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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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11 hours ago, amaranta said:

And there's no way Anna is that traumatized - blocking memories and shit - over an attempted and rejected kiss. The real Anna Devan simply would have brushed him off, or kicked his ass.  Bring back the real Anna Devane!


Yeah, that was really off.  Anna's flashbacks had her screaming in horror...over a forced, attempted kiss?  I get being upset or pissed, but to block it out of your memory seems over the top.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, tveyeonyou said:

Fixed that for you :)

Seriously though, even I, a pretty much die-hard fan of RoHo, have reached my limit with this whole Franco thing. Even when he's not on for one day out of an entire year, somebody has to at least mention his name. I weep over the disgustingness this show has become.  I've finally thrown my hat in the Cancel GH Club and I've been watching since 1976 when we'd often cut class to make it home in time to catch some of OLTL before GH came on. I'm normally a very loyal viewer and hate when a show I love gets cancelled.  I don't love TFGH anymore at all. Pull the plug.

Side note, I'm reading one of those spicy romance books by Vi Keeland (Stuck-Up Suit, if anyone cares lol) and there is a bunch of GH-related stuff woven thru the book; the MC's name is Graham J Morgan and we find out he used to watch GH with his Mom, who named him Graham Jason Morgan after the Borg, then we find out he named his dog Blackie after, you know, Blackie, and they talk a bit about the show throughout the book (I'm not finished with it yet so there may be more references to come), but my point is, when I was reading it I felt such a loss thinking about how badly they continue to ruin this show. Why would anyone do that? Do they even watch what they put on air? Are they so busy patting themselves on the back for slipping in another "in-joke" that they don't see how badly this show sucks? Does anyone there care? Are they all on crack?

At this point, I wish they'd give us a do-over by airing the first ever GH episode and continuing from there. It would be way better than anything I'm seeing on my screen. YMMV but give me the show I fell in love with please and thank you.

I don't hate RoHo, just think RC and FV were way too arrogant in thinking GH fans would want Franco back from the dead.

It takes a village to pimp Sonny.

  • Love 4

"Are you here to help with Franco?" No, Kiki. Jason would rather drag his balls across a bed of broken glass than help Franco. And of course only NOW does Kiki realize that she shouldn't have helped lure Tom to Franco's place under false pretenses. Did she think they were just going to have a tea party?

Thank fuck Alexis finally told the truth. I loved that she simply put all the cards on the table. Poor Sam, having to add "clear mother of murder" to her to-do list.

Jason taking out the table was pretty damn funny.

I literally groaned when Nelle popped up with Joss and Michael.

  • Love 18

Ugh. I really, really, really hate the Smugging Know It Alls are now being shoved into the Tom Baker storyline. Watching Jason huff and snot and pose like he's SOOO much better than Julian is GROSS.They don't belong. Full stop. And I have ZERO interest in Sam being near Alexis if Kristina and Molly are not part of this confessional/AA story. It made ZERO sense that Alexis would not want to tell all three together. Although I am glad that Alexis owned up to being drunk around Danny and wanting to apologize but asked Sam first about it. Sam could learn a few things about apologizing to people you've wronged in a timely manner. Or thanking people who have sacrificed themselves for your stupid ass serial killer.

But I loved Jason faceplanting at the end. That was gold.  And Curtis/Jordan was HOT.

Edited by Vella
  • Love 8

Ugh, more whining from Sonny about being under house arrest. Yes, he's really suffered, with everyone running in and out, making sure he's fine.

19 minutes ago, Linny said:

Thank fuck Alexis finally told the truth. I loved that she simply put all the cards on the table.

Seriously. Finally, forward movement on one story.

Stay strong with your Sonny hate, Joss. Stay strong!

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, more whining from Sonny about being under house arrest. Yes, he's really suffered, with everyone running in and out, making sure he's fine.

This is so obnoxious. Hey, Sonny, remember ACTUAL PRISON? Where you were for a paltry few months? Would you prefer to go back? You certainly deserve it. No? Shut up.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, more whining from Sonny about being under house arrest. Yes, he's really suffered, with everyone running in and out, making sure he's fine.

Seriously. Finally, forward movement on one story.

Stay strong with your Sonny hate, Joss. Stay strong!

And, I'm sorry, but the PCPD can't be that incompetent to think something silly like being confined to his house will stop Sonny from committing any sort of crime or calling for a hit or fleeing the country if he wants to. Sonny does still have minions, doesn't he?

Dante should know better.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 6

Ugh, more whining from Sonny about being under house arrest. Yes, he's really suffered, with everyone running in and out, making sure he's fine.

44 minutes ago, Linny said:

Thank fuck Alexis finally told the truth. I loved that she simply put all the cards on the table.

Seriously. Finally, forward movement on one story.

Stay strong with your Sonny hate, Joss. Stay strong! ETA: Oh, Joss. You can still hate Sonny even if he's not directly responsible for Morgan's death. I shouldn't be surprised that she caved, but can't she at least dislike him because he's a gangster thug who treats her father like dirt?

I didn't mind Elizabeth and Lauren. It's nice to see two women being friendly toward each other for a change. I hate that they're working together because of Franco, but I'll take what I can get.

31 minutes ago, Vella said:

But I loved Jason faceplanting at the end. That was gold.

The restaurant at the MetroCourt has certainly had its share of carnage lately. First it's Maxie and Nathan's wedding cake all over the floor, now it's a table of coffee service.

  • Love 6

Oh, Joss. You can still hate Sonny even if he's not directly responsible for Morgan's death. I shouldn't be surprised that she caved, but can't she at least dislike him because he's a gangster thug who treats her father like dirt?

This is the perfect opportunity for Joss to truly be her father's daughter and see Sonny for the mobster that he is. But, oh no, Sonny is propped once again. Too bad - could have been an interesting story for Sonny and Carly to be kept apart by her daughter's hatred for him.

  • Love 9

I tried to watch the Michael/Joss scenes but they, of course, devolved into a Sonny propping opportunity so I passed. Not to mention the fact that Nelle's useless, boring ass was there. No thanks!

The Kiki/Liz scenes were OK if you pretend they weren't trying to help a rapist serial killer that Liz is actually dating. Which is really hard to ignore.

BM looked good today so I actually watched the Jason scenes. They sucked, but him falling on the table really was comedy gold, so it was all worth it.

I loled when Sam just said 'gotta go' and left after Alexis confessed everything. That was fucking hilarious. Also, I too am glad we finally have movement in a story. Sure, it's a story that sucks and I'm still bored, but still!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 13

Why would Jason help save Freako? I guess Kiki is sniffing the same glue Liez sniffed when she had the nerve to ask Sam to help clear his name. Also, isn't it sweet to see the low rent Nancy Drew and her dumb sidekick team up to save their favorite dirty looking rapist serial killer? Losers.

Does Valentin owe Alexis a favor? Would be nice if she cashed in and got him to kill Freako. Or asked Julian to do it as a way to make up for trying to slit her throat. Also, LOL that Sam left right after Alexis confessed. To be fair, though, I can see why she would want to leave as soon as Freako's name was mentioned. Also, fuck Jelly for having Sam agree to help pathetic Liez and that disgusting piece of shit she calls a boyfriend. 

STFU Nelly. Why is she inserting herself into Joss and Michael's conversation? Mind your fucking business you worthless, boring, dumb bench. Right now I hate her more than Kiki. 

  • Love 11
37 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Why would Jason help save Freako?

He wouldn't, but I don't think Lauren's question was so bad under the circumstances. She was there to help Elizabeth, and it wasn't so weird to think Jason might do the same. Why else would he be talking to Elizabeth at Gene's Branford Roadhouse (est. 1975)? It's the place everyone goes to be incognito. 

  • Love 4

Woo, Liz gets new lover Franco, sister Hayden, and stepdaughter Kiki!! (Although like dubbel zout mentioned I didn't mind the scenes with Kiki.)

I would like to know what kind of monument they put up for Morgan. "He was like, really great, 'Kay."

Oh, thank goodness how Joss felt about Sonny was clarified, everyone was so curious. LW/Carly looked really nice today though. As did Jordan in her jeans and t-shirt. The kiss between her and Curtis was decent.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I loled when Sam just said 'gotta go' and left after Alexis confessed everything. That was fucking hilarious. 

If she had said, "oh, my luggage", it would have been A+.

  • Love 5
On 1/23/2017 at 3:42 PM, Ladyrain said:

stlbf, I agree with you as to Claudette being Charlotte's biological mother, if only for the fact of - the show went to the trouble of getting a child that looks exactly like Claudette (sorry, can't remember the actress' name).  The resemblance between those two was uncanny.  Charlotte looks nothing at all like Lulu, and certainly doesn't resemble Valentin.  

But but, the child is blonde!  Surely, she must be Lulu's!

So, who went to Dad and Doughnuts Day with Cam and Aidan?  Really, they oughta just kill off those two kids for all the more they play a part in Elizabeth's storyline.

Sam, you can just shut it.  As long as you're married to Jason and BFFs with Sonny, you have no call to be getting on anyone's case for running away from a crime.

So Julian definitely diddled with Jason's coffee, yes, as an alternative to killing him to keep out of Olivia's hair?

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

He wouldn't, but I don't think Lauren's question was so bad under the circumstances. She was there to help Elizabeth, and it wasn't so weird to think Jason might do the same.

I think it's weird for Kiki to think Jason would lift a finger to help the man who stalked him, got Michael raped, drugged him and Sam and then assaulted her on their honeymoon. 

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

I think it's weird for Kiki to think Jason would lift a finger to help the man who stalked him, got Michael raped, drugged him and Sam and then assaulted her on their honeymoon. 

Kiki certainly had no problem being best friends with Franco when she was dating Michael, who Franco got raped. 

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I would like to know what kind of monument they put up for Morgan. "He was like, really great, 'Kay."

I'm rolling over this!

37 minutes ago, Fellaway said:

So, who went to Dad and Doughnuts Day with Cam and Aidan?  Really, they oughta just kill off those two kids for all the more they play a part in Elizabeth's storyline

LMAO! I was loling over Liz not even remembering her kid had a special day at school because she's too busy trying to save her rapist, serial killer boyfriend. I really didn't think Liz could get any more pathetic but she truly reaches a new low nearly every day. It's sad, but also hilarious. 

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO! I was loling over Liz not even remembering her kid had a special day at school because she's too busy trying to save her rapist, serial killer boyfriend. I really didn't think Liz could get any more pathetic but she truly reaches a new low nearly every day. It's sad, but also hilarious. 

Why didn't Audrey hire a guy to pretend to be Cam and Aiden's father? 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, more whining from Sonny about being under house arrest. Yes, he's really suffered, with everyone running in and out, making sure he's fine.

Seriously. Finally, forward movement on one story.

Stay strong with your Sonny hate, Joss. Stay strong! ETA: Oh, Joss. You can still hate Sonny even if he's not directly responsible for Morgan's death. I shouldn't be surprised that she caved, but can't she at least dislike him because he's a gangster thug who treats her father like dirt?

Damn it, Joss. Stay with the Sonny hate! I wish to the Soap Gods that someone should would point to that even if Sonny's paid hit didn't actually go through, he still fucking ordered a god damn hit and that is STILL A FELONY! 

So SHUT UP Michael! 

And gee, I wonder if Jason played dad to Aiden at school too. Since Cam should be at a different(middle) school than Jake and Aiden. If only Aiden had an uncle to step in for him. Family man Dante, I'm looking at you. Of course, we'd actually need to at least hear Lulu and Dante mention her nephews more than once in a blue moon.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm rolling over this!

LMAO! I was loling over Liz not even remembering her kid had a special day at school because she's too busy trying to save her rapist, serial killer boyfriend. I really didn't think Liz could get any more pathetic but she truly reaches a new low nearly every day. It's sad, but also hilarious. 

Meh, it wasn't a day where she was invited to attend. So not a specific special day that needed to be remembered. 

  • Love 1

Jason did kill Franco. Ron and Frank brought him back thinking people would love Roger's version. They thought wrong.

Call me evil but I am not here for Jason playing daddy to Liz's other kids. Especially when I can't buy scenes of him with his kid with Sam. I will fall in shock if we see Danny and Scout with Jasam in the same room.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO! I was loling over Liz not even remembering her kid had a special day at school because she's too busy trying to save her rapist, serial killer boyfriend. I really didn't think Liz could get any more pathetic but she truly reaches a new low nearly every day. It's sad, but also hilarious. 

Jason trying to show Liz pics and saying "Are you serious?" when she told him to go away was funny as hell, though.  

Someone needs to give Kiki a haircut with layers.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

Why else would he be talking to Elizabeth at Gene's Branford Roadhouse (est. 1975)? It's the place everyone goes to be incognito.

Kiki, Jason, and Liz were at the Floating Rib on Tuesday's show. It's still doing some business, although Gene's Branford Roadhouse (est. 1975) is closing in fast.  

Oh, hi, Corinthos family. There was no need to rush back on my account. When Mo blanked out and was stuck for a word for a few seconds on his first line (if it was not the first, it was only seconds into his first scene), my wheels started spinning. I wonder if he has some "method" of intentionally not preparing well for a scene, only glancing at the script, because he wants it to be "raw" and "risky," not playing as well rehearsed. He strikes me as that type.

I am just looking for an alternative to "lazy" and "still hasn't caught the hang of acting after 30 years in the business." He's competent in other ways. I don't enjoy the character, but that's something else.  

  • Love 5

I'm a heterosexual, happyily married woman, but man, was Vinessa Antoine rocking the body yesterday in those jeans and tshirt. Not the typical emaciated needs a burger actress body.   I spent their entire scene thinking, man, I'd love to have her body.  Her hair on the other hand, was a bit of a mess.  


So, wow, Joss was allowed an entire HALF AN EPISODE to be horrified by Sonny

THIS.  I was so happy when she said she hated him and then Sweetness and Fake Sweetness were all Morgan wouldn't want you to be angry (because that was his job), so she actually reversed her opinion and even hugged the mysoginistic killer.  Bleh.  Why bother giving her an opinion in the first place.  

  • Love 8

I never got that wrapped up in the Joss-now-hates-Sonny story, because I knew it was shell-game bullshit. Maybe if Jax were actually on the show full time and she had another side to line up with, it would have some sticking power, but not as it stands. Anyway, we had already been here with Kristina...

["Claudia thought the party was for her birthday and she'd be the guest of honor. And Dad let her think that and then said the most awful things to her. He said it's a blessing that their baby died and a lot of other terrible things. I didn't know he could be like that. This whole time, I always thought [Alexis] was keeping me away from him because she's a control freak. But now I see why people are so afraid of him. He just kept hitting Claudia with words. She tried to fight back, but he wouldn't stop. He was so mean and so brutal. It's scary to think he's my father."] 

...and she folded like a cheap suit too. DIdn't that storyline just come to an end with Sonny stutter-barking "Listen! I'm your father and you will show me respect!"? And then I think there was a hug later in the scene?

The girlchildren may resist his charms for five or ten minutes, but that can never last, and the issue that caused them to pull away from him in the first place is never resolved. They try to write it in a way that makes viewers think something was addressed and everyone learned something, when it's just the kid knuckling under and accepting Sonny as he is, the same way his love interests are supposed to.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

I never got that wrapped up in the Joss-now-hates-Sonny story, because I knew it was shell-game bullshit. Maybe if Jax were actually on the show full time and she had another side to line up with, it would have some sticking power, but not as it stands. Anyway, we had already been here with Kristina...

["Claudia thought the party was for her birthday and she'd be the guest of honor. And Dad let her think that and then said the most awful things to her. He said it's a blessing that their baby died and a lot of other terrible things. I didn't know he could be like that. This whole time, I always thought [Alexis] was keeping me away from him because she's a control freak. But now I see why people are so afraid of him. He just kept hitting Claudia with words. She tried to fight back, but he wouldn't stop. He was so mean and so brutal. It's scary to think he's my father."] 

...and she folded like a cheap suit too. DIdn't that storyline just come to an end with Sonny stutter-barking "Listen! I'm your father and you will show me respect!"? And then I think there was a hug later in the scene?

Yeah, but you could tell she was kinda mechanically doing it. Things were uneasy between them for a while after that.

They should ask whether the waitress at Kelly's is still mad at Sonny next.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, LexieLily said:

And yes, the "Scenes I Would Have Rather Seen" section could sometimes make up a whole extra episode show, couldn't it? *sigh*

Fixed that for you.

1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:

Joss-now-hates-Sonny story

It wasn't new, though it's usually played as a plot point. For a long time Joss hated Sonny, and then suddenly she thought him being a gangster was cool, then she went back to hating him, etc., etc. I wish they'd stick with her disliking him because of how he treats her father. It doesn't have to be more complicated than that.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, stlbf said:

Meh, it wasn't a day where she was invited to attend. So not a specific special day that needed to be remembered. 

I don't know, still seems like something she would remember. She seemed to think she should've remembered it, too. But she didn't, because she's preoccupied with trying to save her boyfriend from being charged with a crime that she doesn't actually know he didn't commit and one that she definitely knows he's capable of committing. She's a pathetic mess.

13 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

Call me evil but I am not here for Jason playing daddy to Liz's other kids. 

Same. Cam and Aiden deserve better!

13 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Jason trying to show Liz pics and saying "Are you serious?" when she told him to go away was funny as hell, though.  

YES! I'm gonna go watch that again because I need a laugh.

9 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I wonder if he has some "method" of intentionally not preparing well for a scene, only glancing at the script, because he wants it to be "raw" and "risky," not playing as well rehearsed. He strikes me as that type.


3 hours ago, Perkie said:

I'm a heterosexual, happyily married woman, but man, was Vinessa Antoine rocking the body yesterday in those jeans and tshirt. Not the typical emaciated needs a burger actress body.   I spent their entire scene thinking, man, I'd love to have her body.

This. Her looking so great almost made those scenes kinda interesting.

Edited by peachmangosteen
On 1/16/2017 at 4:35 PM, Darklazr said:

I love it!  I love that JaSam are lint in a clothes dryer, because this fucking show trashed Elizabeth and Nik for no reason at all!  Love or hate Liason and JaSam; there was plenty of story to be mimed from Jake Doe reeling from the news that he WAS indeed the mobster Jason Morgan and had to deal with all of his memories and the choices that he made for over two decades.  Elizabeth, Sam, Robin, Patrick, Nik, Q's and the kids should have all been trying to cope with the news that Jason was under their very nose for over a year and how that impacted their lives.  But, no, this show thought it was best to make Elizabeth lie and obsesses over a man that she HAS walked away from more than once, instead of writing a compelling soap opera dealing with family drama.  Ass.hats.

I agree with every word of this post, except the "I love it" part. Everything I see the Platonic Ideal of boredom that is Jasam, all I can think is, "They trashed the granddaughter of Steve Hardy for THIS?!?!"

On 1/17/2017 at 5:04 PM, Perkie said:


Because tiic hate RH and want Liz to look as bad as possible.   

Then the idiots wonder why the ratings are horrible and dropping further, and the show is in danger of being cancelled. Hey, you dimwits, maybe if you would stop relentlessly shitting on one of your most popular actresses/characters, the ratings might improve!

And the most pathetic part of all this is that transparent bullshit like this has the exact opposite effect of what TIIC intend. I do not hate Liz. I will NEVER not love Liz. I am, however, working up quite a bit of hate for the characters she is continually sacrificed for so they can look good.

On 1/19/2017 at 4:51 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Liz would probably have been better off starting off, "Your mom might be in trouble, Sam" instead of "You have to help Franco, Sam!".  It would have achieved the same objective.

But then Liz couldn't be made into a hate object, and we can't have THAT!

On 1/19/2017 at 9:45 PM, Oracle42 said:

One of the Jerome babies needs to be killed off

Preferably Avery.

On 1/21/2017 at 6:51 PM, Melgaypet said:

I agree. I think of it as the Kassie dePaiva Treatment.

It really is the same thing, isn"the it? Constantly saddle the character with every epic loser that comes along, then have every character around her smugly sigh and say, "That Liz/Blair.  She sure can pick 'em!" when things end. Oh, and be sure to immediately move any love interest that breaks out as a popular character thanks to her charisma and effort away from her and to a pet.

Apropos of nothing: It'seems sadly symbolic of the puddle of shit this show has become that there are now more Jeromeso on this show than there are Quartermaines, Spencers, Webbers, or Baldwins.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, yowsah1 said:

I do not hate Liz. I will NEVER not love Liz.

This is exactly why they use Liz this way. Her fans will never turn on her and, more importantly, a lot of them continue to watch and/or promote the show even when she's horrible. That's what the writers are banking on.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9
21 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

If Liez is going to date a rapist serial killer who locks people in cages while forcing them to wear a shock collar she needs to get used to him being accused of crimes on a regular basis. 

This isn't unique to Elizabeth. It happens when Sonny gets accused of something: His family is always shocked—shocked!—that someone believes he's not an upstanding citizen.

The show will never stop crap like this.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

Since there's a warrant for Freako's arrest and Liez is holding on to what could be a vital piece of evidence (um, phone covered in blood?), I hope the PCPD captures them both, arrests Freako for murder and Liez for being an accessory and for withholding evidence. Then when Kiki's part in this comes out, as it will, all three of them are banished to that dog cage for eternity. As the overstuffed cage is being transported to Pentonville, it bounces off of the flatbed truck and lands in the river next to Morgan's trapped, unfound body and Kiki can REALLY feel guilty. Until they all drown.

Yep, I know most of you lost me at "PCPD captures them both," but a girl can dream, right?

Edited by TheMediaHo
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