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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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4 hours ago, Michel said:

I'm guessing contract negotiations completely broke down with Tyler, because I just noticed today that Nikolas has been completely removed from the opening sequence.  He used to share his spot with Hayden, Curtis, and Laura.  But today, I only saw those three, but no sign of him.

Thank you so much. I knew someone was missing from that spot but couldn't figure out who.  So will he be permanently replaced by that pip squeaked voice guy?

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

Thank you so much. I knew someone was missing from that spot but couldn't figure out who.  So will he be permanently replaced by that pip squeaked voice guy?

I don't think so. But Tyler said recently he was coming back. I suspect they removed him from the credits before they hammered something out finally.

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46 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Because the defendant has a right to face his accuser.

The case is the People v. Julian Jerome, not Alexis Davis vs. Julian Jerome. Alexis is a key witness, having worn the wire, but that's it. The State of New York is Julian's accuser. 

It's so gross that Alexis is falling to pieces. I have no trouble with her being very upset or even conflicted about the case, but she shouldn't be a basket case like she is. She saw Helena slit her mother's throat! She had a ONS with Sonny! But this is what cracks her?

  • Love 7
48 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The case is the People v. Julian Jerome, not Alexis Davis vs. Julian Jerome. Alexis is a key witness, having worn the wire, but that's it. The State of New York is Julian's accuser. 

It's so gross that Alexis is falling to pieces. I have no trouble with her being very upset or even conflicted about the case, but she shouldn't be a basket case like she is. She saw Helena slit her mother's throat! She had a ONS with Sonny! But this is what cracks her?

Well, Julian is the love of her life.






Did I get ya? :)

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17 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I'm so nauseated that we have to put up with endless Franco in the stairwell, hospital bedside, and hallways now that Liz had the accident.  Sabrina or Piph should already be a nurse there so she can sub for Liz. Who is covering for Liz? That newbie with the annoying voice? And yesterday Franco was getting the dirt from his mother Heather on Hatechel. It's easy to see that we are being manipulated to like Franco for his protectiveness of Liz. SORRY, SHOW! We are not amused.

I am furious, that Elizabeth is stuck on prop duty with FV's pets and it is not like BH is the one driving story.

21 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

So, today's episode featured:  Monica, Finn, Paul, Griffin, Liz (who was unconscious for half the episode) Julian, Jordan, Franco, Ava, Alexis, Tracy and Hayden?

Would a lapsed viewer even realize this was GH if they turned it on?

Welcome to FV's world and we're just the idiot fans watching this show.    I would get rid of all of those non bold characters and replace them with Scotty, Lucy, Mac, Felicia, etc..

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50 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

So Jax is gone? They brought him back for two weeks, heavily implied that he arranged for Joss to get the kidney under shady/illegal/bad circumstances, and then had him leave town without revealing what it is that he did?


Hey, maybe she's just Jax's long-lost daughter, instead of Carly's, and he sicced her on Carly to get revenge.

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

So Jax is gone? They brought him back for two weeks, heavily implied that he arranged for Joss to get the kidney under shady/illegal/bad circumstances, and then had him leave town without revealing what it is that he did?

These writers probably don't know what Jax did yet.

6 minutes ago, ulkis said:


Hey, maybe she's just Jax's long-lost daughter, instead of Carly's, and he sicced her on Carly to get revenge.

Geez, I hope so!  She needs to get cracking on it, though, because it's only a matter of time before she joins the "Golly gee, Sonny and Carly are just the bestest!" Club.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

The case is the People v. Julian Jerome, not Alexis Davis vs. Julian Jerome. Alexis is a key witness, having worn the wire, but that's it. The State of New York is Julian's accuser.

I'm confused on the legalities of this recording.  I believe I've read that in NY it's okay to use one at trial even if one of the parties was unaware of their conversation being recorded.  But what about spousal privilege?  Julian thought he was talking only to his wife.  It doesn't apply in this case?  Ah, well, it's all probably moot, at this point.  That recording isn't making it to court!

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As I said in the spoiler thread, I'm into the idea of, at first, her being an early Carly slash early Valerie Malone - she has a sweet and innocent façade, but behind the scenes, she's smoking joints and seducing dudes and ruining lives, particularly Carly's.

Maybe because I have Valerie on my mind this week since the "Again With This" podcast just hit the post-Brenda years.  Gawd, I loved Val.

Edited by TeeVee329
3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

"I'm really glad Molly said she'd watch Danny so we'd have a little time to ourselves." Ha! When aren't Sam and Jason by themselves?

 When was the last time Danny was even onscreen?  He's been at Grandma Monica's the last couple months.  And yet they're giving these two yet another kid to shuffle offscreen.  Brilliant move, writers.

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, Fellaway said:


Geez, I hope so!  She needs to get cracking on it, though, because it's only a matter of time before she joins the "Golly gee, Sonny and Carly are just the bestest!" Club

That "Club" thing wouldn't be a concern if the writers did the smart thing (so, no way) and had a new character turn out to be Jax and Brenda's long-hidden child. The beauty of Carly's head exploding because Jax and Brenda's kid saved Josslyn's life would just be ... awesome.  ("Hi, Carly. I know who you are. No worries. I don't hold it against my sister that you're her mother.") Actually the outrage and/or indignation from both Carly and Sonny that they didn't know of the kid's existence would be pretty funny. 

  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Don't give up so easily! She's hinting at turning psycho on Carly (and/or Avery) because she wants to stay but Carly chose Bobbie to be Avery's nanny.

Yeah, Nelle's line about Bobbie taking over babysitting for Avery ("Who better than family" or something to that effect) was not subtle.  And Bobbie definitely caught the smell of history repeating all over Nelle, even if Carly is inexplicably nose-blind to it. 

I really hope Nelle breaks bad, and soon!

Edited by TeeVee329
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Loved Fayden.  Everything was amazing.

Laughed at Jordan giving Franco's annoyingness a look that shut him up (for a second) and sat his ass down.

And of course Sonny still parrots that Sabrina cheated on Michael. And of course Michael doesn't correct him. I want Joe to win. I want Joe to win EVERYTHING.

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Not!Carlos is obsessed with Sabrina and is already on Michael and Sonny's bad side. Wow, what a new, different, necessary character addition he is. Also, Sabrina, get your baby out of the bar. The music in the background of those scenes was so loud and distracting to me. 

Sam and Jason's sickeningly sweet scenes are gross. Sometimes when Billy Miller grins and laughs it comes across as crazed, and it makes me uncomfortable.

I like Finn, but I don't feel anything for Finn and Hayden.

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Isn't that the first time evah that Sam has announced hunger and the need to put some meat on her bones?

So Carly was jonesing to have Avery in  Corinthos custody and take care of the baby so that Real Mother Ava would be deprived. Then as Avery gets inconvenient, Carly starts pawning the childcare off on the Corinthos bodyguards...when Nelle appears in town, SHE is nominated to babysit, and now grandma Bobbie is volunteering to babysit. Couldn't Ava make a case that Carly is losing interest in the baby and neglecting her by providing an endless change of nanny/babysitters? Or has Ava lost interest too and is using Carly as a convenient drop-off?

Seems that it is taking a village to raise Avery.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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27 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Schmoopy Jason and Sam are unnerving and uncomfortable to watch.

Part of the trouble, I think, is that KeMo is delivering her lines as if she were asleep. I could not understand half of what she was saying in her first scene today. I'd think someone a) about to get laid and b) about to get married to the love of her life might show a little more excitement. 


Ugh, Michael. Your problems with Carlos are yours alone. Sabrina has nothing to do with them, cheater or not.

Yes, Sabrina and Michael, another barely awake duo. Did anyone else notice that Sabrina was shaking her head no while saying yes, she wanted a relationship with Michael? 

Edited by rur
  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Jazzy24 said:

I don't watch Liz or Franco scenes(keep them contained)but I read that Franco called Jason? Someone tell me why Franco called Jason please. 

To tell him about Liz being in the hospital/being okay, I believe.  Why he wouldn't have asked ANYONE ELSE ON EARTH to make that call, I dunno.

I fear we're heading towards the "Jason and Franco make grudging peace because they both care about Liz/Jake" part of the proceedings.  Baaarrrfff.

2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Is anyone awake on this show? Nina, I guess?

She's too awake.  She probably hogged all the set's coffee and that's why others are so sluggish.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Jazzy24 said:

I don't watch Liz or Franco scenes(keep them contained)but I read that Franco called Jason? Someone tell me why Franco called Jason please. 

Monica has already reached her monthly limit of screen time?

Liz/Franco scenes were awful. I can't stand they way he speaks to her.

Sabrina is mom of the year. The Floating Rib is just the place to take your baby to calm him down.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

To tell him about Liz being in the hospital/being okay, I believe.  Why he wouldn't have asked ANYONE ELSE ON EARTH to make that call, I dunno.

I fear we're heading towards the "Jason and Franco make grudging peace because they both care about Liz/Jake" part of the proceedings.  Baaarrrfff.

She's too awake.  She probably hogged all the set's coffee and that's why others are so sluggish.

I don't get the writers' choices with Franco. Why have him call Jason about Liz, when Liz could have done it herself(since she's not injured)and if it was about Jake then again that's not Franco's right. 

It seems that every chance Franco gets that he tries to interact with Jason, when he shouldn't. 

I think that he is still obsessed with Jason. 

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, Jazzy24 said:

Why have him call Jason about Liz, when Liz could have done it herself(since she's not injured

Liz didn't know Franco was calling Jason. Franco is sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong.

22 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

Sabrina is mom of the year. The Floating Rib is just the place to take your baby to calm him down.

What time of day was it supposed to be? If it's around dinnertime, I don't think it was the worst thing to do. And bars aren't smoky anymore, so that's not a danger. Someone was watching Teddy all the time. It's not like she left him with the bartender and worked a pole or something.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, lizzbert said:

I finally started watching live again because of Laura/Kevin and Nelle. Geez, the actress who plays Nelle looks so much like Tamara Braun to me! That can't be an accident!



Having her be Carly's long lost child is stupid. 

Its obvious the writers lack creativity since their go to stories are about children and long lost characters when they have no idea how to write for such long established characters. It's no wonder the ratings suck. 

  • Love 7
56 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

Sabrina is mom of the year. The Floating Rib is just the place to take your baby to calm him down.

I want to bet that Sabrina is bored silly at chez Quartermaine with the baby AND Michael, and suggested the Floating Rib stop out of desperation to talk with anybody, somebody else.

BTW, if Michael is staying at home tending a crying baby with Sabrina, who is running ELQ? Is Michael working from home on a paternity leave? If Sabrina goes to work as a nurse, will he still stay home to be with Baby? Maybe Nell could be Sabrina's babysitter.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
9 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

Toast. This greasy haired, disgusting love child of a threesome between Lord Farquaad, Buster Brown, and Little Lord Fauntleroy is talking to an unconscious Liez about fucking TOAST. And folks wanna make fun of the dragon & phoenix figurines? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. And if I'm not mistaken, didn't Freaco have the same sorta 'concerns' about Carly when his fruit loops mama kidnapped her then the tunnels of Wyndemere tried to help us all out by falling on her? And this is supposed to be cute and squee worthy?? Am I taking crazy pills or something???

What will it take to get this asshole off the screen? Seriously, asking for a friend....

Canceling the show. And the above is what makes Franco dangerous.The show can have Franco do all the grand gestures he wants, but if Liz betrays him, if he  remains true to character, he will go after with  both barrels, like he did with Carly. Liz in away has dealt with more straight forward men like Lucky or Jason. They yell and scream and then cut her out (at least Lucky). Franco will plot to ensure the maximum amount of pain, emotional and physical, like he did when he stage a fucking wedding to Carly to have her kids present (including her daughter who is still a child) to bring the hammer down, instead of sacking up like Lucky did, confronting her, and then ending the relationship. Considering his closeness with Jake, that could be very damaging. Which is one of the reasons, therapists or anyone in a therapeutic don't converse with patients outside of the sessions. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Jazzy24 said:

Having her be Carly's long lost child is stupid. 

Its obvious the writers lack creativity since their go to stories are about children and long lost characters when they have no idea how to write for such long established characters. It's no wonder the ratings suck. 

I don't think it's not being able to write for long established characters that are necessarily the problem. It's that they haven't been able to introduce well-liked new characters. Sonny, Alexis, Liz, and Carly, off the top of my head, are all characters who have been continuously on-screen for 20 years, or just about. How often did that happen before? Steve and Audrey weren't continuously front-burner for 20 years. Neither were Luke, Laura, Robert, Anna, Duke, Holly, Felicia, Frisco, Brenda, Robin. So while I don't think there is necessarily nothing left to write for the long-term characters, I don't blame the writers for not being able to do so. I do blame them for foisting Franco on the audience for years.

I see Chloe Lanier/Nelle's resemblance to Tamara Braun, but I don't think it's overwhelming. TB's lips/smile seemed a lot more pursed/smirky to me.

I liked Griffin's exasperation with Franco.

I think it's weird to bring the baby to the bar, but Sabrina isn't the only character to have done so. It's just a weird GH thing.

I liked today's show fine, but nothing much to say about it.

Tomorrow's show: Finn, Nina, Hayden, Franco, Ava. With a side of Jason/Sam/Sonny/Carly. Excellent.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't think it's not being able to write for long established characters that are necessarily the problem. It's that they haven't been able to introduce well-liked new characters. Sonny, Alexis, Liz, and Carly, off the top of my head, are all characters who have been continuously on-screen for 20 years, or just about. How often did that happen before? Steve and Audrey weren't continuously front-burner for 20 years. Neither were Luke, Laura, Robert, Anna, Duke, Holly, Felicia, Frisco, Brenda, Robin. So while I don't think there is necessarily nothing left to write for the long-term characters, I don't blame the writers for not being able to do so. I do blame them for foisting Franco on the audience for years.

I think part of the problem is the show, and soaps in general these days, not being allowed to concede the bigger stories to the next generation.  For example, Michael should be driving story, not Sonny and Carly.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Nelle is extremely boring to me.

Same. She needs to start showing her bad girl side soon or I'm gonna just ffwd all her scenes. I hate that she's Carly's daughter simply because I am so fucking tired of Carly. Sure, it'll be fun to watch her try to ruin Carly's life, but Carly/Sonny will be in 97% of the show and I just can't fucking take it anymore! Plus obviously the ending will be her coming around and declaring Carly and Sonny the greatest people she has ever known, so yea no.

I ffwd most of this ep so I can't really say anything about it.

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Seems to me that Hatechel, Freako, and Finn have utterly dominated this whole week on GH, and I am sick of it. SICK OF IT! Rebecca Budig/Hatechel is everywhere, butting her sorry little face into scene after scene. She is like a rash that is keeps spreading to more parts of the body, and is "overexposed" in the show. Now that Jordan thinks that Hatechel pushed Liz, Hatechel will stick around even longer to infect more scenes. [/rant]

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Who brings a baby to a bar?

Freako calling Jason was so not his place. Its not like Liez was at deaths door (unfortunately). Someone else could have called him if they thought it was really important. Unless it was about Jake why would he care. 

I liked the JaSam cuteness. KeMo looks like she weighs nothing when BM picked her up lol.

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How can some of you watch live? I caught up to the live tv and it was so painful that I had to go clean just so I can watch on delay again.

Bobbie looks fantastic. So happy she finally found a plastic surgeon who knows what they are doing.

Nelle definitely has TB's crazy eyes- I can see her go nuts any day now. Maybe her and Claudette could be bff's.

I am seriously losing it but I really like Finn and Hayden. But I have the same problem of liking Michael and Sabrina so guess I like the boring couples. I don't like the other boring couple Jasam- they put me to sleep even on FF.

Liz is smug even after a concussion. Her and Franco are gross.

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8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

...am I the only one thinking Liz's "bruised spleen" is going to turn into something and that will key up the "Sister, Sister" reveal?

I agree, because that relationship would tie Hatechel into the canvas, securely tethered to one of the main legacy characters (Liz) and families (Webber).

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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12 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh, am I the only one thinking Liz's "bruised spleen" is going to turn into something and that will key up the "Sister, Sister" reveal?

Given that one can live without a spleen, Elizabeth will probably have some rare blood type/marker that needs a donation, and voilà! Rebecca Budig's true identity is revealed. Cue disgruntled faces from both of them, and Rebecca Budig will be permanently one ahead of Liz and will never let her forget it. Ugh. That's old before it gets started.

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