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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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She never looks convincing as a badass, IMO, mostly because it gets immediately undercut by some guy coming in and finishing things off/saving her. And the blocking for the fights is always terrible. That's not KeMo's fault, but it doesn't help Sam at all. Plus, she's always wearing ridiculous heels. If she's going to wear them, use them as a weapon, at least.

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2 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I'm all for female empowerment, but there is no way in hell Sam could ever take that guy. It looked so ridiculous.

Not only that, but the guy's reaction to thinking Sam was willing to have sex with him was hilarious. She put her hand on his face and he was literally trembling, as if he were about to finally, finally lose his virginity.

The last 15 minutes of the show was preempted by coverage of Obama and Biden in Orlando, so I didn't see the part where TJ found out about Shawn. Who told him and did he have any reaction or was it just shocked face and cut to commercial?

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

She never looks convincing as a badass, IMO, mostly because it gets immediately undercut by some guy coming in and finishing things off/saving her. And the blocking for the fights is always terrible. That's not KeMo's fault, but it doesn't help Sam at all. Plus, she's always wearing ridiculous heels. If she's going to wear them, use them as a weapon, at least.

I remember back in 2007 during the year where every character was destroyed to prop Jiz(the piece of ****)Sam fought the serial killer Diego? And it was actually a good fight and she ran in the rain in some of the most badass heels ever. It was a good scene. But I laughed throughout it. 

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7 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Not only that, but the guy's reaction to thinking Sam was willing to have sex with him was hilarious. She put her hand on his face and he was literally trembling, as if he were about to finally, finally lose his virginity.

Every man Sam encounters wants to have sex with her. That has been in the GH Handbook since 2003.

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Hayden and Curtis' relationship is a bit too one sided, they need to show her doing something for him.

I love their friendship but this is so true. But I doubt it'll happen anytime soon since they've moved Hayden over to Finn.

55 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

The last 15 minutes of the show was preempted by coverage of Obama and Biden in Orlando, so I didn't see the part where TJ found out about Shawn. Who told him and did he have any reaction or was it just shocked face and cut to commercial?

He went to see Jordan at her office and overheard Curtis saying that Shawn is his dad. Neither Jordan or Curtis realize he heard because he just ran off.

I liked the first scenes Hayden and Finn had but I was annoyed by Hayden having had a pet lizard growing up. Like OK that's too much. Although I wonder if ReBu has a lizard because she seemed to really light up around Roxy lol! 

I'm getting real annoyed at Finn acting like it's OUTRAGEOUS! for people to question if he's on drugs/killing people when literally all the evidence points directly to him. Like you ARE doing drugs you asshole so stfu!

I like Tracy/Finn but because I'm annoyed by Finn's righteous indignation I was really annoyed with Tracy blindly believing him.

I loved the scenes with Curtis wanting to be a cop again. I just love Curtis. I find it hard to truly enjoy him though because I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop and he becomes a Sonny worshiper like everyone else.

I don't give a flying fuck about Molly and TJ, together or separately, so I fast forwarded those scenes. But lmao at TJ randomly popping back up after a 10 year absence.

Nik/Ava and yes even Hux continue to amuse me. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Every man Sam encounters wants to have sex with her. That has been in the GH Handbook since 2003.

I really can't blame them, have you seen KeMo? 

If I was a guy.......... Let's just leave it at that. 

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9 minutes ago, Jazzy24 said:

I really can't blame them, have you seen KeMo? 

If I was a guy.......... Let's just leave it at that. 

LOL. My comment was not a knock on KeMo. Just talking about the way Sam is written. Not a right/wrong thing.

Edited by HeatLifer
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38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Hayden and Curtis' relationship is a bit too one sided, they need to show her doing something for him.

At least Curtis called out Hayden on that fact. 

42 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm getting real annoyed at Finn acting like it's OUTRAGEOUS! for people to question if he's on drugs/killing people when literally all the evidence points directly to him.

I know. It's so dumb.

Why does Ava care so much what's happening with Nik?

"Why are you depriving yourself of your son?" Have you met Spencer, Ava? I'd deprive myself, too.

I thought Jason didn't want much to do with Sonny, yet there he was threatening the pawn shop owner with Sonny's goons and staying in his safe house and driving one of his cars.

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13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I thought Jason didn't want much to do with Sonny, yet there he was threatening the pawn shop owner with Sonny's goons and staying in his safe house and driving one of his cars.

Yeah, but he has his memories back now.  He doesn't want back in the mob, but his stance on Sonny has changed.


I loved the JaSam stuff today.  That's the Jason/Sam I remember and love.  Working together as a team, getting shit done.  Love it.  On to London!


ETA: forgot to mention Roxy!  I almost died at her tiny little harness and leash.  I am going to have to ask my sister if she wants one for her beardie.  LOL

Edited by mybabyaidan
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm getting real annoyed at Finn acting like it's OUTRAGEOUS! for people to question if he's on drugs/killing people when literally all the evidence points directly to him.

PREACH!  As I said yesterday, I cannot stand that "How DARE you accuse me of something I totally did/am doing!" attitude.  You're practicing medicine while taking drugs, and also stole drugs from the hospital.  Those are no-nos, you are not being unfairly persecuted!

And that attitude?  Very John McBain, and it makes me itchy.

Edited by TeeVee329
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The more I see of Hayden, the less I like her.  It's the try hard with her, and now, with Finn, too. They both  had/have a bearded dragon? Oh, and Hayden was Daisy, now she's Elizabeth Bennett? OY VEY. Poor, poor put upon unfortunates. With my luck, now that I want her gone, she'll turn out to be a Q after all. I'm glad we get more of Monica, but really, they can't show Tracy spending time with her boys, or at ELQ, or something that's about her? She's the town cheerleader. So weird, it's not Tracy. Kinda wondering if she still has brain worms, or some yet unknown serious brain damage. Interesting how Finn deflected and got outta there when Tracy wondered out loud why he didn't kill her first. Could he be guilty after all? Probably not, but it was curious.  I actually liked Nik and  Ava. Go figure. Very gothic vibe there. But what about Ava/Scotty?

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I can tolerate, barely, that Curtis had a drug habit because how could the slick talking, black character NOT have a drug habit. But, it kills me and it has from the first time it was mentioned, that a former Baltimore PD detective and DEA agent speaks with such poor grammar.

I know that's "how the black people talk" on most shows, but it runs completely counter to a former detective in general. In order to be a detective, especially in a major city, you'd have to be a college graduate and not just some dude that graduated "thank you Laude".

In other sparks of hope, how much time could've been saved if all the whatever it was supposed to be storyline with Ava and Paul was spent on Ava and Nikolas? Even with Tyler, it would've been a lot more fun than whatever that was supposed to be and even though I like Hayden, better than what is going on with Hayden.

They would've done much better with pairing Jason with Hayden, while he was still Jake, but ended up finding something in common with what he thought was a fellow amnesiac in her. Even if they still returned him to Jason, that would've given both Billy and Rebecca a chance to establish themselves on the show without the shoehorns.

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I could've sworn that the first day Jason/Sam got to the safehouse, Sam mentioned Sonny and Jason claimed that he'd found the place himself. But every day after that there was at least one mention of how great Sonny was for letting them use it. 

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6 hours ago, rur said:

Sam, one of the world's worst PIs, almost always gets in a kick. But then guy she's with shows up. And somehow between the two of them not doing much the bad guy is vanquished. This, of course is after someone else, usually Spinelli, has done most of the actual heavy lifting or actual investigating. Then Sam looks at a computer for a minute or two and she and her current adventure buddy.


Well, that's not fair--Sam did a lot.  She pulled her hair back into a perfectly lovely ponytail to show she meant business, after all!

But, yeah, that scene with her 'handling' the forger was eye-rolling.  Yes, I believe all 90 lbs of her got the better of the dude.  Of course, though, she didn't bother to get the gun and Jason had to show up and save the day for that.  What a team! 

With any luck they'll come back from this grand adventure and Tracy will have gained guardianship of Danny. 

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I miss that soap! I miss all the soaps.


5 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I'm all for female empowerment, but there is no way in hell Sam could ever take that guy. It looked so ridiculous. Show, stop it.


She just kneed him in the balls and knocked him over when he was off balance, that's fairly manageable - but I do wish she occasionally wear reasonable shoes while on an "adventure" 


7 hours ago, rur said:

." Count me in among the group who would have preferred to see Jason trying to carve out a new kind of life for himself rather than listen to the two of them wax rhapsodic over how wonderful everything Sonny let them borrow was.  As others have said, if he hasn't changed, then what was the purpose of the last couple of years? 


Aside from being with Sam, Jason seems to be a completely different person - occasionally, so different that it's jarring.

But I do agree on the Sonny mentions. Does MB have a new clause in his contract that requires at least one character per episode to comment on his special, innate goodness? 

Edited by Oracle42
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I liked the Jason/Sam stuff…minus the Sonny tongue bath.  And I liked that Sam mostly saved herself.  Dude wasn't that close to the gun, I'm sure she could have kicked him again before he laid hands on it without Jason's arrival.

I'd be down for Curtis getting his badge back, he is kinda drifting.  And his "come to Jesus" moment with Hayden was great.  That's right, Hayden, friendship IS a two-way street.

Ava continues to amuse me as she needles Nik.

So TJ found out (via eavesdropping) that Dead!Daddy is NOT the father?  I missed the last 15 minutes due to Obama's speech.  How soon til we see Shawn onscreen for two scenes while TJ confronts him?  Or will this all be laid on Jordan as the evil Jezebel who seduced her hubby's BFF?  I'm guessing the latter since these writers aren't any less misogynistic than their male counterparts (from what I've seen).

Tracy goes way too hard for Finn.  Maybe she's bored.

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I'm getting real annoyed at Finn acting like it's OUTRAGEOUS! for people to question if he's on drugs/killing people when literally all the evidence points directly to him.

He's the new Julian.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

"Why are you depriving yourself of your son?" Have you met Spencer, Ava? I'd deprive myself, too.

And it's not like Ava has never let her child believe she was dead when she wasn't!

2 hours ago, Kendall said:

They would've done much better with pairing Jason with Hayden, while he was still Jake, but ended up finding something in common with what he thought was a fellow amnesiac in her. Even if they still returned him to Jason, that would've given both Billy and Rebecca a chance to establish themselves on the show without the shoehorns.

But that would have meant they couldn't trash a legacy character for almost a year straight, and we can't have that.

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I like the newer 'couples' like Nik/Ava, Franco/Liz, Finn/Hayden, Kiki/Dillon, and Laura/Kevin so much more than the so-called money couples like Sonny/Carly and Jason/Sam. 

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Finn is so annoying with his whole fake heroin addict shtick. You're evasive and act shady and have been caught with syringes in your locker. You really can't be surprised that people think you're doing drugs. Whatever secret you're hiding can be worth potentially ruining your medical career and facing murder charges. 

The writers would be much better off if they concentrated on writing good stories and developing the 34242 newbies on canvas instead of relying on cheap gimmicks in an attempt to make them compelling. 

This adventure thing with Sam and Jason is better than having to deal with Liez and Freako but it would be nice if they weren't confined to that stupid cabin. And it would be great if they could stop having dayplayer dudes get creepy with Sam. 

Oh wow, how nice that we FINALLY get some more backstory on Jordan/Curtis/TJ and it's all crammed into one episode. 

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11 hours ago, Vella said:

Minimal Jason/Sam stupidity, and more importantly, ISOLATED Jason/Sam stupidity.  That was so bad, so awkward and you can just feel the desperation of the writers to sell them as this sexy, heroic, adventure, mystery solving couple, when really they're as tedious and drab as their outfits.

Are JaSam supposed to be the 2016 version of Anna and Robert Scorpio, Superspies? Just dumbed down? LOL

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11 hours ago, backhometome said:

I was shocked Sam actually kicked that dude down and Jason didnt save her. The writers are usually incapable of writing strong women.

The guy must have weighed three times what Sam did. Yet she just yanked on his chest hairs and down he went.

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9 hours ago, Kendall said:

I can tolerate, barely, that Curtis had a drug habit because how could the slick talking, black character NOT have a drug habit. But, it kills me and it has from the first time it was mentioned, that a former Baltimore PD detective and DEA agent speaks with such poor grammar.

I know that's "how the black people talk" on most shows, but it runs completely counter to a former detective in general. In order to be a detective, especially in a major city, you'd have to be a college graduate and not just some dude that graduated "thank you Laude".

If he was undercover, which I think they have said, then speaking 'proper' English would be a dead giveaway, especially in a large urban area like Baltimore. And like a lot of us actual Black folks, he's probably used to code switching in his conversations depending upon with whom he is speaking. I happen to like it, he's got swag and it more importantly it sounds like the actor may have input into his dialogue because I can't imagine Scott Sickles sorry ass knowing how to write urban slang without coming off racist.

I liked the JaSam banter at the pawn shop as they were getting the info they needed. BM looks like he's having a lot more fun. I know I'm grateful not to have to watch him folding laundry, eating gogurts, and sporting a red nose any longer. He's becoming a real boy instead of some whack job's house husband butt monkey.

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15 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Also, can we stop with Sam being threatened with sexual assault?  They could have given her the "you go, girl!" moment today without it.

But them Sam and Jason wouldn't have been justified in breaking into the guy's shop, hacking his computer and files, and then kicking him in the balls, pistolwhipping him, and threatening to get Sonny's goons after him if he didn't hide for a month.

Seriously. Take out the sleaze move, and it tosses "honor among thieves" against the wall like barware.

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I'm confused. Is Ava on the run? Why is she going to England (or, wherever they are)? I can't beleive how old and mature the actress playing Molly is now. She's not on very much and she looks like she 20 or 21 but I think she is much younger. I had to laugh when TJ showed up. The dude has been gone foreverrrrrrr and now he's already to marry Molly. LOL!!! I did like him finding about Sean but I hope he doesn't hate his Mother all over again. Jeez! Can he give his mother a break? Sean and Curtis can do no wrong but his Mother gets all the grief.

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49 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

@Kendall I know plenty of College grads, some with MBAs, of all races, who have atrocious grammar.

And if the show were balanced, in that some of the characters had atrocious grammar, a few others used slang and then the rest proper English, then sure, I'd have no problem. But, if the high school dropout named Sonny has never spoken so poorly on the show, then there is no real reason, outside of using rather lazy stereotypes, should a former detective/DEA agent only use such horrific grammar.

13 minutes ago, Badsamaritan said:

If he was undercover, which I think they have said, then speaking 'proper' English would be a dead giveaway, especially in a large urban area like Baltimore. And like a lot of us actual Black folks, he's probably used to code switching in his conversations depending upon with whom he is speaking. I happen to like it, he's got swag and it more importantly it sounds like the actor may have input into his dialogue because I can't imagine Scott Sickles sorry ass knowing how to write urban slang without coming off racist.


This isn't a case of a character code switching. They haven't given the character of Curtis enough thought to have even considered code switching. I am also an actual Black person and even with code switching, educated black people don't "switch" as hard as what you're suggesting Curtis is doing.

Not to mention, he's not using urban slang, he's just speaking as if he is simply less intelligent and learned than all of his counterparts. At no time, has Jordan "switched" with him and they are family. I don't recall Shawn "switching". They are writing this guy a specific way and most black actors wouldn't make suggestions that they are the only character that uses such a ridiculous amount of improper English.

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8 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

But I do agree on the Sonny mentions. Does MB have a new clause in his contract that requires at least one character per episode to comment on his special, innate goodness? 

There can't be. MB commented that he's just an actor who reads the scripts, and that's how soap operas work.


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1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

But them Sam and Jason wouldn't have been justified in breaking into the guy's shop, hacking his computer and files, and then kicking him in the balls, pistolwhipping him, and threatening to get Sonny's goons after him if he didn't hide for a month.

Seriously. Take out the sleaze move, and it tosses "honor among thieves" against the wall like barware.

I'm surprised they're not flying to London on Sonny's private plane.  Given how Jason is suckling his old boss again this seems like a no-brainer.  Then, again, that wouldn't have given them awesome!adventure!story! (aka plot plot) to get fake passports and show off their amazing PI skills.

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With all of the contract issues and temporary replacments what's the scoop on Billy Miller? Is he is nearing the end of his contract? Does he plan on staying? Bolt to primetime? I can't tell if he is happy at GH or whether he wants to go back to Y&R. Just curious.

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13 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

that scene with her 'handling' the forger was eye-rolling. 

I forgot to mention this earlier, but I cracked up at how not revealing information about Nik meant the forger was "discreet," yet he has his (paper!) files and computers out in the open for anyone to poke around in.

11 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

And it's not like Ava has never let her child believe she was dead when she wasn't!

Ava regrets that, so it's totes okay. And it seems as if Nik did tell Spencer what he was up to. 

5 hours ago, Sake614 said:

@Kendall I know plenty of College grads, some with MBAs, of all races, who have atrocious grammar.

Starting with the writers of this fakakta show.

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12 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Tracy goes way too hard for Finn.  Maybe she's bored.

Finn's her new baby Edward. And it's like 5 times more annoying with Finn. Ugh.

12 hours ago, ciarra said:

He's the new Julian.

It's not as annoying with Julian because they don't want us to see him as in the right, but they definitely want us to think Finn is right and justified to be mad that he's been asked to take a drug test. It's ridiculous and annoying and it's ruining Finn who I actually think is ME's best GH character so far.

I forgot to mention how much I hated the scenes where Sam and Jason got the better of the forger guy. BM's acting there is why I just can't warm to him at all. Just so smug and condescending.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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15 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

But what about Ava/Scotty?

Yeah, I dunno what happened there.  It seemed like they had something in mind, with Scotty super randomly moving in with her and being her bodyguard or whatever, but it went absolutely nowhere.

I want more Scotty (disclaimer - but not with Franco)!

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18 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I wish passport guy would call them in as terrorists and have them blocked from flying, but he's afraid of the Almighty Corinthos.

Dude makes fake passports, which is a federal crime, so I doubt he wants to call the authorities and risk them finding out.

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It would have been such a righteous lesson if Jason had missed getting the gun and the forger had held them both at gunpoint to make them sweat. Then after tying Jason up the forger could have taken Sam in the back room and made her scream so that Jason would think she was being harmed. Then the forger could toss them both out in the street without their passports or dignity, and they would have to acknowledge just what amateurs they are.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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24 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Dude makes fake passports, which is a federal crime, so I doubt he wants to call the authorities and risk them finding out.

Which made the guy's "I'm gonna call the cops on you" claim more ridiculous.

Really, Jason? You couldn't use the "I'm sure the Feds would be reeeealllll interested in your fake passports" line? Then again, it wouldn't allow Jason to establish that Sonny is the most powerful crime lord in the *spins wheel* Middle Colonies....

Edited by NutmegsDad
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4 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Then the forger could have taken Sam in the back room and made her scream so that Jason would think she was being harmed.

No, thanks. There's enough violence toward women on the show the way it is.

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14 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Then the forger could have taken Sam in the back room and made her scream so that Jason would think she was being harmed.

OK; then the forger could have taken Jason in the back room and made him scream so that Sam would think he was being harmed [lol /sarcasm].

They're such boring wienies...in the same class as Spinelli IMO

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Dude makes fake passports, which is a federal crime, so I doubt he wants to call the authorities and risk them finding out.

All he'd need to do is call in an anonymous tip and alert the authorities to two terrorists using fake passports and give them the names.  People who call in bomb threats don't leave a name and number where they can be reached. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Finn's her new baby Edward. And it's like 5 times more annoying with Finn. Ugh.

I had hopes there might be more there. Should have known that things I like rarely last long or come to pass. Not trying to be Debbie Downer, just very tired of getting my hopes up about stuff on this show. But hey speaking of Finn, poll: Monica is supposedly sending the syringe for testing. What will the results be? My guess it's going to come back "undetermined" because he's been using the lab to cook up his own special drug. Either that, or it's not a drug at all.Could it be: Gatorade? Cassadine Juice? Roxy's Pee? Water from Niagara Falls? Listerine? Vodka? Bat Mucus? Love Potion Number 9? I really like Finn, or I did until maybe this week. I consider myself pretty patient when it comes to giving new characters a chance, and for stories to play out, but it's been three months and we are no further along as far as knowing what it is. I'm officially bored with the secret, and I think ME is best with high energy actors. When he's with people like the Rebeccas, I lose interest in him as a whole.

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17 minutes ago, ciarra said:

All he'd need to do is call in an anonymous tip and alert the authorities to two terrorists using fake passports and give them the names.  People who call in bomb threats don't leave a name and number where they can be reached. 

It wouldn't be hard for them to figure out who made the anonymous tip, and since they'd already be going down why not take the passport guy with them.

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Anna prodding Paul to tell Sonny everything about their official, legal investigation into his mortal enemy severely grossed me out.  Oh Anna, please reconsider everything! 

Wow, given the buzz about the scenes with Ava, bad timing for the temporary recast to step in as Nikolas.

My poor Kevin, being subjected to Spencer's antics.  He even had to hear about SWSNBN!

Edited by TeeVee329
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