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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Was Sam actively involved in Maureen kidnapping Jake? I thought she just didn't intervene when she saw Maureen take Jake? Of course Jason would have to have Maureen returned and stand trial and either go to jail or  be committed (this not being a terrible thing). Good old wonderful Jason just let a woman that made an obvious psychotic break loose, without cluing in any of her family she might be in need of some serious help.



How is that different then what Liz did? She didn't actively help Nik in getting Hayden shot.


Also, I don't think that Liz knows that Hayden remembers Jake is Jason. 


One thing I did like, is that the writing already proved that Liz is right in what she said about Carly, Sonny and Jason. The minute he becomes Jason again, he no longer has a life of his own, he only exists to clean up Sonny and Carly's messes. Carly did a great job of making him being alive all about her. 

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How is that different then what Liz did? She didn't actively help Nik in getting Hayden shot.


Also, I don't think that Liz knows that Hayden remembers Jake is Jason. 


One thing I did like, is that the writing already proved that Liz is right in what she said about Carly, Sonny and Jason. The minute he becomes Jason again, he no longer has a life of his own, he only exists to clean up Sonny and Carly's messes. Carly did a great job of making him being alive all about her. 


That may be true about Jason where Carly, et. al. are concerned. But the guy has a mouth and has always pontificated about people making their own choices. He can speak up and stop it. But he doesn't.


So clearly the dumbass had no issues with cleaning up Sonny and Carly's messes and will, no doubt, be glad to lick Michael and Morgan's asses, too. No one is making him be their errand boy.

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Not only are they dragging out this ratchet ass story, they're making all the wrong choices with the telling of it. Why the fuck did they have BM play such strong denial? Does he not remember all the Sam flashes, the weird familiarity he felt at the Q mansion and seeing pics of them? Robin having a whole conversation talking him out of killing Sam? Granted it was a year ago but fuck! WHY IS HE IN DENIAL, SHOW??? There should have been confusion, and then putting the pieces together (here's where a flashback would be good, of the Robin convo, stealing the figurine from Sam, etc) followed by joy at finally understanding and believing, and then realization of what that means regarding Sam and marrying Liez. How hard would that have been, show? Instead we get full on brain damaged, gogurt puddin eating, slow mother fucker yelling NO! It can't possibly be TRUE!

Fucking Frank, man.

  • Love 14

I don't think it's a terrible idea in isolation. It makes sense that Jakeson would hope that knowing who he was would restore his memory. The problem is that they've already shown him feeling connected to people and places that were already part of Jason's life. He's also had several flashes of memory so both the denial and the despair are pretty ridiculous

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Was Sam actively involved in Maureen kidnapping Jake? I thought she just didn't intervene when she saw Maureen take Jake? 

Correct, but Maureen saw Sam looking at her when she grabbed Jake and took off. Maureen later told Jason she assumed he found her because Sam told him she witnessed the kidnapping. So, in theory, Maureen could make her statement/testify that Sam saw her kidnap Jake but didn't scream for help or tell the police (or anyone else).

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Frank and his band of slaggards have now caused me to think about the SERIAL KILLER every-time that Nationwide commercial airs because of that whole "Representative!" bit.


It's as if the more this show attempts to make him "normal" the more insane and inane it seems.


"Hey everybody! Franco gets put on hold for hours just like the rest of us!" But he's a serial killer...


"He can plan house parties and mix drinks!" But he killed people...for his own personal pleasure...


"He'll let you lay your head on his lap!" Oh great, let me just make sure he isn't going to cut it off first...


I want him dead and I want him dead now.

  • Love 11

It's as if the more this show attempts to make him "normal" the more insane and inane it seems.


"Hey everybody! Franco gets put on hold for hours just like the rest of us!" But he's a serial killer...


Nina has no use on the canvas except to prop up Franco. Also, Show is trying to whitewash him with his parental concern for the Keekster. The last thing Kiki needs is a serial killer as a foster parent, confidant, and role model.

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Liz must suspect something, otherwise why did she get so rattled by Hayden's phone call?  And Hayden's showing up when Liz was getting dressed for her wedding should clue her in that Hayden knows more than she's saying. 


I think that, at this point, Liz is so stressed and worried about anything and everything that can go wrong that she probably can't even distinguish what is a real threat and what is just her imagination thinking someone or something is a threat to blow this whole thing up. Hayden makes her jumpy, but everything makes her jumpy at this point. 

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Nina has no use on the canvas except to prop up Franco. Also, Show is trying to whitewash him with his parental concern for the Keekster. The last thing Kiki needs is a serial killer as a foster parent, confidant, and role model.

Though I might be remotely amused if Franco gained her confidence, only to kill her.

I really want my scene where Franco does something horrific and then says, "What about my being a serial killer do these people not understand?"

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The only reason I feel bad about this show's probably not too far from now demise is that they finally put Genie on contract. bah.


I don't feel bad about it, if the cancellation notice comes in. I've been rooting for it for months now. I either want that, or my faves to go so I can be done. I haven't even bothered keeping up with recaps most days. I can't remember the last time I watched a whole show, and I barely can muster up enthusiasm to watch when my faves are on. And I can't feel sorry for any actor who renews their contracts. I realize they got bills to pay, but McDonald's is always hiring. At least at McDonald's, they may get respected, and can feel some pride at the end of the day that they did a good job.

I feel like any of these actors-and yes Jane Elliot, I'm looking at you-who signs a contract, or renews a contract with this show at this point, is a disappointment to me, and I can't feel bad if they *continue* to be as disrespected and wasted (Genie, Jane, Finola) as they have been in the past.

In short, right now, Jason Thompson is my hero. I only wish he'd drag those three ladies with him. And Laura Wright too-I can't stand Carly, but LW deserves better than to be a Sonny cheerleader.


ETA: I guess I have to go back to hating Sam now-because the only time she was tolerable to me  was pre-Jason, and when Jason was dead.

Oh, well.

About the ratings: I don't think Days beating GH right now is a surprise to anyone, including GH. I don't think they even figured they could beat them. IMO it wouldn't matter what they did-Days 50th would pull in more viewers. I don't think it will last, though. There are only so many 80's characters they can bring back, and much like GH, many of the newer viewers don't care about older characters. The question is not, will Days advantage last, but will anyone care enough about GH when Days 50th is over, to save GH from cancellation again?



Edited by IWantCandy71
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Carly is such a troll. She boning one guy and wants to bone another.


To be fair to Carly, she has never made her wanting to bone Jason a secret, not really. If Sonny wants to settle for that, it's on him. Although in turn I guess to be fair to him they thought Jason was dead.

So clearly the dumbass had no issues with cleaning up Sonny and Carly's messes and will, no doubt, be glad to lick Michael and Morgan's asses, too. No one is making him be their errand boy.


I have my doubts about Morgan. I almost wish SBu's Jason were around. He would have hated frat boy Morgan, lol.

  • Love 5

To be fair to Carly, she has never made her wanting to bone Jason a secret, not really. If Sonny wants to settle for that, it's on him. Although in turn I guess to be fair to him they thought Jason was dead. I have my doubts about Morgan. I almost wish SBu's Jason were around. He would have hated frat boy Morgan, lol.

Remember when he told Michael to "stop being a little bitch"?? Yeah, he'd have no use for Morgan's whining.

I think how today goes will depend on if I continue watching. Friday underwhelmed me.

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I can't believe this is all RC had planned for sweeps.

He probably also had some 5-episode wedding event lined up for the Asian Quarter storyline with non-contract players Lucas, Brad and Rosalie.


And of course something with the kiddie quad.


BryDog (sorry, can't see the character anymore, just the actor) and his bipolarism might have sparked some action too.


And recurring character Dr. O might have sprung recurring character Madeline from jail.


Man, I will never not be happy that Ron Carlivati was fired from GH.

  • Love 3

To be fair to Carly, she has never made her wanting to bone Jason a secret, not really. If Sonny wants to settle for that, it's on him.


I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Sonny will languish in his chair, impotent, while Carly gets tired of waiting and finds younger peen elsewhere. Now suddenly here it is on the horizon, and she's already licking her chops and can't stop touching him.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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The fuck?  Did I hear right?  Did Michael say he wasn't "being objective in his grief" when he changed his name to Quartermaine?  He thinks he was supposed to be "objective in his grief" after Sonny MURDERED HIS FATHER?!?!


I fucking hate this show.



He is who he was raised to be, imho. I always knew Michael would turn back to kissing Sonny's ass and it would be as glorious and free fall of a drop imaginable, especially when he started calling himself a "Q" and saying over and over that A.J. was his "real father".


Sonny always wins, because Maurice won't ever play him as a loser who loses, so the second he signed his name on that new contract I knew the "Sonny is the BEST EVER" train was going to keep on chugging and mowing down everyone in his way.


The only thing is now that I truly do believe that the show is going to become his final victim. This broken mess cannot survive another round of Sonny being cast as the "hero" as the true heroes aren't given screen time, aren't given story-lines, aren't given respect, aren't given anything but the cheap scraps.

  • Love 12

I mean, it irritates me at its base, but it's also just extremely lazy writing.  There were ways to have Michael and Sonny organically build back up some kind of relationship, but to have it all just hand waved is guh-ross.


This whole hour was full of ridiculous Sonny propping.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 12

Sam and Liz both being 'OMG, Danny and Jake were drawn to you, somehow they knew" ... eyeroll worthy.


Nik's evil laugh when raging Jakeson grabbed him in an headlock ... eyeroll worthy. Well, at least Jakeson showed some display of emotion instead of being so passive all the time. 


KeMo did a great job; Sam definitely stole the show from Liz. Patrick who? LOL. I think she forgot Patrick was even there. I think it does not register with Sam that Nik does. not. care. that she won't ever forgive him if she finds out he kept Jason away from her all this time. 


Yes, Liz looks more desperate with every moment. Jakeson declining getting married and walking away from both women is the most real he's been.  


I think I hear some hysterical laughter from all of you at Patrick's sad face over being Sabrina'd before Sam and Patrick have even spoken. 


I won't even address M&M licking Sonny's ass is court because I had to turn it off. Warning: don't watch if you are prone to rage blackouts.

  • Love 5

Someone send Lizes to shadybrook. Still asking Jason to get married when he is already married to Sam. While Sam was in the corner crying. What a delusional bitch. Her fake acting at Jason being alive was amusing.


Lizes cant even leave Jason alone for 5 mins without tracking him down. Let him breathe. 


CarSam hugging was the only enjoyable part of today. Also Carly telling Lizes that Jason wont be playing house with her anymore was funny.


KeMo did excellent work today.


Ava going in on Sonny was entertaining. Even though she is awful as well. Neither deserve Avery.


Kiki *sighs* So annoying. 

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 5

I mean, it irritates me at its base, but it's also just extremely lazy writing.  There were ways to have Michael and Sonny organically build back up some kind of relationship, but to have it all just hand waved is guh-ross.


This whole hour was full of ridiculous Sonny propping.


They even had Dante and Kristina prop him off-screen. That's impressive. Seriously. It makes NO SENSE that Dante was at neither custody trial. Well, maybe I can buy Michael wanting to spare him from testifying when he was suing for custody, but wouldn't Scotty want to put him on the stand? Even with Dante evading answers there's the still the giant awkwardness of Olivia keeping his paternity a secret, same with Alexis/Kristina.


I think Kiki's Sonny asskissing was just done to spite Ava.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4



The only thing is now that I truly do believe that the show is going to become his final victim. This broken mess cannot survive another round of Sonny being cast as the "hero" as the true heroes aren't given screen time, aren't given story-lines, aren't given respect, aren't given anything but the cheap scraps.



This show hasn't had any true heroes in many, many years. I can't think of a single one, currently. Well, perhaps Jordan? Who is never on, because you can't have someone on, who so obviously contrasts with the Sonny show.

  • Love 1

Well HeatLifer will love this episode! Sam pretty much forgot her fiancé was standing right behind her the entire show.

Kelly was mvp today. But I am still livid as fuck that all of Jason's flashes are being ignored. And Liz jumping in when Sam talked about Danny knowing was truly pathetic, and I didn't think she could sink any lower. And no Liz, jake only knew jake was his dad because HE OVERHEARD your lies! Twit. The Carly/Sam hug was lovely.

I need Sam to truly go in on Nikolas. I hope she remembers the ring stuff soon.

Eta: nobody thought it was strange how "composed" Liz was? She gets earth shattering news and she pretty much just shrugs ands says....meh lets get married anyway!!! Please. These people are all dumb.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 10

Well HeatLifer will love this episode! Sam pretty much forgot her fiancé was standing right behind her the entire show.

Kelly was mvp today. But I am still livid as fuck that all of Jason's flashes are being ignored. And Liz jumping in when Sam talked about Danny knowing was truly pathetic, and I didn't think she could sink any lower. And no Liz, jake only knew jake was his dad because HE OVERHEARD your lies! Twit. The Carly/Sam hug was lovely.

I need Sam to truly go in on Nikolas. I hope she remembers the ring stuff soon.

Eta: nobody thought it was strange how "composed" Liz was? She gets earth shattering news and she pretty much just shrugs ands says....meh lets get married anyway!!! Please. These people are all dumb.

I like this post. Sam was perfect. <3

And I'm with you on the flashes. HOW is that not being mentioned?

How is NO ONE bringing up Robin?

And why is this show mocking me with that fucking bridge!!!??

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nobody thought it was strange how "composed" Liz was? She gets earth shattering news and she pretty much just shrugs ands says....meh lets get married anyway!!! Please. These people are all dumb.

IA. But I think Sam was in too much shock to really register what Liz was doing/saying. Carly should have picked up on in for sure. 

Eta: nobody thought it was strange how "composed" Liz was? She gets earth shattering news and she pretty much just shrugs ands says....meh lets get married anyway!!! Please. These people are all dumb.


I thought Nikolas was super dumb drawing attention to Liz after he got attacked by Jason:


Nikolas: I didn't know...and neither did Liz, nope, Liz DEFINITELY didn't know, not at all, no way, nope.

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I like Jordan, but the woman was screwing a hitman on the side. Now could be a different story though.



I think she's got her head on straight now. I like to think someone in this town does. Two more seconds, and we'll be hearing Sam go on and on and on and on about what a great guy Jaaayson is and see how destroyed she'll be that Jakeson doesn't love her. Then we get to see Tracy be stupid over Paul, and Carly has ALWAYS been stupid over Sonny.

At least Jordan seems to value her kid and her job over her man-something pretty much ALL the other women in town can't say.


As an aside-I am taking a wild guess that they are setting up a murder mystery for February sweeps with Paul as the victim. Then again, perhaps that's my wishful thinking. Just reading recaps about him is making me ill.

But then, anyone who would want Ava is too stupid to live, anyway. So he must die. And if he harms Emma(even though I don't care about that annoying whiny voiced twit), there is no going back for him, barring mind control.

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I was only able to catch part of the show today - enough to see Michael and Kiki's testimony - and wonder if I even want to catch the rest, since even that small section of the show was enough to send me into a rage blackout that would last for days.


I'll go on record as saying that I hate Ava and think she is as big of a devil as the show is portraying. BUT Sonny is just as, if not more gross than she is, and for the show to act as if Sonny is some saint and perfect father compared to the worst parent on Earth Ava is absurd. It's having the opposite effect then they want and making me root for Ava, even though Avery would be better served being raised by cockroaches.


I've hated Michael before, but it pains me now since I really do love Michael and Sabrina, but I can't enjoy this Sonny ass-kissing version of Michael. The fact that he could basically hand wave AJ's murder was disgusting. It also annoyed me that he kept calling AJ his biological father and "AJ" as if he couldn't possibly call him dad anymore since it might hurt poor Sonny's feelings. I now hope that the baby is Carlos' and Michael has to drown in his misery. 


I've never hated Kiki as much as a lot of people here. I definitely think HE is a very weak actress, but I've enjoyed drunk, bitter Kiki a little bit, but she can fuck right off with her disgusting Sonny ass licking. Hugging him. Blech. Looking on adoringly as she talks about having loved both Michael and Morgan and how they're both so great. Michael dumped her like a bad habit (justifiably so) and Morgan screwed her mother. But I guess Kiki must assume that Ava raped Morgan. 


And I know GH courtrooms are always ridiculous, but way to make Scott like the most idiotic lawyer on Earth. I don't think even Guza did that. Why the hell didn't he cross examine Kiki, instead of her just being allowed to give a monologue about how horrible Ava has been to her recently. How about asking her about her childhood and the fact that she never had to face violence and had a good relationship with her mother as she grew up. And why not attack some of Kiki's testimony. Like so Ava is supposed to be so horrible for sleeping with her child's significant other, well what about Sonny since Avery wouldn't even be here if Sonny didn't screw his brother's girlfriend. And Ava is horrible for lying to Kiki about her paternity. Sonny hung his kid's biological father on a meathook to steal his rights from him.


Who cares that all of Sonny's children are brain-dead morons that signed glowing affidavits. All of the crap they had to grow up with should have gone on record as well.


I only saw a little bit of the Jason reveal - enough to continue thinking Liz and Nik are pathetic pond scum and I can't wait for them to be called for the filth they are. 


I didn't necessarily mind Carly hugging Sam, but why was she doing it while Lucas, Sam's BROTHER, just looked on in the background barely able to muster a sympathetic glance and then gives her a weak shoulder pat on the way out. I know Lucas and Sam haven't known each other for long, but still.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 6

Eta: nobody thought it was strange how "composed" Liz was? She gets earth shattering news and she pretty much just shrugs ands says....meh lets get married anyway!!! Please. These people are all dumb.

If you didn't know the situation, I think it mostly just looks like shock - sort of how some people are so stunned after an auto accident that they don't say much and don't get really upset or feel pain until later. I thought Nikolas would get more immediate anger from everyone because him being in the know was very obvious - he was so utterly nonchalant about the news - no wide eyes, no fake shock, no tears for Liz. "I don't know where you've been the last few years" came across really weak and then the meh, whatever, we're leaving attitude. They really are dumb.

I was only able to catch part of the show today - enough to see Michael and Kiki's testimony - and wonder if I even want to catch the rest, since even that small section of the show was enough to send me into a rage blackout that would last for days.


I'll go on record as saying that I hate Ava and think she is as big of a devil as the show is portraying. BUT Sonny is just as, if not more gross than she is, and for the show to act as if Sonny is some saint and perfect father compared to the worst parent on Earth Ava is absurd. It's having the opposite effect then they want and making me root for Ava, even though Avery would be better served being raised by cockroaches.




I've never hated Kiki as much as a lot of people here. I definitely think HE is a very weak actress, but I've enjoyed drunk, bitter Kiki a little bit, but she can fuck right off with her disgusting Sonny ass licking. Hugging him. Blech. Looking on adoringly as she talks about having loved both Michael and Morgan and how they're both so great. Michael dumped her like a bad habit (justifiably so) and Morgan screwed her mother. But I guess Kiki must assume that Ava raped Morgan. 


And I know GH courtrooms are always ridiculous, but way to make Scott like the most idiotic lawyer on Earth. I don't think even Guza did that. Why the hell didn't he cross examine Kiki, instead of her just being allowed to give a monologue about how horrible Ava has been to her recently. How about asking her about her childhood and the fact that she never had to face violence and had a good relationship with her mother as she grew up. And why not attack some of Kiki's testimony. Like so Ava is supposed to be so horrible for sleeping with her child's significant other, well what about Sonny since Avery wouldn't even be here if Sonny didn't screw his brother's girlfriend. And Ava is horrible for lying to Kiki about her paternity. Sonny hung his kid's biological father on a meathook to steal his rights from him.



I didn't watch but its even more ridclous tht scotty whom was in an custody battle over Serena himself at one point.


I've hated Michael before, but it pains me now since I really do love Michael and Sabrina, but I can't enjoy this Sonny ass-kissing version of Michael. The fact that he could basically hand wave AJ's murder was disgusting. It also annoyed me that he kept calling AJ his biological father and "AJ" as if he couldn't possibly call him dad anymore since it might hurt poor Sonny's feelings. I now hope that the baby is Carlos' and Michael has to drown in his misery. 








I actually think that is one of the reasons behind that whole thing-Michael will be in a very similiar situation, if the baby belongs to Carlos. I really don't want Carlos to be alive-for several reasons-but I don't think they'd bother introducing the whole WTD if in the end, the baby were going to be Michael's.

And it's a shame-because  it means one less true Q, and it just means we'll get more Sonny and Michael bonding as true father/son.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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