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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Agreed, if Jason has been declared legally dead, no matter the amount of time, it's not bigamy, because the marriage was legally dissolved upon his  "death".

The first mistake here, to me, is applying real law. I mean, when Robin returned - she was also declared dead. Yet she and Patrick must have still been married since they had to get a divorce.


I could see the same applying to Jakeson and Sam.


Like this show is going to remember what they wrote just a few years ago. It's an interesting question, though. But either way I wouldn't apply anything done on this show and take it as real law.

I hate this show so freaking much. I hate the stories. I hate the destruction of history. I hate the annihilation of once love characters. I hate the gummy bear mob. I just hate about everything on the show.

I'm sick of the rewriting. They actually had Emma say that the reason Patrick and Robin are divorced is because "mommy kept leaving." It's like, um, sweetie, your father divorced your mother because he couldn't handle that she went to save Jason, your other mother's husband. Then, when your mother asked for more time, your father told her to have fun with dead bodies. And *scene*!

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Speaking of drugs, is Morgan ever going to see a shrink? I thought for sure it was going to come up when Carly was saying they had to keep Sonny calm, and she pointedly looked at Morgan (who, hilariously, was all, "What? I didn't do or say anything!"—that was great). Morgan spends enough time at the hospital he should be able to spare a bit of time for a diagnosis.



Maybe they've dropped it? I'm fine with dropping the Bryan Craig emmy-bait fest line.

Edited by ulkikis
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They actually had Emma say that the reason Patrick and Robin are divorced is because "mommy kept leaving." It's like, um, sweetie, your father divorced your mother because he couldn't handle that she went to save Jason, your other mother's husband. Then, when your mother asked for more time, your father told her to have fun with dead bodies. And *scene*!

I don't expect 8-year-old Emma to have any sort of understanding about why her parents are divorced.


Maybe they've dropped it? I'm fine with dropping the Bryan Craig emmy-bait fest line.


Same here, but I wouldn't mind a line about Morgan being afflicted with Corinthositis, not BPD.

  • Love 5

Anna said sometimes people can't live together and Robin's job is important to her. It definitely leaves a lot out, but it's not wrong. I don't think it's appropriate for Emma, at this point, to know more than that. It's certainly not appropriate for Anna to explain what went wrong.


I know this story gives you rage blackouts, HeatLifer, so I won't belabor things.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Anna said sometimes people can't live together and Robin's job is important to her. It definitely leaves a lot out, but it's not wrong. I don't think it's appropriate for Emma, at this point, to know more than that. It's certainly not appropriate for Anna to explain what went wrong.

I know this story gives you rage blackouts, HeatLifer, so I won't belabor things.

It's all good. We all have different opinions. I just don't see why it's hard for this show to tell the kid, "Your parents will always care for each other and you, but they're no longer IN love and decided it was best that they part ways." It puts the divorce on both Patrick and Robin. This idea that Robin left for work IS wrong and makes it seem like SHE left Patrick and he is innocent in the decision to move on.

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I liked this ep. I skipped all the Carly/Sonny and Carly/Michael/Morgan scenes though, so that helped.


I was really hoping that elevator would break and Morgan would die. He is so very awful.


Michael's hair looked hideous. 


I was praying Ava would pull out a knife and kill Sonny. He is just on another level.


I love Hayden and I really hope she's playing Nik and she knows everything. Also, I wanted her to kill Jason when he was going off on her. I hate Jason. 


I was wishing for so many people to die today.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I am so confused. Bigamy is a crime, right? But if Jake were to marry Liz, he wouldn't be committing a crime because he doesn't know he's already married, right? What about Liz;'technically she isn't married to anyone else but she would be knowingly marrying a man who she's fully aware is already married to another woman. Is that a crime/bigamy? And what about anyone else - Nik, Laura - who are aware that Jake is Jason, and can't legally be marrying Liz because he's already married to Sam but they're keeping mum. Is that illegal? My head hurts.

If the person in question has been declared dead, they are no longer married and therefore, bigamy is not an issue. With no body, Jason would automatically be declared dead after 7 years. However, next of kin can petition to have someone declared dead sooner than that (you would present evidence on the likelihood of their death), in order to expedite liquidation of the estate, insurance, etc. Obviously that wasn't shown, so...Soaps, however, usually pretend that a person "back from the dead" is still married and their spouse at death (God, this is ridiculous, lol) is still married to them (so their inevitable marriage undertaken while the previous spouse was thought dead is null.) That has always annoyed me. It's also incredibly difficult to prove you're officially not dead. Individuals in real life who have had paperwork incorrectly processed for their social security number, etc, saying they are dead find it nearly impossible to get the red tape undone.

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Can someone please make Emma someone else's daughter!? I cannot with this on so many levels.


The way this show has been rolling, I would not be at all surprised if it turned out that Emma was actually the child of Lisa Niles or some such bullshit.


Her own daughter doesn't want her to come home out of fear she'll ruin the new Sam/Patrick/Emma/Danny family that just started having scenes two weeks ago!


The way I recall it, Robin was getting all ready to quietly leave*, when Emma interrupted the wedding by running down the aisle bellowing "Mommmmmmmy!!!" and then everything went pear shaped.  But it's totally in line with the new mandate of, "Blame everything on Robin".


* - Smartest decision she ever made.  Too bad that brat Emma had to spoil everything. 


It's all good. We all have different opinions. I just don't see why it's hard for this show to tell the kid, "Your parents will always care for each other and you, but they're no longer IN love and decided it was best that they part ways." It puts the divorce on both Patrick and Robin. This idea that Robin left for work IS wrong and makes it seem like SHE left Patrick and he is innocent in the decision to move on.


But of course.  Patrick must be innocent and blameless in all things, even if means wrecking one legacy character (Liz) and throwing another character who viewers literally saw grow up (Robin) under the bus to do so.

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The way this show has been rolling, I would not be at all surprised if it turned out that Emma was actually the child of Lisa Niles or some such bullshit.

Anyone but Robin, I say! This show is disgustingly obsessed with having her own daughter prefer multiple women over her, so much so that she's TEARFUL that her mother will ruin Perfect Daddy's third wedding. Give me a fucking break, show.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Details please? Dialogue? What'd she say? What'd she do? What.Happened?

In any other forum, it would annoy me to no end to have people constantly asking about what happened on the show they're commenting on without watching it. Here, in our little hate-nest, I have nothing but respect and admiration for those of you that don't watch. There but WITH the grace of god go I. Barge on, proud soldiers.

in honor of my favorite character! I put her name in the middle of mine!


Edited by Turtle
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So, Emma is WORRIED her mother will come back and ruin Sam and Patrick's wedding basically how she ruined Patrick and Sabrina's wedding? And she doesn't want to lose Sam like she lost Sabrina.

Are we sure Ron left?


Wow...  Did that actually happen?  So glad I missed Wednesday's ep in its entirety, if so.


Thanks, guys, for the responses to my questions regarding Sloane's dead body and Luke's letter to Laura.  But, as BestestAuntEver said...



Of course not, it's not about Jason, Sonny or Carly.


Of course!  ::slapping self upside head:: What was I thinking?!?  ::that I'm not gonna watch GH no more, no how no way, that's what::

Edited by Fellaway
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Jean Passanante is showing considerable restraint in the Sonny/Ava scenes. The old regime would have Sonny mumble something about no one will keep him from his daughter, get up from his wheelchair, snatch Avery, and push Ava down the elevator shaft.


Hayden's story from her perspective, in and of itself, should be interesting. Wake up with no memory, everyone hates you, this rich asshole trying to rape -- er, 'romance you' and keeps you under his thumb, for a secret you can't remember and no one will tell you. And the one person who would tell you, everyone tells you to forget and to stay away.


This should scare the shit out of Hayden and to get away, and find someone to find out.


I said "should".

So Sonny threatened Ava's life for the eleventh time in over a year; I do wish she told him to shit or get off the pot.


Considering his present state, this is funnier than usual.

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 5

Anyone but Robin, I say! This show is disgustingly obsessed with having her own daughter prefer multiple women over her, so much so that she's TEARFUL that her mother will ruin Perfect Daddy's third wedding. Give me a fucking break, show.


I give in, Show. I give in. Sam & Patrick have a pure, true love that must be. The only thing that can and should come between Earth Mother Sam and Folk Singing Mob-Propper Patrick is the Holy Hitman. Emma is so lucky to have Earth Mother and FSMPP in her life. Who needs a loving bio mom when you can have that? Anna's winning, too - no more hassles from the daughter she carried for nine months - it's crafting projects with Sam from here on. I can't wait until the inevitable Liz/Jakeson wedding vows when Jake is transformed back into Jason complete with a blinding white light that turns Lying Liar Who Lies Liz into a pillar of salt. Patrick and Sam will immediately fall to their knees and both declare their undying love to Jason.


Sure, Emma will be bummed but so what? This kid is always wrecking things with her father's latest true love. She needs to learn what's important in life. Jason. That's what's important. Got it, kid?


No doubt Jason will depart the wedding to walk over the lake, shimmer into Sonny's hospital room and heal his paralysis with a touch of his holy trigger finger. Then Jason and Carly can have a nice BFF chat. I get all warm inside just thinking about it.

Edited by JaneDigby
  • Love 12

In any other forum, it would annoy me to no end to have people constantly asking about what happened on the show they're commenting on without watching it. Here, in our little hate-nest, I have nothing but respect and admiration for those of you that don't watch. There but WITH the grace of god go I. Barge on, proud soldiers.


Well, not strictly true. I don't think I constantly ask. Yes, it's true, I've been on the Barge since Laura left last summer. But I've stated that I will only watch those scenes with Laura when Genie returns. And I am dvring the show, and knew I wouldn't be able to watch last night because I had a function to attend. Which is why I asked what Laura said.

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I know it's not quite the same as our usual fare, but I think that needs to be one of our t-shirts.



It's a lesson we all can learn. And the t-shirt to have out when Frank passes by the table:


"Learn what's important in life. Jason. That's what's important."


I would expect nothing less than an order for three gross from Bob Guza.

  • Love 2

It's all good. We all have different opinions. I just don't see why it's hard for this show to tell the kid, "Your parents will always care for each other and you, but they're no longer IN love and decided it was best that they part ways." It puts the divorce on both Patrick and Robin. This idea that Robin left for work IS wrong and makes it seem like SHE left Patrick and he is innocent in the decision to move on.

I agree. It sounds like Robins work is more important than they are. Like Emma means nothing to her. Robin went through hell to have her, and as smart as Emma is she should be told Robin wanted her more than her own life. They make it look like this child wants a mother so badly she will settle for Sabrina, and or Sam. Anna has been reduced to a babbling idiot. Tell the child the truth, and as the years go by she will remember what she was told, but she will know her mother loved her. Of course TIIC want Kim to be the bad guy so Emma suffers. I understand Emma loves her father and wants him to be happy, he has been the one to stay. .If TIIC wanted to keep their fans they would fix this before the saint Jason the borg returns. So he can go back to working for poor Sonny who is in a wheelchair through no fault of his own. After all he was trying to save his new son, GMAFB. This show will never change, or rather return to when I could watch without a barf bucket sitting beside me. The only change I see is Ron is gone but Mobs are us is back, and that is worse than Ron ? Did I say that ?

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I wonder if Emma's fears will come true - Jason's identify will be revealed at a wedding, which will prevent Sam and Patrick from getting married. If that happens I'll be shocked to the core.

I am thinking since the anvil was literally to heavy To even be dropped, so it waved and sauntered off, that this is exactly what Will not happen. I think SamTrick will go through with the wedding and Sam will have to choose between her 2 hubbies.

And I am assuming since Sam accepted Pattys proposal that she had Jason declared dead at some point, or will soon. Or else she CANT marry him.

I dunno whether to like that Maxie and Dillon mentioned Georgie or be annoyed that she came up as a quick plot point in the midst of Dillon's stupid movie slash being in wuv with Lulu nonsense.


Oh, and Maxie breaking Dillon's confidence was pretty shitty as well.


I hate the way Michael talks to Tracy.  Oh yes, she's an evil witch, trying to keep you away from a life that got you shot, jailed, and raped.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

I hate the way Michael talks to Tracy.  Oh yes, she's an evil witch, trying to keep you away from a life that got you shot, jailed, and raped.



And this is why I don't understand why the character is just not moved out of the Q home.  What exactly is the purpose of him still being there? For him to be an ass to Tracy? He's up Sonny's ass and getting a free ride off the Qs.  It makes me stabby.

  • Love 4

And this is why I don't understand why the character is just not moved out of the Q home.  What exactly is the purpose of him still being there? For him to be an ass to Tracy? He's up Sonny's ass and getting a free ride off the Qs.  It makes me stabby.


I don't think he'd take that tone with Monica, which is exactly why we're not seeing her.


And since Sabrina likes Tracy and considers her a friend, she should be taking a stronger tone and telling Michael not to be such a shitheel to her.  I mean, she let Mikey throw Tracy out of HER apartment!  Grow a spine, girl.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Say what?!  Michael threw Tracy out of her home?  This is why I haven't watched so much as a clip, let alone an episode since Sonny was shot.  I have zero interest in Michael Corinthos - SLS indeed.


To be fair, I also have zero interest in Lulu/Dillon/Valerie/Dante, whether Sonny/Carly get married, Liz going down in flames and any other related fall out from the Jason reveal.


ETA - I also don't care about Franco/Nina and their love story for the ages or where Kiki will live.  It pretty much leaves me without a reason to watch.  You guys, on the other hand, are a great reason to stick around here.


Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 8

Say what?!  Michael threw Tracy out of her home?


They were in Sabrina's apartment.  Tracy had come by because Sabrina was supposed to have met her for breakfast and then, when he showed up and overhead Tracy talking to Sabrina, Michael told Tracy to get out and slammed the door in her face.

Edited by TeeVee329

Michael told Tracy to get out and slammed the door in her face.



Wow.  Tracy needs to have the attitude of he's not worth it and let whatever happens happen.  It would be nice if the writers tried to play it like he's an ass to Tracy because he doesn't want to be around AJ's family because it makes him feel like a shit person but I think they are just playing Michael as the SLS that I guess he will always be.

  • Love 1

They're using a new font for the credits. That must have started when the new HWs did. Frank is making a clean start! 


Color me impressed Paul had a confidential conversation behind a closed door. Not that that ever stops anyone from barging in (hi, Carly), but at least he wasn't talking about something private in the middle of or outside a diner (hi, Sabrina and Valerie) or hospital (hi, Dante and Lulu).


I really hate Dillon's idiotic intern.


I don't think he'd take that tone with Monica


Michael was an asshole to Paul, too, who had legitimate reasons to ask Michael how far up Sonny's butt he planned to crawl. (I paraphrase.)


Is Michael wearing black to show that he's back in Sonny's world?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

The show is better already compared to the last few months of Ron's crappiness. I liked that there was a lot of movement - people going into different scenes, not talking to one person for the whole hour. And the twist with Sabrina and Valerie's bags getting switched was actually kind of brillaint. It gives traction to both stories.

Dante: Sonny isn't the type of person to be grateful just to be alive


And yet, somehow I suspect he won't take himself out of his misery


Dear Lulu and Dante: YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF YOUR BOX OF A HOME, before you think of having second babies!!


Nathan: I wanna know more about this acting thing.


Now they're just being mean to the poor fellow. And he picked up a nut and started chewing it, which if that was all the actor he's starting to learn things! He can recite lines and move at the same time! aawww.


Olivia's hair looked lovely in that bun. I thought all the ladies looked really nice today actually. I loved Maxie's hair and skirt too before she got changed.


I do not know why Valerie is yelling at Dante in the preview but he probably deserves it. 


Oh, I thought Michael threw Tracy out of the Quartermaine mansion. Throwing her out of Sabrina's is still kind of douchey but it's not as bad. I'm finding him more hot than not these days (admittedly, I don't listen to a lot of his dialogue). God, maybe Frank's intern is hijacking my account somehow. I found it amusing how he heard "pregnant" but not "I'm pregnant". Pretty hard of hearing eh buddy? Also, he must think his swimmers are pretty weak if it didn't occur to him that Sabrina might be pregnant.


The pan of the several positive pregnancy tests and Sabrina eating the imitation twizzlers was one of the most genuinely funny moments in a long time.


Jesus, does Felix not have anything other to do than badger Sabrina about her pregnancy test??


Julian put on those pants 20 minutes too late. The first scene or two, fine, a little something for their fans, the third and fourth it was like god put it away already. And if anyone's a fan turn away cause I'm gonna rag on them a little: Him arriving in the room in his tight underwear* and then throwing down the breakfast tray on the floor like he-man frankly reminds me of a move someone like Morgan would make because he would think that's what the ladies like. But hey, I find Julexis harmless. Just not my speed.


*"arriving in the room", cause I realized "Him coming in the room" sounds a bit awkward in that context . . .


Did Olivia basically admit she can't live without nagging Dante? You're only 7 hours away from your grown ass son Olivia, just visit him on the weekends. Well okay if PC is Buffalo that's actually more like 10 hours one way? But still.


There were a couple of other lines I liked as well. I have a feeling today was written by Scott Sickles and it was actually decent. I guess he is not bad when forced not to write tv references in. (I'm guessing. Apparently Jamey Giddens was whining that they took all the humor out of Ron's remaining scripts.)

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 6

I found it amusing how he [Michael] heard "pregnant" but not "I'm pregnant". Pretty hard of hearing eh buddy?


Which reminds me - when he overheard her, he assumed or she lied that her comment about a pregnancy was about a patient.  So does that mean the AJ Quartermaine Memorial Clinic is open off-screen?


Oh, I thought Michael threw Tracy out of the Quartermaine mansion. Throwing her out of Sabrina's is still kind of douchey but it's not as bad.


I thought it was rather douchey.  It's Sabrina's home, they've established that she and Tracy are friends, Tracy came over there to see if she was okay since she missed their breakfast date, etc.  The whole thing rubbed me the wrong way, maybe because it's something Sonny and Carly would totally do.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

Julian put on those pants 20 minutes too late. The first scene or two, fine, a little something for their fans, the third and fourth it was like god put it away already.


He wasn't just pantless for 20 minutes. Julian had to sit on a bed doing a manspread that would knock out three subway seats. I looked at that and thought You're earning your keep the hard way today, WdV.

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