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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Pretty sure I was a party of one looking forward to the story of Nathan being Victor Cassadine's son picking back up.  But, natch, Ron let me down with like the lamest reveal ever.


Again, if Victor Cassadine has a bevy of goons with gas canisters at his command, why did he have to enlist stupid Rafe to cause Patrick's accident?


Every time Kiki or Franco bleet about being friends, I die a little inside.


Shut up, Sabrina.

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TeCa did a pretty good job against Ava, I like the fact Ron is letting Sabrina get some sarcasm rolling. Maura needs to tell the makeup people she needs some attention on her decollete, they do a nice job on her face. This first scene between them should have been shorter, though, and the writers screwed TeCa a little on some of the lines.


Dr O and Britt were fun even with the exposition hour. I wish Dr O being in PC running the hospital made more sense.


I wish Det West was played as less stupid and useless. It will be hard to see the forthcoming Maxie love scenes as realistic given his worthlessness. Enough said on the Victor gas scene--except for my rage. HTF could Victor know EVERYTHING about him except Mommy's name? BS.


I thought Silas and Patrick still were in hate mode, this is way weak. Also, didn't Ron promise JT would shave?


Nina/Sonny/girl-woman Kiki/Franco/Carly. Thank goodness this is moving. The writers left Michelle and Laura hanging on many of their lame and forced sounding lines. I want to see Rosie the Nurse back, though (disregard, I just saw her on the preview).



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On the NEXT bitch-fight between Nina and Ava!


Man, I can't WAIT to see the next encounter these 2 have!! Just wait til Ava finds out that bitch can walk! (I just KNOW it's gonna happen)...And who ELSE thinks that Nina is gonna try and take Ava's baby from her, but it's gonna blow up in her face horribly?? (I do)...


And who else thinks Sabrina is gonna do something incredibly stupid and put some folk's lives at risk, in order to find out who was responsible for her baby's death? (I do)...


And why does the guy in the dark suit who showed up at the house (WHERE NOBODY THOUGHT TO LEAVE WHEN THE DAM GAS EXPLODED) make me think that it's Victor?

I hope it does blow up in Nina's face, although I second GrrPants' request for a chair flip first. :) 


Sabrina may put lives at risk if her's is at the top of the list, followed by Felix, Fluke, Nina, Sonny, NotTodd!Franco, Carly. Her trying to be threatening w/Ava is kind of hilarious. Sabrina thinks she's gonna be a badass. Hahahahahaha! Ava could easily squash her like a bug. 


And you're correct.  But yeesh, in regular "daylight" Victor's complexion is like a mix of deep red and eggplant purple. It's too distracting for me to actually hear what he says. We get it, Victor used Levi/Peter's inherited hatred of Maxie's mom and bio father to get him to get close to Maxie and Lulu, like he used Rafe for the car accident. 


I've gotta admit, Dr. O's unique choice of insult for Anna made me laugh.


Carly snarling at/begging Kiki is just too much ... please can you two go DIAF and take NotTodd!Franco and Sonny with you. Carly's too much of a moron to get that those two are sooo not worth a conversation with Kiki.


Dare we hope Patrick is FINALLY getting a clue? 


I don't care if Nathan is a Cassadine. I'll laugh though if dun dun dun...it's true and Britt  is like "Hmm, my brother and my ex-fiance are blood relations, maybe that's icky?"

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It is upside down day! I enjoyed most of today.


I actually enjoyed Kiki -- she did not fold with Carly's whining. Carly should know if Sonny said it (Kiki won't tell) that it is WRONG. Besides, he doesn't care because he thinks he would be able to kill Franco before Franco told Michael about AJ. I don't understand his hubris... His hitmen are not that accurate!


And Sabrina -- who knew after months of Saint Sabrina that giving her some edge would make her more entertaining? 


And Nathan -- I enjoyed his scene with Victor as well as the scene between Britt and Liesl. Plot moved along today.

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The Nathan/Victor scenes cut with the Liesel/Britt scenes were great. I could love that Dr O. And RP is improving. Especially against Thaao Pengalis. Then again, to suck against him, you have to be complete shit.

So....banging Sonny is like when a friend wears an ugly dress? Lol, Carly, lol. Even Lauren was like "Da fuck?" So KA's stank face acting worked for once. And damn, Nina, I like you, but when SERIAL KILLER be like this girl crazy, you may need to see Dr Kevin.

Loved the Ava/Sabrina showdown. Mini showdown. Meow. Where's that fire been, Miss Santiago? I like it! I think TeCa is doing better. Good job, you can stay.

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What a boring day. Ron, we really don't need the characters spoon feeding us information we've long since figured out months ago.


Victor is Cop Woody's dad because of course he is, because this is what you do, Ron, you really aren't that clever and your story lines are so transparent it's almost too easy to figure out what's going to happen most of the time. And it's never well written, ever.


I thought Sam was going to make Patrick shave? She won the bet. So are they implying instead of shaving they just had sex or something? What happened instead? Stupid show.


Kiki can't even eavesdrop like a normal human being, why is she such a fail? She's a fail as a human being, I swear it, she's the most useless sack of flesh.


The only nice thing I have to say about today is that they seemed to have found Brit actual fitted clothing to wear, for once, that looked half decent on her.


At least Julian is back tomorrow, but seriously show can he have a scene with Sam? Would it be so hard to just have them have a conversation?

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You know I hate Kiki bad when I start going, "get out of Carly's fucking business Kiki".


And again, it seems like she's all set to side with Franco, her SERIAL KILLER buddy, over Michael (and Morgan), which is ridiculous.  Michael needs to dump her and dump her HARD. 


I hope Carly decides to mow Kiki down with her car.

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I'm impressed that Lauren caught that big ugly vase. Another inanimate object stealing scenes in soaps. Although, gas mask was hilarious. That shit made no sense.

Dr O had the best reaction to NotLevi and his fake accent. Slow clap, Dr O. Like, it's a sad day when she saw through that before Mac and Anna.

Is vase this year's cake or is that recording?

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Michelle Stafford probably could pull off the Marty Saybrooke Memorial "Superstar" Arms.


I'm sure she'd find something to top them. Though what made Marty's "Superstar" arms so awesome was she'd been sane and stable, if horribly annoying, not long before that. Neener has been crazier than a shit-house rat since the moment she rolled up to Danny's birthday party and started showing all her teeth to a toddler she had no proper connection to.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Miss Santiago? I like it! I think TeCa is doing better. Good job, you can stay.



How can you screw up in scenes with either Ava or Carlos?  The only way that she gets a pass from me (and it goes for EVERY other actor on the show) is if she gets Sonny off of my screen.  Even the closed captioning person doesn't even bother to translate Sonny's screwing up his lines anymore.  I shudder at the thought of the endless scenes of TeCa trying to emote guilt with her BFF Felix. 

Edited by sunnyface
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Dare I even ask?


Let me add -- I hate this show and what it's done to one of my all-time favorite television characters of all time (day or night).


You dare. She called her "ersatz mata hari". I actually liked it. And I actually liked Obrecht's meta joke about being Canadian, and I usually hate those. Although jeez, it was shoved in so awkwardly. Still wish they'd let go of Scott Sickles though. 

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Mostly, I enjoyed today. I still don't care that much about baby Shamwow, and I swear that each time Sonny talks with Carly about their last sexcapade he's sleazier and more disgusting than the time before.  


I think my favorite part of the day was Dr. O reflexively going into Mama Bear mode to comment about Anna when she learned that Nathan could be in danger. 

Edited by rur
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 I can say what I've been thinking since she came on the show; every time I look at Sabrina she reminds me of Jodi Arias and I swear the resemblance (at least in my head) colored my opinion of Sabrina from the minute I saw her with those damn glasses and long hair. 

Me too, I am pretty sure I posted that way back then, there is a definite resemblance.

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It's just a feeling.  The dialogue about Nathan's father just seemed off to me if the kid was Victors.

It's been predicted and assumed for some time now, on various message boards, that Victor is Nathan's father.  That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if RC, who I think definitely reads message boards, is now pulling a bait and switch routine.  Make it appear that Victor is Nathan's father (since it's been a long rumor on message boards) and then say it's someone else.  But who would that someone else be?  Stavros maybe?  What about Stefan?

Edited by Syndicate

It's been predicted and assumed for some time now, on various message boards, that Victor is Nathan's father.  That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if RC, who I think defintely reads message boards, is now pulling a bait and switch routine.  Make it appear that Victor is Nathan's father (since it's been a long rumor on message boards) and then say it's someone else.  But who would that someone else be?  Stavros maybe?  What about Stefan?


Given that Stavros would have still be dead the first time, I doubt it would be him.  The last person I'd want to be this one's father would be Stefan.  I suppose he could always belong to that rarely talked about and never seen Cassadine, Valentin.  


My feelings are usually wrong where this show is concerned and RC is nothing if not completely transparent in his writing, so.....

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We can't have anymore Thanksgiving dinners until AJ returns from the dead. It's not Thanksgiving without the Quartermaines. They can do Easter or Halloween.


Um, a big fat YES to a Cassadine/Westbourne Halloween.  That's a holiday tailor-made for them.  And we already know Dr. O and Faison love it.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6
RP and TP look related. And am I the only one who wants to see Dr. O, Faison, Britta, Victor, and James all together in a scene?



I'm in, but likely not for the reasons you are.  They'd make for some damn fine FFing. 


It's been predicted and assumed for some time now, on various message boards, that Victor is Nathan's father.  That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if RC, who I think defintely reads message boards, is now pulling a bait and switch routine.  Make it appear that Victor is Nathan's father (since it's been a long rumor on message boards) and then say it's someone else.  But who would that someone else be?  Stavros maybe?  What about Stefan?



Stefan would never

  • Love 5

Given that Stavros would have still be dead the first time, I doubt it would be him.  The last person I'd want to be this one's father would be Stefan.  I suppose he could always belong to that rarely talked about and never seen Cassadine, Valentin.  


My feelings are usually wrong where this show is concerned and RC is nothing if not completely transparent in his writing, so.....

It's always possible Nathan isn't a Cassadine, period!  That, of course, broadens the horizon much further.

As much as I want Stefan back, no.

Although, Stefan and Britt might be an interesting couple. I'm sorry, but is the actor still sexy like whoa? Then meow. I never got why women fell over Nik when Stefan is clearly the cooler Cassadine.

We need more men on this show, and I mean men. Not underwear model boys. Men. Rawr.

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I think all of these Cassadine men would sleep with (or rape) anything that moves, but I digress.


Not Stefan. He can be ruthless and cruel, but he has morals.


Make it appear that Victor is Nathan's father (since it's been a long rumor on message boards) and then say it's someone else


I can see Victor playing cat-and-mouse with Nathan. He's rarely straightforward with anyone; why start with his son?

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