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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is it possible that I saw MSt and RoH not try to overact with each other? This is the most calm I've seen both of them in a while- maybe I don't need to ff them just yet.



It's too bad that FV/RC didn't place them on the show as doctors.  RH is a solid soap opera actor but that character is beyond roadkill.  Time to stick a fork in it.


During the Q's/Morgan segments, the camera person did a horrible job with the camera angles.


Yet another episode that there was absolutely no reason why Sonny and Carly needed to be on.  Giving access to hard liquor for a violent bipolar thug isn't a good idea.  I did enjoy the painting on the wall. although not as much as the wall paper in Maxie's apartment that I focus on when Levi is in the camera shot.    The only positive thing that Sonny/MB does on the show for me is make me enjoy other segments more.


I actually found a lot to like with this ep, especially Morgan with the Q's and specifically him teaching Tracy how to fist-bump.


I also liked the way LW played those CarSon scenes.  I think we might be in for some sort of stockholm syndrome white-wash of the Cranco "relationship".  There was something about the LW's facial expressions and the terse way she delivered the lines that screamed "I know this is sick but I cant escape him".   And of course i love anyone who hates Freakco so of course I had to like Sonny.


I also liked the way RHo and MSt played their scene.  It was very understated.  Same goes for KG; Dr. O works much better when they play her straight as opposed to wacky hijinks.   


That said, KA and ME were simply awful.  ME continues to look and act heavily sedated and KA just cannot act.   It's probably not too late to sign up for some community college's fall semester.   Same goes for JD; I thought he sucked playing a snarky ass-hole too.


ETA: i just can't with this Levi & Maxie shit.  I could understand her doubting Nathan and even Dante, but Mac?!?  The ONE person who has always been there for her, raised her, is still paying her bills!  I just can't.  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 1

Reading your post Tiger, I agree that there is some part of Carly that knows her being with him is sick.  She knows all the damage he has done to her, her family and her friends.  This makes it even worse for Carly.  Again, she has never been a stupid character.  So why does she insist on staying with the gigolo?  Because, I do think at one point, she did have an inkling he was only with her so she could support him.  Hell, he even realized it (in a rare moment of self-awareness).

The difference between Rafe calling Nina a bitch and Jesse Pinkman using the term "bitch" excessively? Jesse never directed that term toward a single woman.  He did put it on his outgoing message, "What up, bitch!" as a universal message, and he called all of his partygoers, male and female alike, bitches. But he never attempted to belittle a woman by using that term. If anything, Jesse showed great care and love for the women in his life, from the aunt we never met that he took care of to Jane to Andrea to even Wendy. And given all the times he used the word, that is remarkable, and speaks to him as a character. In fact, that was part of his charm. He took a misogynistic word and managed to remove all misogyny from it. "Magnets, bitch!" was best of all.


See every use of Jesse's "bitch" here: 


Now Rafe, on the other hand, never had a personality, beyond being introduced as a wannabe Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. So when call Nina a bitch, all I hear? Ron Carlivati delighting in its use.  And he's proven himself to be about misogynistic as they come -- reducing Maxie to the cognitive abilities of an infant; making all 'real' women doormats for his psychos, who play more like men in drag; the mudslinging custody battle where only the women were shamed (and no the men), including thinking he's clever by bringing up an abortion and then playing lip service to the fact that it had no bearing, which means he thinks he got away with the shaming and the recognition of it as nothing more, I could go on and on.


Given that -- I also take offense at the suggested title for Lulu from a few pages back. I wouldn't put that on Lulu as a character. I'd put that on the writers. And I've watched this show again since 2012 and Lulu hasn't brought it up once in an "ask me about it!" kind of manner.


Oh, and what's up with Rafe? I have a feeling that Ron's setting it up so that Nina may not have been hallucinating after all. Just like he did that weird thing where Stephen Clay walked out of the morgue, he'll think he's being clever by leaving it an open-ended question whether Rafe is undead dead or dead dead. Either way, I still have no interest.

  • Love 4
ETA: i just can't with this Levi & Maxie shit.  I could understand her doubting Nathan and even Dante, but Mac?!?  The ONE person who has always been there for her, raised her, is still paying her bills!  I just can't.



Actually, I understand her doubting Mac most of all. Nathan and Dante especially aren't gonna mess with her personal life. If Mac thinks Levi may be shady enough to be a danger, I think (and I think Maxie would think) that Mac would be the most likely person to turn him in. But like you said, he pays her bills. If she doesn't want him interfering in her business, she can ask him to stop paying her bills first.


Oh Carly. Oh Olivia. They both need brain transplants because theirs have run away from home.



Throw Lulu and Maxie in there too. Lulu would not be advising Olivia to get back together with Sonny!! Stop that, show!! (Nobody would be advising her that!)

Edited by ulkis

Oh, and what's up with Rafe? I have a feeling that Ron's setting it up so that Nina may not have been hallucinating after all. Just like he did that weird thing where Stephen Clay walked out of the morgue, he'll think he's being clever by leaving it an open-ended question whether Rafe is undead dead or dead dead. Either way, I still have no interest.


I don't think it had anything to do with Rafe and everything to do with Nina.  It, IMO, was all about setting up an eventual whitewashing.  "Look, Nina's not completely heartless and evil because she feels bad about driving (heh) Rafe to his doom!  Look how super redeemed and not a SERIAL KILLER Franco recognizes a kindred spirit!"  Freakin' spare me, show.

Nathan and Dante especially aren't gonna mess with her personal life.


I would kinda love it if it was Dante and he was all, "Oh, did you think we just totally forget about the emotional pain you caused us last year?  Joke's on you, sucka!".

  • Love 5


Lucas and Felix didn't sleep together, all they did was hang out, drink wine, and watch GG.


  At least my eyes and stomach were spared the agony of Fecas sex and I hope it stays that way.


  I'm among those who just can't handle Franco's being an art therapist. IMO, Franco's not an "ex serial killer" because his victims didn't come back to life when his tumor was removed. In Franco's case, like Sonny's, as far as I'm concerned, once a killer, always a killer.


There isn't enough STFUs in the world for Maxie. Her blindly believing every lie that comes out of Levi's mouth at Nathan's expense is bad enough, but her being pissed at Dante and Mac too proves that Maxie's not just stuck on stupid; she's marooned there. At least Nathan and Mac encourage Maxie to think for herself, not that she has the brains to do so, since she's still taking Levi's word over theirs. Mac said it all when Dante asked him "Not a Levi fan?" and he responded, "Is anyone?"

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 3
Lulu would not be advising Olivia to get back together with Sonny!! Stop that, show!! (Nobody would be advising her that!)


I KNOW. So what if the relationship between Ava and Sonny isn't romantic—he still fucked her, maybe got her pregnant, and is keeping her at his house. The situation is insane. And Lulu thinks Olivia should want to be a part of this mess?


Nathan and Dante especially aren't gonna mess with her personal life.

I would kinda love it if it was Dante and he was all, "Oh, did you think we just totally forget about the emotional pain you caused us last year?  Joke's on you, sucka!"


Dante and Lulu have been astoundingly forgiving of Maxie, so I wouldn't mind this. Plus, it's getting rid of Levi, which is doing the entire town a giant favor.


Mac said it all when Dante asked him "Not a Levi fan?" and he responded, "Is anyone?"


I'm pretty sure that was Ron trolling us.

  • Love 1

No one screamed or called the cops, Franco? Wow, I guess the whole entire world has forgiven you...gah! He's a serial killer! He is not a good choice for babysitter!


The Julian and Lucas scenes won the day for me, I really didn't care about or like shit else but those two were great. I loved how Julian turned things around on Lucas to needle him about his relations with Alexis and Lucas' reaction, and then confirming again that the sex with Brad was damn good.


I choose to ignore the scenes between Brad and Felix because they involved Felix.


Olivia is trash, straight up trash, why, why is she still here, why couldn't she have been taken out with that useless cousin of hers.


So Levi framed Nathan, what a shocker, I mean whatever might happen ne-yawn.


I think I've mentioned before that I actually kinda like that there's no obvious endgame for the Brad/Lucas/Felix triangle, but the fickleness of all involved is really runing any chance this story has.  How am I supposed to invest in any of these potential relationships if they keep swinging from liking one to the other with no insight into why any of these people like each other at all?  Siiigh, I need to stop expecting a GH version of Kish.


And what a non-shock, Levi set Nathan up for calling immigration on him.  Ho hum.


Shut up, Franco (especially about Heather.  I'm TERRIFIED Ron's not done with her yet after today's name drop).

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

I don't know what was more awkward, Julian and Lucas talking about their love lives or Olivia reduced to 10 second scenes where she recaps a scene that is already kind of a recap (Maxie/Nathan and co recapping that Levi had been reported). Dante and Lulu are doing nothing but at least there's actual dialogue and character interaction with them; Olivia is talking to an empty stroller basically saying, "hyuck hycuk this town sure is a wacky place."


Sonny should just kill Franco. Carly will get over it.


Didn't Franco stalk everyone for months and do all this research on them before he made his debut in Port Charles? He should have already known Carly was obsessed with Jason and Sonny, and now he's having a sad because his girlfriend passes notes to someone else in study hall besides him? There's no rock bottom with this character. It just keeps getting more absurd.

It is sad that I don't know who was worse today, Sonny or Levi.


Levi. No contest. Sonny's disdain for Franco warms me more than his disdain for Spinelli.

  • Love 7
ut the fickleness of all involved is really runing any chance this story has




Ron is writing a really shitty, cheap story and one of the characters, imo, is a limp noodle devoid of any chemistry with the other two, it's just hopeless.


[N]ow he's having a sad because his girlfriend passes notes to someone else in study hall besides him?



I guess the tumor not only held all his artistic talent, and serial killerness, it also contained all that information as well - I mean at this point his tumor may as well have been his brain, though come to think of it...that might make more sense than anything else.


They thought they removed Franco's tumor but instead they actually removed his brain, literally making him into a living, breathing form of cancer walking around PC. If I have to buy that Maxie thinks the Dunkledoofus hung the moon, stars, and created yoga pants then I could buy into that about the serial moron.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4
The Julian and Lucas scenes won the day for me, I really didn't care about or like shit else but those two were great.



SID said something about how he wishes we'd gotten to see Julian bonding and forming his current relationships with his kids (which I agree with, I don't know how we got to where we are now with Julian/Lucas and Julian/Sam).  Ron's response "it's what you're seeing now."  While I like the Julian/Lucas scenes, I don't think Ron gets that we want to see relationships developed, not just placed in front of us.  


I surprisingly liked Olivia today, mostly in her scene talking to the baby, commenting on the Levi/Maxie/Nathan stuff.  


Oh, and I loved Dante today. 


And get a clue, Maxie.  Levi jumps right to "let's look at his cell phone records" and Nathan hands it over.  Both seemed sure of what would or wouldn't be on there. The question to ask is "why was Levi SO sure that call would be on Nathan's phone?"  I know you're flaky, but you're not THIS stupid, especially as a schemer yourself.  If Nathan was trying to be crafty, he wouldn't have used his cell phone to make the call.  Or he would have been smart enough to erase it from his phone.


I cracked up at Sonny's "I won't do it myself" to Franco.  No kidding. Lucky for you, Franco, he'll likely have Shawn do it.  So, you're going to be just fine. Carly might get her second bullet of love if she's anywhere in the city limits when Shawn attempts to pull off the hit, though.  I might have even liked Franco a little bit if, when Sonny yelled "stay away from my son!" as he left, Franco had shouted back "which one? You know you have three, right?" 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Line of the day: 

Lucas to Julian: "It all started when I walked in on Brad and Felix making out."


Actually, I did like Julian's revenge on his son later on.  But, sadly, WdV doesn't do a spit take as well as SK.



Shut up, Franco (especially about Heather.  I'm TERRIFIED Ron's not done with her yet after today's name drop).


How can anyone be done wit the high camp that is Heather Webber?  She's just so...Ron.


I don't know what was more awkward, Julian and Lucas talking about their love lives or Olivia reduced to 10 second scenes where she recaps a scene that is already kind of a recap (Maxie/Nathan and co recapping that Levi had been reported). Dante and Lulu are doing nothing but at least there's actual dialogue and character interaction with them; Olivia is talking to an empty stroller basically saying, "hyuck hycuk this town sure is a wacky place."


Sonny should just kill Franco. Carly will get over it.


Didn't Franco stalk everyone for months and do all this research on them before he made his debut in Port Charles? He should have already known Carly was obsessed with Jason and Sonny, and now he's having a sad because his girlfriend passes notes to someone else in study hall besides him? There's no rock bottom with this character. It just keeps getting more absurd.


Levi. No contest. Sonny's disdain for Franco warms me more than his disdain for Spinelli.


I do feel there were anvils dropping, especially after Sonny's convo with the hitman that can hit the side of a barn that they could be setting up RH's exit.  This will come, of course, after we've hit several more levels of rock bottom with the character because, well, even when we think we hit it, there is always more.


And God help me, Ulkis, but I agree with you about the Sonny Love Today.  He needs to send Franco a Bullet of Love, STAT.


On other notes:


Yes Sabrina, listen to your BFF. Stay in PR!


RH was more amusing as Todd when he was being threatened by Sonny. Then again, he had his Milo there as well.


Sonny, please listen to him!!!! And really, Joss will happily kick those brains on the floor.


Franco wonders if he ever really knew Carly!!!!  Took him a little while to buy a clue.


Count me in with the chorus of "Levi called ICE on himself!"

  • Love 3
I couldn't even tell you on any given day which one likes which and who's involved with whom.



I don't even think the show knows, that's why we keep getting this crap with Felix and Brad, for no logical, discernible reason going out for drinks together because "What the hell", aka "We have no friends or family to spend time with and we're the only other two gay guys in town so really what other choice do we have?".


While I like the Julian/Lucas scenes, I don't think Ron gets that we want to see relationships developed, not just placed in front of us



I've personally given up on trying to understand the how/why/the fuck Ron does anything, he goes against everything that seems organic, logical, natural, good really. He's the anti-Christ of soap writing.


I've learned that all I can do is cling to the tiny crumbs I am thrown from time to time.


Julian wasn't being hounded by Duke or Anna, he wasn't being notLuke's little wimp of a minion, he wasn't even mowing his living room, he was talking to Lucas and they had a semi decent adult conversation, even though it is a stretch to think a newly bonding father and son really would be talking about who they hit the sheets with, etc, but it was still watchable.


But what I would give to just see a family growing together actually on screen, especially a family I actually like.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 1

Today was tough. Too much Levi and Sonny.


I hate Franco. I hate Sonny. I hate Levi. During Franco and Sonny's scene, I kept remembering that Franco is a serial killer. He now has been threatened to his face by a mobster. Would he really rely on the goodness of Sonny to remain alive? Franco has killed people for less. He just stabbed his mother for Carly -- can't he think that Sonny remaining around Carly is a threat? This show is making me crazy -- I am rooting for the serial killer!


As for Levi, I just have to change the station when he appears. His character is so annoying and Maxie has turned into a silly shell to prop up the relationship. What does Levi bring to the table? He wants Maxie to do and think as he does and when she does, he talks down to her. He doesn't have a job and he doesn't want her to have contact with her baby. I believe he called immigration on Nathan's phone -- probably while Nathan was in the shower. Ron should give us some reason to at least tolerate the character. He shouldn't be all annoying. It is destroying Maxie's character further. 


I might need a break from the show!

Ron is writing a really shitty, cheap story and one of the characters, imo, is a limp noodle devoid of any chemistry with the other two, it's just hopeless.


Oh, whichever character in the triangle could you be referring to! #sarcasm


I insist this is Frank Baldwin and not Franco.


Wouldn't it be Robert Baldwin?


The Julian/Lucas scenes were kinda nice, but again, those should have happened earlier, before Lucas casually started calling him dad.

Roger Howarth deserves a better exit. This confirms my belief that he pissed off the FrakenRon.


I think he pissed off FrankenRon when he did OLTL last year.  Why else give him such a godawful character in the first place?  And he did himself no favors when he played any romantic overtones with LW for laughs.  But I don't agree he deserves a better exit.  It was a terrible character played to the hambone.

M.... I thought you loved me:(

I'm going smash some barware and watch oltl videoes.


I still do!  I just disagree with that point.  

  • Love 3
Sonny should just kill Franco. Carly will get over it.


Especially once Jason returns. Then she'll be all, "Franco who?"


Franco wonders if he ever really knew Carly!!!!  Took him a little while to buy a clue.


Golly, Franco, you're not sure? But you two had such a deep, instant connection once the tumor came out; that wasn't enough to figure Carly out?

  • Love 1

Well, how else could you play the character?

Someone must have said this former serial killer rape facilitator will be romancing the mother of the boy he got raped. And be charming. You can do that, right, Roger?

Um well I did play Todd Manning but he wasn't hooking up with his victims

Not while you played him! Now! Be charming! Smile!

Oh, whichever character in the triangle could you be referring to! #sarcasm



Oh I'll just come right out and say it, it's...it's...Brad.


Felix can't even have a fake phone conversation with any believability, how does that happen? Why are so many of these actors bad at interacting with inanimate objects? You'd think they'd have plenty of practice just interacting with each other. And how hard is it to dial a phone offset so the screen isn't black or showing icons during the "call"? I miss the day of land lines and flip phones so you never knew the difference.


The Julian/Lucas scenes were kinda nice, but again, those should have happened earlier, before Lucas casually started calling him dad.



Maybe they've been texting the whole time, and I'm sure they follow each other on Twitter, possibly FB.

Edited by CPP83

The point was, they could have given him ANY CHARACTER IN THE FIFTY YEAR HISTORY OF GH TO PLAY.  And there were some good ideas...Steven Lars (and I wouldn't have minded him opposite LW, because Carly and Liz' brother?  GOLDMINE!)  A long lost Q or Cassadine.  But for some stupid reason, they gave him a serial killer because, supposedly all other ideas weren't dynamic enough for the actor.  Sorry, he made Todd dynamic.  He turned a background character, a disposable villain, and made him dynamic.  He could have made some legacy character dynamic as well, but he got a developmentally stunted character who is a waste of space. 

  • Love 6

The point was, they could have given him ANY CHARACTER IN THE FIFTY YEAR HISTORY OF GH TO PLAY.  And there were some good ideas...Steven Lars (and I wouldn't have minded him opposite LW, because Carly and Liz' brother?  GOLDMINE!)  A long lost Q or Cassadine.  But for some stupid reason, they gave him a serial killer because, supposedly all other ideas weren't dynamic enough for the actor.  Sorry, he made Todd dynamic.  He turned a background character, a disposable villain, and made him dynamic.  He could have made some legacy character dynamic as well, but he got a developmentally stunted character who is a waste of space.

I agree. It's not his fault he went back. Didn't ME sign like first? But then didn't go because of the story changes. Hell, ME could have played psycho better. Refernce Caleb Morley.

  • Love 1
For a second, I thought this was referring to the Maxie/Levi/Nathan story. It would be accurate.



With those three I'd say cheap is too good a word to use when involving Levi. He doesn't read as a real human being to me, Felix I would say is human, at least Robocop level human, but Levi?


He's a troll, as in an actual troll from a fairytale, he's non-dimensional, no one would ever create a kid like him and if they did they'd have drowned him in a sack after birth.

  • Love 2

Today was tough. Too much Levi and Sonny.


I hate Franco. I hate Sonny. I hate Levi. During Franco and Sonny's scene, I kept remembering that Franco is a serial killer. He now has been threatened to his face by a mobster.


What cracked me up about those scenes was Carly tearing up over her murderer ex-husband and her murderer manchild-boyfriend arguing and threatening each other. Poor Carly! Why can't all the murderers in her life just get along! Who would have thought two murderers would be irrational and antagonizing and not get along?


Oh, and I loved Dante today.



I did too but watching him and Maxie today I think any lingering curiosity I had for Maxie/Dante died. Looking at him, being all bemused and calm, I just can't imagine him tolerating her ridiculousness for more than 5 seconds if they were in a room together before he decided to quietly climb out a window while she was still going on about something. Couples with opposite personalities are usually better but the gap is way too far right now, unless they start writing Maxie as an adult with a semblance of a brain. I can imagine Maxie and Nathan because Nathan comes across as/is more naive about Maxie.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

What cracked me up about those scenes was Carly tearing up over her murderer ex-husband and her murderer manchild-boyfriend arguing and threatening each other. Poor Carly! Why can't all the murderers in her life just get along! Who would have thought two murderers would be irrational and antagonizing and not get along?


I've decided Carly has BenjaminButton children of the 5 the older they are the more childlike they get. Joss is her most adult child FGS.

I agree. It's not his fault he went back. Didn't ME sign like first? But then didn't go because of the story changes. Hell, ME could have played psycho better. Refernce Caleb Morley.


But, you see, in FrankenRon's eyes, it is his fault.  It's not like PP held a gun to any of their heads.  If RoHo didn't want to play Todd again, he is more than capable of pulling stupid shtick in that role as well as he is in his current one.  And I did not see one instant of tanking any scene, with KdP, ES, FL, RSW, TSJ...anyone.  He went back willingly and turned in quite honestly, some of his best work IN YEARS.


And yes, ME was scheduled to return as McBain, but for some reason, did not.  And got a shiny, totally new character to boot back at GH. 

  • Love 1


The Julian/Lucas scenes were kinda nice, but again, those should have happened earlier, before Lucas casually started calling him dad.


SID called this out on twitter, saying it would have been nice to see them bonding before now, and RC of course replied in his defensive snarky way:


Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc 1h

I wish we'd gotten to see Julian bonding with Sam and Lucas. It feels weird that they're suddenly just, hangin' out. #GH


Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron 1h

.@soapsindepthabc In other words, you wish we saw them hanging out before we saw them hanging out. #GH


No you narcissistic asshole, it would have been nice to see them develop their relationship a little before they were all of a sudden hanging out like best buddies.  All of a sudden Julian is a-ok with his son talking about sleeping with guys?  What happened to him being uncomfortable about it?  It would have been a nice thing to explore, Julian wrestling with how he feels about his gay son, while eventually coming to accept it.  Instead we get "eww, gay son" to "woot son, how many dudes did you bang last week?  High five!"

  • Love 9

What cracked me up about those scenes was Carly tearing up over her murderer ex-husband and her murderer manchild-boyfriend arguing and threatening each other. Poor Carly! Why can't all the murderers in her life just get along! Who would have thought two murderers would be irrational and antagonizing and not get along?


What would make it funnier is if her killer of a BFF were there and not all forgiving of her serial killer boyfriend and backing everything her killer of an ex-husband said.  You know she'd pull out the whole "It was a tumah!" canard to him.  But Carly wouldn't listen.  She didn't listen to Jason's warnings about Todd to start with.


I just so hate how stupid they are making Carly look.  And her line today about being selfish and not so nice a person before she had Michael?  Girl, look in the mirror.  You ain't nice now after three kids.  

  • Love 5

I surprisingly liked Olivia today, mostly in her scene talking to the baby, commenting on the Levi/Maxie/Nathan stuff.  


Oh, and I loved Dante today. 


And get a clue, Maxie.  Levi jumps right to "let's look at his cell phone records" and Nathan hands it over.  Both seemed sure of what would or wouldn't be on there. The question to ask is "why was Levi SO sure that call would be on Nathan's phone?"  I know you're flaky, but you're not THIS stupid, especially as a schemer yourself.  If Nathan was trying to be crafty, he wouldn't have used his cell phone to make the call.  Or he would have been smart enough to erase it from his phone.

Why isn't Nathan (or Dante or Mac) smart enough to point out that Levi was way too sure of the ICE # being on his cell?  If I were Nathan, I'd have said, sure give your phone to me and let me look up the anonymous call to the judge.


Olivia's top is very grandma.  /sarcasm

  • Love 1

But, you see, in FrankenRon's eyes, it is his fault.  It's not like PP held a gun to any of their heads.  If RoHo didn't want to play Todd again, he is more than capable of pulling stupid shtick in that role as well as he is in his current one.  And I did not see one instant of tanking any scene, with KdP, ES, FL, RSW, TSJ...anyone.  He went back willingly and turned in quite honestly, some of his best work IN YEARS.


And yes, ME was scheduled to return as McBain, but for some reason, did not.  And got a shiny, totally new character to boot back at GH.

RoHo would have been a better Silas. Or I don't know. STEPHEN LARS??? The stupid of FrankenRon burns. Then again, they did tell us Ford is Love as a Hot Dog.

  • Love 1
Instead we get "eww, gay son" to "woot son, how many dudes did you bang last week?  High five!"



I feel as if Ron is writing for The Real World MTV series, everything is so staged and fake and insincere. I guess being homeless and all Julian might be hoping BBFing Lucas' gay side might get him a room at Carly's "vast" mansion if he's lucky.

  • Love 2

Ron Carlivati ‏@carlivatiron 1h

.@soapsindepthabc In other words, you wish we saw them hanging out before we saw them hanging out. #GH



Or you know, show a story where it has a beginning, middle and an end, instead of plopping the characters and audience into stories where if you didn't know better you would think you missed a few episodes when you haven't.

  • Love 8

I don't think that it was a good idea to have Levi wear pants that matched his skin tone. They made him look naked below the waist. Not a good look on anyone.


Oh hon, nothing looks good on Levi EVER!  But I say pile on the clothing the more that covers him up at least we don't have scour our eyeballs.

Edited by Cattitude
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