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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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You would think, given the negative ripple effect his last sexual indiscretion had (ruined his relationships with Olivia and Morgan, potentially saddled him with a child via a woman he hates, prevented him for avenging the death of a "loved" one), Sonny would think twice.  But noooooooooooooo, sleep with the girlfriend of a SERIAL KILLER who hates you and has some very damaging dirt on you, see what happens!


And then he petulantly whaps the Canco picture to the floor, shattering the glass.  Like he was marking his damn territory.  Don't worry, Sonny, I assume the grease stains all over the sheets will be a dead giveaway.  

  • Love 9

Taking care of endlessly ailing Mariah wasn't bad in and of itself, it was just lazy writing to account for KW not being on contract. The girls could have gone down to Texas for holidays and vacations. But Felicia running off on adventures with Luke deserves all the scorn it gets. That's what really made her a terrible mom, IMO.

  • Love 4

I....I like Sonny and Carly...there, I said it.



I like them too, though I'm not fangirling over them, or anything like it. I would have to actually care about the characters more to do so. The most important thing to me is that it has ended the Cranco sore, and has freed RH up for a better love interest. And I do think CarSon being together secretly could make the eventual discovery of AJ's murder secret more interesting.

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Pro tip, Sonny: You want to make a woman feel better about sleeping with you, don't belittle her feelings. My god, he's such an asshole. You know one of the reasons he fucked Carly was to fuck over Franco. Ugh. I'm not letting Carly off the hook—she's an idiot.


You know Sonny probably slathers on the aftershave, so it's amazing to me that Franco doesn't smell it on Carly. Let alone all over the house.


So tired of Nina and her baby issues. And why is Rosalie shocked that Silas is sick of her snotty comments? She's waaay out of line with them. 


And Michael. Of COURSE Tracy is trying to get ELQ away from him. It's like he doesn't know her at all. Gah. So much stupid in so many people.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Taking care of endlessly ailing Mariah wasn't bad in and of itself, it was just lazy writing to account for KW not being on contract. The girls could have gone down to Texas for holidays and vacations.


Agreed, that's definitely a case where I blamed the writers and not the character.  And unlike Frisco, Felicia spent a lot of years being a present parent before that happened.


It's the same thing happening with Lucky right now.  He looks like a deadbeat when all that's needed are a few throwaway lines that he's keeping in touch with Cameron and Aidan and that they go see him wherever he is sometimes.

  • Love 1

AAACK! Why didn't anyone warn me there were whole scenes of just Kiki and Ava. Could the anvils be any bigger that Kiki is really Nina and Silas' child. Double Ack!


MEOW Michael looked really yummy in burgandy and his hair looked really good.


Ned and Olivia are super cute and adorable. I just want them to get married and adopt a little dog that wears outfits! I'm sure in Ron's world that could happen by Friday.


I like Nina and Silas, IF there was no Nico, but Nico is much hotter....sorry Si!


Sonny was very fun today!hahaha

  • Love 4

Happy Birthday to my girl. I'm glad she got someone to celebrate it with, even if it is that loser waste of a daughter she has. It was also totally worth it to see Ava laugh in her face and point out how stupid she actually is. And more points for the sarcasm on the Siam breakup. Loved her. Best thing about this crap show, as usual.


If Morgan goes back to Sonny, I'll just have to mute him. That way, I still get my eye candy.


Why did MB have to take his shirt off? For god's sake, I just ate. I hope George shoots them both. Sonny for being an asshole, and Carly for being so stupid.

  • Love 4

Pro tip, Sonny: You want to make a woman feel better about sleeping with you, don't belittle her feelings. My god, he's such an asshole. You know one of the reasons he fucked Carly was to fuck over Franco. Ugh. I'm not letting Carly off the hook—she's an idiot.


You know Sonny probably slathers on the aftershave, so it's amazing to me that Franco doesn't smell it on Carly. Let alone all over the house.


I think Sonny slathers anything he can on his body to cover up decomposing flesh smell.  And while it may be true that once upon a time he had dimples, I'm afraid now he just looks like someone who isn't wearing his dentures.

And HERE'S a thought!  Maybe he took them out to "make love" to the wildebeeste garden slug.  


Why did MB have to take his shirt off? For god's sake, I just ate. I hope George shoots them both. Sonny for being an asshole, and Carly for being so stupid.


It honestly looked a lot more like a scene from The Walking Dead where the zombies were winning than anything else.  

Sonny and Carly put the SEXAAAAY into mortuary science.


Really, there was NO need to show us that.  None.

Unless they're going to market those scenes as a diet plan.

  • Love 5

I fault Mac for not investigating Levi and the Visa problem. He had suspicions but did not follow them. Flea is just a walking blonde joke, unfortunately. An appalling mother too.


I hope Carly changes her sheets between lovers, but she might not get a chance. Franco is tired, and she's already dressed for sleep. 


When Silas and Nina were standing and talking at the hospital by the windows, the weather looked calm and balmy outside. Nary a raindrop marred the glass. No thunder, no lightning. Yet we're supposed to believe that a veritable monsoon is pummeling some of PC.



  • Love 2

. Nary a raindrop marred the glass. No thunder, no lightning. Yet we're supposed to believe that a veritable monsoon is pummeling some of PC.


That monsoon is going to be either the massive amount of sweat pouring off Orange Glow Corinthos, or it will be just vengance of an angry god after having to witness the unholy union of two of his least favorite (but most mutated) creations.

What the HELL was Franco wearing today?  I thought it was half of a set of scrubs, and I couldn't figure out why he would wear scrubs but only on top.  But then he was still wearing it when he went to Carly's.  So I guess it was a... shirt?  How the hell can a black T-shirt manage to be the fugliest wardrobe item featured on this show in months?


I'm sure there was more to today's show than Franco's shirt, but it was so boring I've already forgotten it. 

  • Love 2

What the HELL was Franco wearing today?  I thought it was half of a set of scrubs, and I couldn't figure out why he would wear scrubs but only on top.  But then he was still wearing it when he went to Carly's.  So I guess it was a... shirt?  How the hell can a black T-shirt manage to be the fugliest wardrobe item featured on this show in months?


I'm sure there was more to today's show than Franco's shirt, but it was so boring I've already forgotten it. 


I'm actually slightly embarrassed to be the one to remember such details**, but this is the same day that Franco had the "paint war" with a patient and had to be shirtless with Felix talking about 3-somes. He had to change is ruined hipster plaid shirt for a scrub top, so yes it was a scrub top.


**In my defense I did kind of find paint splattered Franco hott, so THAT is why I remember all this detail NOT b/c of Felix or 3-somes.

  • Love 3

What the HELL was Franco wearing today?  I thought it was half of a set of scrubs, and I couldn't figure out why he would wear scrubs but only on top.  But then he was still wearing it when he went to Carly's.  So I guess it was a... shirt?  How the hell can a black T-shirt manage to be the fugliest wardrobe item featured on this show in months?


I'm sure there was more to today's show than Franco's shirt, but it was so boring I've already forgotten it. 


Before Franco got in the elevator, he had changed out of his shirt in the locker room. This was because one of his Art Therapy patients had some kind of fit and covered him in paint. I guess Dr. O. told him he could clean up and get some scrubs to wear out of the locker room.

Claire was a JFP-styled idiot and Brendabot from Day 1 who they disposed of accordingly when they got the real thing back. Olivia, OTOH, used to read Sonny for filth. I'm glad she's at least regained some of that moral compass, because the Olivia I remember from after Sonny shot Dante would never have touched his ass again.


I am out of town on a vacation but I am amazed to hear Sonny and Carly have apparently done the Dew already. I guess RC and FV are betting the house on Michelle Stafford saving Roger Howarth.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

Agreed, that's definitely a case where I blamed the writers and not the character.  And unlike Frisco, Felicia spent a lot of years being a present parent before that happened.


I blamed Felicia, myself. Several years before Felicia took off "for Texas," she had destroyed her stable home and family life with Mac and the girls for an early midlife crisis fucking around with Luke Spencer. She knew Laura was in his blood and that she was never anything but a substitute, but she deluded herself because she needed a fix of her fancy-free past with Frisco. She let it all happen, she let her family slip away, she tried for a substitute thrill with Roy DiLucca and then she slunk out of town and even ran off with Frisco again, only to get ditched there too. She hid out in the wild in shame for years, then she finally came back and (IMO) redeemed herself and made good to Maxie and Mac. I have a lot of fondness and love for Felicia again today, whereas I couldn't stand the sight of her from about 1999-onward until 2012. But I think she made that bed. While Guza and Frons sent her off, Felicia's downward trajectory had been established before Wendy Riche was ousted.

  • Love 1

Carly and Sonny engaging in sexual relations just screamed, to me, of Ron thinking it would make for an "amazing twist" of events. I want him pistol whipped and flogged, honestly how does he have so many repulsive bad ideas that are quickly paired together in rapid succession? Just one after the other after the other, how can so much bad live inside of one person? It doesn't seem humanly possible to be so bad at something and yet have it be your job for so long with no feasible end in sight.


I find myself wanting so many characters to just drop dead, it isn't healthy I'm sure.

  • Love 6

I wish Franco walked in on that disgusting display of sex so he can kill Sonny. Can't he smell the stench of nasty sex in the house? Carly is an idiot, but at least I hope this paves the way for the AJ reveal and Michael disowning those pigs he calls his parents. And hot Nico action please!

Ned makes me like Olivia. How does she not know her daughter in law is kidnapped?

  • Love 6


I guess RC and FV are betting the house on Michelle Stafford saving Roger Howarth.


Even if Nina and Franco become a successful pairing Franco is still a SERIAL KILLER so there's not much that can be done with him. Hopefully Carly is being moved out of his orbit so there's not going to be anyone left who wants interact with him. Is he going to have scenes with Nina and only her?

  • Love 4

No, I completely agree with you - it doesn't matter who you put him with, Franco is a dead end. They have chemistry but they are both obnoxious airhogs with no larger purpose on the show, and Franco especially is a disaster. That being said, it's clearly not stopping them from trying to make yet another Pairing of the Network Stars happen.

  • Love 7


I hope Micheal firing Tracy with no fucks given is yet a morsel of the rage he shall dish out at CarSon over the AJ reveal. You don't lie to Micheal.


It should be clear foreshadowing since Michael said he should've went with his gut, but he gave Tracy the benefit of the doubt.  "I'll never do that again."  I think Carly and Sonny ending up in bed together and possibly becoming a couple just makes the situation worse because once Michael knows he's going to realize that killing AJ just brought his parents closer.  How sweet.  

  • Love 2

Don't you know that Carly's first thought after reaching orgasm was probably "Oh boy now I can go to that slut Ava's condo and tell her I've done it with Sonny too!"


And if Franco dares to complain about betrayal, Sonny will be on his favorite turf, somehow making all about HIMSELF as the victim of these bedroom hijinks.


With all the fit guys in town, why did we get so much shirtless Sonny time? When he is doing whatever he does in bed, he is someone who should have the sheets up to his neck.


When we got a profile view of Sonny in bed, it looked like he had dispensed with his tighty whities for the cameras...if he bent forward at all, you could see the moon coming up under the sheets. Then when he was getting dressed, he had a tiny waist and very smooth, hairless, oiled skin. I wish they had shown him dominating Carly in bed somehow, making her behave. I want to see Carly lose her self-confidence and become a real fool for Sonny. How about 50 shades of grey, with Sonny in control? (Yes it wouldn't be politically correct, but Carly has shown a strange weakness for being soulmates with aberrent men, and a fascination for kinky danger.)

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Rancide, you have been blessed to only remember Franco's shirt.  Somehow you've managed to skip or suppress the HORROR of watching Alien and Predator mate.

Very squishy and undoubtedly stinky.


I never, ever, ever watch Sonny.  He simply doesn't exist on the version of the show I watch.  It makes the show much more pleasant.  So I guess all my posts about "today's show" should come with an asterisk:  *except for the the Sonny parts, which I didn't watch and don't know anything about.  Carly I watch only slightly more often than never.


Sonny is a big reason I've switched from watching mostly on DVR to watching mostly online.  On DVR, you have to fast-forward but without the merciful blurring you used to get with VHS.  Watching online, you can click on the progress bar to skip things entirely.  It's as though the scenes don't exist.

  • Love 5
It should be clear foreshadowing since Michael said he should've went with his gut, but he gave Tracy the benefit of the doubt.  "I'll never do that again."




Well it's either he goes with his guts or he's screwed because lord knows that kid doesn't have a brain of which to speak of. If Ron thinks I am supposed to cheer and applaud the idea that this little punk ass raised by those two cockroaches disguised as human beings, who's spent his entire life either whining, bitching, or playing the victim, got one over on Tracy, whose character and dignity Ron has been set on desecrating for months, not a chance.


Whatever happens to Michael during the fallout with Sonny and AJ's death the little brat deserves and then some, imho. He's a rotten snot, just like mum and dad and he's been due a good bit of suffering for the longest. Let those three wallow and drown in their own pools of self pity, it'd be a fitting end.

  • Love 2

Yesterday's episode should have been brought to us by Sherwin Wiliams, "Gray paint, it's the new taupe!".


Also, I think Ron is trolling us. Last week, Lucas mentioned promising to go look for a job, Lulu acted like the haunted Star has been operational all this time & this week Morgan basically said he has never had a job. Ron's way of dealing with being called out because so many characters do not have a job and/or occupation.


CarSon get a love scene while Shawn/Jordan's & Brad/Lucas' love scenes were both dropped? My first thought at seeing Shawn/Jordan was, "Have they been having sex all this time?". *This show now owes me some love in the afternoon with Brad/Lucas, Anna with Dante and/or Nathan, MorganAva or Morgan/Rosalie, George/Nina or Patrick/Sam



I like angry RoHo, so I enjoyed George's scenes. *It would have been all kinds of wrong if Franco the serial killer & rapist was grabbing people & being threatening. Cartini & TPTB F'ed up royally by recasting Franco & trying to make him into a romantic lead. 


 My positive comment: Cartini have provided beds for the cast so we no longer have all the love scenes on couches & floors.


*Why yes, the GH in my head is very nice place.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4

Claire was a JFP-styled idiot and Brendabot from Day 1 who they disposed of accordingly when they got the real thing back. Olivia, OTOH, used to read Sonny for filth. I'm glad she's at least regained some of that moral compass, because the Olivia I remember from after Sonny shot Dante would never have touched his ass again.


I am out of town on a vacation but I am amazed to hear Sonny and Carly have apparently done the Dew already. I guess RC and FV are betting the house on Michelle Stafford saving Roger Howarth.



Well, kinda. Claire still lingered around till January 2011. To sum up, from Despair in the Afternoon:


CLAIRE WALSH: On a completely unrelated note… so, um, I’m still here, I guess. Just hanging around. Collecting a paycheck.

AUDIENCE: We can see that. But why?


WRITERS: Search us.



I was surprised Carly and Sonny had sex this fast too but I guess they have been working towards it since the Day o' the Carlys, after all. Oh man, I hope they aren't really expecting a pairing with Michelle "I get twice the airtime because I literally say everything twice" Stafford to save his butt long term. Good  . . . good luck with that, Ron.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Even if Nina and Franco become a successful pairing Franco is still a SERIAL KILLER so there's not much that can be done with him. Hopefully Carly is being moved out of his orbit so there's not going to be anyone left who wants interact with him. Is he going to have scenes with Nina and only her?


I really think the moving on will be into Ava's orbit. I mean Franco has already been in scenes with her and Nina separately and now with these avils about Kiki(Gawd NO!) I think Franco is going to try and help Ava against Sonny somehow get in the middle of comababygate with Silas/Nina and Ava.

All of which is fine with me b/c as I've said I have no knowledge of BadFranco only George. Especially if the outcome of all this is Ava gone either dead or out of town.


I also think after the AJ stuff is exposed to Michael and Morgan Franco's crimes might not look as bad to them especially since they supposedly happened due to a tumor. So you never know Franco may gain more friends along the way.

  • Love 3
I also think after the AJ stuff is exposed to Michael and Morgan Franco's crimes might not look as bad to them especially since they supposedly happened due to a tumor. So you never know Franco may gain more friends along the way.



It just occurred to me that if Franco spills the beans, we might actually get everyone piling on him for "betraying" Carly (and Sonny) like that.  I swear to Lucifer, show, if I see one scene of Michael comforting Carly because she feels so betrayed by Franco...

  • Love 7

A day later and I'm still giggling at Sonny saying he's never hidden from a man before.

O Really? Joe Scully Jr? McBain? Dante? The cops? Big Bad Deke? Julian? None of these ring a bell, Mr Corinthos? And my final pieces of evidence. AJ Quartermaine and his son Micheal that you hide behind like an umbrella. Or you know closets...

  • Love 4

You know I know everyone gives Sonny so much crap for his terrible short sighted decisions, but it is very much a bipolar trait for him to act this way, and even bipolar people IRL frustrate their families for these very reasons.


His grandiose thoughts that he is above reprocussions for his actions, his random sleeping with women spur of the moment, his leaping before he looks and not seeing how his actions will come back to bite him later, his chasing the thrill of the situation and his sad sack I'm sorries I didn't purposely DO all this.  All these things are the workings of a manic/depressive mind. I especially saw this in his dealing with this situation with Carly.


To me it almost more her fault than his b/c she knows his issues and she KNOWS better while he has an illness that by going along with him she is feeding into.


Of course if he was on the right meds and taking them properly he wouldn't act like this....so there is that.


I know I just defended Sonny. Now excuse me while I go shower off all these tomatoes that were just thrown at me.......

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 6


You know I know everyone gives Sonny so much crap for his terrible short sighted decisions, but it is very much a bipolar trait for him to act this way, and even bipolar people IRL frustrate their families for these very reasons.


His grandiose thoughts that he is above reprocussions for his actions, his random sleeping with women spur of the moment, his leaping before he looks and not seeing how his actions will come back to bite him later, his chasing the thrill of the situation and his sad sack I'm sorries I didn't purposely DO all this.  All these things are the workings of a manic/depressive mind. I especiall saw this in his dealing with this situation with Carly.


To me it almost more her fault than his b/c she knows his issue and she KNOWS better while he has an illness that by going along with him she is feeding into.


Of course if he was on the right meds and taking them properly he wouldn't act like this....so there is that

Port Charles is filled with the biggest enablers on the planet. I really do think that given the right scripts MB would play this correctly, he is very open about his own bipolar, but Guza-Wolfe-Ron the real unholy trio, just do not turn out that kind of story.  Sonny as a character has never been the problem, Sonny as he IS WRITTEN has always been the problem.

Edited by Fylaki
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