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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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8 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Well, we have had a name for some time, at least of the woman presumed to be Liz and Sarah's mother: Andrea Trent Webber. That character has only been mentioned, never shown on screen, and we know little or nothing about her personality.  

No, that name was never mentioned on screen. Someone just made it up on the GH wiki page.

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14 hours ago, Jenniferbug said:

Am I the only one who thinks that Griffin and Nathan resemble each other? Enough that I could see the show revealing they're related.

I don't know if that's where they're heading, but the potential is there- we still don't know who Nathan's father is and whether Griffin is truly Duke's son has been speculated about.

Y'all weren't kidding about how awful Maxie looks. Maybe she should have been in the coma instead of Lucas until they can get her real life health issues taken care of.


I just read an article about endrometrious*sp* causing really bad skin breakouts  exactly like Kristen S descriped.very hard to get rid of, and very embarissing.  She was out for a while before for this. I think she was operated on for it.Kristen needs us to understand. Maxie is the character . Some actress ? was describing this on facebook.

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I know. I'm not faulting Kristen for having health issues. The hair and make up people however should be ashamed. They made her look terrible and only drew attention to her appearance rather than concealed whatever skin problems she has. But I also think replacing her with a temp actress is annoying (I know they've done it before) when they could just have the character be the one in a coma (since it didn't matter anyway) or send her on a vacation to see her off screen daughter. 

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Kirsten has said it got to the point where they couldn't hide it, so I don't know if the makeup people should be ashamed. As a former makeup artist, we can only do so much, and GH is shot in HD. And loading her face down with the amount of product it probably took to conceal what was going on, was probably only making her issues worse. 

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16 hours ago, Asp Burger said:


Well, we have had a name for some time, at least of the woman presumed to be Liz and Sarah's mother: Andrea Trent Webber. That character has only been mentioned, never shown on screen, and we know little or nothing about her personality.  

I checked Elizabeth's soapcentral bio and there is no mention of her mother or the woman's name.  I have see several fanfic sites with various names, but have never heard Elizabeth mention her mother by name.

8 hours ago, ulkis said:

No, that name was never mentioned on screen. Someone just made it up on the GH wiki page.

Yeah, that sounds about right.  Guza was fucking lazy when he brought Elizabeth and Sarah on screen without a name for their mother!

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1 hour ago, Darklazr said:

Yeah, that sounds about right.  Guza was fucking lazy when he brought Elizabeth and Sarah on screen without a name for their mother!

Guza didn't bring them on.

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On 6/10/2016 at 9:25 PM, dubbel zout said:

I know if I were a nun and broke my vow of chastity, becoming a doctor is what I'd do to wash away the guilt and shame. It's the obvious choice, you guys!

Clearly.   Forget about prayer and stuff.  Doctoring and stripping on stage, oh and stalking are the things to do.   I'm convinced Griffin is a vampire.  He's been to college forever, yet looks really young, knows everyone, and moves around undetected.  Vampire.  

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6 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Clearly.   Forget about prayer and stuff.  Doctoring and stripping on stage, oh and stalking are the things to do.   I'm convinced Griffin is a vampire.  He's been to college forever, yet looks really young, knows everyone, and moves around undetected.  Vampire.  

Well,  Duke did have a bit of the vampire look about him, too,  with that mustache, goatee, and widow's peak . . .Does that make Nathan a vampire hunter (or a Grimm) then? Griffin knew him immediately . . . "that's him!"

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9 minutes ago, rur said:

Well,  Duke did have a bit of the vampire look about him, too,  with that mustache, goatee, and widow's peak . . .Does that make Nathan a vampire hunter (or a Grimm) then? Griffin knew him immediately . . . "that's him!"

That would make this Claudette nonsense a million times more interesting.  I hope RP wears the ME wig this time.  In my mind, he does.   Griffin knows Sonny because he met him when he was but a boy, thugging around Bensonhurst. I'd also pay to see MB act out Sonny meeting a vampire.  

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I'd also pay to see MB act out Sonny meeting a

The only thing that I would pay MB for is for is a one-way ticket from Port Charles back to Bensonhurst.  The only time that I want to see MB/Sonny again would be him climbing up the stairs to the bus.

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You all have to stop. Like right now. I can assure you that Bensonhurst does NOT want Sonny! There's no place for him here. The Families left this area about 15 years ago and moved to NJ. He's welcome to go there, but Bensonhurst is off limits!

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On 6/11/2016 at 3:22 PM, NetflixandChill said:

Kirsten has said it got to the point where they couldn't hide it, so I don't know if the makeup people should be ashamed. As a former makeup artist, we can only do so much, and GH is shot in HD. And loading her face down with the amount of product it probably took to conceal what was going on, was probably only making her issues worse. 

From your vantage point as a former makeup artist, do you have any theories as to what KS's skin condition could be?  Were you ever confronted with that problem by a client?  Whatever it is, they're trying to camouflage it with super white makeup, and while it's accomplishing the task since we can't see the problem, it's however making her look ghostly anemic.  The hair people are also loading her down with tons of (I assume fake) hair which all but obliterates what little we can see of her skin.  She looks so distressed, also; I feel badly for her, as her job requires her to be on TV and be seen by ???millions?? of people.  If it's that bad, then I think she really should take some time off, as much as I will miss her portrayal of Maxie at this critical time in her story.

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I think the days of GH doing any exploration into social/medical issues have passed. The show simply doesn't want to devote the necessary time and effort. It can barely put time and energy into the bullshit stories we get now. I'd rather they not even try than get some slapdash crap.

Edited by dubbel zout
verb/subject agreement
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30 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Word.  Exhibit A - that brief yet horrible racial profiling story from last year.

Sigh. That was so poorly executed. The actual incident happened off-screen. And the show tried to have its cake and eat it too. TJ was right! But there was no profiling! Reasons! Helena! Hey, look over here!

And there is great potential to tell a good story. TR is a great actor. His mother is the head of the police. We have Dante and Nathan as good cops. All that was needed was the racist bad cop.  The story could have been TR is unfairly racially profiled. Dante wasn't there for most of the incident, but he saw or is aware of something. So now he's trapped between the "bro code" and reporting what's happened. Dante, being a good guy, doesn't hesitate to do what's right and come forward with his evidence. But he gets back lash from his colleagues. He gets harassed, etc. The press criticizes Jordan for not being impartial, in believing her son over the cop.

The set up was right ... just right there. And given the diversity of the audience, it would have been welcomed and well-received.

Instead, they did a quick cop out (no pun intended) of a story.

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Between the anvils about Julian and Alexis' crumbling relationship, Carly throwing hypocritical shade, and the cops showing up to search the house, the Lucas/Brad wedding couldn't have been less about Lucas and Brad.  I mean, the vows were nice enough, but this was almost worse than them getting married at the Nurses' Ball.  I mean, Brad didn't even get to have crappy Felix there as his best man!

Oh Jason, you don't owe Nikolas shit.  And anyone stupid enough to flee town after faking his death ABOARD A COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE deserves to be brought down.

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I'm not sure what the so-called Lucas/Brad wedding was all about, but it wasn't about them. How ironic to see Nathan rushing out to arrest someone. My question is, who's going to arrest him? Griffin and his purity are obnoxious! I'd be working with a vengeance to expose Nathan and have him arrested for attempted murder, but I guess they're saving that plotline for Claudette.

Edited by Syndicate
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after faking his death ABOARD A COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE 

I laughed so hard when the blanket came off.  I noticed someone there when Ava was talking to Avery but I thought it would be Paul or someone who's trying to get at her by following her or whatever.  But to see Nik, just so silly it was laughable.  

Carly and her hypocrisy can take a seat.  You know if the writers wanted us to see Carly as the noble matriarch of the show, instead of being an absolute hypocrite to Alexis, maybe she could have read Alexis' face and realized she was in trouble and reached out to her, as a DECENT human being.  

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On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 9:10 PM, linsav said:
On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 8:28 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, I'm confused about Griffin's timeline of secrets too.  Because also, Lucas and Griffin attended medical school at the same time, but while we know Lucas didn't practice medicine right away, Griffin did and is already at a Patrick-esque level in his career.  But he's the same age as Maxie/Nathan/Lucas?

So is it priesthood -> affair -> medical school -> doctoring -> Port Charles?

Harvard Medical School and Harvard Divinity allows you to take both simultaneously. The pre-med advisor at Notre Dame is both a priest and an MD, as is the dean at Loyola Med School. There seems to be a number of Jesuit priests who are also MDs. 


Griffin obviously followed the same timeline as that Australian psychiatrist, Ewan/Evan. The one who kidnapped Elizabeth.

You know the one. The 32-or-so-year-old psychiatrist who, 10 years prior, was already a practicing doctor who treated the Pappa Jax.

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10 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Did I Can't Believe It's Not Nik air today or was it still Original Prince of Douchy Tides? 

It's still Original Flavor Prince of Douchey Tides.

Edited by TeeVee329
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According to google, seminar school is 8 years.  Med school is 4 years of premed, 4 years of med, and 3-7 years of residency.  So unless Griffin is Doogie Howser levels of intelligence, he's actually 76 years old.  And using really good Oil of Olay.  

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On 6/11/2016 at 6:06 PM, ulkis said:

Guza didn't bring them on.

Okay, but I still say the writers were fucking lazy in not providing a name for the mother of Jeff's daughters.

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7 minutes ago, Perkie said:

According to google, seminar school is 8 years.  Med school is 4 years of premed, 4 years of med, and 3-7 years of residency.  So unless Griffin is Doogie Howser levels of intelligence, he's actually 76 years old.  And using really good Oil of Olay.  

Yet more evidence for the Duke and he are vampires theory. Can cats be vampires?

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2 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

You know what they could do? They could try writing Kristen's condition into a storyline for Maxie. It would bring some awareness to endometriosis and explain away any skin problems she has.

People I have had endometriosis and to my knowledge had no skin condition from it. She could have hives from stress though. At its worst, endometriosis requires a hysterectomy, but it is not a requirement. The doc can "shell" out the errant blood cells that are clinging to the internal organs and causing pain. (Example: cells can build up to clots that attach to intestines and bleed, causing pain.) It is a miserable condition, all right. Sorry if this is all TMI, but I just wanted to clear up some misconceptions.

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30 minutes ago, Perkie said:

According to google, seminar school is 8 years.  Med school is 4 years of premed, 4 years of med, and 3-7 years of residency.  So unless Griffin is Doogie Howser levels of intelligence, he's actually 76 years old.  And using really good Oil of Olay.  

You haven't heard of the med school/seminar school combo program? It's super hard to get into since there are so many people who want to become a priest and a doctor. GH is too cheap to even have any medical consultants so is anyone surprised by any of this nonsense?

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Did Bobbie call Carly. "Caroline Lee Corinthos"? Maybe it was a screw up on JZ's part and she meant to say Carly.

I was gonna be mad at Spin but I think he was just posturing with Nathan given the look on his face when he left the apartment. Still, I'll give small "shut up, Spin!"

Ava had clown make-up on.

Are they not gonna follow up with the Jasam stuff tomorrow? The one time I slightly care.

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45 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It's still Original Flavor Prince of Douchey Tides.

Poor Ava.  I hope the plane had many drinks for her.

32 minutes ago, Francie said:

Yet more evidence for the Duke and he are vampires theory. Can cats be vampires?

I used to read these books as a kid about a vampire bunny, Bunnicula (you shut your faces!  Bunnicula was awesome and written way better than this show.  I think he drained vegetables.). So by that logic, yes.  Cats can be vampires.  Shrug.  The Twilight movies made an inanimate object called Kristen Stewart one, so why not?  But I still think RP should be the one wearing the old Michael Easton wig of shame.  

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1 hour ago, Perkie said:

Carly and her hypocrisy can take a seat.  You know if the writers wanted us to see Carly as the noble matriarch of the show, instead of being an absolute hypocrite to Alexis, maybe she could have read Alexis' face and realized she was in trouble and reached out to her, as a DECENT human being.

Ordinary folk would do that, sure, but our Carly is not ordinary.  She's only a decent human being to those she claims as her own.  Alexis?  Definitely not on that list.

Lucas is, though, so she could've looked a little less gleeful when the cops interrupted her brother's wedding.  So strike everything I just said.  Carly takes care of Carly first.  Her loved ones?  When it works for her.

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Did Bobbie call Carly. "Caroline Lee Corinthos"? Maybe it was a screw up on JZ's part and she meant to say Carly.

I was gonna be mad at Spin but I think he was just posturing with Nathan given the look on his face when he left the apartment. Still, I'll give small "shut up, Spin!"

Ava had clown make-up on.

Are they not gonna follow up with the Jasam stuff tomorrow? The one time I slightly care.

Carly's real first name is Caroline, so if she did, maybe she was pulling the "I'm calling you by your First name -- middle name -- last name to show you just how much trouble you are in" tactic.

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You haven't heard of the med school/seminar school combo program

Do you get them in a happy meal?!!


Did Bobbie call Carly. "Caroline Lee Corinthos"? Maybe it was a screw up on JZ's part and she meant to say Carly.

Carly's name is Caroline (Caroline Benson when she came to town)


Still, I'll give small "shut up, Spin!"

I give LOUD 'shut up Spin' all the time.  Guh, I hate that guy.  Sorry but you worked and worshiped the mob for years and helped fascilitate the murder of an undercover cop, you have no right to judge anyone on any of their crap.  Nathan has an ex wife.  yes, he should have told Maxie the minute he started to seriously date her, much less when she found the glove or heard him say Claudette's name, but computer key hitter has no place to say boo.  Sorry, didn't mean to rant but between him and Carly today, just too much.  

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I can't say I'm surprised they didn't, but I'm still pissed the show didn't slow down for even one second today to allow Lucas and Bobbie to acknowledge Tony.  That's just soap math.

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Remember when the entire cast would be present for a soap wedding? Even without the police executing a search warrant, it was still the saddest, jankiest wedding ever. Four guests, all related to Lucas, but the rest of his family is missing, as is Brad's entire family. No friends. A couple of roses that Julian probably picked from the neighbor's yard, and when the officiant declared them married, Bobbie threw some garbage on them. Also, the malicious hair stylist has gotten to Lucas, I see. He had a nascent Mike Brady perm thing going on there. The vows were nice though.

Nik looks terrible even for a dead person. I did laugh at the previews though with Ava cheerfully snapping a selfie of the two of them. She doesn't even know him; she's just happy to have someone to torture.

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1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

I used to read these books as a kid about a vampire bunny, Bunnicula (you shut your faces!  Bunnicula was awesome and written way better than this show.  I think he drained vegetables.). So by that logic, yes.  Cats can be vampires.  Shrug.  The Twilight movies made an inanimate object called Kristen Stewart one, so why not?  But I still think RP should be the one wearing the old Michael Easton wig of shame.  

I remember Bunnicula!! *high five* It was pretty spooky when I was five years old. And much better written than this show, undoubtedly.

Lucas is out of his coma! That means I might actually have to pay the slightest bit of attention to this show if he and Brad will be on. Unless they just get shunted off into Back Burner Land.

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8 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Also, the malicious hair stylist has gotten to Lucas, I see. He had a nascent Mike Brady perm thing going on there.

His hair might actually be worse then Patrick's monstrosity. What did RyCa (and us) do to deserve that?!

I think the thing that sorta kinda saved the wedding was Bobbie. She had the appropriate reactions and really sold it. Not to mention her telling Carly to butt out of someone else's business which was perfect and hilarious. And the vows were really nice actually.

Speaking of Carly, that dress is nagl for her. She's like pushing 50 right so I have no idea why they thought buying her a dress at Rue 21 was a good idea.

I'm actually looking forward to the Nik/Ava. Should be fun. And I thought Nik looked kinda hot. I'm so ashamed!

3 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

Lucas is out of his coma! That means I might actually have to pay the slightest bit of attention to this show if he and Brad will be on. Unless they just get shunted off into Back Burner Land.

Oh they're definitely going back to Back Burner Land now. I'll be shocked if we see either of them again for like 6 months.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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51 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

Yeah, not buying the endometriosis excuse again. Actually, I didn't buy it the first time. KS looks ghastly and I believe the rumors of her going back for another round of rehab. 

I'm not a fan of the show but I don't think it's fair to blame TPTB for not doing a better job of covering up KS's deteriorating face/hair/body nor educating viewers on her alleged medical condition in the right way. IMO It's another celebrity using a medical condition to cover up their other issues. It's running rampant in the industry right now, with Lyme's being the biggest offender.

I wish KS all the best, and hope she gets better because it was painful watching her on-screen today. Aside from her physical condition, she was behaving as if she was in a fog. I choose to believe that it's not a medical condition. Others may feel differently. All I know is I cannot keep watching Maxie on screen because it's uncomfortable to watch KS in this condition.

Yeah she got exposed for lying about having endo the first time. Everyone has different medical histories however as a celebrity example Tia Mowry has struggled with endo and she didn't have to take off months to recover nor did she develop a skin condition. I don't need tptb to give Maxie a condition that women power through every day no complaints and no outrageous recovery time and symptoms.

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After listening to Maxie ramble on for what seems like hours, I don't blame Griffin for keeping his priesthood secret.

Maxie, STFU! Girlfriend needs manners badly. I hardly know where to start with her rude, entitled attitude. After forcing Monroe to give up some of his valuable time in his medical role, she even asked him  "What was the mistake you made?" when he tried to calm her. Maxie's needs and demands apparently always come first. She's not a Catholic, she tartly informed him, but she expected to commandeer his attention and time immediately for her "confession" about Nathan, as if it was a matter of life and death. Several times she was on the point of shrill yelling, and rudely demanded to know why Monroe was "protecting" Nathan. Maxie has become a charmless harridan, and if she crossed my path I'd be tempted to bitchslap her into silence.

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She never said it was endemetriosis this time though. All she said was she has zits. She is acting kind of wonky and while maybe she is on drugs or whatever, I don't think it's a sure thing at all. I'm not arguing, I don't really care, to be honest, beyond the fact that I hope she is alright.

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And I thought Nik looked kinda hot. I'm so ashamed!

Me too.  I don't like facial hair on men and TC doesn't do it for me and yet when the blanket was pulled off, I was all, hey what's going on here.  Then I felt dirty and needed to eat some chocolate to cleanse myself!

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

She never said it was endemetriosis this time though. All she said was she has zits. She is acting kind of wonky and while maybe she is on drugs or whatever, I don't think it's a sure thing at all. I'm not arguing, I don't really care, to be honest, beyond the fact that I hope she is alright.

Actually,  it's not just zits.  Endometrial skin rashes are very serious, and most likely she's getting screened for other things.  They're one of the first signs of endometrial cancer.  Endometriosis can also open the patient up for other autoimmune disorders, like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis,  etc.  She could also have a progesterone induced rash.   This is something she needs medical treatment for and should be resting.   KSt has also never lied about having endometriosis.   There have been rumors of her being in rehab (thanks Farah Fath!) But that's untrue.   

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6 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Actually,  it's not just zits.  Endometrial skin rashes are very serious, and most likely she's getting screened for other things.  They're one of the first signs of endometrial cancer.  Endometriosis can also open the patient up for other autoimmune disorders, like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis,  etc.  She could also have a progesterone induced rash.   This is something she needs medical treatment for and should be resting.   KSt has also never lied about having endometriosis.   There have been rumors of her being in rehab (thanks Farah Fath!) But that's untrue.   

Her sister in law who she used to be very close to confirmed she was lying.

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4 hours ago, ulkis said:


Are they not gonna follow up with the Jasam stuff tomorrow? The one time I slightly care.

They should be on, part of the previews showed Jason answering the door.

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8 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

From your vantage point as a former makeup artist, do you have any theories as to what KS's skin condition could be?  Were you ever confronted with that problem by a client?  Whatever it is, they're trying to camouflage it with super white makeup, and while it's accomplishing the task since we can't see the problem, it's however making her look ghostly anemic.  The hair people are also loading her down with tons of (I assume fake) hair which all but obliterates what little we can see of her skin.  She looks so distressed, also; I feel badly for her, as her job requires her to be on TV and be seen by ???millions?? of people.  If it's that bad, then I think she really should take some time off, as much as I will miss her portrayal of Maxie at this critical time in her story.

She is taking time off, and being temporarily replaced. I'm guessing it's acne related, and with acne, comes discoloration. So when you have discoloration, you have to essentially try to subtly tint someone's skin to neutralize the color. If she's got a lot of purple going on, they're probably using yellow or green color correctors, then using concealer, then using foundation. And, I'm guessing, as a result it's really lightening her skin tone cause her skin is essentially so loaded down with product that no natural color can show through. The more we have to cover, the harder our job gets, cause it's just very hard to make it look natural when we're essentially trying to create skin on someone. 

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2 hours ago, OnceSane said:




Her sister in law who she used to be very close to confirmed she was lying.


Then her sister in law is a bitch. Sorry, but whatever story she wanted to use is her business seeing how she is a soap actress and not the President of the United States. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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