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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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In all fairness, Silas and Kiki have been established on canvas for over a year now, so it's hardly like they are raw newbies.  Sam was getting major storylines written for her when she was on canvas for a far shorter time.


Which is why it's so bad.  Kiki has been on for a year, and yet I know less about her than I do Nathan, whose been on even less.  Who are Kiki's friends?  What job does she have?  What interests?  How does she get money?  What is her past?  We don't know.  RC just put KA on the show and put her with Michael in order to recreate the Starr/Michael pairing, and it failed miserably.  At least with Nathan, I know he comes from a wealthy family and has a control-freak of a "mother."  He grew up very close to his older sister who went into a coma.  He chose a life in law-enforcement, against his "mother's" wishes who felt it was beneath him.  He's a detective from Manhattan who moved to PC to find the goods on Silas because he believed he was the guy who put his sister in the coma.  He's a Yankee fan, and he's friends with Dante and lives with Maxie.  He has a job, he has friends, he has interests.  He's also - most probably - a Cassadine too.  So there's that.  He's also now related to Britt and Dr. O.  Kiki started out Franco's daughter then she was Silas' daughter.  She has no friends.  No job.  No prospects.  No ambitions.  She's  a horrible, horrible character, and it frustrates me that she's still on GH simply because RC won't cut her lose.  SIlas is simply boring.  He has more of a fleshed out background than Kiki, but he's not charismatic enough to drive a story, and at least with Nathan, he is supporting Maxie's story (while things about him are being revealed).  With SIlas, he IS the main story with Nina - and neither of them can drive the story.  Too new and I don't care. Insert Kiki into the mix, and it's a major failure.




At this point I don't even care if it's a jealous Franco that spills the news about AJ to Michael.  I'm scared if no one does soon, that the storyline will just get dropped entirely and I want to see Michael go scorched earth on the assholes that raised him.  

That is what I'm hoping for.  I would love for the usually quiet, stoic, understanding Michael to just LOSE it with his parents.  I want him to hate both of them, not just Sonny.  Carly has been as duplicitous as Sonny, and considering that she chose Franco over her son, she deserves the scorched earth effect as well.


 Dante lied about being shot by Sonny, but will Michael just be fury without justice?  Maybe he'll just become full Q with manipulation and banter edges?  I don't know if that's in CD's wheelhouse.  As someone here noted, he is so Eeyore.  

No he's not.  I've seen CD do comedy (with both Spinelli/Dante and then with Sean Kannan), and I've seen him do drama (rape reveal and AJ's death).  I also thought his scenes confronting Franco and Carly at the Metrocourt were good.  He has it in his wheelhouse but only if the writers give him the goods.  That's the problem.  The reason MIchael always looks like someone killed his puppy is because something tragic is always happening to him, and if not, he's saddled with the utterly useless Kiki.  Micheal and Morgan (CD and BC) have some great scenes together, including their fight.  I can only hope that the writers plan on doing the Sonny/AJ reveal justice because God knows they are building it up to ridiculous heights.  Just let it come out already.


I agree with all of that. But I still think the pairing had real potential, as did her character for improvement. I don't, however, think Nathan and Maxie really work - they're functional, I guess, but though they are both relatively grounded, Nathan does not have the rich history or layers to the character of a Michael. Ryan Paevey's a nice, sexy hunk who can barely act and I've seen Kirsten Storms try to carry those men before on this show; she can't. What's the upshot of that pairing? 


I think the groundwork has been layed for a rich history for Nathan, but he's basically a new character.  He's far more fleshed out than other newbies.  I also think RP can act, and he has taken the job seriously and has worked hard to improve - and he has.  I don't think memorizing all those pages of dialogue is easy, and soaps are the best training grounds for new actors.  I think he has vastly improved from his first day.  Regarding Maxie and Nathan, I find them very workable.  They are opposites, and I like that.  I don't think KS is carrying him or the character.  I do love that the story is centered around Maxie and not Nathan.  There are too many newbie storylines centered around new characters.  I can't instantly like a character just because you tell me to.  

As for Nina and what others have been discussing, I think Michelle Stafford had a great spooky Friday reveal and then immediately went back to doing zany wacky off-brand Phyllis with the line repetition and all her screwball tics in full bloom. As winning as her flow with the actress playing Rosalie is, comedy is not the way to go with this character right now; I don't care about wacky, goofy Nina on top of wacky, goofy, crazy Obrecht or wacky, goofy, crazy Heather. They went too broad too fast, which is what Ron always does now. 


I agree the comedy and one-liners is a bit crazy.  RC did it with Franco, then Olbrecht, then Spencer, and now he's doing it with Nina and Rosalie.  I wouldn't put up with half the stuff they say to characters.  I also don't think it's smart to give Nina/Silas a front burner storyline because does anyone care about their relationship? Does anyone care if Nina seeks revenge on Ava or Kiki or Madeline or Silas?  I don't.  The only one I care about is Sam, and the only thing I am enjoying about this Nina/Silas story is that I'm seeing Patrick and Sam together more.  It's new and it's refreshing and I like it.

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Because she's a selfish mooch who thinks "faHHHHm-lee" is people who pay your bills while you wander around town lecturing folks about things and people you know nothing about.


As much as i dont like Rafe, i feel bad for him.  Being related to Keeks and Sigh-less and having to live with NINA can't be easy.  No wonder he's doing coke and bedazzling himself like The Biebs.


ETA: IIRC, GH got all of AMC's sets when it was cancelled. Did that show have a spa set?  More generally, has GH actually re-purposed any of those sets?

Edited by Tiger


How has KaKa spent time with Rafe for months, yet didn't find out his background until yesterday.


Because she's a selfish mooch who thinks "faHHHHm-lee" is people who pay your bills while you wander around town lecturing folks about things and people you know nothing about.

Kaka likely tried to "talk" to Rafe over the past few months but between her sprouting "Michael and I" and Rafe moaning "Molly"  I doubt that either of them heard the other.

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I am going to be terribly politically incorrect but could Ron for one second remember that not all soap viewers are female and not all of the men who watch are gay? I admit Sam showing the "Ladies" the other day was fun but  hardly equal time and the truth is I fast forward any time there is a shirtless man on, I am just not interested.


Again being Politically Incorrect I would bet bottom dollar that GH's rating would jump if it became the first day time show to show a ladies butt (a la NYPD Blue). Not to be crude but it is all about the ratings.

Okay fine fine just to balance out the beefcake there could be alternating scenes of Brit, Olivia, Jordan and Sam using the sauna too.

I certainly have no issue with men getting some payoff too.

Just look at how much "play" this set could get.

Good soapy summer is hot hard bodies and sweat, not kiddie love triangle camp.


I want my soapy summer flames to be preteens: Said no one EVER!

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ETA: IIRC, GH got all of AMC's sets when it was cancelled. Did that show have a spa set? More generally, has GH actually re-purposed any of those sets?

I know they've used some furniture from Fusion for the Haunted Star but I don't recall seeing any sets.

ETA: When was the last time we saw the Haunted Star? The last time I remember is the Franco reveal. That's a waste of a large open set. We don't see Johnny's penthouse or Haunted Star office either.

ETA: what happened to Sam's apartment & hot but? There should be a hot but as part of the pool set.

Edited by BestestAuntEver

Rafe -- Where does a teenaged, unemployed boy get a car from?  Unless he borrowed Silas', then one would think that he wouldn't be able to get the car fixed before Silas found the damage.  Do the Barringtons give Rafe money?  Where is he getting his drug money from, other than what he stole from Sam?  How could he afford gas, let alone a repair bill? 


Kiki never seems to be short of money, either.  Are Dr. Silas' pockets that deep?

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Did Michael get Sam's old apartment?


Where does a teenaged, unemployed boy get a car from?


I assume he got money from Allison's estate after she died, though technically it would be held in trust for him by his guardian until Rafe turns 18 (or whatever the terms of the will are). But I can also fanwank that Silas feels guilty enough about Rafe's situation that Silas is pretty free with the cash.


As for Lauren, she might have some poker winnings still. That's how she was introduced, remember? And I'm sure she has no problem hating Ava while at the same time accepting money from her. I also wouldn't be surprised if Silas throws some dough her way. He lives pretty simply, and he's supposed to be a world-class oncologist.

Edited by dubbel zout

I love how Roger Howarth (he earned full name status today) is better half ass than MB barely trying.

Maxie looked weird when they showed Micheal's pic. I demand a Special Kitty/Maxie/Micheal triangle.

Going off the previews I will say that Roger Howarth must enjoy play villains. It's cool. He plays them well, especially in suits. I just hope CD can play ball.

And some shut ups:

Shut up Levi, just shut your face for today and Monday and this week

Shut up Neener. I'm done with you.

Shut up Lauren. Get to spackling, painting, or whatever. I still heard the snark in Morgan's voice.

Thank you to whomever is speeding up the AJ reveal. Cue to Angry Micheal!

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If there is one thing Sonny could do that would be useful would be to off Franco. Sonny's line about having him put into the trunk of a car and crushed into a cube was probably the most inventive, original thought Sonny's had in a decade and I for one would be all for it. That character is a vortex of improbable stupidity.


Everything else about today consisted of so many other characters I cannot stand and since you can only say "fuck it all" so many times, I'll just hold my tongue.


I really miss the real Tracy.

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It's a little ironic that Molly wonders aloud who would run someone off the road and just drive away, both because she's talking to Rafe and because her elder sister did the same thing with Claudia, and the fetus died. Either Molly doesn't remember that or never knew about it. Haley P. is doing great work, and looks lovely in red.


Glad Maxie stood up to Levi, defending ELQ and Edward, esp. because he saved Emma's life. I like that she got genuinely ticked off at him for making generic assumptions. Levi knows zero about the company or Edward, but as always thinks he is all-knowing. So now he's making assumptions about Michael - can a crane please fall on him while he's protesting waterfront development? I'm sure the late Abbey would approve of death-by-crane for a manipulator/abuser. 


Ugh@Kikikaka. Appealing to the ex-husband you left (while he's shirtless) for his brother in order to get free housing, and referencing how much you've appreciated his help. That's such a Carly move. I do think this is leading to another Kiki-Morgan "thing"/triangle. BC conveyed that Morgan still feels *something* for Kiki. I got the impression that talking together like that about family is how they were together before Michael showed up at Ava's in NY looking for Morgan.


Patrick describes Sabrina as a woman he "care(d) very much for" -please let that mean he's realized he never truly loved her and Purina is totally history. Also, it's nice to see JT showing signs of life.


Wow, NotTodd!Franco stole Sonny's Orange Glow. Yikes not a good look for Howarth. (Couldn't watch the rest.)

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Dammit Dunkleman! I hate gentrification worse than anyone as I watch the neighborhood I've lived in for 20 years get turned from an interesting enclave of creative people into generic luxury condos and big box chain stores, but you do not get to take up that cause you hairy douchebag! And you certainly do not get to trash Edward Quartermaine while doing so. Jeez, I need a shower now.  I hate where this is going.  Thanks Ron, for bringing attention to an issue in the douchiest way possible.  

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I have never identified with Sonny as much as I did today. Sure, he's a hypocrite, but his body language and facial expressions match mine exactly as I watch Franco.

Hee at Morgan's "I hear your grandmother is coming to town." I also laughed him struggling to remember/care about Rafe.

I liked Frank Hursley's grandson (the mechanic). He can come back once in a while.

Eh, Maxie, Edward really wasn't too good but Levi is a douche so I guess it's okay she didn't give him more fodder for his rants.

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The only thing making watching Molly or Sam bearable is when Alexis shares their scenes. 


I thought that RH didn't mail it in yesterday and was pretty good.


Yet another episode and plot with Sonny/MB.


Yes, Anna,  'clearly' topless Nathan was not expecting you.  Way to wear stilletos to a crime scene Sam!

Good thing there's no other cars on the road - How long were Sam & Patrick standing in a street?   I'm sorry Patrick but it's not a life or death matter that you find out who ran you off the road.  Unless you are threatening the car shop guy.  When car shop guy said that he had seen the car in the shop but not the guy who dropped it off, I figured Sam would ask what make/model and the suspense would build from there.  But no, car shop guys just hands over the entire laptop and leaves them alone with it.  So much for customer privacy.  (And Patrick, you could wait an hour.)


This whole instant raging addiction Rafe has...it cocaine the topical choice? wouldn't meth, molly, alcohol be something more fitting what's going on with the youth of today? Coke seems so 80s. I could see Nina thinking it was still a thing, but not the teen scene in Port Charles. 

I thought it was heroin.  That's the drug of choice in the NY burbs.


I thought Nina would faint to get out of PT.  Looks like she's going for violence.  Way to step up your game.


Maxie is stupid.  She needed to be told that if luxury highrises replace rundown apartments, that people would be displaced?   How old is she supposed to be?   Her lack of awareness in most scenes makes her out to be a spoiled 15 yr old.


Michael deserves to be taken advantage of if he's going to be handing over files to Tracy.  And now Franco walks in. 


Morgan should put Kiki on clean up duty.  Who scrapes walls prior to clearing away the cobwebs?

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It's a little ironic that Molly wonders aloud who would run someone off the road and just drive away, both because she's talking to Rafe and because her elder sister did the same thing with Claudia, and the fetus died. Either Molly doesn't remember that or never knew about it.


Molly definitely knew about it, especially since Michael & Kristina ran away from home over it.  My guess is that Ron doesn't know/care about that piece of history.  No surprise with his plot-point writing.

Overall, I didn't think today was too bad.

I liked Sonny's "still breathing" line to Franco. It was humorous, appropriate, and reminded the audience that neither one of them is a paragon of virtue. 


On the other hand, if a man seeking information revealed to me it was because he was trying to track down his unborn child's killer, I think I would become even more unwilling to provide it, fearing the consequences of what said man might do (regardless of how much cleavage the woman with him was showing).


I've painted and scraped a few times in my life: I've always gotten rid of the cobwebs first and,  like anyone who's actually done it,  I learned very quickly that it's better to have a shirt on than off when dealing with dirt and paint flecks, so I think I'll add my name to the list for having a spa or a pool put in the Port Charles Park. At least there'd be better reasons for folks being half dressed than the ones the writers are coming up with. (although I guess I have to give partial credit for doing coming up with something other than walking around in a towel)


Other than that, shut up Kiki. 

Please, Sonny, do not tempt me with the fantasy of Franco in a trunk in a car crusher.  


Why the fuck is Carly with Franco?  Seriously, I can understand Sonny, as they do share a kid together (I don't count Michael, who was stolen from his father) but WTH?  Sonny, for once, makes a lot of good points and anyone with half a brain may have listened to them.  Carly, of course, doesn't have one, and only listens with her glittery hoohaa.  


The nitpicker in me exploded when I saw the "Brownstone" set.  Can someone over there bring up a clip from the show and draw up the drafts off of them?  Seriously, PP was able to recreate Llanfair better than what these guys rigged up as the set.


And don't you dare disparage the name of Edward Louis Quartermaine, Dunklemonkey.  He may not have been perfect, but I'd take a thousand of him over the likes of you. 


Sadly, Franco ain't spilling yet.  We're not that lucky.  But him going to Michael anyway may push pause on the twuest wuv that evah twued.


And yes, Grrpants09, RH does play a good villain.  So why the fuck is he being written as a romantic lead, and a swoony one at that?  And over the slagbeast.  I'm only going to start to acknowledge him as RH when he's up against the slagbeast and her baby moobster.  Any other time, it's a totally different actor. 

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Nausea? Disgust? Anger?

LOL!  Love it! Yeah I think Morgan still feels a little disgust/anger regarding her - the nausea/disgust/anger is now 99% directed at his dad and Ava.What I meant is that I got a hint that he likes talking to her, and was remembering how he felt about her/how they were together (off-screen) before he was hiding out at Ava's place in NY.  

Roger, Roger, Roger where have you been. I don't like Franco & I want call you Todd (because Todd is married to Blair & they are banging like a screen door in a category 5 hurricane). So I'll call you Roger. Roger I enjoyed your scenes today. I love seeing you in a suit jacket & tie. This is the RoHo I adore & I hope to see Roger showing up on screen more.

Everything Sonny said to Franco was true but he's an idiot. He's been bending himself into a pretzel over Micheal finding out about AJ & doesn't stop to think he's antagonizing a guy that has access to the recording that proves it.

Add me to the list of people that were saying, you should put on a shirt & clean up before trying to scrap paint. Was that a completely new set or a refurbished one? I couldn't tell due to all the junk around. At first I thought it was Sonny's restaurant/office set. At least it wasn't the typical shoebox set they have been doing lately.

Real subtle with all the doom music playing during Rafe's scenes today.

Are all the new sets going to have shades of gray on the walls.

I wanted to shot Levi in the back & kick him in the harbor as soon as he started talking about Edward.

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Grrpants09, I love you ability to rationalize.

Don't worry because I'm in denial that they are leaning towards another run at Morgan/Kaka. They need to free BC to bring the heat with a capable actress which KA is NOT.

It's like they are throwing KA/Kiki at everystory in order to get something to stick. It won't work for me. I'd rather have Georgie, Serena or Christina around.

I forget mention Tracy in my earlier post. The annulment papers confused me. If they weren't real, why would she leave the signed papers with Micheal because she never got them back.

Also, why are all of Tracy's take over ELQ campaigns about sabotaging the current CEO thereby making them look bad. It always ends up making ELQ look bad. Does Ron not know any other business type storylines.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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ETA: IIRC, GH got all of AMC's sets when it was cancelled. Did that show have a spa set?  More generally, has GH actually re-purposed any of those sets?


Milo's apartment was part of the old Fusion set.  (Also, oddly, I've seen part of the Fusion set used on a Disney Channel show. Disney's getting their money's worth on that set.) 


I paused today, and it happened to be during a Morgan/Kiki scene.  When I looked back at the TV, it was stopped on Morgan.  I said to my son "OK, what does he look like?"  "A werewolf."  

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Roger, Roger, Roger where have you been. I don't like Franco & I want call you Todd (because Todd is married to Blair & they are banging like a screen door in a category 5 hurricane). So I'll call you Roger. Roger I enjoyed your scenes today. I love seeing you in a suit jacket & tie. This is the RoHo I adore & I hope to see Roger showing up on screen more.

Everything Sonny said to Franco was true but he's an idiot. He's been bending himself into a pretzel over Micheal finding out about AJ & doesn't stop to think he's antagonizing a guy that has access to the recording that proves it.


I was coming to type this but you have read my mind. I dislike Franco and Sonny but I actually enjoyed RoHo's scenes today. 


It just shows how silly Sonny is. Sonny may be a mobster but he's not a good one. However, Franco has been proven to be a much better serial killer than Sonny the mobster. I would be concerned (if I were Sonny) about two things: that Franco might tell Michael about AJ and that Franco may flip and off me just to keep Carly away from me. I know it "was the brain tumor" but the actual killing skills did not have anything to do with the brain tumor. Franco still could kill someone if he wanted to.


I need Maxie to kick Levi into the water while they are at the waterfront development.What the hell are two people without signs or anything going to do to stop a development? Everyday, Levi shows more and more stupidity.

Edited by SoapDoc
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Milo's apartment was part of the old Fusion set.  (Also, oddly, I've seen part of the Fusion set used on a Disney Channel show. Disney's getting their money's worth on that set.) 


I paused today, and it happened to be during a Morgan/Kiki scene.  When I looked back at the TV, it was stopped on Morgan.  I said to my son "OK, what does he look like?"  "A werewolf."  


I still find him cute even with the wolf hair, but seriously, why aren't they doing his hair the way it was at the Emmys? It mystifies me

  • Love 3

Dammit Dunkleman! I hate gentrification worse than anyone as I watch the neighborhood I've lived in for 20 years get turned from an interesting enclave of creative people into generic luxury condos and big box chain stores, but you do not get to take up that cause you hairy douchebag! And you certainly do not get to trash Edward Quartermaine while doing so. Jeez, I need a shower now.  I hate where this is going.  Thanks Ron, for bringing attention to an issue in the douchiest way possible.  


So the Hairy Koala thinks that it's better to have rat-infested abandoned buildings rather than properties making money and paying taxes?

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Hate to break it to you, Levi, but according SCOTUS, corporations are people. Choke on that, hippie agitator. LOL at Maxie standing sheepishly behind Levi while he blusters to Morgan and Lauren, of all people. Yeah, they're the ones in charge. *rme*


STFU, Levi. STFU, Lauren.


Sam isn't exactly Kalinda, is she. The crash was all over the news. The front page of the paper was about Gabriel's burial. Why didn't she lead with that? I know it's the PCPD, but I find it unbelievable they couldn't find the knocked over guardrail and the paint.


Rafe's apology was pretty heartfelt, I thought, and I liked how Molly didn't excuse his behavior but forgave him all the same.

Edited by dubbel zout
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