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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I respectfully disagree. For one thing, Alice didn't "spoon [feed]" Michael the truth; she just confirmed what he already heard with his own ears




I won't keep beating a dead horse about this, I'll merely say that it took Alice overhearing Tracy to start the ball rolling, without Alice, at least according to what happened on screen, Michael would have been no closer to figuring out Tracy's true plans by himself. We can agree to disagree about it. To me Michael is not only incredibly nonthreatening he's also entirely uninteresting.


And as for the whole issue of whether or not Edward would have been disappointed in Tracy, Edward may have had his issues with Luke but he also taught Tracy how to fight for what she wants. Theirs was a very complicated and complex relationship, but Edward knew better than most, or anyone, what ELQ meant to Tracy.


Sure she's on notLuke's side, and it's unfortunate, but having Tracy willing to do anything and everything she can to get back ELQ is actually the one part of her character Ron is getting right. That isn't some grand manipulation being set in motion by notLuke, Tracy would fight like hell for ELQ regardless of anyone or anything else, she always has and likely always will. It was Ned and Michael's error to think that, apparently, Tracy was going to play along according to their rules, Ned especially should have known better.


Tracy wants the company back, that isn't going against her character and if it's supposedly a character flaw that she's willing to be as underhanded and deceitful as possible to get it back it's one she's had long before Ron was writing soap notes in his Trapper Keeper.


And Ned spouting off about her taking into account some supposed disappointment from Edward was just pulled from Ron's ass, imo, because he knows his mother and how stubborn she is, when they began to threaten her and then ousted her from the company she was going to start plotting, back Tracy into a corner and her claws come out.


A lot can be said about what Edward might have thought or felt, he's dead so no one can ask him and I thought for Ned to throw that in Tracy's face alone, knowing how she felt about being in Edward's good graces, was a pretty low blow.


Whether real Luke or notLuke was in her life, Tracy would never have been on board with Michael taking over ELQ in any capacity, she fought AJ for it to the bitter end why would she suddenly give up all control to his kid, or anyone for that matter, and throw in the towel? I wish Tracy wasn't being written as a total fool for thinking notLuke is the real Luke, but that has nothing to do with her determination to regain control of ELQ again, and playing dirty to do so isn't a new tactic for Tracy in the slightest.


But I'll agree to disagree about the whole matter, something tells me I'm putting far more thought into all of this than Ron ever has or will.





I missed Carlos. I still miss Carlos.




By now my thinking is that he's long since grown out his beard to Rapunzel length and has broken out of prison. And when he finds out that Ava was just using someone's dastardly deed in running Patrick and Sabrina and Emma off the road to get him on board to taking the fall for her, I'm sure he'll be quite pissed.


There will be much yelling and rolling of the tongue and grand jetés of rage.

Edited by CPP83
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Sonny, a palate cleanser? It's like cleaning mud off with sewer sludge.


I'm for real finding Sonny and Carly interesting right now, even beside from the "breaks up Cancosore" factor. I just hope they don't play it like Sonny wants to get married and play house all over again. (I fear there might be another marriage in the works though, so Carly isn't called to testify against Sonny.) I think, whether subconsciously or not, he's sleeping with her to pretty much cement him in her corner. In his head, I think that he probably thinks the secret of AJ's murder being exposed is inevitable, and he at least wants ONE person to have to be stuck with him. Without Carly sleeping with him, before, MAYBE there'd be a way for Carly to bamboozle her way out of this with Michael, but now when Michael finds out she kept his secret and slept with Sonny, in his mind it's gonna look like they merrily killed AJ and then probably laughed in bed about how Michael would never find out.


And of course, Sonny also is just petty and wants to stick it to Franco. Carly's motives are less clear but I can easily go with "delayed reaction to Jason's death". I mean really, Sonny and Carly should have been "comfort" sexing it all over the place when Jason died. Probably right on the damn docks.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2
And of course, Sonny also is just petty and wants to stick it to Franco. Carly's motives are less clear but I can easily go with "delayed reaction to Jason's death". I mean really, Sonny and Carly should have been "comfort" sexing it all over the place when Jason died. Probably right on the damn docks.




And then rolled over the side and drowned and they could have marked that day as a holiday and there would have been much rejoicing throughout the land.

  • Love 4

There is another huge benefit for me for CarSon getting their freak on again, aside from getting her away from Franco. I can't tell you how many rumors I read that Ava and Sonny were going to have a romantic relationship. It was bad enough she slept with him at all (never mind the Crypt Sex), but I was petrified at the thought of them having an ongoing thing together. I honestly don't know how I could have watched. At least I've been spared that much. Of course, knowing Ron he's probably keeping it in his back pocket, but I never thought MW and MB had a ton of chemistry anyway, and she has chem with everyone, even inanimate objects.

  • Love 3


What in the holy hell was that???? Ava has TWO babies. I have NO BABY! even Sam has a baby. Well he isn't a baby anymore. But still. I shoud, have a baby, why don't I have a baby, I'm going to have a baby. What do you mean I might not be able to have a baby? are you saying I'm old? I want a baby. I want a baby NOW.


The Nina wants a baby. Good lawd. These scenes were absolutely ridiculous. MSt was horrible: shrieking, jazz hands and line repeating as usual. And by the way? Yep you are waaaaayyyy too old to be having a baby. Give me a break.

  • Love 5
What in the holy hell was that???? Ava has TWO babies. I have NO BABY! even Sam has a baby. Well he isn't a baby anymore. But still. I shoud, have a baby, why don't I have a baby, I'm going to have a baby. What do you mean I might not be able to have a baby? are you saying I'm old? I want a baby. I want a baby NOW.



I'm getting douchechills just reading that.

  • Love 3


What in the holy hell was that???? Ava has TWO babies. I have NO BABY! even Sam has a baby. Well he isn't a baby anymore. But still. I shoud, have a baby, why don't I have a baby, I'm going to have a baby. What do you mean I might not be able to have a baby? are you saying I'm old? I want a baby. I want a baby NOW.

    I'm getting douchechills just reading that.




And don't forget about the - dun dun DUUUN! - glove of mystery... (echo fades into the background).


Why did she put it on? Was her hand cold? Did she want to see which size fit her best? Is she plotting something dastardly involving someone else's womb and/or offspring? Did she just want to freak Rosie out? Who knows, the possibilities are endless!

  • Love 4

And then rolled over the side and drowned and they could have marked that day as a holiday and there would have been much rejoicing throughout the land.


I have to say, if all three of Sonny, Carly, and Jason rolled to their deaths off the docks, the docks would officially become my favorite soap character ever.  No contest. 




And don't forget about the - dun dun DUUUN! - glove of mystery... (echo fades into the background).


Why did she put it on? Was her hand cold? Did she want to see which size fit her best? Is she plotting something dastardly involving someone else's womb and/or offspring? Did she just want to freak Rosie out? Who knows, the possibilities are endless!


Maybe she just doesn't like to get crayon on her fingers when she's writing her list? 

  • Love 7

I shouldn't even bother with Friday's episode since everyone's recap is so much better. I think I like Nico because there is less jazz and praying mantis hands, and less monologues about how much her life sucks. I may have to tune in for the bizarro glove.

So now Sabrina knows about Jason? Lovely. Wish Patrick will buy a clue that maybe Victor was behind the crash.

Edited by twoods
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Carly's motives are less clear but I can easily go with "delayed reaction to Jason's death". I mean really, Sonny and Carly should have been "comfort" sexing it all over the place when Jason died. Probably right on the damn docks.


Carly should've lost her damn mind again when Jason died. I'm talking like when Lily went apeshit after her twin Rose died on ATWT, like when Bo Buchanan dragged his dead son around town on OLTL. She should've been on the verge of heading back to that kookyhouse they had her in when Jennifer Bransford's Carly went nuts, back to Floraldouche. It was the only reaction that would make sense for her character and how deep that bond went - more for Carly than for Jason in later years, IMO, because a part of her was still, always, always in love with him. But Ron Carlivati didn't have time for it, because he was anxious to get her ass in bed with Todd. It's not that Roger Howarth and LW don't have chemistry, because they do, they always have, but it was so rushed, for both of them (and written as very derivative of Todd's OLTL romance) and they dropped Carly's character for the sake of grinding the plot out like hamburger meat. That pissed me off so much, more than anything Todd did per se. Carly would never have shrugged it off the way she did. Never.


But that is what happened and this is where we are. So, seeing as Ron didn't write it then and is just barely writing it now, I can totally buy that Carly instead channeled her breakdown over Jason into her relationships with Todd and Franco - that's what I always thought it was, and now they are finally sort of getting into it. Speaking just to the shit they can no longer address onscreen, I thought she clung to Todd as some sort of safe harbor that would be "like Jason," regardless of all the evidence to the contrary that he was not that kind of friend. Then he betrayed her, their (IMO) rebound thing ended and he went back to Llanview and his Carly-esque ex. (The fact that Ron may have actually seen Todd as legitimately being her "new Jason" is beyond me, so thank God that did not happen.) Then, with Todd gone, we have Franco - Jason's supposed twin, who she channels her Jason anguish back into again (and who resembles Todd, but they can't say that). It's a breakdown, it's a cry for help. It makes sense after the fact, which is the only way any of this can have made any sense.


I do think Sonny takes Carly for granted - as a friend, as a conspirator, as a lover. When she agreed to get back with him after he knocked up Sam I think he realized he could have her any time he wanted, because Jason was never gonna give it up again. And he's stamped that card more than once since, even after she married Jax. I wish she could find more respect for herself, but I think their interplay is a natural and realistic dynamic given their dysfunctional relationship. None of what they have done together here has surprised me, though the speed of it has.

  • Love 15


But that is what happened and this is where we are. So, seeing as Ron didn't write it then and is just barely writing it now, I can totally buy that Carly instead channeled her breakdown over Jason into her relationships with Todd and Franco - that's what I always thought it was, and now they are finally sort of getting into it. Speaking just to the shit they can no longer address onscreen, I thought she clung to Todd as some sort of safe harbor that would be "like Jason," regardless of all the evidence to the contrary that he was not that kind of friend. Then he betrayed her, their (IMO) rebound thing ended and he went back to Llanview and his Carly-esque ex. (The fact that Ron may have actually seen Todd as legitimately being her "new Jason" is beyond me, so thank God that did not happen.) Then, with Todd gone, we have Franco - Jason's supposed twin, who she channels her Jason anguish back into again (and who resembles Todd, but they can't say that). It's a breakdown, it's a cry for help. It makes sense after the fact, which is the only way any of this can have made any sense.


I agree with part of this and disagree with part.  Firstly, yes, she should have gone straight to Ferncliff after Jason's death, but, barring that, she never should have leaned on Todd for anything.  His part in the baby switch was a factor into Jason having such short of a time with his son, as well as the belief that Danny was not his.  The real Carly, though, would have ripped Todd a new one when his part in the whole mess was revealed.  And I was waiting and waiting for it.   


And Todd was never anything like Jason.  I always felt he was using her for information on Sonny and others in Port Charles when he arrived.  Carly was giving him a lot in their first encounter even (comparing how Blair was keeping him away from Starr like Sam was keeping her away from Jason, for example.)  Then he came back and she was still more a fount of intell, yet the only thing they showed she learned of his was he was a publisher and the son of Victor Lord.  And, later, when Jason learned more more about him (including his rap sheet), she didn't even pay attention to him, which Carly would have never done.


They did begin writing the Cranco relationship when RoHo did his reeeaaalllyyy bad impersonation of Jason/Franco on the bridge.  You could see Carly weakening to the idea that she could get "Jason" back in some way.  Then add to that the revelation that Franco was not Jason's twin/family/whatever and it played on her sympathy.  


My big disagreement is that Carly has never been anything like like Blair.  She has never shown the heart that Blair has or the care for her kids like Blair.  Carly has always been extremely selfish, putting herself and then Jason before anyone else, especially her kids (and now, Sonny in front of Michael's need for true closure on the truth about AJ's murder.)


I, personally, have seen little "chemistry" between RoHo and LW, expect with him playing her the fool.  Anything "romantic" was, on his part, played for laughs or goofiness.


Lastly, I have seen on other boards, the idea that they are now re-Ronning the Tomas/Blair/Todd triangle with Franco/Carly/Sonny.  The guy the audience knows she shouldn't be with (kidnapped her husband/terrorized her family) that she's using to stay away from her soulmate/OTP.  Only, now, with the RoHo shoe on the other foot.  Hehe! 

  • Love 5



And don't forget about the - dun dun DUUUN! - glove of mystery... (echo fades into the background).


Why did she put it on? Was her hand cold? Did she want to see which size fit her best? Is she plotting something dastardly involving someone else's womb and/or offspring? Did she just want to freak Rosie out? Who knows, the possibilities are endless!


I was thinking, "is this, like, Michelle Stafford's shout-out to Marlon Brando picking up Eva Marie Saint's glove in On the Waterfront or something?" I saw another suggestion that she was trying to ward off Dante by triggering his latex allergy, heh.

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Without Carly sleeping with him, before, MAYBE there'd be a way for Carly to bamboozle her way out of this with Michael, but now when Michael finds out she kept his secret and slept with Sonny, in his mind it's gonna look like they merrily killed AJ and then probably laughed in bed about how Michael would never find out.


Yes!  This is why I'm actually happy for Sonny/Carly Round 75 because there is nowhere for Carly to hide when the truth comes out.  What's her excuse for Michael going to be for lying to him AND sleeping with AJ's killer?  The lying can be covered with the bullshit excuse of wanting to protect her son, but the screwing Sonny?  He looked hot that day?  Getting to spend time with him in covering up AJ's murder make me remember how hot I always thought he was?  


I want the truth to come out and I want it to be awful for Sonny and Carly.  I want them getting married with Michael finding out and ruining their wedding by having blood or red paint poured over their heads, Carrie style with AJ's phone recording playing in the background.  Too much?

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 9

"delayed reaction to Jason's death".


Jason was killed two years ago, so that's quite the delayed reaction. LOL. 


I mean really, Sonny and Carly should have been "comfort" sexing it all over the place when Jason died.


It's entirely in character, that's for sure. It's really annoying to me that now Ron decides that Carly has been a mess since Jason died. Nice job setting that up. Except not. If Bobbie were going to tell Carly that sleeping with someone was a delayed reaction to Jason's death, it should be sleeping with Franco, not Sonny. It could have been presented as her bizarre way of trying to stay close to Jason. For a while, Franco was Jason's twin, so in a twisted way it made sense, even if Franco is a SERIAL KILLER who facilitated Michael's rape. Carly has always been all about Carly. But then they tumored Franco and suddenly he's supposed to be some sort of romantic lead. Uh, no.


I totally agree with jsbt that Sonny takes Carly for granted. I think it goes both ways, though to a lesser degree with Sonny, since he's the most selfish person in P.C.


I have to say, if all three of Sonny, Carly, and Jason rolled to their deaths off the docks, the docks would officially become my favorite soap character ever.  No contest.


it's the only way to beat Chandy, Best Inanimate Object EVER.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Every time someone refers to "Nico", I think they're talking about Nikolas & Courtney as that was their ship name.  And then I panic for a second wondering when and how that cop!killer is alive again.



I think of MB's character Nico from AMC. I liked him then.


I want the truth to come out and I want it to be awful for Sonny and Carly.  I want them getting married with Michael finding out and ruining their wedding by having blood or red paint poured over their heads, Carrie style with AJ's phone recording playing in the background.  Too much?



Nope, sounds awesome to me. That's why it will never happen. I doubt CD could pull off the right amount of anger & it KA will probably be required to be in every scene defending CarSon.

They did begin writing the Cranco relationship when RoHo did his reeeaaalllyyy bad impersonation of Jason/Franco on the bridge.  You could see Carly weakening to the idea that she could get "Jason" back in some way.  Then add to that the revelation that Franco was not Jason's twin/family/whatever and it played on her sympathy. 



I've always thought that the main reason she got into Franco was because she thought he was Jason's twin at the time, and that was the closest she was ever going to get to sleeping with Jason again.  Once the truth came out that he wasn't, she already had him cast in the "next best thing to Jason" role in her head, and she wasn't going anywhere. 


it's the only way to be Chandy, Best Inanimate Object EVER.



I miss Chandy.  He was good people. He could really get some shit done in Port Charles. 

  • Love 3


I doubt CD could pull off the right amount of anger

 We need Drew Garrett back for the reveal:-)


Actually, I believe CD could do if the writing is there. I think there needs to be some righteous anger but there needs to be some moments of disappointment and quiet sadness that they would do this and lie to his face. I have better hopes that one of us would write the appropriate scene than the writers doing so.


I doubt CD could pull off the right amount of anger


I think he could pull off the anger for the AJ reveal if it was a cold anger.  I think that's the key to the best version of the reveal.  Michael needs to be so horrified that he goes into ice mode.  I know it could work if Michael compares what Carly/Sonny did to him as being emotionally raped this time.  And finally the floodgates open and he goes off on them for everything back to when Carly put AJ in that laundry cart. But, he goes off on them in a way they don't expect.  They expect Michael to be emotional and angry, not an ice in his veins/revenge reaction. I also want Michael to file a civil suit for wrongful death like what happened in the OJ case, because you know Sonny/Carly won't face criminal charges.  Take away their money/power so they can't hide behind it anymore.  Start with the Island and the Metrocourt.  Without money/power, these two deceivers are losers.  

Edited by sunflower
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I know lots of people liked the Franco/Michael/Morgan/Kiki scene b/c Michael and Morgan were kind of dising Franco, but I kind of took that scene a little differently. I kind of took it as Michael and Morgan would not now or ever be surprised at things their parents do together b/c they have this weird connection of dysfunction. I thought the purpose of the scene was to yes keep Franco suspicious but also to kind of give CarSon an out with Michael if/when the AJ reveal happens b/c otherwise it made no sense whatsoever for Franco to talk to Michael and Morgan like that b/c he knows they hate him. Seemed that scene was setting up for Michael to all meh about Carly and Sonny being together when the AJ reveal happens. Also I didn't quite get the Michael trying to defend Franco to spare Kiki's feelings when Franco was bad mouthing Kiki's mother? huh? Why would Kiki care more about Franco's feelings than her own mother?


I also don't understand this dinner that Ava is having Michael and Kiki over for. If she plans to poison Michael somehow won't they know she did it since the last thing he ate was at her house?

I doubt CD could pull off the right amount of anger



Chad will be fine, I suppose. But Kaka will be there mugging it up and snarling right behind him, and she'll probably make some huge speech about how Sonny and Carly have ALWAYS taken advantage of Michael and will start listing things that happened that she would have no way of knowing, and we'll all be distracted from what should be a good scene because we'll all be going, "huh? What? WERE YOU EVEN BORN WHEN THAT HAPPENED KIKI, LET ALONE IN THIS TOWN??"


I know lots of people liked the Franco/Michael/Morgan/Kiki scene b/c Michael and Morgan were kind of dising Franco, but I kind of took that scene a little differently. I kind of took it as Michael and Morgan would not now or ever be surprised at things their parents do together b/c they have this weird connection of dysfunction. 



I took it that way too. It was both of those things. I'm just mad because most of the screentime that went to Nina contorting and writhing should have gone to Michael and Morgan tormenting Franco, dammit.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

ITA, Sunflower, about Michael's potential reaction to Sonny/Carly's umpteenth reunion. I hope that Michael does hit them in their wallets because knowing Ron,  there's no way in Hell they'll ever do any semblance of prison time for their parts in AJ's death. Getting back to Tracy, as a longtime viewer, I already know about Tracy's devotion to ELQ, Edward's mistakes and Ned's, for that matter. My point is that just because Tracy's used to doing things her own way, that doesn't mean it's always right, especially since she's been involved with Fluke. I didn't mind Ned's dissing Tracy because Tracy's given plenty of cheap shots, including some at Ned's expense, so if he throws some back at her, so be it. As for Michael, it doesn't matter to me how he learned the truth about Tracy, it matters that he did, so I'll agree to disagree too.


 Re Britt, she definitely has self-esteem issues where Nik's concerned. So does Liz, apparently. If Nik can't decide between them, then he shouldn't be with either of them. And then there's Jordan, who deserves so much better than Shawn, the sanctimonious, judgmental and hypocritical hitman who neither shoots nor thinks straight. Shawn has the nerve to claim that Jordan's a poor role model for TJ?  Let's see-a tax-paying, law-abiding and law-enforcing citizen who's working to clean up the streets vs. Shawn, an ex-soldier turned mob flunky who's working for arguably the most ruthless criminal in Port Charles. Not exactly Hobson's Choice, unless you're Shawn. Or Sonny. By sleeping with Shawn, Jordan has compromised her cove, her career and most of all, herself.


  About Patrick and Sabrina, it must be freezing in Hell because Sabrina said something I actually agreed with! Sabrina's telling Patrick that revealing what he thinks is the truth about Jason to Sam would only hurt Sam was absolutely right. However, Patrick shouldn't have told Sabrina about Jason or Robin I know that Patrick's pissed about Robin's pushing him away for Jason's sake (according to him), but telling Sabrina doesn't help him, Emma or Robin. That said, I don't blame Patrick for not telling Anna because with the WSB under Victor's control, had Patrick snitched to Anna, chances are Victor not only would have covered his tracks, he would've killed Robin and Patrick to do it, or killed Emma as payback. As far as I'm concerned, it's Victor, not Patrick, who's the bad guy.


  Speaking of bad guys, that leads me to Franco and Sonny. A plague on both their houses and Carly's too. Franco is, was and always will be a SERIAL KILLER, no matter what his name is, how many people know about his crimes or whether he has a tumor or not. Sonny will always be a murderer, whether he's convicted or not, because of AJ while Carly will always be a slampiece, no matter who's doing the slamming.

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   That said, I don't blame Patrick for not telling Anna because with the WSB under Victor's control, had Patrick snitched to Anna, chances are Victor not only would have covered his tracks, he would've killed Robin and Patrick to do it, or killed Emma as payback. As far as I'm concerned, it's Victor, not Patrick, who's the bad guy.


This would only make sense if Patrick actually believed that Victor was keeping Robin away, which clearly in Patrick's mind is not the case. According to his hurt whittle manpain feelwings Robin is chosing her work over her family not b/c of Victor in anyway. Of course Victor is the real bad guy but to Patrick Robin is the bad guy which is why to many in the audiance Patrick is a douchecannon.

  • Love 4

, but it was so rushed, for both of them (and written as very derivative of Todd's OLTL romance) and they dropped Carly's character for the sake of grinding the plot out like hamburger meat. That pissed me off so much, more than anything Todd did per se. Carly would never have shrugged it off the way she did. Never.



Yes, if you think about it, sleeping with Franco, her son's rapist enabler, wasn't that out of left field, after she slept with Todd without even once asking about his very nifty, very rape-y past. You had both Sam and Jason telling her about it at some point, but she just covered her ears to it, never even acknowledged it once. That always seemed sort of bizzare to me.


And I still say that Todd, and Sam had a much more organic chemistry, and a much more compelling and in-character storyline between them than Carly and Todd did. Not saying they should have necessarily become a couple, but they should have explored that dynamic more, instead of going with what the network predictably dictated, and shoving Codd together and rushing a non existent storyline where both characters became completely unrecognizable.


If only her crazy sex games were with someone other than an ultra-douchey Sonny.



Seeing as I see Carly as pretty douchey herself (maybe not quite on the same level as Sonny, but still), I think CarSon make so much damn sense. I don't want to see her with, say, Jax, who has always been far too good for her. In fact, if she hooked up with a character I actually liked, it would make her hate her even more. Because obviously, she's going to end up screwing whoever it is over for whatever. Sonny, I don't care about (I don't hate him as much as alot of people do here, but I'm fairly apathetic) so she can do whatever she damn well pleases with him. Together, I resent both of them less because they aren't ruining any other peoples lives in the process.   


Edited by Bawoman
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without even once asking about his very nifty, very rape-y past.


Todd even referenced his past without ever mentioning it outright to Carly:  he made a comment to her about how he is bad at romance, but it is partly because of his family history.  And Carly did not once question that comment at all.  Which was the beginning of Pod!Carly to me.

  • Love 2
My point is that just because Tracy's used to doing things her own way, that doesn't mean it's always right




I'd say that goes for pretty much every character on the show really. Tracy does function and play by her own rules, one of the reasons I've always liked her. But frankly no one in their right mind in town should be this fooled by notLuke, not long standing characters like his daughter, Tracy, Monica, Ned, Alexis, Carly, and certainly as hell not Bobbie, it's ridiculous.


They all should have picked up on the truth months ago. I can give a pass to those who never met him before or knew him personally, like Jordan or Ava. But his relatives and former friends should know better, there's no excuse for them to not. This guy may have Luke's face but that's it, he has no other Luke like qualities. From the way he looks at people to the way he talks to the way he moves, it all screams "imposter" yet no one has picked up on it? It's so absurd to me I just-my blood pressure can't handle it.


Of course Victor is the real bad guy but to Patrick Robin is the bad guy which is why to many in the audiance Patrick is a douchecannon.




See now you have me wondering what a douchecannon would actually fire out-notes about one's manpain, souvenir panties for his biggest fangirls' to wear, a book on how to grow out your beard in the worst, most unkempt way possible, or tips on how to disregard your formally kidnapped wife's sudden new kidnapping in ten steps or less?

  • Love 3

See now you have me wondering what a douchecannon would actually fire out-notes about one's manpain, souvenir panties for his biggest fangirls' to wear, a book on how to grow out your beard in the worst, most unkempt way possible, or tips on how to disregard your formally kidnapped wife's sudden new kidnapping in ten steps or less?


LOL any or all of the above but first and formost it must throw shade at Robin every chance it gets.

  • Love 3

I want Patrick of a few years ago to see Patrick now so that he may smack him hard.

I also never thought of Carly as a Blair sub. That was always Tea. Carly was like a distraction. Todd wanted to be close to his daughter, and I think get Blair's attention. So he upped the ante and picked a blonde. If I'm not mistaken, he even hinted at it in PP OLTL.

Now Franco George? That's always been Carly acting out her fantasies of having Jason. Even the parts of her that wanted to be Jason. He always saved her, so she wanted to be the White Knight so to speak. She wanted to be the good one saving a troubled soul. Too bad that Carly never has stopped being insecure.

Sonny feeds off insecurities.


I also never thought of Carly as a Blair sub. That was always Tea. Carly was like a distraction. Todd wanted to be close to his daughter, and I think get Blair's attention. So he upped the ante and picked a blonde. If I'm not mistaken, he even hinted at it in PP OLTL.


The extent that Carly was referenced on PP OLTL was "There was a woman and now there's not....she was very high maintenance."  And that gave me a rush of glee.  

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I wish I had something really snarkable about this mess, but alas it is too boring . In fact about the only thing that I've noticed, is about the similiarity of Carly/Sonny,and the "great" Victor Newman and his repetitive go to gal Nikki. The writers just keep putting those couples back together when they run out of ideas.

Edited by godfreydaniels
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I thought Roger Howarth very clearly played that scene (on OLTL 2.0) as Todd still stinging over Carly's rejection on GH - and I was not a fan of the Todd/Carly pairing. I did think they had chemistry which would work with the right writing, but the romance was a carbon copy of his OLTL love story and the characters - Carly, Todd, Blair - were all given short shrift, at least when the romance finally took off in late 2012 (I had no problem with Blair's appearances throughout the year). But no matter how they wrote it, given the two very similar women it would always have been just an echo IMO. I was much more interested in Carly with A.J. and Todd with someone like Sam, if he couldn't be with Blair. That would have been different.


Given the way they left things, I personally had to conclude that Carly was only and always a Blair substitute, which was my take all along. Todd was drummed out of Llanview for a year and he found solace with a similar woman in another town. They are superficially very similar characters, and while Blair has evolved a lot and Carly is still more selfish, I think they're very much from the same mold. I wish OLTL had been able to discuss the relationship; McBain's ex, Natalie, did mention Sam outright, which they may or may not legally have been allowed to do, though PP was never too big on the specifics of any binding agreement unless it favored them. So in the end it all comes down to fan POV. IMO it stung Todd because he did care for Carly (and it wounded his pride), but Carly was not Blair, she was an emotional substitute, and with Blair back in his life he quickly resumed his pursuit. I like to think that if we were ever able to see those characters visit Port Charles again (I know, I know), we'd see Todd hanging off his wife and throwing Blair in Carly's face trying to make her jealous, while both of the women just roll their eyes.


I do think Carly very foolishly let herself believe that Todd was a new kind of man for her - a newspaper tycoon, a man who disdained the mob, someone who would heal her heart and could relate to her dysfunction and not judge her, "just like Jason." They underlined this in the writing a bit. But she barely really knew him, he let her see what he wanted her to see. She channeled the same thing onto Franco, but in a much, much worse way.


Topic: Jordan's straight hair is much better than her old 'do. Conversely, Sabrina's Cassie Layne hair from Guiding Light is awful, IMO. But her straight hair was rough too. Why is she still here? Why?

Edited by jsbt
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I live in abject terror that Ron is going to try and spin her off in a new direction and pair her with Michael or - I'm trying to remember the other 50 people on this show all at once - I dunno, even Silas? or something? No, they wouldn't do that, that's insane. I feel like at this point RC's attitude has become just, "fuck you, she's our princess."


What's sad is that there was a thing Teresa Castillo was good at - playing the lovable geek, fooling around the hospital with Felix as the ugly duckling who becomes something of a swan. But they wrecked any potential for the character the minute they made her over and presented her as the ultimate saint of Port Charles (which, admittedly, they had already been working on for awhile). Sabrina has no flaws, no personality, and no future. And the more beautiful and perfect they present her as the more fake she comes across.

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Conversely, Sabrina's Cassie Layne hair from Guiding Light is awful, IMO. But her straight hair was rough too. Why is she still here? Why?


I thought it was obvious. Due to the friction between Sam and Liz, Patdouche needs a sounding board to make it okay for him to fuck Sam. And like I said before, not that he's needed a reason to fuck other women before, so it's moot/not needed. And Sabrina, always known to blindly support everything Patdouche says and does, is the perfect person to be that sounding board.

I thought it was obvious. Due to the friction between Sam and Liz, Patdouche needs a sounding board to make it okay for him to fuck Sam. And like I said before, not that he's needed a reason to fuck other women before, so it's moot/not needed. And Sabrina, always known to blindly support everything Patdouche says and does, is the perfect person to be that sounding board.


Yeah, but that's not an individual story purpose beyond being a talk-to. And unless something has radically changed BTS and they have officially shifted into crisis mode, there is no way Ron is going to prioritize Liz's storyline over Sabrina getting a big new one.

I think he could pull off the anger for the AJ reveal if it was a cold anger.  I think that's the key to the best version of the reveal.  Michael needs to be so horrified that he goes into ice mode.  I know it could work if Michael compares what Carly/Sonny did to him as being emotionally raped this time.  And finally the floodgates open and he goes off on them for everything back to when Carly put AJ in that laundry cart. But, he goes off on them in a way they don't expect.  They expect Michael to be emotional and angry, not an ice in his veins/revenge reaction. I also want Michael to file a civil suit for wrongful death like what happened in the OJ case, because you know Sonny/Carly won't face criminal charges.  Take away their money/power so they can't hide behind it anymore.  Start with the Island and the Metrocourt.  Without money/power, these two deceivers are losers.  


And top it with the line I have dreamed about hearing for nigh unto two decades now:


"My name isn't Michael Corinthos.  My name is Alan Edward Quartermaine!"


Patrick shouldn't have told Sabrina about Jason or Robin I know that Patrick's pissed about Robin's pushing him away for Jason's sake (according to him), but telling Sabrina doesn't help him, Emma or Robin.


It's Patdouche's usual emotionally abusive crap as far as Sabrina is concerned.  He spouts off this bullshit to the one person who can't disagree with him, because really, what is going to say in that case?  "Oh, no, Pattycakes, you should totally get back together with the woman you tossed me over for!" 


I predict Patrick telling Sabrina about Jason is a plot point to set up a future scene where either Sam or Jason is ripping him a new one about getting involved with Sam with Jason still being alive, so she can pipe up with, "But he thought Jason was dead!"

Edited by yowsah1
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I have always thought the big-ass GL curls are wildly inappropriate for Carly. I know Laura and her giant hair were big on CBS but it's so '90s and I never liked it then either.

I haven't really thought about whether they were in character character . . . I guess you have a point. I just always feel bad cause her hair probably wouldn't look like it feels like straw if they didn't straighten it all the time.

BTW, I cannot believe that they revealed that even Julian doesn't know who Fluke is. They couldn't have left him thinking it was Luke, which would've been okay although the smart thing would be to have him know it's Eckert and not reveal it to anyone - no, even Julian can't know! That sheer, blithering plot-driven incompetence would be one thing by itself, but the fact that he has no name for him at all? Like, he has no codename, like "the Balkan" or "Proteus" from AMC? Nothing? They just stand around, two adults, calling him "Our Boss"? Over and over? "Our Boss?" Really? Really?

Edited by jsbt
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