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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Maybe they just should never show Lulu again on New Year's Eve, or at least, not ever in a dress again because nothing will top the amazing sparkly prettiness of this dress damn it


I was thinking of that dress, too, ulkis. It was perfect. 


All the couples kissing were couples that shouldn't be kissing....but that's none of my business.


At least both parties in the couples that shouldn't be kissing know they shouldn't be kissing. I kind of liked everyone's "What the hell, it's New Year's Eve" attitude.

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I loved/hated the Nathan/Maxie thing but I think I knew it somehow had to end up with Nathan knocking on the door, so they could repeat the meeting from last year.


So I loved the ending to that, but hated most of the build up if you get what I'm saying.

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At least both parties in the couples that shouldn't be kissing know they shouldn't be kissing. I kind of liked everyone's "What the hell, it's New Year's Eve" attitude.

And I'm not hating on that at all! For me it just epitomized Ron's love of smushing whoever together, even if it makes 0 sense.

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Did Frank run out of money for lighting? I understand the restaurant set being dark, but the lobby, Maxie's apartment, and those airport sets were really dark too.

The new girl looks like a botoxed/plastic version of Big Kristina. Her voice was annoying too.

It's too bad Anna didn't pistol whip Lucy & Dewq. I guess "Bubby" is Bette than "Boobie", but still pathetic.

Lante eating the ribs was cute. I know ER isn't popular here, but I love the chemistry she and DZ have.

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Why is Duke called 'Dewq'? It's funny, but I don't get it.

When Faison first came back two years ago, he was making of Luke and Duke and that is how he pronounced their names. He really emphasized the "ew" sound.

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As jennifer6973 posted, Dante and Lulu were on their way to the MetroCourt party (they stopped at Maxie's place to deliver the food) and decided to bail, and Nathan was in a tux to make the night special.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I actually like Julian and Olivia together.  They're very pretty.


The surest way for me to have even less interest in "Jake" than I already do is to pair him with Carly.


Rick Hearst and Becky Herbst have such great chemistry.  I'd wish for FV to put him on contract and let Ric and Liz have something if I wasn't sure that Ron would completely fuck it all up.


Day two without Sonny, Franco, Nina, or Kiki, so that's something.

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I was thinking if poor AJ had been the one to grab a rib and yelled "last one for the road" it would have turned into some joke about how fat AJ always has to take a rib on his way out the door.

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Oh look, Nic poached another guy's girl. I guess some things never change. Best of luck Nic and Random girl.


That was seriously the most bizarre character introduction I've seen in a while.  Female Character We've Never Met is supposed to be the date of Male Character Who's Been In Five Episodes, but was seduced away off-screen by Male Legacy Character.  Huh?  Are we just skipping the meet-cutes in these insta-romances altogether?

Edited by TeeVee329
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""ike 20 minutes and never used it again. FASHION FAIL/SUCCESS in such close succession"


Re Ulkis post about the  sparkly dress:  And they mostly filmed head shots and then covered her up with Dante's coat so still didn't get to see much of the great dress.

(I tried about 5 times and the quote function is just not working for me today)

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Sam, Anna and Liz looked beautiful.   I love it when KeMo does her hair like that.  And that dress...


I was surprised when Liz didn't start circling the minute Jake spoke to Sam.  I would have thought for sure her radar would have alerted her to the danger of big mean Sam.


Oh plot points, how you make me laugh sometimes.  So Sam is apparently taking a holiday vacay from investigating Jake.  That was hilarious to me.  I guess even private PI's get Christmas break.  Wonder how her medical is? 


And I swear the big reveal better happen soon, because I am not sure I can take any more wink and nods regarding Jakeson really being Jason.

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While Carly does have legitimate beef with Ric, I really wish someone would warn Jake about Carly.

And speaking of Carly's beef with Ric, I guess the panic room now took place about 21 years ago when mid-30's Liz was a teen. Ah, the magic of soras!

And I swear the big reveal better happen soon, because I am not sure I can take any more wink and nods regarding Jakeson really being Jason.

Feb sweeps doesn't start until Thu, Jan 29th so settle in.

I actually think this Feb will be the Evil Lewq identity reveal and the soonest Jasus will get his memory back will be May.

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I hate myself because I still enjoy the Jason/Sam hate. The side-eyes, the dialogue, is stupidly golden. And I kinda liked Jason/Carly's interaction in this episode.

Lol @ Nik and the random chick.

Sam and Patrick have the quickest kisses ever. The hell is up with that.

Edited by HeatLifer
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  • Alexis was dressed to conduct a coven's business in her all-black, no sparkles cape-dress. But wait!----her girls were meant to be the real sparklers.

Looks like Patty has his chance at last to get into Sam's pants. His skeevy grin made my skin crawl.

Jason gets both a job and a kiss from Carly. He went from hit man to being a waiter serving champagne hits.

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  • Jason gets both a job and a kiss from Carly.


What he should be getting right about now is a tetanus shot.



Fuck these Steve Burton debates. I like Billy Miller, so I want recast AJ played by James Van Der Beek.

Tell me that shit wouldn't be awesome.


That shit wouldn't be awesome.  ;)

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Dude, come on! So you guys are Team Pacey?

My dream is Mark Paul Gosseleaar. I don't care if all the sets are gray. Franklin and Bash is canceled. Do it! Fire MSt. Yeah, I said it. He can do block taping and still do any primetime show he wants. Meeeeeow!

My second dream? I want Roger Howarth. He will be AJ. I don't care about the weird plot holes. People wear masks and kiss their cousins on this show.

I would also consider Austin Peck, Hunt Block, J Eddie um guy who played Jake when Leo was alive on AMC and hooked up with Greenlee, and um James Van Der Beek.

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I will always be Team Pacey.

Sam, Anna, and Jordan looked awesome. Jordan's dress could have been better, but the color was gorgeous.

Carly hanging around Jakeson makes me 1000% less interested in him.

I kinda loved Olivia and Julian; from the "welcome aboard" to the kiss no one will ever know about, it was all good.

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Jason gets both a job and a kiss from Carly.

What he should be getting right about now is a tetanus shot.

This makes my day - a tetanus shot and probably more.  If they hook up these two, I swear I will lose my cookies.  Carly and anybody makes me nauseous - sort of like Sonny and anybody.  Poor Billy Miller - I doubt this was spelled out in the contract.

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Shallow post......I thought Anna looked the best and Fin is one of the older females yet she put the young'uns to shame.  Her dress was perfect and it fit so well. Kind of wish she had worn either earrings or a necklace but no harm done. I thought Liz's dress was too short and those stick legs of her's were a turn-off (also that teeny tiny ponytail-UGH). Lulu's dress was hideous. And Alexis -- pretty much how she dresses all the time. Lucy and Olivia were "meh" to me - nothing special.


Now on a more positive shallow note.......I thought Carly looked good in that dress (I loathe her but she looked good); Sam looked nice; Jordan could have looked a tad sexier but on the whole she looked good. And I thought Maxie looked great in what is the most immature storyline to come along in a long time. And that ain't easy with all the other fluff we've been given..... Happy New Year my fellow snarkers !!!!!!!

Edited by SiouxB
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Random chick ever looks disturbingly like Natalia "acting coach" Livingston



*Snaps fingers* That's it! I couldn't figure out who she reminded me of but I knew the face angered me somehow.


And really, Ivy? Is Ron suddenly trying to poach from comic books now? Did Helena grow her in some factory? Which actually I might buy considering she's like some cardboard cutout of a woman but without any real humanity to her.


I kinda loved Olivia and Julian; from the "welcome aboard" to the kiss no one will ever know about, it was all good.




I'm glad they're playing it like two adults who know they want to be with other people, are pissed and therefore looking to blow off steam. And frankly Olivia has been taken to bed by the very orange and spongy Sonny and Julian has abs which can practically cut glass so...she certainly didn't flinch at the kiss, heh.


But honestly I can't get over how Lucas and Brad were totally absent from the festivities. Having two of the finest men in town, imho, decked out in suits or tuxes paired up to have a good time together on one of the best date nights of the whole flim flam frickin' year didn't sound like a good idea to anyone?


I got the continued nonsense between Maxie and Nathan racing around town like two imbeciles desperate to kiss at midnight like that is going to really save their hogwash of a relationship, but nothing with Lucas and Brad.


No cute and sweet and sexy intimate moments in private or at the party. No very long and very hot kiss at midnight. No silly and cheesy resolutions that could then have led to Brad asking Lucas to move in with him, or even better yet Lucas telling Brad that he finally has locked down gainful employment, at the hospital of course.


I mean all the many moments I can think of just off the top of my head and yet they did nothing, not a single damn thing with them...the rage burns eternal.


Once again they got nada. They didn't get any attention for Thanksgiving or Christmas, and now New Years is gone and they may as well not even exist. Ron can rot, just rot.

Edited by CPP83
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Well that's an hour I can't get back. UGH. I did like Dante telling Nathan to put on some clothes. And Anna/Sloan were cute. So I guess they'll write LLoC's pregnancy into the story and the baby will be Julian's. Because it seemed pretty clear to me the two will hook up for NYE. Shoot me now.

Sam looked very pretty and I even liked Carly's dress. liz' was pretty too but damn will someone please feed Becky a bakery's worth of chocolate cake? I cannot stand to see those shoulder blades anymore! They should really be classified as lethal weapons at this point.

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I HATE defending Ron, but Ivy has already been used on a soap...Days of Our Lives in the '80s had a chick named Ivy.



 "Passions" also had an Ivy, heh, I was just messing around with the idea of this chick having been hatched or created in some sort of lab like a pod person. Out of thin air suddenly this woman appears, fully grown and ready to complete her objective. She was so flat and plastic and bland to me. 

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