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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It just occurred me that about this time a year ago, Michael was shredding Carly and signing the papers to make his name Michael Quartermaine.

And now...

About this time last year, GH was actually going up in the ratings, and had seen significant improvement in their year-to-years. Now they are struggling to stay out of last place, and their year-to-years have eroded alarmigly.

These facts are not unrelated.

  • Love 14

About this time last year, GH was actually going up in the ratings, and had seen significant improvement in their year-to-years. Now they are struggling to stay out of last place, and their year-to-years have eroded alarmigly.

These facts are not unrelated.


And last year I was watching everyday, unlike this year.  I'm 90% out the door and would be gone if not for you good people. 


Sunk cost fallacy - I'm never going to get back all those hours I've wasted on this show as it has sunk into a shit-filled mire.  The only thing I can do is not waste any more time on it.  

  • Love 3

Has an unprofessional relationship ever stopped a soap before?


The psychiatrist/patient relationship is so particularly susceptible to abuse that I think the AMA actually prohibits sexual relationships - and if they don't, they should

It feels creepy and exploitative and I already sat through that with gross ol Sloane. Every character doesn't need to be a skeevy asshole.

Hell, if she was gonna date a therapist, I wish Kevin has recused himself because he was falling for her awesomeness

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2

GH PTB: Wait, what are all these...Penny-somethings...doing in the Thanksgiving episode?  Where are our patriarch and matriarch, Sonny and Carly?


GH Writer: Thanksgiving is traditionally a Quartermaine episode.  The fans would get really upset if they were off-screen.


GH PTB: Ugh, stupid fans.  Alright, well, let's slot some treachly Corinthos Family scenes in the Tuesday episode.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

Ah, so Carlos is alive?


I want to care, I just don't. I don't like that it's an instant out for yet another person to commit or attempt to commit murder(Anna), and it's just whitewashed. And no, I don't think it matters that fillintheblank has gone free after killing or attempting to kill. Gotta draw the line and turn the tide somewhere. Never mind that unless he just happened to have one of those Kevlar vests of Luke's that had the blood packet underneath, there's no way he ever would have survived.

Is this show turning into The Returned? Because while it's creepy, that show also kind of sucks.


Now, as someone already mentioned, if we get a Carlos/Tracy scene, or even a Carlos/Q family scene, I'd watch that. I think. But then, I don't even care about Tracy and Susan-I mean Hayden. So maybe even the goodness of hearing Carlos roll the "r" in Tracy won't bring me back.

And sadly, it's not a loss anymore.

  • Love 1

What woman would fight over Dante now that he is no longer adorable and kind? Now he's just a douchebag who is super short and apparently has no money (I'll give Sonny that, at least he is super rich), because he lives in a box. His personality was the thing he had going for him, and now he no longer has it, so him being the center of a triangle just makes no sense. 

  • Love 17

Oh God, you think that can't happen but it can. On AMC when Gillian died, Gillian's ghost possessed Tad's mom and she and Ryan kissed. Pretty sure that was written by Jean Passanante.


Jean Passanante's torturous AMC stint - from reality show assassin to time-traveling ghost Jesse to farting psycho Leslie Coulson (I swear to God, she farted while fighting Dixie) to caged black 'dogboy' Gabriel Devane - is why I've never even bothered giving the woman the time of day as HW since. I think Agnes Nixon was still heavily involved on part of that run, and I credit her with a lot of the Bianca stuff which I believe was her baby. But beyond that, gah!

Topic: Jean Passanante is totally unfit to HW any other soap, let alone GH, the former flagship. All her attempts have ended in smoldering ruin and on one occasion, cancellation.

  • Love 4

GH PTB: Wait, what are all these...Penny-somethings...doing in the Thanksgiving episode?  Where are our patriarch and matriarch, Sonny and Carly?


GH Writer: Thanksgiving is traditionally a Quartermaine episode.  The fans would get really upset if they were off-screen.


GH PTB: Ugh, stupid fans.  Alright, well, let's slot some treachly Corinthos Family scenes in the Tuesday episode.


Although I've never personally experienced the famed rage blackout, I think I came close today.  Do they begin with shaking your head from side to side and yelling "No, No, No" at the tv and feeling something boiling up inside you while something beyond comprehension is on the screen (like Sonny pontificating as if he is an actual patriarch)? 


I think my hands are shaking now as I even recall that.  I.cannot.believe. that anyone associated with the show would think viewers would want to see the abomination that was on the screen. Or to think the Michael would be there instead of at the Q's.

Ah, so Carlos is alive?


Yes, and, I swear, today when he was just sitting on the sofa and smiling he still had more screen presence and personality than many other actors on the canvas. 

Sign me up for the Carlos Fangirl Club now. 

  • Love 9

Oh, Sam, I appreciate you doing the right thing and stepping back so Jason will have to come to you once he regains his memories, but you are trying way too hard with Patrick to tell yourself you have moved on.

It seems like she needs to convince herself, and him, that she didn't just *settle* for Patrick because Jason was gone (and Silas didn't work out), and because she doesn't want the kids to be more confused than they already are - Danny had gotten used to living in the Drake house, was accepting Patrick as daddy and Emma as sister; Sam knows Emma is attached to her and has been through losses already. She voluntarily entered this relationship/living situation, doesn't want to hurt anyone, and doesn't know if/when Jason will get his memories back ... or if the two will "fit" again with his current personality and after all this time apart.

  • Love 4

And what pie is she bringing? Her mom's fav or Dante's??


Was that in the previews, her bringing him a pie?  Oh Valerie, girl!


If Ron was still writing, I'd think it was a "Sorry I slept with your man!" pie for Lulu, like when Kelly Cramer (so lamely) tried leaving one for Natalie on OLTL.

Edited by TeeVee329

Yikes, Dante, try to remember this is the wife you claim to want back in your life. When he found Lulu and Maxie at the house he sounded like Seinfeld finding Newman in his home. 


I muted a lot of the Corinthos puke worthy family hour. I had to laugh though that, other than expressing mild outrage, that both Sonny and Carly actually repeatedly thanked Kiki. "Thank you for running over my wife and leaving her on the side of the road." I also had to laugh at him complimenting Morgan on his bravery in facing his condition head on. Morgan, who literally, had to be dragged to the hospital kicking and screaming. Yes, he sure is the poster boy for dignity and grace.


Ugh, can we please end Sam and Patrick. They are a chemistry wasteland. I don't for one second believe that if Jason had his memory Sam wouldn't be tossing him aside. I was not charmed by her begging Patrick for forgiveness on her knees.


The previews pissed me off more than the actual show. Look, Olivia, you're an invited guest in someone's home. You don't have the right to slam the door in anyone's face, let alone the homeowner's relative.


Count me as not being a member of Carlos' fanclub. His campy acting doesn't really appeal to me and I have never really thought he was all that hot. I've seen the actor in other stuff (like iZombie) and he looks alright, but on GH, Carlos just does not do it for me at all - especially now with his "Phil Miller Last Man on Earth" esque beard. It just ups his creepy, stalker vibe. I love Sabrina, but my God dude, let it go. There are other fish in the sea.


And I'm pissed he's alive when other more important characters aren't back. I would also love to hear the explanation of how he survived being shot in the heart and then multiple times after that.


I know it's just a preview, but I just wanted to slap Valerie's face. Does she even bother to call before she shows up at Dante's? For all she knew Lulu could be there and even if she weren't, how does she not get that she needs to keep her distance if she wants Lulu and Dante to reconcile - as she pretends to want?

  • Love 2

I liked Maxie's gray coat/sweater; I think it was mohair.


Paul and Ava continue to be gross.


LOL that Sonny didn't mention everyone being together at Christmas.


Lulu, you might try getting couples counseling. I love how the show totally ignores that unless it's a plot point.


I don't mind Sonny as patriarch. It fits him better than aging mob boss. It does crack me up that Sonny gets wheeled around while he whines about rehab not happening fast enough.


The way Dante is acting is so off.  He comes home and finds Lulu there and gets all accusingly "What the fuck are you doing here?" about it?  And then follows that up with a very Sonny-esque remark about Lulu keeping HIS son away from him?


Yeah, he's definitely being written more as Sonny's son than Lulu's husband. Way to escalate things, Dante.

  • Love 3
The way Dante is acting is so off.  He comes home and finds Lulu there and gets all accusing about it?  And then follows that up with a very Sonny-esque remark about Lulu keeping HIS son away from him?


I miss the Dante that first appeared on my screen. The one that was against organized crime and had adorably bad pick up lines. Now, he's just a shaggy-haired, younger version of his father. He may not be in the mob, but he's much more sympathetic to Sonny and his "coffee" business. 

  • Love 7

I miss the Dante that first appeared on my screen. The one that was against organized crime and had adorably bad pick up lines. Now, he's just a shaggy-haired, younger version of his father. He may not be in the mob, but he's much more sympathetic to Sonny and his "coffee" business. 


Oh, even now, I don't think it's fair to say he's being like Sonny. Sonny is his own special level. Dante's just being your average douche. And given we have mostly all average douches (and several huge ones), it's not really appealing.

Meanwhile, unless I missed it, Dante didn't get an invitation to Bryan Craig's Emmy reel the Corinthii bedside Thanksgiving.


He probably sent a written affidavit though!


It would make much more sense, if they had Dante lashing out because he lost Lulu. He should be telling his mom to mind her own business and telling Michael and Morgan he doesn't care about their grade-school problems and hanging up on the next family member who needs him to get a cat from a tree. Instead it's just this kinda muddled mess where Dante is kinda shuffling around barely giving a crap. Which admittedly is DZ's fault partly but I guess Dante would come off even if worse if he was yelling all his lines.

  • Love 4

I'm confused. Does someone have the time to explain to me, please, the Port Charles time continuum?


Because according to what was shown on screen, the Jake Doe/Liz non-wedding was the day after Halloween, despite Liz saying months earlier it was on Nov 6th. That night of the wedding, Sam went to Jason's to give him his bike and extend an invite to see her any Danny whenever he wants. The very next day, in the morning, Jason came over to see Danny and Jason/Sam kissed. That same afternoon, Liz came over to mark her territory and tell Sam to back off. We know it was that day because Liz referenced Sam coming over last night. Either the same day or the next day, Sam confessed the kiss to Patrick and Jason left to go to Portland and then Cassidine Island. Sam and Liz very shortly followed. So let's be generous and say that's all been four or five days.


Now Sam is back from Cassidine Island and all of a sudden it's time for a Thanksgiving Parade?

  • Love 1

These writers can try to peddle whatever BS they want, but Liz did not trick Nik and Helena into thinking Aiden was Nik's. Helena is the one that tricked Nik and Liz by switching the paternity test. Liz already looks bad enough with the Jason lie, they don't need to pile it on by rewriting history.

Exactly. Liz wanted Aiden to be Lucky's.  THIS is exactly like when Sonny and Carly insisted that AJ pushed her down the stairs. You had to be blind to see he reached out to save her from falling. The Guza Q's even blamed him.

  • Love 5

Dante is disgusting. Why are they writing this story this way? Why is DZ playing it like he doesn't give one fuck about Lulu? It's all so bad. And now fucking Valerie is going to go to Lulu's home on Thanksgiving to give Dante pie. Bitch, get some dignity!


I had to fast forward the Sonny/Morgan scenes and Corinthos family scenes. I just can't anymore.


Carly getting Kiki out of the charges and then Kiki being all "Thank you you sweet angel" was seriously one of the most disgusting things I've seen on this show. And that is truly saying something.


I liked the Carlos/Sabrina scenes. I mean if I think even a little bit about it the whole thing is annoying and sucks, but Carlos is fun and I like TeCa/JVP together.


WTF at the Sam/Patrick scenes. Like what even is this shit? When Sam was straddling him I was just like why is this happening.


I don't remember anything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

I liked the Carlos/Sabrina. i mean if I think even a little bit about it the whole thing is annoying and sucks, but Carlos is fun and I like TeCa/JVP together.

Carlos loves Sabrina more than any man loves any woman on this show.

WTF at the Sam/Patrick scenes. Like what even is this shit? When Sam was straddling him I was just like why is this happening.

How do you not see the beautiful love story!?!? Robin sacrifices her life to save Jason for Sam and Danny and literally DAYS after Sam finds out Jason is alive, she's all, "Welp! Jason's my buddy!! Luv u first Patty!!!" <3

  • Love 2

Okay, I watched the show, the Lulu/Dante scenes didn't come across as bad as they seemed from recaps. But still, dude, it's been a month since Lulu found out. Dante should know what it takes is time and avoiding as much contact as possible with the cousin YOU SLEPT WITH. At least he looked cute today.


Shouldn't Bobbie have been all, "hey douche who screwed over both my nieces" to him? Of course, they also had Bobbie say "it's just AJ" last year when Carly was arrested and then had her sit down to chat with Franco so what do I expect.


Carlos standing around and chatting with Sabrina comes across as everyone just chillin' that Jake (the wee one) is alive. And I like JVP as a person but Carlos is coming across as Sabrina's unkempt dad. Hopefully

it's true Carlos is here to escort Sabrina/TeCa off the show.


Wait, why is Kiki's arm draped across Morgan that way? Are they together, or no? And she's just fine with him? What? He has bi-polar, all's forgiven? Hate. And why are Sonny and Carly fine with Kiki?!?! It makes no sense given their characters.


Carly kissing big baby Morgan with his sulky lips in his hoodie just made him so punchable. So so punchable.

WTF at the Sam/Patrick scenes. Like what even is this shit? When Sam was straddling him I was just like why is this happening.


I don't remember anything else.


I think you covered it all. I totally forgot about the Patrick and Sam scenes myself.

  • Love 3

Wait, why is Kiki's arm draped across Morgan that way? Are they together, or no? And she's just fine with him? What? He has bi-polar, all's forgiven? Hate. And why are Sonny and Carly fine with Kiki?!?! It makes no sense given their characters.


All of this.  Yesterday, Morgan's behavior - and his aggressive advances on her - freaked her out so much she called for help.  And today, she's cuddling with him? 


And not mining any kind of soap drama from the car accident, but simply waving it away was so stupid.  I'm not the world's biggest Ava fan, but I thought she got shit on big time today, with Carly getting to look like Mother of the Year and Kiki still furious at her when Morgs is all forgiven.


Kiki is the worst.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

*desperately holds back 12 year-old self from making a crude "pie" joke*


Do it.

Have we seen any reaction from Aunt Bobbie, or Cousin Carly, about Valerie?


Nope. Olivia and Dante haven't even had a scene. 


I don't think Carly would come after Valerie, I'll give her that much. I think she would be aware of her own hypocrisy in that situation, not only given her history with Tony but also in trying to break up Dante/Lulu several times herself. Plus, she has a ton of shit on her plate and quite frankly probably doesn't really give a crap.

  • Love 1

I think she [Carly] would be aware of her own hypocrisy in that situation


Carly is never aware of her own hypocrisy, ever.


I don't know if she'd go after Valerie, per say.  But you'd think there'd be some gossip between her and Bobbie about it.  Or, she'd toss off a quick, "I'm Team Lulu, move the fuck out of my house" on her way out the door from watering Joss.


And I guess whatever thoughts Lucas has about it, he'll be sharing those off-screen.  Is he with the Jeromes in the preview for tomorrow?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

The previews pissed me off more than the actual show. Look, Olivia, you're an invited guest in someone's home. You don't have the right to slam the door in anyone's face, let alone the homeowner's relative.


I mean, I don't blame her, but I'm confused as to why she is actually there in the first place. Olivia would/should be baking pies for Dante and spending it with him, not having awkward family time with Julian and Alexis.

  • Love 4

Yes, and, I swear, today when he was just sitting on the sofa and smiling he still had more screen presence and personality than many other actors on the canvas. 

Sign me up for the Carlos Fangirl Club now. 


Back of the line!

JVP at least seems to be having fun with his character. I enjoyed Carlos' sassy acceptance of Sabrina's offer to go to her bedroom. 

  • Love 12
Meanwhile, unless I missed it, Dante didn't get an invitation to Bryan Craig's Emmy reel the Corinthii bedside Thanksgiving.


(I can't do the line-through thing, sorry.) Sonny mentioned that Dante was dealing with his marital problems, or he'd have been there. And Dante himself saw Michael and apologized for not looking out more for Morgan. *rme*


Wait, why is Kiki's arm draped across Morgan that way? Are they together, or no? And she's just fine with him? What? He has bi-polar, all's forgiven?


I guess so. What's a little near-attempted-rape when someone is mentally ill? Ugh.


I'm confused as to why she is actually there in the first place.

Olivia and Julian are trying to be civilized for Leo's sake.

Olivia and Julian are trying to be civilized for Leo's sake.


I know that, I just mean, I don't think Olivia would choose to have dinner with them, given what's going on with Dante.


(I can't do the line-through thing, sorry.) Sonny mentioned that Dante was dealing with his marital problems, or he'd have been there. And Dante himself saw Michael and apologized for not looking out more for Morgan. *rme*


Convenient excuse, Dante!


for anyone curious, the line-through is done like this:


[ s ] phrase here [ / s ]


except take out the spaces between the s and the brackets

  • Love 1

Oh man, and she'll probably go on some "I can't eat with the woman who killed my cousin!" rant when she was more than willing to bang said dead cousin's fiancée slash the guy who shot and almost killed her son.


All of that is true and I STILL don't care about fuckin Konnie but Olivia should loathe the woman who shot her cousin in the stomach and left her to bleed out on the floor

Edited by Oracle42
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