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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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37 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

Nathan blaming his victim for shooting him was just too much. I don't care about his pain over a stupid green card marriage. He should be happy Claudette is after someone new. I really don't understand why he went ragemonster and attacked Nathan. 

Well, he is related to Nina. Maybe he has the same rage 180 gene, except less often and with less twitchiness (and facial expressions in general) in between rage attacks.

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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

The Laura/Kevin stuff reminded me of when Stephen Nichols said one of the reasons the Stefan/Laura romance didn't work out very well was that they started dating right after Lucky died and perhaps that wasn't the best time to get a new romance going. Well see Stephen Nichols, depends on the son!

Heh. It's kind of comparing apples and oranges, though. Laura and Kevin don't have anywhere near the baggage Laura and Stefan did.

7 minutes ago, ulkis said:

(who is nice enough not to press attempted murder charges)

In NYS, the statute of limitations on attempted murder is five years, so Griffin can't have any charges pressed. He might be able to get Nathan fired from the PCPD.

10 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Is Paul the hospital killer?

Rumor has it the killer is


1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

And in that stupid Dunkin' Corinthos shirt too.

That style is...not flattering.

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8 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Liz's lingering feelings about Jason only make her latest romantic choice - the SERIAL KILLER who terrorized Jason and his loved ones for years - all the more glaringly bad.

And really, she's done this already.

That creepy "angel" dialogue was just a total flashback to Ric who loved Liz but couldn't overcome his obsession with his brother and had a suuuuper unhealthy view of her as his redemption.

Plus, if Dead now Alive Jake had been "alive" during the initial Franco saga, he would have hurt him. He got Jason's nephew/pseudo-son raped; I cannot imagine what he would've done to Jake, and that should be giving Liz nightmares. Never mind the fact that he kidnapped her other child and planned to have his completely unfit adoptive mother raise adorable Aiden.

Edited by Oracle42
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Nathan was just so...what's the word I'm looking for? Bad! Yeah, that's the word. Bad. Another word? Terrible. Also obnoxious. Yes, the guy slept with your wife, and yes, he broke his wife, but you shot him, could have killed him, that's usually known as jail time.

That storyline is so badly executed though. And Nathan is so not the sharpest tool in the shed.

And what's Claudette's deal? It's Griffin she really wants, but she settles for Nathan because she has a thing for dark haired blue eyed guys?

Alexis/Sam scenes? I always enjoy the Davis' scenes, the girls all together, I'm not a fan of the screeching though, so nice conversations like these are nice.

Liz and her Jason love is ugh...

Jordan sort of recognizes the cuff link. It looks familiar. Dun dun dun! The plot thickens! I think we all know who the serial killer is. I guess they decided that Andre Maddox was boring, so serial killer he is.

Let's trot Jake out so that he can tell Liz that Franco makes her happy. I can't even believe she told him Sam was pregnant. Last time Sam was pregnant, Franco made her believe it was his kid, and Liz switched the maternity DNA test.

I don't even know what to think about this unholy "love" thing with Liz and Franco. It's time for Griffin to perform an exorcism. Let's put the priest to good use. 

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22 minutes ago, ulkis said:

ah, gotchya. I care though that they are doing this to Liz.

I care that they're doing this to Liz, as well. What I meant was I will never care about who is dating who in the Jason/Liz/Sam saga. I will never debate about it, ever. They could all be dating an assortment of lamps. I find them all to have a toxic relationship with each other. The end.

16 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yeah, that's how I feel. Like it wouldn't be realistic that she wouldn't feel something, but I don't trust it won't stop after today. She wanted to be Jason's "happily ever after?" No Liz your happily ever after left yesterday!!

The day this show decided Jason and Nikolas were more important to Liz than Lucky is the day IDGAF about any of her pairings.

Edited by HeatLifer
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10 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

In NYS, the statute of limitations on attempted murder is five years, so Griffin can't have any charges pressed. He might be able to get Nathan fired from the PCPD.

Really? Only 5? Well they should pretend it's more cause I want Nathan arrested darn it.

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I wish the online versions of AMC and OLTL had survived. I really like a lot of these actors; I just don't want them sucking up screentime on GH.

Actually, I wish someone had realized Frons was an idiot and AMC/OLTL had never been canceled and the writers from the online versions had been hired to write GH instead of RC

Edited by Oracle42
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8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I dunno about Melissa Archer.  She deigned to do the PP OLTL so Frank Valentini probably has her picture on a dartboard.

While I don't want more FOF or any other big name soap stars, how fucking childish does one have to be that one doesn't realize these people need to earn money. None of them exactly got off starring in the Hunger Games. GH (rightly) didn't have a job, but PP did. 

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53 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Nathan was just so...what's the word I'm looking for? Bad! Yeah, that's the word. Bad. Another word? Terrible. Also obnoxious. Yes, the guy slept with your wife, and yes, he broke his wife, but you shot him, could have killed him, that's usually known as jail time.

That storyline is so badly executed though. And Nathan is so not the sharpest tool in the shed.

And what's Claudette's deal? It's Griffin she really wants, but she settles for Nathan because she has a thing for dark haired blue eyed guys?

Alexis/Sam scenes? I always enjoy the Davis' scenes, the girls all together, I'm not a fan of the screeching though, so nice conversations like these are nice.

Liz and her Jason love is ugh...

Jordan sort of recognizes the cuff link. It looks familiar. Dun dun dun! The plot thickens! I think we all know who the serial killer is. I guess they decided that Andre Maddox was boring, so serial killer he is.

Let's trot Jake out so that he can tell Liz that Franco makes her happy. I can't even believe she told him Sam was pregnant. Last time Sam was pregnant, Franco made her believe it was his kid, and Liz switched the maternity DNA test.

I don't even know what to think about this unholy "love" thing with Liz and Franco. It's time for Griffin to perform an exorcism. Let's put the priest to good use. 

And, re André, if Kevin is going to stay away, GH has its hospital shrink!  André would not be as needed.

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"I wasn't expecting that." Laura, you leaned in! What did you think Kevin was going to do, boop you on the nose? Their subsequent talk was kind of dumb but also kind of cute.

Speaking of kisses, 

48 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wow, the Griffin/Claudette kissing today was really bad. I was so embarrassed.

There was no passion whatsoever.

So people getting hurt is the reason Griffin and Claudette shouldn't be together, not that he's still a priest? This story is beyond idiotic.

I had to laugh that Sam didn't show any curiosity as to why Alexis was hungover.

What's up with this exchange (emphasis mine):
Alexis: Are you okay? You had trouble with Danny.
Sam: I know, I know. The second time around is the charm.

I know she wants to forget she was ever involved with Sonny, but this is her third pregnancy. Oof. And Julian doesn't have to be in jail to not be a part of the family.

Am I supposed to find Curtis and a possibly concussed Valerie making out sexy?

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3 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I think it definitely depends on how you look at it. It's..tiring...to see Liz be the one constantly carrying whatever torch for Jason, lamenting on their love and their HEA, while he gets to be written as fine and dandy. I want the writers to just allow Liz to stop feeling ANYTHING romantic for this dude. ANYTHING. It's enough. 

He's written that way IMO because he got over her a long time ago.  Her lamenting that she thought he was her HEA was ridiculous.  No, that would be HIS WIFE.  I get that she's allowed to feel how she feels, but SHE did this to herself.  SHE lied.  She KNEW he would choose Sam, and she still made the decision to lie.  So I don't feel one iota of sympathy for her.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my SamLexis.   "I'm pregnant, not deaf"  LOL.

I actually really really like Laura and Kevin. 

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9 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

He's written that way IMO because he got over her a long time ago.  Her lamenting that she thought he was her HEA was ridiculous.  No, that would be HIS WIFE.  I get that she's allowed to feel how she feels, but SHE did this to herself.  SHE lied.  She KNEW he would choose Sam, and she still made the decision to lie.  So I don't feel one iota of sympathy for her.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my SamLexis.   "I'm pregnant, not deaf"  LOL.

I actually really really like Laura and Kevin. 

And the thing is, she clearly never thought she would be his HEA. If she ever thought she would, she wouldn't have lied about all she's lied about over the years. When she told Jason about Danny being Sam's, she said it was because she knew Jason and Sam would get back together if Danny was alive, and she didn't want them together. She lied about who Jason was because she knew Jason and Sam would get back together again and she wanted her chance. The only way she's ever been able to have her chance with Jason is through lies, and it kills her that he always goes back to Sam even though Sam's screwed up, too. 

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10 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

He's written that way IMO because he got over her a long time ago.  Her lamenting that she thought he was her HEA was ridiculous.  No, that would be HIS WIFE.  I get that she's allowed to feel how she feels, but SHE did this to herself.  SHE lied.  She KNEW he would choose Sam, and she still made the decision to lie.  So I don't feel one iota of sympathy for her.

Of course it's ridiculous. For me, this isn't about having sympathy for the character or the specifics of what she did. I merely just want the writers to  allow Liz to get over Jason and to stop talking about him romantically. I don't think it's fair or amusing for her fans or any general viewer to watch a character constantly be involved with a dude she will NEVER end up with. It's a waste of airtime. And I'm hoping today was The End Of It.

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26 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Of course it's ridiculous. For me, this isn't about having sympathy for the character or the specifics of what she did. I merely just want the writers to  allow Liz to get over Jason and to stop talking about him romantically. I don't think it's fair or amusing for her fans or any general viewer to watch a character constantly be involved with a dude she will NEVER end up with. It's a waste of airtime. And I'm hoping today was The End Of It.

To be clear, I wasn't referencing YOU feeling sorry for her.  You are of course allowed your opinion :)  Sorry if it came off that way.  I was just referring to my feelings on it.  

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4 hours ago, ulkis said:

Well, he is related to Nina. Maybe he has the same rage 180 gene, except less often and with less twitchiness (and facial expressions in general) in between rage attacks.

But he was her counselor, she went to him because of their martial issues, so yes he does get a lot of the blame

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6 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Lol, am I the only one surprised this show never killed off Cam?

But I can't forget Danny, TBH. He has more of a reason to be on-screen in the past few months and they still won't show him. It's weird and it's a disservice to the characters and the actors who can't bond for even a SECOND with the kid in order to portray a real bond and family.

Cam is the story that Liz has been waiting for. I want teenage Cam being the tension between Franco and Liz...because Franco is a fucking serial killer that kidnapped his brother and continuous to stalk his mother. 

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Griffin, Claudette, Maxie, Poison Oak, currently the shows most boring quartet.

Diane & Alexis, the last true friendship on this show

Liz and Franco, yuk

Sam and Jason didn't make me want to gag for a change

Kevin and Laura continue to be the best pairing on screen.  

If I didn't like Richard Burgi so much, I'd wonder what the point of Paul really is.

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59 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I don't think it's fair or amusing for her fans or any general viewer to watch a character constantly be involved with a dude she will NEVER end up with. It's a waste of airtime. And I'm hoping today was The End Of It.

I don't get why the show insists on writing Liz this way. It isn't interesting to watch. It's not romantic or whatever the writers are trying to feed us.

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Nathan was once at a point where he was almost in a funk for not knowing the identity of the man he shot. He seemed to feel guilty and wanted to apologize to his victim. But then he learns the person is Griffin and all bets are off? What was with his sudden tirade against Griffin? Nathan was trying to strangle him! Is Maxie right in saying that Nathan still wants Claudette?

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57 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't get why the show insists on writing Liz this way. It isn't interesting to watch. It's not romantic or whatever the writers are trying to feed us.

Still crying over him. After all this time. Why. Why.

I was thinking about how I would feel if Robin was written to still be romantically in love with Jason in some way and I nearly passed out. I mean, unfortunately she had to still unconditionally love his ass when she should have kicked him and Sonny to the curb, but at least she was able to fully move on to another love interest and other stories. 

It's just such a waste of Liz and her potential with others to have her still involved with Jason and Sam. Ron just HAD to revive Jake. Ugh.

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And now with Moppet!Jake, I feel like they've decided to ignore any damage from being away from his family for five years (or whatever it's supposed to be). 

Someone really needs to exit a shower exclaiming, "It was all a dream!"

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Still crying over him. After all this time. Why. Why.

I was thinking about how I would feel if Robin was written to still be romantically in love with Jason in some way and I nearly passed out. I mean, unfortunately she had to still unconditionally love his ass when she should have kicked him and Sonny to the curb, but at least she was able to fully move on to another love interest and other stories. 

It's just such a waste of Liz and her potential with others to have her still involved with Jason and Sam. Ron just HAD to revive Jake. Ugh.

Thank God Guza thought Robin had cooties.

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The one reason I could never give Robin my complete loyalty was her fixation on Sonny and Jason, considering her father supposedly died as a cop and her Uncle Mac was a cop.


I never could truly adore her because of that, though I have always loved her.

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45 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Thank God Guza thought Robin had cooties.

Correct. And, I gotta say, I'm grateful and got kinda spoiled because of Guza's choice. Because, in the end, Robin was freed from Sonny/Carly/Jason and the mob, but the show still, over the years, paid respect and showcased Jason/Robin's forever connection and bond. Every regime took care of that relationship.

34 minutes ago, katie9918 said:

The one reason I could never give Robin my complete loyalty was her fixation on Sonny and Jason, considering her father supposedly died as a cop and her Uncle Mac was a cop.

I never could truly adore her because of that, though I have always loved her.

I understood her...until a certain point (that I may take to the History thread one day). She *literally* thought Jason saved her life.

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I love that DNAJ was allowed to run around a hospital alone with a serial killer on the loose, but disappointed that the serial killer didn't kill him.

The Alexis/Sam/Diane scenes were the only thing I liked about this episode. 

This episode gave me multiple rage blackouts:

1) I wanted Griffin to take Tree's gun and shoot him in the head. Tree attacking the man he tried to murder is some Sonny levels of fuckery. Why is this worthless inanimate object still here?

2) Why is Jason asking Liez for her blessing? Fuck her and her feelings. 

3) I know medical professionals on this show don't concern themselves with patient privacy and HIPPA laws, but fucking shit, that stupid twit Liez should at least have the decency to refrain from talking to her serial killer borderline rapist boyfriend about Sam's health. 

4) Was I supposed to feel sympathy for Liez when she started her woe is me bullshit again? The only reason she and Jason got together in 2006 is because his relationship with Sam was in ruins. The only reason he sorta sniffed around her in 2012 is because his relationship with Sam was in ruins. The only reason they got together in 2015 is because she kept him away from Sam. Notice a pattern? Her relationship with Jason will always be doomed because she will never be his first choice, and she knows this, which is why she has to resort to lies and manipulations. I don't even understand what the writers are trying to do here. They have no interest in trying to redeem her, but then they have her once again crying about how awful her life. Sam and Jason are moving on with their lives, but have Liez STILL whining about a man who doesn't want her. Now they're putting her with a freak who was and probably still is obsessed with Jason. Do the writers honestly think anyone finds this entertaining? Why is it so difficult for these people to just let these characters FINALLY move on. Liez could and should never have scenes with Jason/Sam ever again and I doubt a single person would be disapointed. 

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The writers really have forgotten all about Helena's involvement with Jake and his missing years haven't they? And with MoppetJake and his insta love of JaSam and Friz, they are going to completely drop the Helena years quest, aren't they?

The real stupidity of this Cassadine Island crap is this: it could've been about a real thing. Not this stupid Nik and Ava had a summer adventure with JaSam in tow. Subtract Ava, add Liz, Franco and maybe MoppetJake.  And the whole damn group could've been in Greece to figure out Helena's bequeaths to them. Which would've made fucking sense since the will dvd viewing was in the spring. Instead we were treated to this shit.

What the fuck is wrong with these writers and producers? 

AND what the hell is wrong with Nathan? Attacking his victim? After months of going on and on about how he only wanted to make sure he was ok. And how he didn't care about Claudette and their green card marriage.  And the fucking moment he figures out who Griffin is, he attacks the guy?  And we still don't know one fucking iota about Claudette's game plan here.

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On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 9:54 PM, Perkie said:

Also Finn told Hayden that he'd gotten a three month supply and was hoping that would give him enough time to get his research back on track.  

Sonny AGAIN ??? I know I will never turn this show back on. Guess Jelly wants to get this cancelled.

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I wish that Kevin would just kick Lucy to the curb. Laura dug a bullet out of him, but Lucy apparently remembers him only when he's ill in the hospital. And then she can only offer him a few laughs from a stuffed duck. In the previews it looks like Lucy is back again in his orbit next week. I enjoy seeing Lucy, but rage that she only gives Kevin attention when another woman (Laura now) is in the picture too. Kevin knows her weaknesses yet apparently can't break it off firmly.

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On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 11:45 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

I rolled my eyes at his accusation that Liz was just lying in wait for him to leave town so she could subject Jake to Franco.  Get a ladder and get over yourself, Jason. 

And I'm gonna assume there's something besides malaria wrong with Sam.  Maybe another case of brain worms that is making her not tell Jason she's pregnant.  Stupidest plot point that has no point ever--because it's not like Jason is going to be pissed at her for more than .02 seconds for keeping it from him. 

Now that's a T shirt I would like. get lots of ladders this show is full of characters who need to get over themselves.

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LOL that Diane is successfully making a daytime drinking buddy out of Alexis. Alexis would never learn to stay away from the mob bad boy peen, so her career was poisoned. I doubt that she has learned her lesson--where will her heart careen to next? The Coven and Diane should perform an intervention on Alexis to convert her from mob men. Alexis could surprise them all by turning to women for sex and relationships, having given up on men because of her mob experiences.

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Nathan was certainly OTT yesterday, but I can sort of understand his anger at Griffin. Nathan has been feeling guilty lately about what he did, and wanted to find the guy he shot. He even told Griffin as much, But then he finds Griffin and Claudette lip locked (however awful the kiss was) and realized that Griffin is the guy. And that he's known all along who Nathan was and what happened. And instead of confronting Nathan, he just pretended  he didn't know him and allowed Nathan to 'confess' to him. So yeah I get being pissed at the moment instead of being contrite. Especially when Griffin suddenly became confrontational.

but that's as much slack as I'm willing to give. Nathan throwing Griffin against the wall and almost choking him to death was beyond ridiculous.  I hope Griffin presses charges but he probably won't. 

I liked the Sam/Alexis scenes and Kevin/,aura are adorable. But Diane? The 'fashion catastrophe' was you in that fugly dress, not Alexis in sweats. I'm sure the dress cost a couple grand, but that pattern and those colors were awful, and all wrong for her skin tone.

lastly, I continue to worry about KSt. Maybe it's just the makeup they're using but she's sooooo gaunt. And she could benefit from a cut and color. That bleached white hair with black roots is doing nothing to make her look healthier.

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2 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I wish that Kevin would just kick Lucy to the curb. Laura dug a bullet out of him, but Lucy apparently remembers him only when he's ill in the hospital. And then she can only offer him a few laughs from a stuffed duck. In the previews it looks like Lucy is back again in his orbit next week. I enjoy seeing Lucy, but rage that she only gives Kevin attention when another woman (Laura now) is in the picture too. Kevin knows her weaknesses yet apparently can't break it off firmly.

There is more to Lucy and Kevin than "remembering him when he was sick". She helped him through his mental breakdown in the 90s, even after he stalked one of her close friends. She hears about what happened, of course she will be trying to visit him, besides she was giving him her "blessing", maybe to appease the pissed off Kevin/Lucy fans (read:me). The little slice of the clip only showed her asking if she was going out on a date with Laura, not anything else.  It seems it wasn't Lucy ignoring Kevin for 2 years, it was Kevin keeping his distance from her.

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What crabby, rabid animal crawled up Nathan's ass yesterday causing him to act like Sonny?  Jesus wept, that was so the opposite of his entire "I shot a man in NYC just because I was a drunken asshole" song he's been singing for months.  

Not that it matters much, as the writers are just trying to put some punch into a story no one cares about.  I mean, Griffin and Claudette have been on the show a hot minute and Nathan is a walking tree, so WHY should I care about these characters?  Also, not to pile-on, but KStorms still doesn't look well at all.  I hope it's nothing serious.

"We haven't officially announced it yet."  LOL, OK, Sam, I'll wait for the headline in the PC Herald or a report on Access PC.  Meanwhile, continue telling anyone within earshot. 

Jason's enthusiasm for marrying Sam, having another kid, etc, is the same as his wonderment about pancakes.  I guess points for consistency...

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10 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

2) Why is Jason asking Liez for her blessing? Fuck her and her feelings. 

Jason said he appreciated her support; he didn't ask for her blessing. They share a kid, so I don't think it's unreasonable that they all try to get along. (They won't, because the writers suck, TFGH.)

3 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

The Coven and Diane should perform an intervention on Alexis to convert her from mob men.

Diane is dating Max, one of Sonny's main employees, and Sam is engaged to his erstwhile hit man. Again. I don't think the Coven has much high ground here.

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9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Jason said he appreciated her support; he didn't ask for her blessing. They share a kid, so I don't think it's unreasonable that they all try to get along. (They won't, because the writers suck, TFGH.)

Diane is dating Max, one of Sonny's main employees, and Sam is engaged to his erstwhile hit man. Again. I don't think the Coven has much high ground here.

Although Jason isn't Sonny's hitman anymore, he's, um. Whatever he is.

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Sam and Jason first got together when he was Sonny's hit man, and Jason held that position for many years. I don't know what Jason is supposed to be now—does anyone? I guess he's still the town savior but without being officially employed by Sonny. It seems a technicality at this point, since Jason has told Sonny he'd help out when needed.

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54 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

There is more to Lucy and Kevin than "remembering him when he was sick". She helped him through his mental breakdown in the 90s, even after he stalked one of her close friends. She hears about what happened, of course she will be trying to visit him, besides she was giving him her "blessing", maybe to appease the pissed off Kevin/Lucy fans (read:me). The little slice of the clip only showed her asking if she was going out on a date with Laura, not anything else.  It seems it wasn't Lucy ignoring Kevin for 2 years, it was Kevin keeping his distance from her.

Kevin is very much in the right to stay out of Lucy's orbit. Lucy has done this crap her entire adult life. For decades now she has played Scott and Kevin against one another. And let us all forget the moronic slayer bits. The minute she gets bored or feels neglected, she starts back to her old routine. And the cycle begins anew. She is busy with Scott at the moment now.  But, hey, Kevin gets hurt and is just now getting attention from another woman? Well, she needs to be snooping back into his life.

Lucy and Kevin could very well be true soul mates. Kevin knows and understands her stupid crap more than anyone. Which is why the breakup was sort of shocking to me. Kevin had to of known what his placing his work and patients above his marriage would do. Lucy needs more attention than most spouses. That is just the way she is. 

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Sam and Jason first got together when he was Sonny's hit man, and Jason held that position for many years. I don't know what Jason is supposed to be now—does anyone? I guess he's still the town savior but without being officially employed by Sonny. It seems a technicality at this point, since Jason has told Sonny he'd help out when needed.

Wait, town savior isn't a paid gig? 

I suppose he could be considered a stockholder. Since he owns a big hunk of ELQ stock. So perhaps he is living off of that? Or his returned blood money estate from his old hitman days? 

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13 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Kevin is very much in the right to stay out of Lucy's orbit. Lucy has done this crap her entire adult life. For decades now she has played Scott and Kevin against one another. And let us all forget the moronic slayer bits. The minute she gets bored or feels neglected, she starts back to her old routine. And the cycle begins anew. She is busy with Scott at the moment now.  But, hey, Kevin gets hurt and is just now getting attention from another woman? Well, she needs to be snooping back into his life.

Lucy and Kevin could very well be true soul mates. Kevin knows and understands her stupid crap more than anyone. Which is why the breakup was sort of shocking to me. Kevin had to of known what his placing his work and patients above his marriage would do. Lucy needs more attention than most spouses. That is just the way she is. 

I didn't write a word saying that Kevin was wrong to keep out of Lucy's way, I am was pointing out that it isn't crazy that Lucy wouldn't seek him out after finding out he was hurt. In the slightest bit in Lucy's defense (again, not saying Kevin doesn't have every right to be anger and more importantly, wants to pursue a relationship with other women), it kind it pissed me off the show never connected Lucy's last affair with Scott with any negative feels from Lucy when Kevin refused to support Lucy and pretty much abandoned her when she had her own psychotic break when RC/FV decided to make vampires a thing on GH and only took her back when it seemed she regained her sanity (at least for Lucy). 

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