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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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BTW, to whoever is telling TPTB that you like to watch Milo do shirtless one-armed push ups, would you mind, please, pretty please, seriously I mean it please, stop? Okthxbye.


Unfortunately, Absolut vodka is an inanimate object, so it can't say anything to Ron


or is it

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Be straight with me..... is this a wine kind of ball or a vodka ball? Because it sounds like alcohol is required.

I vote vodka. I tried smoking weed beforehand, but it wasn't strong enough. Tomorrow I'm gonna try crack.

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At least we were prepared for it.


You can't prepare for the Apocalypse. I don't have nearly enough soup.

If she's going to appear maybe she can drop in on Nik and ask him to check their budding psychopath into intensive therapy

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That "Dear Future Husband" was the song for Lulu, Maxie, Valerie et. al's dance number speaks volumes.




There's a part of me that seriously wonders if Ron wasn't trolling by picking that song.


"That'll rile 'em up!"

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I forgot to mention that I did like Brad and Lucas' drive-by announcement to Carly. "Engaged! See ya!"


Drive-by is the perfect word for any Brad/Lucas story.  See you in six weeks, boys.

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BTW, to whoever is telling TPTB that you like to watch Milo do shirtless one-armed push ups, would you mind, please, pretty please, seriously I mean it please, stop? Okthxbye.


I assume that would be Ron.  And if it is, he'll never stop.  

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I can't wait for Liz's speech tomorrow. "I have something to say! It's about Jason! Sam, he would be so happy to see you with Patrick and starting a family together. Patrick wanted him dead, but he got past that 'cause why dwell on the past?? And Robin sacrificed her life and family to save him, but Patrick and Emma really make you happy and that's all that matters! Robin who, right? That actress left the show, so who cares. Woo! Cheers! I'm gonna go see where Jake is...or Ric...or Nik. K bye!!!"

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I would accept that Elizabeth is about the spill the Jason secret and she ends up in the crossfire of another botched hit by the competent moobsters of Port Charles. That would make more sense than her keeping quiet on who Jakeson is because of Patrick and Sam's love. The same Elizabeth who is best friends with Patrick and had a front seat to the whole Robin being revealed to being alive situation, not to mention the whole Lucky thing as well. I can't take character assassination for no plausible reason.


I really wish they had flashed a disclaimer on the screen that the image we were about to see might be disturbing to some viewers before showing Courtney.

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I really wish they had flashed a disclaimer on the screen that the image we were about to see might be disturbing to some viewers before showing Courtney.


I wish they hadn't lied about it being a "fan favorite" contest

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I hate Liz, I really do, and BH was at her most annoying to me in this ep, and this bitch has done some stupid and/or heinous shit, but this is just beyond. I feel bad for the Liz fans. 


I liked the "Dear Future Husband" number IDGAF! KM was so hilarious in that. I also liked the Magic Milo number even though the second-hand embarrassment was off the charts. Poor CD. He always looks SO embarrassed. And his dancing was so bad. And his body doesn't match the rest of them.


I fast forwarded everything involving Spencer.


I am super ashamed to admit this, but I cried during the Patrick/Emma song. LOL at myself.


I don't remember anything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I am super ashamed to admit this, but I cried during the Patrick/Emma song. LOL at myself.

Aw! I enjoyed it, too....but purely on a JT/Brooklyn level.

In terms of the characters, it made me vomit bc it's just another example of this show acting like Patrick is perfect. And Emma going to Sam while her mother is a prisoner for more than a year....just gag.

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Be straight with me..... is this a wine kind of ball or a vodka ball? Because it sounds like alcohol is required.


Vodka. Unless you have something even stronger. Because that's what this fiasco requires.

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Emma/Patrick and Anna/Duke were the only performances that I've really enjoyed. 


I also enjoyed the fact that Nik's kid tried to harm/murder two other children while Nik was talking shit about someone else's parenting - but that's because I'm not a nice person

Edited by Oracle42
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I still can't get over Nik saying that Jason never put Sam and Danny first, but Patrick has.

You know, Patrick, the guy whose daughter's mother has been in captivity for ages and he couldn't care less.

He's the catch.

Ok, show.

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I thought today was very good.  I loved the "Future Husband" number and Emma and Patrick's song.  It was adorable.  Liz is going to lie to get her second shot at Jakeson and her journey to the dark side will be complete.  She railed against Ric for lying to her and being dishonest, but when SHE wants something, then she finds "reasons" why her lies are well-intentioned.  Nikolas is certainly getting a front row seat to how many men Elizabeth will give a second chance except him.  I think he has moved on from her now though. She's too much work, but he still cares for her (as a friend/former lover).


Jake has the same expression for everything.  He reacts the same way to every revelation.  He should have really lost his temper with Carly today or at least get exasperated with her.  Jason use to get so annoyed with Carly when she pulled stunts like this that she would come to tears, and he would then reassure her.  I just see him going through the motions, and it affects the scenes.  He has the same expression for how he cares about Elizabeth and how he's exasperated with Carly.

Edited by Bishop
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Vodka. Unless you have something even stronger. Because that's what this fiasco requires.

I just watched without the assistance of any alcohol or beers, and wow . . . I honestly don't even know what to say other than we finally have on-screen gif-able proof that 'Corinthos + Cassadine = pure evil'.

ETA: I quickly changed my mind about not having anything to say. I'm not sure what show my affiliate is currently airing at 3 but it's not "General Hospital"; it's not even a low-rent spoof of "One Life to Live". Seriously, what is this show?!?

Edited by Tiger
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LOL that Carly is furious that Ric keeps getting chance after chance. Yeah, because Sonny always pays for his crimes.



I really wish they had flashed a disclaimer on the screen that the image we were about to see might be disturbing to some viewers before showing Courtney.

I wish they hadn't lied about it being a "fan favorite" contest


I know. It was probably more like "she came cheap."


I also enjoyed the fact that Nik's kid tried to harm/murder two other children while he was talking shit about someone else's parenting


Typical Nik.


Ellie learned the song and routine for "Dear Future Husband" as quickly as Valerie did. Heh.


I love JVP in the promo for the live episodes: "Anything can happen live" with crazy hair tossing and wild arm movements. 


Speaking of hair, I can't believe how big FH's used to be. It's amazing no one was asphyxiated from all the hairspray they undoubtably used back then.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I wish they hadn't lied about it being a "fan favorite" contest

I know. It was probably more like "she came cheap."


And "Spencer is the greatest and most brilliant character on the canvas, so anything we can possibly do to shove him further to the forefront is a must!  Bring back his dead mother!  Just think of how adorable that would be!"

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Please tell me she is a ghost. Pleeeeaaase!!!!!!

If by "ghost" you mean 'demonic, soul-sucking, soul-crushing beast that escaped from the darkest bowels of hell', then yup she's a ghost.

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So, per usual, Ron is filling in pieces of the plot on Twitter:


Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc  5h5 hours ago
Not sure I get how Jake being Jason impacts Nikolas' plan to take over ELQ. But slap him anyway, Liz. #GH


Ron Carlivati @carlivatiron
.@soapsindepthabc Because if Jason is alive it changes the way the shares are divided up. #GH


The fuck?  Because that's not true.  It's not like Jason being alive creates new shares, Jason's shares are already in play via Sam.

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Aw! I enjoyed it, too....but purely on a JT/Brooklyn level.

In terms of the characters, it made me vomit bc it's just another example of this show acting like Patrick is perfect. And Emma going to Sam while her mother is a prisoner for more than a year....just gag.

Didn't Emma go to Anna first? I know she did after the Spencer of the Nurses Ball struck annoyance in everyone, but I thought she also did after her number with Patrick.

So, per usual, Ron is filling in pieces of the plot on Twitter:

The fuck? Because that's not true. It's not like Jason being alive creates new shares, Jason's shares are already in play via Sam.

Do you really think Ron remembers what he wrote yesterday, let alone two years ago? Edited by OnceSane
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Soaps In Depth ABC ‏@soapsindepthabc  5h5 hours ago

Not sure I get how Jake being Jason impacts Nikolas' plan to take over ELQ. But slap him anyway, Liz. #GH
Ron Carlivati @carlivatiron

.@soapsindepthabc Because if Jason is alive it changes the way the shares are divided up. #GH

The fuck?  Because that's not true.  It's not like Jason being alive creates new shares, Jason's shares are already in play via Sam.


It just shows Ron has no idea what he's doing. As usual.


Edited by dubbel zout
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Didn't Emma go to Anna first? I know she did after the Spencer of the Nurses Ball struck annoyance in everyone, but I thought she also did after her number with Patrick.

She went to Anna first, but it's about the way the scene played out for Liz to see. Patrick/Emma performing while Sam lovingly watches on and then Emma hugs Sam and Patrick kisses Sam. Like it's this beautiful perfect thing. Like there's nothing wrong. It's just mind blowing that this show expects some viewers (especially longtime viewers) to forget that they've had Robin in captivity.

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I wish they hadn't lied about it being a "fan favorite" contest


Right? That contest was "fan favorite" my ass.  Please don't insult me by telling me SWSNBN was chosen over Stefan fucking Cassadine.  Just.  No.


I still can't get over Nik saying that Jason never put Sam and Danny first, but Patrick has.



Which is a load of bullshit anyway.  Jason never had to choose between Sam or the mob because she never made him choose. 


Sam and Perfect Sparkly Patrick's love is just far too great to ruin, you know?


Oh please, Liz is not going to lie for the good of her dear friend Patrick.  She wants yet another pathetic attempt to be with a man that has repeatedly chosen another woman over her.  I was trying to concentrate on her scenes today, but I think she reached an octave that burst one of eardrums.  I swear, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard on a good day.  Today was not one.


BTW, I noticed NLG disappeared today....I assume she is consoling Molly, but did they really bust her out for 2 seconds of background screen time?  And I still can't get on board with a male strip tease during a charity event for HIV/AIDS.  Will never not be in poor taste.


I'll end with a positive.  Fin is breathtaking. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
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Yeah, Jason could take back his shares from Sam, so Nik can't get them or if Nik has them already then Jason could take them back because Nik has them illeagally 


By that logic, all the shares Nikolas has - Tracy's, Alice's, Skye's - have also been obtained illegally. 

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If by "ghost" you mean 'demonic, soul-sucking, soul-crushing beast that escaped from the darkest bowels of hell', then yup she's a ghost.

I'm not watching today's show because I can't stand her. I don't care if she was only on for one second. My eyes would burn at the sight of her.

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Okay, I'm not sure this is the right place for this but I have a huge problem with Courtney being the person who won the fan favorite return. Who likes her?  I haven't come across many people that do, if any. It's beyond ridiculous that any one of those other people in the poll didn't win. If there are a lot of people like me, they will actually lose viewership for today's show because of her. During sweeps.

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Which is a load of bullshit anyway. Jason never had to choose between Sam or the mob because she never made him choose.

Exactly. She accepted his lifestyle. That was the point. Sam was never this good girl that they're touting right now. She was a badass. If they want to say she's progressed and she's a ~different person~ now, great. But they need to stop trying to change who she was.

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All I know is that Ghost!SWSNBN better not talk any shit about Britt tomorrow.


After 14 years, Courtney and I have found common ground.

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Okay, I'm not sure this is the right place for this but I have a huge problem with Courtney being the person who won the fan favorite return. Who likes her?  I haven't come across many people that do, if any. It's beyond ridiculous that any one of those other people in the poll didn't win. If there are a lot of people like me, they will actually lose viewership for today's show because of her. During sweeps.



I think so many didn't want SWSNBN that the votes between the other three canceled out and Courtney came out on top by default.  Unfortunately

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I would accept that Elizabeth is about the spill the Jason secret and she ends up in the crossfire of another botched hit by the competent moobsters of Port Charles. That would make more sense than her keeping quiet on who Jakeson is because of Patrick and Sam's love. The same Elizabeth who is best friends with Patrick and had a front seat to the whole Robin being revealed to being alive situation, not to mention the whole Lucky thing as well. I can't take character assassination for no plausible reason.


The truly head-scratching thing about this turn of events is that the blindingly obvious person to pick to be The Person Who Finds Out Jake Is Jason And Keeps It A Secret To Safeguard His/Her Happiness is Patrick.  The fact that the show takes ever-more-ridiculous twists and turns to keep that logical and inherently dramatic story from happening is proof positive that it will throw anyone and everyone under the bus in order to prop Patrick.

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<small voice> I liked both magic Milo and the ladies' number. It does make me uncomfortable to have TJ in the Milo number though. I know he's of age but I always feel like a creepy cougar watching him, lol.

Patrick and Emma were very sweet. Duke and Anna were so classy although I would have liked to see more of the flashback. Whatever Liz is going to do will certainly backfire in her face but she should be used to that by now.

I love Valerie's dress! She can pull off the crop top. Love Elizabeth's dress as well and her skin is fantastic as always; Rebecca Herbst does not age. Yes she is thin but what can you do, I don't see anyone complaining about Epiphany being too fat. People are who they are.

Lucy in her underpants is cliche but that is probably the only tradition they seem to be holding on to so I guess beggars can't be choosers;)

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I think so many didn't want SWSNBN that the votes between the other three canceled out and Courtney came out on top by default.  Unfortunately

Who else was available?  Honestly, I don't hate Courtney as much as everyone else here seems to (actually, not even at all), so I didn't mind seeing her.  And Alicia Leigh Willis is looking pretty good!  But who else was available?

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By that logic, all the shares Nikolas has - Tracy's, Alice's, Skye's - have also been obtained illegally. 


Weren't Skye's shares obtained illegally? Didn't she sign them over to Flluke who was masquerading as Luke at the time?


So I guess dumb stupid pathetic desperate Liz hasn't considered the possibility that Jakeson could regain his memories one day? What happens then? Does she expect him to stay with her and ignore Sam? Or what if Helena finds out that she knows and exposes her just because?

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