotten it all out.  

Maddie may learn that the first thing you do is remove the child or children and shut the door to contain the mess then carefully sweep or vacuum from the outside in removing it as thoroughly as possible on the first pass.

Edited by Absolom
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On 8/21/2022 at 12:14 PM, deirdra said:

You can use beat up old mugs to hold pencils, flowers, etc., not drink out of them with their mold & bacteria-harbouring chipped areas, Maddie!  Unglazed clays are extremely porous and surface cleaning doesn't clean out the pores.

On 8/21/2022 at 6:04 PM, Rabbit Hutch said:

I have hand-thrown pottery mugs that are over a decade old that aren't as beat up as this one.  Take care of your things!

It actually depends on what KIND of clay is used as the body of the vessel. A lot of cheap "decorative" ceramics (especially commercial low price point...) are earthenware and are a low fired (on a pottery scale) ceramic.  You can tell if the entire piece is covered in the shiny glaze, then it is completely covered because the clay body is porous and yes...that means that a chip exposes it to absorb water and everything else.  It is possible for these clay bodies to grow mold and it can seep out even long after it "looks dry". Pencil cups or break it up for mosaic decorations.

However, if the clay body is properly fired to the temperature it is designed to fire to, even exposed parts of "naked" or unglazed clay absorb VERY little to no water and are safe to use. 

In my experience with earthenware clay, (which is what terra cotta pots are, and are often used in student classroom work) it chips crazy easy.

...Science lesson over...I tried to keep it as low tech as possible. I am currently learning about clay bodies and glaze science as I continue my pottery "journey". 😁

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Perhaps Maddie should invest in a stainless steel mug and straw.  Why does she gnaw on everything? Doesn't Plexass cure her cravings? Was she the same Brown who posted photos of her gnawed pens & pencils? (ICK!). Does it have anything to do with her lockjaw episodes where she speaks with teeth clenched and only her lips move?

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19 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Our school district dress code doesn’t allow that, from elementary to high school. No clue if theirs does.

A lot of them don't.  My daughter doesn't even allow ripped pants that happen naturally stay in the house so they can't accidentally be worn to school.  I doubt Maddy realizes even elementary schools may have dress codes.

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I don't love the ripped pants but the grands wear them and their public schools allowed them.  One in college, one in law school now but third one in 9th grade still likes them as do his peers.  I always tease that I could make them ripped for free, haha.  I guess Maddie doesn't mind her children wearing them either.  Back in the olden days when I was in school the elders didn't like our style either.  I guess it comes with the territory.

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3 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

I always tease that I could make them ripped for free, haha.

Oh yes, like those "jeans" that have more holes and tears in them than actual fabric.  And they even make you pay double for them if you're in bad luck!

Just had another look at Axel and I can't decide who he's taking after. Is it Caleb? (Hard to tell with that beard and ever present hat) I certainly don't see a lot of Maddie in him. Also, I wouldn't be able to tell Evie and Axel were siblings. Cousins maybe, but they seem so different from hair, to the shape of their faces, looks etc. I can see some Maddie features in Evie. Hopefully she hasn't inherited her mom's whiny and dissatisfied character.

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16 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I didn't think I looked like either parent, but now that I'm older, I see more and more that I do.

I have always looked just like my mom.  When I was still working I had a business trip and went to visit a cousin that I hadn't seen in over 30 years.  She opened the front door and we both said, at the same time, "You look JUST like your mother".  I just wish I was a nice as my mom was.

That looks like a genuine smile on Axel, not one of the teeth gnashing ones.  Evie continues to be absolutely adorable.

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On 9/1/2022 at 8:34 PM, LilyD said:

Why does she post about such incredibly ridiculous things like a chipped mug or a gnawed straw? If that's your life and you have nothing else to share, then please don't share at all!  

I think she’s trying to be relatable — sometimes posting the mundane things like a chewed-on straw makes that person seem “normal” — their life isn’t perfect, they have weird habits and issues just like everyone else.

I actually like when people post stuff like that. It’s better than seeing Meri’s fake-perfect life and fake face and ridiculous “strong woman” posts. A gnawed straw is real at least. 🤣

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I see a lot of Maddie's brothers in Axel (mostly Hunter and Logan), especially when he was a baby/toddler.  He definitely takes after his mom's side of the family.  Evie has completely different features - she looks more like Caleb.

Funny, this is one of the reasons I started watching Sister Wives in the first place - I only have one sibling so large families fascinate me, and one thing I find interesting is how much or how little siblings resemble one another.  In the early seasons I kept confusing Leon as one of Janelle's kids because of their resemblance to Janelle's boys.  Of course Kody is the common thread amongst all of the kids, but I also think the majority of the kids favor their mothers...the exception being Ariabelliola, who could be Kody's twin.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

What/who is Two Hearts Farm?

She’s another Plexus seller. There’s a Plexus Hawaii trip this month. I’m assuming, but pretty sure,  that it’s the trip Maddie is referring to. 

Trip details:  https://helpcenter.plexusworldwide.com/hc/en-us/articles/5106133614619-Diamond-Destination-2022

Edited by ginger90
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