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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The NIna's performance today just showed me that yet again Ron just can't write a human interest story. He would rather have this woman play cray cray to the nines than just be a woman 20 years out of a coma attempting to rebuild herself and her life, find a new existence in a world that hasn't stopped turning for her.


Honestly, unless said woman had an existing, longstanding connection to the show - a Laura, a Robin, whoever - I would have absolutely no interest in that story for this particular character or her particular loved ones. The only thing powering Nina or her storyline or that of Silas and Sam - since those two sure can't do it on their own - is Michelle Stafford's relentless performance and the writing some of the day-to-day people give her. Watching a story in which Newbie Silas's newbie wife learns to live again is my idea of an existential hell. That's not who you give a human interest story to. Watching Easton, Kelly Monaco and the truly earnest and truly terrible Ryan Paevey try to carry all this by themselves for the first four or five months of the year was incredibly awful.


I'm sure Nina's story will go to hell soon enough - she will get off of at least two or three major crimes in the next six or seven months, a la Obrecht and Heather before her, and will begin dominating the canvas - and in fact, there is still no reason, despite her performance, that we should be having to watch a major storyline all about Silas and his wife and her family. But in the meantime Stafford's work is at least entertaining in the most boring storyline on the show, not counting Franco's romantic insecurities. She's giving this some life.

Edited by jsbt
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I think there was potential with Nina's story, but Ron finds a way to highlight everything but a story's potential, which was the point I was making. Would I have cared about the Nina even if he had explored other avenues? Probably not, but that doesn't excuse the tripe he put forth instead either. He didn't, doesn't even seem to want to put in any effort to make her "real".


I'd love to see the old Tracy returned and no longer shat on by notLuke and belittled by the likes of Kikaka. I would prefer to see the hospital used as the backdrop of the show instead of the housing quarters for Ron's "most special" pawns and playthings, Sabrina, Felix, Dr. O, and Britt. I would love to see the inside of the Q mansion without having to put up with a lurking Sonny fucking around on the groups, both literally and figuratively.


The Nina is a self-made Ron vessel, but as usual he doesn't even try and see true potential in a character he solely created. Plenty of soaps have created characters from nothing, fresh new faces people came to love and admire and appreciate, it isn't unheard of and it isn't impossible to do, I've been watching soaps do that time and time again since their very beginnings *clears my throat* not that I'm aging myself at all...but Ron just doesn't bother making such characters, imo, he would rather go for gory, shock, horror, and camp, all else, including talent, be damned.


But in the meantime Stafford's work is at least entertaining in the most boring storyline on the show, not counting Franco's romantic insecurities. She's giving this some life



I don't consider what she does as anything entertaining, just tiresome and old. It's all Michelle has done for most of her soap career, imo, and it grew stale long ago as far as I'm concerned.


She may like and enjoy playing the crazy chick hell bent on revenge, but I don't considered her nearly talented or engaging enough to pull it off beyond a few minutes. Ron did find the perfect actress to play the Nina of his crafting, and to me that's about the saddest thing about the show at the moment.

Edited by CPP83
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Wow, Michelle Stafford plays crazy very well. I enjoyed her scenes today. Blackmailing cocaine user when he finds her walking is next on the list. Can this storyline be any more predictable?

Can't wait for Michael to kick his useless parents to the curb. I can't believe Carly is still protecting Sonny's ass after he killed AJ.

Franco dialed down his craziness around Kiki.

All she needs is to get in on Rafe's stash. The most wonderful/horrible thing that can happen to a Michelle Stafford performance is for her to add "high on cocaine" to the mix of mannerisms. Jesus fucking Christ, that would be terrifying.


I like how in their push to be 'edgier' on GH lately they just insert the most over-the-top jokes, lines ("Maxie tasted my meat and she liked it") or stunts - look! Fake Luke's doing mountains of cocaine! The online soaps last summer had their less than subtle moments, but most of the punches they threw were harder and had a purpose. GH just seems like a teenager trying to shock a lot of the time. But it's amusing.

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I don't consider what she does as anything entertaining, just tiresome and old. It's all Michelle has done for most of her soap career, imo, and it grew stale long ago as far as I'm concerned.


She may like and enjoy playing the crazy chick hell bent on revenge, but I don't considered her nearly talented or engaging enough to pull it off beyond a few minutes. Ron did find the perfect actress to play the Nina of his crafting, and to me that's about the saddest thing about the show at the moment.


 ICA, plus she's no chick she's almost 50. She's Heather and Dr. O and I've already had enough of it.  I think they went way too crazy way too soon but perhaps MSt could not pull off anything subtle. I think RC woefully overuses the one note crazy over a man, cartoon woman.

Edited by thewhiteowl
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I'm appalled at the cray-cray that Nina is showing now, full-blown. She is yet another monster like Dr O, Franco, Puke, and Heather, and the people holding Robin. They get away with their evil deeds while the good guys represented by Anna and Nathan can't get a clue, or arrest the fall guys of the evil ones. (I think Donna Mills's character was the only would-be monster killer that the law has apprehended successfully.) Along with Nina we have a Greek chorus character, the nurse Rosalie, who is a nice touch because she represents a point of view that's more rational and closer to ours than Nina's. She's able to comment to Nina directly, as we wish we could.


I loved the way Ava was teasing Sonny about buying her a greasy pizza for dinner, and then slammed the lid down so that Carly couldn't have any. Sonny was cute for once, going along with the joke by explaining that the pizza did cover the major food groups.


And I squeed over Ava's cool comment to Carly that she was at Sonny's "taking care of your grandchild". I wish Carly would react more bitterly to the grandchild taunts Ava launches at her.


Joss let us know loud and clear today that "Children of the Corn" is one of her faves, admitting though that it "isn't appropriate for children". Yep, she and Spencer are two of a kind. 


I'm waiting for Joss to warn Franco, "Outlander! We have your woman!"


Trust me, it's coming. Some variation on it. Cue thirty-five hysterical retweets, while 90% of the major storylines continue to drone along.


With Psycho Nina on the scene, Ava is definitely dogmeat sooner than later. I didn't know if they would for a long time before Stafford turned up - and the writing spent quite a while waffling on Ava's morality - but I think now they're definitely going to chew Maura West up and spit her out in the usual RC/FV way.

Edited by jsbt
Joss let us know loud and clear today that "Children of the Corn" is one of her faves, admitting though that it "isn't appropriate for children". Yep, she and Spencer are two of a kind.




The way she crept up behind Franco, seemingly intending to harm him, and unfortunately was caught too soon before she could, Spencer had better watch his back.


He'll come home from school after Joss has been slaving over her Easy Bake Oven all day and mention how Emma has Spencer's Lunchables ready the second he gets home and the next thing he'll know she'll be force feeding him Legos. 

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I'm convinced now that RC is reading the message boards.  RH's comment that "I use to be funny but then people got mad" was directed at the GH audience.  I've hated how comedic they had made Franco, and it seems they've toned it down.  I actually liked Franco in his scenes with Jossyln because they made me laugh, but I still hate Franco with Carly, and I don't want Franco anywhere near Michael.


I think CD is a very good actor.  His rape scene reveal (for which he was robbed of an Emmy, imo - CM did not deserve an Emmy that year) was excellent, and showed me the guy can act when given the material.  His breakdown over AJ's death was also excellent.  I think his romance with Abby was actually very good, but it was always going to be a short-lived story.  The problem for CD is that he started dating KA, and RC loves KA, and now CD is saddled with her for the long term.  Those two have NO chemistry.  I think CD had great chemistry with Maxie when he was still going through his rape PTSD.  I think those two would be good together because of the very reason that Michael is so serious.  You need opposite characters together.  It's a reason I am really loving Maxie and Nathan.  He's so straight laced that watching him and Maxie in scenes makes them fun.  Regarding CD, I also liked him with VM.  I thought they were good together too, and I would much rather have a Brenda/Michael/Sonny story rather than this horrific crap with Kiki.  She drags down every storyline and character she appears with.


Speaking of Kiki, are they actually going to make her the centerpiece of Nina's storyline??  The character of Kiki serves NO purpose, and she is by far the most boring character on GH.  She has no job, no friends, no ambition, nothing.  She's a mooch, and the only way RC can counteract the public dislike of her is to try and give her a storyline.  Nina was actually funny today, but I can't watch her story if Kiki plays a prominent role in it.  I can't stand her character.  I can only hope that Kiki is going to meet a timely end at Nina's hand.  God, I can only hope.


Also, I loved Nathan and Levi's scenes today.  Ryan is doing a good job, and he was really animated today.  I loved his impersonation of Levi, Australian accent and all, and Levi definitely tipped off the judge.  He all but admitted it.  I am ready for Nathan and Maxie.

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Nina's shots at Sam were hilarious though. "Can you imagine their wedding? She must have been so excited to wear her best tube top."

I loved that shit! Nina is a riot. I'm sure it'll get annoying in like 2 days, but I loved it today. You just have to watch this show as a comedy and it's really a lot of fun sometimes.


RP did an Australian accent! He's learning stuff, guys! How adorable!


I skipped the Sam/Silas scenes and most of Maxie/Lulu and I gotta say this was a pretty enjoyable episode. The Kiki/Joss/Franco stuff was maddening, but maddening in a sort of fun way.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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With Psycho Nina on the scene, Ava is definitely dogmeat sooner than later. I didn't know if they would for a long time before Stafford turned up - and the writing spent quite a while waffling on Ava's morality - but I think now they're definitely going to chew Maura West up and spit her out in the usual RC/FV way.


I won't cry. I think MW has done a good job with Ava, but I hate Ava. The morality waffling hasn't helped—I don't know who Ava is supposed to be, a ruthless gangster or a villain with a heart of gold. Neither characterization was strong enough for any amount of time to take hold for me. And it doesn't help that the waffling continues. Plus, anything that can/will cause Lauren pain is good. If that means Ava bites it, so be it.


I've hated how comedic they had made Franco, and it seems they've toned it down.


I don't know if whiny is an improvement.

Edited by dubbel zout
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They did? He seemed to be jumping onto a table today to get away from Joss.


I'm talking about how he would joke about the most inappropriate things.  "Rape?  What rapes?"  Then he would try and be funny.  Everything was done with snark especially when the moment called for some serious drama.  Do you remember the Heather being dead and then undead?  It was horrible.  Franco was never a funny character, and although Franco was funny today, it fit the scene.  It's not like he was returning from a funeral and started with the one-liners, which is what he has been doing since he arrived.  The fact that the audience actually had to explain this to RC before he realized it's inappropriate is amazing.


I won't cry. I think MW has done a good job with Ava, but I hate Ava. The morality waffling hasn't helped—I don't know who Ava is supposed to be, a ruthless gangster or a villain with a heart of gold. Neither characterization was strong enough for any amount of time to take hold for me. And it doesn't help that the waffling continues. Plus, anything that can/will cause Lauren pain is good. If that means Ava bites it, so be it.


Ava's inevitable murder is one of the few things I have left to look forward to.

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I'm talking about how he would joke about the most inappropriate things.  "Rape?  What rapes?"  Then he would try and be funny.



He still did that today. When Joss said "when did you used to be fun" he said "I used to be but then everyone complained so I stopped." Still making jokes about that long stretch of years he killed people for fun. I do agree he's toned down his physicality about 1%, but they're still mostly using him for wacky comic relief.

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We've talked about Maxie and Michael before, over at TWOP, our prior forum. I agree I think they would be fantastic together - sort of an odd couple with Maxie put in the unlikely position of being the older woman to a more grown-up younger man, forcing her to adjust. We talked a lot about potential story too - for me it would start with a drunken one-night stand at the Nurses Ball or something. Something straight out of Knocked Up, but with no baby.


I do think KA and CD have some chemistry, but it's very dependent on their story. They clicked as Starr and Michael despite wretched story because the possibilities of the two soap scions (OLTL and GH) together were endless. As she is and has been since, Kiki just doesn't work. As more of a screwball supporting character she might, but that's not what they give Kristen Alderson - they think she's a star.

Edited by jsbt
Well if they ever get that far along with the kiddie romance I would be long gone as a viewer. Though that might still not be much of a downside, certainly my sanity would appreciate the breakup.


To be fair, my ending has Spencer choking on those Legos and joining his mama, then Joss can be so bereft, she just goes poof. Die, leave, it's all good. I'd kill her as she sprang from Cujo, but as she is half Jacks, maybe there is a sliver of hope.


As for Emma...she can join Robin far off screen, too. (I don't want to kill her considering her roots.) And come back much more poised - and with a hatred for Cotton Candy nurses.


But no matter how they end up, this "romance for babies" shit MUST END. I completely agree there. It's gross, annoying, and just wrong.

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I give Nathan credit for being smart, he figured Levi out as the culprit pretty fast.


There were three people who knew: Maxie, Nathan, and Levi. The first two wouldn't jeopardize the case, so that leaves Levi. It hardly took Sherlock-level sleuthing to figure it out. That said, it's nice Ron let a cop solve something in a timely fashion.



As more of a screwball supporting character she might, but that's not what they give Kristen Alderson - they think she's a star.


She's decent with lighter material, but the heavy emotional stuff? Terrible. And someone needs to tell her to stop mugging.

Edited by dubbel zout

With Psycho Nina on the scene, Ava is definitely dogmeat sooner than later. I didn't know if they would for a long time before Stafford turned up - and the writing spent quite a while waffling on Ava's morality - but I think now they're definitely going to chew Maura West up and spit her out in the usual RC/FV way.


I was thinking that Nina's story was turning in an awfully Ava-like direction (taking bets on how long it will be before she sleeps with Morgan ;) ).  Given that rumors that Ava is a goner have been rampant for a while now, it makes sense that they would have Nina established on the canvas to step in and take over the femme fatale slot.


I'm convinced now that RC is reading the message boards.


I've been convinced for a long time that he not only reads the message boards, but actively trolls the fans who post there.


Ava's inevitable murder is one of the few things I have left to look forward to.


And if Sonny gets blamed for it and sent to Death Row I will be fucking ecstatic.


P.S. - Better Ava gets murdered than Julian.  I'm still holding out hope he turns out to be an undercover WSB agent.

Edited by yowsah1
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I won't cry. I think MW has done a good job with Ava, but I hate Ava. The morality waffling hasn't helped—I don't know who Ava is supposed to be, a ruthless gangster or a villain with a heart of gold. Neither characterization was strong enough for any amount of time to take hold for me. And it doesn't help that the waffling continues. Plus, anything that can/will cause Lauren pain is good. If that means Ava bites it, so be it.


I think Ava might be history too.  But you never know long term with Ron C.  It could change....but going on his history, I think you're right.


So Ava will last long enough to have the kid.  then BSC The Nina - who will still be fooling the good people of Port Charles by still being in the wheelchair will then kidnap the kid because AVA TOOK HER CHILD SO SHE'LL TAKE HERS!  Then KikiKaka, The Nina's REAL KID will be the one to save Ava's spawn, or Ava will die trying and THEN tell the truth, and The Nina and her wide bottom load Mrs. Potato Head child will reunite and the town will forgive her all her sins because it's ALL ABOUT FAMILY.


And by then I'll be on to my second case of gin.

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So Ava will last long enough to have the kid.  then BSC The Nina - who will still be fooling the good people of Port Charles by still being in the wheelchair will then kidnap the kid because AVA TOOK HER CHILD SO SHE'LL TAKE HERS! 


Oh, that baby will definitely be kidnapped.  It's been like three months since Ben's last kidnapping, Ron must be getting antsy.

If a woman isn't pregnant and in peril, a baby is in peril. Ron abhors a void.



Well they serve no purpose otherwise in Ronworld. Babies must be kidnapped or else they just lie there and blow spit bubbles. And women must either be having babies, thinking about having babies, or blaming someone for killing their baby/ies, because that's what they were made for, like Sonny was made for making babies with women when he isn't calling them bitches and threatening to kill them. And apparently once a kid enters Elementary school they suddenly morph into 39 year olds, concerning themselves with relationships, love, and the occasional juice box.


So goes the circle of life. *cue The Lion King music*


They clicked as Starr and Michael despite wretched story because the possibilities of the two soap scions (OLTL and GH) together were endless.


I won't lie, I was glad when Cole went off the ledge.  Hope, I hated that, but her daddy...and right there was Michael.  I loved the scene two years ago when Michael invited her over for a Q 4th.  It was sad that JI wasn't available for the scenes.  I would have loved a throwaway line about knowing Victor Lord or something.  You are right the potential was endless for a Quartermaine and a Lord and, as usual, Ron fucking squandered it by not tapping the rich vein of history that was right in front of his face.


I see that Michelle Stafford has dropped even the pretence of having the ability to portray a character as anything other than BSC and GH is now  being treated to the EXACT same performance she gave as SyPhyllis Von JazzHands. 


And she's also


saying every line

saying every line

saying every line


at least

at least

at least


Three times

three times

three TIMES!!


With a little overemphasis every now and then.


Yeah, this actress is a real steal, and such a great addition to the cast and storyline. 


That's not something I can stomach saying once, let alone THREE TIMES.

Edited by boes
  • Love 10

They clicked as Starr and Michael despite wretched story because the possibilities of the two soap scions (OLTL and GH) together were endless.


Eh, I thought Michael and Starr were extremely boring.  Michael is such an Eyeore of a character that he needs someone livelier.  But Kiki is a hypocritical buttinski bitch so that doesn't work either lol.

Edited by TeeVee329
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You are right the potential was endless for a Quartermaine and a Lord and, as usual, Ron fucking squandered it by not tapping the rich vein of history that was right in front of his face.


Given that the OLTL characters were unceremoniously pulled off GH, it doesn't really matter. And they can't even be mentioned, so I think the show is better off not having set up more of a connection. (And that's probably the only time that sentence will ever be able to be typed with regards to GH.)

Edited by dubbel zout

Someone may need to slap me (or perhaps I should do it myself), but I actually liked Lulu today. I thought she and Maxie's scenes were very sweet, and I enjoyed that she seemed genuinely over the surrogacy bullshit. I look forward to the two of them continuing to mend their friendship. 


And count me in as on the Rosalie bandwagon. I thought she was terrific and made the Nina scenes worth watching. 

  • Love 3

So today we got Nina's evil-plan monologue. She's going to break up Silas and Sam. Zzzzzzz. 


It's nice they gave Rosalie lines, instead of her just sitting there nodding her head.


I FFed everything Franco connected. He's useless. 


Once again, CryptSex was Ava's fault: "Ava found an opening when I wasn't in my right mind." My eyes rolled out of my head at that line. Yes, Sonny, Ava's vagina has a gravitational pull that can't be defeated.

  • Love 10

Once again, CryptSex was Ava's fault: "Ava found an opening when I wasn't in my right mind." My eyes rolled out of my head at that line. Yes, Sonny, Ava's vagina has a gravitational pull that can't be defeated.


HA HA HA !!!!!  I've got nothing to add to your absolutely BRILLIANTLY funny explanation of gravity but it's so good I think it needs a repeat post.


So if Ava's has a gravitational pull, does it follow that Nina's repells??  It sure seems to have worked out that way.

  • Love 3

And count me in as on the Rosalie bandwagon. I thought she was terrific and made the Nina scenes worth watching. 


Rosalie was pretty fun today.  I loved her just chilling in the abandoned wheelchair, responding to Michelle Stafford's weird "I'm going to faux whisper a bunch of lines in a row at you!" in a normal tone of voice.  And she's got a decent head for scheming.  What if someone HAD been right behind her coming into the apartment, Nina?  I'm gonna be sad when she's eventually brutally murdered to extend this storyline because you know that's coming down the pike.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm pretty sure Rosalie is going to be an actual thing.  There was a casting call out a few months ago for someone who matched TeCa's demos so closely that some wondered if she was going to be replaced when she went on maternity leave.  Rosalie has to be the person they hired in response to that casting call.  So I'm betting she's here for a while, at least.  She may also be related to Carlos and/or Sabrina since we all know all PoCs are related to each other.  (Though in fairness, this is a soap, so most of the white people end up being related to each other, too).

The day that MW exits this show is the day I leave for the barge. I personally think it's utterly stupid as hell to waste such a talent and such a great character, but this is why the show infuriates me at times.


My favorite part of today was Ava snarking Carly, because of course. Carly deserves every bit of snark thrown her way, and then she should be thrown into a pit of hungry alligators. No pizza for you, Slagbeast.


Sonny, we know what goes on a pizza, we're not as stupid as you that you have to list what the toppings are and what food groups they belong to.


My other highlights were Nathan's awesome Aussie imitation and Rosalie's comments back to Nina.

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The way she said "But what did her daughter ever do to you" had no inflection, imo. I hope she gets better for me because I think she's pretty but anything that wasn't snarky out of her mouth was flatter than a pancake.


I'm betting she's here for a while, at least.  She may also be related to Carlos and/or Sabrina since we all know all PoCs are related to each other.



Well, if Carlos were her cousin or something it would explain how she seems pretty used to over the top histrionics.


Sonny, we know what goes on a pizza, we're not as stupid as you that you have to list what the toppings are and what food groups they belong to.



It was weird that he didn't have one delivered in the first place, or send a minion. It's the little things, sometimes.

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