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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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DZ did well in the scenes when Lulu came back from Canada and they had that fight.  So I'm not sure why he is sleep walking in these scenes. I keep wishing JMB!Lulu will show up and smack the hell out of Dante. ER is good but she kinda comes off as a little girl. She doesnt have the spunk JMB had.


How hilarious that the writers forget Ethan. They always say Lulu went off to find her brother not brothers. Ha.

She never went off to find her "brothers". They had no idea about Ethan when Lulu took off with Dillion, they just thought it was Lucky.

Valerie is a Spenser but the only Spencers she hangs with is Lante. Has she even met her second cousins Michael and Morgan and Joss? I would like to see her with Michael. They are about the same age and could really work as friends.


Valerie was in the same room as Michael and Morgan at Sonny and Carly's first attempted wedding, but I'm not sure they spoke.


I'd personally rather see Valerie and Lucas become more friendly.  Again, Aunt Bobbie would have been all over Valerie when she first came to Port Charles.

  • Love 5

Finally watched the whole episode.


Oh how nice, Liz is all worried about correct wedding ettiquette.  I wonder what it says about marrying a man that ALREADY HAS A WIFE.   Ugh, she really can't sink any lower. 


Ya'll I have a bad feeling that SamTrick might make a quick trip to the courthouse in the morning, before the wedding.  Someone try and blow my theory. 


I thought ER was great in some parts, not great in others.  I didn't watch Maxie/Nathan, I can't deal with Maxie's self righteousness.  I also skipped Morgan/Kiki, no explaination needed.


I continue to love the way LW is playing this. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 2

And I get that...or...I get that they had a few scenes there. What I'm saying is that I find it a waste to not use the bridge to have Jason have some memory of Robin. That is more a part of their relationship than it was for Jason and Liz. So much more meaning and history, starting with Stone.


Gotcha. I think they were going with Jason's most recent memories on the bridge - I really thought maybe they'd have him also flash back to the conversation on the bridge after Robin's funeral. I remember it because Jason asked Liz how Emma was doing and she replied she's really confused because kids don't really understand death. That memory would be perfect because it could be juxtaposed with Emma afraid at Halloween, wanting a mom, and the irony of Jason's wife being the one to comfort her. 



What was interesting is that Valerie wasn't really yelling at Dillon on her own behalf, but on Lulu's.  She didn't say, "You're my friend, how could you do that to me?".  She said, "You blindsided and publically humiliated the woman you claim to love!".


And Dillon was the one trying to get her to admit that she was happy with what happened, most likely to ease his own conscious.


She yelled at Dillon on Lulu's behalf because Dillon was posturing that he did the right thing, for Lulu's sake. Valerie rightly called him out on his crap; he did it for his own selfish reasons. Humiliating her and Dante (and Val, too) at a party in her own place of business was not even remotely the kind of thing a person does when they love someone. All he cares about is Lulu and Dante's marriage imploding because he thinks Dante is unworthy of her and he wants Lulu for himself. 


Val said, before this, that she wanted to continue a career with the PCPD and wanted to be friends with Dante and Lulu. (Maybe she does or maybe that was just a line) but I do believe she a) never would have wanted Dante to get outed as a cheater in this way and b) didn't want to be at war with her cousin Lulu. Also, Val is aware she is new to the people of PC whereas Dante has had a family and career there for some years. So I assume she sees this as Dillon victimizing a somewhat well-known couple who don't deserve it. 



I really don't see what the anger directed toward Maxie is all about.  She was right that as much as she would've wanted to, she wouldn't have gone right to Lulu.  She and Nathan could've found a way to convince Dante to confess to Lulu months before she could've found out this way.

My disgust is because Maxie is being a ginormous hypocrite in her anger toward Nathan and disgust toward Dante and Val. In addition to having been Lulu's brother's drug supplier/lover and hating on Lulu's sister-in-law before, during, and after that, she was the other woman when Lulu's (loser) ex cheated on Lulu. Maxie lies to everyone she professes to care about in her life, a lot. Which brings me to baby Georgie. As far as I'm concerned, passing off her own baby as Dante and Lulu's baby thru the pregnancy up 'til her lies got outed at the christening is a bigger violation than one night of cheating. Even when the secret got outed, she tried to deny it. I don't care what Maxie says, she is all about herself, and knows nothing about true friendship. She will say anything to get out of owning up to her own crap, and then her parents and others end up kissing her ass anyway. So she can STFU. No, she and Nathan couldn't have found a way to convince Dante to confess to to Lulu months ago because those two twits don't have more than a few working brain cells between them. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 4

My disgust is because Maxie is being a ginormous hypocrite in her anger toward Nathan and disgust toward Dante and Val. In addition to having been Lulu's brother's drug supplier/lover and hating on Lulu's sister-in-law before, during, and after that, she was the other woman when Lulu's (loser) ex cheated on Lulu. Maxie lies to everyone she professes to care about in her life, a lot. Which brings me to baby Georgie. As far as I'm concerned, passing off her own baby as Dante and Lulu's baby thru the pregnancy up 'til her lies got outed at the christening is a bigger violation than one night of cheating. Even when the secret got outed, she tried to deny it.


Don't forget the time she cheated with HotFranco about, what, 3 months after her non-wedding with Spinelli? I think she can be mad right now but if she's still throwing it in Dante and Valerie's faces months down the line, lightning should strike her.


Unless Dante and Valerie hook up again. Then I'd be fine if she shot them in their faces.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Ulkis - I didn't forget the Franco cheating incident; I just didn't mention it because it wasn't a betrayal of Lulu/Spencer fam.

Now that I'm thinking about it, is Laura still hanging around somewhere? Because if there's any time a girl needs her Mommy Lulu is there in spades 

 Laura would be a great person to give Lulu empathy in this situation because of the ret-con that Luke cheated on Laura with Holly and fathered Ethan. I guess Daddy's not looking like such a hero now that you know what it's like to have your husband commit adultery, huh Lulu?

  • Love 3


ETA...ugh, knowing our luck, stupid Darb will be GH's newest nurse.


Stop it right now.


The costumes were really distracting today. Not just Lulu (although that was by far the worst offender), but Sandy and Danny yelling at each other, and Morgan's ridiculous hat that I so wanted him to take off his stupid head, along with Kiki's whatever the hell she was supposed to be, it all just really took me out of the scenes.


That being said, I really liked Valerie going off on Private Mayo (best nickname ever). It reminds me that she could have been a good character had she gotten decent writing. And Brytni really seems to be sweet, so I'm glad she's getting some positive feedback rather than being sent hate tweets for daring to come between two fictional characters.



Aside from the early physical stuff, I thought Emme did a fantastic job today.


I don't think I'll go so far as to say fantastic, but I thought she did really well. And this is coming from someone who has never been on board with her casting. I still would love to see how JMB would have played it, but Emme did a good job hitting the dialogue and really making it her own. When her voice would get low as she was remembering everything, that's when I thought she was at her best.


I also liked seeing the flashbacks Carly had. Again, LW has been great in this part of the storyline.


Liz, all of her scenes to me are just so cringeworthy. She's so gross.


I'm not a Robin fan, and I've been a Sam fan for a good long while now (not so much a Samtrick fan), but that was all kinds of wrong. I call em like I see em. In real life, I don't think it would be a big deal at all, but on this show it just seems wrong.


Why are they rewriting Morgan and Kiki's relationship to be this end all be all? Why do I even bother to care about either of these complete and total losers?


Previews: I'm getting a kick already out of Olivia's shocked and horrified face. How will God fix this, Liv?

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 6

That being said, I really liked Valerie going off on Private Mayo (best nickname ever). It reminds me that she could have been a good character had she gotten decent writing. And Brytni really seems to be sweet, so I'm glad she's getting some positive feedback rather than being sent hate tweets for daring to come between two fictional characters.

Oh, she gets plenty of love too though from nutters* who want DZ opposite anyone but ER. My head spins to think how quick some of them would turn on her if Julie came back.

*Not to imply that she doesn't get love from other people too, or this is the only reason that anyone could possibly send her support. But BS has probably had an easier time on twitter than ER did her first few months, or Jen Lilley.

I actually feel bad for Olivia. She's like their kid/parent. I'll give her a free pass on Sonny asskissing for a week if she thwacks Dante with a heavy rag or whatever else is handy.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I thought ER was great in some parts, not great in others.  I didn't watch Maxie/Nathan, I can't deal with Maxie's self righteousness.  I also skipped Morgan/Kiki, no explaination needed.

Actually, the Maxie/Nathan scenes were surprisingly well done. She did use the line how could you not tell me, your girlfriend, about Dante and Valerie and Nathan explained he was trying to be a loyal friend and pointed out in not so many words that she had no room to judge. In a surprisingly display of insight since Guza left, she made the valid point that her lies and secrets turned out to be more hurtful than helpful, bring up her massive baby lie.


Gotha. I think they were going with Jason's most recent memories on the bridge - I really thought maybe they'd have him also flash back to the conversation on the bridge after Robin's funeral. I remember it because Jason asked Liz how Emma was doing and she replied she's really confused because kids don't really understand death. That memory would be perfect because it could be juxtaposed with Emma afraid at Halloween, wanting a mom, and the irony of Jason's wife being the one to comfort her. 



She yelled at Dillon on Lulu's behalf because Dillon was posturing that he did the right thing, for Lulu's sake. Valerie rightly called him out on his crap; he did it for his own selfish reasons. Humiliating her and Dante (and Val, too) at a party in her own place of business was not even remotely the kind of thing a person does when they love someone. All he cares about is Lulu and Dante's marriage imploding. 


Val said, before this, that she wanted to continue a career with the PCPD and wanted to be friends with Dante and Lulu. (Maybe she does or maybe that was just a line) but I do believe she a) never would have wanted Dante to get outed as a cheater in this way and b) didn't want to be at war with her cousin Lulu. Also, Val is aware she is new to the people of PC whereas Dante has had a family and career there for some years. So I assume she sees this as Dillon victimizing a somewhat well-known couple who don't deserve it. 



My disgust is because Maxie is being a ginormous hypocrite in her anger toward Nathan and disgust toward Dante and Val. In addition to having been Lulu's brother's drug supplier/lover and hating on Lulu's sister-in-law before, during, and after that, she was the other woman when Lulu's (loser) ex cheated on Lulu. Maxie lies to everyone she professes to care about in her life, a lot. Which brings me to baby Georgie. As far as I'm concerned, passing off her own baby as Dante and Lulu's baby thru the pregnancy up 'til her lies got outed at the christening is a bigger violation than one night of cheating. Even when the secret got outed, she tried to deny it. I don't care what Maxie says, she is all about herself, and knows nothing about true friendship. She will say anything to get out of owning up to her own crap, and then her parents and others end up kissing her ass anyway. So she can STFU. No, she and Nathan couldn't have found a way to convince Dante to confess to to Lulu months ago because those two twits don't have more than a few working brain cells between them. 

 I don't think Valerie is particularly concerned about Lulu's feelings or she is as concerned for Lulu's feelings as much as Lulu was concerned for Georgie feelings after she slept with Dillon. I think, and she has ever right to feel this way, she is extremely pissed off that Dillon chose to publicly out her confessing to sleeping with another woman's husband, after promising he would keep it a secret. And since the ONS with Dante, I think she has become somewhat of a bitch to a lot of people. As for Maxie's anger towards Nathan, it only lasted a few minutes and I am glad that Maxie was the one that brought up the damage her own baby lie did as a reason that keeping Valerie/Dante was a huge mistake. Maxie believing that she and Nathan could have somehow minimized the damage together, I think it is just Maxie's general hopefulness that she could have fixed the situation if she was somewhat privy to the information, but the one thing that is for certain, it would have been a lot more discreet than what happen that night (on her own birthday no less). As for Maxie being a big time hypocrite because  she cheated and was the other woman  in her own right, then their is absolutely no one that can say anything. It means Lulu doesn't have the right to be anger at Valerie because of what she did to Georgie all those years ago or that Laura can't have words against Dante because she left her first husband for her rapist. She made an accusation against Valerie because she feels that her instincts about Valerie were confirmed, but didn't press the matter further when Dillon corrected her and went to support Lulu.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

For remembering all the past events, like Maxie's baby lie and Lulu going off with Dillon, I wish that the show would have remembered that Kiki broke Morgan's heart first when she left him for Michael and that he is pretty much a consolation prize.


The show seems determined to sell us on Morgan and Kiki having had a very intense, serious relationship, which...doesn't line up with what we saw on-screen.  At all.

  • Love 13

Oh, she gets plenty of love too though from nutters* who want DZ opposite anyone but ER. My head spins to think how quick some of them would turn on her if Julie came back.

*Not to imply that she doesn't get love from other people too, or this is the only reason that anyone could possibly send her support. But BS has probably had an easier time on twitter than ER did her first few months, or Jen Lilley.

I actually feel bad for Olivia. She's like their kid/parent. I'll give her a free pass on Sonny asskissing for a week if she thwacks Dante with a heavy rag or whatever else is handy.


Important note:  I have had  LOTS of opportunity to observe these "nutters" of whom you speak.  Their numbers are much smaller than the noise they make - yet so many will lead - as you have done - with references to these few.  People have allowed that small tail to wag the dog far too long.


Surprisingly, in spite of the noise made by a few, I've seen those who like both characters - and a very increasing number of  Brytni who don't give a fiddler's fart about who is playing Lulu. They simply have come to like Brytni .... or Valerie ... or both.

My point was, she has gotten a decent amount of support right from the beginning from posters who were eager for DZ to be paired with anyone but ER. (And admittedly around Sept 2014 I probably still would have been among them.) I should clarify, the only ones I consider nuts are the ones who are still tweeting nasty things about/to ER on an almost daily basis. There's nothing wrong with supporting an actress just because she's not ER, but like I said, that has given her a base of support right from the start.

Edited by ulkis

Actually, the Maxie/Nathan scenes were surprisingly well done. She did use the line how could you not tell me, your girlfriend, about Dante and Valerie and Nathan explained he was trying to be a loyal friend and pointed out in not so many words that she had no room to judge. In a surprisingly display of insight since Guza left, she made the valid point that her lies and secrets turned out to be more hurtful than helpful, bring up her massive baby lie.


As for Maxie's anger towards Nathan, it only lasted a few minutes and I am glad that Maxie was the one that brought up the damage her own baby lie did as a reason that keeping Valerie/Dante was a huge mistake. Maxie believing that she and Nathan could have somehow minimized the damage together, I think it is just Maxie's general hopefulness that she could have fixed the situation if she was somewhat privy to the information, but the one thing that is for certain, it would have been a lot more discreet than what happen that night (on her own birthday no less). As for Maxie being a big time hypocrite because  she cheated and was the other woman  in her own right, then their is absolutely no one that can say anything. It means Lulu doesn't have the right to be anger at Valerie because of what she did to Georgie all those years ago or that Laura can't have words against Dante because she left her first husband for her rapist. She made an accusation against Valerie because she feels that her instincts about Valerie were confirmed, but didn't press the matter further when Dillon corrected her and went to support Lulu.

I don't see Lulu's actions re: Georgie or anything Laura might or might not say to Dante as relevant in this situation. Maxie has a history of being a shitty person in general/ friend to Lulu, so her getting angry at Nathan, saying she feels terrible for Lulu, her anger towards Dante and Val, and then especially being Lulu's "protector" by dismissing Dante and walking away with Lulu just disgusted me. IMO, when you have been the other woman in a previous relationship of Lulu's, the other woman in Lulu's brother's marriage, and lied to her for multiple months about a baby, you don't get to say one damn word against any of the players in this mess or act like you're the super loyal best friend who has her back. It should have been Laura or Tracy who dismissed Dante and escorted Lulu away. The writing for Maxie in this situation reminds me of Obrecht's behavior/attitude toward Patrick, Robin and Elizabeth after she's the one who tortured Robin, almost killed Robert in attempting to murder Robin, implanted the Lante embryo in her daughter's uterus, shot Liz after kidnapping baby Ben.

  • Love 1

Previews: I'm getting a kick already out of Olivia's shocked and horrified face. How will God fix this, Liv?


Liv is so clueless that she'll probably whip up a pan of ziti and dash over to Lante's to tell Lulu how sorry she is and to apologize for Dante. Naturally having her mother-in-law appear will bring fresh embarrassment to Lulu. In fact any sympathizers who appear at Lulu's door are likely to have their ears boxed, since it will prove that the reveal has become even more public.


I wouldn't stop grinning if Ava or Alexis opened Julian's gossipy paper to read about its headlines: "PC Club Owner Learns of Spouse's Infidelity at Trendy Halloween party". Complete with a photo of Lulu with her mascara running.

  • Love 4

I don't buy Dillion doing all this. Johnny Z, yeah. I see him doing this just to mess with Sonny, piss off Dante. It seems very bold. But even then, I wouldn't buy him doing it to want Lulu back. It's stupid. Where does Dillion even go from here?


Yes wasn't Johnny Z initially supposed to mess up the Lante marriage by going into business with Lulu on the Haunted Star? But then he just dropped off the canvas? And isn't the Johnny Z actor married to the actress who plays Maxie? If so, politics may have intervened and the story was revised to have Dillon return instead to smash the Lante marriage.


Paul and Tracy might seize the chance to help Dillon climb (or vault) the corporate ladder at ELQ now.


I would like to see her with Michael.


The only person that I want to see Valerie with is the bus driver checking her ticket as she steps up on the next bus out of PC. 


I think, and she has ever right to feel this way, she is extremely pissed off that Dillon chose to publicly out her confessing to sleeping with another woman's husband, after promising he would keep it a secret.


One of many problems with this plot has been that Dillon has been made out to be worse than Valerie.  It's like sentencing a witness to a murder the death penalty. 


I really need each episode to have scenes with either Laura, Anna or Tracy.  It doesn't matter that they have relegated Laura to doing laundry.  I'd rather watch that actress folding laundry for the whole show than having to watch HORRIBLE actors with limp scripts.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 1

I really like that none of you are giving a shit about the Carly/Kiki accident. 


Line of the day: "You just keep on screwing." I can't stand Kiki, but yay for saying that to Morgan.


For me, it was Kiki's advice to Darby about keeping Morgan away from her ( Darby's) mom. I laughed out loud at that one. 



Overall I thought the confrontation was done very well. The waves of realization coming over Lulu, ( the "I thought you changes the sheets to be sweet"was a cringe moment) and Dante just saying he was sorry, over and over.... it was rough. 

  • Love 3

Was it weird to anyone else that Valerie and Dillon were screaming at each other and yet Morgan and Kiki were apparently only feet away, at the bar and yet don't notice the yelling or don't react to it.  And was Darby the only one left in there at the end.  Did she lock up after she ate her sliders? (totally not a euphimism!!)


Yea, that was very poorly done. It kept taking me out of scenes because I was like 'wait aren't there other people screaming like a foot from you?'


I'd personally rather see Valerie and Lucas become more friendly.


I love this idea. Maybe the next time we see Lucas for his 5 minute, once a month appearance it can be with Valerie.


Yes wasn't Johnny Z initially supposed to mess up the Lante marriage by going into business with Lulu on the Haunted Star? But then he just dropped off the canvas? And isn't the Johnny Z actor married to the actress who plays Maxie? If so, politics may have intervened and the story was revised to have Dillon return instead to smash the Lante marriage.


Johnny Z is returning in December. I just can't ever see him with this version of Lulu though. But, stranger things have happened.



I really like that none of you are giving a shit about the Carly/Kiki accident.


I'm just sorry it didn't take both of them out.

  • Love 5

Yes wasn't Johnny Z initially supposed to mess up the Lante marriage by going into business with Lulu on the Haunted Star? But then he just dropped off the canvas? And isn't the Johnny Z actor married to the actress who plays Maxie? If so, politics may have intervened and the story was revised to have Dillon return instead to smash the Lante marriage.


Nah. That was always supposed to be a brief stint.

She needs to develop a character trait other than "pining for Dante."


I mentioned this yesterday, but it feels like since the candy/pregnancy test mix-up, she's not really pining for Dante anymore.  And she's been more snarky and less weepy about mom.  I wonder if that's the new writers course correcting her a bit, with her expressing a desire to be a police officer, etc.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

I don't see Lulu's actions re: Georgie or anything Laura might or might not say to Dante as relevant in this situation. Maxie has a history of being a shitty person in general/ friend to Lulu, so her getting angry at Nathan, saying she feels terrible for Lulu, her anger towards Dante and Val, and then especially being Lulu's "protector" by dismissing Dante and walking away with Lulu just disgusted me. IMO, when you have been the other woman in a previous relationship of Lulu's, the other woman in Lulu's brother's marriage, and lied to her for multiple months about a baby, you don't get to say one damn word against any of the players in this mess or act like you're the super loyal best friend who has her back. It should have been Laura or Tracy who dismissed Dante and escorted Lulu away. The writing for Maxie in this situation reminds me of Obrecht's behavior/attitude toward Patrick, Robin and Elizabeth after she's the one who tortured Robin, almost killed Robert in attempting to murder Robin, implanted the Lante embryo in her daughter's uterus, shot Liz after kidnapping baby Ben.

Maxie, for one didn't verbal eviscerate Dante, all she did was wrap a coat around Lulu, and firmly told Dante that "I got this" and walked Lulu to her car. It wasn't hugely different from that episode of Buffy, when Cordelia gave Buffy a ride after she found out Giles had been drugging her, even though Buffy and Cordelia disliked each other. Of course the ideal person would have been Laura, but for all we know Laura could have been baby sitting Rocco, but she was the one that was there. Her and Lulu weren't on the outs anymore and for quite sometime. Another, Maxie knows she isn't a good person and knows perfectly well how hurtful he actions have been to Spinelli and to Lucky. I well have to watch further episodes, but it seems to me to me that was more shocked that anything that Dante of all people would do something like this, she has held him in high regard for a long time and spoke of how envious she was of the both of them.

  • Love 3

My problem with Maxie yesterday was more her giving Nathan grief, and this apparently shaking her faith in their relationship, given that every issue in their relationship has been because of Maxie - her blatantly breaking the law by helping Johnny and expecting Nathan to just accept it, her dumping him for Spinelli out of nowhere, etc.


Her collecting Lulu at the end, though, I thought was nice.

  • Love 6

My problem with Maxie yesterday was more her giving Nathan grief, and this apparently shaking her faith in their relationship, given that every issue in their relationship has been because of Maxie - her blatantly breaking the law by helping Johnny and expecting Nathan to just accept it, her dumping him for Spinelli out of nowhere, etc.

Her collecting Lulu at the end, though, I thought was nice.

Maxie, to me, is the last.person who should make comments on cheating.

  • Love 1

I really like that none of you are giving a shit about the Carly/Kiki accident. 

I actually forgot that there was an accident at the end of the show until I read this! Bible (TM Kardashians)!


I'm totally not hating Carly's reaction to Jake/Jason. I figured she'd go all howler-monkey and lick him clean from the Liz cooties, but I'm so relieved to be wrong in this instance. It's a nice change of pace. Now, when she finds out Liz knew, it's on, as it should be.

  • Love 5
I really like that none of you are giving a shit about the Carly/Kiki accident.




I'm now at the point where if something, whatever, happens to one of these characters that doesn't result in their exits/deaths I just sort of gloss over everything.


Kiki and her running eye makeup should have been ejected from the car over a cliff never to be seen or heard from again. Carly at least can stick around until she finally exposes the truth about Jason.


And on a side note, shouldn't Danny be a little older by now? I just realized yesterday that they actually are using a baby monitor still with him which...shouldn't the kid be 4 or 5 by now? At least old enough to do more than just scream and cry when he needs someone? Shouldn't he be calling for "Mama"? It isn't as if he's a zombie like his big brother Jake Cyborg Jr.

  • Love 1
It was unbuttoned in the first place because her costume was slutty cop, but it was really distracting during the confrontation scenes.


I had to laugh when Lulu buttoned up. "This isn't for you anymore, cheater!"


And letting the kid sleep in their bed--Emma is far, far, far too advanced in age to be there!! Outrageous! Sick!


It's not as if Sam and Patrick are pushing her to one side to fuck. Emma needed reassurance. I don't see anything wrong with letting her fall asleep there and being moved later to her own bed. Just because we didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen.


I didn't forget the Franco cheating incident


I pretty much ignore that because it was James Franco's Franco, who was an entirely different character from the horror show that's called Franco these days.


Previews: I'm getting a kick already out of Olivia's shocked and horrified face. How will God fix this, Liv?


Bwah! I love how suddenly Dante is this fallen angel. (Except Olivia, but she's his mom, and it was a more general thing, not he's suddenly the perfect father/husband.) It's like a stanvil for emotions. No one thought Dante was perfect until it was time to reveal he'd slept with Valerie. Good guy /=/ perfect, writers.


And on a side note, shouldn't Danny be a little older by now? I just realized yesterday that they actually are using a baby monitor still with him which...shouldn't the kid be 4 or 5 by now? At least old enough to do more than just scream and cry when he needs someone?


I thought that cry sounded way too young for Danny, too. I had to stop and think why a baby was in the house.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Bwah! I love how suddenly Dante is this fallen angel. (Except Olivia, but she's his mom, and it was a more general thing, not he's suddenly the perfect father/husband.) It's like a stanvil for emotions. No one thought Dante was perfect until it was time to reveal he'd slept with Valerie. Good guy /=/ perfect, writers.


Seriouslyyyyyy. I could rant about this all day.

really like that none of you are giving a shit about the Carly/Kiki accident.

I'm now at the point where if something, whatever, happens to one of these characters that doesn't result in their exits/deaths I just sort of gloss over everything.

I love the posters here, and your wit and observations never fail to make me smile or laugh. Nevertheless, it's hard not to gloss through the last two days worth of posts -- not because of the comments(!!!) -- but because all of the character names don't interest me in the least. Carly ... skip .... Lulu ... skip. ... Dante looks bored (join the club!) .... skip ...... Dillion, Val, Kiki, Jason, Liz, Sam, Patrick, Spinelli, Hayden, Nikolas ... scan, scan, scan, skip, skip, skip.

I can't even be bothered enough to hate. It's all indifference right now.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 2


And on a side note, shouldn't Danny be a little older by now? I just realized yesterday that they actually are using a baby monitor still with him which...shouldn't the kid be 4 or 5 by now? At least old enough to do more than just scream and cry when he needs someone? Shouldn't he be calling for "Mama"? It isn't as if he's a zombie like his big brother Jake Cyborg Jr.


He will be 4 next June. So yeah, should be yelling for mom. But he is a mini!jason! He only speaks when absolutely necessary.


 And Sam is about to do exactly the same, oh come and have a cuddle on my lap but just you wait until my "real" husband returns, it just...it does none of them favours and makes all the adults look like cold, heartless prats toying with the very delicate emotions and constitutions of small children.


Well, to be fair, Sam thinks her husband is dead. It's not like she is passing time with Patrick waiting for her missing hubby to return, and will say "see ya suckers!" She is moving on. (Albeit to a passionless and chem free life, but hey....sometimes boring is....well boring)

  • Love 6


Well, to be fair, Sam thinks her husband is dead. It's not like she is passing time with Patrick waiting for her missing hubby to return, and will say "see ya suckers!" She is moving on.

Which is one of the reasons this 'reveal' is so lame. Patrick has not been demonstrated as a viable option. Sam won't be torn between her great new life with Patrick and her old life with Jason. 

Jasus has risen, and all that was lost will be restored to him. 

Liz will be wearing tiretracks and Sam will disappear from Patrick's life, except maybe for an extremely awkward conversation with poor, traumatized Emma.


She's the one I really feel for, if it's possible, I think her childhood might be even more f*cked up than her mother's. (She has yet to be kidnapped, though) 

  • Love 6

This would be a perfect time for drunk and pissed-off Kiki to decide she wants a fresh start and that from this day forward she will be known as Lauren.  Then Lauren decides to seek out her new life by leaving town.  Though of late, I admit I'm kind of enjoying HE's "Oh, everyone in PC can just FOAD" attitude.


Car accident ticked me off.  First, it was predictable.  Two, I don't want even another nanosecond wasted in the Jakeson reveal.  Please end the pain.

  • Love 6
Though of late, I admit I'm kind of enjoying HE's "Oh, everyone in PC can just FOAD" attitude.



The sad thing is, every time someone has gone on one of those kinds of truth-telling "you people all suck" benders, they just "wise up" and remember how awesome everyone in town really is (you know, now that that fatso AJ is dead, because he was really bringing down the town's average). 

  • Love 5
Well, to be fair, Sam thinks her husband is dead. It's not like she is passing time with Patrick waiting for her missing hubby to return, and will say "see ya suckers!" She is moving on. (Albeit to a passionless and chem free life, but hey....sometimes boring is....well boring)




I know, I just hate how they continue to play these coupling musical chairs and apparently only if the person is the current one you're humping will you interact with them or even pretend they're alive and you know them. Emma lost Robin, then Sabrina, then Robin again, and now Sam will be next, it's just so ridiculous and unnecessary to me. 


And it makes Patrick look like an even bigger ass than usual, imo, because he keeps creating these insta-families and assuring Emma everything will work out when any mature adult and parent would be far more cautious and careful about their daughter's safety and well-being.


But hey, as long as Daddy gets to diddle a little then all is well. I can't wait until he's gone. I'd feel sorry for JT but the hair makes it too hard.



I thought that cry sounded way too young for Danny, too. I had to stop and think why a baby was in the house.




I know Kelly is tiny and 70 pounds soaking wet but she can have a kid that grows, show, it's getting ridiculous. Will Danny end up another Cameron? And on that note that kid is always going to be ten at this point, I guess it doesn't matter if Cyborg Jake Jr. starts outgrowing him or anything, or Aidan (who?).



He will be 4 next June. So yeah, should be yelling for mom. But he is a mini!jason! He only speaks when absolutely necessary.




Or looks at you, or interacts with people, or blinks...how fitting would it be when they do a whole "Jason, your Daddy, is alive and home!" reveal to Danny and all the kid does is look dead eyed around the room and up at the boom guy, it'd be a very proper reaction to the news.

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Can we please get rid of Valerie? Actress, writing, or both, this heifer ain't likable, and she's too underdeveloped for me to care. If Lulu doesn't slap the taste out of her mouth, let me, please!


Sonny might be the perfect father-in-law for Valerie. "Hey, bitch, you still mad I screwed your husband in your bedroom?? I know you just found out yesterday but damn it was actually three months ago! I won't keep apologizing! Stop harping!"

Edited by ulkis
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