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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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My thumb was on the FF button too much Tuesday. Do we know Val's knocked up with Dante's new child, or are we assuming from her choking, upon seeing the Love of Her Entire Life standing next to his wife next to a baby, that's what's up?



(Honestly, the Nik foreplay grossed me out a little, as much fun as it is to see Sonny bleed)

Edited by Happyshooter

This is why I'm on the barge.  I don't want to go through another AMC debacle.   40 years with that showm held on while the characters I loved were dismissed or backburnered or made into ridiculous figures, families dismantled and disrespected, yet we were fed an endless diet of Ryan the Rage Monkey and Greenlee the potty mouthed Gnome.  At least that show ended well.  Julia Barr returned and brought back a touch of class.

But GH has become worse than that.  It's not unrecognizable, exactly, but it's like looking at it through a fun house mirror, one that isn't funny at all.


The last few months I've only been watching once a week or so, but I'm finally giving it up entirely.  The new writers are just as clueless as the last idiot, and FV is every bit as responsible for the mess.  In the end, they'll probably make Sonny the mayor, Jason the police commissioner, and Carly the mother of all mothers and hotel proprietor supreme, with another couple of stolen children in her and Sonny's care.  Everyone else will be miserable, held hostage, or dead.


I've been watching this show since the late 70s, so letting it go because of that gross little thug is sort of like losing a friend because her asshole husband decides to up and move her across the country.  You know you'll either gradually lose touch and never see each other again, or worse, the next time you see her she'll be someone you don't recognize and no longer want to know because of her husband's insidious influence.  It's sad.

  • Love 12

Did Maxie even speak to AJ for more than 10 seconds? Come on!



AJ had a few people who didn't know him talk smack about him.  Its ridiculous.  Its as ridiculous as those who didn't know him saying what he would have wanted when it came to Michael and Sonny. 


And the constant put downs is why I still feel pissy.  They killed him off.  Enough already.  Stop trying to paint him as the devil incarnate and Sonny as a hero.  I'm not drinking that kool aid because its too freaking absurd.  

  • Love 10

I love that when they mentioned to Sabrina that Dante's been shot twice, they left out the part that once was by Sonny's own hand - in that very room where the whole group had been awaiting his arrival for this wedding.They also left out that Michael had been in that coma because he was with Sonny. It's times like this when I really miss JMB's Lulu's (post-Dante shooting) contempt for Sonny.


Maxie shading AJ fits with her relationship with Spinelli, and Jason by extension. This is the girl who had no negative reaction to Spinelli being in on Jason and Sonny's plot to kill Lulu's love interest "Dominic."  

  • Love 4

Lulu had it right to wear black to the wedding. Hee.


The EMTs were awfully casual while they were working on Sonny. At least try to make it look as if he's critical. And Jakeson was pretty unemotional when he was talking to Carly et al.


"When Carly becomes Mrs. Corinthos, she'll get all the perks that go with it." Yeah, like being shot at, kidnapped, bombed, etc. 


Sloane needs to be shot in the ego. It really seems to all come down to that he's mad he's not going to get laid again. He's so very unworthy of Anna's attention.


And they say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 


I must have missed an episode - when did TJ bang his head repeatedly against a rock until brain damage set in?


Being exposed to Sonny does that all by itself.


I love that when they mentioned to Sabrina that Dante's been shot twice, they left out the part that once was by Sonny's own hand - in that very room where the whole group had been awaiting his arrival for this wedding.They also left out that Michael had been in that coma because he was with Sonny.


I know. But I guess because Sonny is at death's door (*rme*), everyone is just going to gloss over those tiny details. Ugh.


Color me shocked that Sabrina isn't singing "You're Not Alone," or whatever everyone sang to her and Gabriel.


Props to Mo for not giggling when the day player nurses were dabbing his chest.

  • Love 4

In addition to what everyone else has said today this is what I got:

- The new opening where we have the foursome of Lulu, Valerie, Dante and Dillon.

- TJ gloriously singing Sonny's praises in such a fashion - the kid was AWESTRUCK. His brain damage was in full on display mode today

- I liked Maxie's earrings

- AJ/Avery is the best thing on this show

- Sloan is slime

- FH deserves better

- Julian needs to be something besides guilty - let him run his newspaper from an office, not from his laptop (or however it's being done)

- Sabrina's outfit bugged. She looked good but makeup and costumes had her looking like a middle aged flamenco dancer. Even with the pregnancy she should look younger and fresh - a cross between Maxie and Lulu.

- letting AJ/Avery have the last ' word' - smartest move of the day

Tomorrow - Tracey returns! Dante loses all objectivity and becomes Sonny's son (ugh)!

  • Love 3

I was all ready to give Maxie props for her questioning the mob life - and that her remarks made that stupid twist Sabrina realize she might have made a huge mistake advising Michael to give custody of Avery back to Sonny - but then she had to go and talk shit about AJ and about Michael's relationship with him.


Since I hated the character from the start, I'm relishing how brightly Sloane's douchebag light is shining now.

That's just the last of RC's writing.  He had to have one final slam against AJ.  I don't fault Maxie, and I love KS' portrayal of her.  Sabrina was simply getting schooled on Michael Quatermaine Corinthos.  I'm actually happy if the writers are hinting that Michael may still have a dark side to him.  I don't want sweet, perfect, accommodating Michael.  I don't mind him being a good guy and a Quatermaine, but the guy WAS raised by Jason (who I will always consider his real father), and he did learn the mob life from him.  Sabrina has no idea that Michael killed two people, not one.  Heck, Lulu and Maxie don't know either.  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 3

Sloane also looks like he has the authority and prestige of being Regional Human Resources Manager for Hooters.


Sabrina has no idea that Michael killed two people, not one.  Heck, Lulu and Maxie don't know either.

Wait, what? Really?


Boy, have I been on the barge a long time. I knew about Claudia.  I have no idea who the other one is.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 2

Michael I want to hit, this should be proving you right about the baby. TJ got taken hostage for being connected to Sonny. Grab Sabrina, the baby and leave to gi back to the Q's.



This X 100000.


The actress who plays Sabrina is pregnant again? Didn't she just have a baby?


I have today's episode recorded.  Is there anything worth watching or should I just delete it?

My finger hit the FF button as soon as Sabrina started singing. Honestly, TC has a nice voice, but why do we need to be serenaded by her?

As others have already said, Avery is the best thing about this show. And this coming from someone who prefers the company of puppies to babies lol!

Seriously, what is with her singing!? I guess I should be grateful Alderson isn't still on the show or she would have joined in. But I can't with this constant need for this show to portray Sabrina as some sweet little angel. Enough.

  • Love 5

My favorite character today was Patrick, who was so eager for a known mobster and murderer to make it and "pull through" but wanted to kill a teenage boy last year.

Your not surprised that the Unholy three win again are you? . I didn't go to the gym today turned on GH and lo and behold  Mykill was back in the fold I turned the channel to Katie Brown making a glass table. barge here I come again. I am done. This is Guza's  GH give the EP and head writers any name you want but the show does not interest me any more. Bo came back to Days today .  and I will watch that if I want to watch a soap.I need a hero, not more killer mobsters.

  • Love 2

Don't sell Sloane short!  He is also a shoo-in for future Host of Airline Video about How to Put on Your Seatbelt and Look Around You to Identify the Nearest Exit (It May Be Behind You).




Lesson learned, Anna.  Guys who indiscriminately flash their junk at you while scheming to ruin your life are not always trustworthy.

  • Love 3

Let's flashback to it!




Here's a bonus video of Lulu going off on Liez




These are so beautiful. I didn't appreciate JMB's Lulu enough. And I honestly like ER's Lulu, but damn she is such a 180 from this Lulu and it's really disconcerting. Show, it's not too late to make this version of Lulu Faison in a mask!


Reading that TJ called Sonny a hero and Maxie badmouthed AJ has me deciding to not even bother with today's ep.

  • Love 3

These are so beautiful. I didn't appreciate JMB's Lulu enough. And I honestly like ER's Lulu, but damn she is such a 180 from this Lulu and it's really disconcerting. Show, it's not too late to make this version of Lulu Faison in a mask!


Reading that TJ called Sonny a hero and Maxie badmouthed AJ has me deciding to not even bother with today's ep.


Well, I don't think ER is as good as JMB but they haven't been giving her anything nasty enough lately. I hope the writers don't skimp her giving nasty below-the-belt insults to Dante, which they should give her even if ER can't quite pull it off, but these writers will probably give us something generic and milquetoast for her to say.

  • Love 6

My favorite character today was Patrick, who was so eager for a known mobster and murderer to make it and "pull through" but wanted to kill a teenage boy last year.

Da fawq?!? Patrick has always hated, even more so after Sonny SHOT ROBIN IN HER OWN HOME IN FRONT OF HER DAUGHTER!!!

This character JT is currently playing has absolutely nothing in common with the character of "Patrick Drake" that Jason played from the fall of 2005 to summer of 2012.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4



Let's flashback to it!


So much goodness there.  No way would THAT Dante cheat on Lulu, no matter what he thought.  And I don't hate ER, and I haven't really minded her version of LUlu, but seeing JMB again, she is the only Lulu.  Also, so good to see Robin, Johnny and Ethan again.  Who was writing the show in those days because that was good stuff.  


Lol, did they really have Sabrina singing? ?

The girls (Maxie, Lulu and Sabrina) were sitting around talking about their men (Nathan, Dante and Michael) and how they've been in danger and you just have to accept it, especially if you're hanging about anything Corinthos.  Sabrina was holding Avery, and comments were made how Avery's going to have to learn the same lesson because Sonny's her father (I'm paraphrasing a little).  Then Sabrina started singing to Avery, more like a lullaby than anything else.  


Michael killed two people, not one.

Who's the second one, other than Claudia.

  • Love 1

So much goodness there.  No way would THAT Dante cheat on Lulu, no matter what he thought.  And I don't hate ER, and I haven't really minded her version of LUlu, but seeing JMB again, she is the only Lulu.  Also, so good to see Robin, Johnny and Ethan again.  Who was writing the show in those days because that was good stuff.  


Did you mean Dante would not have cheated on that Lulu? Cause I don't think this one, the one that's apologizing to his wife because he's about to die, would either, not the way it happened




and that was only 5 months before cheating. 


Da fawq?!? Patrick has always hated, even more so after Sonny SHOT ROBIN IN HER OWN HOME IN FRONT OF HER DAUGHTER!!!


But it's not like Sonny hurt his baby with Sabrina! Get some perspective here. ;)

  • Love 3

Da fawq?!? Patrick has always hated, even more so after Sonny SHOT ROBIN IN HER OWN HOME IN FRONT OF HER DAUGHTER!!!

This character JT is currently playing has absolutely nothing in common with the character of "Patrick Drake" that Jason played from the fall of 2005 to summer of 2012.

The Patrick on our screens is not allowed to reference his history, his past love life, his experiences, his thoughts, his feelings. He has nothing to go on but "I'm Sam's boyfriend and we're raising a family together, y'all!"

RIP Patrick 2005-2012

  • Love 5

It's so ironic. Maxie is completely au courant of fashion, manners, and make-up, but she's an absent less-than-caring mother and a bossy arriviste wedding planner who buys her wedding present for the bride from the groom's funds for champagne and flowers. Then proceeds to get drunk, stealing the expensive champagne as the wedding unravels. I would love to see a story in which she meets a good strong male who loves her and patiently helps her grow up, while she teaches him spontaneity and joy (yes, I am a Jane Austen and Lucy/Desi fan!)


Nails on a blackboard! What's this? Sabrina gracing the air waves with a capella lullabyes! At first I didn't believe my ears. Waited for the other characters to clap and demand an encore of "You're Not Alone Anymore". We were supposed to admire Sabrina, with her perfect mothering skills, compared with Supermommy Lulu, Secret mommy Valerie, and Substitute mommy Carly. The Sabrina propping continues, without shame.


If only Jakeson would have raced over and given Carly a reassuring hug, we could have seen the spectacle of the ugly wedding dress tie-dyed with Sonny's blood.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd


Patrick has always hated, even more so after Sonny SHOT ROBIN IN HER OWN HOME IN FRONT OF HER DAUGHTER!!!

In Patrick's defence, he is a doctor, working the ER when a gun shot victim is brought in.  It's not like he can stand there and let Sonny die, at least not while there are nurses and other personel there.  


I thought Lucas was the ER trauma doctor and he was supposed to be working, which is why he wasn't at the wedding, so why wasn't he there instead of Patrick, the neurosurgeon?  

  • Love 3


and that was only 5 months before cheating.

It's been out of character from the get go.  Dante has been all about Lulu since the minute he met her and that never wavered, so having him jump all over Valerie because he thought Lulu was cheating has bugged me from the moment I heard that it was happening.  It just pisses me off.  


Although re-seeing JMB makes me wish she knew, cuz I could totally see her kicking both Dante and Valerie's asses every day and twice on Sundays.  ER's Lulu looks like she'll just cry when she finds out about it.  

  • Love 7

In Patrick's defence, he is a doctor, working the ER when a gun shot victim is brought in. It's not like he can stand there and let Sonny die, at least not while there are nurses and other personel there.

I thought Lucas was the ER trauma doctor and he was supposed to be working, which is why he wasn't at the wedding, so why wasn't he there instead of Patrick, the neurosurgeon?

I would have forgiven so much if Sammy's adventure buddy had let the midget mickey mouse moobster die like he did that bedazzled coke-head. Edited by Tiger
  • Love 1

I dunno, I didn't get THAT enraged by what Patrick said. It just seemed like a doctor thing, saying something encouraging to a patient as you're working on them. I didn't exactly expect him to snarl, "I hate you Sonny, I hope you die!" to him.

He didn't encourage a teenage boy to make it, which was why I originally thought it was funny, lol. And I stand by it. This dude, because he thought a kid ran him off the road, wanted to kill him. Sonny IS a murderer but he wants him to make it. I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 5

Da fawq?!? Patrick has always hated, even more so after Sonny SHOT ROBIN IN HER OWN HOME IN FRONT OF HER DAUGHTER!!!

This character JT is currently playing has absolutely nothing in common with the character of "Patrick Drake" that Jason played from the fall of 2005 to summer of 2012.

A) Patrick is on duty in the hospital so he's expected to do and say doctorly type things, and B) his current gf Sam was right by Sonny's side as he was rushed into the hospital. It makes sense at this time that Patrick was not about to start Sonny-bashing and look bad in front of Sam, knowing quite well the Sonny-Jason history and Sam's uber loyalty to their Mob life. 

A) Patrick is on duty in the hospital so he's expected to do and say doctorly type things, and B) his current gf Sam was right by Sonny's side as he was rushed into the hospital. It makes sense at this time that Patrick was not about to start Sonny-bashing and look bad in front of Sam, knowing quite well the Sonny-Jason history and Sam's uber loyalty to their Mob life.

Patrick didn't care about Robin's loyalties but respects Sam's? If I were to believe that, I'd hate Patrick more than I already do. And I'm already at my limit!

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