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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Fin really can dance, I think that I would like to see a dance off between her and KMo.

I love KeMo, but Fin would rule her. LOL

Who else was available?  Honestly, I don't hate Courtney as much as everyone else here seems to (actually, not even at all), so I didn't mind seeing her.  And Alicia Leigh Willis is looking pretty good!  But who else was available?

I never want to see her, but if they are going to tout a return as a "fan favorite", the person/character should at least be the top vote getter (and I don't believe that was ALW/SWMNBN).

  • Love 6

I would accept that Elizabeth is about the spill the Jason secret and she ends up in the crossfire of another botched hit by the competent moobsters of Port Charles. That would make more sense than her keeping quiet on who Jakeson is because of Patrick and Sam's love. 

Especially because she has expressed regret more than once since Jason's "death" about her part (lying re: test results) in Jason not having more time with Danny, and Sam, before he got shot. If she keeps this a secret it'll be as lame as the writers' reasons for her not telling Lucky he was Aiden's father before his wife Siobhan was in the hospital. And it's also stupid because her reaction to Patrick telling her that Sam was moving in was more "Really? You're taking that step now?!" than "Yay! Awesome!" She has NOT been written as a Samtrick shipper. GMAB.

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Okay, I'm not sure this is the right place for this but I have a huge problem with Courtney being the person who won the fan favorite return. Who likes her?  I haven't come across many people that do, if any. It's beyond ridiculous that any one of those other people in the poll didn't win. If there are a lot of people like me, they will actually lose viewership for today's show because of her. During sweeps.


I don't doubt she has fans, and probably younger ones that are more likely to vote in an online poll.  But it was always going to be her, to give their wittle stwar Spencer another spotlight.  And celebrating the fans with a clearly rigged poll is rank.


I just hope, as a peace offering, they smuggle in Serena too.

Edited by TeeVee329
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The truly head-scratching thing about this turn of events is that the blindingly obvious person to pick to be The Person Who Finds Out Jake Is Jason And Keeps It A Secret To Safeguard His/Her Happiness is Patrick. The fact that the show takes ever-more-ridiculous twists and turns to keep that logical and inherently dramatic story from happening is proof positive that it will throw anyone and everyone under the bus in order to prop Patrick.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Their obsession with making Patrick completely motherf-ing innocent is SO WEIRD. I would love to know why.

  • Love 2
But who else was available?


You could vote for Courtney, Stefan, Mike, or Serena to return.


I think she was always going to "win" no matter how the voting came out.


Ron Hale is retired, so I'd be surprised if he wanted to come back, even for a day. Stephen Nichols is on another soap, so that's out. Carlivati might have thrown in a few Serena references, but there's no way he'd have her back, so Courtney it is.

  • Love 4
 Ellie learned the song and routine for "Dear Future Husband" as quickly as Valerie did. Heh.


I love JVP in the promo for the live episodes: "Anything can happen live" with crazy hair tossing and wild arm movements. 


Speaking of hair, I can't believe how big FH's used to be. It's amazing no one was asphyxiated from all the hairspray they undoubtably used back then

I had to mute the Meghan Trainer song.  Not because of the actresses voices but because the song itself sucks. Horrible (but I suppose not unexpected) choice for an all female number.  Odd having married Lulu in it then.


The strip tease was all kinds of uncomfortable.  Haven't seen past years (saw a few minutes last year while flipping channels) so not sure if it's worse.  But didn't like TJ being up there as he seems too young and his relationship with Molly seems rather PG-13 for that.  Thought Nathan and Felix had the best bodies.  Agreed with other poster that it was like a Village People act.


Jake got over his Carly hate way too quick. Like Liz's reaction to both Ric and Nik.


Spencer needs professional help.  Besides the weird get-up and obsession over Emma, dropping sandbags on stage while Cameron and Emma were dancing shouldn't be brushed off. 


I didn't get that those were flashbacks at first when Anna and Duke were dancing.  The 90s hair was awesome!


Carlos flipping his hair in the promo --- awesome!

  • Love 1

Hold on. This is the first I'm hearing of this poll. The possibility that STEFAN could return was dangled in front of us and frickin' Courtney was the chosen one? That is some bullshit. I can only assume the "winner" of this poll was pre-determined from the start and there was zero chance Stefan was actually coming back even if every single vote cast was for him. Because seriously. COURTNEY. Instead of Stefan Cassadine. Literally no one misses her!

  • Love 11

Add me to the group of folks thinking the poll was rigged.  No way would Courtney win out over Stefan Cassadine.


As to the numbers, I enjoyed Sabrina in the women's number and Anna and Duke's Argentine Tango.  FH looked like she was having the time of her life.


I'm still boggled that no one took a harder line with Spencer over dropping those sandbags.  ("I love you so much, Emma, I might have to kill you!")  I know that's a parent's job, but, um...  ::looking around::  Seems dad is otherwise occupied, as usual, so...  Even Dante was all, "Oh, poor kid!"  No, more like should be, "Get thee to a therapist, kid!"


I've never understood what is so appealing about Jason that all these women will go to all kinds of trouble for him, even, as now, when they don't know he's Jason, i.e. Carly.  Now I'm wondering, if it goes down like I think it's going to go down, what makes Elizabeth think she's so entitled and special that her needs trump all others'.  And it's a long list that includes Jakeson himself.  I get that she feels she lost her chance with Jason long ago and she thinks this is her second chance, but this is sure not the way to go about getting it.


Personally, I'm still hoping that, when it all shakes out, he's (A.J.) Jason Quartermaine.  Let's see who wants him then.

  • Love 4

...Nik is a terrible parent.


Poor doomed Spencer. I don't think it's a coincidence that he became so horrible after Nikolas became a full-time parent.* He wasn't a demon brat when he was being raised mostly off-screen by Lesley or Alfred and was only trotted out so Nikolas could show him off to some prospective slampiece.


*Okay, he's horrible because Ron and Frank think it's cute. But in-show, I think it tracks.

Edited by Melgaypet
  • Love 6

Hold on. This is the first I'm hearing of this poll. The possibility that STEFAN could return was dangled in front of us and frickin' Courtney was the chosen one? That is some bullshit. I can only assume the "winner" of this poll was pre-determined from the start and there was zero chance Stefan was actually coming back even if every single vote cast was for him. Because seriously. COURTNEY. Instead of Stefan Cassadine. Literally no one misses her!


gh is trying to tell me that courtney won over stefan and beat him by more than 10,000 votes?



I don't blame Britt for Spencer. I just hate Britt and her tryhard ass with all the forced "snark". I never bought Brad and Britt's relationship to begin with - it was based in cutthroat blackmail - but I found their NB heckling lame last year and even lamer this year, as they were clearly struggling to go bigger and louder to show what a good time they were having. A lot of forced laughter and merriment.

Weren't Skye's shares obtained illegally? Didn't she sign them over to Flluke who was masquerading as Luke at the time?


[throws the scripts in the air, carefree] Wheeeeeee!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 12

gh is trying to tell me that courtney won over stefan and beat him by more than 10,000 votes?


Sadly, I kinda believe those numbers. I think most GH'ers online to vote for something like that are on the younger side and probs remember Courtney most out of all those choices.

I don't buy it. They'd been hinting at Courtney for a long time and are fascinated with Spencer. At least one of the other "fan favorites" in the poll (Stephen Nichols) was never even contacted about his availability. I think it was all a ruse - she was always going to appear. I never expected anything else.

Possibly. But I also don't believe Courtney was viciously hated by all. She had her fans, as did Court/AJ and Court/Jason.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Their obsession with making Patrick completely motherf-ing innocent is SO WEIRD. I would love to know why.


Well, Maurice Bernard is getting on in years now, despite having the 24-year old Single Latino Cousin going on about how hot Sonny is.


Does Channing Tatum just not give a shit about a dinky soap? How has Ron not been slapped with a Cease-and-desist order with all this Magic Milo stuff?


I honestly feel sorry for the actor playing Spencer. In his mind, he's probably thinking he's the best child star to ever happen, and this show is going to keep puffing him up...until either the show is cancelled or Ron decides there's another new Starr Manning to adore. That is going to be one hard comedown. I feel like the actress playing Emma has some kind of good grounding on, but Spencer is just screwed. (His mother has a blog called Nicky is Boss.)


Also, Courtney's body has gotten even more manly.


It's so strange to watch the Nurse's Ball episodes, because I've gotten so used to Public Domain Muzak that it's weird to hear copyrighted music again. I think the last time I remember popular music being on this show before they started up with the Nurse's Ball Revivals was when Gia did a modeling shoot to the tune of "Independent Woman".

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 1

Maybe TC power voted for Courtney?  


Hahahaha! Distinctly possible.


As much as I hated her, I don't mind Ghost Courtney appearing, actually - or I wouldn't, if Spencer was in any way a well-rounded character as opposed to an obnoxious caricature who is rewarded and spotlit at every turn. I think the throughline with his mother is something they could and should handle better than they do; instead he just bleats about "my mudda!" anytime he doesn't get exactly what he wants. As it stands, this is just more of a fanfare for him. And what I resent is their bothering to present some sort of Fan February contest to dress it up. If you want Courtney to appear, just do it. Don't stage some bullshit contest.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 10

Once Spencer because a fixture, Courtney did. That's his mama. And because Spencer has fans, it just doesn't shock me that people would want to see him in some way with Court.

Well, Maurice Bernard is getting on in years now.

Well, that's Mo. It makes sense to me. JT/Patrick shouldn't be anywhere near getting this untouchable treatment.

  • Love 2

Yeah, if Spencer wasn't such a shit, but still ended up injured in a fire and felt insecure (or was maybe being teased) about the burns on his face, then while I loathe Courtney, I could at least tolerate a one shot Spencer gets a visit from Ghost Mommy to comfort him in is trauma kind of thing.  But this entitled shit?  Being rewarded for trying to off his cousin by a ghostly visit from his beloved "mudda"?  Ick. Of course, they could surprise me and have her slap down some ghostly discipline over what a little shit he's become, but, 1) I highly doubt it, because we're supposed to see Spencer as this awesome, hilarious, precocious kid, and, 2) even if we did get her smacking him down, it would just be fuel for more Spencer griping about how awful life has been to him, and even his dead mother doesn't like him because he's hideous.  

  • Love 12

Sooooooo.....Courtney is back.....Perhaps, as Marley was for Scrooge, she is for us, an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!''

Nah, she's none of those - she's just one more horrible thing brought to us courtesy of Spencer.

Any chance she might take this homicidal little menace back with her to whatever HellMouth she sprung from?


Dante, my Prince, you let us down.  Spencer may not want his aunt and uncle hanging around, but that's what you should do, not leave him with another adult he doesn't even know.


I liked the Haunted Startlet routine.  And I was grateful through the entire number because if KA was still around, we'd have had Starr headlining the number and instead we had Sabrina.  See what Show has done?  It's made me grateful for Sabrina in this weird, roundabout fashion.  Curses!!


Amazing how I can hate Spinelli when he's just sitting there with his vacant, Mr. Potato Head grin, shaking those puddin' cheeks side to side, in time with the music.  And he's sitting next to Det. Kitty.  And Spinelli is the guy Maxie chose.......Poor Baby Georgie, having to grow up with parents who use their skulls as breadboxes....

  • Love 4

I can't believe this notoriously cheap show ponied up for the original recording of "New Sensation", yet given that it was for Milo and the naked guys I'm somehow unsurprised. Say goodbye to Bobbie, Monica, and every recurring vet over 45 til 2016!


I will say the number has gotten a lot more risque and homoerotic. But Ellie dancing with Nathan was adorable.

  • Love 3

I enjoy the shirtlessness. It bleaches my mind of all the Spencer crap. He is really on his way to becoming a psychopath. He could have hurt someone with the sandbag stunt. I also love CD so his awkwardness at being shirtless is so adorable.

I don't mind Courtney so hopefully she knocks some sense in her idiot son. But of course she won't because Ron doesn't think anything is wrong with mini psycho.

I just can't with Liz. Screeching to Ric about lying when she's probably going to do the same. This Jake reveal is going to get stretched out until November.

  • Love 3

Yes. Yes. Yes. Their obsession with making Patrick completely motherf-ing innocent is SO WEIRD. I would love to know why.

Patrick is innocent for the same reason Lante stayed together for years, imo: Ron doesn't care about the character.

I can't believe this notoriously cheap show ponied up for the original recording of "New Sensation", yet given that it was for Milo and the naked guys I'm somehow unsurprised. Say goodbye to Bobbie, Monica, and every recurring vet over 45 til 2016!

We cannot even say goodbye to Monica, alas, because we haven't even said hello to her this year yet.

  • Love 11


I can't believe this notoriously cheap show ponied up for the original recording of "New Sensation", yet given that it was for Milo and the naked guys I'm somehow unsurprised.


Is New Sensation really going to be that expensive, though? The song came out almost 30 years ago and it's not exactly been elevated to Beatles or Nirvana Status. I would have thought they REALLY broke the bank on Call Me Maybe, especially since they got the rights after Call Me Maybe had a long run at number 1. I thought that was why they got Dear Future Husband, which is rising but not massively expensive just yet.


Speaking of, Teresa Castillo has charm and presence as a singer, yet she can't summon any of that as an actress. Oh, well.

  • Love 4

Patrick is innocent for the same reason Lante stayed together for years, imo: Ron doesn't care about the character.

I partly agree. There's a reason why we never see Patrick outside of Sam anymore. He's never at work. He's rarely with his daughter. He stands and stares and smooches and that's about it.

On the other hand, Ron has paired Patrick with his lead female to be the "good" vs. Jason's "evil." It reminds me of Sonny/Brenda/Jax. Except, you know, it's horribly written and acted and the actors don't have anywhere near the chemistry of Mo/VM/Ingo.

  • Love 2

The last time voting was this rigged was when Chris Daughtry was voted off American Idol, and I think I'm kinda not so sure he is- just that it's on the grassy knoll. So go on the grassy knoll, Courtney..... and take your damn kid with you. Your kid that should be for Emily.

*Yes, I dragged out every syllable in the character names.

  • Love 2

If I were a writer on this Damned Show


I would actually keep Spencer acting the way he is (regardless of the burned face and all), and then instead of people thinking how precocious and sweet/funny (annoying) it is, people are realising that Spencer actually means what he is saying. He's not saying it to get a reaction (like some kids might), he's not even doing it to get a reaction from his Nicholas, or whatever. There would be some very, early, signs of Stavros/Mikkos Cassadine in him. and there would always be that fear, that maybe that Spencer could truly be dark and evil. Not milquetoast like Nicholas, but hard, core evul,, but as Spencer is a Cassadine (and freaky and quasi-smart), he starts to hide it very well etc, but it always peaks out.


This stuff should be at the back of people's minds.


Also. it cracks me up that Molly is basically entering adulthood - and Cam is 10. Still. I don't think I've seen such a severe SORAS so backwards since Billy & Nick on Young & the Restless.


i am so sad that Courtney is the one that came back, but out of that list, I can totally, utterly see it. the guy who plays Mike is retired, so I don't know he was going to come back (and considering how they wrote off his character it's not like I'd do GH any favours anyway). I don't know if people nowadays know who Serena is (like the ones who'd be voting).  And I don't know how popular Stefan would be with the voting public either. But that is a v. lame choice. At least have a Quartermaine on there, dude.    

  • Love 4

I don't think Jason is supposed to be the evil one though. The only person saying that is nutty Nik. Maybe the safe choice I suppose.

When I say "evil," I mean more like the "bad, mob guy" vs. Patrick's "I'm perfect and a doctor and I never do anything wrong. Robin left me and I don't know why she would do that, I'm perfect." Nik's comments weren't just throwaway lines. This is what Ron is trying to sell. They've completely taken ALL of Patrick's past character flaws and actions away, it's glaring.



Also. it cracks me up that Molly is basically entering adulthood - and Cam is 10. Still. I don't think I've seen such a severe SORAS so backwards since Billy & Nick on Young & the Restless.


I can top that. Will Horton on Days of Our Lives was born on-screen in 1995. E.J. Dimera was born on-screen in 1997. Ten years later, E.J. was a thirtysomething and Will's stepfather, while Will was still in junior high school.


I feel like an SORAS has to be coming for Danny so they can get another "precocious" child actor.


Every time I see Ellie, I feel bad that she's so clearly going to get saddled with Nina as a mother. Because you KNOW Ron's mind- "Ooh, two quirky redheads! Let's make Ellie Nina's daughter, and completely change her character into a psycho just like Nina!"

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 5

I can top that. Will Horton on Days of Our Lives was born on-screen in 1995. E.J. Dimera was born on-screen in 1997. Ten years later, E.J. was a thirtysomething and Will's stepfather, while Will was still in junior high school.


I feel like an SORAS has to be coming for Danny so they can get another "precocious" child actor.


Every time I see Ellie, I feel bad that she's so clearly going to get saddled with Nina as a mother. Because you KNOW Ron's mind- "Ooh, two quirky redheads! Let's make Ellie Nina's daughter, and completely change her character into a psycho just like Nina!"



LOL  that is right. I remember that one and I was like..  whu?


Who is Nina?..

Who is Ellie?


Every time I see Ellie, I feel bad that she's so clearly going to get saddled with Nina as a mother. Because you KNOW Ron's mind- "Ooh, two quirky redheads! Let's make Ellie Nina's daughter, and completely change her character into a psycho just like Nina!"

Wouldn't that make Nathan her uncle? Heh wouldn't that be the second time Nathan had a near romantic miss with a relative? (given his drunken almost-hookup with Britt?)

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