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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Thanks everybody, I remembered that all wrong.  I was probably too busy rolling my eyes at how Ron chose to write out Lucky.  But it's also true that Lucky doesn't know the trying to murder Rebecca Budig, lying to Little Jake details.


Does Liz know that Nikolas told Lucky about Jason?

Edited by TeeVee329

Thanks, show, for giving me more reasons to hate Alexis and Julian. Tax crime is a fraud, Alexis. Creating a business loss for the sole purpose of reducing one's tax burden is tax fraud. It's also a violation of federal bankruptcy laws. And, dumb ass, a past tax debt is not reduced by a future tax loss. Dumbasses. Also, Alexis, if you could think about your daughter BEFORE you think about playing yet another round of hide the salami with Julian it would be a refreshing change.


I want to buy bling-y matching Christmas sweaters and give one to this post.


  • Love 4

If I'm Monica (or even Obrecht) I'd find a way! It is worth mentioning, again, that Liz ran both her games on Jason (this year and in 2012) while she was on the clock and while he was either a recent or current patient of GH. She treated Jake Doe on the job, took him in, fucked him and then hid his identity to control his life. That's what made me think she should be fired in the first place.


Obrecht is a sociopath criminal who shouldn't even be COS since the guy who was instrumental in putting her there (Victor) is dead. Ran both her games? If you're talking about Danny's DNA test, Liz wasn't a lab tech or Jason's doctor (for her to do it as part of her job description). She took the sample as a favor to him and then had a selfish moment, it's that simple. She took him in when he was released from the hospital in the fall but he later moved out, to Kelly's I believe. The first time they slept together was in May, after the Nurse's Ball - not when she took him in. And yes, she started lying about his identity at that time. Your implication that she took him home from the hospital, seduced him and has been controlling his life since that time is incorrect. Obrecht (and probably Monica too) knew Liz took Jake Doe in and didn't care. After the Nurse's Ball she also made an orgasm reference re: Liz and Jake Doe during work time to Liz's face, but yet again had zero concern about the appropriateness or lack thereof of anything.  

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Obrecht is a sociopath criminal who shouldn't even be COS since the guy who was instrumental in putting her there (Victor) is dead.


Sorry for this nitpick, but Victor has nothing to do with Obrecht being COS.  Yes, he used his position at the WSB to get her cleared of all the Robin-related charges, but she apparently bribed the hospital board with a big ass donation and that's why she's still there.


But fear not - if Liz continues this nonsense association with Franco, Obrecht surely won't fire her bestie's new buddy. #alltheeyerolls

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I hate that Obrecht is COS. My point was, I think any hospital admin (preferably Monica, who again is Jason's mother) would look sideways about how that shit played out with Nurse Liz and Patient Jason. She treated him, she took him in and she later interfered with his recovery for her own aims.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

It took Emma noticing something on a woman that she remembered seeing on Spencer Cassadine for Patrick to buy a clue that Robin's in danger. Anna being all shocked - what, Robin's not with you and Emma?! - makes me want to smack her. But I did like Mac's "old habits die hard" line and smirk.


I had to tune out when Sonny said Michael, I'm going to give you some fatherly advice. Ugh. Blech. 


JE is awesome, that tossing of Ava's dropped brand-new panties like she had accidentally come across a dead, decaying animal made me LOL.


Previews: I see Robert, and I can hear the squeals of excitement from you all!

  • Love 6
Finally, Patrick found his brain. But only after Emma used her super observant powers (from the Scorpio side of the family, of course).


It's like we see the exact episode where the writers found out JT wasn't sticking around, and they realize it's time to start wrapping up Robin's story.


ETA: When did Patrick and Emma decide to go to Paris? Offscreen?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 11

It's like we see the exact episode where the writers found out JT wasn't sticking around, and they realize it's time to start wrapping up Robin's story.


ETA: When did Patrick and Emma decide to go to Paris? Offscreen?


That part was actually on screen. Last week, when Emma had her meltdown after SamTrick broke up, she said she needed Mommy and Patrick finally said okay, they'd go to Paris and find Mommy

  • Love 1
Patrick finally said okay, they'd go to Paris and find Mommy

Ah, I missed that. Good to know it was onscreen.


I like Carly's take-no-prisoners attitude with Morgan. He's dumb enough that he needs it, even if he doesn't appreciate it.


It hurts to see Tracy be a dupe yet again.


The stuff with Jerry is so dumb: He asks Robin if she's found anything, and then sneers at her when she says yes; he threatens to kill her when she's his only hope to find anything. Pick a lane, Jerry. As a time killer, it's so boring; as drama, it isn't.


LOL that Dr. Lee is involved in yet another baby lie. Oh, Kelly. You have the worst luck with patients.


Sonny: "Women act differently when they're pregnant." The sage of Port Charles, people.

  • Love 12

I think that Lucky knows that Laura knows that he knows; but I don't think that Laura knows that Lucky knows that she knows that he knows.


This post. LOL It's like, the #1 reason I can't watch right now. My job alone is hard enough, the people every day and their insane moments are enough to deal with. I truly don't know if I can both perform my job and watch this show in the same time frame. I'm only human, and General Hospital is like Kryptonite for sane, rationally thinking people.

If your brain isn't fried enough trying to make sense of things in just one episode, give it time. It'll happen.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 3

Wait! Robert Effing Scorpio is back tomorrow? I've been skipping episodes the last two weeks  because I moved, and my cable/internet wasn't hooked up for a few days. And I stayed away because I just didn't want to see Liz get run over by the Jasam bus/become the town pariah.


But I might have to tune back in for Tristan Rogers. He was in the previews and everything? Don't tease a barge-dweller.

  • Love 1

Wait! Robert Effing Scorpio is back tomorrow? I've been skipping episodes the last two weeks  because I moved, and my cable/internet wasn't hooked up for a few days. And I stayed away because I just didn't want to see Liz get run over by the Jasam bus/become the town pariah.


But I might have to tune back in for Tristan Rogers. He was in the previews and everything? Don't tease a barge-dweller.

Yes, Tristan is back for 10 episodes, and is going back and forth between GH and Y&R.


Yes, his first appearance is tomorrow, but who knows if he'll show up at the beginning, middle, or in the last frame.


Yes, he was briefly in tomorrow's previews.  We see a hotel room with Patrick and Anna. Anna opens the door to reveal Robert.

  • Love 3

Wait! Robert Effing Scorpio is back tomorrow? I've been skipping episodes the last two weeks  because I moved, and my cable/internet wasn't hooked up for a few days. And I stayed away because I just didn't want to see Liz get run over by the Jasam bus/become the town pariah.


But I might have to tune back in for Tristan Rogers. He was in the previews and everything? Don't tease a barge-dweller.




How much more proof does Carly need that Morgan is also just simply a douche?


I hate this plot for Tracy, AGAIN.


Shut up, Sonny.

  • Love 7

I hate this plot for Tracy, AGAIN.

I feel like we're on round 100 of the exact same horrible story for Tracy. It's so aggravating.


Michael or Sonny said something about forgiveness or something, I don't really remember, but it made me so ragey. Like Michael you have completely forgiven the man who murdered your father so.


Why is Ava/Paul a thing? Please make it stop!


I mean it's a little late for Patrick/Anna to buy a clue, but I'm just grateful this story is finally ending.

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I just can't believe they F*ing KNEW JT was leaving and they still forced us to sit through months of pointless, boring Samtrick without playing any conflict or nuance

I like to call this....PETTY.

Also, I just realized today was the first day in like, over a year, that Patrick and Emma made no reference to Sam or Jason. It was quite glorious.

  • Love 19

I just can't believe they F*ing KNEW JT was leaving and they still forced us to sit through months of pointless, boring Samtrick without playing any conflict or nuance


Well, God forbid Sam be alone while Patrick dealt with his own shit months ago. It's such a waste. Samtrick should never have been at all, but since they were, it should have ended directly following the wedding that wasn't.

  • Love 7


I just can't believe they F*ing KNEW JT was leaving and they still forced us to sit through months of pointless, boring Samtrick without playing any conflict or nuance


And it's not something that is foreign to them because Sam had some nuance -- not good nuance -- but it was there.  Especially since the "endgame" was supposedly Robin and Patrick -- adding nuance would have been easy and would not have destroyed the SamTrick relationship. Just bad plotting and writing. It's frustrating. 


I always tell my husband that thee are bunches of people on these message boards who seem to be able to plot a story but we are forced to watch people nowadays who seem to have lost that ability.

  • Love 5

Well, God forbid Sam be alone while Patrick dealt with his own shit months ago. It's such a waste. Samtrick should never have been at all, but since they were, it should have ended directly following the wedding that wasn't.


I feel the opposite. That God Forbid that Patrick be alone. Ever since Robin "died" the first time, he was thrust into relationship after relationship until the present day.  There was a time, after Sam and Jason were broken up, where she didn't have a man. The only person, really, who, for some unknown reason, can not be allowed to NOT have a man warming her bed, is Cujo.


This has nothing to do with the characters, but on the writers. They knew well ahead of time, and I blame THEM.

  • Love 5


I feel the opposite. That God Forbid that Patrick be alone. Ever since Robin "died" the first time, he was thrust into relationship after relationship until the present day.  There was a time, after Sam and Jason were broken up, where she didn't have a man. The only person, really, who, for some unknown reason, can not be allowed to NOT have a man warming her bed, is Cujo.


This has nothing to do with the characters, but on the writers. They knew well ahead of time, and I blame THEM.


I don't even disagree, but the structure of that relationship was all (IMO) about Sam. Sam, who still loved Jason. Sam, who was torn about Patrick. Sam's feelings, Sam's issues. And Patrick was...her bed buddy? Sounding board? What he wasn't was a full character and just a cipher, just as he was with Sabrina. Hence the above POV about the whole thing.

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