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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This is just my take, and it's not in response to anything other than the storyline onscreen so I hope I'm allowed to say it:


Anna is a good person. Anna is also a very deeply shaded person, morally. She worked for decades as a covert operative, for multiple agencies; she's killed many people. She reiterated this to Heather Webber in a great scene in 2012, said she had so much experience in "closing people out". I believe Anna believes in law and order, and in truth and justice, but I also believe that when the law can't make it happen, in extreme cases, Anna (or Robert, for that matter) will bend it, or break it.


Carlos was a fun antagonist but he was also, in the scheme of things, a run of the mill gun for hire. Anna has almost certainly killed a lot of men like him. This one killed her lover. He was a gunman, he got caught, he got killed. He knew the game. To me that should not be something she is guilt-ridden about, on any level. Even if it means she can't get Julian (yet), she's had to face those kind of quandaries with both the Jeromes and Sonny for years now. I could believe Anna would crack in the face of, say, having to put down Duke herself, in the line of duty. That I would buy. Carlos Rivera? Or over not yet being able to prosecute Julian? Not a chance in hell.


The problem is that Carlivati, who has told good stories in the past and has done good work on both this show and OLTL, defaults to what he knows - unstable women losing their control and agency, which he often sees as a great opportunity for a tour de force breakdown as played by a talented actress. That may be so, and Finola Hughes is doing a wonderful job, but do I believe Anna would be this person over what she did here? No, not in the slightest.


Another part of it, separate but equal, feels like it's there to demean Anna, and make her 'equal' to the other characters Ron is trying to validate: Obrecht, Nina, Franco. Sure, they're all bad, but look what Anna did! We went through this with Faison, too, and it was bullshit then as well. Another part, still, is how it also allows Sloane - a creepy, paternalistic, swaggering dude who stole a mayoral election to win Anna's job, who is in bed with the Cassadines, who wiggled his dick at Anna after trying to put her in prison and expected her to find it fun - to be set up as her new lover, as a man who truly understands her, who sees her 'vulnerability'. The character's entire existence is predicated on his coming to town trying to cut his former female superior down to size, either with a criminal conspiracy or with his dick, and now Ron has finally found a way to bring Anna low so Papa Sloane can help her through her internal turmoil. I've seen Ron do a version of this character so many times, and it's always about how the dude comes onto the canvas with some aggressive agenda, swaggering and macho, but really he just cares for you, and then he turns out to be the only one who knows best as opposed to the fiery woman he's agitated. Usually said guy was not actually a lackey for the local supervillain, though, so this is a first for this character construct.


The worst part of it, for me, is that I feel what they're doing with Anna penetrates the character's integrity and strength in a way I just don't think would ever happen to her.  But Ron does it because it's what he does. He used to be a better writer than that. His GH is not the worst GH I've ever seen - at all - but it's these kind of things which make me so frustrated with it. You can see good ideas, good performances, good potential couples or stories every week, and I often find things I enjoy each month. But it's when so much is mired in wrongheaded thinking or tacky storylines that I come down hardest on it. It's not that I think they're irredeemable, it's that I know they can do better. Or should.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 23

Changing the subject a bit. I am very annoyed that Denise's dialogue seems to be ripped from a 40.s potboiler detective novel. People just do not talk like that in the 21st century. It is careless writing.


In what police department in the world would a mob boss like Sonny be allowed to harasses a prisoner who is in the jail unsupervised?


Then, let us go on to bullet scars. There have been so many residents of PC who have been shot and do not have scars including Dante, Lucas, Michael,Sam, Nicholas and Snarly. Remind me of who I have forgotten because I am sure that there are more.

Edited by Lillybee
  • Love 5

Changing the subject a bit. I am very annoyed that Denise's dialogue seems to be ripped from a 40.s potboiler detective novel. People just do not talk like that in the 21st century. It is careless writing.

In what police department in the world would a mob boss like Sonny be allowed to harasses a prisoner who is in the jail unsupervised?

Then, let us go on to bullet scars. There have been so many residents of PC who have been shot and do not have scars including Dante, Lucas, Michael,Sam, Nicholas and Snarly. Remind me of who I have forgotten because I am sure that there are more.

...Mac and Nathan.

  • Love 2

[edited because I finally found my voice]


I did enjoy Ghost Carlos and Special Agent Devane, with Carlos in the Rex Harrison role and Finola as Gene Tierney. 


But I would by no means call this a "good" story.  As others have pointed out above, Sloane's character has changed on a dime. He went from "I'm gonna TAKE. YOU. DOWN!" in full-throttled shout to "I'd gonna see you through this" in mid-level monotone.  That they are setting up a "romantic" pairing (the word romantic is in quotes because I don't find Ron's version of romance romantic at all) between the two is painfully obviously.  There's no art to it whatsoever.


And it's a reminder as to how this show is so focused on the plot points and not on being a daily serial. Anna shouldn't be alone. She has friends. Close friends. She's one of the most like and most respected members of PC.  Mac, Felicia, Patrick, Nathan, and Dante should all be there visiting her. And that everyone is ho-humming Robin is a glaring omission. 


But because the plot is all out Sloan and Anna, Anna has to be alone in this world so that Sloan can be the one to comfort her.  That does not a good story make.  YMMV.


But, hey, it's more believable that Anna would shoot Carlos in cold blood than it would that she and Robert put Faison in a hole under a stables for a year and then let their granddaughter visit that property and roam about. So ... progress?

Edited by Francie
  • Love 13

Wasn't Taylor blackmailing Felix over their parents not knowing he was gay?

I still want Debi Morgan & Darnell Williams as his adoptive parents.


It was never confirmed on-screen, but that was the rumor, that the secret Taylor was blackmailing Felix about was their parents not knowing he was gay.  I hope Ron's not recycling a version of that with Brad.  There's no need for coming out drama at this stage.


I wouldn't put it past Ron to make Brad's adoptive parent(s) an obscure character from the show's history.

  • Love 2



In what police department in the world would a mob boss like Sonny be allowed to harasses a prisoner who is in the jail unsupervised?


Dante did tell Lulu that Sonny would find a way to get to Ava/Denise anyway, so this way its official and on the record.  He also said Sonny would never kill her in the station but he did tell an officer to keep an eye on them.  So while we did not see the officer, supposedly he was there to make sure nothing happened.  I know it would never fly in the real world, but I do give them credit for at least addressing the fact that it was not proper procedure.



Then, let us go on to bullet scars. There have been so many residents of PC who have been shot and do not have scars including Dante, Lucas, Michael,Sam, Nicholas and Snarly. Remind me of who I have forgotten because I am sure that there are more.


Yep, in PC no one is saddled with unsightly scars for very long but if Sonny hadn't asked the question, some of the viewers (me included) would have pointed out that it was stupid not to look for it if they were trying to determine if it was Ava.  I was pleasantly surprised that they thought about the potential plot hole and did something about it; so many times they don't.


Speaking of her scar, I also got a chuckle out the Ava/Sonny discussion about Bobo.  I forget the exact wording but I enjoyed MW's delivery and MB's exasperated reaction.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 4

I'd take them in a heart beat but I'd really love Debbie M and Vincent Izarry. I feel like I'm cheating on Jessie and Angie but I can't help it.

Anna Devane's ex-husband with Angie? For shame! 


Actually Debbie and Vincent are both wonderful actors -- I could see that.  Debbie could have walked away with the lead actress emmy two (?) years ago for the online AMC version, if only:  1) She had submitted her name; and 2) if the emmy awards weren't so random now.  I respect Debbie immensely for closing the door on that chapter and moving on.


Bringing it back to GH, man, Anna's not allowed to be in contact with her living child, she's not allowed to recognize her dead child (no, not the miscarriage with Duke), and she's not allowed a friend other than Sloane at this time. 

  • Love 3
And Anna (in her rage, in her grief, in an insane moment of that rage and grief) committed a murder and what we are seeing played out in full, unvarnished glory is that she knows that it was WRONG.  The show is saying, nay, SHOWING, that to a good person, to a noble person, to an indisputably GOOD, DECENT PERSON, murder is wrong.


For me the problem isn't that Anna is beating herself up for killing Carlos. It's how she's beating herself up. Does she really have to have a breakdown, complete with tears, shouting, and sobbing? See jsbt's comments; I am in agreement with them.


It was never confirmed on-screen, but that was the rumor, that the secret Taylor was blackmailing Felix about was their parents not knowing he was gay.  I hope Ron's not recycling a version of that with Brad.  There's no need for coming out drama at this stage.


Ron would probably beg to differ. There has to be some roadblock to the wedding.

  • Love 5
Carlos was a fun antagonist but he was also, in the scheme of things, a run of the mill gun for hire. Anna has almost certainly killed a lot of men like him. This one killed her lover. He was a gunman, he got caught, he got killed. He knew the game. To me that should not be something she is guilt-ridden about, on any level. Even if it means she can't get Julian (yet), she's had to face those kind of quandaries with both the Jeromes and Sonny for years now. I could believe Anna would crack in the face of, say, having to put down Duke herself, in the line of duty. That I would buy. Carlos Rivera? Or over not yet being able to prosecute Julian? Not a chance in hell.



I'd also buy, if Anna had killed Faison, her being tormented by his ghost, just because of their history.  Kind of her feeling like even killing him couldn't get him completely out of her life, so strong was his obsession.  



I'd take them in a heart beat but I'd really love Debbie M and Vincent Izarry. I feel like I'm cheating on Jessie and Angie but I can't help it.


God they were good together.  And I love Jessie (and Jessie/Angie), but DM and VI had amazing on screen chemistry.  I still believe that, if AMC hadn't been canceled (the original version) we were headed to a story line where Angie had, at least, an emotional affair with David. 

  • Love 3

I still believe that, if AMC hadn't been canceled (the original version) we were headed to a story line where Angie had, at least, an emotional affair with David. 


They were definitely headed in that direction on the Prospect Park version and I was so torn because as great as the chemistry between David and Angie was, I also was into David with Lindsey Hartley's Cara in a big way.


I wish a triangle on this show could make me feel torn like that.

  • Love 5

If Uncle Frank is too cheap to pay John, Kristina, Brooklynn, that's one thing, but Jason, Dom, and Ryan are all on contract and their characters should be visiting Anna. And for those characters were the actor is recurring, why not a phone call where they only have to show Anna, or have a scene open with Mac, Flea, Emma, etc just left?

Re: the board negativity, all Im going to say on this subject since I said my peice weeks/months (?) ago is that some of the most negative posts have me laughing my ass off. I particularly love @leftphalange's comments on "Liez" and any and all comments about "WENEVERCARED". A few of you have actually caused various liquid beverages to squirt out of my nose.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 7

God they were good together.  And I love Jessie (and Jessie/Angie), but DM and VI had amazing on screen chemistry.  I still believe that, if AMC hadn't been canceled (the original version) we were headed to a story line where Angie had, at least, an emotional affair with David. 


They were absolutely working towards that, and it was one of many reasons AMC was the best soap of 2013. I hadn't seen it that good since maybe the '90s. I miss those two revamped shows so much, and I think they're frankly what GH could use as a counterpoint at 1 or 2 PM.

  • Love 3

How fitting that the thread's page count is currently on 666, especially after today's episode.


Watching Lisa still hiding behind way too big dresses and shirts is quite annoying to me because that's all it would have taken to cover up her pregnancy. There was no need for an entirely useless pregnancy and baby that apparently is on the run with Ned anyway so it is a nonentity regardless.


So now the Nina and the SERIAL KILLER are back front and center for reasons that escape the hell out of me. Why are they still here?


In a town full of murderers and killers and they've pissed off at least half of them and yet they aren't dead or in comas? They haven't even faced a firestorm of bullets or a car/house/elevator bomb? Complete and utter bullshit.


So Michael is really and truly a total dumb-ass.


He goes to Rosalie, a woman who has proven herself to be an opportunist and big fat liar liar pants on fire, but yet he thinks it' a "good idea" to trust her to offer the Nina money to get Ned's shares back from the SERIAL KILLER...


And yet during all of this I must assume that Monica and Tracy are being held hostage by Alice as she forces them to indulge her in an never ending game of charades.


And how much did Mags look like the queen of the undead in that last shot, holy cow...


And deargodwhenwillitfinallyend?!Luke has escaped...I guess they want me to care about that...*Crickets and silence*

  • Love 2

And the lack of Laura and lucky is still glaring when it comes to anything regarding Luke. Luke goes missing and Lulu says she only has to call Tracy? Not Lucky, her ex-cop brother? Okay dokey. And yes, she was an asshole going behind Val's back to try to get her not to be hired. Woman up, Lulu.


Dante and Morgan had identical "duh?" poses at one point when Lucas opened the DNA test results


Maxie looked nice. And I love all these reasons she threw out for why she slept with Franco back then: "enigmatic, effervescent" etc etc. Just say it Maxie, he was smoking hot back then.


Did Franco make a Nathan has a small dick joke? That's awkward, because, uh, if you've seen his modeling pictures it appears to be kinda true. 

  • Love 8

I agree that Anna should be written so differently...but I have to admit that I am getting the biggest kick out of "handsy ghost Carlos". Those two have great chemistry! Go figure! In this GH I just take the parts I enjoy and try to block out the rest....not good for my blood pressure to try & make this crap make any sense.


They do have good chemistry. Shame it wasn't used in a better story. 



  Could be worst.  They could say she's discovered that she's an esthetician from Lawgn Eyeland. 


As an esthetician ( who can't spell it), this is driving me nutty. Can't she be a regular, normal person who likes skincare? Does she have to be Jersey Shore levels of crass and tacky? 

Yeah, Lulu is all up in Valerie's grill (although, Valerie doesn't realize it) but she was fine & dandy with Dante & Anna getting it on in the church. Jeez!


And there's the thing!  Lulu has had chances to be honest with Valerie but she keeps saying everything is all right.   Even though she ended up backpedaling in her scenes with Nik, her going to him instead of talking to Valerie, or even more to Dante, kinda annoyed me today.   

  • Love 1

How about Boston, the land of no RRRRR'sI don't hear the accent but everyone else does. My sister in-law has lived on the jersey shore all her life, and she says Joisey. As do the rest of them. 

Not unless they originally came from Brooklyn.  I've lived in Jersey all my life and been all over the state, not just the Jersey Shore, and I don't know a single person in Jersey (a true Jerseyite) who says "Joisey."  The only people who say that in the state of New Jersey are the people who just transferred from New York who buy homes in New Jersey.  That "Joisey" thing is New York born.  It's the only time I ever hear it.  That, and "Oh my Gawwd."  That ain't Jersey either.  Those things annoy the hell out of people from my state, and it just gets propounded on television shows and in movies.  


As for the episode, I didn't have a problem with Sonny demanding to see the bullet scar and Denise showing him.  These are two people who had sex on the grave of the man they both helped murder.  There is nothing they can do at this point that offends.


I love Dante, although he is clueless about Valerie who is definitely interested in him.  I am Team Lulu on this one completely.  


Anna is showing a conscience, and so I don't mind that she is being haunted by the Ghost Guilt Carlos.  However, showing it every day is becoming redundant.  I'm guessing it's how they explain why FH had to leave for a few months, probably to get some down time.  Regardless, I do love the Sloane / Anna relationship right now, and his expressions to various situations crack me up too.  


It was creepy awkward for Morgan to be commenting about Ava while in bed with her daughter.  He truly is his father's son.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 1

Rosalie, a nanny is an employee, not a parent or slave. It's not shocking that Sabrina gets a day off. 


Where is Nathan living? The wainscoting in his bedroom is really ugly. And maybe invest in a dead bolt, huh?


And yes, she was an asshole going behind Val's back to try to get her not to be hired.


I loved how she asked Nik, "Do you think I'm a terrible person?" You're in Nik's glass house, Lulu.


LOL at Sonny sneering at Julian's legit businesses. Like the coffee business is fooling anyone. Sonny was especially pot-meet-kettle today. Ugh. I hate him like this.


"Of course I want an update on"—looks around—"you-know-who." Smooth, Olivia. Very smooth.


Delia's sunglasses were hilarious.


I loved Nina's dress. It's a wee bit too short, but otherwise it's terrific.


2nd most evil child to appear on GH

Yikes, who's the most evil?

  • Love 1

Where is Nathan living? The wainscoting in his bedroom is really ugly. And maybe invest in a dead bolt, huh?


I loved how she asked Nik, "Do you think I'm a terrible person?" You're in Nik's glass house, Lulu.


Yikes, who's the most evil?


Nathan is living above Kelly's. I guess they destroyed the old set.


To be fair to Lulu, she doesn't know Nik has turned eeeevil.


The child played by Sir Dylan Cash is still ze most evil in my book.

Nathan should be living in the brownstone, running into Anna who should also live there.

Oh Michael, never leave a briefcase full of cash near the chick who was blackmailed into assisting crazy because she had student loans and probably a gambling problem (I'm guessing Rosalie's big sekrit is that she murdered a man just to watch him die--and because she thought he had the Dead Man's Hand).

Really, Liv? You fake a baby's death but don't have the ovaries to kick Ric and WE NEVER CARED out of your hotel because they cry "lawsuit?" You are officially an idiot. Oh and don't bother talking to Ned in one of what I am sure is many empty rooms, because talking in public places about shit you want to keep quiet hasn't backfired lately or anything.

How long will Maura be stuck with that awful wig? I mean, it's not as bad as ME's extensions, but that ain't saying much. Oh and Sorta-New Kiki still sucks as many balls as her predecessor.

I can't wait for Lulu to get her crazy eyes on with Valerie, who won't have done anything wrong. And asking Nik a moral question is like asking Morgan to spell anything with more than three letters, you aren't going to get a useful answer.

  • Love 4

As annoying as she is, I think I'd rather have Denise as a representative of New Jersey (which she isn't one anyway) than SadSack McBain and Courtney "mom of the 2nd most evil child to appear on GH" Matthews, who actually are supposed to be from NJ. :weeps:

Nah, I'll take Courtney because she spoke like a normal human being.  Denise's OTT accent and the gum chewing is such a NY trope that I'm sure it annoys New Yorkers as much as the tropes that are used for those of us from Jersey.  


I can't wait for Lulu to get her crazy eyes on with Valerie, who won't have done anything wrong. 

I'm on Lulu's side.  Valerie is definitely trying to poach Dante, and her smiling face isn't going to convince me otherwise.  She KNOWS that Lulu isn't comfortable with her relationship with Dante, and who can blame her after Valerie was going on and on and on about how handsome and wonderful and hot her husband was, and Valerie didn't even have the good sense to realize that was inappropriate.  So what does she do?  Out of all the jobs she can apply for in PC, she chooses to go for the one that will put her directly in Dante's path.  So if she can't live with him, she'll work with him.  


I have no problem with Lulu being suspicious and using whatever means necessary to keep Valerie at bay.  Dante did the same thing when Johnny showed up. Valerie is a problem.  


Nah, I'll take Courtney because she spoke like a normal human being.  Denise's OTT accent and the gum chewing is such a NY trope that I'm sure it annoys New Yorkers as much as the tropes that are used for those of us from Jersey.  


I'm on Lulu's side.  Valerie is definitely trying to poach Dante, and her smiling face isn't going to convince me otherwise.  She KNOWS that Lulu isn't comfortable with her relationship with Dante, and who can blame her after Valerie was going on and on and on about how handsome and wonderful and hot her husband was, and Valerie didn't even have the good sense to realize that was inappropriate.  So what does she do?  Out of all the jobs she can apply for in PC, she chooses to go for the one that will put her directly in Dante's path.  So if she can't live with him, she'll work with him.  


I have no problem with Lulu being suspicious and using whatever means necessary to keep Valerie at bay.  Dante did the same thing when Johnny showed up. Valerie is a problem.  


it's not that not I'm on Lulu's side, it's just that I do acknowledge it was shady of her to go behind Valerie's back. Although I do think you're right that Val knows Lulu is uncomfortable and Valerie should have found someplace else to apply. The thing is that I'm not so sure they're playing Val as conscious of her feelings for Dante yet, or whether she actually even has them quite yet, so that's why Val may think it's fine to apply at the PCPD. She asked Lulu, Lulu said it was fine. In any case, even if Lulu is uncomfortable, technically that's not Valerie's problem, it's Dante and Lulu's.


And yeah, Dante did do the same thing when Johnny showed up, but he was a) straight about wanting Johnny to stay away, both to Johnny's face and Lulu's. (Kinda, he did keep it a secret from Lulu that he threatened Johnny). But, to be fair to Lulu, she knows that Johnny was a criminal and Dante had more reasons than jealousy to want Johnny to stay away. Dante didn't look as crazy wanting Johnny to stay away and she would if she said, "well, I want Valerie to stay away from you because I think she MIGHT have some feelings for you and for no other reason", and she knows it.


ETA: Silas has been gone a month and mostly no one cares.* I don't get their logic for keeping him on contract.


*I know, some people do! But in general I haven't seen any cries for his return, and I'm not just talking this board.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

ETA: Silas has been gone a month and mostly no one cares. I just don't get how their logic for keeping him on contract.


Prospect Park!


I like Dante and Lulu but I think Valerie is full of possibility and that the show could desperately use more characters of color, especially one tied to a core family. And yeah, I think she has chemistry with DZ. Sadly, I feel like all GH cares about with her (or anyone) is the immediate plot function (fucking/maybe fucking Dante).

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8

Except why is Lulu keeping her mouth shut? Why is she not nipping it the bud? Oh I know why, Lulu is a shady bitch.


She is being shady but I sympathize with her. She knows she is being paranoid and irrational and if she says "please stay away" she has no justification besides "well I have a feeling you want my husband, but no proof". No one wants to out themselves as THAT person, heh.


If I were her I would bring up the Brenda incident. She KNEW there was something more going on there but she didn't say anything because she thought she was being irrational, but she wasn't. She could use that to say, "look, maybe I'm being paranoid, but I wasn't last time so I'm just gonna go with my gut."

  • Love 2

Prospect Park!


I feel like they have notes next to their computers. Like this is how the routine goes:


Ron (calls Frank in California): Frank! Why is that guy with the gross hair still on?


Frank: Who?


Ron: You know (checks note next to the computer) Michael Easton! That's his name!


Frank: (Looks down at writing scribbled on his hand) because Prospect Park wanted him!


Ron: right, right. Must . . . keep . . . grudge . . . alive . . . 


I like Dante and Lulu but I think Valerie is full of possibility and that the show could desperately use more characters of color, especially one tied to a core family. And yeah, I think she has chemistry with DZ. Sadly, I feel like all GH cares about with her (or anyone) is the immediate plot function (fucking/maybe fucking Dante).


yeah. They're making the same mistake they did with Michael/Morgan in 2013; get straight to the lame triangle instead of showing/building a relationship between Valerie and Lulu and Michael and Morgan.

  • Love 6

They're making the same mistake they did with Michael/Morgan in 2013; get straight to the lame triangle instead of showing/building a relationship between Valerie and Lulu and Michael and Morgan.


Well put.  I personally find it harder to sympathize to Lulu because she's treated Valerie pretty crappy from the jump ("How DARE you not forgive my father for trying to kill you!").  Seeing them getting to know each other and form an actual bond that would be hurt by Lulu's accusations or Valerie's inappropriate crush would have made for a better story.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Well put.  I personally find it harder to sympathize to Lulu because she's treated Valerie pretty crappy from the jump ("How DARE you not forgive my father for trying to kill you!").  Seeing them getting to know each other and form an actual bond that would be hurt by Lulu's accusations or Valerie's inappropriate crush would have made for a better story.


Well put! In spite of saying nice things to and about Valerie, Lulu has sometimes been rather cold and distant with her.  So much so that I can see why Valerie asks so often if everything is OK - as if she (Valerie) is trying to figure out her relationship with Lulu.


I actually felt a bit sorry for Valerie on the day she moved into Wyndermere and she spoke to Lulu - saying that she (Valerie) now understood that Lulu wanted the best for her.  Lulu's brief, but cool, reaction certainly did not affirm Valerie's positive statement.

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 5

She could be more understanding, but it wasn't just like she was simply mad Valerie wouldn't get over it, it was that they found Valerie about to actually kill him.


Was this in response to my post above?  If so, when I speak about Lulu cool (and ambiguous) to Valerie, I'm not talking about the immediate aftermath, I'm talking more about Lulu's continued demeanor with Valerie.

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