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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sonny snarking that Parker is much older than Kristina was golden.

I haven't seen the episode yet (convention-watching), but I can't wait for that. Yeah, we all remember Soily, Sonny. 

Also, re: the talk of it being creepy that Sonny is all up in Kristina's sex life, I don't think anything is ever going to surpass the early years of Sonny and She Who Shall Not Be Named. When his twentysomething sister (whom he had known for all of a month, I think) went on a date with AJ, he grilled her afterward as if she were a toddler who had been at a daycare run by a child molester. "Did he touch you down there? DID! HE! TOUCH! YOU!" "Do you want me to take you to a doctor? Let me take you to a doctor." Then a couple years later she was involved with Jason, and they were concealing it at first, and there was that skeevy scene of him snooping around the apartment and the bed where they had had sex. He may even have picked up some panties she had left behind, but I hope I'm making it worse in my memory than it was.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 3

Sonny's reaction so far to Krissy's apparent same-sex attraction seems to amount to "Oy vey".

This episode was the first time in over one-half decade that Maurice's acting choices and delivery of his lines had me laughing out loud.  This too shall pass.  Morgan and Kristina remain annoying.


I can put aside everything Franco has done, Liz is no saint herself - but I can't forgive how unattractive and old he looks.

I enjoy watching these two actors but the writers crossed that fine line into stalker territory.  It's cringe worthy but still better than watching the Corinthos Family Hour.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 7

Not gonna lie. I want a GIF of Sonny's reaction to seeing Kristina and Parker kissing. "Whoa! Lesbians! Wait...."

*sigh* When you have the opportunity to kill the Main Baddie who is going to kill you anyway, even with a gun to your head, YOU. KILL. THE. MAIN. BADDIE. I know it's for Show's purpose, but.....

Oh goody. Sonny will be the Most Powerful Ally on the Eastern Seaboard.

Even locked up, Heather is the gift that keeps on giving. Is there a Governor's daughter she can rescue?

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, Perkie said:


Dante;  <disarms Valentin and has a gun on him>

Ava:  It's no use Dante, the guards will kill us

Me:  Uhm, not if he kills their leader.  I'm pretty sure they'll turn themselves in to save their butts

Dante:  Ok, here's your gun back Valentin

Me:  Wait.  What?

Have to quote you for truth, eloquence, and KILL. THE. MAIN. BADDIE. and the Minions will surrender.

  • Love 2

Dante should be punched in the face repeatedly for listening to Ava. Goons are loyal to the person paying them, if Valentin is dead they're not going to do anything to you. 

Valentin is annoying and useless and I'm ready for him to be killed. Writers can't even do cartoon villain well. 

Oh wow, another person gets shot in the shoulder. 

I can't help but think that JMB might have made those tunnel scenes a tad bit more believable to me. Maybe. 

I'm so sick of people attempting to make witty comments or go on five minute monologues before they kill their enemies. Dammit Lulu. Shoot the motherfucker first and THEN open your mouth. 

Other serial killers would mock Freako for how much of a whiny, needy, pathetic loser he is. 

STFU Finn.

Heather is like herpes. 

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, MostlyC said:

Also, I'm going to stop worrying about "Franco being a serial killer/evil do-er/Satan-in-training" and just go with idea that Franco is just a son of Scotty's who is a mostly reformed criminal.  Hey it's worked for Sonny, Duke, Jason and even Ric.  So Liz/Franco is all right by me.

The thing I can't get passed personally is the kidnapping of Aiden, snatching her baby hours after he was born and giving him to his unstable mother with the intentions that she never see him again.  That's something Franco did to her directly that Liz - who, for all my kidding about Cam and Aiden being locked in the attic, I do think is a good mom - should never forgive, tumor be damned.

  • Love 3

I haven't missed Jason or Sam at all. Maybe if they hadn't been so annoyingly smug  and self-righteous, I'd cut them some slack. But that is a trait I cannot abide. I could deal with them being sleepy or boring, just because I like Billy with KeMo so much better than SBu. But yeah, I was rooting for Sam to get Jason back so she'd be happy and now I just want her alone. She shouldn't even be there, she should be at home dealing with the fallout of her parents' destruction and helping Krissy deal with her romantic life.

I wasn't that impressed with yesterday. The Hayden/Liz are sisters stuff I find boring, and I don't like that she has to be saddled with Finn. I miss when she was an unapologetic horny bitch. And why the hell did they take her away from Curtis completely? Now Nina's his friend? Gross.

Franco is a stalker and a disgusting creep. If you're not going to do your job, leave the damn hospital so other people can do theirs. WTF? Is he 12? I can't concentrate on my work, I'm so excited that you're going on a date with me! Pathetic loser.

They need some levity on the CI stuff. I wouldn't mind if Scotty or someone were there making snarky comments. And move it the fuck along.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Given Krissy's pathological evasiveness with her father where this particular topic is concerned, I don't blame Sonny at all for keeping Krissy frozen in any set of four walls so he can get some realistic answers from her.  I think Sonny will apologize later for the awkward location of the talk.  

She is so obnoxiously annoying in this storyline.  From the beginning, she immediately goes into a snotty "you won't accept me if I'm gay" rant when there's other reasons for Alexis, Sonny, etc to question this relationship with Parker (her being married, her being older, her being her professor...).  

Shut up, Kristina.

And shut up, Sonny, just because.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, MostlyC said:

Also, I'm going to stop worrying about "Franco being a serial killer/evil do-er/Satan-in-training" and just go with idea that Franco is just a son of Scotty's who is a mostly reformed criminal.  Hey it's worked for Sonny, Duke, Jason and even Ric.  So Liz/Franco is all right by me.

That's definitely how the show wants us to see Franco, and I'm resigned to it, but I'm never going to forget he's a SERIAL KILLER who took delight in it.

5 hours ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Given Krissy's pathological evasiveness with her father where this particular topic is concerned, I don't blame Sonny at all for keeping Krissy frozen in any set of four walls so he can get some realistic answers from her.

It's none of his business, though. Kristina's not helping the situation by making galatically bad decisions—given who her parents are, it's probably inevitable—but she doesn't owe him any explanations.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, amaranta said:

The Cassadine Island story does leave something to be desired (pacing ... an actual sense of tension...)  but I'm okay with it.  Genie has actually been on almost every day for the past couple of weeks.  With Kevin!  Which makes me smile. 

This is so true. It's precisely why I was really enjoying the story. Well that and Ava/Nik. And it'a why even now I'd still rather watch it even though it's stupid and boring then like any of the other stories.

10 hours ago, lovelynn said:

I can put aside everything Franco has done, Liz is no saint herself - but I can't forgive how unattractive and old he looks.

DAMN! But I agree. RoHo is so gross nowadays and his acting is just bad. The writing sucks, the acting sucks, and the actors don't even look good lol.

9 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Also, re: the talk of it being creepy that Sonny is all up in Kristina's sex life, I don't think anything is ever going to surpass the early years of Sonny and She Who Shall Not Be Named. When his twentysomething sister (whom he had known for all of a month, I think) went on a date with AJ, he grilled her afterward as if she were a toddler who had been at a daycare run by a child molester. "Did he touch you down there? DID! HE! TOUCH! YOU!" "Do you want me to take you to a doctor? Let me take you to a doctor." Then a couple years later she was involved with Jason, and they were concealing it at first, and there was that skeevy scene of him snooping around the apartment and the bed where they had had sex. He may even have picked up some panties she had left behind, but I hope I'm making it worse in my memory than it was.  

Wow. I am so glad I wasn't watching during this time.

10 hours ago, stlbf said:

But that doesn't make sense. 

That doesn't matter on this show.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Franco is a petulant stalking adolescent to Liez these days. To deepen the impression, he goes to Mommy (Heather) for dating funds and advice. It's silly and boring. Now the Show is trying to work Naomi (and thus Hayden) into their story. Couldn't interest me less.

IIC should have left Franco and Nina together and spare us with the major propping being done by Elizabeth AND Carly.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is so true. It's precisely why I was really enjoying the story. Well that and Ava/Nik. And it'a why even now I'd still rather watch it even though it's stupid and boring then like any of the other stories.

DAMN! But I agree. RoHo is so gross nowadays and his acting is just bad. The writing sucks, the acting sucks, and the actors don't even look good lol.

Wow. I am so glad I wasn't watching during this time.

That doesn't matter on this show.

He looks old AF with dirty hair and that nasty crap on his face.   RoHo needs a makeover and he can rope in several of the other males/females on the show.

  • Love 2

Today on Paraphrase Hospital:

Lulu:  I'll shoot you

Valentin:  Yes, but not before I shoot your mother

Lulu:  Hhm, decisions, decisions

Me:  Damnit Lulu, I told you yesterday to come in guns blazing and shoot him in the head with no talky talky


Sam and her boobs (seriously, what's up with that shirt) fall down and go boom

Jason: Me Hulk.  Me Rage.  RARRARR, Me break chair.  Me should have done that 32 days ago


Kris:  I might be gay

Sonny:  I knew some gay people, you know, in Bensonhurst

Kris  Can you accept me if I'm gay

Sonny:  Well, the writers can't write me with any faults, so yeah I guess so.  


Minion:  Here is more drugs for you Julian

Nina;  Hey sign these papers to give me full control over Crimson or I'll tell the secret that you tried to sabortage the company (not the secret that he bad Carlos' blood on him the night of the murder).   Ooopsie, I bumped into your minion who dropped all that drug onto the floor.  Hope it wasn't important.  My bad;

Julian:  Get more drugs

Minion:  Uh, Criminals DrugsRUs is closed dude.


Alexis:  My daughter didnt' come home last night

Parker:  Oh that's cause I was busy doing her all night long.  She was a willing participant.  

Alexis:  I'm telling


Parker:  "Dear Kristina,...."

Me:  Seriously?  People still write letters to each other?


Jason:  Valentin escaped.  Let's go home

Lulu::  We can't leave Nik's body behind

Laura:  Eh shit happens, Kevin's bleeding onto that pillow, we gotta go

Valentin:  I should be running for the hills and be glad that I'm rid of these people but I'll probably end up following them back to the States for reasons that will never be explained.  Uh, maybe I have a tumour....

  • Love 17

So Sonny went clubbing, possibly to gay clubs, with Lois and Connie in Bensonhurst? That's the narrative GH is trying to sell?  I bet he got offended when someone said faggot or sissy too.  Good grief, this show is SO unwilling to paint Sonny in an unfavorable light.  He knew plenty of guys who knew they were gay? Uh huh. Sure, was that before or after he joined the mob? Lordy.

And I really don't like the fact that he immediately told Carly Kristina came out to him. Yes, Carly is his wife and yes, she's known Kristina since birth.

But coming out is for Kristina to do. Telling people is something SHE should get to do, when she is ready with whomever she does or does not choose to tell. It's her narrative.

And it didn't surprise me AT ALL that Sonny immediately whined about Kristina choosing to tell him only when he saw her kissing Parker but also that she told Alexis months ago. That's right Sonny, it's ALL ABOUT YOU.

  • Love 17

Alexis lecturing Parker was awesome. More of Alexis being a boss!

Yay to Jocelyn for showing her spine and laying into Carly. Of course Carly doesn't care about her daughter's privacy. Glad they managed to trot her out for the story that's all about her body.

I'm really liking Sonny as the dad sharing hard truths. It's amusing.

Going to pretend the pathetic Cassadine Island & Julian parts didn't happen.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Sam and her boobs (seriously, what's up with that shirt) fall down and go boom

Maybe she was so top-heavy that she couldn't keep her balance in those 5"-heeled boots and that's why she fell.

I swear, she's getting chestier every day that she's on that island. 


10 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I cannot believe how badly the show bungled the Cassadine Island storyline. 


Did anything happen on that island that couldn't have happened somewhere else? 

When everyone was all "Time to go," today, I was pretty underwhelmed. Does this show really have writers? 

  • Love 6

LOL at the minion playing Pokémon Go on his phone while also guarding Sam and Jason.

Another LOL that Olivia has been reduced to the other end of a phone call.

Jason Hulk-smashing out of his chair was hilarious.

"Alexis, what is this hostility I'm sensing?" Parker, there's no "sensing" about it. It's outright hostility.

29 minutes ago, Vella said:

And it didn't surprise me AT ALL that Sonny immediately whined about Kristina choosing to tell him only when he saw her kissing Parker but also that she told Alexis months ago. That's right Sonny, it's ALL ABOUT YOU.

Well, duh. Sonny's feelings are always the most important. It cracked me up how insulted he was when Kristina thought he might disown her. Only the mothers of his children are dead to him (and then only if they're married to someone he hates). 

41 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

Yay to Jocelyn for showing her spine and laying into Carly. Of course Carly doesn't care about her daughter's privacy. Glad they managed to trot her out for the story that's all about her body.

I liked those scenes. Joss is old enough that her feelings matter. Of course Carly doesn't care because they differ from hers, but I'm glad we got to see Joss say something.

47 minutes ago, Vella said:

And I really don't like the fact that he immediately told Carly Kristina came out to him. Yes, Carly is his wife and yes, she's known Kristina since birth.

This didn't bother me. Kristina didn't say not to tell anyone, and I don't think Sonny was speaking out of school when he told Carly. As you said, she's his wife.

Ugh, Claudette is on tomorrow, and Sonny taunts Julian AGAIN.

  • Love 7
47 minutes ago, Vella said:

So Sonny went clubbing, possibly to gay clubs, with Lois and Connie in Bensonhurst? That's the narrative GH is trying to sell?  I bet he got offended when someone said faggot or sissy too.

lol what. He said that? Okay show. Sorry, but I just don't buy Sonny calling Jax "candyboy" in the past didn't have some "you're kinda gay" insinuation to it. 

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

So I guess we really are supposed to forget about Paul shooting Sonny?

Right?  They retconned it so it was Julian, I guess.  Of course, of course, he's the Big Bad who--and I'm not sure if you're aware, since the show has been cagey about it--ordered the hit on Duke and must pay for it.  #JusticeForDuke

  • Love 4

I've changed my mind now about Kristina needing therapy to figure out her life. Parker is the one who needs counseling. She seems very much on the rebound after her marriage breakup, and her defiant attitude to Alexis is mixed with much apparent guilt.

I wonder...Sonny slept with Ava, his son Morgan's one-time girlfriend; would he consider sleeping with his DAUGHTER's lover, Parker? That would complicate a lot of lives, fast. Especially if Parker got pregnant.

See? This Show just writes itself!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 3

Sent one earlier this month. It was a bit of a joke though. :)

Just sent one to my mother today, but she's 78, doesn't have a computer or a phone with text capability and my 8 year old wanted to draw her a picture.  But it was on regular lined paper (15 cents for a whole pack at Walmart for back to school sales!!!)  not on pretty flowery paper, that I don't even know where you can buy anymore.

  • Love 1

I just love how the only other Cassadine on that island finds out that the main baddie is her uncle, OFFSCREEN....while Ava of course gets like 2 days of scenes with the dude.

Some Cassadine/Spencer Story.  They should have touted it as an adventure for AVA, with a little bit of Cassadine and Spencer sprinkled in.   I want to believe this story has been so badly bungled because of the whole TC mess and they maybe had to rewrite it, but given the shows recent history with their terrible storytelling choices, I have my doubts.

I loved how panicked Jason was when Sam fainted.   I also loved that the guard seemed to definitely be playing Pokeman Go when he was guarding them.  It's a touch of reality that someone would be playing on their phone when they should be working.  Whether you work in an office, or are a henchman for an "evil" villain you have to fill the down time.

  • Love 9

 just because I like Billy with KeMo so much better than SBu

I'm annoyed bc I feel like Billy and Kelly can shine with something angsty and emotional. And that's not necessarily a knock on SBu, it's just that I always felt he kinda lost...something...in the '00s on an emotional level and just wanted to do the whole Stone Cold bit. I don't want that for Billy. They need to give JaSam something else to do that's not THIS. Something emotional, something related to their family (not a pregnancy, but I'm not that lucky) or maybe Julian/Alexis.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 8

Ugh, just watched today's show and Sam is definitely pregnant.  "I never faint."/"I can't believe I slept that much--I don't know what's wrong with me."  Great, just what they need: another kid.  They already pawn off spawn #1 with Monica all the time (at least she's got room for another one), so giving them another kid is just brilliant. 

  • Love 4

I wish IR hadn't agreed to come back.

I'm ready for Parker to be removed.

I never for a second thought the writers were going to have Sonny have a problem with Kristina's sexuality but the whole gay club thing was unnecessary. They could've just had him not care because it's 2016.

Dammit Lulu. These people never learn.

The "Cassadine Story" has been a major letdown, no surprise there. I really don't even know why they tried to claim that this was a Cassadine story considering how little the Cassadine angle mattered. I would have preferred if Sam (and Jason) had stayed home and spent time with Danny, Alexis and her sisters instead of being stuck on that stupid island. 

  • Love 13

Yep. Sonny has been the bestest Ally for decades. Even back in Bensonhurst. Just to compare and contrast that scum Julian who took more than five seconds to embrace his (not-dead) gay son.

Yay, Jason. He shoots and the other remember how to hold and fire a gun.

Heather is scarier than Valentin. Heck, Heather's stool after a Kelly's BLT is scarier.

Show could not afford any Sad Trombones after Nina's contrivance to keep Julian from leaving the hospital?

Alexis getting disbarred? They can do that to lawyers on Show? Surprised no one went after Diane...or Scotty. If


the Mayor is behind it, what took this long?

I think we'll find out Krissy is Parkersexual.

Joss is 14? Does that mean the rest of the kiddie set will finally be SORASed? And though she's being manipulated, Joss has her social interactions as a teen to deal with to consider, over Carly's "I'm your mother, and I will do that because I am your mother" reasons. Heck, even Sonny is more discreet and sensitive. (Show, don't ever make me type that again.)

14 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Or if he goes to prison, he'll be pardoned again. So it's as if he never pays anyway.

I had to think if you were talking about Julian or Sonny.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Perkie said:

Today on Paraphrase Hospital:

Lulu:  I'll shoot you

Valentin:  Yes, but not before I shoot your mother

Lulu:  Hhm, decisions, decisions

Me:  Damnit Lulu, I told you yesterday to come in guns blazing and shoot him in the head with no talky talky


Jason: *BLAM* *BLAM* *BLAM*

Everyone else: Put down your guns or I'll shoot... oh, you've already arranged yourself in a Mexican standoff.

Dammit, Show, you made me cheer for Jason. At least Laura should have ripped off Valentin's arms in mama bear mode for killing her son.

Please let rumors be true and


this schumk calling himself Valentin isn't the real Valentin, since he's about Nik's age, and he's Val's son. And that the real Valentin was the older minion who Lulu konked on the head.

  • Love 2
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