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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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9 minutes ago, ulkis said:

The actor who plays Tom had an interview, and in it he made it seem like he and RoHo were excited to play the cage scenes. Maybe they just think of it as a scene at a time.

I read that interview. (It's in the News thread, if anyone's interested.) I think the idea of it cracks them up, because it's the kind of outlandish thing soaps do. In that context, I sort of get it, but in the context of the story it's in, I can't hate it enough.

11 minutes ago, ulkis said:

And I think they (the whole cast, not just the two of them) like working with each other.

I agree. The cast does seem pretty tight. As always, it's a shame there are so many story bubbles and the actors tend to act with the same two or three people.

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18 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Jason: Sonny, I can't just unknow what I know.

Me: But...but...you...nevermind.

Also, LMAO @ his reaction to Sonny saying he lied about being Michael's father. Throwing that shit in his face never gets old.

Sonny should have just clocked him over the head to make him forget.  You probably don't even need to hit him in the head particularly hard at this point to rattle some memories into obscurity.  

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Today was totally in character for Maxie when it comes to Sam. She has her heart in the right place. She is going to fuck this baby reveal up just like she messed up Jasam's engagement. She lost Sam's ring over the balcony, found it in a sewer and then lost it again. Sam never saw it and Jason wasted major bucks.

I beat money Maxie is going to get the wrong cake. Sam will think she is having another boy. Come delivery time a girl pops out if Jelly wants to drag this out some more.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Maxie's initial curiosity about the baby's gender was in character, I thought—that's pretty normal for anyone—but for her to take the results? No. Why does she have to know that badly? I think her obsession to find out what Nathan's wedding gift from Paris is is also way overdone. KSt is giving both of these a manic edge that makes Maxie look unhinged, and that's not helping.

I wish Maxie would become unhinged then we could actually have an entertaining show for once. 

What the hell, the writers would mess that up too. 

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7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

What a boring slog of an episode.

When you have Jason and Curtis talking about a plastic bag for half an hour, you know they've run out of ideas. Seriously, WTF?

Maxie seems like the same old Maxie today, but Sam is just...I don't know. I need her to have some snark. She can borrow some from her aunt, who had it in spades today. Great delivery of "nervous flier?"

Sonny, Carly, and Nelle should all be killed off to put them and me out of my misery.

  • Love 4

Jason is such an insufferable asshole.  The whole "bad cop" routine all in the name of clearing Sonny is just so vile, as if he was an actual cop the show would never allow the scene to play out like that, as cops = inept, mobsters = brilliant sleuths. 

In other news, oh, noes, Maxie stole the results and now Sam's going to cut into her shower cake and find out what she's having!  The drama, the suspense, the...really, show, this is all you've got for this character?  Snore-o-rama.

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23 minutes ago, stlbf said:

I tried. But I just couldn't watch today. Watched via FF after hearing Lulu start speaking. Just couldn't take it.

Soooo, Shut up Lulu! 

Today was a disaster from start to finish.  Nothing worked.

As for Lulu and the previously-mentioned Maxie, that age group is in a world of hurt.  Today showed - again - why they aren't the characters to lead this generation. The "legacy" label certainly has been diluted.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

In other news, oh, noes, Maxie stole the results and now Sam's going to cut into her shower cake and find out what she's having!  The drama, the suspense, the...really, show, this is all you've got for this character?  Snore-o-rama.

I can't wait for the episode where someone accidentally burns a piece of Sam's toast.

52 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Soooo, Shut up Lulu! 

This is relevant in every episode.

2 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Sonny, Carly, and Nelle should all be killed off to put them and me out of my misery.

I mostly don't care about this story because I'm pretty sure we're supposed to feel bad for Carly and why would I ever feel bad for CARLY?

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 5

But who is going to that baby shower anyway?

Sam's sisters, her drunk mother, Maxie, Lulu who will talk about how she Charlotte's mother and Nina who will be going down the rabbit hole with the baby rabies because Charlotte now has a mother, but Nina has to be there because there's a baby involved, Laura (I'm assuming???), Carly (probably because this thing will be at the MC) and she'll talk about her beautiful boy. Nelle will probably be standing off in the corner giving everyone the stink eye. Kiki will talk about how she is now part of the Justice League. 

Monica will not be there because she's busy with something. Which is probably for the best.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Sam's sisters, her drunk mother, Maxie, Lulu who will talk about how she Charlotte's mother and Nina who will be going down the rabbit hole with the baby rabies because Charlotte now has a mother, but Nina has to be there because there's a baby involved, Laura (I'm assuming???), Carly (probably because this thing will be at the MC) and she'll talk about her beautiful boy. Nelle will probably be standing off in the corner giving everyone the stink eye. Kiki will talk about how she is now part of the Justice League. 

Nelly and Kaka have no reason to be at Sam's baby shower and they better not show their stupid, useless, annoying, trash, dumbass faces. For that matter, there's no reason why Lulu, Nina, and Laura need to be there, either. Laura in particular can stay home since she was all about helping Liez and Nik keep Jason from Sam and Danny. 

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Aurora2 said:

As for Lulu and the previously-mentioned Maxie, that age group is in a world of hurt. 

RC removed every other aspect of their personalities in favor of baby/relationship hijinks and JP/SA are doing the same. I think both characters, under Guza, were fairly interesting, three dimensional characters with ambitions and storylines that weren't exclusively about boyfriends and babieeeez. They've been diminished by RC and JP/SA - but so has the rest of the show

  • Love 2

Did I hear Sam say she was in her third trimester? Not that I'm complaining, because the sooner we get to this baby being born, the sooner we can hopefully get on to another lousy story. But it seems like she just found out a couple of months ago. Maybe I'm off.

Also, she doesn't seem that big for third trimester. I saw she had a little baby bump, but shouldn't she be showing more? I've never been pregnant or had a baby so I could just be talking out of my ass.

Edited by tvgoddess
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15 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

RC removed every other aspect of their personalities in favor of baby/relationship hijinks and JP/SA are doing the same. I think both characters, under Guza, were fairly interesting, three dimensional characters with ambitions and storylines that weren't exclusively about boyfriends and babieeeez. They've been diminished by RC and JP/SA - but so has the rest of the show

You're completely right about Lulu's baby rabies under RC and now Jelly.  But, as I recall, Lulu's ambitions near the end of the Guza/Wolfe era was chasing after Luke, even if it meant working in a bordello, and staring at wine Alexis-style.

13 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

When you have Jason and Curtis talking about a plastic bag for half an hour, you know they've run out of ideas.

JFC, yes. That was painful to watch.

55 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Lulu's ambitions near the end of the Guza/Wolfe era was chasing after Luke, even if it meant working in a bordello, and staring at wine Alexis-style.

No one has really known what to do with adult Lulu in a day-to-day context. Her jobs have never been anything she wants to do (she doesn't like fashion; she took over the HS because it was Luke's), and now she's entirely baby-focused. Luke and Laura's daughter deserves so much better.

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, Syndicate said:

I'm feeling like Sam is probably having twins. A boy and a girl or maybe just two girls since Jason already has two sons. Just a feeling based on the "secrecy."

Do people ever actually have twins in soaps? Or does the twin only show up later in life?


20 hours ago, Linny said:

Nelle referring to Port Charles as her home now really does make me wonder who on the canvas she'll wind up related to. Whoever it is, I'm sure I won't care.

I originally read that as being sure THEY won't care. Which, probably won't. So, nobody will care.

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Thankfully, Sam has only been forced to have scenes with Kiki a few times. She probably wants to forget she's related to that loser, and who can blame her.

I'll trade you Sonny for Sam's dad in exchange for Kiki as Dante's cousin. The whole almost had Sonny's baby thing can be erased!

7 minutes ago, Broken Ox said:

Do people ever actually have twins in soaps? Or does the twin only show up later in life?

Sami and Eric on DAYS were born on-screen.

21 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Can't wait for the baby shower, where Alexis will no doubt end up face down in the onion dip after drinking her own weight in Vodka.

Heh. You know someone (likely Molly) will make a gigantic deal that all the drinks are nonalcoholic, and we'll see Alexis sneaking off to the kitchen or wherever to add booze to her glass.

18 minutes ago, Broken Ox said:

Do people ever actually have twins in soaps? Or does the twin only show up later in life?

Usually the twin shows up later, angry that the sibling had the better life. For once I'd like that trope reversed.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

How dare you.

I notice you haven't taken me up on my offer! Cousin Kiki has a nice sound to it in comparison to Papa Smurf, I know.

21 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Somewhat related to the question about what to do with an adult Lulu - who runs Kelly's these days?  That seemed to be a place where characters often had jobs, but not so much anymore, I guess because we have Dunkin Corinthos. #eyeroll

They haven't said.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, tvgoddess said:


Also, she doesn't seem that big for third trimester. I saw she had a little baby bump, but shouldn't she be showing more? I've never been pregnant or had a baby so I could just be talking out of my ass.

Last time she was pregnant she gave birth with a belly the size of a tennis ball, so yeah.  God forbid they give her a realistic bump and wardrobe would have to take her out of her tiny skinny jeans and toddler-sized leather jacket.

  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Sami and Eric on DAYS were born on-screen.

Sami has twin children, too. Decades ago on OLTL, Meredith Wolek had twins, though one of them died at birth. Other than that, I can't think of any. Twins to tend to be of the long-lost variety on soaps.

ETA: Jinx, OnceSane!

Edited by Melgaypet
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3 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

DNAJ murdering Dante would be more appealing to me than Sonny being Sam's father. 

Jake: I grew so tall I accidentally stepped on and killed Dante! Woo!

Elizabeth: see Cam? If you eat all your vegetables you could grow tall enough to step on and kill Dante too!

Cam: you said that 5 years ago!  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

RC removed every other aspect of their personalities in favor of baby/relationship hijinks and JP/SA are doing the same. I think both characters, under Guza, were fairly interesting, three dimensional characters with ambitions and storylines that weren't exclusively about boyfriends and babieeeez. They've been diminished by RC and JP/SA - but so has the rest of the show


3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

You're completely right about Lulu's baby rabies under RC and now Jelly.  But, as I recall, Lulu's ambitions near the end of the Guza/Wolfe era was chasing after Luke, even if it meant working in a bordello, and staring at wine Alexis-style.

While I agree that some of the writing - especially for Lulu - was questionable during Guza's regime, I definitely think that the biggest damage to both Maxie and Lulu was done by RC and even more  by Jelly. 

While it's true that Lulu was taken to some dark places during 2011 by Guza and Wolfe, one point to remember is that ALL the Spencers were taken down this dark road going nowhere at this time.  Drunken Luke?  Drugged Lucky starting at a pill under the sofa?   Ethan communing with the bizarre Lady in White?  So this lack of direction wasn't just about Lulu - it was about the whole Spencer family.

And, to give RC credit, he ended the darkness for Lulu and wrote positively for her for a few months.  She was the one who figured out the identity of the stripper attacker ... she made amends with Luke and, at times, became more the parent than the child with him ... she opened a successful business which she really loved (and said that she did to Dante!) ... she played the wise, mature friend who tough loved Patrick into seeking help for his drug use.  These were all positive steps forward.

But then came along the possibility of a pregnancy in August - and for over four years we have seen what a slippery slope this became.  Now, had the story proceeded with the quality with which it started, it might have been an OK story - even if it was too soon for Lulu and Dante to have a child.  There was some real emotion and some depth at the beginning, but that went to h*ll in a basket when the surrogacy mess started and Julie ended most of her GH days carrying a stuffed dog and hovering over Maxie.

So why the shift?   One fact I will point out is that Julie gave her notice to leave GH in the summer of 2012, and agreed to extend until March for a good exit story she was promised and to facilitate the replacement process.  (Neither agreement was kept - but that's a topic for another time.)   Considering it takes about two months for stories to work their way from script writing to air dates, the timing of RC's re-direction of where he had appeared to be taking Lulu appears to  coincide to the writers' and producers' knowledge that Julie would no longer be in the role.  Take that wherever it takes you. 

Regardless, none of this changes the fact the current legacy daughters are in no way prepared to take over as leads on GH. 

Edited by Aurora2
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1 minute ago, Aurora2 said:

she played the wise, mature friend who tough loved Patrick into seeking help for his drug use. 

I know that storyline with Patrick becoming an instant drug user was dumb af, but I liked the scenes between the two of them. JMB should have had more scenes with JT. And I loved her GNO with her, Maxie and Sam when they thought Sam was pregnant.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Aurora2 said:

Regardless, none of this changes the fact the current legacy daughters are in no way prepared to take over as leads on GH. 

I don't think FV is interested in having any of the pre-RC characters as leads. AJ is dead, Jason is recast, Michael is a non-entity, Nik is dead and Patrick is gone.  They've been replaced by the Tree, the priest, Silas McFinn and the  SERIAL KILLER

The only female characters that had consistent story since FV started are Kiki, Sabrina Hayden and Ava.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I don't think FV is interested in having any of the pre-RC characters as leads. AJ is dead, Jason is recast, Michael is a non-entity, Nik is dead and Patrick is gone.  They've been replaced by the Tree, the priest, Silas McFinn and the  SERIAL KILLER

The only female characters that had consistent story since FV started are Kiki, Sabrina Hayden and Ava.

FV is more interested in turning GH into OLTL 3.0 and would get rid of everyone that does NOT make the cut.

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19 hours ago, ulkis said:

When was Maxie NOT been vapid and annoying, as played by KSt (and JL)? She was cool during the early surrogacy. I suppose she was more tolerable in comparison to Lulu during the years when Lulu was Carly's BFF and had those bangs, but I wasn't paying much attention at the time. I guess I liked her around the time of the non wedding to Spinelli too.

KSt has gotten worse, imo, but so has everyone, so, in varying degrees.

I've always found Maxie to be ditzy/borderline dim and annoying, but usually in a "someone needs to lightly slap her in the face" sort of way. Things have gotten so bad now that when she was kidnapped by that goon looking for Claud I wanted him to just keep her.

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