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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

At this point I think FV is just hanging on to Franco/RHo out of sheer stubbornness. Although I guess Liz/Franco seem to be gaining some traction with the audience.

It may be stubbornness. But RH has that job as long as HE wants it. Frank ain't firing that man.

Liz/Franco to me is like every couple on every soap. They all have fans. Every last one of 'em.

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2 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

It may be stubbornness. But RH has that job as long as HE wants it. Frank ain't firing that man.

Liz/Franco to me is like every couple on every soap. They all have fans. Every last one of 'em.

Well sure. But they really do seem to be garnering a tiny bit of popularity, as much as I don't like the pairing. Although I think probably most fans would drop it like a hot potato if they got a decent viable alternative for Liz.

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Well sure. But they really do seem to be garnering a tiny bit of popularity, as much as I don't like the pairing. Although I think probably most fans would drop it like a hot potato if they got a decent viable alternative for Liz.

Part of the reason I'm not watching very often lately is because I fear that, if I watched, BH (and, to a lesser extent, RoHo) would sell me on this damn pairing.  It would be too easy for me to say "well, this is the only pairing they're going to give Liz, and Becky's acting the hell out of it."  I don't want that.  From the little bit I've seen, I can tell the two of them have chemistry, and Roger has actually been trying (again, in the little I've seen).  I can't let myself get sucked in.  

And Alexis is really pregnant?  Are they fucking kidding me?  

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And Alexis is really pregnant?  Are they fucking kidding me? 

They had her check her calendar to see what time she's meeting Diane, and then do a double take and recheck previous months.  So, make what you will of that nonsense.  


a decent viable alternative for Liz.

Paging Ric Lansing!!

Curtis and Nina;  even though I can't stand Nina and MS drives me crazy with her weird tics, is it just me or was there some viable chemistry between these two.  LIke, Valerie who?

Edited by Perkie
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Part of the reason I'm not watching very often lately is because I fear that, if I watched, BH (and, to a lesser extent, RoHo) would sell me on this damn pairing.

Anything is better than Port Charles' moral compass - Sonny. 


It's so weird how the writers bounce to one extreme from another.

Except for Sonny, I kind of have enjoyed the past two episodes - especially Tracy, Finn, and Hayden.  This extreme is acceptable to this viewer.  However, I equate it to bringing some hope that with Julian incapacitated, the mob crap will die down a bit.  This is the first episode that I was almost rooting for Nina (albeit - I wish that they let her go at the end of her 2-year contract which expired in may/june). Can't the director just have her dial it back a couple of notches? 

Stafford had chemistry with Keith Hamilton Cobb back in the day too, IIRC. I still wouldn't wish Nina on Curtis, though.

I am only infrequently watching bits and pieces of this mess online. I love Richard Burgi from many other things so I guess it's something that they've attempted to re-humanize Paul by directly addressing his initial reintro to the show last summer when Ron turned him into a snide supervillain and having him now talk about how 'cold' he was then. Burgi plays smarmy very well, but he can be sincere. Still don't want him with Anna, though. At all.

Are Nikolas and Ava seriously running for their lives from Trent fucking Dawson? What is that about? Some statue? And has Lucy been seen since that one day she ran into Kevin and Laura at the hospital? Did they ever say what was in Luke's letter?

  • Love 2

Sonny was surprisingly not an asshole with Alexis...so I guess that's something. 

Obviously Alexis is going to be pregnant. These so-called writers just can't resist going there.

Claud would be doing Maxie a favor if she busted up her relationship with tree. 

Trying to get the audience to feel sorry for Lonely Misunderstood Gentle Farmer Freako is just as bad, if not worse, as trying to get the audience to believe Sonny is a Good Mobster. STFU with this bullshit, writers. 

STFU Finn. 

  • Love 8

I hate saying "I'm glad it wasn't just me" on any topic, but re: Nina's dress..."I'm glad it wasn't just me." I didn't want to say it looked like a hooker outfit, because I was afraid it would come off as some kind of "-ist," but I'm sorry, it was all I could think. I'd say it looked painted on her, but body paint leaves a little more breathing room. Also, the hem could have come down a good four inches without her being in any danger of fashion endorsement from the Taliban or whatever she was trying to avoid.  

Re: Franco/Liz. Becky has been good in most of her pairings, but one thing I do like about this one is that she's working with a somewhat older actor yet her performances have been very adult. They seem like equals. I never got that with LiRic, although that was low on my list of reasons for not liking the pairing. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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11 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:

I hate saying "I'm glad it wasn't just me" on any topic, but re: Nina's dress..."I'm glad it wasn't just me." I didn't want to say it looked like a hooker outfit, because I was afraid it would come off as some kind of "-ist," but I'm sorry, it was all I could think. I'd say it looked painted on her, but body paint leaves a little more breathing room. Also, the hem could have come down a good four inches without her being in any danger of fashion endorsement from the Taliban or whatever she was trying to avoid.  

I don't usually pay that much attention to clothing unless it's too tight, mainly because the camera is so unforgiving and it's kind of hard not to notice. (One would think, though, that the costume department would be aware of that.) Maxie's dress yesterday looked like what a person in the fashion industry would wear. Nina, not so much. Yes, Stafford has a great body, but there's also a point, for example, in a woman's life, no matter how well, um, … maintained … she is,  when gravity wins and she stops having a cute butt and just has an ass. That's one of the things that dress emphasized yesterday. 

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Who's going to watch Spencer while Laura is in Greece?

Well Sonny is his uncle and the show keeps telling us that he is fantastic.

I was going to say it's never a good idea to let Sonny watch your kid temporarily, because he and his shrew wife have a way of deciding such arrangements are permanent. But then I realized that Spencer may be the one kid on the face of the earth even they wouldn't want to steal. Seeing Spencer annoying the shit out of those two for weeks' worth of episodes would be one of the few things on GH I'd pay to see. If we're stuck with him, let's use his powers for good.  

Also, this "Josslyn's kidney" storyline is such a nonstarter. Josslyn is onscreen even less than Liz's non-Jake kids.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 7

Honestly, the idea of Alexis being pregnant makes me throw up in my mouth. However- over the  years I've gotten good at simply ignoring characters I am bored by or don't like, so it's really no skin off my nose. I won't be watching a moment of it. I hate to use the word "barge"-just prefer to simply say I'm not going to bother with this show until they give JE something other than propping Hayden(can't the makeup department do something about the dark circles under her eyes and the sunken look in her cheeks? She looks ILL, truly) and Finn. But I think the show sadly knows that ME and RBu can't carry a story on their own. Separately or together. And JE is the go to for spit polishing. I can hope that Tracy does go off to get Finn's drugs and gets caught in a hail of bullets. There is that to hope for, I'm an optimist, after all.

3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Also, this "Josslyn's kidney" storyline is such a nonstarter. Josslyn is onscreen even less than Liz's non-Jake kids.  

I really do not get what the "mystery" is here.  I mean, yes, obviously something funky went on with Jake being snatched and replaced or whatever.  But...Joss is fine.  And most people don't know who their organ donors are.  So who cares.

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They should just make this thing with Alexis the beginning of menopause - not a ridiculous pregnancy.  It's insulting to the audience - come on.  

MS as Nina is off the charts crazy and unwatchable for me - but then I have never been able to easily sit through MS scenes - she's just awful and it has always been a mystery to me how he gets acting gigs - Maybe she's related to someone?  Must be some explanation because she is terrible in more ways than other bad actors are - it seems like there's not even a nanosecond of trying to make the behavior of the character fit with the scene and dialogue.  She looked like a marionette yesterday with all the peculiar poses, leaning in to talk to whatshisname, etc - 


I'm a little sorry Julian turned out to be a thoroughly bad guy because the actor can actually act as opposed to MB (Sonny) who  - well, I don't know what he's doing - but, I hesitate to refer to it as "acting." 

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

I also make a spreadsheet of my menstrual cycle.

She was looking at her calendar :)

Unless I misunderstood that part (which is entirely possible given how inattentively I watch), I thought the most recent months had a circled date (presumably the start of her period) while earlier months did not. Regardless, the circled dates were all over the place, so maybe Alexis has a hysterical pregnancy. I can live with that.

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Today was just full of baffling writing choices.  The way they handled Franco and Liz in the elevator (so they're trying to sell the skeptical on this pairing by him trapping her in an elevator until she basically agrees to his terms?  WHAT?), the way they handled TJ's forgiveness of Jordan (the pacing of this mostly off-screen story was so bad), the way they handled Kristina and WhatHisName getting a business from Saint Sonny, etc.

Not soapy...not interesting...not good...

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Today was just full of baffling writing choices.  The way they handled Franco and Liz in the elevator (so they're trying to sell the skeptical on this pairing by him trapping her in an elevator until she basically agrees to his terms?  WHAT?)

I think I know what the writers are trying to do. They're trying to placate us haters (who refuse to give poor Franco a chance after three goddamn years) by acknowledging that Franco has a (to put it lightly) shady past, and not trying to do some sexy-dangerous "is Franco gonna attack Liz in the elevator" scenario.

Except I don't think the writers get that Franco being an ex serial killer/rapist is not the only thing that makes him such a crappy character. They can acknowledge all day long that he used to, you know, rape and murder, but there's still the nervous babbling that is supposed to come off cutesy even though the man is 45, the unfunny antics, the weird faces he makes when he yells, the weird storylines he gets. Package it up with the fact that they're writing these qualities for an ex serial killer/rapist, and tie it up with on top of it all, he calls himself freaking Franco Baldwin, and it sums up the mess that is Franco. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14

You know what I hate about this Joss/kidney story, aside from EVERYTHING?

Sonny.  Sonny's roles, Sonny's lines, Sonny everything.

This is CARLY'S story. I hate that heifer, but this is her story. SHE should be driving it. Doing most of the talking, making the decisions etc. Sonny's involvement should be relegated to "how can I help you/support you?"  not this bullshit we've seen.  Sending Ric off on a off screen hunt. Mansplaining to Carly today about being careful and telling her what HE is going to do while Carly beams at his insufferable ass.  He's talking to CARLY.  She's not some naive simpleton. She knows how to handle herself and if she doesn't, she'll get help.

He just sounded so condescending, advising her, warning her, acting like she'd get sucked in by her womanly emotions if he didn't hold her hand and keep her on the right path.  These writers are so far up Sonny's ass. Ugh.

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But it ends up with Liz saying she wasn't avoiding him because of his (to indeed put it lightly) shady past, but because she doesn't trust her decisions when it comes to men.  So it's really Liz's fault she was avoiding a former SERIAL KILLER who once kidnapped her newborn baby.  #eyeroll

There's also a lot of retreading of the same boring beats from Franco's relationships with Carly and Nina - they make him want to be a better man, they're the only one that understands him and believes in him, blah blah blah.  It just doesn't work.

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Speaking of trying to zone out Sonny, I was actually gonna try to pay attention to the scenes with Kristina and Molly and him but then I saw the t-shirt and the coffee table and got embarrassed and changed my mind.

Molly was about 14 when she started dating TJ, yeah, I should hope it would take her a couple of years to sleep with TJ. Jeez, Kristina.

Nathan's "what just happened" face after Maxie walked away with the key card was funny, as was Maxie saying "wow, this is really cute" about Claudette's dress.

Unintentional funny moment: Griffith going on about temporal lobes in his usual languid way and BS making a gesture "hmm yes I am really listening" with her mouth scrunched up. And yet, I still felt kinda bad for these two because they had to deliver exposition about Franco.

Nice job, cop kids, to not ask why Franco covered up the camera.

You know what I thought of when Franco told Liz they were "in between floors" when Liz said she would scream if he didn't move the elevator? When Liz's rapist told her to not talk or something like that. (I looked it up, and he actually said "Not a word" to her, and that's actually how she recognized he was her rapist. In what was actually a pretty lame story line denouement, but I digress.) 

Sometimes I still rant about Franco (as opposed to Sonny, who will be on this show always) because I have some weird, faint hope that someone will step in and say "okay, this character has got to go". Sure, Valentini will just bring RoHo back when that someone isn't looking 6 months later, but there still might be that chance! Stop laughing.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Vella said:

You know what I hate about this Joss/kidney story, aside from EVERYTHING?

Sonny.  Sonny's roles, Sonny's lines, Sonny everything.

That's pretty typical. Remember when Jake's death was all about Jason's man pain, and Liz was basically an afterthought? The wimmins can't drive a story. A man always needs to be involved.

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How many different characters has ME played? John Mcbane, vampire dude, Silas and Finn? It's ridiculous but I'll ignore it because I like ME. So why can't they do the same thing with RH? Turning him into Franco was so incredibly stupid. No matter what they've tried he cannot be redeemed into a romantic lead. He is a disgusting pathetic mess. I love RH and I even loved him as Todd on OLTL. Which was an amazing feat considering that character's history. Just get rid of Franco and bring RH back as anyone else! I'll take it and no one ever has to mention Franco again. Please for the love of all that's good and nice in the world. Kill Franco. Dead dead dead. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

Low Self-Esteem Franco is the worst Franco of all. "Why don't you liiiiike me? Whyyy are you afraid of meeeee? Whyyy can't I come over to your house? I prooooomise I won't bother you."

Seriously, it's the worst.  And why I don't buy this "redemption arc" they've been trying to shove down our throats for years.  He's not actually sorry about anything he did, he's only annoyed it's preventing him for being with Liz at the moment.

You know, I can't believe I'm saying this, but even another ride on the Niz merry-go-round would be less painful than this Liz/Franco shit.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9
12 hours ago, rur said:

I don't usually pay that much attention to clothing unless it's too tight, mainly because the camera is so unforgiving and it's kind of hard not to notice. (One would think, though, that the costume department would be aware of that.) Maxie's dress yesterday looked like what a person in the fashion industry would wear. Nina, not so much. Yes, Stafford has a great body, but there's also a point, for example, in a woman's life, no matter how well, um, … maintained … she is,  when gravity wins and she stops having a cute butt and just has an ass. That's one of the things that dress emphasized yesterday. 

Okay, so I was not the only viewer that thought Nina's ass looked horrible in that dress.  MSt has a great body, but some of the things Nina wears are just weird.

FV, stop trying to make Franco happen and free Elizabeth from this trash!

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