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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Can someone explain why Maurice Bernard is so revered and considered this great actor on GH?! The park scenes between him & Maura West were beyond painful. He could barely say his lines when trying to keep up with West and he was also flubbing them, too. The camera guys were probably trying to get it taped before sundown and just kept on rolling and used what they could. 

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If Jason and his various pairings can gain popularity and support, why not Franco ? Yes, Franco is vile, but so are Jason and Sonny. So are so many of these people, that it is now impossible to tell the difference as to who we should be rooting for. That's part of the problem, and not just with the men. Liz and Hayden and their bickering is so annoying because it's a case of pot, kettle, black. That does not make for a good story.  I will say, the only viable pairing for someone like Franco, is someone like Hayden, who can relate to being an outsider and wasn't one of his victims. Or prison. Prison would be a good pairing. But then, if we put him behind bars, and not Jason, not Sonny, not Ava or Paul or anyone else, that just perpetuates the "good mobster" crap and that is not acceptable, either. There is no simple answer, because Sonny and Jason as the heroes of this show should have ended with both their deaths or incarceration years ago. Now, it is too late.

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9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Can someone explain why Maurice Bernard is so revered and considered this great actor on GH?! The park scenes between him & Maura West were beyond painful. He could barely say his lines when trying to keep up with West and he was also flubbing them, too. The camera guys were probably trying to get it taped before sundown and just kept on rolling and used what they could. 

Because he has a huge social media following and knows how to pander to the fans.  He knows he's tired, but also knows how to squash negative anything posted against him or about him.  He has an almost cult like following that drowns out and trolls anyone who dares speak up.  He's coasting on his 90s romances with Brenda and Carly.  He also does a lot of fan events.  That's how.  

26 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Well, no. Franco was a sick, sadistic fuck. That was the entire point of the character. He was the sociopathic, serial killing super fan of a mob hitman. I wouldn't want to be trapped in a room with him or Todd. 

But...say you are alone in a cave with Sonny.   And he's feeling amorous.   How safe do you feel then?  

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A lot of what you say is true chairperson meow, but Maurice does not do a lot of fan events. He's afraid of flying and doesn't go on planes very often. 

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19 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

But...say you are alone in a cave with Sonny.   And he's feeling amorous.   How safe do you feel then?  


Well, thank you for that nightmare fuel - but Sonny's not a rapist and purple porn lights aren't a turn on,  so I think I'm good

Edited by Oracle42
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1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Ahhhh.  Yes.   I believe he must do local ones then.   My apologies.   I was told he did.

I never said there were no icicles or rocks.  

Well, you should be ok with Sonny. Unless you are a troubled teenage girl. Then he will try to get you on drugs, stripping and be his sex object. And put a hit out on you and your boyfriend when you try to leave him. Why yes, I do remember KAREN WEXLER

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Can someone explain why Maurice Bernard is so revered and considered this great actor on GH?! The park scenes between him & Maura West were beyond painful. He could barely say his lines when trying to keep up with West and he was also flubbing them, too. The camera guys were probably trying to get it taped before sundown and just kept on rolling and used what they could. 

He was awful.  It was like he just decided to look at the script 10 minutes before they yelled 'action.'  And again with the friggin' "I'm letting you live" misogyny.  When Sonny believes he has the upper hand, he's insufferable.  Then, again, when he sees himself as the victim/underdog he's insufferable, too. 

Re: the Diane/Alexis scenes.  I like Diane, but her moral high ground is built on quicksand.  She dates Sonny's right hand asshole and a hitman whose got a body count higher than he can count is her favorite client.  Sit down, Diane.

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I don't watch GH unless I read that someone I like will be on, but I did look at it online today and ff'd for one minute.  Long enough to see outdoor scenes.  What are they doing outside? Did someone tell them to go play in traffic.  Damn it looks cheesy.  Don't they know what a General Hospital park should look like?


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14 minutes ago, TessHarding2 said:

I don't watch GH unless I read that someone I like will be on, but I did look at it online today and ff'd for one minute.  Long enough to see outdoor scenes.  What are they doing outside? Did someone tell them to go play in traffic.  Damn it looks cheesy.  Don't they know what a General Hospital park should look like?


Talk about the 80's and a huge budget. I think this where Scotty & Laura got married. The new outside scenes seem so random for GH. I know B&B has been doing on location stuff for years but it looks odd for GH. Especially, since all of the characters are doing it in the same place. Is this park right across from their studio? It's a good attempt and change of pace i suppose but it's not working for me. 

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There are much nicer parks in the area, and at least one has to not have an ugly ass chain fence and even uglier apartment homes behind them. It looks like they are taping off of one of the parks near the freeway- it's embarrassing.

I can't believe that Dillon and Kiki have brought me back off the barge. It's probably because my DVR is empty from no summer shows but still...at least I enjoyed a Morgan scene for once. It's nice seeing him not around his ridiculous family and being self aware for a change about his condition.

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6 minutes ago, yowsah1 said:

I didn't mind the "park" scenes, I just wish they had been shot in such a way that it wasn't completely obvious they were the back yard of the studio.

Every time they show them in the park I keep thinking, "Are they filming where Full House shot their opening credits?". That wouldn't be a problem except Port Charles is set in Upstate New York and not in California where they have palm trees. LOL!!!

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4 hours ago, Lillybee said:

I can not really enjoy a  show in which two mod bosses threaten women in their lives. It is getting old.

Really. And we have 2 women writers! It is complete bullshit. My issue with Liez and Freaco is the fact that she is a rape survivor - this is not Luke and Laura all over again. And in this day and age, that kind of story is just irresponsible when we have a college athlete get 6 months jail time for raping an unconscious woman. Soaps used to be at the forefront of social issues, and now they're just perpetuating them. It's really gross to me, and SOMEBODY needs to grow a fucking set of brass ones and put a stop to it. Letting these men who are walking scum threaten women and having the women be all meek and scared about it is NOT what most women wanna watch. Jeebus, Jelly, show a fucking backbone already and tell Uncle Frank that shit ain't cute. 

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40 minutes ago, Badsamaritan said:

My issue with Liez and Freaco is the fact that she is a rape survivor - this is not Luke and Laura all over again. And in this day and age, that kind of story is just irresponsible when we have a college athlete get 6 months jail time for raping an unconscious woman. Soaps used to be at the forefront of social issues, and now they're just perpetuating them. It's really gross to me.

But, that's the problem of the format, in that you'll always remember a character's past, that is a part of their story. So, yes it's ... ew, that Franco will be paired up with a rape survivor, but it has ALWAYS been ew, that rape is such a plot device on soaps.

I remember Liz's rape and there was no real reason as to why they had to have that young girl raped on the show. That was totally the disgusting trope of taming a "wild child" through rape. Marty Saybrooke actually told a story that made OLTL at the forefront of a social issue with campus rape, but Liz being raped, Emily being raped, they were horrific examples of rape fetishism that has been a long standing problem on soaps.

If soaps really wrote a rape storyline, they'd have to include the recovery and the daily living of the survivor with as much detail as they do the actual crime and outside of Marty, they don't. Even years later, Marty had instances in which her present decisions were affected and acknowledged to be affected by her rape. I can't remember the exact details, but I do remember scenes with Suede that discussed that.

As a rape survivor, Liz should've never been with Jason, on any level. She would be second guessing her devotion to Nikolas, because he's a man that is capable of trying to kill a woman in cold blood and then taking her into his home to watch over whether she'll remember or not. How could Liz not question what else a hit man in Jason and a ruthless man in Nikolas could be capable of? She would've never been with Ric after finding Carly!

So, Liz is almost always going to be in a relationship that should give pause, because practically every man on the show are not just petty criminals, but criminals that would make women who've never been raped nervous. That's what GH has pretty much left the audience and characters like Liz with.

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I do wish there was a GIF of Sonny silently going "WAT?" (before commercial) when Morgan told him breaking up with Kiki was his idea and good for his mental health. It was golden.

I was hoping against hope that Julian was going to say, "This isn't the shirt -- I destroyed that already!", like Carly saying "You're too late, Ava! I already uploaded that stolen video into the ironclad Cloud, where no one but me and Sonny can get at it!"

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Yesterday was the best episode of the week(at least I didn't fall asleep or leave the room). Who'd have thought a filler Wednesday could be so interesting.<sarcasm>

Since my #1 boyfriend is in a suck story I can't watch...sniff sniff Hello Andre..MEOW! He is fine and his wonderful therapy skills hypnotize me. Now if we can just get him away from shrew Jordan or give her her BAMF personality back I'd be all good.

Who knew if you just admit you are guilty and say sorry all is forgiven....I thought Sonny only got that kind of treatment. All hail princess Sobie! Poor Michael standing around with his duh face is a waste.

I can't take another moment of heaving Alexis and Julian of the horrible haircut. FF...next!

Wow Dillion woke up today. I could take much more of THIS Dillion. Him standing up to his mother was excellent. Ned needs to take lessons. I liked that she listen to him and they had a great mother son moment at the end...aww that was cute.

Kiki with Ava wasn't bad and I did like her dress but I thought her hair was awful. I wonder what bad thing Ava is going to do next b/c she will disappoint Kiki before next week I'm sure. Kiki will probably find out SHE broke up her and Morgan....according to king Sonny.

oh I thought Sonny was rockin' those sunglasses....sorry not sorry.

Edited by Cattitude
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I put on the show last night and let it run. I looked up from my computer exactly twice -- once at the ridiculous Kate Moss line and once at Jane Elliot's line delivery about not having many friends. Even without any good material or rehearsal and working off a ridiculous premise, Elliot still delivers. She deserves a purple heart or a medal of honor. Something like that.

Meanwhile, I'm still suffering eye-rolling strain at the idea of Kate Moss hanging in Buffalo New York. C'mon show. Is it that hard to say Nina's looking over proofs or just out for a business meeting. Such a freakin' hard sell. And if you're going to say Nina and Kate Moss are hanging, at least say they're out having a cigarette and a diet coke. Fine, I'll concede that that is a model's lunch, after all.

Speaking of eyes, when Anna mentioned justice for Duke, yet again, mine glazed over like a 1974 dinner guest of my neighbor, who has just returned home from a 3-month cross-country bottle-cap-collecting road trip and has 3 slide projector wheels of slides to show for it. I can't, show. UNCLE!!!

Edited by Francie
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What was the point of having Ghost Duke appear if Anna still refuses to give up her Justice For Duke crusade.

Julian and Alexis and their drama are boring and repetitive and stupid. 

FF Sonny and Ava.

FF Kiki and Ava.

To say something positive - I thought Morgan's scenes with Andre were nice and his fear of being released was realistic. I also thought the Sabrina and Tracy scenes were good and JE made Tracy's desperation to keep that baby a little easier to understand, though I'm glad that crap is finally over. 

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3 hours ago, Kendall said:

But, that's the problem of the format, in that you'll always remember a character's past, that is a part of their story. So, yes it's ... ew, that Franco will be paired up with a rape survivor, but it has ALWAYS been ew, that rape is such a plot device on soaps.

I remember Liz's rape and there was no real reason as to why they had to have that young girl raped on the show. That was totally the disgusting trope of taming a "wild child" through rape. Marty Saybrooke actually told a story that made OLTL at the forefront of a social issue with campus rape, but Liz being raped, Emily being raped, they were horrific examples of rape fetishism that has been a long standing problem on soaps.

If soaps really wrote a rape storyline, they'd have to include the recovery and the daily living of the survivor with as much detail as they do the actual crime and outside of Marty, they don't. Even years later, Marty had instances in which her present decisions were affected and acknowledged to be affected by her rape. I can't remember the exact details, but I do remember scenes with Suede that discussed that.

As a rape survivor, Liz should've never been with Jason, on any level. She would be second guessing her devotion to Nikolas, because he's a man that is capable of trying to kill a woman in cold blood and then taking her into his home to watch over whether she'll remember or not. How could Liz not question what else a hit man in Jason and a ruthless man in Nikolas could be capable of? She would've never been with Ric after finding Carly!

So, Liz is almost always going to be in a relationship that should give pause, because practically every man on the show are not just petty criminals, but criminals that would make women who've never been raped nervous. That's what GH has pretty much left the audience and characters like Liz with.

They sort of dealt with the aftermath/fallout for Liz's rape.  However, it took a big sucking back seat to stupid Lucky finding about his parents sordid past together.  He then got to pontificate all over the place to his folks about it.  Liz was stuck having to hold his hand most of the time, patting it to console "him" over what his parents did.  It cemented my forever loathing of Lucky the character and JJ's smug self-righteous acting.  That entire story line was due to Michele Val Jean's care/concern for Liz as a character.  But she was hamstrung having to tie it into the butt head family Liz was "attached" to (the forever putrid Spencer clan.)  

No HW since then has seen the value of the character for herself and her history.  She was and will likely be always used to prop up other men, be the third wheel coming between the preferred couple, etc.  

It is what it is, unfortunately.  

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Why the hell would any fashion magazine feature Kate Moss? Kate Upton, maybe.  But most likely Gigi or Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner or even Kylie Jenner would have been better name drops.  Hell, Kim Kardashian would've made more sense.  But no fashion mag has featured Kate Moss in years.  These writers  are really out of touch.  I suppose Nina and Kate Moss talked about her years of doing coke and drinking and the Johnny Depp rumors-  if Nina knows who he is.  Eye roll.  

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5 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Why the hell would any fashion magazine feature Kate Moss? Kate Upton, maybe.  But most likely Gigi or Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner or even Kylie Jenner would have been better name drops.  Hell, Kim Kardashian would've made more sense.  But no fashion mag has featured Kate Moss in years.  These writers  are really out of touch.  I suppose Nina and Kate Moss talked about her years of doing coke and drinking and the Johnny Depp rumors-  if Nina knows who he is.  Eye roll.  

Kate Moss and her daughter are on the cover of Vogue right now.   http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/06/08/kate-moss-shares-the-cover-of-vogue-italia-with-her-13-year-old-daughter.html

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Julian never actually said how he found his shirt, right?

He was probably dusting, and found it then.  Dusting, tidying up, looking for daggers...

Is he going to shove Alexis and she hits her head and gets amnesia? 

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When Claud shows up I want someone to ask her why she was so desperate to stay in the country and not go back to Canada. At least there she would have good health insurance and be less likely to get shot. 

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For the love of God and all that is holy, replace Maxie asap! She looks like hell and feels terrible. When is the new actress coming?

I think NLG is doing a great job showing the emotions Alexis is feeling in her storyline. 

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Emma knows how it feels how to miss someone that she loves? Is that the closest the show is going to get now to acknowledging what happened to Robin? In which case, why is Emma allowed to spend time with the Cassidines, when the Cassadines are responsible for Robin's kidnappings/torture/entrapment and why Scrubs + Emma had to literally move across the country to be safe and happy and normal?

For that matter, why do Patrick/Robin/Anna want Emma to be around Liz?

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The show finally remembered Lucas and Griffin are supposed to be friends from back in the day and the scene they had today was actually kinda nice. 

But everything else Lucas-related was quite eye-roll-y.  He's totally fine to be released from the hospital a day after he almost died?  Nobody, not even Brad, is there to take him home?  He and Brad are getting married, by invitation that occurred off-screen, at Julian and Alexis' fucking house of all places, likely just as an excuse to get Julian/Alexis/Carly/Sonny all in the same room?


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7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Emma knows how it feels how to miss someone that she loves? Is that the closest the show is going to get now to acknowledging what happened to Robin? In which case, why is Emma allowed to spend time with the Cassidines, when the Cassadines are responsible for Robin's kidnappings/torture/entrapment and why Scrubs + Emma had to literally move across the country to be safe and happy and normal?

For that matter, why do Patrick/Robin/Anna want Emma to be around Liz?

"When I thought my mommy was gone forever, I was sad all the time." IT TOOK YEARS FOR ME TO GET THIS LINE. YEARS. This show, man. Always late in the game. Always.

The answer to the Cassadines/Liz question is this show doesn't care. They don't care about characters or stories. They care about actors. They want Brooklyn in scenes with NB. There's nothing else to add. It's ridic. 

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6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

The answer to the Cassadines/Liz question is this show doesn't care. They don't care about characters or stories. They care about actors. They want Brooklyn in scenes with NB. There's nothing else to add. It's ridic. 

It really is the only answer.  Alexis not being there is bullshit, the show going out of its way to have Emma there is ridiculous, and Liz apparently being charged with Emma made me wonder if Liz bothered to throw some granola bars into whatever box Cameron and Aiden have been locked in.

Edited by TeeVee329
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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It really is the only answer.  Alexis not being there is bullshit, the show going out of its way to have Emma there is ridiculous, and Liz apparently being charged with Emma made me wonder if Liz bothered to throw some granola bars into whatever box Cameron and Aiden have been locked in.

Cameron and Aiden will appear when they find the key to the box, which will be labeled "plot point." 

Edited by HeatLifer
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7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It really is the only answer.  Alexis not being there is bullshit, the show going out of its way to have Emma there is ridiculous, and Liz apparently being charged with Emma made me wonder if Liz bothered to throw some granola bars into whatever box Cameron and Aiden have been locked in.

Cameron and Aiden? Where is Jake when Liz is off at Wyndamiere and Jason is at the safe house with Sam? It's been made clear that arrangements were made for Danny to stay at Grandma Monica's. Jake doesn't seem to have a relationship with the Q's so he's probably not there. Does poor Gram have all three of them?

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3 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Cameron and Aiden? Where is Jake when Liz is off at Wyndamiere and Jason is at the safe house with Sam? It's been made clear that arrangements were made for Danny to stay at Grandma Monica's. Jake doesn't seem to have a relationship with the Q's so he's probably not there. Does poor Gram have all three of them?

Oh I'm sure Franco has taken Jake for ice cream while Cameron and Aiden are fighting over the one granola bar with chocolate chips in it. #eyeroll

But in seriousness, I do think the show has shown that Monica has a relationship with Jake.

Edited by TeeVee329
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28 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Why does Sam always have to be so polite to Liez.

I'll plant the UO pole: I'm glad we don't see Sam always sniping at Elizabeth. Why should Sam, at this point? She has Jason, his memories are back, he wants a life with her. It's about time someone started acting like an adult. Sam and Elizabeth will never be BFFs, but that doesn't they should be constantly throwing history in each other's faces. That's just bad soap and boring.

(I will admit that Sam never got to give Elizabeth the grief she deserves about keeping Jakeson's identity a secret. But Nik hasn't gotten it from anyone, either. Not that two wrongs make a right, but if Nik can skate, Liz should, too. After all, he's the one who knew in the first place. And I hate that it's the women who usually pay more than the men for their mistakes.) 

Edited by dubbel zout
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I do think it's sad that Jason and Sam can come up with a whole theory and presumably solve the whole case in two days with a pad of paper and post it notes and the PCPD can't or doesn't seem to want to do anything else but blame Jason because he was there.

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I will admit that Sam never got to give Elizabeth the grief she deserves about keeping Jakeson's identity a secret

This is why I hate seeing Sam so cordial to her. If she had the chance to properly call her out then I would be fine with her making peace and moving on. But she never did she just put up with Liez blaming her over and over. 

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9 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh I'm sure Franco has taken Jake for ice cream while Cameron and Aiden are fighting over the one granola bar with chocolate chips in it. #eyeroll

But in seriousness, I do think the show has shown that Monica has a relationship with Jake.

Spencer might have tried to kill Cam again if he was there, to be fair.

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4 minutes ago, backhometome said:

This is why I hate seeing Sam so cordial to her. If she had the chance to properly call her out then I would be fine with her making peace and moving on. But she never did she just put up with Liez blaming her over and over. 

I guess that's just par for the course with Sam these days, sadly. She doesn't get to chew out or literally punch out Franco for taunting her about Danny or inviting her out for coffee or calling her a barn animal (or talking to her at all, honestly), she got a grand total of five minutes to yell at Nik even though Nik blames her every chance he gets for ELQ, Liz blamed her constantly for stealing Jason away and manipulated her son to do the same...

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15 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I do think it's sad that Jason and Sam can come up with a whole theory and presumably solve the whole case in two days with a pad of paper and post it notes and the PCPD can't or doesn't seem to want to do anything else but blame Jason because he was there.

PCPD Officer: We've got a lead on the Nikolas Cassadine case!

Jordan: ...do you not see me enjoying this biscotti and "The Girl on the Train"?

Edited by TeeVee329
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Why wasnt Alexis at the prayer service? Her and Dikolas are related

She has nothing to wear?  All the bloody shirts have been burned up.

 Also, she has to vacuum since she's hosting a wedding in seven minutes that will be completely offscreen until the prerequisite scene that will be something like this:

Carly:  What a lovely wedding Lucas and Brad had offscreen,   Alexis let me take my tongue out of the good mobster's throat to tell you that you're a hypocrite for being married to the bad mobster

Sonny:  Julian,  I'm finished threatening your sister for the day, so now I'm going to whisper tell you that I'm going to kill you.  Also Alexis, let me whisper tell you that you mean nothing to me.  Mozel Tov to the happy couple who are already on their honeymoon, offscreen.  

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Emma knows how it feels how to miss someone that she loves? Is that the closest the show is going to get now to acknowledging what happened to Robin? In which case, why is Emma allowed to spend time with the Cassidines, when the Cassadines are responsible for Robin's kidnappings/torture/entrapment and why Scrubs + Emma had to literally move across the country to be safe and happy and normal?

For that matter, why do Patrick/Robin/Anna want Emma to be around Liz?

Why would Robin/Anna have been okay with Emma being around Sam?  Cause she's Cassadine "fahmily".  

Just saying.  

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