bravofan27 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) I am highly literate if I do say so myself and I don't care about grammar rules on a internet board. It's not a class, it's not school, it's just a public forum. No grades. Just write what you want, who cares. I've had people message me before about not understanding what I was saying and telling me how to format my paragraphs and seriously, the nerve of some people! Be a teacher if you want to correct someone's grammar. Personally think it's ridiculous when people try to "catch" mistakes in random strangers that they don't know. That said, Tamra's use of pasture for pastor is outlandishly hysterical. Wildly hysterical. I grew up Iowa with a shit ton of pastures and I've just never heard anyone confuse the two words. So so sos sososososososo funny. As far as Brianna's weight, she is really getting large, and I think that that plays a lot into her unhappiness. She isn't taking care of herself, and that's concerning. She is not just overweight but legit fat. It makes everything you do in life 100 times harder. Whether Shannon or the affair weighs 123 or 126 is hardly important. David is playing off women's insecurities. Shannon looks just fine. I actually think they all do. No one is too skinny anymore and they look like healthy weights to me. Not much to talk about. Edited October 7, 2015 by bravofan27 7 Link to comment
Pattycake2 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 7:17 AM, PhilMarlowe2 said: Thank you! Heather and Tamra trying to retcon last season in light of this new information is laughable. Regardless of whether Heather knew of this affair or not, Heather was horrible to her last season. I mean, even the brief flashback they showed - Tamra proclaiming, "Shannon's marriage is in shambles, she drinks way too much and she's a sad soul," while Heather solemnly nods, "I agree!"- is enough to remind that their behavior was inexcusable. But that was true. Shannon's marriage was in shambles, she did drink too much, and she was a sad soul. 8 Link to comment
pamme64 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 6:11 AM, Miss February said: I agree with this. And, even though it kind of seems that Tamra is confusing Christianity with therapy, her conversion still seems sincere to me. I'm greatly irritated and somewhat doubtful, however, at Vicki's professions of faith. I had assumed (not good, i know) that with the baptism came instruction via the church that she joined. The do's and don't's so to speak. 1 Link to comment
Yours Truly October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 4:30 PM, bravofan27 said: That said, Tamra's use of pasture for pastor is outlandishly hysterical. Wildly hysterical. I grew up Iowa with a shit ton of pastures and I've just never heard anyone confuse the two words. So so sos sososososososo funny. As far as Brianna's weight, she is really getting large, and I think that that plays a lot into her unhappiness. She isn't taking care of herself, and that's concerning. She is not just overweight but legit fat. It makes everything you do in life 100 times harder. See joking on complete fails like Tamara's Cyst and Deceased, or Ramona's Mountains out of ho mills (or whatever she said) that I understand cause that's just plain funny. The same way me and my friends would laugh amongsts ourselves if we find ourselves messing up a common phrase. 8 Link to comment
freeradical October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 3:15 PM, RedHawk said: Sadly, weight is a topic that just won't die. During Andy's one-on-two chat with the Beadors, when Shannon said she wanted David to see Nicole one night when both couples were in some restaurant for "the comparison", Andy asked, "Why, did she gain weight or something?" Yes, if Nicole had gained 3 lbs Shannon would have emerged triumphant. Far too many people are critical of others for being overweight and even underweight. I'm ~45 lbs overweight and very aware of the appraising/critical glances. Sigh. I do note Brianna's weight but what I also saw was that she looked very pretty at the lunch with Tamra. She was clearly enjoying a little freedom and a nice tall Bloody Mary, just as many mothers of small children do when they get a break. In agreement, the topic of weight won't die but it most certainly should, at least on a forum I consider above it to this extreme. Mostly I see feigned concern for Brianna's health condition. Baseless reasons why her health is no excuse and the very patronizing "But she has a pretty face!" It's not constructive, it's mean and shallow and I think it makes people feel good to say it. Rant over. Poor fat people. 2 Link to comment
AnnaMayWong October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 3:14 PM, zoeysmom said: Vicki isn't exactly a great catch. She is a serial adulterer, she is incredibly self-absorbed, she lies, she is jealous of anyone who has a husband who provides and isn't even particularly good friend. Let's say Vicki found a working father of three-is Vicki going to devote time to his children? Is he going to be okay with Vicki making 14 trips a year to see Briana, and her extensive travel schedule due to work. I swear from reading Vicki's Facebook she is gone most of the time. Florida a couple of times a year, Mexico twice a year, back to Illinois, New York and usually a European vacation thrown in plus RH travel. Then there is the staying at the office working until 1:00 am, and of course twice yearly visits from Briana. I see Vicki as the type that has someone her terms and schedule. Add the fact she is over 50, certainly not a stunner and a reality star the available pool begins to dwindle. What Briana doesn't listen to is her mother's need for companionship? Briana still wants to be the center of her mother's world and doesn't comprehend relationships are a two way street. So Briana's vitriol regarding Brooks gets old. At some point Brooks did uproot and move to California, it was Briana saying he didn't have a job, not Vicki not Brooks, it was Vicki that wanted him to undergo cosmetic dentistry and wanted a standing ovation for it, it is Vicki that takes him to Mexico, that accompanies Brooks to Mississippi, New York and sometimes Florida. I just think Vicki's need for companionship outweighs her quality in companionship. When I see the two of them on screen I always feel like they are schilling their latest endorsement. Indeed. Just so. Very well formulated and expressed. 2 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 3:51 PM, Yours Truly said: And the way the "evidence" is presented as well as the environment it's presented in is controlled. Also, a jury is forbidden to discuss information about the trial outside of the deliberation room as well as while the trial is still being conducted to keep from forming opinions and swaying each other before all the evidence is presented. There's also people monitoring how information is presented, whether it's relevant and whether the information gathered has any merit, whether the orgins are legit etc. etc. Common sense is actually suppossed be superceeded by actual facts. These women have speculated, theorized and pieced together this that and the other along the way forming opinions of one thing and another then taking those opionions into the next round of speculation and incomplete information gathering. Hell they could prove tomorrow that Brooks is lying and I would still feel comfortable with my stance on the lack of relevant proof presented up to this point. It isn't about protecting Brooks it's about shutting down this need to be cavalier with such a serious issue and then go about it in such a gauche, disheartening way cause ya know... JUSTICE... Is proof to this degree necessary to not like Brooks or not want to deal with him? Absolutely not. But when accusations of this magnitude are lobbied around publicly and certain invasions take place in order to try and create a foundation of doubt just so you can have that much bigger of a platform to display your disdain for another person then yeah. If you're being this noisy and making my feel good show feel less good with huge declarations and accusations then Imma need more than a bunch a Nancy Drew wannabee's harping on and on and on about something they should just let go of already. It's annoying and morally corrupt, Faye Resnick style. Awesome post. 2 Link to comment
FozzyBear October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 7:17 AM, PhilMarlowe2 said: Thank you! Heather and Tamra trying to retcon last season in light of this new information is laughable. Regardless of whether Heather knew of this affair or not, Heather was horrible to her last season. I mean, even the brief flashback they showed - Tamra proclaiming, "Shannon's marriage is in shambles, she drinks way too much and she's a sad soul," while Heather solemnly nods, "I agree!"- is enough to remind that their behavior was inexcusable. Ok, but is that so bad? I'm not saying it's a particularly warm and fuzzy thing to say or even terribly nice, but it doesn't seem like fighting words to me either. At that point Heather and Shannon weren't friends. They didn't get along(I'm of the minirity opinion that the tension between them was due to both of their behavior, not just Heather but mileage varies) and had already sort of got into things with each other. Heather is at lunch with Tamara and Tamara (not Heather) says the the line about Shannon bring sad and her marriage being a sham...and Heather sort of agrees and that's it. Her tone wasn't nasty so much as "yeah you're probably right and that's really too bad for her." And that's pretty much the extent of Heather's contribution. I guess she could have disagreed with Tamara? But the thing is she didn't, I didn't, many people here didn't. She sort of agreed that someone she didn't really know or like seemed to be in a bad place. I guess it's maybe not a Pollyanna moment, but it also doesn't strike me as being particularly nasty. At worst it's sort of gossipy , but all these women gossip all the time (including Shannon "he never went to my doctor" Beador). It's pretty much what their job is. I could see Shannon being hurt that Tamara said it, but Heather? Why? 6 Link to comment
imjagain October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) Because you all made me curious I went back to watch the parts I fast forwarded. Omg the the baptism and the butt scavenger hunt lol. Ok like I said in my earlier post I haven't been to church since I was a kid, but everyone getting their drink on while heading to baptism, is that pretty normal? David in all white reminded me of a cult leader. I was laughing and gagging at David washing up. I never tell my husband about these shows because he thinks they are ridiculous and doesn't understand why I watch them, but I was laughing at some of the posts and he asked so I told him about it. Now my hubby thinks he's funny so he said he didn't think it's a big deal, he said he'd look up there all day if I let him, *rolls eyes* . I don't! I told him he was alone in that because if he had something stuck up his behind, I would not be helping him out with that. Thanks for the laughs the board is better than the show. Edited October 7, 2015 by imjagain 11 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 2:44 PM, Yours Truly said: I'm educated and I butcher the English language all the time. I don't get the big? I mean we live in a world where we have the language we officially learn in school during our childhood and then adjust it throughout our lives in real life interactions which includes a lot a slang (at least in my world). I don't know anyone that goes through their day enunciating their words with proper grammer and the like. When talking to my co workers and friends I'm comfortable and let the Imma's and dontcha's, wanna's and the like fly. When answering the phone or greeting clients, then of course, gotta be on point but speaking incorrectly is pretty much the norm and I wouldn't expect it any other way. I expect properness for someone who is giving a presentation, speech, addressing a group of people and mostly in a professional situation not while have casual conversations with other people. That would be mind numbing. What's the "big" on speaking like an uneducated moron in front of millions of viewers? It's personal pref of course, but I wouldn't want to do that. Guess I'm thinking in terms of being a businessperson & a lawyer. If I was making a sales pitch in front of perspective clients -- sounding like an uneducated moron would get me exactly nowhere. If I sounded that way in front of clients & judges in court, I'd also get exactly nowhere. Slaughtering the English language in private is one thing. In public, it's quite another. It's also about perception. If you're fine & dandy with slaughtering the English language, in spite of having a good education, well, then that's your choice & good luck with it. You know, I think Heather has the right idea. She goes overboard to some degree. But she gets it. She's an experienced actress & she understands that everything she does on camera is noticed. So she makes a considerable effort to sound as intelligent as she can. I can respect that. Now, as I said before, I'm not one to pick apart anyone's grammar because I just don't care so much. But I will notice something particularly awful, like when David said "Shannon & I's". Does it make me think any less of him? Not sure. I already think he's a loathsome character, so not sure if it's possible to think worse of him. 7 Link to comment
RedHawk October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) Quote Ok like I said in my earlier post I haven't been to church since I was a kid, but everyone getting their drink on while heading to baptism, is that pretty normal? Heh, I noticed that, too. Well, not in the Baptist church, where we don't drink at wedding receptions if they are held in the fellowship hall of the church, and sometimes not even at receptions held offsite. Billy as per his usual was already drinking at Vicki's and seemed to be carrying a nearly empty bottle and a newly opened bottle of Corona as he walked out to the limo. Tamra really did seem to confuse her baptism with a wedding, including holding it at a hotel, giving her guests a specific dress code, having an elaborate reception/after party, etc. Note to Tamra: baptism is not considered to be "marrying Jesus", that is what nuns are said to do. I do not think Tamra's intention is to become a nun. What I really need to hear is Tamra's vulgar reaction/commentary on Shannon's anal probe. Perhaps that's coming next week, at her post-baptismal season finale party. Can't wait. Edited October 7, 2015 by RedHawk 4 Link to comment
Snarky McSnarky October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 2:39 PM, Freckledbruh said: Vicki used to spout religious stuff in the first few seasons (and being hypocritical about it of course) so I don't see it as anything new. She used to cross herself at least six times per season, when she wasn't shaking her head violently back and forth in fake surprise to ensure additional camera time. And she would say "God hates divorce" as she was getting divorced for the second time after being outed for screwing around with someone else during both of her marriages. She also used to "work" until 2:00 AM on a regular basis, but now that she has stopped doing double duty with Donn and Brooks, she no longer needs to keep such late hours outside the house. Satan loves confusion and long work days. Edited October 7, 2015 by Bella Roche 23 Link to comment
talula October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 3:29 AM, DebbieM4 said: l understand that Brianna doesn't like Brooks, and yes she has reasons to feel that way. She can like or dislike whoever she wants My issue is that she never shuts up about it. She's stated her case over & over again, and at some point (way before now) she should just stop. My parents divorced when I was in college, and my mother went on to date a man I didn't like, didn't trust, and didn't feel comfortable with. I told her, we talked about it, and that was that. I realized that it was her life not mine. I also realized that she was an adult, fully capable of making her own choices just as I was making mine. I didn't beat her over the head with my feelings about the guy, and I didn't find ways to interject my dislike for him into every conversation. Being snarky about him at every opportunity was not anything I ever considered. And the result was that I didn't have screaming, horrible, high-decibel arguments with my Mom on a never-ending basis. Her relationship with him ran its course, eventually ended, and I know she was grateful that I respected her enough to speak my mind and then back off. Brianna can be as upset & angry as she wants to be, but constantly going on and on about it will accomplish nothing. Especially with a mother like Vicki. She doesn't have to have a relationship with Brooks or share her children with him if she doesn't want to. Vicki isn't forcing that at all. I think Brianna should just steer clear, and maybe pay attention to making her own life a little happier. Her sour lemon face and tendency to disparage everything isn't likely to win her any friends, so maybe she should work on that. IMO the biggest problem in her life is not Brooks, and her emotional energy would be better spent elsewhere. Brianna is a pain in the ass, IMO. (Inadvertent Shannon Reference that I didn't realize until I read this over!!) I understand what your saying, but can't forget about BRAVO's bring on the drama contract stipulation. Briana is helping her mom do a job her mother gets paid for along with her trigger tempered husband. Briana brings the drama and Vicki is grateful her daughter plays along for the money and TV personality fame. If Vicki gets her own spin off reality show there's no doubt Briana helped Vicki gain the control and money that comes along as a result. 4 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 What's the deal on Billy? Is he married? Kids? Does he live in Chicago? He certainly seems to be popping up on cam lately. Has he said what he thinks of Crooks? 2 Link to comment
Yours Truly October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 6:22 PM, ScoobieDoobs said: What's the "big" on speaking like an uneducated moron in front of millions of viewers? It's personal pref of course, but I wouldn't want to do that. Guess I'm thinking in terms of being a businessperson & a lawyer. If I was making a sales pitch in front of perspective clients -- sounding like an uneducated moron would get me exactly nowhere. If I sounded that way in front of clients & judges in court, I'd also get exactly nowhere. Slaughtering the English language in private is one thing. In public, it's quite another. It's also about perception. If you're fine & dandy with slaughtering the English language, in spite of having a good education, well, then that's your choice & good luck with it. Don't really need luck. 20 plus years in my profession and 6 of those years as a Division Administrator for a nationwide financial advisors firm. However I did mention the need to speak intelligently in professional situations and business environments, particularly in environments where you are actually conducting business, but I don't consider having a reality show camera following you around for a season of the HW's an official business environment. I mean on Married to Medicine I would be much more mindful of how I present myself because with that profession they do need to worry about how they come across somewhat but Heather, Shannon, Vicki, Jim? Really? I wouldn't expect, of all things to be conscious about when the cameras are rolling, to be worried about their grammar. Especially since most consider it a non issue anyway and what exactly are they going to jeopardize by saying David and I, David and Me, Me and David...? I'm pretty sure the house payments, fancy crystals, and the truck loads of Vodka splashed with Lime will not suffer one bit. LOL. Deciding not to speak in text book doesn't mean a person is uneducated or a moron. That seems like a grand leap. Just means they use slang, are lazy with common phrases and like to speak in informal ways when going about their day to day activities. Edited October 7, 2015 by Yours Truly 7 Link to comment
Cherrio October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 6:54 PM, ScoobieDoobs said: What's the deal on Billy? Is he married? Kids? Does he live in Chicago? He certainly seems to be popping up on cam lately. Has he said what he thinks of Crooks? I have no idea, but something that was said lead me to think he lived with his mom. Without any evidence ( which seems to be so important to some folks lol) he strikes me as the dimwit does not work much son. He might hang around Vicki for the freebie trips when she can't find anyone else to tolerate her. Of course he could be the CEO of Steinmetz Enema Corporation? We can "fleet" around the internet for some tidbits. :) 5 Link to comment
ivygirl October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 5:43 PM, imjagain said: Ok like I said in my earlier post I haven't been to church since I was a kid, but everyone getting their drink on while heading to baptism, is that pretty normal? Not that I'm aware of! That was really strange to me as well. I mean, churches (and families) will often have small celebrations after a baptism, but I've never seen them have full-on events with pre-game drinking and dress codes. 7 Link to comment
ghoulina October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 Quote See joking on complete fails like Tamara's Cyst and Deceased, or Ramona's Mountains out of ho mills (or whatever she said) that I understand cause that's just plain funny. I think Ramona said "holemills", but I like "ho mills" so much better! Is that like a puppy mill for hos? Quote Ok like I said in my earlier post I haven't been to church since I was a kid, but everyone getting their drink on while heading to baptism, is that pretty normal? If I had to witness the fuckery that is Tamballs getting baptized, I'd have to be pretty fucking plastered. 13 Link to comment
Lyra Angelica October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 7:37 AM, ScoobieDoobs said: Hey, I'm not big on correcting anyone's grammar, but I haven't heard anything this blaring since Gretch was on. Well, a few eps ago, Tams said to Shannon & Heather she wanted to get "you guys's" opinions/feedback on something. Oh, but I expect Tams to speak like a moron -- because she's uneducated & she is a moron. But I thought David was educated. I thought he may even have a graduate degree. Yikers, when I heard him say "Shannon & I's relationship", it reminded me of Gretch. Sniff, it almost made me miss her. Not really, but almost. Every day spoken language is a lot more informal than written language and I make plenty of grammatical errors, both written and spoken, but for some reason my biggest pet peeve on grammar usage is the misuse of subject and object pronouns; this just grates on my ears and every single one of the women and David misuse pronouns all the time. Tamra and Gretch just butcher the English language in every way imaginable and it makes them sound like uneducated bimbos (although didn't Gretchen graduate from Baylor???), so it gives me much pleasure to see them look (sound) foolish. Edited October 7, 2015 by Lyra Angelica 3 Link to comment
RedheadZombie October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 Vicki and her family talking about satan and satan's work is so over the top. I will admit that after watching Stephen Piscotty get knocked unconscious (after losing arguably the best working catcher to DL, as well as at least ten major injuries this year), I turned to my mother and said, "God hates the St. Louis Cardinals). But it was hyperbole and she knew it. I was raised in a family of Baptists, and even I've never seen such sanctimony and melodrama. There's nothing like "religious" people doing what thou wilt (which is the major tenet of Satanism, BTW), then screeching about Jesus as they point fingers at others. And as much as people like to joke - get off the cross, we need the wood - I'm not sure if I've ever heard someone flat out place themselves in the crucifixion story. But the ULTIMATE irony is Tamra (newly made Bride of Christ), sadly shaking her head, and speculating on Vicki's eternal damnation. 7 Link to comment
Lyra Angelica October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 So Heather didn't tell anyone about David's affair, including Terry (yarite), but if she shared anything about David's email with anyone, then she has to give her gold star back (although I'm not sure why doing the right thing in the first place deserves a gold star). Also, she treated Shannon terribly last season by distorting and overracting to many of the interactions she and Shannon had. I think it was unforgivable for Heather to create a storyline that Shannon was crazy and that she needed to be seen by a doctor (and BTW Heather, your husband is a plastic surgeon, not a psychiatrist or any other mental health specialist without an MD). If Heather knew that David was having an affair and the Beador marriage was extremely unstable, the way she treated Shannon last year is even more despicable. 18 Link to comment
Lyra Angelica October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 2:14 AM, happykitteh said: I wouldn't risk it. I'd be like David only I'd have added a Clorox wash too. Never know what invisible bacteria may still be lurking and he was going to an event where he was going to be shaking a lot of hands and eating finger foods. Better safe than sorry I say. And don't these people have disposable gloves in their houses? 4 Link to comment
Miss February October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) We all find something about an episode that irritates us. What's wrong with poor grammar bothering some of us? I don't even notice Vicki's tight dresses or Meghan's headbands, but I can understand that those things bother some people. I don't understand why being irritated by the Housewives' consistent poor grammar is deserving of all this lecturing. Edited October 7, 2015 by Miss February 6 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 7:08 PM, Yours Truly said: Don't really need luck. 20 plus years in my profession and 6 of those years as a Division Administrator for a nationwide financial advisors firm. However I did mention the need to speak intelligently in professional situations and business environments, particularly in environments where you are actually conducting business, but I don't consider having a reality show camera following you around for a season of the HW's an official business environment. I mean on Married to Medicine I would be much more mindful of how I present myself because with that profession they do need to worry about how they come across somewhat but Heather, Shannon, Vicki, Jim? Really? I wouldn't expect, of all things to be conscious about when the cameras are rolling, to be worried about their grammar. Especially since most consider it a non issue anyway and what exactly are they going to jeopardize by saying David and I, David and Me, Me and David...? I'm pretty sure the house payments, fancy crystals, and the truck loads of Vodka splashed with Lime will not suffer one bit. LOL. Deciding not to speak in text book doesn't mean a person is uneducated or a moron. That seems like a grand leap. Just means they use slang, are lazy with common phrases and like to speak in informal ways when going about their day to day activities. It's about perception. And going on a reality show & slaughtering the English language in front of millions of viewers is absolutely a choice to make yourself look like an idiot. And no, it's not a leap at all, for anyone to assume someone is uneducated (and a moron) if he/she is slaughtering the English language constantly. Again, it's your choice. If you're fine & dandy with it & you've sailed by doing it, then good for you. I'd get nowhere with it (professionally or otherwise). So I'll pass, thanks. And apparently, bad grammar won't get you dates either- Guess I better watch my grammar all the time now, and not just when I'm on a reality show or working. Edited October 7, 2015 by ScoobieDoobs 3 Link to comment
Lyra Angelica October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/6/2015 at 8:05 PM, islandgal140 said: I like Shannon but I just hate the coven she has formed with Trampra, Meghan, and Heather. Yeah, that'll last! Yes this!!!!! Even though I don't like Vicki, I think this is an unholy alliance and these women are not Shannon's friends who will turn on her faster than you can say Shannon Beador. I'm sorry to tell you Shannon, but you are not a good judge of character. 6 Link to comment
Yours Truly October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 7:57 PM, ScoobieDoobs said: It's about perception. And going on a reality show & slaughtering the English language in front of millions of viewers is absolutely a choice to make yourself look like an idiot. And no, it's not a leap at all, for anyone to assume someone is uneducated (and a moron) if he/she is slaughtering the English language constantly. Again, it's your choice. If you're fine & dandy with it & you've sailed by doing it, then good for you. I'd get nowhere with it (professionally or otherwise). So I'll pass, thanks. And apparently, bad grammar won't get you dates either- Guess I better watch my grammar all the time now, and not just when I'm on a reality show or working. Well slaughtering is a bit extreme and I did use the term (actually butchered, same dif) but are a few incorrect sentences based on the most common errors people make in the English language REALLY such a gage of another person's moronic state? Seems a bit over reaching to me considering that in my experience the perception on matters like these are really not that serious but hey, guess I'm lucky that I'm living in the unusual part of the country that doesn't slap a dunce cap on my head each and every time I walk out my front door and open my mouth. <shrug> Edited October 7, 2015 by Yours Truly 5 Link to comment
Lyra Angelica October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/6/2015 at 5:50 PM, nexxie said: Omg, Shannon's dilemma cracked me up so much - it just got crazier and crazier, with the enema, David's facial expressions and, finally, his daring leap. Hahhhhaaaa! "It's not fun to be me." Ok, so I haven't ever used an enema, but there are days when I feel the same way Shannon did and I do indeed say to myself, "F*** me!" 3 Link to comment
DebbieM4 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 6:52 PM, talula said: I understand what your saying, but can't forget about BRAVO's bring on the drama contract stipulation. Briana is helping her mom do a job her mother gets paid for along with her trigger tempered husband. Briana brings the drama and Vicki is grateful her daughter plays along for the money and TV personality fame. If Vicki gets her own spin off reality show there's no doubt Briana helped Vicki gain the control and money that comes along as a result. Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 I can't even contemplate grammar and spelling right now. My mind is occupied with much bigger issues like how much of Tamra's makeup will disperse throughout the pool when she gets dunked. How big will the makeup cloud be? How far will it go? Will the health department have to shut the pool down afterward? For how long? Forever? Or, just a few years? 18 Link to comment
DebbieM4 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) Well, yes, but then we can say the same thing about everyone. They all bring the drama and try to stay relevant.Even with all of Brianna's histrionics, I still find her depressing and boring. I'm not interested in a Vicki spinoff, and Brianna being featured heavily would make it even less appealing to me. I couldn't care less if she likes Brooks, and I don't think it makes good television. There's no need for them to be together or film together, so it's a non-issue. Other than her constant snarking about him, which got old for me long ago.If we're not going to judge her for her behavior, then we really can't judge anyone else. I'm sure that Meghan, for example, is bringing the drama, but I still don't like her or her behavior. It's no different for Brianna or any of the others. eta: Not sure what happened to the quoted post that I was responding to! Edited October 8, 2015 by DebbieM4 2 Link to comment
motorcitymom65 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 2:56 PM, Yours Truly said: How did she know for a fact? My point is that a looooooottt of talk isn't fact. Did she walk in on David and the mistress? Also my point that it was wrong for her to include the information she received from Tamara about the email David sent to Shannon even though it was true. These women weren't talking about that email. They didn't know anything about it. Heather offered up that bit of information. That's still some inexcusible shit. A bitch tells a group of women at a table about a email my husband sent me about wanting a divorce. Huh, what? That doesn't come across as fucked up? Oh but she never told Terry about Shannon's affair? Call me crazy but I'm not giving credit to ANYBODY for keepin my name out their mouths! Point Blank Period. That's not something you should throw someone a parade for. That's just common fucking decency. Unbelievable. And what makes it even more unbelievable is the fact that Heather didn't actually succeed in keeping Shannon and David's name out of her mouth. So the gossiping is okay because the subject was just about David's request for a divorce and NOT the affair? Come on! Am I in bizarro world? It appears that she did know it for a fact. David said himself he thought that she did. How did she know? At this point we don't know the answer to that question. Perhaps The Affair told her. Perhaps the best friend of The Affair told her. Perhaps a close friend saw them checking into a hotel room. There are a number of ways that Heather could have known for a fact that they were sleeping together. I would assume that for David to say that he was certain she knew that there must have been a reason for that. And how do we know that the women weren't talking about the email? My understanding is that the accusation is that Heather was talking about it. I don't believe it was ever said that she was the one who shared the original piece of information. Perhaps someone else knew about it and was talking about it. We just don't know everything that happened. As far as bizarro world, I don't know that either. What I do know is that Heather never said "boo" about Shannon or her marriage on TV. Whatever she said was said off camera in a conversation with other people who seemed to know about their situation. She was apparently talking with people who were in the loop as to certain things. Again, she shouldn't have been doing it, but I never saw how this was such a horrendous sin. I have certainly done the same thing, as have most people I know. What she didn't do was to ever talk about Shannon's situation on camera - ever. When her BFF Tamra was talking about her being a mess, her only comment was "I would agree". She didn't participate in talking about anything regarding Shannon except for the fact that she didn't really like her and that her personal issues didn't make it OK for her to be a mess. She didn't make it personal or take the opportunity of not liking Shannon to make public information that she knew about Shannon and her marriage. Not on camera and according to Shannon not off camera either. It is true that in a fair and just world people wouldn't gossip about such things. The fact is that Heather didn't like Shannon. I think her reasons were unfair, but I completely get them at the same time. I think there is something to be said about someone who was hammered for an entire season about her treatment of Shannon, upto and including the reunion, and she kept her mouth shut about what she knew about the Beador's. It is just as likely that some of the people gossiping about Shannon and her marriage that day at lunch were friends of Shannon's. It is likely they were saying all kinds of things. It would have been easy with Shannon standing in her home accusing her of gossiping to deflect blame on herself by giving her the scoop on which of Shannon's other friends were gossiping about her marriage. Of what they were saying about her and David. She threw no one under the bus, which I think given the circumstances was something to be admired. Again, Shannon seems to know the whole story and she is grateful to Heather. 9 Link to comment
Lyra Angelica October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/6/2015 at 6:50 PM, Scrambled Fog said: Kara was valedictorian of her high school class and went to UC Berkeley. Yes, there's no denying Kara did well academically in high school and I believe she also did well at UCLA. But, I still can't stand her. 5 Link to comment
Htm222 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) ugh I recently saw the whole Ryan v Lydias mom fight and it was even worse than I had thought. Brianas reaction... Stockholm syndrome or willful blindness to a real problem. Edited October 7, 2015 by Htm222 13 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 Lol! Unless the 2 ERs Briana works at are holding her hostage, I don't think she has Stockholm Syndrome. Lol! Link to comment
WireWrap October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 8:42 PM, motorcitymom65 said: It appears that she did know it for a fact. David said himself he thought that she did. How did she know? At this point we don't know the answer to that question. Perhaps The Affair told her. Perhaps the best friend of The Affair told her. Perhaps a close friend saw them checking into a hotel room. There are a number of ways that Heather could have known for a fact that they were sleeping together. I would assume that for David to say that he was certain she knew that there must have been a reason for that. And how do we know that the women weren't talking about the email? My understanding is that the accusation is that Heather was talking about it. I don't believe it was ever said that she was the one who shared the original piece of information. Perhaps someone else knew about it and was talking about it. We just don't know everything that happened. As far as bizarro world, I don't know that either. What I do know is that Heather never said "boo" about Shannon or her marriage on TV. Whatever she said was said off camera in a conversation with other people who seemed to know about their situation. She was apparently talking with people who were in the loop as to certain things. Again, she shouldn't have been doing it, but I never saw how this was such a horrendous sin. I have certainly done the same thing, as have most people I know. What she didn't do was to ever talk about Shannon's situation on camera - ever. When her BFF Tamra was talking about her being a mess, her only comment was "I would agree". She didn't participate in talking about anything regarding Shannon except for the fact that she didn't really like her and that her personal issues didn't make it OK for her to be a mess. She didn't make it personal or take the opportunity of not liking Shannon to make public information that she knew about Shannon and her marriage. Not on camera and according to Shannon not off camera either. It is true that in a fair and just world people wouldn't gossip about such things. The fact is that Heather didn't like Shannon. I think her reasons were unfair, but I completely get them at the same time. I think there is something to be said about someone who was hammered for an entire season about her treatment of Shannon, upto and including the reunion, and she kept her mouth shut about what she knew about the Beador's. It is just as likely that some of the people gossiping about Shannon and her marriage that day at lunch were friends of Shannon's. It is likely they were saying all kinds of things. It would have been easy with Shannon standing in her home accusing her of gossiping to deflect blame on herself by giving her the scoop on which of Shannon's other friends were gossiping about her marriage. Of what they were saying about her and David. She threw no one under the bus, which I think given the circumstances was something to be admired. Again, Shannon seems to know the whole story and she is grateful to Heather. Bottom line for me is that Shannon is fine with Heather. If Shannon, who knows far more about what happened than any of us, is now OK with Heather, has forgiven any slight she may have felt from her last season, then IMO, anyone supporting Shannon should be as well. Also, visa versa, with Heather towards Shannon. 7 Link to comment
ScoobieDoobs October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 7:12 PM, Cherrio said: I have no idea, but something that was said lead me to think he lived with his mom. Without any evidence ( which seems to be so important to some folks lol) he strikes me as the dimwit does not work much son. He might hang around Vicki for the freebie trips when she can't find anyone else to tolerate her. Of course he could be the CEO of Steinmetz Enema Corporation? We can "fleet" around the internet for some tidbits. :) Maybe Billy is the Pres & CEO of Vanderlay Industries. He always struck me as very George Costanza-ish. Hmmm, maybe Brooksie can get a job with Billy & insurance coverage for his . . . er, "cancer". 9 Link to comment
cherry slushie October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 4:34 PM, Pattycake2 said: But that was true. Shannon's marriage was in shambles, she did drink too much, and she was a sad soul. Three reasons why Heather should not have treated her the way she did. She went above and beyond cruel. If I recall correctly, a lot of it came about because she and Terry were jealous of the Beador's wealth, although they would never admit to it ("Take the Beadors down", according to Tamra). Furthermore, Tamra was playing them against each other behind their backs, so she was certainly stoking the flames of an already strained situation. ETA - At the beginning of last season, Tamra's initial target was Heather, but at Shannon and David's dinner party, Heather hid behind a door and eavesdropped on Tamra bashing her to the others ("stick up her ass" comments and such). Heather immediately nipped it in the bud by gratuitously kissing Tamra's ass, then teaming up with her in an effort to take Shannon down via rumors of alcoholism and psychosis Edited October 7, 2015 by cherry slushie 6 Link to comment
Snarky McSnarky October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 8:45 PM, Lyra Angelica said: Yes, there's no denying Kara did well academically in high school and I believe she also did well at UCLA. But, I still can't stand her. Speaking of Kara, she is currently preggers. 1 Link to comment
zoeysmom October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 Shannon's purpose in visiting Heather's that night was to find out who told her about David's e-mail. Heather was expecting an apology for Shannon "yelling" at her. Heather lied or didn't come clean and say Tamra told her. Heather not discussing what her and her friends were talking about was not exactly noble. If there were a dozen people there and the affair info was speculated about, the words never needed to leave Heather's lips, there were plenty of other sources. Heather also told a big one about Shannon just dropping in without notice. I have to agree with all those who have stated most likely Heather's knowledge was based on rumor not fact. It might be interesting to get a little more information on the subject. Shannon, Tamra, Heather and Vicki are all friends again. The only thing I have heard Shannon say about Meghan and this was pre-Reunion was she would rather clean toilets than go to dinner with Meghan. 3 Link to comment
Htm222 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 8:49 PM, Scrambled Fog said: Lol! Unless the 2 ERs Briana works at are holding her hostage, I don't think she has Stockholm Syndrome. Lol! you can use the term more loosely than that, in the sense that abusive people can be said to capture their partners who then accept the behavior. 4 Link to comment
bravofan27 October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 Do Brianna and her mom seem to have a codependent relationship? It seems like they are always criticizing each other and unhappy with each other but they just can't get enough. Brianna has bragged about how she wants to live as far away as her mom as possible, and now she is making it sound like it's only because of Brooks she is far away. It's like whatever her mom wants, she makes sure that she doesn't have it. 6 Link to comment
Scrambled Fog October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 9:41 PM, Htm222 said: you can use the term more loosely than that, in the sense that abusive people can be said to capture their partners who then accept the behavior. All I know is it is impossible for me to offer an opinion on the status of Briana's marital situation based on the footage available. The footage that is available amounts to minutes in total. 6 Link to comment
cherry slushie October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 8:42 PM, motorcitymom65 said: It appears that she did know it for a fact. David said himself he thought that she did. How did she know? At this point we don't know the answer to that question. Perhaps The Affair told her. Perhaps the best friend of The Affair told her. Perhaps a close friend saw them checking into a hotel room. There are a number of ways that Heather could have known for a fact that they were sleeping together. I would assume that for David to say that he was certain she knew that there must have been a reason for that. And how do we know that the women weren't talking about the email? My understanding is that the accusation is that Heather was talking about it. I don't believe it was ever said that she was the one who shared the original piece of information. Perhaps someone else knew about it and was talking about it. We just don't know everything that happened. As far as bizarro world, I don't know that either. What I do know is that Heather never said "boo" about Shannon or her marriage on TV. Whatever she said was said off camera in a conversation with other people who seemed to know about their situation. She was apparently talking with people who were in the loop as to certain things. Again, she shouldn't have been doing it, but I never saw how this was such a horrendous sin. I have certainly done the same thing, as have most people I know. What she didn't do was to ever talk about Shannon's situation on camera - ever. When her BFF Tamra was talking about her being a mess, her only comment was "I would agree". She didn't participate in talking about anything regarding Shannon except for the fact that she didn't really like her and that her personal issues didn't make it OK for her to be a mess. She didn't make it personal or take the opportunity of not liking Shannon to make public information that she knew about Shannon and her marriage. Not on camera and according to Shannon not off camera either. It is true that in a fair and just world people wouldn't gossip about such things. The fact is that Heather didn't like Shannon. I think her reasons were unfair, but I completely get them at the same time. I think there is something to be said about someone who was hammered for an entire season about her treatment of Shannon, upto and including the reunion, and she kept her mouth shut about what she knew about the Beador's. It is just as likely that some of the people gossiping about Shannon and her marriage that day at lunch were friends of Shannon's. It is likely they were saying all kinds of things. It would have been easy with Shannon standing in her home accusing her of gossiping to deflect blame on herself by giving her the scoop on which of Shannon's other friends were gossiping about her marriage. Of what they were saying about her and David. She threw no one under the bus, which I think given the circumstances was something to be admired. Again, Shannon seems to know the whole story and she is grateful to Heather. If in fact Shannon knew about the affair, as David insinuated, I'm more inclined to think she was protecting The Affair, or The Affair's friend who told her, or the friend of a friend of The Affair who told her, rather than Shannon. The Affair seems to have some major pull in Orange County, and people either really like/respect her or are afraid/intimidated by her, given that everyone, including Heather, remained so tight-lipped about her being the other woman. JMO. Edited October 7, 2015 by cherry slushie 4 Link to comment
Former Nun October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 Quote I was thinking about this - is it really not a fair battle, was it really not fair, for Slade to say whatever he wanted about Vicki's looks? As one whom Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd tried to educate on numerous occasions, I think Slade was a "comedian" for a moment. Whoopi and Sherri provide the opinion that a comedian can say ANYTHING...because it's the's the comedy. 4 Link to comment
WireWrap October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 9:22 PM, cherry slushie said: Three reasons why Heather should not have treated her the way she did. She went above and beyond cruel, If I recall correctly, a lot of it came about because she and Terry were jealous of the Beador's wealth, although they would never admit to it ("Take the Beadors down", according to Tamra). Furthermore, Tamra was playing them against each other behind their backs, so she was certainly stoking the flames of an already strained situation. ETA - At the beginning of last season, Tamra's initial target was Heather, but at Shannon and David's dinner party, Heather hid behind a door and eavesdropped on Tamra bashing her to the others ("stick up her ass" comments and such). Heather immediately nipped it in the bud by gratuitously kissing Tamra's ass, then teaming up with her in an effort to take Shannon down via rumors of alcoholism and psychosis IMO, it was never about wealth, that was only specuated on various boards but never on the show. I think Heather felt left out/pushed out by both Vicki and Tamra in the beginning and that made her sensitive to anything Shannon said/did. Both Vicki and Tamra tried to target Heather in the beginning and Heather refused to take the bait so they had to switch targets. Vicki would run between Shannon and Tamra, feeding them info about Shannon/Tamra/Heather to keep the fued between Tamra/Heather and Shannon going. Tamra would then run back to Heather and repeat/embelish what Vicki told her about Heather and then run back to keep Vicki updated on what Heather said about Shannon and Vicki would in turn spill it to Shannon. If you go back and watch Vicki and Tamra, they BOTH played Shannon and Heather like sad little puppet because those 2 are puppet masters. IMO, had Vicki and Tamra not played their nasty game, Heather and Shannon would have been friends from the get go. On 10/7/2015 at 9:37 PM, zoeysmom said: Shannon's purpose in visiting Heather's that night was to find out who told her about David's e-mail. Heather was expecting an apology for Shannon "yelling" at her. Heather lied or didn't come clean and say Tamra told her. Heather not discussing what her and her friends were talking about was not exactly noble. If there were a dozen people there and the affair info was speculated about, the words never needed to leave Heather's lips, there were plenty of other sources. Heather also told a big one about Shannon just dropping in without notice. I have to agree with all those who have stated most likely Heather's knowledge was based on rumor not fact. It might be interesting to get a little more information on the subject. Shannon, Tamra, Heather and Vicki are all friends again. The only thing I have heard Shannon say about Meghan and this was pre-Reunion was she would rather clean toilets than go to dinner with Meghan. While I do think Heather knew Shannon was coming to their house, I do NOT believe she knew WHY she was coming over. IMO, she may have though Shannon had found out about the affair and thought Tamra told Heather about it or that telling her she knew about the email from David would have led to revealing that he was having an affair. According to David, Heather KNOWS the the mistress, so I suspect she knew about the affair when Shannon came to her house. Also. I don't think Vicki and Shannon are back to friends yet but are more likely at the point that they both think they will be in the future. On 10/7/2015 at 10:49 PM, cherry slushie said: If in fact Shannon knew about the affair, as David insinuated, I'm more inclined to think she was protecting The Affair, or the Affair's friend who told her, or the friend of a friend of The Affair who told her, rather than Shannon. The Affair seems to have some major pull in Orange County, and people either really like/respect her or are afraid/intimidated by her, given that everyone, including Heather, remained so tight-lipped about it for so long. JMO. I think it is just as possible that Heather did not want to be the one to tell Shannon, or anyone for that matter, that her husband was sleeping with another woman. That is not something a you tell someone you do not like or are at odds with unless you want to completly destroy them and are a heartless human being and I don't see Heather as that sort of person at all. JMO 9 Link to comment
Cherrio October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 9:22 PM, ScoobieDoobs said: Maybe Billy is the Pres & CEO of Vanderlay Industries. He always struck me as very George Costanza-ish. Hmmm, maybe Brooksie can get a job with Billy & insurance coverage for his . . . er, "cancer". Brooks could be cured of his crooks ways if only he let Shannon give him an enema the size of California. Of course it would created the largest "mudslide" in the history of the state. 2 Link to comment
cherry slushie October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 11:05 PM, WireWrap said: IMO, it was never about wealth, that was only specuated on various boards but never on the show. I think Heather felt left out/pushed out by both Vicki and Tamra in the beginning and that made her sensitive to anything Shannon said/did. Both Vicki and Tamra tried to target Heather in the beginning and Heather refused to take the bait so they had to switch targets. Vicki would run between Shannon and Tamra, feeding them info about Shannon/Tamra/Heather to keep the fued between Tamra/Heather and Shannon going. Tamra would then run back to Heather and repeat/embelish what Vicki told her about Heather and then run back to keep Vicki updated on what Heather said about Shannon and Vicki would in turn spill it to Shannon. If you go back and watch Vicki and Tamra, they BOTH played Shannon and Heather like sad little puppet because those 2 are puppet masters. IMO, had Vicki and Tamra not played their nasty game, Heather and Shannon would have been friends from the get go. While I do think Heather knew Shannon was coming to their house, I do NOT believe she knew WHY she was coming over. IMO, she may have though Shannon had found out about the affair and thought Tamra told Heather about it or that telling her she knew about the email from David would have led to revealing that he was having an affair. According to David, Heather KNOWS the the mistress, so I suspect she knew about the affair when Shannon came to her house. Also. I don't think Vicki and Shannon are back to friends yet but are more likely at the point that they both think they will be in the future. I think it is just as possible that Heather did not want to be the one to tell Shannon, or anyone for that matter, that her husband was sleeping with another woman. That is not something a you tell someone you do not like or are at odds with unless you want to completly destroy them and are a heartless human being and I don't see Heather as that sort of person at all. JMO Oh, I respectfully agree to disagree with the bolded. That was all Tamra. Vicki had Shannon's back the whole season and called Tamra (and Heather to a lesser degree) out on it all. I just watched a ton of clips from last season, (including Bravo's re-airing of the whole dinner party scene about two weeks ago for the Real Housewives awards), and Vicki and Lizzie back Shannon up to the hilt, Vicki even telling Heather that she's mercilessly kicking Shannon when she's down, and telling all that Tamra did indeed tell Shannon (and herself) that the Dubrows said they wanted to take the Beadors down. 5 Link to comment
Cherrio October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 (edited) On 10/7/2015 at 8:45 PM, Htm222 said: ugh I recently saw the whole Ryan v Lydias mom fight and it was even worse than I had thought. Brianas reaction... Stockholm syndrome or willful blindness to a real problem. I always thought Lydia's mom looked just like Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Edited October 7, 2015 by Cherrio 10 Link to comment
zoeysmom October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 11:05 PM, WireWrap said: IMO, it was never about wealth, that was only specuated on various boards but never on the show. I think Heather felt left out/pushed out by both Vicki and Tamra in the beginning and that made her sensitive to anything Shannon said/did. Both Vicki and Tamra tried to target Heather in the beginning and Heather refused to take the bait so they had to switch targets. Vicki would run between Shannon and Tamra, feeding them info about Shannon/Tamra/Heather to keep the fued between Tamra/Heather and Shannon going. Tamra would then run back to Heather and repeat/embelish what Vicki told her about Heather and then run back to keep Vicki updated on what Heather said about Shannon and Vicki would in turn spill it to Shannon. If you go back and watch Vicki and Tamra, they BOTH played Shannon and Heather like sad little puppet because those 2 are puppet masters. IMO, had Vicki and Tamra not played their nasty game, Heather and Shannon would have been friends from the get go. While I do think Heather knew Shannon was coming to their house, I do NOT believe she knew WHY she was coming over. IMO, she may have though Shannon had found out about the affair and thought Tamra told Heather about it or that telling her she knew about the email from David would have led to revealing that he was having an affair. According to David, Heather KNOWS the the mistress, so I suspect she knew about the affair when Shannon came to her house. Also. I don't think Vicki and Shannon are back to friends yet but are more likely at the point that they both think they will be in the future. I think it is just as possible that Heather did not want to be the one to tell Shannon, or anyone for that matter, that her husband was sleeping with another woman. That is not something a you tell someone you do not like or are at odds with unless you want to completly destroy them and are a heartless human being and I don't see Heather as that sort of person at all. JMO I would have to check my Girl Code Handbook but I am under the impression it is never a good idea to tell anyone there husband is having an affair. What would Heather have to gain from such a boneheaded move? I still need some absolute proof that Heather knew -not heard rumors and not that she knew the woman. Once it is out in the open-and that would have been last April since apparently Vicki didn't exactly keep her word, it is easy to be the Monday morning quarterback or a psychic. Link to comment
WireWrap October 7, 2015 Share October 7, 2015 On 10/7/2015 at 11:29 PM, cherry slushie said: Oh, I respectfully agree to disagree with the bolded. That was all Tamra. Vicki had Shannon's back the whole season and called Tamra (and Heather to a lesser degree) out on it all. I just watched a ton of clips from last season, (including Bravo's re-airing of the whole dinner party scene about two weeks ago for the Real Housewives awards), and Vicki and Lizzie back Shannon up to the hilt, Vicki even telling Heather that she's mercilessly kicking Shannon when she's down, and telling all that Tamra did indeed tell Shannon (and herself) that the Dubrows said they wanted to take the Beadors down. Vicki was whispering in Shannon's ear early on. BOTH Vicki and Tamra did this and although Vicki did tell Heather to back off about Shannon, she did not tell Tamra this. They showed many a scene where Vicki and Tamra were discussing both Heather an Shannon then, wonder of wonders, Heather heard about what Vicki told Tamra and Shannon heard about what Heather told Tamra, so how do you think that happened? It was because Vicki and Tamra exchanged info with each other and then ran back to their respective team to pass the info along. Also, Lizzie got along with Heather and Shannon while she didn't with either Tamra or Vicki. The "take the Beadors down" comment was told to both Shannon and Vicki but that does not mean that Terry ever said that and I don't think he did, I think it was just another lie from Tamra, she is prone to them. LOL 2 Link to comment
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