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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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hope this thing with Anna, Finn, and Cassandra is only there to make Man Landers look good by comparison. I can think of no other rationale. It's currently the biggest drag on the show, of everything that could be called ongoing. I may dislike other stories, but I can at least pay attention to them.  

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I think Anna and Finn are hysterical together.  I only tune in from time to time. The stories are all kind of boring  and uninteresting to me. But I do like watching Finola Hughes . Even in the most incredulous situations , she comes across real, to me. I never feel she is reading her lines. 

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Doesn't anyone ever take a shower after sex?  I will never forget when I was young, we were in church and my father said later that he could smell sex on a couple that came and sit down close to us.  That has been so many years ago and I will never forget that....lol  You would have to know my father to appreciate this!

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These stories could all be so much better.  Laura should have shot Valentine and then gone on the run with Luke.  That would be better than the not loaded gun and him threatening Laura in a way that was supposed to be threatening but was just so wimpy. He's the one who Helena really feared?  Sorry.  Not buying that. The fact that Lulu is Luke and Laura's daughter and just takes all of this crap gives me no hope for the future of GH.

Jakeson should know exactly who he is and is scamming Sam, Sonny, and Carly.  Instead, I'm sure he will just have been mistaken this whole time but really thought he was Jason.

Parker looks like a creepy predator.  Sonny should do something useful for once and kill her instead of killing people like AJ and Alkazar who are actually characters that I liked.

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3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

So are we going to have Jason and Drew basically competing to be Sonny's best friend and mob enforcer?  That sounds so boring.

Drew never seemed all that interested in working for Sonny. He didn't like it when he first came to PC, and he doesn't like it now. I think the conflict, such as it is, will be competing for Sam's affection, and being in or out of the mob is a part of that. Jason will return to it, because he can't do anything else, and Drew will try to figure out what he wants to do. (Or, more likely, wait for someone to tell him. He's still passive as hell.)

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Ugh with Laura going to harangue Valentin. What a waste of time, especially when she won't follow through and shoot him.

I HATE that they made Cassandra a hypochondriac. There are plenty of other ways to write this dumb story. 

How much longer will Ava had that maxi pad on her face? And LOL that she and Griffin aren't just a bit more anxious to get out of the clinic.

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On 10/3/2017 at 10:26 AM, NutmegsDad said:

The Ava-Blaming Scapegoating is reaching new heights. Jason6 lifted the paperclip from Evil Doctor, but because Ava was there to pick up the oopsie clip, Evil Doctor was able to find the Ava Breadcrumb, and of course, it's her fault Jason6 escaped! Occam's Razor and all!

You'd think Ava would have more experience in successful lying.  "Yes, I gave him the pen", "yes, I picked up the paperclip".  These people are controlling your medical treatments -- drugs, anesthesia --you don't want them mad at you.

And how ridiculous is it for her fish hook style earring to suddenly fall out where it will incriminate her?  In a scuffle, maybe, but she was just standing there.

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It's hard for me to be Team Laura when she pulls these crazy stunts. She can't really claim any moral superiority when she's whipping out a gun to menace Valentin, because then she's only sinking to his level. She can be angry and fight her battles with him without resorting to threats of violence or any other criminal acts.

Finn connecting Anna's history with his own experience with Hayden felt honest and real. No blackmail, no lies, no third-party characters inserted out of nowhere, just an honest conversation about their similar painful experiences. This is the material we should be getting instead of Cassandra's dead weight.

It's super lame how easy it was for Griffin and Ava to get away. It's also lame that it's obvious her face is fine underneath that bandaging. I know it's easier for them to slap that wrap around MW's face rather than applying makeup, but they're not even trying to make her look scarred. 

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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I HATE that they made Cassandra a hypochondriac. There are plenty of other ways to write this dumb story.

They know only two ways -- women who love Sonny and those who don't and are stupid.

Where does BMJason's money come from?  Is it from the Quartermaines?  If so, maybe after he leaves the mob he could join Michael and Ned at ELQ. But then Sam's head would probably explode.

I see they're teasing Finn with Anna now.  At least she wakes him up; the endless Finn/Rachel repetitive dialogue was a good cure for insomnia.

I don't see what Valentin was supposed to feel when Cassandra said she was coming to Port Charles.  First he looked like it was really bad for him, and then he sort of shrugged as if it didn't matter. Not the best acting.

Also, Cassandra should be seeing Andre, not Finn, when she arrives.

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh with Laura going to harangue Valentin. What a waste of time, especially when she won't follow through and shoot him.

The show has dipped into this kind of false drama well way too many times lately.

Not sure I liked Dr. Michael Easton talking about Robin.  It doesn't make me care about him, Show.

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On 10/3/2017 at 0:51 PM, dubbel zout said:

I totally forgot Kristina is in that age group. LOL. A big problem is all of these characters are in their own bubbles. They don't even pass like ships in the night. It's ridiculous.

they actually went to the trouble of making Amy and Kristina roommates, and do nothing with that.  

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14 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Where does BMJason's money come from?  Is it from the Quartermaines?  If so, maybe after he leaves the mob he could join Michael and Ned at ELQ. But then Sam's head would probably explode.


It's from all OGJason's money/holdings.  

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Can someone recap that last 10 minutes of today's show? The show cut out while Laura was telling Valentin that just knowing Helena wanted revenge was enough to be worrying, even if you didn't believe in curses, or some such nonsense.

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Maybe it's just me but Ava and Griffin were so sparkly and cute together today.  When she was teasing him about first fighting then stealing a key card, it was just so very adorable.  Let's get rid of the literal and figurative collar and get those two kids together.  

Just now, dubbel zout said:

Can someone recap that last 10 minutes of today's show? The show cut out while Laura was telling Valentin that just knowing Helena wanted revenge was enough to be worrying, even if you didn't believe in curses, or some such nonsense.

Griffin and Ava's plane got the go ahead to take off.  He asked if she was ready to talk about what happened at the clinic.  She said no but wants to know why he came to the clinic to find her.

Jason stowing away on a cargo ship on it's way to NY.  Some guy comes up behind him and attacks him.  As usually happens when you're stowing away on a ship.  

Finn agrees with Anna's suggestion that they do something exciting while in Monte Carlo, so they're going dancing.

Cassandra calls Valentin and tells him she's coming to the States to be treated by Finn.  

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Thanks so much, Perkie

1 hour ago, Perkie said:

He asked if she was ready to talk about what happened at the clinic. 

Is Griffin asking about the surgery or the business with Jason? Or the soulful looks she and Griffin keep exchanging? 

8 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I was never a fan of Nicholas, but omg I really, really, really want Nicholas to show up alive so that people can stop yelling "you killed my son/brother!" at Valentin. 

The only thing that keeps me from screaming every time this happens is that Valentin usually points out no body has ever been found. 

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

Is Griffin asking about the surgery or the business with Jason?

Earlier, she mentioned something about Kline wanting to punch her because she let Jason escape.  So I think it was more about what the heck happened with the guy you helped escaped type of question.  


2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Or the soulful looks she and Griffin keep exchanging? 

I felt like Griffin was giving her the soulful, thank goodness I found you looks.  Ava was being all giddy cute in exchange.  Maura and Matt were working it today!

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21 hours ago, ulkis said:

Steve can act. Look up on youtube Jason's break up with Robin (1997) or even his one with Courtney. After that he mostly stopped trying.

I thought he was good around the time he was giving up Jake and Elizabeth and grieving for Emily -- 2007 or so. In looking at clips between 2007 and full-on Borg of 2008, I have to wonder if something happened in Burton's life. He aged a lot in that one year as well, at the risk of looks-shaming. 

16 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

LMAO. The story of JaSam just being epically crapped on is like....I don't even have words for how comedic it would be after all these years. 

It happened with Marlena and Roman -- she chose nuRoman/John Black. I don't really know how the Todds turned out, or if OLTL was cancelled in the middle of it?

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43 minutes ago, Perkie said:

I felt like Griffin was giving her the soulful, thank goodness I found you looks.  Ava was being all giddy cute in exchange.  Maura and Matt were working it today!

I can't decide if I wanna watch for this or not. I mean I don't really like Ava/Griffin in practice, but I'm way into them in theory.

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I wouldn't be surprised in Cassandra really is sick with a mystery disease. Hey, no one believed the original Cassandra's gloom and doom either! I'm kind of into this valet-confidant she has, who seems to have a crush on her. They did a good job shading in this character with just a few scenes.

Anna and Finn are kind of cute together. He's another example of an actor who's a drip with the wrong storyline, but pretty fun with the right one. Where Anna/McBain similarly dynamic in their scenes together? 

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2 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I wouldn't be surprised in Cassandra really is sick with a mystery disease. Hey, no one believed the original Cassandra's gloom and doom either! I'm kind of into this valet-confidant she has, who seems to have a crush on her. They did a good job shading in this character with just a few scenes.

Anna and Finn are kind of cute together. He's another example of an actor who's a drip with the wrong storyline, but pretty fun with the right one. Where Anna/McBain similarly dynamic in their scenes together? 

Maybe they will give her Sam's cat poop disease. They do tend to repeat storylines.

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5 hours ago, Linny said:

It's hard for me to be Team Laura when she pulls these crazy stunts. She can't really claim any moral superiority when she's whipping out a gun to menace Valentin, because then she's only sinking to his level. She can be angry and fight her battles with him without resorting to threats of violence or any other criminal acts.

Laura was lugging her Luke Spencer baggage when she brought the unloaded gun to threaten Valentin. It's the kind of cheap trick Luke would use to make himself feel powerful, in control, and badass when everyone knew he was just a wannabe trying to go back to his spy glory days. I love the way Valentin threatened her with the specter of hidden cameras. Laura is a hysteric and always has been. She's overinvolved in Lulu's baby rabies problems, and needs to get a life. And maybe being Spencer's guardian is driving her over the edge, for good measure.

Anna needs to give up the spy game and accept being a proper grandmother to Robin's kids. Take them to Disneyland or the beach. Spoil them with toys. Anna acts like she is in her second childhood. Her road trip to Monte Carlo is bizarre for both of them. I loved how Finn made her face the truth about neglecting/abandoning Robin as a child.

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I can't decide if I wanna watch for this or not. I mean I don't really like Ava/Griffin in practice, but I'm way into them in theory.

If you don't like Ava/Griffin -then enjoy Anna/Finn.  Good episode (plus/and/or no Sonny/Carly/lethargic Jason.  MW, FH, GF are not on enough but manage to rise above their plots and were enjoyable to watch today.  The opposing actors in their scenes (Griffin, ME, and Valentin) also put in professional appearances.


With every passing scene with OG Jason, my mind is nearing certainty that it was a huge mistake bringing both the character and the actor back.  What makes it worse is that SBu said that he is going to stick around for a long, long, time.  I can't stand him so much that I would prefer that RH stay with Franco instead of  OG  Jason.   Poor Liz.  No Griffin for her.

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23 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Why does Evil Russian Doctor want to keep Ava there?  She let the non-psychotic Patient 5 go so why wouldn't he boot her out of the clinic as soon as he could?

Nelle:  I want to keep the ring because it's all I have left of my fiance.  (Me:  You had a rich fiance and the only thing he gave you in all the time you know him was the engagement ring?  Girl, you're better rid of him.)

That sounds far more interesting than anything they've done on it so far.  So of course the story they're going to show us is going to be all about SBu and how Sam is going to pick him. And Carly gloating.

With Nell, I'm pretty sure that it was inferred that the Grants stripped her of all Zach purchased assets. It is all apparently tied up in court. But unless the state has issued something say to the probate court stating that Zach's death is a homicide and that charges are pending, I don't get why or how his will hasn't been approved. And Nell is the heir to the bulk of his estate.

Wouldn't it be nice if someone on the ABCD lot could ask, like a lawyer, questions dealing with the law? Criminal and civil courts? Just to see if the crap that want to put on the air makes some sort of sense. If only ABCD employed such "lawyers"!

What a freaking waste of Jessica Tuck!

Shut up Ava.

I will happily accept Liason overy Friz. HAPPILY I TELL YOU! Sure I would rather have Liz go out with Griffin. Or the long lost Dr. Matt Hunter. Or hell, be in MoC with Valentin than have her with Franco.

Edited by stlbf
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16 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Anna and Finn are kind of cute together. He's another example of an actor who's a drip with the wrong storyline, but pretty fun with the right one. Where Anna/McBain similarly dynamic in their scenes together? 

I dunno...my long-established bias against Michael Easton in all his forms aside, I personally find it hard to be charmed by Anna and Dr. Michael Easton despite there being some chemistry there because I see the behind-the-scenes strings dangling, I can see the seams, you know?

Edited by TeeVee329
I accidentally referred to Dr. Michael Easton by the actual character name, nooo!
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8 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

It's from all OGJason's money/holdings.  

Blood money from working for the mob?  That's going to be interesting separating OGJason's holdings from BMJason's.

5 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I wouldn't be surprised in Cassandra really is sick with a mystery disease. Hey, no one believed the original Cassandra's gloom and doom either! I'm kind of into this valet-confidant she has, who seems to have a crush on her. They did a good job shading in this character with just a few scenes.

It helps to have a couple of good actors doing it.  Four if you count FH and ME.

I wonder if they decided to extent the storyline once they saw how it was going.

10 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

Just to go slightly off-topic, what, exactly, happened because no one believed her?


Cassandra foresaw the destruction of Troy. In various accounts of the war, she warned the Trojans about the Greeks hiding inside the Trojan Horse, Agamemnon's death and her own demise at the hands of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra, her mother Hecuba's fate, Odysseus's ten-year wanderings before returning to his home, and the murder of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra by her children Electra and Orestes. Cassandra predicted that her cousin Aeneas would escape during the fall of Troy and found a new nation in Rome.[11] However, she was unable to do anything to forestall these tragedies since no one believed her.[12]

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Blood money from working for the mob?  That's going to be interesting separating OGJason's holdings from BMJason's.

Not really, I don't think BMJason has any money because he hasn't worked in the past 4-5 years

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11 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

I am totally loving Ava & Griffin together! Not sure how everyone else feels.....am I at a table for one? lol  I also cannot wait when OG Jason tells Sonny that Ava was who helped him escape!

Not at a table for one! There is lots of chemistry AFAIC. MW & MC sure bring the pretty and look like they are having fun together. 

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6 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Not really, I don't think BMJason has any money because he hasn't worked in the past 4-5 year

BM's Jason's been using original recipe Jason's money all this time.  He's gonna have a whole bunch of IOUs pending!

9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Anna and Finn are kind of cute together

I never noticed ME's penchant for pursing his lips and then someoen mentioned it and now it's all I notice in scenes with him and it drives me insane.  The only person for Anna is Robert.  

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12 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

I am totally loving Ava & Griffin together! Not sure how everyone else feels.....am I at a table for one

Nope.  I'm sitting with you.  Let's order an apetizer and enjoy the show!!

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12 hours ago, sunnyface said:

If you don't like Ava/Griffin -then enjoy Anna/Finn. 

Pass tbh. Sometimes I do find them kinda cute, but most of the time no. They're both too smug for me, I think.

11 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I dunno...my long-established bias against Michael Easton in all his forms aside, I personally find it hard to be charmed by Anna and Finn despite there being some chemistry there because I see the behind-the-scenes strings dangling, I can see the seams, you know?

Also this.

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13 hours ago, LillyB said:
16 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I wouldn't be surprised in Cassandra really is sick with a mystery disease. Hey, no one believed the original Cassandra's gloom and doom either! I'm kind of into this valet-confidant she has, who seems to have a crush on her. They did a good job shading in this character with just a few scenes.

Anna and Finn are kind of cute together. He's another example of an actor who's a drip with the wrong storyline, but pretty fun with the right one. Where Anna/McBain similarly dynamic in their scenes together? 

Maybe they will give her Sam's cat poop disease. They do tend to repeat storylines.

I'll buy into that. That way, they can show that Cassandra's dealings with Valentin and the Dark Web (with untrackable Cookies) are related to Olivia Jerome, and, thus, Ava's fault, because she originally got Morgan hooked through online gambling, and the Web is the Web, so same thing....


18 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Can someone recap that last 10 minutes of today's show? The show cut out while Laura was telling Valentin that just knowing Helena wanted revenge was enough to be worrying, even if you didn't believe in curses, or some such nonsense.

Laura and Valentin went on trying out to outbluff each other, then Laura turns to head out, stops, and, pointing at Valentin, says, "Oh, by the way, your leg is leaking," then makes the Kristina-Stinky face and commented that the Living Room needs to be Febreezed. Valentin goes off in a huff to change his pants.....

(...wait, that last part was in my mind....)

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13 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Anna needs to give up the spy game and accept being a proper grandmother to Robin's kids. Take them to Disneyland or the beach. Spoil them with toys.

There is more than enough evidence that Anna sees plenty of Robin and her family. 

38 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

You guys, is it just me or is the show particularly bad right now?  Not just bad, but so boring.  There's not even anything that's that fun to hate!

Not just you. I can't muster a rage blackout about anything going on right now. Heh.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

You guys, is it just me or is the show particularly bad right now?  Not just bad, but so boring.  There's not even anything that's that fun to hate!

idk....it's been worse....remember Levi??  lol  But in comparison to Days that has been killing it the last week, yes it's bad.

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Levi is a HOF terrible story, definitely, but there were less terrible stories going on along with it. Right now all the stories are boring, badly told, and have no pacing whatsoever.

Edited by dubbel zout
removing stray word
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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

You guys, is it just me or is the show particularly bad right now?  Not just bad, but so boring.  There's not even anything that's that fun to hate!

I think the real issue with the show started when everything began to be retconned. Like, everything. I can't think of a story right now that hasn't been completely convoluted and involved twisting the past. 

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Not just you. I can't muster a rage blackout about anything going on right now. Heh.


Although Jason coming back with no amnesia has me slightly interested. I hope he doesn't bump his head on the boat.

Edited by ulkis
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There's also a lot of story hinging on off-screen or brand-new characters parachuted in.  The Tale of Two Jason mess gets explained and retconned by the recast Mrs. Franco, they apparently can't even bother to give us Heather.  The entire Man Landers mess is on the shoulders of Amy 2.0's off-screen brother.  Turns out the Valentin story is all about Cassandra, who, while very pretty because she is Jessica Tuck, we just met.  And the big wrench in Nelle and Michael's relationship is a dude that was killed off-screen and his dayplayer of a sister.

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1 minute ago, ulkis said:

Although Jason coming back with no amnesia has me slightly interested. I hope he doesn't bump his head and get amnesia.

I'm kinda intrigued to see the reunions for Jason that just didn't have the same emotions when played by BM.

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It continues to gross me out that Ava has to go on and on about being mangled and broken inside and that she needs to change her wicked ways while Sonny - who has pretty much the same resume of murdering, mobstering, and fucking his children's significant others - is repeatedly told he's awesome, the best father and husband, blah blah etc. etc.

So the "Who's Oscar's daddy?" thing is back.  Any chance he actually will be part of "a family the fans love" as Jamey Giddens claimed?

Way to bolster the hospital canvas with Aunt Stella, Show. #sarcasm

We're getting way too much Brick, it's like Ron with Milo.

Edited by TeeVee329
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4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It continues to gross me out that Ava has to go on and on about being mangled and broken inside and that she needs to change her wicked way while Sonny - who has pretty much the same resume of murdering, mobstering, and fucking his children's significant others - is repeatedly told he's awesome, the best father and husband, blah blah etc. etc.

What bothers me most is Ava basing all of this on the fact her face was burned. She was a terrible person before the fire. (ETA: Can they please remove the maxi pad from her face?)

Hey, PCPD desk sergeant (who whoever you are): If you don't want all those women around looking for Ask Man Landers, tell them to leave!

Edited by dubbel zout
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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

What bothers me most is Ava basing all of this on the fact her face was burned. She was a terrible person before the fire.

But that narrative has been there longer than that, that Sonny = The Best and Ava = Evil Scum even though they're pretty much the same person.

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