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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Well I think Curtis is heading to Rebecca Budig, right?

I'm not convinced of that!  I still think there is more to be played in this love/hate relationship between Nik and Hayden.  I'm not saying that's what I want - just that I think there is still something going on there. 

As for Curtis, right now, I like him and Hayden better as friends - when she's not treating him like Carly has treated Jason in the past - as the janitor of her life to clean up her messes. 

But all that can change.  I'm not nearly as interested in Hayden as FV appears to be - so whatever ....

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, Kendall said:

I remember when other actors started joining Maurice's little fight club and shortly thereafter, their storylines picked up.

Yeah, but that was in the first term of the Bush administration. We need a new scapegoat after over a decade of various HWs finding time to marginalize Maurice while still making bad decisions. It's not that the man does not have an ego, he absolutely does. It's that it has not powered this show for a long, long, long time. Showrunners are choosing more Sonny and more mob on their own, not because middle-aged, tired Benard is running the show.

And no, FV would not give a shit about cutting Michelle Stafford. He just doesn't want to because he refuses to admit he's wrong. Same thing with William deVry, if he cuts him that's his choice because neither he nor Ron had much use for Julian. It may benefit Sonny's standing, but it is not done at the behest of Benard.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

But Self-righteous Michael Easton Character is the worst variety of Michael Easton Character, and Finn can also get an axe from Donna Mills if he continues that.

Meh, Liz has been self righteous for decades and she's still around. I agree with those who say Hayden doesn't think about or bother with Liz unless Liz is in her face. Liz OTOH, just has a thing about dissing other women in the presence of men. As if she's any better than Hayden. She isn't. And it isn't even that I care all that much about Hayden, but she's not as annoying as Lizzy.

Please, please don't do a Finn/Liz thing. I like Finn, and that would just be MEAN. I think I'd pretty much have to FFwd him after that. No, I wouldn't give them a chance. I already know they'd bore me to death.

Pretty much throughout the whole show, I was just kinda like "who cares?"  Just one big shrug.

  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:


You don't think it's bc of how he personally feels about MS? I've always been under the impression that if Frank likes you, that's pretty much all you need in terms of job security. He doesn't care about characters or stories or viewers, tbh.

I think, up to a point. Otherwise Michael Easton would not have been fired in the first place. And Kristen would not have been lowballed.

I think he's staying with MSt because she was supposed to be a big deal and it was supposed to be impressive he managed to woo her over. If Will de Vry irks FV, as rumors say, I can't imagine he particularly like MSt any better. Her personality screams "look at me!" even more than his does. 

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I almost fell asleep during the show today.  The only part I liked was Lucas asking Sam to be his best person, and even that has me all confused.  Maybe he has another job for Carly?   We know she is there, so....way to play favorites there Lucas.  I mean you aren't wrong, Sam is the better choice, but still.

I liked Julian.  But now?  He can fuck off and die.  I hope Sam eviscerates him when she finds out what he is doing to her mother.

  • Love 5

I really hate that they killed Carlos. His death got me to thinking: Wouldn't it have been nice just to see a more down to earth type of transitioning for him? Almost everyone on this show is just bad in some way. It would've been nice to see Carlos, along with Sabrina's help and guidance, take the high road and say, "NO MORE" to his skeevy gangster ways. I would've loved Carlos living with Sabrina and her baby, and acting as a "big brother"/babysitter type. Have Carlos and Curtis meet and they become BFF. Have it revealed that both men are great cooks and they open a swanky new restaurant together where Curtis dishes up the soul food (and pulling PI duties on the side) while Carlos turns out the hispanic/Mexican cuisine. LOL. I mean, just basic human stuff. The writers waste characters' potential by making them all so shady. Anyhoo, on other fronts, did Lucas just confirm today, unbeknownst to himself of course, that he's a dead man? Either that or he's going to be injured enough to be placed into a deep and long-lasting coma.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, jsbt said:

Yeah, but that was in the first term of the Bush administration. We need a new scapegoat after over a decade of various HWs finding time to marginalize Maurice while still making bad decisions. It's not that the man does not have an ego, he absolutely does. It's that it has not powered this show for a long, long, long time. Showrunners are choosing more Sonny and more mob on their own, not because middle-aged, tired Benard is running the show.


I think you'd be asking a lot of the average human being to not take a glance at what got the previous actor/HW/producer canned and shrug it off. If the word on the set and floating through the industry is "he runs the show and if he's not happy, NOBODY'S happy", then you are going to do what it takes to make him happy.

You may say that you have this vision for the entire show, but when the entire show runs through Sonny, then you're only fooling yourself.

It would take a really strong Head of Daytime and also one that has an interest or history with soaps to not just go with what they glanced at as ratings for the soap. Even if/when they asked about a high or low point, if the bulk of the answer given is tied to Maurice's storyline, amount of airtime or just whether his dimples were revealed through a smile or grimace, that's what the HoD is going give as the overall directive. And, most likely without digging deeper about the overall health of the show, about who else is possibly driving the ratings, about what stories seem to be clicking with the audience.

Look I know that he has a lot of fans and I can understand how they would tire of him being the punching bag, but I just don't understand how anyone that watched GH before he got there, when he got there and was a part of the show to watching the show move steadily to him and solely around him, can be okay with what they are watching now and for the past decade or so.

There's an old saying that if most writers, but in this specific case, GH writers adhered to the show would be in a much better place:

Every dog has his day.

Now, there is a second part to that saying, but Michael should've had Avery and been able to torture Sonny with her as AJ for longer than that month. Ava should be able to walk, talk, chew gum and find a place for her daughter to sleep in her penthouse all at the same time. Julian shouldn't have been crawling around on his own floor while a midget breaks all the glass. He should've at least been able to call the police, had Sonny arrested and the charges stick! Monica should've been able to screech up and down the halls of GH about betrayal, revenge and justice for AJ as she attempted to slowly kill Sonny by doing something to his IVs.

Something! Anything!

The full saying is: every dog has his day, but the bulldog has the whole weekend. They've made Maurice the greatest bulldog of all time and apparently everyone else on the show is a cat or something.

If this is your leading man, if he is this amazing actor, if his comings and goings are what make this show go, then the bulk of his stories should be about how he's lost everything and has to make an honest uphill climb to get it back. Just a storyline where Sonny is forced into some kind of therapy and even if it's just in the doctor's office, has to face his many, many sins would justify his center spot on this show.

You want Carly back for the 30th time? Couples therapy. You want joint custody of Kristina/Michael/Morgan/Avery? Therapy for anger management. You don't want to go to Pentonville, then you get probation and a probation officer that you can't pay off and is real stickler for the rules.

For years, I used to dream of Sonny being forced into therapy with Gail Baldwin as the court appointed doctor. She's the one that he has to convince of growth? She's the one that would have to put aside her anger of what happened to Karen and maybe be truthful in her assessment? Sonny can't smile his way, shoot his way, scream his way out of a bad situation?

Ah, this is too long and it won't do anything anyway, so whatever.

  • Love 10

I kinda think the ME returns promo was a sly "Fuck You" to Mo from Frank.  And if it was, then bravo, Frank.  Bravo.   I remember a BI around the time ME came to GH that an established actor was jealous of a newer actor and there was a lot of spec that it was Mo jealous of ME.  Which is weird because ME really isn't a strong ego type of guy.  But if I had to pick who's the lesser of two evils?   I'll pick ME over Mo anyday of the week.  

  • Love 3

Or the shorter version: Avery should have been Morgan's kid all along.

Just got back from a long weekend trip, and had two shows and a good few pages to get caught up on, but can't agree with this enough. And it's not just because I used to love him and Ava, it genuinely would have made for much better story. But these writers, wtfever.

The only thing I'm looking forward to at the NB is the fashion and hair. My girls Ava and Hayden will get the short ends of the stick by smug assholes, Killon will be soon ruined by Morgan, and Lucas is possibly dying. What's to like? Okay, Curtis performing might do it for me, but that's it.

I'm begging them not to do "You're Not Alone". Sabrina shouldn't even be there, let alone be singing. Let's hope that Emma's number will suffice.

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, Francie said:


I'm curious -- why would that matter? I don't see her in possession of any "blow the lid off of everything" secret.

Frank:  Michelle, we're letting you go.

Michelle: I'm going to take a page out of the Scientology playbook, and I'm going to out you if you go through with this.

Frank:  Yeah, the cat's be let out the bag on that one.



They've created way too many pointless babies lately. We'd be better off without Maxie's baby, Olivia and Jerome's baby, or Sabrina and Carlos's. 

I was more offended by Georgie's conception. Lose Lante's baby and the same night get pregnant? No thanks. The last two were definitely unnecessary but due to GH's refusal to buy large purses and put LLC and TeCa behind desks or flowers they have pointless children now! 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Kendall said:

For years, I used to dream of Sonny being forced into therapy with Gail Baldwin as the court appointed doctor. She's the one that he has to convince of growth? She's the one that would have to put aside her anger of what happened to Karen and maybe be truthful in her assessment?

Oh yeah. Sonny in therapy, rationalizing and denying, twisting the truth but occasionally forced to see it and admit, slowly learning about his acidic influence on others, and facing his demons. I can see that it would inspire parallels with "The Sopranos," but it doesn't have to. Anna's therapy, short-lived as it was, contributed to our understanding of her choices and decisions, but ultimately failed because she controlled it too much and it was telescoped into an impossibly short span. Sonny would need a very strong therapist who would keep him facing the headwinds caused by his choices and mistakes.

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Oh yeah. Sonny in therapy, rationalizing and denying, twisting the truth but occasionally forced to see it and admit, slowly learning about his acidic influence on others, and facing his demons. I can see that it would inspire parallels with "The Sopranos," but it doesn't have to. Anna's therapy, short-lived as it was, contributed to our understanding of her choices and decisions, but ultimately failed because she controlled it too much and it was telescoped into an impossibly short span. Sonny would need a very strong therapist who would keep him facing the headwinds caused by his choices and mistakes.

Anna's therapy was about her going crazy over Carlos. Sonny's therapy would've been totally against his will, but still necessary to get what he ultimately wanted, the ideal situation would've been custody or visitation with his children.

Going up against Gail Baldwin would have been the very strong therapist as she was played as one of the best and with what she would've had on the line, would've upped the ante. She couldn't stand Sonny, loved Karen and would've been forced by the courts. It would've been a storyline that affected her and her ethics, Sonny, Scotty, Lee and anyone that eventually Sonny would've had to reconcile with as a result of the therapy.

That's the kind of umbrella story they could've done with Sonny as the center, but still great for the entire show and cast and when it would've still been viable was before The Sopranos did it.

Edited by Kendall
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Kendall said:

Look I know that he has a lot of fans and I can understand how they would tire of him being the punching bag

You have got the wrong guy on that one. I don't give a shit about MB's fanbase. I'm saying that the concept that this is 2004 and Maurice is still at the level of power where he can strut around worrying over Alcazar's leather jacket and running things is not realistic. Maurice's heyday and height of power is long behind him. This is on the show and the network.

They're not living in fear of Maurice - FV clearly doesn't and has gone to the mat with him before over contract negotiations, even marginalizing Sonny early on. And Guza stopped worrying about Sonny's primacy long before he left. The reason they're still doing the Sonny Show is because they think it suits their audience, and because they're lazy. They don't care enough to really radically alter the canvas and take what is perceived to be the bigger risk to the numbers and their audience.

And yes, I absolutely want to see Sonny taken down, I want to see his story dramatically changed, I want to see him dragged through the mud and humbled for years to come, I want to see the character's story safety destroyed and shattered into pieces. But to me the idea that this cannot be done because MB's ego is running rampant, holding the show hostage - I mean, that was over ten years ago. This isn't being done because of the producers and the network now, not MB anymore. Ranting about Maurice Benard was real satisfying for me in '04, but in 2016 this one tired middle-aged actor who just wants to put the kids through school is not the beginning of the problems with this show. It is institutional and systemic.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 11

I seriously cannot with Alexis being fearful and freaked out by Julius.  I didn't even see her earlier crimes on this show, as a newer viewer, but I did see the beginning of their relationship and she knew what she was signing up for.  It is crazy that she is suddenly horrified and fearful.  Didn't her house get blown up?  And then he built her a new one.  

And, her daughter is with an assassin.  She has another daughter with a mobster/murderer.  Etc.

I really want Julius to find the bloody shirt, burn it, and realize that Alexis is now against him.  Just because she is that stupid.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, bannana said:

I seriously cannot with Alexis being fearful and freaked out by Julius.  I didn't even see her earlier crimes on this show, as a newer viewer, but I did see the beginning of their relationship and she knew what she was signing up for.  It is crazy that she is suddenly horrified and fearful.  Didn't her house get blown up?  And then he built her a new one.  

And, her daughter is with an assassin.  She has another daughter with a mobster/murderer.  Etc.

I really want Julius to find the bloody shirt, burn it, and realize that Alexis is now against him.  Just because she is that stupid.

Damn.    I skip one episode of GH to study for a test (to get into another program at college) and now I'm convinced that either I missed something with TJ or Food Truck Guy is an assassin and suddenly there's my summer story.   

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So...wait. "Alexis calls on a special friend in her hour of need" just turned out to be Diane, her fellow lawyer and gal pal? Is a Diane scene all that special? I don't know why I was expecting something more interesting. 

Sonny and Anna should start a relationship. He could talk incessantly about memories of Deke and she could talk incessantly about justice for Duke. Their version of fighting could be them trying to shout over the top of each other, reduced to monosyllables: "Deke!" "Duke!" "Deke!" "Duke!" 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:

So...wait. "Alexis calls on a special friend in her hour of need" just turned out to be Diane, her fellow lawyer and gal pal? Is a Diane scene all that special? I don't know why I was expecting something more interesting. 

Sonny and Anna should start a relationship. He could talk incessantly about memories of Deke and she could talk incessantly about justice for Duke. Their version of fighting could be them trying to shout over the top of each other, reduced to monosyllables: "Deke!" "Duke!" "Deke!" "Duke!" 

In a closet.  With cats, please.   

  • Love 1

I seriously find Alexis so unwatchable like this I had to ff Diane and I think she is fierce.

Who picked the creepy music? Someone needs to tell them none of this is horror movie level scary. More like I'm afraid of a spider scary.

I have to chime in and say I liked Sonny with Sabrina's cousin. Though I just find it adorable....somehow I don't think that is what they are going for.

I will try to watch today but I feel massive ff is going to happen. Nurses ball ugh!

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Does anyone have clue as to why Paul shot Sonny? Whatever the reason, it didn't seem to go anywhere.

I think they retconned that and we're supposed to accept that it was actually Carlos who shot Sonny. 

I don't care, I'm excited for the Nurses' Ball. I hope it's the entertaining kind of horrible. It usually is for me.

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think they retconned that and we're supposed to accept that it was actually Carlos who shot Sonny. 

I dunno, we still had Paul trying to stop Sonny and Anna from getting to Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos in the first place and then orchestrating his escape, so I think we're still supposed to think Paul is dirty.  Then again, I never understood what Paul's motivations were in the first place.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I dunno, we still had Paul trying to stop Sonny and Anna from getting to Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos in the first place and then orchestrating his escape, so I think we're still supposed to think Paul is dirty.  Then again, I never understood what Paul's motivations were in the first place.

They're probably keeping it vague because then they can just decide later what to do when they need a new plot point or if RiBu decides to get off this shit show.

But didn't Paul want Carlos not captured because Carlos knows he killed Sloane? I don't think it had to do with the Sonny shooting. This whole plot was so convoluted and stupid and obviously they never had any idea what they were actually doing so!

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On ‎5‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 4:04 PM, dubbel zout said:

I don't know. There is groundwork for it, but I suppose it depends on what they want to do with Morgan's relationship with Sonny. I could see Sonny insisting on keeping Avery with him, because of Morgan not being ready to take care of Avery and Morgan getting bent out of shape. This could parallel Michael wanting to be with Sabrina and her baby and Sonny not liking that. It might be too much of Sonny as paterfamilias, though. The show doesn't like to emphasize that aspect of Sonny, even as we're beaten over the head that Sonny Loves His Kids.

As I wrote, the main reason I want Avery to be Morgan's is to see the expression on Sonny's face when it's revealed. Bonus points if Carly knew and kept it from both of them. Betraaaayal! Heh.

Come on, its not betrayal !. Its mother knows best. carly and Sonny are entitled to all the kids, all ages on the show.  By hook or by crook..Sarcasm. I would love to see Sonny's face, Morgan wake up take the kid away from the mob. Sonny loves everyones kids. He tried to kill Avery's mother, killed Michaels father.tried to kill Kristina,

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Syndicate said:

I would've loved Carlos living with Sabrina and her baby, and acting as a "big brother"/babysitter type.

He's the baby's father, so I'd hope he'd act like a parent. That point aside, I'm sorry they killed off Carrrlos (I'll always love you, JVP!), but I think it was the right choice story-wise, for a change. The show gets too enamored of its bad guys and keeps them around way too often for way too long. See: Helena, Dr. O, Heather. (Interesting how these are all women.)

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

I never understood what Paul's motivations were in the first place.

Paul was moving weapons through PC and needed to get Sonny out of the way, I think.

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, HeatLifer said:


You don't think it's bc of how he personally feels about MS? I've always been under the impression that if Frank likes you, that's pretty much all you need in terms of job security. He doesn't care about characters or stories or viewers, tbh.

All eps are like that.  FOJ's was a standing joke. Calhoun on ATWTs wouldn't invite the original can't think of his name used doc actor  instead. Guza had the unholy three..I Always wondered what the Victor actor on Y&R, had on the Bells he never loses no matter how evil he is. Ron had his .Nepetism rules.Frank doesn't go on twitter etc, he just does as he pleases.

Edited by testardo

I'm not sure which Liz-related moment irritated me more, her tripping (a Nurses' Ball tradition that needs to STAWP) into Franco's SERIAL KILLER arms or her "big humiliation" being that she was wearing the same dress as Rebecca Budig.

I'm not the world's biggest Ava fan, but why Nina - the woman who induced her labor and stole her baby - gets to sit in judgment of her, I have no idea.  And no way would Ava keep the Connie recording (which, btw, I thought Paul still had) in the martini shaker, which she probably uses every day!

I could barely hear what was going on in the Lucas/Brad/Bobbie scenes given all the clanking anvils.

So good to see Robin.

Shut up, Carly.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

Someone, anyone, please punch Jason in the face multiple times.  The days of Sam and Jason being insufferable twats came ROARING back, along with his memory.  And of course Carly finds evidence against Ava in 12 seconds flat! A Corinthos hasn't won something in 2 weeks! It's long overdue!

And Nikolas and Robin aren't friends anymore? Nikolas blows past her to confront Jason about something stupid and Robin looks horrified by his behavior?  Wonderful show, torpedo another friendship!

What a huge back of dicks today.

  • Love 6

Okay, Show, I remember Tania Jones, I do, but the way you chose to give her a shout-out in that opening number was... tacky, macabre, awkward, all of the above.

Other than being blonde, a nurse, and a gossip, this new Amy isn't much like old Amy, but, still, I'd like to see her meet Laura.  The beats from that could make a nice D level storyline.  But, of course, these writers don't know from beats.  Laura and Kevin aren't even at the NB, for instance.  Why would we want Lucy, Kevin and Scotty at the NB again, after all?


Best dressed for me:  Nina, Maxie and Kiki.  Honorable Mention:  Jordan.

Whatever is the matter with Bobbie?  What the heck is on that flash drive??  Bracing myself for more camp and circumstances, same time same channel, tomorrow.

  • Love 1

And Nikolas and Robin aren't friends anymore? Nikolas blows past her to confront Jason about something stupid and Robin looks horrified by his behavior?  Wonderful show, torpedo another friendship!

They ruined that friendship the second they had Helena tell Nik that Robin brought Jason back to life and he had no follow up questions and was basically working with her up until her death. And having Robin be a captive on Cassadine Island pretty much guarantees Nik knew about it, IMO. On top of all that, he allowed Patrick to be kept in the dark about Jason and Robin.

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, Vella said:

And Nikolas and Robin aren't friends anymore? Nikolas blows past her to confront Jason about something stupid and Robin looks horrified by his behavior?  Wonderful show, torpedo another friendship!

This, I don't mind. Robin deserves better than the wannabe-murdering douchebag that is Nik. And with Robin already still sadly connected to Sonny and Jason, her douchebag quota is full.

  • Love 15

The show has never said Nikolas knew Robin was on the island. They've never even suggested he knew.  And NOBODY was following up on the Robin factor, not her mother or her husband, so I don't expect Nikolas, her friend, to do the heavy lifting when her own mother didn't give a damn.

This was deliberate. Nikolas and Robin became friends as teens 20 years ago.  He helped rescue her the first time she was being held, so to go from that to THIS is awful.

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