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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I still don't like Sabrina, but she's much more tolerable now that she's curly-haired and angry.


Jordan could be an interesting character if they'd free her of Shawn.  That guy is an anchor, just like his boss.


MS and Kristen Alderson really have a lot in common.  No matter the show, no matter the character, they are utterly incapable of any nuance at all.


And they both have extra large faces.  Sometimes it takes me right out of a scene.  At least KA blinks occasionally and doesn't repeat her lines in that weird baby voice.  That's something, I guess.

  • Love 6

They've already started running Rosalie into the ground, IMO. And keeping her with Nina is not helping (nor are those bangs). I keep thinking, why the fuck am I watching this chick when Robin is still gone and half the vets can't buy regular airtime?

As the replacement Bo, RKK wasn't actually bad* and gained fans with his pairing with Lisa Rinna's Billie Reed. But then Kristian Alfonso returned as Hope and she and RKK had little chemistry and Peter Reckell was available...


I thought RKK was the hottest, smartest thing alive on DAYS as a kid and was pissed when "that hick" took over as Bo (I had no idea who Peter Reckell was at the time, but I got used to him). He had serious chemistry with Lisa Rinna and (IMO) Kristian Alfonso - who both allegedly despised him and were allegedly among several actors to demand he be removed from the show. But for a while there, man, I was very, very into Bo and Billie. I was pissed when they wrote her off later.


I keep hoping they're for real on Sabrina losing her grip and going a little nuts - that she hasn't really recovered from her breakdown after Gabriel died (even though her original collapse was very shoddily written in two days to begin with and has almost no foundation at all now, but let's put that aside) - because I like angry, irrational Sabrina making trouble. I think it makes sense for a fundamentally immature young woman. But I think this is all just a lame setup for Sabrina to be wrongfully accused when shit goes down with Ava or Nina or something. Poor Sabrina, when will they find the culprit! I hope I'm wrong. The real swerve would be to have Nina be the prime suspect and boom, it's Sabrina.

Edited by jsbt
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I think that something is going to happen to turn Ava's baby into a tock. I don't know if Sabrina, Nina, Shawn or Sonny will be responsible.

My money is on Shawn and that something is going to go very wrong with his attempted kidnapping of Ava for Sonny.


Shawn's shot will go wild, ricochet, and hit Jordan, Cameron, Audrey and Last Seen Four Months Ago Duke.


(A month later, the audience will discover that WSB chief and criminal mastermind Victor Cassadine fired a second shot himself - literally, with a rifle from in hiding - to shut down Jordan's investigation of Fluke, his partner in crime. Just like Ava Jerome, Victor does all his own dirty work.)

Edited by jsbt
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OMG, if I hear one more "Ava is having a baby when I had to bury mine," I'll scream. First Nina, now Sabrina. Having babies is no indication of a woman's worth. Gah.


Is there anything else going on except for Jason, Babies, and the mob on this show?  Beat sets, bored actors, real stale scripts.  Rinse, lather, repeazzz.  Yawn.  The only positive thing to come out of this for me is that at this point in time, I feel a tiny modicum of empathy for Silazzzzzz.  Felix and Sabrina are two of the most unexciting and unappealing actors that I have seen in some time.  The only thing that I enjoyed about yesterday's episode was Ava glaring at Sabrina.  Kiki is succeeding in quickly erasing any progress that Morgan has been making as an actor.

Sabrina, Kiki, and Nina are all USELESS and failed experiments in an already bloated cast. 

eta: need more coffee.

Edited by sunnyface
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I did enjoy Morgan's little rant (paraphrased) "Kiki cares about me, you care about me, Ava cares about me, Dad cares about me.  I wish someone could care about me without breaking my heart."  Most of his family really has screwed him (or at least his women) :-)


I also thought I heard Patrick say that Emma was at Liz's for another hour (so he could stay and talk about the Luke situation), so I don't think there is a sleep over happening. 




As Patrick was getting ready to leave, he got a call from Liz regarding the sleepover.


Oops, I forgot I only watched half the show yesterday.  It certainly felt like I sat through the whole thing.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 5

I did enjoy Morgan's little rant (paraphrased) "Kiki cares about me, you care about me, Ava cares about me, Dad cares about me.  I wish someone could care about me without breaking my heart."  Most of his family really has screwed him (or at least his women) :-)


Ah, poor Alice. Morgan forgot about her so quickly.* Alice cares for you buddy.


*Which I'm really glad about, NO NEED TO RECTIFY THAT RON

  • Love 4

I wonder what Rosalie will do with the information that Carly had sex with Sonny and Morgan/Kiki aren't telling Michael? Will she tell Nina who will tell Franco or will she keep the secret and just tell Michael Morgan and Kiki are keeping secrets from him? I thought that little gem at the end of the show was an interesting development.

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She's annoying in this story line, since from her POV, she does not know really what happened, and why should Julian change his story?  I get it's supposed to show her devotion to her father, but it's a bit over the top.  Julian I thought might be about to tell her though.  Though he could never convince her to keep it a secret, unless he can convince her Ric would be in danger if anyone knew.



As far as both Molly and Julian knows, Ric is dead, so Julian couldn't tell her to keep it quiet to keep Ric out of danger.  Only Anna and Dante know the truth.

Edited by ElleMo

But I think this is all just a lame setup for Sabrina to be wrongfully accused when shit goes down with Ava or Nina or something.


Exactly.  Or, like I said, Sabrina will finally have her chance at revenge, but will wuss out at the last second while someone (Patrick?  Felix?) pleads with her to remember what a good, sweet, pure person she is.  Blech.


I'd rather she takes her shot at Ava, fails miserably, and then Ava retaliates by leaving Felix's severed head in her hospital locker.

  • Love 9

I think it's pretty clear that Ava is going to die. That elevator scene at the end showed how scared and alone Ava really feels. I am somewhat confused about Ava's baby though. At first it did seem they were SORAS her pregnancy with Kiki feeling the baby kick and the way Ava stands to make her pregnancy more noticable. But then with Sabrina she kept really making a big deal out of miscarriage not premature. So that is meant to show the pregnancy isn't far enough along for the baby to be premature. It is all very confusing. But it was made clear Ava doesn't feel she has anyone to turn to, as Jordan was her only help at the hospital and they bearly know each other. Ava didn't feel she could call Julian or even Kiki when she was alone and in pain. I think Franco has more allies than Ava. heh!

 I enjoy Morgan and I loved his verbal smackdown on Keeks but when he gets emotional the actor tends to pop up and down like a freaking Jack-in-the-Box and it takes me right out of the scene. IDK maybe that's a thing all young men are doing so it doesn't look as odd to anyone but me. I truly wish he'd stop it. It looks amateurish to me and screams "I AM ACTING NOW!!!"

 Nee was flapping her arms so much, I hoped she was going to take flight and keep flying, Bye Nee, we'll tell Si and Ro so long for you!

Speaking of Ro, telling Mikey how fucked up his family is and how stupid he is for trusting them is so very attractive. I'm sure he'll be yours in no time. It's true but still, who wants to hear that from a stranger, unless it's Kiki?  Said no one, ever.

I hope Ava makes it but I figured MW's ticket was punched when they hired MSt. What a shame, I'd rather watch MW chew ice than MSt do anything. YMMV

I wish I understood better why Rosalie is so loyal to Nina that she would harm her own chances at a relationship she apparently seems to want in favor of manipulating  to "destroy" someone else.  I'm thinking that she's trying to wreck Michael's relationship with Kiki without having to insert herself by throwing shade at Morgan and Kiki's relationship.  But I still don't understand why she goes along with anything Nina says.  The woman is clearly nuts and likely to turn on her with the slightest provocation.  The pay and perks must be really, really good.

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Am I the only one kinda hmmmm about the fact that they have put these kids in a weird love quad thing...... and um now Emma is sleeping over at her "boyfriend's" house? My dad raised me, so he'd probably never let that boyfriend shit fly out my mouth at age..... 9, I think. But it's weird to me. And barely any of the parents in PC actually parent their kids. If they had the kids acting like kids, I wouldn't care, but they act like teens one second then kids the next then middle aged hermits.

And I think Rosalee must be blackmailed, in debt, or have no family to be taken in by Nina. I also didn't mind the way BC yelled at Lauren. It seemed very human to me. When he does yelling, it seems like he's showing how someone Morgan's age would say those things. He's becoming one of my favorites performance wise.

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Rosalie has been shown talking to her father on the phone, so she has at least some family though it seemed he blew her off so not sure how "great" they are. I will subbornly hold to my belief that Rosalie is a plant meant to encourage Nina's BSC behavior for someone else's ulterior motive. I'm beginning to think Victor may be her father. Originally I thought it was going to be Mickey Diamond but that didn't happen, or may have been changed due to TG unplanned longer recovery.


I kind of suspect this whole Victor thing is a change-up from the orginal plot due to TG's issues.

I will subbornly hold to my belief that Rosalie is a plant meant to encourage Nina's BSC behavior for someone else's ulterior motive.


I don't see her being too encouraging.  She said right at the beginning she didn't see the sense of targeting Kiki and she has been reluctant about this seducing Michael mission.  And then there was her prodding Nina about what her life would be like post-The List.

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I don't see her being too encouraging.  She said right at the beginning she didn't see the sense of targeting Kiki and she has been reluctant about this seducing Michael mission.  And then there was her prodding Nina about what her life would be like post-The List.


That is part of why I think she must be working for her father, b/c Rosalie herself seems like a nice person, but she caves way too easy to Nina's plans I also think she kind of likes Nina and feels sorry for continuing to let her be BSC so that is why sometimes she tries to reason with her.


I freely admit to being totally wrong most of the time, but I just get the feeling Rosalie is part of some plan. I actually think she was more devious in the beginning and now that viewers seem to like her character they are making her nicer. I suspect orginally she wasn't supposed to be long term.

I think Ron has basic big ideas, but no way how to get there so his own short comings plus TG being out for longer messed up more stories than expected. Who knows what his Rosalie plans were? Or even are. Just that now she's got a thing for Morgan, but expected to seduce Micheal and knows about the CarSon sex. I don't get how that would matter to Nina unless she really does want Franco. I'm very not clear if she has feelings for him or if she really does love Silas.

Rosalie has no morals.  It's that simple.  The paycheck is more important to her than anything, and her actions are proving that.  It's not like she and Morgan are actively dating.  They like each other, but they are still in the getting-to-know-each-other phase.  I was very surprised to find out how much Morgan told Rosalie about all his personal business.  I mean she knew everything, which shocked Michael a bit, I think.  I, too, wish Michael would have shut her down with her prying and not-so-subtle jabs at Morgan and Kiki, but I doubt Morgan would appreciate Michael driving off his "new" girlfriend by telling her off.  Let's face it, Morgan and Kiki are getting closer to each other.  They are both keeping secrets from Michael, and Kiki loves lying to him while telling him that shes loves him.  I hate Kiki with a passion, and I don't care if Michael hooks up with Rosalie just so I can get him away from Kiki, the Vortex of Suck.


I am not interested in watching Sabrina seek revenge against Ava.  I'm having enough of the newbies:  Sabrina, Ava, Nina, and their baby storylines.  Where are the other women vets on GH?  Bobbie, Lucy, Monica, Tracy, Felicia?  I get one second of them, and four days of the other three.  Throw in Kiki, and it's a nightmare of diminishing returns.  I do like Ava, but she's on all the time too.  I just wish I saw more of the vets from day to day instead of the Nina show all the damn time.  Now Sabrina has a front burner storyline the minute she comes back.  It annoys me.  I see more of Kiki lately than I do Michael and Morgan, and when I do see Michael and Morgan, Kiki is chained to one of them.  God forbid she's not in a scene to do absolutely nothing.  


That being said, I am enjoying the Cassadine/Nathan/Maxie/Dante/Lulu storyline because it is bringing in a lot of vets to the story, and I like the storyline.  Stavros won't last too long, I think.  He's too nuts.  I'm looking forward to finding out the Victor/Nathan reveal, the Fluke reveal, and of course, the AJ/Sonny reveal.  Those are pretty good stories that I can look forward to in the near future.


If RC would just get rid of Kiki, Nina, Franco, and Silas - and even Sabrina, I think GH will be on really good footing.  I don't think those characters do much of anything for the show.  If he has to get rid of at least two, it would be Kiki and Nina.

  • Love 1

I think Ron has basic big ideas, but no way how to get there so his own short comings plus TG being out for longer messed up more stories than expected. Who knows what his Rosalie plans were? Or even are. Just that now she's got a thing for Morgan, but expected to seduce Micheal and knows about the CarSon sex. I don't get how that would matter to Nina unless she really does want Franco. I'm very not clear if she has feelings for him or if she really does love Silas.

Taking this to the speculation thread.

Sabrina trying to be a "bad ass" is like watching a kitten swipe its paw and try to growl.

Except a kitten is cute, Sabrina? Not so much.


So am I the only one who thinks either Sabrina or Rosalie will wind up being Sonny's next insta-child from Lily who miraculously didn't die during CLINK!BOOM! Come on Ron, how did you let that one pass you by? 


This show....I just can't anymore...the ONLY thing that keeps me watching is the AJ reveal. If that would just fucking happen already I might forgive Ron for a number of things, in the meantime, since I'm in one of the areas where they pushed GH back to 3pm, I will continue to read the posts here from the 2pm-ers and decide if I should waste another hour of my day.

  • Love 3
the part that made me laugh was earlier in the episode when she said something to "Ro" (god I hate the way she shortens names, Si, J) about how it was now Kiki's turn to "feel her wrath." What?? She has brought her wrath down on Sam and Silas? Neither of them seems particularly bothered.


I know. That cracked me up, too. Everything that's happened to everyone on the List has happened despite Nina, not because of her.


They've already started running Rosalie into the ground, IMO.


Totally par for the course, unfortunately for us.


I did enjoy Morgan's little rant (paraphrased) "Kiki cares about me, you care about me, Ava cares about me, Dad cares about me.  I wish someone could care about me without breaking my heart."  Most of his family really has screwed him (or at least his women) :-)


I liked that, too. It wasn't presented as Morgan whining, either. 

  • Love 2

I believe Michelle Stafford called Nina a sociopath in the press after the initial reveal. I'm sure Ron agreed with that, until he didn't and doesn't.


I don't see much evidence that Nina is a sociopath myself, just deeply disturbed. The problem is we have no real background into what made her this way. My man moved on after twenty years - I'm mad and here is my extremely unfocused revenge while I chemistry-test with show leper Roger Howarth! It's just Stafford doing the schtick that ran her into the ground on Y&R, and Ron and Frank clearly love it and think it's the best and hey, they can "redeem" her just like Obrecht/Britt/etc because in the end it's all Silas and Donna Mills's fault. And it's too bad, because she is talented with restraint and better material. If they had stuck to making her genuinely cold and scary, that would have frightened me.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

Gotta admit that I liked Dr. O's "Did you think they'd be waving from the windows?" comment to Anna today, since I was basically thinking the same thing. 


At least Nathan has been working at trying to get loose. Apparently Dante and Lulu have just been chatting about their plight for the last however many hours or days they've imprisoned, although Nathan should have had the presence of mind to cuff the goon to the bar before he left him in the room. 

  • Love 7

I'm torn.  All this Herrell nonsense is the same lazy shit as repurposing from Laura to Lulu Stavros as an obsessed Big Bad, but I guess I like that it's giving Felicia and Mac some more to do.  Oh, besides Felicia running for mayor, of course...which apparently has been taking place exclusively off-screen.


Dante and Lulu need to stop bleeting about Stavros maybe changing his mind, maybe getting over his obsession.  The dude is a crazy Cassadine who last time had his own son shot and then stuck Lulu in a freezer.  Accept your reality.


I enjoyed Anna and Obrecht sniping at each other, Victor treating Stavros like the toddler he is, and the Obrecht/Victor confrontation, which should get extra good on Monday.


OMG Jason's arms! #zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

Maxie is just written as totally useless. She jacked Nathan over a bunch of times, he is at risk and taken a beating, her one job is to find a phone, and instead she plays half brained Nancy Drew. Is Ron trying to make us hate her?


That van...at least Ron is trying even given his low budgets.


The baby implant is just as yucky as I expected. Not kidding, I may take next week off. In fact, I will. If anythng exciting happens other than the baby rape, like Sobby killing Ava or Sam slapping Patrick off her when he goes in for the make out, please post and I will catch it on demand.

  • Love 1

I think MSt and Roger and ME are being wasted by playing unrootable characters with shit writing. I've seen MSt and she can do better work. Even her quiet scenes as Nina are better than being an idiot waving a crayon and a piece of scratch paper. And no one could make Franco rootable, not even Micheal C Hall could save that SERIAL KILLER from the shit writing. Even ME is being misused, but no one notices because as McBain he was propped to high heavens. But dude had to watch his favorite and best character get shit on in his face.

Now, as for today's show. I sat through the last year's of OLTL and my god this is more rapier, Ron. Just no. Stop with the embryos and forced implantations. I like RKK, but it's time to kill Stavros.

New Jasus better be good (fuck that black tee) and I want MAJOR repercussions for AJ's murder for Sonny and Carly. I demand Micheal rage.

  • Love 4

I'd rather she takes her shot at Ava, fails miserably, and then Ava retaliates by leaving Felix's severed head in her hospital locker.


Now THAT is a scenario I really love.  In fact, since I love it so much I'm going to do a Nina and say it twice.  Now THAT is a scenario I really love.


 I'm only afraid that Felix's severed head would STILL keep talking, like that puppet-head-in-a-box that the old ventriloquist, Senor Wences had.  Sabrina would open the locker and we'd hear Felix start yapping away.

Edited by boes
  • Love 13
I'm only afraid that Felix's severed head would STILL keep talking, like that old puppet-head-in-a-box that the old ventriloquist, Senor Wences had.  Sabrina would open the locker and we'd hear Felix start yapping away.


As campy and crappy as RC is, I think we're safe there. But if James E. Reilly's spirit ever takes over, on the other hand... (Gawd, Passions even makes RC's GH look like Oscar Wilde. Now I must go anoint myself with holy water for saying ANYTHING remotely positive about RC, 'K? Thanks. Bye!)

  • Love 2

RKK may have been munching along rather ferociously this week, but I figured that wouldn't last long around Thaao. I actually thought he played Victor's reaction to his whack-job nephew very well, putting him into his place almost immediately when Stav began to "whine" for Mummy and complain about Lulu and the embryo and all that unpleasantness. Certainly there are a million different ways they could be using the Cassadine clan and this current choice sure as hell isn't my idea of "fun" or "interesting" or "good", but I didn't mind those short scenes.


I did mind, however, everything else that happened, dear god...why lord, why?


Lulu screaming as she's prepped for forced baby in-habitation while Dante hollers and watches helplessly and Stav looks like a kid on Christmas morning awaiting the chance to rip into his presents like a rapid wolf? Yeah...I can totally see what'll be included on next year's Emmy reel, they'll be sure to get a nomination this time...GTFO Ron, no, GTFFFO.


Maxie...where's your brain girl? I mean really? Instead of trying to pump a man who looks like death half-cooked for information about a phone  which is probably going to prove to be a huge waste of time, deary, just look for a fucking phone! And if you don't find one? Leave the damn room and keep looking for a way out!


And speaking of said deathish looking patient, did we really, really, need to bring back another old character that barely had a purpose when he was first on, let alone now. Ffs Ron why can't you just use the people you already have on hand goddammit?!?! I...oh there goes the rage blackout *thuds*


At least Nathan managed to be proactive, though he should have handcuffed the agent to the bar before leaving, but overall I'll give him a B+ on escaping his confines successfully.

Edited by CPP83
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Plus you gotta love a guy who wants his mommy.


I want his mommy too, where is Helena?!?! 


Is she still frozen?  Is she enjoying a cup of tea and a fluffy robe?  Is she shopping online for fierce suits?  Did she run out to get a manicure?  'Cause I need her to stroll into Victor's office and FINALLY share scenes with Dr. O.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Dayplayer guard is hilarious. The fluttering eyelids? He's as bad as Levi's partner. 



Why does everyone think that simply pumping Lulu full of hormones means the embryo will implant?


Well, what do you know? Felicia has a moment of clarity about her support of Maxie and Levi.


At least Nathan managed to be proactive, though he should have handcuffed the agent to the bar before leaving, but overall I'll give him a B+ on escaping his confines successfully.


I have to give Nathan a B- because of that. It's too basic to excuse. It's not as if the building were on fire. He could have taken the extra twenty second to handcuff the guard.


LOL at Jason's Stunt Arms.

  • Love 2

Dante and Lulu need to stop bleeting about Stavros maybe changing his mind, maybe getting over his obsession.  The dude is a crazy Cassadine who last time had his own son shot and then stuck Lulu in a freezer.  Accept your reality.


I don't blame them. I can't deal with this, and I know this shit is fake. I was embarrassed for/by DZ today. I knew he would pay for escaping performing in the Nurses Ball twice, somehow. And I don't like ER but nobody could make this work, nobody.


I enjoyed Anna and Obrecht sniping at each other



Me too. I can't wait for her to save me from this story. 


Victor treating Stavros like the toddler he is



That's what he gets for bringing the far inferior nephew back from the dead. Also, during that scene, Stavros sounded like he took a dump in his pants and was desperate for Victor not to notice.


Levi: still pretty fug. And I know Maxie isn't gonna get killed by the Peters, okay show, so just shoot Levi already.


In conclusion: this Stavros stuff makes me wish I was watching Franco give someone an art therapy class.


We're not even supposed to be thinking exactly how it was that Stavros was able to extract the egg from Lulu, right? I mean, the sexual violation involved in the physical probing and extraction is nothing compared to the repulsion of Stavros being the father of the "baby," right?


I figure it was done by minions. Still gross, but I don't think we're meant to think he did it himself. I really hope not.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

I gave him the + because he at least shut the door behind him. Admittedly my standards for characters actual showing that they have functioning brains on this show are quite low at this point. He shut the door and he navigated his way to the main office without incident, it's a miracle.


Though where the hell are security cameras in this facility? They didn't have cameras in the room where Nathan and Maxie were being held to keep an eye on them? And apparently they don't have them watching hallways or even patients rooms. I mean come on now that's just beyond the pale for a supposedly top secret medical clinic involved in such nefarious and illegal activities.

  • Love 3

I don't want to think that Bo Brady is now resorting to making women get pregnant via science. Just....no.

Dominic, is that your name? I saw your Canadian teen drama. So you've done embarrassing shit before. Do the Nurse's Ball next year and save us all. That goes for the entire fucking cast. Roger, Micheal.... collect your resumes because your jobs suck.

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