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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I am prepared to forgive Franco for almost anything if he kills Sonny with extreme contempt and prejudice and makes an art installation out of him.  Bonus points for loudly spilling the beans about AJ and Connie to all parties concerned (including the police), especially if Carly is back together with the moobster.  He can leave Carly alive to suffer the hatred of her children.  Then Franco can go to jail or start working for the WSB doing wetwork.


Franco doesn't work on the show for the same reason Sonny doesn't, and Jason didn't.  You can't make a romantic hero out of a sociopathic thug, even if there are Reasons for his or her behavior, the success of Dexter not withstanding.  (And even Dexter screwed up and paid for killing bad guys who deserved it on a regular basis.)  Trying to just makes you look foolish, show.  I would have no issues with either of them if they paid, and paid heavily at times for their actions - it doesn't even have to be jail time, just losing something they really want or public humiliation and contempt.  It's just not fun when the bad guy wins all the time.


Franco doesn't have the respect of the town the way Sonny does and no one seems to fear him.  I'm afraid that as time goes on, his serial killer past will be as irrelevant as Sonny's past crimes.  And only a select few will hold them against him.


yes And I will be on the barge full time. I will not even read the boards to see just how far FrankenRon have gone.

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The entire time CarSon was on, I just kept repeating "he's so gross, he's so gross, he's so gross..". But even if he is repulsive, it's Snarly and she deserves repulsive. She's just as filthy and disgusting as he is.


The rest wasn't too horrible, but enough of this time-wasting filler. Brad and Lucas are good, but the rest is a giant who gives a rat's ass?

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Rebecca Herbst should never wear yellow....ever. Not.a.good.color.on.her.at.all. I guess the mirrors weren't working that day. Either, was the wardrobe department. Ugly! While the Epiphany & Milo scene was cute I'm not buying it. There was actually more heat in the Milo & Felix scene but I doubt TPTB would want Milo going gay. I want RH & MS to stay in the elevator & never come out & totally disappear. Ugh! I can't stand MB's stuttering & stammering. Drives.me.up.a.wall. I like Nathan & Maxie. Unfortunately, RP is so big & popular like Antiono Sabato became that I think he leaves when his 2 or 3 year contract ends. That guy has got the look. Total stud. I don't think he's for the longing. He'll probably end up on a Scandal, Revenge or Greys Anatomy type of show. How does someone look that good consistently in a black V-neck? He's perfect looking & seems genuinely nice from what I can tell from interviews & twitter. Rant over. LOL!!

Oooh I like the Scotty idea.  I think Jax somehow finding out (maybe he comes to town to kick Franco into line re: being around his daughter and stumbles onto the truth) and being the truth teller would be fun.


But the whole thing being framed around poor frowny Franco having to expose their secret because they've been mean to him wah is just...so unappealing.


I'd LOVE Jax coming back and blowing the whole thing wide open.  There are so many reasons Jax should be in town now.  It's insane that he's not.  (Although I fear how much Ron would ruin him.) 

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My understanding is that IR doesn't want to be on contract but has expressed willingness to return for occasional short story arcs.  Given how RC has handled Robin's occasional short visits, I'd prefer the show not go there.  I understand from the show's perspective why they are willing to let fan favorites drop in and out if they can't (or don't want to) get them to commit to full-time, but I can't think of a single instance where it has worked.  Robin?  Brenda?  Laura?  All terrible.  Even Luke's long vacations are hugely disruptive. 


If IR no longer wants to work a full-time job, I'd prefer he stay gone.  Maybe show up for weddings and funerals.  Short-term story arcs have destroyed better characters than his.

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I think it has less to do with Ron liking or not liking Jordan and Shawn and just his general inability to pace his stories.  


I'll never forget when Maxie and Frisco came face-to-face for the first time at the end of an episode last year.  Logically, the next episode should have picked up with that cliffhanger.  Instead, I don't think we saw either character for a few days and when they did pick it up, Maxie was just telling someone about it, that first meeting having taken place entirely off-screen.  I mean, that's ridiculous.


Same this week.  Mac gets shot at the end of an episode and then disappears for a day?  So stupid!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6


Also, was RIck Hearst fired or was he never on contract to begin with?

Did he ever get out of the body bag they put him in? It seems to me like TIIC (the idiots in charge)just leave most scenes hanging in mid air and then move onto something else, and then by the time they get back to what I was really interested in, I forgot what it was I was interested in, which here lately hasn't been much to hold my interest!! I mean, there was Lucy,Scott, and Bobbie fighting over Scott and then the next time Lucy was performing a marriage???Duh. And as others have said, Shawn and Jordan intertwined, but then they move on to something else, and yes, Mac was shot and finally he's walking down the hall with a napkin or something to stop the blood?   Scattered writing and directing I must say. Maybe TTIC have had too much Ritalin or whatever.


Did he ever get out of the body bag they put him in? It seems to me like TIIC (the idiots in charge)just leave most scenes hanging in mid air and then move onto something else, and then by the time they get back to what I was really interested in, I forgot what it was I was interested in, which here lately hasn't been much to hold my interest!!


Yep, he's in Witness Protection right now.



  Re Milo/Epiphany, I find it patronizing, not charming, endearing nor entertaining. For one thing, Epiphany's even more of a stereotype than Felix.  Milo's finding Epiphany's destroying Mr. Marbles at the Nurses' Ball a turn-on says much worse about him than Mac or Mr. Marbles, for that matter. I wasn't a fan of Mr. Marbles, but Epiphany had no right to embarrass Mac nor ruin his act. By Milo's standards, if bum-rushing the Nurses' Ball makes a woman attractive, the Dr. O., not Epiphany, should be the love of his life. There have been romances between hot guys and women who weren't Size 0s before, like Craig/Nancy on DOOL, Michael/Marcie on OLTL and Coop/Ashley on GL, but the differences were that Michael/Marcie & Coop/Ashley happened gradually and naturally and while Craig/Nancy's didn't, at least they were funny for the right reasons. If Ron wanted Milo to be, to quote Martin, "down with the swirl,"  then he should've paired Milo with Jordan, a strong, smart, capable WOC who, as far as I know, doesn't kill puppets, plus it would've gotten her away from Shawn. Milo's better than Shawn. Not much better, but better. As for Sonny's telling Milo about tolerance, Casey the Alien was more convincing. This from the thug who not only kept Michael from his real father, he killed him in cold blood. The only bright side to all this is that at least Milo's not bisexual because knowing Ron's track record, that's just another group of people he can't write for, so it's best that he leave them alone IMO.  Milo and Epiphany aren't compelling characters to begin with and putting them together is not going to change that. Speaking of non-compelling characters, that leads me to Felix.  Felix participating in an orgy was about as believable to me as Sonny willingly confessing to murdering AJ. The threesome idea was questionable at best, but given a choice, I would much rather see an act of intimacy between characters who actually care about each other than the Crypt Sex-or violence, for that matter. I'm not too excited to see Felix ending up, to quote the Gilbert O'Sullivan song, "Alone Again, (Naturally)" because Ron will eventually give him a boyfriend, whom, as inevitable as Sabrina's return, he won't have any semblance of chemistry with whatsoever. In other words, it'll be the exact opposite of Brucas, whose reunion was one of the very few highlights of the week. I knew they wouldn't stay apart forever and fortunately, I was right. Brad's no saint by a long shot, but Parry Shen's performance gives him the humor, vulnerability and humanity that other, shadier characters-like, say, Sonny-lack. I have much more respect for a character like Brad, who's trying to change for the better than ones like Sonny, Carly, Franco and/or Nina, who think they're much better than they actually are.


  Speaking of Sonny/Carly/Franco/Nina, as much as I want Sonny to pay for killing AJ and Carly to pay for covering it up, I don't want it to be at Franco's hands just because he's butthurt about Sonny/Carly, who haven't been entertaining to me since Sonny shot Carly in the head during labor and it hasn't improved with age. I have a newfound, if likely brief, respect for Olivia, for not only not taking Sonny back despite her still having feelings for him and admitting it, she sees Franco for the lunatic he is, unlike Carly, she of the glittery hoo-ha. My theory about why Franco and Nina were trapped together is because it's Dr. O's attempt to make the most infamous elevator-themed video since Jay-Z, Solange and Beyoncé's. Re Levi and Maxie's non-wedding, I knew that Levi was a phony all along, but I didn't expect him to briefly get the drop on Nathan, be in cahoots with the ICE Guy, to kidnap Maxie and Lulu and/or shoot Mac, all of which are Maxie's fault, the way I see it. If Maxie had listened to Mac, Nathan and Lulu and shown a lick of common sense, she wouldn't even have considered marrying Levi, much less done it. I don't normally blame victims of a crime, but Maxie's an exception because her ignorance has not only hurt herself, it's hurt Nathan, Lulu, Dante, Felicia and especially Mac. If Mac doesn't get to kill Levi, then I hope Nathan does and that whoever does it doesn't hesitate like Dante did and just caps him like Sonny capped AJ.






RC is just saving Felix for better things. He just has to be.




 No. A hot upstanding man with eyes ONLY for him. Let the other pigs go at it while Felix waits for the real thing.


  Death sounds better.




Wow, Joss really is Carly's daughter. Already hating on other girls and defending boys regardless, expecting people to lie for her. Not a fan of Junior Mean Girl.


  Isn't she just. To me she's an intolerable little wretch. Why couldn't they have made her more like Jax? A fairly decent human being.


  Because, unfortunately for Joss, Carly has shitty taste in men, to say the least, Jax aside and Joss' behavior is the result. Patrick isn't a "perfect" parent by any means, but Carly is so much worse. Given a choice, I'd much rather have a child like Emma or Cameron than one like Joss or Spencer.

Edited by DollEyes
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Milo's better than Shawn. Not much better, but better. 



Just No, there are different forms of BAD and Milo is a different bad than Shawn for Jordan, but not better at all.


Brad's no saint by a long shot, but Parry Shen's performance gives him the humor, vulnerability and humanity that other, shadier characters-like, say, Sonny-lack. I have much more respect for a character like Brad, who's trying to change for the better than ones like Sonny, Carly, Franco and/or Nina, who think they're much better than they actually are.



You know I've been waiting to see if there is anyone else sitting at my table, but I guess not so I'll finally say it. I'll start with Brad first then move on to PS. Granted I wasn't watching when Brad first came on so I just have to say he must have been REALLY bad, b/c I just don't understand all this "Brad is a better person now" mantra. Brad is a terrible person now. I found what Britt did to Nik with Spencer truely terrible, I know it's "just Spencer" but imagine if instead it was say Emma. That Brad is going along with and even encouraging Britt to continue to go down this road just to get a man does not scream good person to me at all. Add to that his tantrams about Lucas and Felix and going around physically assaulting people with his mouth, it is just skeevy. I've said before imagine if that was a man doing those things to a women in a locker room, I think it would be called sexual assault. ewww. I can see Brad lumped in with Sonny Carly and Franco, but frankly I've yet to see Nina do anything too terrible other than manipulate a few situations causing natural outcomes and lie. Frankly given what was done TO her I can't say I blame her too much. Someone out of a 20 year coma being a little crazy isn't out of the realm of possible, what are the rest of their excuses?(except the tumor)

My second opinion is PS is a decent actor, but no shining star. Of the three gay characters I really don't find him much better than MS who I don't find terrible. I actually think RC is the better actor of the three. I'm not saying this just because I dislike Brad either, I loathe Patrick and Britt but I admit both JT and KT are decent actors and I find them better than PS in my opinion.

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There are so many reasons Jax should be in town now. It's insane that he's not. (Although I fear how much Ron would ruin him.)

I don't think Jax could be ruined worse than the "being raped is totally the same as committing adultery, and when it happens to a guy, it's HILARIOUS!!!" story that Guza cooked up. But who knows, Ron could surprise me.

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@Cattitude, they made Brad a true sleaze in the beginning. He was coming onto people in showers, etc. PS said he knew the character was a creep & made him as creepy as he could & Frank told him to go creepier & sleazier(?).

The above is part of Cartini's & previous writer's problem. They have characters doing sleazy nasty horibble creepy things & want the viewers to simply let it go. Franco's raping, serial killing, stalking ways. Dr. O's ordered electroshock & drugging of Robin. Asonny shooting AJ in cold blood. Jerry shooting Robin & causing Alan's death.

I would say Frank & Ron are worse. No long term planning. They just had Levi shoot Mac yet will find some way to extend the Dunkelman's stay in PC vs killing the actor or sending him to jail. It's all abut the shocker/twist vs character development or story telling

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I don't think Jax could be ruined worse than the "being raped is totally the same as committing adultery, and when it happens to a guy, it's HILARIOUS!!!" story that Guza cooked up. But who knows, Ron could surprise me.


I wouldn't say that ruined Jax so much as it should have ruined Jason and Carly's in the audience's eyes, but alas.


Thinking about, Jax's last return wasn't so great considering he was there for a day to be made a fool of by Sonny, Carly, and Brenda.  And his off-screen parenting is taking a hit considering his lack of stink about a SERIAL KILLER living with his daughter.

Edited by TeeVee329

At the very least, he is badmouthing his ex's boyfriend within earshot of his (eavesdropping) daughter.  I'm currently fanwanking that Jax has no idea that Franco has been moved into Chez Carly, just that she's fucking him.  That's why no stink.  That's something, at least.  He could be being made to lionize the gigolo to his young daughter and praise Carly's taste in men.

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@Cattitude, they made Brad a true sleaze in the beginning. He was coming onto people in showers, etc. PS said he knew the character was a creep & made him as creepy as he could & Frank told him to go creepier & sleazier(?).

The above is part of Cartini's & previous writer's problem. They have characters doing sleazy nasty horibble creepy things & want the viewers to simply let it go. Franco's raping, serial killing, stalking ways. Dr. O's ordered electroshock & drugging of Robin. Asonny shooting AJ in cold blood. Jerry shooting Robin & causing Alan's death.

I would say Frank & Ron are worse. No long term planning. They just had Levi shoot Mac yet will find some way to extend the Dunkelman's stay in PC vs killing the actor or sending him to jail. It's all abut the shocker/twist vs character development or story telling

This. A thousand times, this. It's why I can take no more than a passing interest in this show or look at it in a meta way.  As good a job as Perry has done, his Brad was introduced as sexual predator, someone who claimed to get off a person to engage in a sexual act. Same with Franco. Tumor or no tumor, and in addition to the horrible crimes that James Franco's Franco committed, this version of Franco took delight in making Maxie feel horrible for having slept with him and taunted Sam about her year-long torment believing she had been raped (despite the 2-second genuine apology).

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Granted I wasn't watching when Brad first came on so I just have to say he must have been REALLY bad, b/c I just don't understand all this "Brad is a better person now" mantra. Brad is a terrible person now.



My second opinion is PS is a decent actor, but no shining star.



Brad hasn't tried to blackmail anyone into having sex with him in awhile so that's a step up. Other than that I still think of him as the same nasty parasite he's always been.


PS is fine but I don't think he's super amazing or anything and there's nothing about him that compels me to find something to like about Brad.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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Brad hasn't tried to blackmail anyone into having sex with him in awhile so that's a step up.


Is that because the opportunity hasn't arisen or because Brad has changed?  All we saw was Brad being a total creep (putting it mildly), and then he had his "I'm just a boy standing in front of another boy wanting to be loved" speech to Felix last Halloween-ish. He never expressed remorse for his behavior or demonstrated that he had reformed himself. It was just forgotten.*


I'm the same way about Julian. We saw him shoot his financial flunkie point blank in the chest and drop him into the harbor. The fact that he blew away Mickey not because Jordan was in imminent danger (he had no time to assess that situation), but out of a sense of entitled rage only reinforces to me that he's nothing but a two-bit thug with some money and a six pack. He's not a guy I could ever root for.


*I stand corrected below. It should now read, "He only expressed remorse for his behavior 10 months after the fact by making an admission to his lover."

Edited by Francie

Is that because the opportunity hasn't arisen or because Brad has changed?  All we saw was Brad being a total creep (putting it mildly), and then he had his "I'm just a boy standing in front of another boy wanting to be loved" speech to Felix last Halloween-ish. He never expressed remorse for his behavior or demonstrated that he had reformed himself. It was just forgotten.


Didn't Brad actually mention the whole "trying to blackmail Michael into sex" thing to Lucas on Friday?  I remember being shocked, because Ron thought it was oh-so-hilarious at the time, that they would bother addressing it at all.

Thanks @TeeVee329 and @dubbelzout. Interesting that they're trying to now address it 10 months later. They must be really wanting to make Brad happen and this is their crumb to change the mind of non-fans like me. Still, the ship has sailed for me on Brad. I still don't see a transformation -- just a 180.  It takes a bit more to come back from learning information in your position as a health care provider and exploiting it by blackmailing someone into sex. At the very least he owes an apology to the person he tried to harm and not some comment to the person he's about to have sex with .

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It takes a bit more to come back from learning information in your position as a health care provider and exploiting it by blackmailing someone into sex.


Honestly, what Brad did was gross, but Michael and Kiki were just as gross considering they thought they were cousins and they were making out all over the damn place.  If Brad had just blackmailed them for money or for Michael to put in a good word with Monica or something, I would have been totally fine with it.  But of course, Ron had to take it the extra rape-y mile.


As for why they bothered addressing it, I have to imagine there were complaints that Lucas never knew about it so Ron had Brad briefly bring it up and Lucas almost immediately dismiss it.

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Honestly, what Brad did was gross, but Michael and Kiki were just as gross considering they thought they were cousins and they were making out all over the damn place.  If Brad had just blackmailed them for money or for Michael to put in a good word with Monica or something, I would have been totally fine with it.  But of course, Ron had to take it the extra rape-y mile.


As for why they bothered addressing it, I have to imagine there were complaints that Lucas never knew about it so Ron had Brad briefly bring it up and Lucas almost immediately dismiss it.


I think there's a huge difference in grossness level between two consenting adults (who happened to think they were cousins) kissing each other (with mutual consent) and a medical professional using information they discovered at the hospital to try and blackmail an unwilling partner into sex.  I'd never go around making out with one of my cousins, or anything, but I've basically grown up with all of them as close as siblings.  These two never knew each other and (thought at the time that) they shared one biological grandparent. (I'll go scrub away the shame of pseudo-defending Michael/Kiki now...) 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Oh no, I agree that, obviously, blackmailing someone into sex is pretty much at the top of the gross food chain.  But all of that nonsense seemed engineered to get us rooting for kissing cousins Michael and Kiki and their "Romeo and Juliet" romance, which...no.  So again, if Brad had stuck to blackmailing them for money or the like, that I would have been totally fine with.


But...it's Ron so...rape-y.

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Julian is a thug, but at least he doesn't pretend to be otherwise. He's not walking around town telling everyone he's, say, a coffee importer



But that coffee importer is a man of his word!


Julian kills people who are useless to him and so far to me as well so I've been pleased with his chosen targets, though he should have gunned down notLuke ages ago. And if I could I'd love to get him to aim next for Sonny, Carly, Franco, Olivia, to name a few. I don't need Julian to be a "good guy" just a guy with good aim who disposes of waste of space characters.


Brad did mention it, and he expressed regret about it.




I was actually surprised they went there, I thought they'd keep that tidbit of info hanging over Brad's head for another "reveal" that would drive Lucas away. I am sure they'll be a short lived couple regardless of how honest Brad is, or how he's changed, but as long as I can get at least a handful of decent cute and sexy, both if possible, scenes then it won't be a total waste.

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I'm sure that'll be in Brad's role in the Britt/Spencer shenanigans because Lucas will decide he cares about Spencer for...reasons.




That's my thinking as well, because Ron can't be original to save his own sorry hide.


One of my biggest reasons for giving Brad a pass for doing so many unsavory things is simple: he did them all to characters I either don't like, don't care about or all of the above. He blackmailed Michael, a character I've wanted off the show since his birth, and Michael could have had enough integrity to have defied Brad and his threats, and have realized just what a position he put himself in because he couldn't seem to "help" sticking his tongue down his own, at the time, cousin's throat, but of course he is the son of Carly and Sonny after all so why have morals and feel guilty enough to do the right thing when you can try and weasel your way out of trouble.


I just didn't care about that whole nonsense one way or another, and I was actually glad to see Lucas just take it in stride, the less attention paid to that bit of crappy GH history the better in my book.

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Cattitude: Re your response to my comments about Brad/Parry Shen, I agree that Brad's far from "perfect," but IMO he's better than he used to be. Brad even tried to encourage Britt to tell Nik the truth about her scheme with Spencer. That Britt still refuses to do so is on her, not Brad. As for lumping Brad in with Sonny, Carly and Franco, Brad has done some terrible things, but cold-blooded murder and covering it up aren't among them. Brad may be/may have been a creeper, a liar and a schemer, but at least he's not a cold-blooded killer.  Acting-wise, PS and Ryan Carnes are much better actors than Marc Samuel, separately and together. At least PS and RC are capable of subtlety, something I'd never accuse Marc Samuel of-or Michelle Stafford, for that matter.


   Speaking of Stafford, about Nina, being "a little crazy" after coming out of a 20-year come is one thing; faking paralysis, bribing/physically abusing people just to save her own ass and drugging/almost raping Silas are way worse. I don't blame Nina for being pissed, but I do blame her for her willingness to use innocent people such as Patrick as collateral damage. Michelle Stafford's overacting and Nina's infatuation with Franco don't help matters. The more time Nina or anyone else spends with Franco, the less I sympathize with them.



Just No, there are different forms of BAD and Milo is a different bad than Shawn for Jordan, but not better at all.


 I meant "better" in the sense that at least he's not using a kid as an excuse to justify his crimes, like Shawn has done with TJ.



Julian is a thug, but at least he doesn't pretend to be otherwise. He's not walking around telling everyone he's, say, a coffee importer.


  Co-sign. In fairness, Julian lied about his identity when he first hit town, but he has been/is being punished time and time again for his sins while Sonny has, figuratively and literally, gotten away with murder, at least for the time being re the latter, I hope.

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Brad even tried to encourage Britt to tell Nik the truth about her scheme with Spencer. That Britt still refuses to do so is on her, not Brad.



Actually Britt WANTED to come clean b/c she felt guilty and BRAD tried to talk her out of coming clean, then she chicken out on her own anyway. Brad keeps encouraging and actually seems to enjoy her schemes.


I'll agree to disagree about PS and MSt. I just don't see Brad as layered at all, he is just as bad a sterotype as Felix is in a different way. PS isn't terrible but not great either.  And Nina was OTT when first introduced as it seems all new characters must be in Ron's world but her more recent scenes are much more subtle and MSt is perfectly capable of subtle too IMO but we don't have to agree.


ETA: Oh yes I forgot, Patrick is not innocent. He himself admitted to Sam, what was told about him was true, so he got fired with cause that is what I meant about natural consequences.

Edited by Cattitude
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@Cattitude, prepare yourself. Ron isn't done with MSt being BSC or OTT. He always goes 2 steps to far with his stories & he hasn't done that to her yet. He can't help himself. She hasn't worn a rubber mask, jumped off an 11 story roof, actually killed someone, had sex in a crypt, held someone hostage, poisoned someone with LSD or shot/stabbed anyone.

I'll agree to diasagree about PS/Brad, as well.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Nikolas is so gross.  "I do love you, Britt, but if there's even the slightest chance I can have Liz, well fuck you then.  But oh yes, I'm totally down for sleeping with you no-strings attached."  Ugh.  And, of course, this is all going to be blamed on Britt for seducing him (like she really had to twist his arm) and having him to ignore Liz's phone call.  Both ladies need to walk away from this douche, he's not worth any of this.


And how convenient that Sonny is actively pressing Carly on how disgusting her relationship with Franco is now that he's horny and wants to get in her pants.  Where was all this concern before, Corinthos?

  • Love 7

Anna looked like Dick Tracy's wife in waders, that's pretty much all I got out of today, aside from thinking that everything and everyone bored the living daylights out of me. I cared about nothing, I cared for nothing and no one, it was a complete waste of time.


It's been some years where nearly all the couples/potential couplings shown are so uninteresting I can't even be bothered to care about not caring about them. It's like watching white noise in motion.


Previews: what the hell time is it in that bloody town? Suddenly everyone is active in the middle of the night? A stormy night at that? Oh, and no Julian or Brad and Lucas bang bang time so still nothing of interest for me to be concerned about.

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Dante is my fave and I have little use for Maxie and ER's Lulu, but good lord with the talk about how their mens are so amazing and wonderful and supershooters. Blerg.




It'd been nice if the guys had just said, "It's not hard to be a good shot from three feet away" and then just put a bullet through one or both of them. And why wouldn't they have gagged them or even had tied their hands together, anything. Worst kidnappers ever.

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