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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Johnny and Michael have history, a history that involves him turning down Michael when Michael wanted to work for him to piss Sonny off. Where as Johnny and Morgan don't. Also, Morgan may not be working for the mob but he's also doing nothing with his life except living for free at his mom's since his mean brother won't let him live off him anymore... and probably listening to Kiki's horror over looking for "jooooobs". Morgan is still a toss up to me as to whether he's mob, not mob, or jobless bum (or boytoy for another rich middle aged lady.)

Really... after the AHole squad (generally I like Dante he just royally annoyed me yesterday) that showed up at his door, I want Johnny to have one other person than Lulu remember he's not complete scrum and pickings are slim.

Johnny also seems to be in the dark on how Fluke looks like Luke, so I do wonder just how much he knows, and doesn't know. I know, generally "Johnny knows all" *wink* but it's very possible he's not up on everything Fluke has done and is planning.

ETA: I'm home today and given the horrible world news going on, I'm already feeling like some kind of address/coverage will preempt GH. It's stopped on all the main channels right now but I know the president of France is supposedly speaking at 2eastern time, not sure of course how much it'll be covered here but ya never know.

Edited by Gigi43
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CPP83, I didn't know they'd ever established the number of years Julian had known Fluke




I d believe that it's been at least over ten years at this point. Julian gave their back story, or at least some of it, to Alexis when he decided to tell her the truth about where the "real" Luke was being kept.

Edited by CPP83
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Really... after the AHole squad (generally I like Dante he just royally annoyed me yesterday) that showed up at his door, I want Johnny to have one other person than Lulu remember he's not complete scrum and pickings are slim.



Except I highly doubt Lulu would have remembered Johnny so fondly if he told her the truth about how and why he got out of prison. He basically lied to her to gain her support which I don't find appealing at all.

  • Love 1

Except I highly doubt Lulu would have remembered Johnny so fondly if he told her the truth about how and why he got out of prison. He basically lied to her to gain her support which I don't find appealing at all.

Lulu lost about 50 IQ points, because real Lulu  would find it highly suspect that Johnny was "framed" for killing his abuser/father by Julian, even though Julian was in witness protection and not even in town. One difference between ER and JMB is that I think that JMB would play those scenes with more skepticism. And I remember Lulu and Padilla, and she actually did like Padilla. Any dislike was due to general female competition, and sure had nothing to do with Padilla's professionalism. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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And we never saw any follow-up with Anna, right, when Julian went to her and declared he killed Anthony?  I find it hard to believe she thinks he's guilty.


People go into and are released from prison at the drop of a hat these days. This regime is so lazy. It's truly amazing. By regime, I mean the writing staff, not the PCPD and Anna, who are victims of RC's lazy writing. 

Edited by Box305
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Anna always thinks the innocent people are guilty. She's the worst at her job


To be fair, Julian isn't exactly innocent.  He may not be guilty of killing Anthony, but he's guilty of other crimes.  If he waltzes in to the police station and admits guilt, why not go with it?  She didn't railroad him or frame him.  She took him at his word.

To be fair, Julian isn't exactly innocent.  He may not be guilty of killing Anthony, but he's guilty of other crimes.  If he waltzes in to the police station and admits guilt, why not go with it?  She didn't railroad him or frame him.  She took him at his word.

Because it's her job to actually investigate and arrest the guilty people of crimes. Not everyone but.


From the spoilers

, it does sound  like they will bring back the Haunted Star partnership between Johnny and Lulu. He has a proposition for her and then the following week she gives Morgan a job. So she has to suddenly be working out of nowhere be related to Johnny. I'm sure Dante and Sonny would love Morgan working for Johnny. lol

Edited by Artsda
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To be fair, Julian isn't exactly innocent.  He may not be guilty of killing Anthony, but he's guilty of other crimes.  If he waltzes in to the police station and admits guilt, why not go with it?  She didn't railroad him or frame him.  She took him at his word.


If a known criminal confesses to a murder they were never even a suspect for I'm going to be extremely suspicious. Scotty and Anna are incompetent if neither of them thought it would be a good idea to do some investigating.

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Yeah, but if you confess to a murder, you still sit in jail while the cops check it out. The cops don't just say "nah, let us think about it first. We'll come get you later."

Of course, all of this is fucked up, because where is the court system in all of this? Julian wouldn't just go right into the general prison system, he'd be held for a hearing of some sort and there'd be later proceedings for either a trial or to accept a guilty plea.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Actually often times mentally unbalanced people will confess to a crime they didn't commit. If someone  confesses to a crime the police should question the person and match that with the actual evidence and then present it to the prosecuting attorney to file charges or not. If the prosecutor decides to file charges then the person is arrested. Just confessing to a crime isn't an automatic arrest and certainly not prison the next day.

  • Love 4

Yea, I mean, it's hard to argue that Dante is a 'bad guy' and Johnny is a 'good guy.' The problem I have with Dante is his attitude. Like, honey, you broke the law to protect a mobster, so maybe get off you high horse sometimes. It was worse when he was being an OTT asshole to AJ though because there was no real reason for it. I guess AJ did kidnap Michael/Morgan, so maybe Dante wouldn't love the guy, but he acted like AJ was the devil and deserved to be killed or something. With Johnny, he has even more legit reasons to not like the guy, but he went way OTT with his attitude again there. And it came off even more annoying to me because, like you said, he had just said that he could understand why Johnny did some of the things he did.



I see what you're saying about not letting your father go to jail, Fylaki, but IMO it doesn't quite track with Dante because he never knew Sonny was his father so he didn't have some deep connection to him. And he seems to pride himself on being a cop and a good guy, so it makes him come off super hypocritical.


In addition to that if my dad shot me in the chest, even by accident, I'd milk that shit. "dad, can you get me a sandwich? No? But remember that time you shot me in the chest?!"


I disagree with you on the first part though peach as you knew I would ;) Dante does get off his high horse a lot. (Especially for Carly, of all people! bah) I mean, he was totally a dick yesterday. But I don't think that makes him a hypocrite for all time or just because he's nice to Sonny doesn't mean he can't talk about anyone else ever.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7
That really only leaves Anthony or possibly Trevor Lansing as the true identity of Fluke. I think Gino would be a great fun twist, but IMO it'll end up being Anthony in the end.


I hadn't thought about this, and it is intriguing.  It was interesting how Johnny was talking about and touching fake Luke's face, and fake Luke was generally tolerating it.  To me, it seemed like Johnny may have known what fake Luke looked like before he was fake Luke, which would support your theory.  And I'm the one that said yesterday that it made no sense that Julian et al. would be afraid of Bill; him being Anthony or even Gino would make more sense on that front, to me.  I could never figure out how or why BE would have gathered up all of the members of Legion of Doom to assist him in whatever the big master plan is, but I think Anthony had at least some relationship with most of these people, and was generally considered a pretty bad guy.  In addition, he was totally looney toons, which would help explain this over-the-top, disjointed, cray cray plan.  


I don't know why, but I love that Dante calls Johnny "John".  I think he's the only one that does it, other than Anthony and maybe Claudia; at least, he's the only I've noticed doing it. Not sure it means anything, though - it just amuses me for some reason.  He says it like it's an insult or something. 

  • Love 1

I floated Anthony as a possibility way back on TWoP.  If it ends up being right, I'm going to be disturbed at how in Ron's head I could get. 


I see what you're saying about not letting your father go to jail, Fylaki, but IMO it doesn't quite track with Dante because he never knew Sonny was his father so he didn't have some deep connection to him. And he seems to pride himself on being a cop and a good guy, so it makes him come off super hypocritical.



Not only did he not know him as his father prior to the shooting, but the entire reason he was in town was to bring Sonny down.  Sonny proves him right - that he is a remorseless criminal who would gladly shoot an unarmed cop point blank in the chest, and Dante feels loyalty to him and goes against the life he's devoted himself to as member of law enforcement because it turns out he fucked Dante's mom when she was a teenager?  Because that was the extent of their connection at that point.  

  • Love 3

IDK though. It seems kind of realistic to me that not knowing your father then finding him later is just as life changing as growing up with him as dad. To me it would be hard to have this fantasy father and find out who your real father is and NOT have some feeling about it. I would think he'd be curious enough to want to get to know him a little even if he is a bad guy and shot him in the chest before he knew who he was.


And while I realize all that past stuff with shooting and forgiving did happen in the end how can Dante's past be held too much against him b/c from all I've see he DID arrest his own father, put him in prison and hasn't said boo to him. So regardless of past actions he has grown and changed enough to do the right thing even towards his own father so why would he cut Johnny any slacking knowing the threat he posses to Lulu's change for the better as a person. Not to mention he's a dirtbag that faked his way out of prison by tarnishing a fellow officer's reputation and made Anna look bad.

  • Love 2

Totally agree with those who have said Sonny seems like he's aiming to make us remember "Rocky" but looks more like an old mugger, esp. now with the bruised face. Mob hero he is NOT. Nice try though, Ron. 


Bobbie looks alright (she was almost unrecognizable a few years ago, between JZ's plastic surgery and the dark, unflattering hair color). She still needs to shut UP.


So now Carly gets to be the one who thinks she knows "her friend Jake." I had to roll my eyes at the Carly-"Jake" chat before I tuned out. 


We're supposed to think Fluke is either Bill or the sister Patricia. Ok. Yawn.


Fun/ny quote of the day, Sam to Carly re: 'Jake': "Wow Carly, your taste in men never ceases to astonish me."


A positive note: I did like Helena basically calling Nikolas, Sam, etc. idiots for believing Dr. O that Victor was Nathan's father.

So Helena knows that Obrecht is lying about Nathan being a Cassadine (and her remark seems to rule out Nathan being a Cassadine via someone other than Victor) and seems to think she has a good reason to.  Hmmm.


It's starting to bum me out when people refer to Kevin because I know we're never going to see him.


Nikolas still a hypocritical douche?  Check.

  • Love 3

Not even Ron can be as stupid as to think that notLuke being "Pat" with a sex change is a good idea. Not even he is that dense I must think. It is equally offensive as it is ridiculous, imho.


So Sonny and Julian have become "allies" for now, oh joy. I just can't stand it.


I know other things happened but I nearly fell asleep through most of it.


A rather pedestrian Friday episode in my book, boring and forgettable.

  • Love 1

Jsbt, I live in fear of them getting those right back.  I fear that if that happened, they'll try to swing back to Todd, Starr and John (although I admit he does seem out the door soon) and Ron will rev up the stories he waas forced to abandon because of the lawsuit.


I'm of two minds about it. I don't want those shows excised from ABC Daytime - I feel that rich connective tissue is important - but I also don't want Ron to just take it all back and go nuts like a megalomaniac. I'm not sure he'd have the clout to do so at this point, either, given how much of a debacle the three stars have become. Maybe a year ago he could've gotten away with it, now I have my doubts.


I have begun to suspect Bill is actually Patricia's son. Passed off as the family cousin. Possibly by Spencer family incest, of course, thus making him the secret brother/nephew of Luke.

Edited by jsbt
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IDK though. It seems kind of realistic to me that not knowing your father then finding him later is just as life changing as growing up with him as dad. To me it would be hard to have this fantasy father and find out who your real father is and NOT have some feeling about it. I would think he'd be curious enough to want to get to know him a little even if he is a bad guy and shot him in the chest before he knew who he was.


And while I realize all that past stuff with shooting and forgiving did happen in the end how can Dante's past be held too much against him b/c from all I've see he DID arrest his own father, put him in prison and hasn't said boo to him. So regardless of past actions he has grown and changed enough to do the right thing even towards his own father so why would he cut Johnny any slacking knowing the threat he posses to Lulu's change for the better as a person. Not to mention he's a dirtbag that faked his way out of prison by tarnishing a fellow officer's reputation and made Anna look bad.


Gonna reply in the history thread.

I too, thought Claudia as Fluke during the Johnny/Fluke scene yesterday.


But no. Fluke's no broad. Johnny, after pulling the face, would have made not so subtle comments about where other parts went and how added parts were working.


Turtle: the respect Helena and Faison have shown the guy is the biggest hint for me that it can't be Bill Eckert. That just doesn't jibe. No way would Helena ever, and Faison/Bill knew each other back in the day and didn't like or trust one another.

I can't see them fully trusting a cray cray Anthony though, which lends more weight to it being Gino or Trevor.

Fluke is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking boooooooooorrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. Also I can't deal if Fluke is Patricia.


I'm happy for Jackie Zeman and all but I totally could have lived without hearing her say "mawmaw's rocking chair."


I don't know what is keeping Chad Duell from being fully hot to me. It's like I see it but something tampering it. Maybe he needs to dye his hair darker or something.


I liked Jason getting a little bit nasty when he was like "don't pity me."


Tyler's usual apathy works well with Helena lol. Man, if only Nik would lose his money. Spencer having to live among the townies would be just what he needs.


I'm so over Helena though (although I did chuckle at her saying she didn't micromanage her minions). When she asked Nikolas what made him think she'd take lip from him if she didn't take it from Spencer I wanted him to reply, "because I'm fucking 40 years old?" and then pick her up and throw her in the lake.


O seemed super pointless today. Blah. And haha she called Anna a scarecrow, except not. Joke was barely passable the first time around.


I know I shouldn't wish it because it encourages Ron, but I really really do hope the prison fight sequence makes the soup.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I'm going to go ahead and make my final prediction: Fluke is the real Luke and the guy tied up is either a figment of his imagination that Luke is trying to excise but cant let go off, or is some patsy, Bill, that was brainwashed into believing he was Luke.


I think Helena and Faison would work with the real Luke.


Jackie Zeman looked the best today that she's looked in over a decade.  Her face has looked better earlier this week but her hair was still a mess.  And she has also shown that she can still act when given some even moderately decent material.  


I don't know if I can make till 4.  Pick up the pace Ron!

  • Love 3

I floated Anthony as a possibility way back on TWoP.  If it ends up being right, I'm going to be disturbed at how in Ron's head I could get. 



Not only did he not know him as his father prior to the shooting, but the entire reason he was in town was to bring Sonny down.  Sonny proves him right - that he is a remorseless criminal who would gladly shoot an unarmed cop point blank in the chest, and Dante feels loyalty to him and goes against the life he's devoted himself to as member of law enforcement because it turns out he fucked Dante's mom when she was a teenager?  Because that was the extent of their connection at that point.  


Actually, people have been saying it for over a year now. You might have been the first, LOL, or just a chorus of the others. But I do remember it being brought up quite a bit early in the story.  I don't know that anyone really has ever proven it isn't him yet, so until there's concrete proof otherwise, I think he's the most likely.  But if it's true that "Fluke" had that face during a period when Anthony was still alive, it can't be him. In which case, I vote Gino Soleito.

If Fluke really is AZ, he would have had to grow about 6 inches which is difficult when one is 60-70ish.


If it turns out to be Anthony, I await the day someone tweets Ron a screen cap of Anthony and Luke standing in the same scene with the obvious height difference.  I assume he'll take it as well as he took the side by side James Franco/Roger Howarth picture. 

  • Love 3

notLuke looked like Luke even then according to Julian, so clearly Ron wants to make damn sure we know he isn't wearing a "mask", it's his real face unfortunately.

Ha!  Flove this :)


Lulu lost about 50 IQ points, because real Lulu  would find it highly suspect that Johnny was "framed" for killing his abuser/father by Julian, even though Julian was in witness protection and not even in town. One difference between ER and JMB is that I think that JMB would play those scenes with more skepticism. And I remember Lulu and Padilla, and she actually did like Padilla. Any dislike was due to general female competition, and sure had nothing to do with Padilla's professionalism. 

Even if Lulu believes Johnny was framed, why would he have confessed and then sat in jail for 2 years before speaking up about it.


In addition to that if my dad shot me in the chest, even by accident, I'd milk that shit. "dad, can you get me a sandwich? No? But remember that time you shot me in the chest?!"

Ha.  I think that might work with Lucas and Julien (he was about to sit through GG!) but not Sonny and Dante.


 Fun/ny quote of the day, Sam to Carly re: 'Jake': "Wow Carly, your taste in men never ceases to astonish me."


Pot meet Kettle.   I'd ask who does have good taste in men but there aren't too many stellar gentlemen to choose from.

  • Love 3

I have never in my life been more outraged and disgusted than I was today with Sonny "saving" Julian.  This is like my worst nightmare.  I cannot stand the thought of them working together in any way, and I certainly hate the idea of my Julian scenes being contaminated by Sonny.  Has the "redemption" of Sonny begun?  NO THANK YOU.  And Sonny?  Shawn will not be taking anyone out, save a flower vase or other inanimate object.  I am obviously way too invested here, because I am actually and really upset.  I have issues. 


I don't think fake Luke is Patricia, especially after today's "that blabbermouth sister of yours" and wanting to kill Bobbie.  That would not make any sense if Patricia was also Bobbie's sister.  And why would Patricia hate Sonny?  Of course, I suppose thinking that any part of this story is supposed to make sense shows how delusional I am.  TG's acting is wearing me out.  Not enjoying it at all.  And JZ was awful today as well.

  • Love 5

Meh, the website states the age limit for height surgery ends around 45-but this is a fictional show. If the character was under going face reconstruction, why would they *not* go all the way and do the height increase, too? What's the expression, in for a penny, in for a pound?


At any rate, this is fiction. I can accept a six inch height difference. I mean, this show has had characters spout about what a wonderful mother Carly is, and what a desirable woman Alexis is.

Both statements are preposterous fan fiction IMO-but who chooses to believe them and why, well...that's a personal choice.

I think after years of being fed crap like that, a height difference is minor.

Has the "redemption" of Sonny begun?


The only way Sonny can be redeemed IMO is if AJ is not dead and Sonny learns about it and goes out of his way to bring him home because that is what he should do.  Not to win any points with Michael but because he knows he owes it to AJ to do it.


As long as AJ is dead and Sonny doesn't change in any way - there is no redemption.  Having him save someone else and having all be forgiven is white washing him.

  • Love 10

I'm not saying I fully believe Fluke is Patricia, but if Patricia feels some kind of disconnect from the two of them or if she resented their bond and felt like the one on the outside looking in, I can see her referring to Bobbie as "your sister" to Luke.  Add on that Fluke doesn't want Luke to figure out who's wandering around in his face, and that would be a nice bit of misdirection.  

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