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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This soo much! Valerie is the worst but than so is Dante.

I see loads of people blaming Valerie more than Dante and I really hate that I have to defend a home wrecker like Valerie. For the first time, she had a cousin who liked her and wanted to be family with her and she couldn't even keep her legs close. She is disgusting.

However, Dante is disgusting and vile as well. He is the who was in committed relationship and decided to cheat. I hate that he is skating in the show while Valerie is getting all the hate. It is lessing my enjoyment not seeing both get what's coming to them. 


They do this all the time. When Max cheated on Luna on OLTL with Blair... Blair got crucified for it for well over a year. Yeah, she went after Max but, guess what? Max was a very, very willing participant. He knew what he was doing and he did it repeatedly. And, as has been mentioned in the situation here with Dante, Lulu and Val... he was the one that had taken vows. In that situation, Blair saw Luna as a rival so, of course, she was going to go after what she wanted. Max, however, was the man who was supposed to love his wife.


Dante is the man who was supposed to love his wife. He didn't fight this at all. He gave up. Completely. Does Val have agency and deserve some blame? Yes. But not all of it and it really annoys the shit out of me when it plays out like that. I can actually understand the wife focusing her rage on the Other Woman. It makes sense because, generally, she loves the cheating husband and it's much much easier to put all the blame on the person you're not emotionally invested in. What comes after is, say the other woman is ousted... then you still have to deal with the man you love, the man you married, and the fact that he willingly cheated. They very rarely follow through with that part of the story on soaps.


Too bad. It would be a worthwhile road to take on an over-played trope.

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That is why I felt a little sorry for Lisa Niles.  Patrick made the first move with someone he knew was attracted to him and didn't fess up to until Lisa behavior started to really bother Robin. To this day, I thought the show had Robin forgive Patrick to soon in order to set up " Lisa terrorizes poor poor Scrubs" which ended when his brother was set to jail for her "murder", except it any defense attorney could have prove the killing was in self defense. 

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A supremely annoying corollary is when one partner is working with someone the other doesn't like, and we get "I trust you; I don't trust him/her." You don't have to like the situation, but if you trust your partner, it shouldn't be a problem.


Dante was like that when he found out Johnny owned half the HS, though Dante had a bit more reason to distrust Johnny than just worrying he'd put the moves on Lulu. Still. You either trust your partner or you don't.

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I can actually understand the wife focusing her rage on the Other Woman. It makes sense because, generally, she loves the cheating husband and it's much much easier to put all the blame on the person you're not emotionally invested in. What comes after is, say the other woman is ousted... then you still have to deal with the man you love, the man you married, and the fact that he willingly cheated. They very rarely follow through with that part of the story on soaps.


And what's probably gonna happen is that Lulu and Johnny's revenge plan will go south, Valerie will get hurt or something, Lulu will get screamed at, and Dante will continue to skate on his own behavior.

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A supremely annoying corollary is when one partner is working with someone the other doesn't like, and we get "I trust you; I don't trust him/her." You don't have to like the situation, but if you trust your partner, it shouldn't be a problem.


Dante was like that when he found out Johnny owned half the HS, though Dante had a bit more reason to distrust Johnny than just worrying he'd put the moves on Lulu. Still. You either trust your partner or you don't.


They never follow up with that, either. "Oh, so you trust me but not them... so, do you think they're going to drug me or something?"


It's like on Friends when Ross was wildly jealous of Mark at Rachel's new job. He was ranting and raving constantly about how Mark had all of these motives and just wanted to sleep with Rachel when finally Monica was like 'So what if he does? Does that mean he gets to?'


I've often wished that soap writers wouldn't fall under the 'happy couples are boring' LIE and actually write relationships that hit rough patches but survive. It's all stupid crap. What if Dante had been serious about staying the hell away from Valerie after it all came out and instead of just blindly accepting being paired with her at work, actually said 'no, this won't work for me at all.' What if he had actually pointed out to Valerie that neither one of them could pretend nothing was wrong since they did sleep together and she told their boss about it?


What if they fucking acknowledged that Valerie is in a bad place emotionally (her Mom died, you know) and called her out on latching onto the first penis that expressed any sympathy for her because that shit's kind of fucked up, too. Instead they went with 'Well, it's all LULU'S fault because LULU LIED and what choice did we have but to fuck... lie about it for months... and then act all affronted when a) we were found out and b) didn't do a damn thing to avoid each other for a fucking GRACE PERIOD afterwards!'


::breaks things::

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What if they fucking acknowledged that Valerie is in a bad place emotionally (her Mom died, you know) and called her out on latching onto the first penis that expressed any sympathy for her because that shit's kind of fucked up, too.


Bobbie kinda sorta tiptoed around that the other day.  But if they go to a "Valerie's emotionally fucked up" place, it'll probably be in service of having her go all bunny boiler.

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Why does GH hate me? Why oh why did I have to watch Patrick and Sam both weep like the most torture twu wuvvers ever? Why did I have to see Sam explain the basics the Emma because Patrick is too tortured to speak. The pain of losing a woman he's been living with for 8 whole months was so intense, so brutal that he couldn't deal. 


Then, to make it all the worse, Jason had to say "Carly was right." 


Those words should never be spoken.


Also, Liz went weepy when I was hoping for full BSC. I wanted to see clothing burning in the driveway at the very least. 


At least BM woke up.

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Johnny was delightful. Dillon was annoying. Go away, Dillon.


I don't understand why Lulu and Johnny can't just make out and that drives Dante into Valerie's arms. There, quad continued without making any of them look like giant assholes (more than they already do). No, gotta have Johnny and Lulu hurt poor Valerie instead of just writing Valerie and Dante like remotely sympathetic people.


Valerie: I guess I can see how it looks to your mom that I'm trying to take Lulu's place.


Really? She needs Dante's mom to make her realize it would look like that to anyone? And also, who gives a shit what her motives are in regards to being in Dante's house, she's with a married man two seconds after his wife left, it's a crap thing to do no matter what the motives are.


Speaking of said married ass:


Dante: I don't know what to do.


How about . . . stay away from the woman he had an affair with?


Glad Liv finally used her obnoxious powers for good. 


Both Valerie and Liz are beautiful but insufferable. I did feel a teeny bit sorry for Liz at the end though. But I guess I shouldn't. She could have had Nik or Ric. She chose to idiotically go for the borg.


BM was fine, I think the reason the reveal fell a bit flat was a) the strands of hair in Jason's face like he's 12 b) not only BM not feeling like Jason but not feeling like *any* character in general. They were too scared to make him Jason Morgan but also too scared to make him a completely different Jason or even a hybrid, so now we're stuck with this muddled mess.


Liz should have never known and Jason should have regained his memories walking down the aisle with her. Sometimes the simplest way is the best way.


I'm mean, I don't really care about Emma's pain.


ugh Jerry. Once in a while he has a good line but I mostly just hate him, and not in the love to hate way. And once again he comes with a stupid plot.

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Bobbie kinda sorta tiptoed around that the other day.  But if they go to a "Valerie's emotionally fucked up" place, it'll probably be in service of having her go all bunny boiler.


No. This story is already playing the stereotype of the other "woman is more at fault than the man".  I don't want them playing another stereotype where the woman goes crazy over a man too. Honestly, one Lisa Niles is enough. Ruined a good doctor for a magical penis. 

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But if they go to a "Valerie's emotionally fucked up" place, it'll probably be in service of having her go all bunny boiler.


Yeah, the woman has to go crazy or be punished somehow for having emotional issues. Meanwhile, the men just keep on truckin'. And fuckin'.

Edited by dubbel zout
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This soo much! Valerie is the worst but than so is Dante.

I see loads of people blaming Valerie more than Dante and I really hate that I have to defend a home wrecker like Valerie. For the first time, she had a cousin who liked her and wanted to be family with her and she couldn't even keep her legs close. She is disgusting.

However, Dante is disgusting and vile as well. He is the who was in committed relationship and decided to cheat. I hate that he is skating in the show while Valerie is getting all the hate. It is lessing my enjoyment not seeing both get what's coming to them. 


which is why I'm mad they won't let Johnny and Lulu just have a make-out session and let him see it. That would kill (real) Dante. PodDante will possible offer to marry them.

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It's actually not that hard. I could fix this and give Patrick his proper POV right here, right now, lol. It's all up to the writers if they want to do it. Samtrick's not even a year relationship shouldn't even hold a candle to Scrubs.


I totally agree with you here. It wouldn't be a difficult or outlandish fix either.  The groundwork could be laid in once good scene with Anna...


Patrick has decided to take Emma to Paris to see Robin. Patrick could then tell Anna that he is going and have a discussion with her. Some sentences from Patrick where he admits that what Emma said got to him and he needed to figure out what he had been doing. Robin was the love of his life and her leaving first by death or to help Jason (ignoring the fact that it wasn't her choice) made him angry and he was busy trying to prove that he could find another great love and to fill that hole in his heart. That he went about it all wrong jumping from woman to woman -- it was confusing for Emma -- and before he did anything else, he needed to address his issues (since we are going with the assumption that Robin chose to leave) with Robin.


Boom! It leaves some room for him to admit that yes he still does love Robin but doesn't completely invalidate these relationships that the show has spent so much time supporting. Then in Paris, there will be a bit of rescuing and danger and Scorpio greatness (hopefully) and they can fall into each other's arms and profess their undying love and dance into the sunset.


I am curious to see how this turns out -- I am only tuning back in now for Scrubs since Michael went back to the dark side.

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No. This story is already playing the stereotype of the other "woman is more at fault than the man".  I don't want them playing another stereotype where the woman goes crazy over a man too. Honestly, one Lisa Niles is enough. Ruined a good doctor for a magical penis. 


No, I think if Valerie becomes unhinged it will be presented as Dante's fault. Valerie is emotionally vulnerable, Dante is stringing her along. Even Olivia said Valerie had been through a tough time today.

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which is why I'm mad they won't let Johnny and Lulu just have a make-out session and let him see it. That would kill (real) Dante. PodDante will possible offer to marry them.


I can't see PodDante going that far. He'd just shrug that Lulu has moved on and they might as well go all out and get divorced. He's so passive these days. Everything just happens to him because he can't be bothered to think anything through and be an adult.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I can actually understand the wife focusing her rage on the Other Woman. It makes sense because, generally, she loves the cheating husband and it's much much easier to put all the blame on the person you're not emotionally invested in. 


I've seen some criticism thrown at Lulu for throwing around shaming slurs about Valerie, and I don't approve, but I can understand. I saw this quote last night (reportedly by Catherine de Medici) and it reminded me of the situation: "Never did a woman who loved her husband succeed in loving his whore".


What comes after is, say the other woman is ousted... then you still have to deal with the man you love, the man you married, and the fact that he willingly cheated. They very rarely follow through with that part of the story on soaps.

Too bad. It would be a worthwhile road to take on an over-played trope.


They actually touched a bit on that today. Lulu was telling Dillon that Dante was a good man and he had been a good husband and was a good father to Rocco but now when she saw him all she sees in the affair and she wished she hadn't found out.

Edited by ulkis
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No, I think if Valerie becomes unhinged it will be presented as Dante's fault. Valerie is emotionally vulnerable, Dante is stringing her along. Even Olivia said Valerie had been through a tough time today.


I would like a story like that but it would also mean Valerie skates. I just want both of them to suffer and so far only Valerie is suffering which is really not giving me any joy. 


which is why I'm mad they won't let Johnny and Lulu just have a make-out session and let him see it. That would kill (real) Dante. PodDante will possible offer to marry them.


I have always been a JoMax fan but I would totally be down for this. 

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Wait a second...was Jerry saying that Helena died because the BFTD protocol Robin developed last year stopped working?  Wouldn't that mean Jason should be getting sick as well?


I would laugh for days if, now that he's been revealed to be Jason, he drops dead because the BFTD protocol was only temporary.  

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Why does GH hate me? Why oh why did I have to watch Patrick and Sam both weep like the most torture twu wuvvers ever? Why did I have to see Sam explain the basics the Emma because Patrick is too tortured to speak. The pain of losing a woman he's been living with for 8 whole months was so intense, so brutal that he couldn't deal. 


Patrick got real weepy and quiet, I think, because as Emma comes running in, excited, he's realized he had just (in his previous scene with Emma) set her up for heartbreak with the talk of setting a wedding date. He's only been focused on his own pain, anger, and jealousy. Also he doesn't have the balls to be the one to sit down and apologize to Emma for what has happened. So instead he let Sam break the news to Emma and then chose words implying Sam's decided to leave - not that he's the one who decided to end their relationship. I want to believe his emotional state was not just about Sam, but also choking on guilt at what he's done to his daughter's life. Sam's tears seem to be about feeling like she's now lost Patrick too after Jason's made his own feelings clear. 

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I think Liz and Nikolas may get verbally attacked together, i.e. Carly is at the hospital with Sonny, sees Liz and Nik talking, charges over and starts screaming at them, while Michael and Sabrina are in the vicinity for baby doc appt of course.. Or Monica tells them off. Or they both do. Liz had been verbally attacked in the workplace previously, Show is unoriginal, and Carly has no sense of decency that would stop her from making a loud scene in a place where there are other people (besides Sonny) trying to get well.


Carly needs to climb off her high horse her middle name lying bitch. She came to town under a false name, and did all she could to destroy her mother who didn't raise her in a brothel ? Sam stole from a lot of men, was a con, and was on the edge of the mob. She has also lied through her teeth. Jason was a mob don, and a killer for hire. Bad Liz didn't tell him he was scum . Nick and Liz are no angels but, the others have no room to talk. Paris here we come. GH pretty soon will be no more for me. I don't care if Jake gets his memory back, takes shooting practice and goes back licking Sonny's boots.

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I love how when Jason's asks what about Danny to Liz and her response was "you had Jake".  She is nuts. She is still begging him to marry her and divorce Sam.


Kudos for Jason mentioning that he was treating Sam like crap since they found out Jason was alive. 


Poor Emma. I do feel bad that she keeps losing these mother figures in her life. And no I dont think its Patrick's fault. Unpopular opinion. I know.

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I'm mean, I don't really care about Emma's pain.

Emma has been used as a prop since Robin's "death" to kiss the ass of any woman who comes in the vicinity of her father. It took JT QUITTING for them to write DIALOGUE that she wants and misses her mother. It's crazy, but since it's the end, I'll take it. This is what it should have been...always.

Robin was the love of his life and her leaving first by death or to help Jason (ignoring the fact that it wasn't her choice) made him angry and he was busy trying to prove that he could find another great love and to fill that hole in his heart.

Yep. It ain't that hard. They did it today for Sam by saying Jason is the love of her life and has her whole heart and they can do it for Patrick. Samtrick's "love" does not measure up to either of those relationships. The end.

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Wait, so Patrick and/or Emma can just call up Robin whenever they want? When did that happen? It must happen semi-regularly if Robin has a specific ringtone for Emma?


That seems spectacularly dumb on the kidnappers' part. Lucky for them, Robin doesn't have anyone to give two shits about her or where she is, but, at any time, couldn't Patrick or Anna ping the call signal and find out that Robin isn't in Paris?

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Wait, so Patrick and/or Emma can just call up Robin whenever they want? When did that happen? It must happen semi-regularly if Robin has a specific ringtone for Emma?

That seems spectacularly dumb on the kidnappers' part. Lucky for them, Robin doesn't have anyone to give two shits about her or where she is, but, at any time, couldn't Patrick or Anna ping the call signal and find out that Robin isn't in Paris?

That was retconned when Patrick called Robin last month. They said Robin calls and Skypes.

The kidnappers let her call her family so they don't get suspicious. It worked bc her family is dumb!

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Emma has been used as a prop since Robin's "death" to kiss the ass of any woman who comes in the vicinity of her father. It took JT QUITTING for them to write DIALOGUE that she wants and misses her mother. It's crazy, but since it's the end, I'll take it. This is what it should have been...always.


I mean, it's good dialogue and all, it's not her, it's me. I just don't really care about tv kids. I like it when they look cute and that's about it, heh.

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Patrick got real weepy and quiet, I think, because as Emma comes running in, excited, he's realized he had just (in his previous scene with Emma) set her up for heartbreak with the talk of setting a wedding date. He's only been focused on his own pain, anger, and jealousy. Also he doesn't have the balls to be the one to sit down and apologize to Emma for what has happened. So instead he let Sam break the news to Emma and then chose words implying Sam's decided to leave - not that he's the one who decided to end their relationship. I want to believe his emotional state was not just about Sam, but also choking on guilt at what he's done to his daughter's life. Sam's tears seem to be about feeling like she's now lost Patrick too after Jason's made his own feelings clear. 

Patrick has never been good at breaking difficult news to Emma. Liz was the one that had to tell her Robin died, when he couldn't. 


Although, Patrick being unable to talk then was a little more understandable.

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That was retconned when Patrick called Robin last month. They said Robin calls and Skypes.

The kidnappers let her call her family so they don't get suspicious. It worked bc her family is dumb!


Well, that makes it worse, actually...

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I mean, it's good dialogue and all, it's not her, it's me. I just don't really care about tv kids. I like it when they look cute and that's about it, heh.

Oh, trust me, we're on the same page. I rarely want kids in scenes, lol. But Robin is my fav and I need her daughter to give a shit!

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"Carly was right." Well, of course I knew that would be in the dialogue. The world's best-paid Carly fanfic writer was credited with today's script. She probably has a T-shirt and a bumper sticker that say that. 


BM was fine, I think the reason the reveal fell a bit flat was a) the strands of hair in Jason's face like he's 12 b) not only BM not feeling like Jason but not feeling like *any* character in general. They were too scared to make him Jason Morgan but also too scared to make him a completely different Jason or even a hybrid, so now we're stuck with this muddled mess.


Exactly, ulkis. Miller's performance has not worked for me at all, in any episode I have seen since I came back, and today was not an exception. And it isn't an obvious case of the actor being bad. He's been on other shows before and he's obviously competent. The issue is that he seems constrained and as though he doesn't know how far in any direction he is permitted to go. So he gives cautious, noncommittal performances and he doesn't give much back to anyone he's in a scene with. I hope for his sake, and that of anyone still watching, that the writers start to color in and define the character now that everyone's cards are on the table, because as little as I cared for the Steve Burton Jason, at least he wasn't vagueness on two legs.  


What did I like? The girl playing Emma was good. Becky Herbst did pretty well with her half of the Jason/Liz scenes. I thought she was best toward the end of the show, when Liz got more goal-oriented about trying to salvage something. I really liked DZ's "What has happened to my family?" mini-monologue.   


Maybe I'd hate Valerie already if I had seen everything that led up instead of joining in progress, but that actress brings such sadness to the character that it's just...sad. She seems fragile to me. Then Olivia is there sucking up all the oxygen like she's taking on a young Carly, and we cut to Lulu knocking back shot after shot and plotting against Valerie with her gangster friend, and it seems like overkill to me. Like, oh shit, a marriage on a soap might end after a few years? Even if it were a marriage in real life...it might end after a few years? And a guy signed some separation papers that his wife delivered to him? I feel there is a level of terrible behavior I'm not picking up on. I was almost relieved to get Bobbie the other day saying, join the club; women sleep with other women's husbands all the time in this town. 


When I saw Maurice Bénard in the previews, I realized I have had almost none of him since I started watching daily again. Has he been on a vacation? It's hard for me to remember a time in the past 15 years when he wasn't on four or five days a week. Absence has not made the heart grow fonder.

Edited by Asp Burger
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Maybe I'd hate Valerie already if I had seen everything that led up instead of joining in progress, but that actress brings such sadness to the character that it's just...sad. She seems fragile to me. Then Olivia is there sucking up all the oxygen like she's taking on a young Carly, and we cut to Lulu knocking back shot after shot and plotting against Valerie with her gangster friend, and it seems like overkill to me. 


Actually everything that has happened since the reveal has made me mad at Valerie, nothing before. The day after she found out, Valerie told Lulu to get over it or otherwise she'd lose a good husband through her own actions. A day! If she stopped blaming Lulu and just admitted it wasn't Lulu who made them sleep together, I probably wouldn't like her but I wouldn't be finding her insufferable.

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Wait a second...was Jerry saying that Helena died because the BFTD protocol Robin developed last year stopped working?  Wouldn't that mean Jason should be getting sick as well?




I've not a doubt that is why Robin seemed rather desperate in begging Jerry to finish up her work. She probably realized that the drug was wearing off when Helena grew ill, and then when she was informed she'd died she must now think that Jason has "very little time left" so she needs to perfect the serum and get it to him. 


After all, "super doctor Robin" to the rescue must make an appearance because that seems to be all this show thinks she needs to be, forget wife and doting mother...god, this show...

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What if they fucking acknowledged that Valerie is in a bad place emotionally (her Mom died, you know) and called her out on latching onto the first penis that expressed any sympathy for her because that shit's kind of fucked up, too. Instead they went with 'Well, it's all LULU'S fault because LULU LIED and what choice did we have but to fuck... lie about it for months... and then act all affronted when a) we were found out and b) didn't do a damn thing to avoid each other for a fucking GRACE PERIOD afterwards!'

::breaks things::



Yeah, that's pretty much where this storyline loses me. Yes, no one is saying Lulu acted perfect, but hey, you know what? There's tons of emotional responses that people have to upsetting news that doesn't involve sex. Crying, yelling, breaking things (not that I'd recommend that). Sex is a choice. They could have just kissed and left it at that, had Dante realize he needed to actually talk to Lulu. But nope. 


It's not that Valerie didn't have a point when she originally told Lulu it didn't happen in a vacuum, but then she just went to full on blaming Lulu for everything. Lulu liiieeedddd. Yeah? People lie all the time. The problem also is neither Dante nor Valerie have really given Lulu enough time to grieve. Sorry, you don't get to fuck up and have someone get over it and forgive you on your timetable. 


Ugh seriously, who is this Dante pod person? "Lulu served me with separation papers....wahhh...oh, hey, Valerie!"


Also, separated is not divorced. Shocking, Dante, I know. Fuck Valerie all you want, but your ass is still legally married. Just saying....

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It's not that Valerie didn't have a point when she originally told Lulu it didn't happen in a vacuum, but then she just went to full on blaming Lulu for everything. Lulu liiieeedddd. Yeah? People lie all the time. The problem also is neither Dante nor Valerie have really given Lulu enough time to grieve. Sorry, you don't get to fuck up and have someone get over it and forgive you on your timetable. 



I've just been waiting for Lulu to respond to the 'You LIED!' with 'Well, you sure showed ME then, didn't you?!' And the other thing... yes, Lulu lied but, guess what? So did Dante and Valerie. What's more, their lies lasted far longer. They lied together for months because, as it turned out, they made wild assumptions as to what Lulu was lying about and then fucked but then discovered that what they thought Lulu lied about wasn't the deal at all. They were happy to assume she was fucking Dillon so, you know, tit for tat. But that's not what happened. At all.


And, again, Lulu was apologetic when she returned, told Dante what happened, apologized some more and when she thought that Dante and Valerie had kissed accepted her part in it. Meanwhile, Dante and Valerie kept lying. So at this point, they need to shut up and have a million seats about what Lulu did... especially since they're still fucking and still carrying on a relationship and wondering why people are giving them major side-eye for it.


They are wrong. So, of course, they have to have Olivia go running to Lulu to tell her that Val's playing Mommy to Rocco at Dante's shoebox of an apartment so Lulu, who had rethought her whole 'get Val out of town' knee-jerk, feeling sorry for herself, shoot from the hip plan, could reinstate that particular desire and be made into the bad guy again.


I mean... fuck that.

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I love how when Jason's asks what about Danny to Liz and her response was "you had Jake".  She is nuts. She is still begging him to marry her and divorce Sam.



No kidding, I actually laughed when she said this, in a sort of, "no she didn't just say that" way. It's like poor, insignificant Danny, who gives a crap about him. And frankly notreallyJason hasn't really seemed to since this reveal and then it was made worse later in the episode when amidst all the dramatic tears and goodbye between Sam and Patrick, all I could think was, "so um is she leaving her son with him? Because shouldn't he be part of this breakup as well?"

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Maybe I'd hate Valerie already if I had seen everything that led up instead of joining in progress, but that actress brings such sadness to the character that it's just...sad. She seems fragile to me. Then Olivia is there sucking up all the oxygen like she's taking on a young Carly, and we cut to Lulu knocking back shot after shot and plotting against Valerie with her gangster friend, and it seems like overkill to me. Like, oh shit, a marriage on a soap might end after a few years?


Oh, and one other thing that bugs me is Valerie keeps saying she wanted Lulu and Dante's marriage to work out. No, she really, really didn't, so if she stopped saying that that would make her less annoying to me as well.


As for a soap marriage breaking up, Dante was kind of your atypical soap husband*, for soaps, they had a very down-to-earth marriage, so it's kind of puzzling why the writers are choosing for him to do a 180 into a total dirtbag. There were a ton of other ways they could have broken them up. Hell, them breaking up after Lulu found out is fine. Him turning to Valerie would have been fine . . . after maybe at least three months, and him blaming Lulu for it is out of character behavior for him as well. It's mostly the latter that makes this story annoying.


*Here's a good example:




I'd think Lulu deserves more grief for knocking them back with a gangster, but Dante regularly chit chats with his favorite gangster, so he doesn't have much room to throw stones on that account.

Edited by ulkis
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Simpering, begging, whimpering Liz is a wonderful thing, indeed. Too bad she is a mother. Delusional nutter.

I thought Liz's POV re: Jake, and how Becky played that, to be the most interesting part. Jason called Sam "the mother of my child" and Liz snapped back "I am the mother of your child!" I think her tone and attitude was a great reference to the fact that she was the mother of Jason's kid first, that in her heart she never fully let go of the anger and hurt that SBu's Jason chose the Mob, walked away from her and let Jake be raised as Liz and Lucky's kid but then after Jake was gone, he chose to marry Sam and start a family with her. I'm not sure, but I felt like there was a hint of "if you had chosen me back then, there would be no Danny" to it.

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I've not a doubt that is why Robin seemed rather desperate in begging Jerry to finish up her work. She probably realized that the drug was wearing off when Helena grew ill, and then when she was informed she'd died she must now think that Jason has "very little time left" so she needs to perfect the serum and get it to him. 


After all, "super doctor Robin" to the rescue must make an appearance because that seems to be all this show thinks she needs to be, forget wife and doting mother...god, this show...



Perhaps when Robin gets back to PC , she can whip up some of her Back from the Dead potion and give it to Valerie; you know mother died.

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I'm glad Lulu reminded Dillon that he blew apart her marriage. But why she trusts him to keep his yap shut now is a puzzle.


NOW Jason decides to care who he is. I'm fine with him being angry at Liz for lying, but please. Since when has he cared about Monica's feelings? (Who?) Sam's? They've been barely friends since he rolled back into town.


So is that really how they're going to kill off Helena? Some protocol failed and she stops breathing in leopard print? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Like 99 percent of the show.


Poor Emma. Another person ripped out of her life. BLS did a great job with Emma's anguish. That was some heavy stuff for a young actor. Brydog hasn't done work that moving.


I just adore Jerry. When Robin begs for her life, it's awkward and uncomfortable. For him. Hee.


"My family's been blown apart. I don't know what to do." How about you don't fuck your wife's cousin while you're a mess, Dante? It's that easy.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Boy, BM was terrible today.  He phoned in that entire performance because I saw nothing from him in comparison to the rest of his co-stars.  BH, JT, and Kemo were selling their pain and grief, and even poor little Emma.  BM needs to step up his game or go back to Y&R.  The reveal itself was good, and I'm glad that it wasn't a public spectacle the way most "secrets" come out on GH, but I felt nothing from Jake today other than anger.  For a guy who is suppose to love Elizabeth, he seemed like he hated her from the moment he came through the door until the time he left.  At least try and sell the relationship.  


I am LOVING Johnny and Lulu.  I hate the idea that the writers seem to want to make Valerie a victim of whatever Johnny and Lulu are going to cook up, but I'm not going to fall for it.  I hated Valerie pretty much since she arrived, and I hate her even more now.  I hate when she tells the wife of the husband she's screwing that it's her fault that she's sleeping with him and not hers (and his).  Olivia has been fantastic, and I love her telling Dante like it is and not allowing Valerie to play victim or falling for her boo-boo face.


Can they PLEASE put an end to the Robin in peril nonsense.  Enough already.  I know JT is leaving because he probably can't take it anymore either, but I hope they don't drag this out.  I hope KMc is going to be around for a number of episodes to wrap this up already.  Geez!!

Edited by Bishop
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No kidding, I actually laughed when she said this, in a sort of, "no she didn't just say that" way. It's like poor, insignificant Danny, who gives a crap about him. And frankly notreallyJason hasn't really seemed to since this reveal and then it was made worse later in the episode when amidst all the dramatic tears and goodbye between Sam and Patrick, all I could think was, "so um is she leaving her son with him? Because shouldn't he be part of this breakup as well?"





And frankly Liz is lucky that they even got Jake back, so it isn't as if he was around when she first found out that Jake was really Jason, and I do believe that only increased her desperation to keep him because she didn't have that tie to him at the time that Sam did, being the mother of a living child that was his.


Danny had been there since day one, since he ran into Jake's room in the hospital and grabbed his hand, and Jake was actually even having dreams about the kid being his.


I think Danny is (maybe?) with Nan-Nan and Pop-Pop, aka Alexis and Julian, which is why Sam shows up at their home in the previews and Julian is surprised to see her, probably thinking that she and Patrick were going to spend the night together "fixing things".

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NOW Jason decides to care who he is. I'm fine with him being angry at Liz for lying, but please. Since when has he cared about Monica's feelings? (Who?) Sam's? They've been barely friends since he rolled back into town.


So is that really how they're going to kill off Helena? Some protocol failed and she stops breathing in leopard print? WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Like 99 percent of the show.


Poor Emma. Another person ripped out of her life. BLS did a great job with Emma's anguish. That was some heavy stuff for a young actor. Brydog hasn't done work that moving.


I just adore Jerry. When Robin begs for her life, it's awkward and uncomfortable. For him. Hee.

I know, right? Other than the stupid nonsense that was news to me, since from almost Day One, he didn't care about his past, I did like the other stuff he said; asking that Liz give him a straight up answer, and all the rest, because as we all know, she didn't do it because she loved him--she said it to Nik--that all the "bad guys win all the time" so why shouldn't she? And got on the crazy boat.  She may have been crying, but I was also looking at her eyes, and the craziness was still there.  And don't get me started on how Jake is Jason's son, when for all intents and purposes and where it really mattered, Lucky is his father. Jason was just the sperm donor.


You know, I've put up a lot of stuff with this show: Freezing the world, Aliens...but now, a drug for fucking immoratility?????!!!  This is like Passions levels of disbelief.  And like finding a cure or whatever can be predicted and that while doing research can give one a fucking guarantee. Yeah, yeah, soaps, blah, blah, blah. I'm gonna fanwank that Victor added something to Helena's dosage to ensure more longevity after Robin warned him to be careful. Because we know no one ever listens to her.


I will not lie. Emma breaking down had me in tears. I didn't think it would happen. And when Robin told her she couldn't be there, that no matter what happens, she will always love her, coupled with Emma's response, I was in tears again. The last time I cried was when Robin interrupted Patrick's wedding to Sabrina and was telling Patrick how she'd been fighting all that time to come back to him and Emma. AWESOME WRITER had to have slipped in with this and also directed Brooklyn.  I couldn't care less or give any figgedity fucks about Patrick's or Sam's tears.


Though I didn't like Robin begging, the scenes with Jerry and Robin were wonderful. Though I was hoping he'd slip in a "Dahling" while regretfully telling Robin he had to kill her, when he stroked her jaw. I know I should have been disgusted by that, but I can't help it. Not that I like Jerry, because I don't, and he's not the real Jerry anyway, but it's all Sebastian Roche and Kimberly.

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I've not a doubt that is why Robin seemed rather desperate in begging Jerry to finish up her work. She probably realized that the drug was wearing off when Helena grew ill, and then when she was informed she'd died she must now think that Jason has "very little time left" so she needs to perfect the serum and get it to him. 


After all, "super doctor Robin" to the rescue must make an appearance because that seems to be all this show thinks she needs to be, forget wife and doting mother...god, this show...

I think they'll find out that the drug didn't wear off…Nik slipped something in Helena's tea which killed her. Or mimicked death so Helena is still swanning around Cassadine Island after burning those pajamas.

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