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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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4 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Franco is whining about being treated badly by people that he's hurt. Nina adored him, Jason and Sonny are adored by their family and friends. I don't have any more patience for them whining about their victims than Franco 

My comment was tongue in cheek. I think you're taking it a bit too seriously.

Frankly, some of us have dealt with this before. Let's not forget that Sonny admonished Scotty over Karen at Lucas' engagement party and how he helped her (I guess drugging her up and using an underagd girl for sex is his version of 'help', not to mention the murder attempt), so he's not the only one who has whined and moaned about something as ludicrous as Franco.

Let's not forget how Sonny acted at the prospect of Michael getting to know his father. Or how Sonny acted inconvenienced because of AJ's murder. Or Jason's moral outrage at Robin for telling AJ the truth about Michael's paternity or his anger that AJ wanted to be a father to his son.

Of course, with more and more characters treating them as sacrosanct and kissing their asses, they don't have as much to complain about these days, but they're just as villainous as Franco.

Everyone here also knows that Sonny and Jason aren't simply adored by their friends and family, either. Even newbies and initial strangers like Valerie and Griffin paid their respects and adoration to the Pocket Mobster. Even Anna was sacrificed at the altar of the Don of Shoe Polish.

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2 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:

I even kind of missed the Maxie/Claudette/Nathan/Griffin story this week. But I'm not getting my hopes up about that s/l, because I fear it will be predictable.

I admit, I am slightly interested in it. I want to see if Griffin's love facade cracks and he actually goes, "you know what, you actually fucking shot me, fuck you." You know, the daytime tv version of that sentence.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Sonny had a connection with someone in some unnamed country. So now Finn owes him. Ugh.

Also Finn told Hayden that he'd gotten a three month supply and was hoping that would give him enough time to get his research back on track.  

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1 hour ago, Lobsel Vith said:

My comment was tongue in cheek. I think you're taking it a bit too seriously.

Frankly, some of us have dealt with this before. Let's not forget that Sonny admonished Scotty over Karen at Lucas' engagement party and how he helped her (I guess drugging her up and using an underagd girl for sex is hi

s version of 'help', not to mention the murder attempt), so he's not the only one who has whined and moaned about something as ludicrous as Franco.

Let's not forget how Sonny acted at the prospect of Michael getting to know his father. Or how Sonny acted inconvenienced because of AJ's murder. Or Jason's moral outrage at Robin for telling AJ the truth about Michael's paternity or his anger that AJ wanted to be a father to his son.

And most of the people on this board and TWoP reacted to it with mockery and derision, the same way we do when Franco whines about how everyone is a big meanie who won't give him a chaaaaaance. 


Of course, with more and more characters treating them as sacrosanct and kissing their asses, they don't have as much to complain about these days, but they're just as villainous as Franco.

They're career criminals. And if they decided to move to whichever South American country spawns all of the "bad mobsters" who desperately want the Corinthos docks/shipping lanes/secret coffee ingredient - and then had the nerve to whine about hostility from the friends and families of the men they murdered? I would laugh myself sick.

It's not just Franco's criminal history, it's his shitty entitlement and gross narcissistic oblivion - nobody in that town owes him a chance and everyone in PC was either harmed directly or is connected to someone who was harmed directly by Franco's sociopathic hi-jinks.

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On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 10:26 PM, Lillybee said:

Does anyone else think that Nina will give Valentine the jail keys>

Absolutely. I still think she will, but Reasons/Helena/Commercial Break escapes me.

When Julian was Ohsohilariously struggling to get the keys and his hand was stepped upon, I was wondering, "Why is Sonny wearing a stiletto?" Then I saw it was Nina, and thought "Oh, Female Sonny. Makes sense."

At this rate, ABCD should just try to obtain the "Price is Right" Sad Loser Music for any scene with the Jeromes, especially with Julian.

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10 hours ago, Oracle42 said:


It's not just Franco's criminal history, it's his shitty entitlement and gross narcissistic oblivion - nobody in that town owes him a chance and everyone in PC was either harmed directly or is connected to someone who was harmed directly by Franco's sociopathic hi-jinks.

That's why it's so mind-boggling/annoying/frustrating that TIIC decided that was who Roger Howarth should play.  It's such a waste--because RHo is a good actor, but that all gets tangled up into this ridiculous character.  They really blew it.

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14 hours ago, ulkis said:

I admit, I am slightly interested in it. I want to see if Griffin's love facade cracks and he actually goes, "you know what, you actually fucking shot me, fuck you." You know, the daytime tv version of that sentence.

Quoting myself to say I am still waiting for Dante to say this to Sonny as well. :) also for his whole family to say f you to the things he's done to them. It's okay, I have plenty of ramen noodles for the never time that's going to happen in.

Edited by ulkis
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12 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

It's not just Franco's criminal history, it's his shitty entitlement and gross narcissistic oblivion - nobody in that town owes him a chance and everyone in PC was either harmed directly or is connected to someone who was harmed directly by Franco's sociopathic hi-jinks.

THIS.  He's not sorry about what's he done, he's never been sorry.

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Six adults standing in an awkward line in the middle of the hospital. Hey Joss, Nelle's your kidney donor. HAHAHA. Oh Carly. Such a wonderful place to tell your daughter such private news. It's great you actually heard her when she voiced her concerns about her right to medical privacy.

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Nina wanting Curtis to find her a baby either means a) she's already knocked up with Valentin's spawn (NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or b), as I've seen speculated on Twitter, Nelle is her coma baby (DOUBLE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Monica being of service to Carly and Sonny in any way makes me itchy.  As happy as I always am to see her, it should have been a different doctor in those scenes.

Morgan is such a tool.

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4 minutes ago, Lobsel Vith said:

In other words, he's no different than Sonny and Jason.

Who said he wasn't?

Although actually, Jason is different than Sonny and Franco now. He's stopped being a hitman. Well, Franco stopped being a murderer too but that's really not the main problem with him imo. The main problem is his hair, and also he's childish and whiny.

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8 minutes ago, Lobsel Vith said:

In other words, he's no different than Sonny and Jason.

I mean, I get what you're saying.  But to his slight credit, Sonny's never gotten up in Monica's face and been all, "So I killed your son, I'm bipolar so you have to get over it and then do me favors."

2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

The main problem is his hair, and also he's childish and whiny.

The whining, UGH!

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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Nina wanting Curtis to find her a baby either means a) she's already knocked up with Valentin's spawn (NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or b), as I've seen speculated on Twitter, Nelle is her coma baby (DOUBLE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

I don't know if KiKi, Nelle or another TBD young adult is Nina's coma baby, but I do know that Nina does indeed have a coma baby out there somewhere. 

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Nice to see Sam got some POV today. And JaSam are talking about THEM and not Nik/Franco/Jake etc which they have been doing for months. Sams face at the end was cute. 

Though why didnt she mention the plane crash she survived when she was worried about drinking beer. Or Dante tackling her.

Another fucking day with Nina. *sighs for a million years*

This kidney story is ZZZZZ. 

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17 minutes ago, Lobsel Vith said:

In other words, he's no different than Sonny and Jason.

Maybe Sonny and Michael - which is the reason there are so many complaints about the Michael/Sonny rapprochement. But Guza was generally smart enough to refrain from having his character shit where they eat, so to speak.

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26 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I mean, I get what you're saying.  But to his slight credit, Sonny's never gotten up in Monica's face and been all, "So I killed your son, I'm bipolar so you have to get over it and then do me favors."

The whining, UGH!

No, he did strangle Edward Quartermaine (an old man with great grandchildren, one of them Michael) when he confronted Sonny about Justus being killed because he worked for Sonny. But it was okay because he didn't know he was bipolar.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I really don't care about my favs Sam's pregnancy story. 

I just need two things to happen:

        1. It be a girl, we have enough boys. 

         2. The name be Charlotte "Charlie" or Riley and not be named after so one I despise      like Emily. 

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37 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Nina wanting Curtis to find her a baby either means a) she's already knocked up with Valentin's spawn (NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or b), as I've seen speculated on Twitter, Nelle is her coma baby (DOUBLE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).


Ugh, what a waste of a good actress. So instead of being in scenes with Lucy, Scott and Kevin she's going to be stuck with Nina? What a shitty thing to do to a promising newbie.

Can't we just stick Kiki with Nina? I don't care about either of them

Edited by Oracle42
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36 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Who said he wasn't?

Although actually, Jason is different than Sonny and Franco now. He's stopped being a hitman. Well, Franco stopped being a murderer too but that's really not the main problem with him imo. The main problem is his hair, and also he's childish and whiny.

I love how you went from "Who said he wasn't?" to #WellActually.

It took Jason 20 years to officially quit Sonny. SBu is crying rn.

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17 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Ugh, what a waste of a good actress. So instead of being in scenes with Lucy, Scott and Kevin she's going to be stuck with Nina? What a shitty thing to do to a promising newbie.

Can't we just stick Kiki with Nina? I don't care about either of them

I know we've all been on the edge of our seat to see ninas coma baby.

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34 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:


It took Jason 20 years to officially quit Sonny. SBu is crying rn.

Meh, if it sticks.  Jason's already shown he'll kill when the need* strikes--and he's sharing meaningful looks with Sonny whenever they meet up to tend to such a need, so...

*Need defined as "when Jason decides it's needed."  

Edited by Cheyanne11
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8 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Meh, if it sticks.  Jason's already shown he'll kill when the need* strikes--and he's sharing meaningful looks with Sonny whenever they meet up to tend to such a need, so...

*Need defined as "when Jason decides it's needed."  

I mean, yeah, you're right, I don't know how long it will last. The show clearly still puts him in dangerous situations (Sam, too), so who knows. Their story right now will probs just be this baby, happy times, and whatever curse bs comes with it. They're going to have to give Jason some kind of job or purpose, though. He needs something to do outside of the family that allows him to interact with other characters. 

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Sam: Blah, blah, blah, complications, baby...

Nina: Find me a baby, money is no object.

Me: They're going to give her Sam's baby, aren't they? Baby gets taken, sold on the black market, Curtis buys it, hands it over to Nina. 

It's like when Sam caught baby fever after her baby died, and she tried to buy one on the black market. I'm sure Sam and Nina will cross paths at some point.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

They're going to have to give Jason some kind of job or purpose, though. He needs something to do outside of the family that allows him to interact with other characters. 

He'll be called upon when the PCPD can't or won't do something, so like tomorrow he'll save the city from a gas bomb or something. And then he'll be blamed for setting it in the first place (reasons; Helena), but of course cleared. Lather, rinse, repeat.

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56 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I love how you went from "Who said he wasn't?" to #WellActually.

It took Jason 20 years to officially quit Sonny. SBu is crying rn.

I didn't want to! But I had to be fair to stupid Jason with his Lenny-tight grips. I thought he was gonna crush Sam's head at one point.

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58 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I love how you went from "Who said he wasn't?" to #WellActually.

It took Jason 20 years to officially quit Sonny. SBu is crying rn.

Oh, also, if only. But let's face it, right now Steve is swimming in his Scrooge McDuck vault.

Just now, Lillybee said:

Since Jason is no longer in the business, how long will it be before show makes him the PC.

They won't do that, because it will make him too constrained.

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1 hour ago, Jazzy24 said:

I really don't care about my favs Sam's pregnancy story. 

I just need two things to happen:

        1. It be a girl, we have enough boys. 

         2. The name be Charlotte "Charlie" or Riley and not be named after so one I despise      like Emily. 

I don't mean to crush dreams and kill hopes, but it will be Emily. But hey, it will be cute anyway. 

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So, is Jax acting all weird because he was the one who arranged this poor girl's kidney being stolen?  Did I miss something?  (Likely, given how I rarely pay full attention).

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26 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Sam: Blah, blah, blah, complications, baby...

Nina: Find me a baby, money is no object.

Me: They're going to give her Sam's baby, aren't they? Baby gets taken, sold on the black market, Curtis buys it, hands it over to Nina. 

It's like when Sam caught baby fever after her baby died, and she tried to buy one on the black market. I'm sure Sam and Nina will cross paths at some point.

Then Jason would have a reason to kill Nina which would make me very happy. PC could throw a parade instead of putting him in prison. 

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20 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

He'll be called upon when the PCPD can't or won't do something, so like tomorrow he'll save the city from a gas bomb or something. And then he'll be blamed for setting it in the first place (reasons; Helena), but of course cleared. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Dante has to make an excuse to see him.

16 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Oh, also, if only. But let's face it, right now Steve is swimming in his Scrooge McDuck vault.

Ha, I know. Stevie doesn't care and probs has 0 thoughts on GH.

10 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't mean to crush dreams and kill hopes, but it will be Emily. But hey, it will be cute anyway. 

I'm not saying this bc I'm biased and I seriously don't care like AT ALL, but the kid should be named after Robin in some way. There's more meaning there and makes more sense than Emily after everything.

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I skipped all the Jason/Sam scenes. Boring.

I liked Carly's dress. And IR always delivers. But otherwise all the kidney scenes sucked.

I can not fucking believe we're getting a Michael/Sabrina/NotCarlos triangle. Like really? REALLY? THIS? WHY?

Kiki and Dillon shared the cutest look today. But otherwise, boring and stupid scenes all around with them/Morgan/Ava.

I just sat here for like a minute trying to remember what else was in this ep and I couldn't so.

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33 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Since Jason is no longer in the business, how long will it be before show makes him the PC.


33 minutes ago, ulkis said:


They won't do that, because it will make him too constrained.

He'll be mayor instead.

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4 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Or name the kid after somebody in Sam's family.

Bet you $10 that If the child is named after Emily, Nik will be the godfather

But Sam already named Danny after her family member. I wouldn't mind Jason naming the baby after someone important to him. Although, it'd also be cool if they just chose a random new name.

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8 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Or name the kid after somebody in Sam's family.


Danny's named after Sam's brother, so she's already got some representation.  


But Sam already named Danny after her family member. I wouldn't mind Jason naming the baby after someone important to him. Although, it'd also be cool if they just chose a random new name.

Jinx!  But, yeah, I kind of appreciated when Robin and Patrick had Emma they just named her something they both liked.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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17 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Dante has to make an excuse to see him.

Ha, I know. Stevie doesn't care and probs has 0 thoughts on GH.

I'm not saying this bc I'm biased and I seriously don't care like AT ALL, but the kid should be named after Robin in some way. There's more meaning there and makes more sense than Emily after everything.

It does, but they won't do it. It will be Emileeeee.

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3 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

But Sam already named Danny after her family member. I wouldn't mind Jason naming the baby after someone important to him. Although, it'd also be cool if they just chose a random new name.

And Danny is named after someone in Jason's family--Edward.  Baby Girl (hopefully) Morgan should be named after Monica & Alexis IMO.

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3 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

And Danny is named after someone in Jason's family--Edward.  Baby Girl (hopefully) Morgan should be named after Monica & Alexis IMO.

It can be a combo, sure! Like I said, I don't really have a stake in this, lol. 

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6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

But Sam already named Danny after her family member. I wouldn't mind Jason naming the baby after someone important to him

You realize you've just created baby Caroline, right? :glare:

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