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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I hated the mob uner guza and I sure havent had a change of heart about loving the mob

I hate to say this, I really do, but the mob under Guza was better. It made more sense in some ways. The people who were suppose to be worse then Sonny and Jason, and thereby make them "the good mobsters" were in many cases worse then Sonny and Jason. Faith, Manny, The Balkan, Trevor Lansing, The Russians, Poppa Z were all actually much worse then Sonny and Jason. Even the not so bad mobsters: Alcazar, both of them, Claudia and Johnny were more developed.


Now the "Bad" mobster is Julian, who is so much better than Sonny, Ava who was abused by Nina and will in my book always have sympathy points for that and Luke, who is mentally ill. These people are not worse than Sonny


And no amount of contortions would have me believe that Michael is worse then Sonny.


The only player on the stage that would make me root for Sonny was if he was up against Franco, cause hell he's a serial killer.

  • Love 3
The only player on the stage that would make me root for Sonny was if he was up against Franco, cause hell he's a serial killer.


How many people has Sonny killed, or caused Jason to kill for him?  More than the eleven that Franco has done in with his brain tumor.


Who's the real serial killer here?

Edited by decogirl
  • Love 5

Lulu: When I have ever been wrong?

Maxie: do you want me to answer that?

Lulu: (quiet) no


That was funny. Otherwise, KSt and ER bring the dog piercing levels of volume out of each other. And Maxie and Lulu actually cut through each other's crap in the past. Lulu should have already reached the point where she tells Maxie to stop waffling and choose. Oh, and thank goodness Lulu is no longer styled like Christie Brinkley


Spinelli: What other method do you think we should use to duel?

Sonny: . . . crossword puzzle, trivia . . . 


That was funny. Otherwise Sonny would never just stand there and interfere with their conversation, he would not give a fuck about nathan, Spinelli, or Maxie.


Damn, Morgan, why do you have to look so good in that shirt and be so awful at the same time? "operation: alcoholic"? What? Could you act like this bugs you a little bit?


Spinelli deserves every inch of the beating he is gonna get from Nathan. Quite frankly, if I was Nathan or Sonny, i would have punched myself to end to knock myself so I didn't have to listen anymore.


Pleasantly surprised that Olivia didn't seem down on Michael about taking away Avery. I guess that would have made her a super hypocrite but when has that ever stopped her? Anyway, I liked her and Anna's scenes a lot, although I seemed FH seemed kinda out of it in the first half of the show honestly. And wow, is LLC ready to pop.


Okay, I know this happens on soaps all the time, but today was more egregious than usual: Tracy would not go personally to Maxie's apartment to fetch Lulu, she would use a damn phone.


Michael got a headache from two half glasses of whiskey? lightweight


Anyway, I would watch this episode just for Olivia/Anna.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
Spinelli deserves every inch of the beating he is gonna get from Nathan. Quite frankly, if I was Nathan or Sonny, i would have punched myself to end to knock myself so I didn't have to listen anymore.


I just have this mega awful feeling that, somehow, Spinelli will triumph over Nate when boxing. I don't know why, but it gnaws at me. If that happens, I call bullshit and will have to pick up my exploding brains from the carpet. < Evil Magician From Frosty > Messy, messy, messy. < /Evil Magician from Frosty >

  • Love 8

The last time the mob made any sense on this show was in 1979.  Frank Smith was never portrayed as the hero.  His 2nd in command wasn't seen as some savior.  The mob became a solid joke beginning with Claire Labine, who started the Sonny really has a good heart crap and mob love affair has gotten progressively worse with each new head writer. 

  • Love 5

Today really makes me think BA would excel at playing an insane person on a big stage. 


I usually think BA is great, but the volume level needed to be taken down several notches.


I really thought someone was going to interrupt Liz and 'Jake' before they kissed.


The kiss itself was okay, but it looked like BM completely closed his eyes before he even started leaning in.


I forgot to mention Spencer. What is there to say? He was being, uh, "classic" Spencer.

I just have this mega awful feeling that, somehow, Spinelli will triumph over Nate when boxing. I don't know why, but it gnaws at me. If that happens, I call bullshit and will have to pick up my exploding brains from the carpet. < Evil Magician From Frosty > Messy, messy, messy. < /Evil Magician from Frosty >


No way. He'll milk it. I would be pleasantly surprised if Maxie saw right through it but I don't think it's likely.

  • Love 2

Kiki and Morgan are vile, disgusting human beings. The fact they're saying all this stuff with smiles on their faces makes them sociopaths. Avery's not in danger, she's not hurting for anything, she's not being abused or neglected. They have no reason to behave like she's in need of saving. Kiki had her chance to fight and save her from Sonny, she chose to give her up. She chose to play board games with Sonny, the man who tried to kill her mother (which Michael stopped) yet Kiki's calling Sabrina names? While she praises and kisses the asses off Morgan who gave Sonny Ava's location and Sonny who tried to kill her mother more than once. 


I really hope Nathan boxes Spinelli into a coma. He's so annoying. 

  • Love 13

On one hand, it makes sense, given Frisco's abandonment of her, that Maxie would think that Georgie would benefit from her parents being together.  On the other, it mostly seems like a plot shortcut for this triangle.  "Maxie's in love with Spinelli again!  Because...um...because...why, because he's Georgie's dad, that's it!".  And did we really need Lulu to be all, "Wow, it's just like what happened with your mom, Frisco, and Mac."  Yes, Lulu, we get the HISTORY and the PARALLELS.  Ugh.

The hell, when did Rosalie start reporting to Nikolas?  I know Helena told him she had a spy in ELQ, but I don't think she ever specified who that was, right?

I dunno what was stupider - Sonny threatening a cop or Sonny claiming that Spinelli is his friend.

Anna has no sympathy for Sonny!  And she remembers Robin exists!  Yay!

Skye mention!

  • Love 4

There's a lot of soap stuff that I either totally ignore or handwave away because I'm watching a soap. But I'm finding the plot to drug Michael really distasteful (even more distasteful than when Carly and Sonny did it to AJ, probably because we already knew she and Sonny were rotten to the core.)


And, I agree with whoever it was upthread who said it was a whole lot easier to accept Spinelli's personality quirks when he was in his 20s than it is now, when he's supposed to be someone in his 30s and the father of a child. I know the scene in the gym was supposed to be humorous, but, again, I just found it mostly distasteful. Despite Spinelli's pathetic goading, Nathan acted like a man. I don't want Nathan to hurt him in the boxing match because I don't want Spinelli to run to Maxie and tattle. I want Spinelli to die by crane in the next 59 minutes of PC time while Nathan is nowhere around and cannot possibly be blamed. (His best alibi, of course, would be that he was with Anna, and she was debriefing him again.)

  • Love 15

Kiki and Morgan are vile, disgusting human beings. The fact they're saying all this stuff with smiles on their faces makes them sociopaths. Avery's not in danger, she's not hurting for anything, she's not being abused or neglected. They have no reason to behave like she's in need of saving. Kiki had her chance to fight and save her from Sonny, she chose to give her up. She chose to play board games with Sonny, the man who tried to kill her mother (which Michael stopped) yet Kiki's calling Sabrina names? While she praises and kisses the asses off Morgan who gave Sonny Ava's location and Sonny who tried to kill her mother more than once. 


I really hope Nathan boxes Spinelli into a coma. He's so annoying.

How do HE and BC not see that their characters are Vile? Who does that? SERIOUSLY?

  • Love 4

Did we know that Rosalie was a corporate spy? Wasn't she a nurse? And why does Nik care about ELQ? Most importantly, why do bother trying to make sense of this stuff?

"First of all, I got no beef with you" and "Spinelli is a friend of mine"? Sonny shouldn't even be a part of that ridiculous conversation. His mumbling mobster routine only made it worse. He was really trying to be the godfather, wasn't he? This is so dumb- I really, really do not need a Sonny/ Spinelli training montage. Nathan should have just cold clocked him and been done with it. Excellent call, ulkis, that Spinelli will let Nathan beat him up and then milk it for all it's worth. And I'm sure Maxie will continue this ridiculous maturity backslide and fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

I forgot how much trauma baby Jake went through in such a short lifetime. Poor thing.

I like the Lulu and Maxie friendship. They're kind of fun together, even when the substance of their conversations is nonsensical.

I can't wait to watch Morgan hit up SpyderFynder to find out what drugs interact with alcohol. I wonder how that dummy would phrase it...

  • Love 3

I don't want Nathan to hurt him in the boxing match because I don't want Spinelli to run to Maxie and tattle. 


I think from the previews (Maxie and Dante talking) it's probably going to be that Maxie goes to the gym and gets there just in time to see Nathan pummeling.


The hell, when did Rosalie start reporting to Nikolas?  I know Helena told him she had a spy in ELQ, but I don't think she ever specified who that was, right?


No, Helena told him.


On one hand, it makes sense, given Frisco's abandonment of her, that Maxie would think that Georgie would benefit from her parents being together.  On the other, it mostly seems like a plot shortcut for this triangle.


Yeah, I don't think Maxie was dissatisfied with Mac at all, but just saying that there was a part of her that always wondered what it would be like to grow up with Frisco and not feel abandoned (since she was old enough to remember being sick and Frisco coming back and then leaving again). Lulu's answer should have been that Spin would be around to raise Georgie even if they weren't together, not all that triangle blah blah stuff, like you said. I got it what they were trying to say, but it could have been written better.


I don't find Morgan and Kiki planning to drug Michael distasteful. I find it disgusting of them, but not in and of the show itself.  Not like I did with, say, the show trying to say that since Franco didn't really rape Sam he was good to go to be integrated into this show like a normal character.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Did we know that Rosalie was a corporate spy? Wasn't she a nurse? And why does Nik care about ELQ? Most importantly, why do bother trying to make sense of this stuff?


Yes. Yes and No to the second. She confessed to Michael she was just posing as a nurse to help Nina and Michael offered her a job. Nik wants ELQ cause he's sick of being mr nice guy apparently (something that has not been the case since 1999). And lastly, oh, because I guess it's funny to do so sometimes. :)


I would have loved if Nik told Spencer about how Lucky accidentally pushed him down the stairs but it was an accident and they made up and now they are cool. Kinda, lol.

  • Love 1

Michael may have manipulated the court but that's a hell of a lot better than drugging someone! Pills and alcohol can be easily deadly and the fact that Morgan and Kiki can easily decide its a great plan proves they shouldn't even take care of a fish.

Way to go GH taking all sympathy away from the burn victim. I was done at the first "townie".

Today the role of Sonny was replaced by Maurice standing around reacting to things. That was his amusement all the way, especially when it seemed like he turned around to laugh/cover his laugh.

  • Love 11

There's a lot of soap stuff that I either totally ignore or handwave away because I'm watching a soap. But I'm finding the plot to drug Michael really distasteful (even more distasteful than when Carly and Sonny did it to AJ, probably because we already knew she and Sonny were rotten to the core.)

If I remember correctly, Carly did that mostly on her own. I think that's one of the reasons why Operation: Alcoholic seems so much worse to me. Morgan and Kiki sitting around scheming and plotting, on several occasions, and never stopping to say - Hey,what are we doing??? Carly was desperate and impulsive; I don't remember her plotting it out with other people for days and days. Could be misremembering though. Another reason I find this even worse than what Carly did to AJ? Carly hated AJ and had no real connection to him. Michael is Morgan's brother and Kiki's ex- it just adds another level of hideousness to it.

  • Love 5

Yeah, but I just meant like, maybe the way the show will play it emotionally will be bad, but aesthetically, I don't find the drugging of a man (or necessarily a woman, but shows tend to sexualize more often when it's a woman) to be weird or gross to watch, like say Sonny making Courtney's mom go on her hands and knees and crawl to him for cash or Claudia kneeling in front of Sonny and Sonny saying to make it quick cause he's tired.

Michael may have manipulated the court but that's a hell of a lot better than drugging someone! Pills and alcohol can be easily deadly and the fact that Morgan and Kiki can easily decide its a great plan proves they shouldn't even take care of a fish.


Michael didn't even manipulate anyone really, he just switched the judges. I guess Monica pressured him, but that was Monica. The regular judged could have just as easily ruled in Michael's favor. I would say Michael's real sins here are not allowing Kiki to see Avery but given what Kiki is so easily willing to do to him, nah.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Another reason I find this even worse than what Carly did to AJ? Carly hated AJ and had no real connection to him. Michael is Morgan's brother and Kiki's ex- it just adds another level of hideousness to it.


Actually AJ was Carly's only real friend pretty much, so it was pretty shitty of her. But even then, brother > only real friend in town you just moved to a year ago.

  • Love 2

Kiki and Morgan are vile.  I'm now convinced though that we're not supposed to see them as being in the right.  In the same episode where Anna joined Team Michael and Kiki drops a, "Really?  Drugging your own brother?" line, I'm betting this is going to blow up in the Think Tank's faces.


On another note of things that disgust, I'm pretty new to GH so this storyline is the first time I'm seeing Spinelli.  Has he always been such a loathsome little goblin?

  • Love 11

Kiki and Morgan are vile.  I'm now convinced though that we're not supposed to see them as being in the right.  In the same episode where Anna joined Team Michael and Kiki drops a, "Really?  Drugging your own brother?" line, I'm betting this is going to blow up in the Think Tank's faces.


On another note of things that disgust, I'm pretty new to GH so this storyline is the first time I'm seeing Spinelli.  Has he always been such a loathsome little goblin?


"Think Tank", hee.


Well, there was a time Spin used to be kinda fun, when he was a stoner and not a straight-up passive agressive nice guy geek



. . . . okay he was still pretty annoying but he was very different int the beginning.

  • Love 3
Today the role of Sonny was replaced by Maurice standing around reacting to things. That was his amusement all the way, especially when it seemed like he turned around to laugh/cover his laugh.


While acting with BA both yesterday and today, I found Sonny/MB more enjoyable than I have in a long, long time. He seemed more animated and engaged in the scenes. I was hoping that Sonny would hire Spin to investigate who Jake really is, and then we can finally(!) be done with this storyline.


Morgan and Kiki are just disgusting. To give their scheme a name, particularly such an offensive name, is beyond repulsive. Addition is a disease. For once I'd like to see this show treat it as such instead of as a character flaw. And to drug someone... ugh! My prediction is that the plan will backfire and Michael will land in the hospital or little A.J. will get hurt somehow, and then the truth will come out and Carly and Sonny will turn on Morgan  - once again proving that he is the least loved son. 

  • Love 3

I loathe Sonny, but Mo's facial expressions while that passive aggressive asshat was challenging Nathan to a boxing match were excellent.  


Maxie, if you want to learn from your parents, then remember that bio dad was not the smart choice, and Mac was the best thing that ever happened to you or your sister.  


Can Morgan and Kiki please go jump off a pier?  Twice? 

  • Love 10
I think from the previews (Maxie and Dante talking) it's probably going to be that Maxie goes to the gym and gets there just in time to see Nathan pummeling.


Then just remove the middle man (Nathan) and leave the two lovebirds to it. Maxie will be trying to claw her way out in two days, tops. But while I'm no huge Nathan fan (although RP is lovely to look at as far as eye candy goes!), even he doesn't deserve to be roadkill for the jackass Spinelli. Toss Nate to Anna or give him a love interest not hung up on mob worshiping asswipes, but let him go from this vortex of suck and let the Spixie "lurve story" crash and burn under its own power - again.

  • Love 4

While acting with BA both yesterday and today, I found Sonny/MB more enjoyable than I have in a long, long time. He seemed more animated and engaged in the scenes. I was hoping that Sonny would hire Spin to investigate who Jake really is, and then we can finally(!) be done with this storyline.


Morgan and Kiki are just disgusting. To give their scheme a name, particularly such an offensive name, is beyond repulsive. Addition is a disease. For once I'd like to see this show treat it as such instead of as a character flaw. And to drug someone... ugh! My prediction is that the plan will backfire and Michael will land in the hospital or little A.J. will get hurt somehow, and then the truth will come out and Carly and Sonny will turn on Morgan  - once again proving that he is the least loved son.

I'd love for it to backfire on Morgan and Kiki and they become Pariahs BUT Carly would have no room to judge same with Sonny.

  • Love 2

I can't even with Spinelli & Spencer. I speak three languages and there aren't words in any of them that even come close to describing how much I hate them. Morgan & Kiki are disgusting, but they don't even come close to how awful Spinelli & Spencer are. And at least it seems the show itself doesn't see the former two as good, whereas I get the distinct impression that the latter two are the heroes of their stories.

I loved the Anna & Olivia scenes.

KSt needs to throw hot fondue on whoever did that to her hair. The patches of yellow were just no!

Patricia's apparent daughter looks great in the previews, as does Dante's haircut.

ETA: anybody know the name of the actress playing Pat's daughter?

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

Spin became tolerable to me before he left for Portland but now he is so over the top in nerdiness. I don't understand why Sonny puts up with his stupidity. He never would have in the past.


Consider the "writer", and you have your answer. As much as I hate Sonny, one redeeming feature he had was his utter contempt and loathing of Spinsuck. Now he doesn't even have one good feature. Thanks for nothing, Ron.

  • Love 7

Cattitude, still think Morgan doesn't want to drug Michael? And Kiki is right there with him. Despicable lowlifes, both of them!


To be fair I never said it wouldn't happen just that the dialogue yesterday said nothing about drugging. It was more my HOPE and denial that it would be the way it goes.


I should have known to bow to TeeVee329 more seasoned ability to think like Ron(is that a compliment or not?:-P)

  • Love 6

I don't find Morgan and Kiki planning to drug Michael distasteful. I find it disgusting of them, but not in and of the show itself.  Not like I did with, say, the show trying to say that since Franco didn't really rape Sam he was good to go to be integrated into this show like a normal character.


I agree. I think their plan is soapy and awful but not worse than that Franco crap. I stopped watching during the Franco/Sam rape story because it was making me ill. I watched a few clips recently out of curiosity. That story was easily one of the most vile things I've ever seen on a soap.  The idea that because she wasn't actually physically violated = no harm, no foul was incredibly offensive and is one of the reasons I will always hate the Franco character

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6

To be fair I never said it wouldn't happen just that the dialogue yesterday said nothing about drugging. It was more my HOPE and denial that it would be the way it goes.


I should have known to bow to TeeVee329 more seasoned ability to think like Ron(is that a compliment or not?:-P)


Once you watch two characters under Ron's pen ASSAULT A NUN and make out while the blind woman struggles to get free (and he was trying to sell these characters on being a romantic pair), nothing about Ron's writing will surprise you.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

Shrieking Kiki...make my ears stop bleeding. Can someone please make it stop? She's on her high horse and is ok with drugging Michael. Does any of this make sense?

Spencer is an entitled ass. I don't care if he's burned- his attitude hasn't changed.

Anna and Olivia were great, as was the Michael/Tracy scenes. The rest was crap. Liz is kissing Jake now but she will probably be on Nik's jock next month.

  • Love 3



She shoulda never came in out of the drink man.


Don't read the following comment if you watch Bold and Beautiful and haven't watched the last couple of episodes:


How much do you wanna bet Rosalie's secret will now be (or finally decided to be) she was born a man. (okay, I'm kidding. Kind of. I wouldn't be surprised!)

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Don't read the following comment if you watch Bold and Beautiful and haven't watched the last couple of episodes:


How much do you wanna bet Rosalie's secret will now be (or finally decided to be) she was born a man. (okay, I'm kidding. Kind of. I wouldn't be surprised!)


Oh I can see Ron copying that because of the attention B&B got from it. 

  • Love 2

Today's episode was trash. The worst was seeing stalker nurse and Jakeson acting all stupid and nauseating. Barf. STFU.

I can't even take it seriously. Ron has the inability to write a captivating love story. It's all fake and for shock value. Jake/Liz. Ric/Liz. Nik/Liz. Sam/Patrick. Maxie/Fill-In-The-Blank. Morgan/Kiki. Michael/Sabrina/Rosalie.

Where is the real fucking relationship!?

And please no one say Dante/Lulu. They barely speak.

I thought Sabrina was a self-righteous asshole today both with Kiki and with Rosalie. I wish she wasn't positioned as the "good girl" in this Avery story because insisting on hiring Sabrina makes Michael look petty and hypocritical.
Honestly,if Kiki and Morgan weren't complete idiots they would use Sabrina's position as the nanny in an appeal and suggest Kiki/Silas as a better option

Edited by Oracle42
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