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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I know it's de rigueur to blame Ron for the weather, Congressional inaction and terrorism in the Middle East, but how is a headwriter responsible for set decoration?


Way to be dismissive of all the well-founded, IMHO, criticism here.  I get that it's hyperbole, but as the foundation of the point is that Ron has been unfairly held accountable for things that no reasonable person would believe is within his control, I'll take issue with that statement. He's earned every bit of criticism as to the current state of quality (or lack thereof) of GH.




Does FRANK not know what "brownstone" even means??


Fixed it for ya.  And, yes, the buck should stop with Frank and not just the set decorator.  And since Ron and Frank run GH like a 2-man operation, I don't mind the use of Ron as short-hand for the TPTB. I would wager that most people here read it the same way.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

Sonny has never had anything to do with Helena because that's been a Luke Thing . Even when Faison did a (temporary) favor and killed Jason and tried to take over Sonny's business, Sonney was reduced to siderantings.


Will Hells back from the dead, I want to see if the moobster tries that "get in her face and pretend to be menacing" shit. He'll be carved up like a turkey.

  • Love 2

Carlos ran in to that visitors cell with all the joy of a man who realized he's going to be sprung from prison into story soon.  And he sure gave it his all in his scene with Sabrina.  Now THAT was interesting.  He got to her and shamed her into realizing what a shit she was being to an innocent child - well, as innocent as any child or grandchild of Sonny ever is.


And here's the thing.  Sonny is a one note bore.  So is Yawn.  We all know why.  I don't need to go there.


I don't mind seeing Carly with her hideous necklace trying to look happy about a wedding she doesn't want while contemplating a life with a man she full well knows is poison to her.  Aw, sweet sweet comeuppance.  It certainly makes this swill of a story more interesting, as consequences do.  (Writers:  See previous statement about one note bore.)


I do like the little Cassadine family.  I think they are all going to get what they deserve.  Nik, even though Britt is showing a little self awareness these days, if things don't go her way she's gonna be a plotting.  And if Nik puts a ring on it, Britt will feel secure enough to raise the ante on a regular basis.  However, she's beautiful, the actress is improving, and she's suffered some humbling consequences.  Nik, despite his unfortunate hair and tats, is still a rich, powerful prince.  I like to think he's realistic enough to settle at this point.  Liz has gotten beyond old.  Being with Britt means that he'll have her various talents and skills available at reach and a convenient mother for his spawn, who certainly could use one.  


Spencer certainly is the son Nik deserves, isn't he?  And already embracing his Cassadine.  Not only has he gotten his dad laid and in a better temper, he has a new playmate/mom with something magic.  Leverage.  

  • Love 2

Actually, Jason had chosen Liz over Sam before. Carly too. Hell, Carly crashed their honeymoon. McBain treated Sam like a person, and it was great to see an actual cop put Sonny/Jason in their places. Jason never treated Sam very well.

I don't recall a single time that Jason chose Liz over Sam.  Jason and Liz had a shot in the beginning before she dumped him after learning he lied about Sonny's death.  Once Jason met Sam, Liz became more of a wedge character.  Even when they finally slept together, it was because Jason was so despondent over losing Sam.  I don't agree that Jason never treated Sam well, but i do agree that he ran to Carly, Sonny's beck and call way too much.  That stopped later on towards the end, but it was annoying how Carly could just barge in.  I do recall Jason telling Carly that she better be careful because if he had to choose between her and Sam, he'd pick Sam.  Carly's head nearly exploded, and she toned down her animosity towards Sam.


I agree, and I really, really liked that scene with Nik finding Robin.  That whole sequence of Robin seeing Nik, Robert, and Anna was aces.  I was actually hoping that Nik and Robin would be explored more -- that seeing each other would in someway imprint on them, a bond between them that would be re-awakened when they were in scenes together.  I don't know how it would all work, but I would have been willing to watch and see.  And we all know how much Nik loves to be Cap'n-Save-a-Hoe (You, know, the gardening tool.  What?). 


I get so frustrated about the lost opportunities with certain characters.  The children of the vets should now be the center of the show, with the older vets, themselves, being the supporting anchors.  Not these flash-in-the-pan newbies.  New characters are always needed to resupply the gene pool, but the focus on new (and shitty) characters is ridiculous.  Nik should still have a lot of s/l left in him, but he's been in a walking twilight slumber for years.  Actually, so many of the actors seem to need a strong B12 shot to the ass, or something.


GH and soaps in general have a really bad habit of putting the wrong emPHAsis on the wrong charACTERS. 

I agree with all of this.  RC definitely favors his new characters over the vets.  Look how much he invests in Nina, Franco, Kiki, Sabrina, and how little in Nikolas and the rest of the vets.  He keeps bringing on new characters that he has to CREATE a story for when he can just as easily bring on Kevin Collins and Jasper Jacks who actually have storyline ready and waiting for them.  He doesn't want to drive vet stories.  It's a shame because Nikolas can be doing more than he is right now, and I'd pay to watch him to a scene than having Nina go on and on about her List, or Kiki lamenting her millionth lie to Michael, or Sabrina wanting revenge . . .  Heck even Silas has more to do than Nikolas, and his only tie to the show is Sam (I don't count Kiki or Nina).

Because Ava threatened to hurt Sabrina and her baby. Gabriel's gone, but that doesn't mean Ava can't still go after Sabrina. (If only.)




I do keep forgetting he actually cares about her...poor thing. Although despite Julian being notLuke's "bitch" he is still considerably more powerful than Ava ever has been or will be, and it's on that front I never understood why he seemed to be far more fearful of Ava than Julian. Sure she's crazy ass bonkers but Julian actually has the money and power, which is why even when Ava is in deep she goes running to him when he isn't the one she's running from at least.



How can she ever be taken seriously as a strong career physician?




I'd be willing to ask if she ever was supposed to be in the first place. Ron took pleasure making Britt out to be this "Britch" character when she first arrived, a foil to the saintly Sabrina, as if he was writing "Mean Girls of General Hospital" for a while there. She was the "easy slut" while Sabrina was the "innocent choir girl" both vying for the same man.

Nope! Franco and Nina are absolutely unwatchable together AFAIC. They're bad enough with most people - they're far, far worse together because it is clear the show truly believes that their 'wacky bond' as 'bad guys' humanizes them for fans. Michelle Stafford clearly has little to no time for any performance or anyone's moment other than her own, and her craziness resonating with the worst of Howarth's tics is just awful. I look forward to Franco making hell for Carly and Sonny, but beyond that Franco can immediately be burned and thrown away. Unwatchable poison, both of these two relative newbies.


Scott's mustache - I don't think I've seen him with that kind of facial hair since maybe early PC, when Scott was supposed to be the roguish man on the run. It looks horrible, just horrible. And I'm so tired of any vet stuff being played like they're all fifteen years old. It used to be charming when RC would treat the vet subplots with the same vitality as the younger people, back on OLTL; it indicated he did not see them differently. But when he had Erika Slezak and Robin Strasser playing out high school romantic cliches I drew the line. The problem is not that he doesn't care about them, it's that he doesn't see why these veteran characters of a certain age might relate to each other and interact differently and with a bit more dignity than Maxie or Kiki or Morgan or Rosalie. I'm not saying there can't be comedy, especially with Lucy - I love Lucy and her screwball comedy. But watching Jackie Zeman and Lynn Herring awkwardly catfight for the 10th time, when Jackie is barely holding it together performance-wise, I mean, there's got to be something better to do with them. But it's impossible to make that argument to RC or to some of his boosters - it's either 'you're lucky we're seeing them at all' or 'why shouldn't the older folks do the same as the younger ones?' I agree with the latter statement, up to a point. But when all they get is these kind of teenage shenanigans, it becomes grating and tiresome, which this did long ago.


Nikolas and Britt back together is so pathetic, just like both of them. I would say I can't believe Nikolas took her ass back - that he's that pathetic and needy - but then I remember how Ron Carlivati has no investment in any of this and is just marking time. I am beyond tired of Britt, and this is just the next phase in the endless treadmill that is this non-storyline RC clearly does not care about. Please, please, please kill her off in sweeps. Let someone push Britt off the parapet. You can even try to give Kathleen Gati more Emmy bait by having Obrecht crying over her corpse. She can sing for no good goddamn reason again, I won't complain.


Michael Easton is good at two things: Dry humor with a sometimes biting edge, and an innate, quiet respect for certain veterans. He always had it for Bob Woods and a few others on OLTL, and it came through in their scenes and dialogue; I used to love them together even when I hated McBain on the show. (Early on in his time there, I felt convinced that Woods' Bo Buchanan viewed McBain as a surrogate for his dead son Drew, another cop.) I think Easton showed the same a few days ago in his scenes with Leslie Charleson at the hub, which he could've tuned out but he didn't. I liked them together, it's one of the only times I've ever liked ME as Dr. Silas, a role he is regularly uncomfortable in. I also thought he played the prickliness in Silas resurfacing when he busted Nina very well - you could see the wheels turning, and you could see him get icier with her and then with Rosalie. He plays that nasty humor very well, and I'm kind of looking forward to some of his scenes now. It's too bad they never let him commit to Super-Dick Silas all the way, as opposed to trying to make him into John McBain, M.D. - maybe he could've made this character work.


I can't come down too hard on Shawn, honestly, because I think Sean Blakemore is stunningly beautiful and fairly talented. I liked him when he first came on, too. It's RC that's really burned the character - he doesn't see him as anything but a supporting (black) stud and plot piece, and he's the one putting all these ridiculous lectures in Shawn's mouth as he harangues Jordan. (Who, while I like her now scheming with Ava, would be boring as fuck in Anna's job or as a regular police officer.) Blakemore can do more and better than this, and it's a waste of him. I am deeply annoyed with Shawn, but I'm more annoyed with RC reducing him down to 'self-righteous thug we usually don't write more for anyway, but especially because we're uncomfortable writing black people.'


As for Morgan, I have long since been tired of his sarcastic "uh, like, yeah?" delivery with every other fucking person in every other fucking scene on this fucking show going back months now, but he somehow even made me feel bad for fuckin' Rosalie the other day. Yeah, that's great, give her attitude because she happened to be the nurse for the woman who your mob queen ex-girlfriend fucked over twenty years ago. Take your shirt off and shut the fuck up.


Also, can we really not say 'cock?' Oh, I see we can.

I'd be willing to ask if she ever was supposed to be in the first place. Ron took pleasure making Britt out to be this "Britch" character when she first arrived, a foil to the saintly Sabrina, as if he was writing "Mean Girls of General Hospital" for a while there. She was the "easy slut" while Sabrina was the "innocent choir girl" both vying for the same man.


She never was, and I never have. They were both caricatures from Day One. And Kelly Thiebaud has proven herself to be consistently incapable of fleshing the character out.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 10

I think Sean Blakemore has gotten consistently worse and is honestly just bad now. I mean it must be hard to make this shit work, and I'm sure working with MB is tough, but nevertheless, the man sucks IMO.


And Kelly Thiebaud has proven herself to be consistently incapable of fleshing the character out.


I disagree. I've seen her prove she can do more and make Britt more, but the writing sucks so it doesn't really matter.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

Since when would Jason NOT raise someone else's child?  It's all the guy has done since he was introduced.  He raised Michael, he was willing to raise Sam's baby with Sonny.  There is no way he wouldn't have wanted to raise Sam's baby, even if it was with Franco.  It was a lame and stupid plot contrivance for RC to write in order to drive a wedge between Sam and Jason.  


I believe he would not raise someone else's child if he thought it was the spawn of Satan, which is what he thought of Franco. He didn't have a negative reaction when Carly told him she was pregnant w/AJ's kid, because he was fairly indifferent to AJ at the time. He  thought of Sonny as his hero/family (blech), so raising Sonny's kid with Sam was no problem. In Elizabeth's case, he had strong feelings/love for her, and knew that Jake-in-womb was either his or Lucky's. He had known Lucky since he was a kid, and thought he was more or less a good guy until he started getting high and cheating on Liz. So he felt he could definitely love Liz's children.


And that leads me to the current storyline. I wonder if they're starting out the NuJason storyline w/wrapping up the regrets history between Elizabeth and Jason. He remembers Liz's voice talking about Jake, so I will guess he thinks they have a child together, whom he rejected.  SBu's Jason wished he'd spent more time with Jake. Elizabeth wished she'd been able to make amends to Jason for her part in the baby Danny DNA test thing. Now they'll eventually be able to talk about their regrets and move on/forward.

  • Love 3

I'd be willing to ask if she ever was supposed to be in the first place. Ron took pleasure making Britt out to be this "Britch" character when she first arrived, a foil to the saintly Sabrina, as if he was writing "Mean Girls of General Hospital" for a while there. She was the "easy slut" while Sabrina was the "innocent choir girl" both vying for the same man.


Ah, "General Hospital High". Will hunky Dr Drake finally realize scheming Dr Westbourne stole the card Sabrina made in arts and crafts and claimed it as her own??

  • Love 6
Ah, "General Hospital High". Will hunky Dr Drake finally realize scheming Dr Westbourne stole the card Sabrina made in arts and crafts and claimed it as her own??


By the way, did they ever explain why Dr. O was so hell-bent that Patrick and Britt have an ongoing relationship? Other than simply she was evil and did evil things?  In fact, they portrayed Dr. O as sympathetic to Robin in that she knew and accepted that Robin was a pawn in Faison's plan, but not that she personally had any ax to grind. Even when trying to kill her, they portrayed it as Dr. O feeling bad but needing to get rid of the evidence.


Which, as we now know, she didn't have to at all.

  • Love 1

Francie - I think it was something like she enjoyed the idea of her own daughter replacing Anna's daughter in her home/life. She couldn't directly "punish" Anna for Faison's 'love' of her, so she kinda saw this as justice where she had played a part. I recall in lab scenes she taunted Robin about Britt getting close to Patrick despite Emma not liking Britt,, and Britt "having Patrick's baby" when she knew quite well the kid wasn't his.

Francie - I think it was something like she enjoyed the idea of her own daughter replacing Anna's daughter in her home/life. She couldn't directly "punish" Anna for Faison's 'love' of her, so she kinda saw this as justice where she had played a part. I recall in lab scenes she taunted Robin about Britt getting close to Patrick despite Emma not liking Britt,, and Britt "having Patrick's baby" when she knew quite well the kid wasn't his.

  • Love 3

I don't recall a single time that Jason chose Liz over Sam

He told Sam he'd kill her once when she got upset about Liz or something. It was during Sam/Lucky who were very hot. He also is responsible for her getting tortured by Franco and shot a bunch of times. He also got mega close to Liz during Water Crisis rather than care about Sam.

SBu's Jason wished he'd spent more time with Jake.

I don't know. I mean, of course he wanted to see Jake, but I think wanting to protect Jake from all the crap Sonny's kids were subjected to was more important, so Jason stayed away. It's not as if Liz forbade Jason to see Jake; she always allowed him to hold him or talk to him or whatever when they ran into each other.


It could have been interesting to see the relationship when Jake got older, but of course he had to be an Emmy-bait plot point and get killed off.

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jsbt, we'll have to agree to disagree about Britt (not such much the garbage of this slapdash reunion with Nik, but that I still enjoy Britt's relationship with her mother and her brother and her bestie and there's enough going on there that I prefer her over others), but otherwise, really great insights as always.


In other news, I don't want to jinx us, but I think this entire week is going to be Kiki-free and that is amaze-balls.

Edited by TeeVee329
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He told Sam he'd kill her once when she got upset about Liz or something.


To be fair, it wasn't just that Sam was upset about Liz - Sam hired thugs with guns to threaten Liz and her boys in the park.  I can't remember if that was before or after Sam did nothing to stop Jake's kidnapping.  I am not condoning Jason threatening to kill Sam but it was in response to something more serious than hurt feelings.

  • Love 10

Ah see, I knew I was half way paying attention then. I knew there had to be more to it, however, I never could get how AJ was the devil for being an alcoholic while it was praised for Jason to murder? I never got that. After Jason/Robin ended, the show got weird for me.



I think the biggest crime on this show is being weak and AJ was always viewed as weak.  In PC apparently murder doesn't hold a candle to that.

  • Love 1

Is Ric ever returning? Are they ever re-addressing that storyline? Or is that being shelved until it's time for Alexis to break up with Julian for another reason?


Why doesn't the hospital use/ask for Jason's finger prints and have the cops run it through the system to find his identity? Jason was arrested enough he'd have his own folder dedicated to him on the PCPD's hard drives. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 3

Oh dear sweet Dante, do shut up.  Judge Walters may be a douchebag, but he's not the reason for all the "bloodshed" during the Baby Connie/Georgie custody battle.  Even if you all (extremely lamely) swept it under the rug, the nastiness of it is still on you and Maxie and especially Lulu.


I'm surprised Tracy didn't in fact eat the space cake considering how much Ron likes making the vets look like goobers.


Fuckin' Magda, damn it!

  • Love 4

Well, on Monday....no Friday with Ron's pacing we shall learn it's Jason. I hope Sam keeps her pants on till then. Or that Dante did not drive to the station. I'm baffled that no one noticed bullet holes on Jason, but that was a helluva a surgery or maybe the car crash turned him into Billy Miller.

Questions- who takes a baby to kickboxing class?

Milo takes his dates to the same places my gay friends hang out at. Um, okay?

Why are the adults perpetually in high school, the teens are gone, and the kids are like adults?

And really Tracy, you've been with Luke how long and you don't know what weed is?

  • Love 6

Oh look Nina on again. At least Ava was no where to be seen.


Sam/Patrick/Tracy were amusing. I would love to see them get high together. Especially Tracy.


Milo/Epiphany were boring. I thought Milo was gay. 


I may hate Liz but her hair is on point. Thats about all I have to say about the scenes with her and St. Jasus.

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 1


Is Ric ever returning? Are they ever re-addressing that storyline? Or is that being shelved until it's time for Alexis to break up with Julian for another reason?


My best guess is that it was so heavily entangled with what they had planned for Luke and fakeLuke that they had to truncate the story until Tony Geary was available again.

  • Love 1

This was not very good. I grabbed a vacuum and cleaned the office during Maxie's second speech, because why not.


If Milo's love story is the best thing on for the hour, you have issues.


Plus, are we doing camp now? Dr O confesses to killing in front of the Desk Sgt and gets to walk? Coffee Houses there are very up front about what it in each dose, smoked or eaten (we were still active duty when we went there and couldn't partake, but we went in to see).They are proud of what they serve.

Edited by Happyshooter
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Is Patrick's only function to listen to Sam talk about Silas and/or Jason? Both topics, btw, make him look like the most hypocritical creep on the planet. Don't know if it's intentional, but I find it funny that Sam finds the Silas/Nina situation embarrassing and too much to get over, while Patrick has the biggest lie ever hidden underneath his Mr. Rogers sweater.

I'm hoping that Jason starts interacting with some other people because Liz is starting to look like a crazy stalker again.

Pip and Milo have no chemistry.

I can't watch Nina/Silas. Bore me to tears.

Dr. O should be locked up forever.

  • Love 1

Questions- who takes a baby to kickboxing class?

Milo takes his dates to the same places my gay friends hang out at. Um, okay?

Why are the adults perpetually in high school, the teens are gone, and the kids are like adults?



Holy Cow! I think you hit it right on the head, this is what Ron thinks straight life is like.


He sees women at the Whole Foods in yoga pants and a baby getting a last minute shove in the oven pretty high quality dinner which will only be 45 minutes late (guilty, minus the baby), and figures the baby was at the fitness center. He sees the high end gay bars he goes to are half straights--like Dupont Cicle in DC is, and figures that is where straights like to go when they want high class dates. He sees his friends who are couples are in constant teen type bitch and backstab mode, and figures that is what straight couples do.

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 4

What a terrible, awful, horrible, very bad episode. I could hardy stay awake through it. I rarely say I've been bored to tears but...good grief.


Milo and Epiphany are as awful together as I thought they might be. Does Ron just enjoy finding couples that have positively no chemistry whatsoever? Is it some sort of game to him?


Jakson is really...weird. I couldn't even begin to guess what the hell Ron is giving Billy as direction on how to play the character but it certainly doesn't appear to involve being "Jason" at all.


I still think at the very least Liz would have picked up on the fact that he has very familiar eyes considering how she's been so intently creepy stalker staring into them since he woke up, or did those get replaced too, Ron? Ffs...

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4
He sees women at the Whole Foods in yoga pants and a baby getting a last minute shove in the oven pretty high quality dinner which will only be 45 minutes late (guilty, minus the baby), and figures the baby was at the fitness center.


I don't know about California, but where I live, at my gym, kids are dropped off at the in house daycare center, not having the mom push the stroller next to the class.

I don't think this episode was bad per se, I just don't have much to say about it. Which if it were a primetime show, would be bad. But since this is a show with 5 episodes a week every month, sometimes there's just nothing to say. And with such a large cast, it's inevitable that once in a while there are going to be episodes that don't feature anyone I really care about. Or ones that I do but they just weren't doing anything. 


It's nice that Lulu takes a kickboxing class. A non-baby interest!


I'm confused as to what was going on with Nina. Was this one last ditch effort to genuinely get back together with Silas or was she just trying to bamboozle him?

  • Love 3

Nina's got dough of her own. Why is she insisting on hanging on to mopey Silas? He's no longer seeing Sam, but it's not as if he's all hot for Nina. And it's not as if the SERIAL KILLER is helping her plan her revenges. Or vice versa. She had her one good moment on Wednesday (Tuesday?), when Silas busted her at the hospital. Otherwise, she's been a snore from the moment we saw her open her eyes.

  • Love 1
Is it really only 48 hours since the clinic blew up?  If so, time does crawl slowly in PC?





And everyone and their Uncle Cletus owns a time machine apparently. Ron appears to despise the word "continuity" because this show jumps all over the time space continuum. It's as if PC is sectioned off and depending on where you are or where you're going you could end up a day behind or a week ahead. And heaven help you if you happen to step out into the "real world", you'll be another Marty McFly.

  • Love 8

Is it just me, or is Milo taking Pip to a gym for their date really offensive, even by RC's standards?


I remember all the "fat jokes" characters lobbied at SK during his run, so maybe it just feels like Ron's being extra catty here. 


I admit I haven't seen the episode, but I hope Pip rochambeau's Milo's cardboard ass. 

  • Love 4


It's as if PC is sectioned off and depending on where you are or where you're going you could end up a day behind or a week ahead.


Amen! As noted above, only 48 hours have passed since the clinic blew up, but we learned today that Epiphany and Milo have been dating for a while. 



And, are Sam and Paddy carrying invisibility cloaks with them? I thought part of the deal Tracy agreed to with them yesterday (or last month {/sarcasm font}) was that they be out of sight. Sitting at a table that might be 10 feet away doesn't meet that specification in most  worlds. 

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