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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I liked the scenes with Roger/Billy. It was actually refreshing and interesting to see someone who doesn't think the sun shines out of Jason's ass tell him the truth about his former life. I'm kinda conflicted because I want to see Franco pay for what he did- but if we're constantly going to be about Franco taking the blame for Michael's rape, well then Sonny/Carly/Jason need to take responsibility too. They put Michael in the position to be used as a pawn against them in these irresponsible mob wars or killer stalkings, whatever. And it's really showing a lot of Jason that he remembers killing Franco in a warehouse, but can't remember much about Sam, Michael, his kids, or his own brother. I actually enjoyed the energy between Roger/Billy/Leslie. But, Jason, if you're gonna go hard on Franco for shit, acknowledge Michael, stop acting like Liz is some child you can punish or reward, oh and ask for the real truth about your brother and how your bestie murdered him. Learn about how you threw your whole damn family away to kill for money, you were cool with your brother getting constantly berated, and how you stole his only child.

And Molly just needs to shut up. Just stfu. I would slap that child.

  • Love 6

Now that Neener has control of Crimson, her "child," she can't focus enough to get the financial reports to Julian, and she keeps lax "executive hours".  Teamwork on Crimson has disintegrated; even Maxie has apparently flown the coop to party with Mac, Felicia, and Lante. If Neener can't bear to own and care for a puppy or keep up with publishing her dream, surely she can't be responsible for a child. 


Where is Sabrina? I hate myself for asking, but if she's not with Carlos or her father, and Tia is taking care of the baby, what is Sabrina up to? Pilates on the beach to regain her figure? Since the Nurses' Ball coming up, explanations about Sabrina's whereabouts will probably be scarce while she remains off screen unless the actress has decided to boost her singing career again.


Speaking of the Ball (Tuesday, May 24th-26th), is it possible that

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
trying to fix spoiler

NuJake looks a lot like one of the young Lucas Joneses.  The one that had a pony at his birthday party.  I can't find a picture of him, but he had the similar bowl haircut.

This Jake is adorable. He looks like a real boy. Poor kid. Jason needed to STFU about the dog stuff. The kid is staying at a castle with horses. He can handle a dog. It was so real too that he busted out "I hate you!" to Jason because kids will do that stuff over anything. It's probably the best and worst thing about kids. My nephew told my brother (his dad) that he hated him because their local Walgreens was out of his favorite candy. He was like 5. It was hilarious. Anyway, Jake is a lonely boy and needs a dog. Plus, Killjoy Jason, his brothers might want the dog too. Cameron is like 20. It's okay boys, your real father, Lucky will let you have all of the dogs.

  • Love 2


Liz is a full-time nurse and single parent who is currently homeless. She has one kid who is a pyro, one who is emotionally disturbed and one who is ridiculously adorable - adding a dog (no matter how floppy-eared and cute) to that load without asking first is a shitty thing to do

Yeah, but 100-year-old Gram is going to do all the work, so no biggie.

  • Love 10




And that's not the whole enchilada yet:


Patprick isn't necessarily the Daddy...Helena may have been up to her old tricks, implanting the embryo in Robin to protect it.   http://www.generalhospitalblog.com/gh-news-and-rumors/[

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Liz is a full-time nurse and single parent who is currently homeless. She has one kid who is a pyro, one who is emotionally disturbed and one who is ridiculously adorable - adding a dog (no matter how floppy-eared and cute) to that load without asking first is a shitty thing to do


I agree. Having been in or around several situations where someone was trying to dump an animal they didn't want to care for on someone else, my hatred for Franco increased tenfold today. No one should give a pet to anyone without checking first, as Monica told him. Too bad she couldn't fire him for bringing a non-service dog into a hospital.


I can't figure these new writers out. Some days I see things that make me believe they are truly trying to turn the ship, then other times it's just more of the same old crap. 

  • Love 5

Liz is a full-time nurse and single parent who is currently homeless. She has one kid who is a pyro, one who is emotionally disturbed and one who is ridiculously adorable - adding a dog (no matter how floppy-eared and cute) to that load without asking first is a shitty thing to do

Let's be real; Grams 90 year old ass will be chasing that dog along with eternally 10 year old Cam and Aiden.

  • Love 7

LMAOOO. Fans still trying to pretend that's gonna happen? That's cute.

For once, I haven't seen that come up anywhere. No, that freaking egg is still in a freezer or a SORASed angry 16 year old angry at Lulu for not loving them.

I wonder if the shakeups in Laura Wright's and Kirsten Storms' personal lives will affect their roles and futures on General Hospital? Unfortunately, both marriages are being ended. But the writers or the actresses might decide that this situation has a silver lining to impact their jobs

Why would it? Especially Laura Wright's? She had been separated already for about two years.

  • Love 1

I'm hoping Sam was just waiting for a more private time and space to tell Jason the rest of the Franco story, because otherwise? She's not going to tell him about the times he kidnapped her, drugged her and pretended to rape her, and what it did to the JaSam marriage and questions about Danny's paternity?

You know what pisses me off the most about Franco? The way he talks to people/his victims and the complete lack of remorse for what he's done and that "hey, tumor!" gets to absolve all of it. The way he was rude and dismissive to Monica yesterday, who I'm sure is some type of authority over him at the hospital, the way he casually talked to Sam weeks ago and invited her for coffee and his parting shot of "Say hi to Danny for me!", the way he intentionally antagonized Jason yesterday AND today using Jake to do it (he knew giving Jake that puppy would force Jason to be the bad guy), even the way he even talks to Elizabeth (!) after he kidnapped and stole her kid. He was even that way with Michael during that whole stupid Carly romance. Okay, for argument's sake, let's just say we believe him/TPTB that he really did have a brain tumor that made him chemically wired to do those evil things and now Franco really is changed and sorry. Whatever. But he still did these things. If I had kidnapped people and terrorized people and pretended to rape them and then gotten away with it because of a brain tumor, and lived in the same town as my victims knowing they had to see me every day I would either A) move or B) make it to where these people (Sam, Michael, Monica, Jason) don't have to see me more than they have to. But no, Franco seems to actively seek them out and engages them in conversation and then acts butt hurt that they hold him responsible for his past actions. THAT is what pisses me off about Franco in general.
[/rant over]
  • Love 9

Yesterday's episode was so dumb. 

“Why would you provoke that man?” Why not, when it’s so easy to provoke him. Franco and Jason are both idiots. 

Will Joss’s Fifth disease lead to something else, or is someone on the writing staff trying to bring attention to the disease for some reason?

Oh, Jordan. Go with your gut, girl. It is fishy that dude decided to come forward now. You’re being played.

Oh, Ric. You do realize Sonny sent that guy to the PCPD, right?

Was yesterday a special day for Sonny? I might have missed the one time something was mentioned.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

You know what pisses me off the most about Franco? The way he talks to people/his victims and the complete lack of remorse for what he's done and that "hey, tumor!" gets to absolve all of it.

I know, his attitude is pretty much, "I tried to reform but people still don't like me, so I'm just going to go back to serial killing." For real, are we supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Pass.

Julian looks like he's wearing a portobello mushroom on his head.

  • Love 7

It would be so funny to me if poor Victimized, Misunderstood, Gentle Farmer Freako went off the rails and killed Dr. O.

Sam should have told Jason to wait in the hospital parking lot for Franco to show up and then snap his neck. I'm hoping she will tell Jason the rest of the story regarding Freako, but probably not since Show wants to minimize and ignore his history.

LOL so now months later the writers might be getting around to explaining where Joss’ kidney came from.

LOL so Sonny’s goon is stupid enough to think that he can identify himself as a witness to a murder but not be called to testify in court.

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Yesterday's episode was so dumb. 

“Why would you provoke that man?” Why not, when it’s so easy to provoke him. Franco and Jason are both idiots. 

Will Joss’s Fifth disease lead to something else, or is someone on the writing staff trying to bring attention to the disease for some reason?

Oh, Jordan. Go with your gut, girl. It is fishy that dude decided to come forward now. You’re being played.

Oh, Ric. You do realize Sonny sent that guy to the PCPD, right?

Was yesterday a special day for Sonny? I might have missed the one time something was mentioned.

I believe it can cause some complications in kidney transplant patients (although how far out, I'm not sure).  So maybe it's going to go somewhere with that? 

48 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

LOL so now months later the writers might be getting around to explaining where Joss’ kidney came from.

And of course Sonny has to be the one to initiate the search. Why should I even be surprised?

If you take out everything Franco and everything Sonny, it really wasn't a bad show. Franco has turned from Gentle Farmer Franco into just Franco the Asshole. Neither are enjoyable to watch.

I liked the little things: the way Ava pronounces Nina's name with such venom, and the way Alexis does the same with Ava's. And Dr. O ordering her drink and putting it on Nina's tab. I still like Kiki and Dillon, so we'll see where that goes. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before I hate them.

Previews: UO time, I've missed Hayden and Curtis together, so I'm glad to see them back on today.

  • Love 1

So yesterday was Sonny's birthday?   I thought Carly gave him a piece of cake a few days ago to celebrate.   I am glad that no one got shot in this joyous occasion.   Instead, some college kid will make sure Street Clothes goes to prison.  And lol at Jordan straight up telling the kid "Oh he's taking a deal."  If this kid wasn't hired by Sonny, he was an addict breaking into cars to get drugs.  Any defense attorney would laugh at that.  I did kinda like Roger vs Billy again yesterday though.  We clearly saw Franco bolt from the bar earlier, so it's not him stalking Sam.  I think it's Dr O since she was actually there and it gives a motive for Jason or Sam to kill her now too. 

59 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I completely forgot to watch yesterday's episode lol. It just slipped my mind and then I went to bed and was like, "Oh yea I didn't watch GH. Oh well!' 

Other than Sonny suddenly remembering Joss's mystery kidney and Keeks and Dillon's second meet-cute-blerg, you didn't miss that much.  Dr. O being the voice of reason for Franco (who drives me nuts--I can kind of get behind Gentle Farmer Franco, since he's fairly self-effacing and at least has what remains of his heart in a good place, so of course they literally have him lampshade his entire story arc and decide "Screw it, it's not working, I'm just gonna be a jerk full-time again") and Nina was just a bonus.

I had to laugh when, yet again, Danny is "staying overnight with Monica."  People gave Liz shit when her boys were always jettisoned to Audrey the Car Horn but this is just as bad.  Since Jason decided to start banging Sam that kid is an afterthought. 

Speaking of kids, NewJake seems like a better actor than OldJake, but that's not really saying much.  I did get a chuckle out of his Cousin Oliver haircut, though.  At least they didn't make the kid get a Jason-esque hair don't.

Can this whole "let's pay this drug addict to say he was a witness to Saint Duke's murder?" blow up in Sonny's face?  Just friggin' once I'd love to see him not get his way.  The smug needs to be wiped from his face, even if it's just short-term. 

And, lastly, someone help me but I don't hate Kiki and Dillon.

  • Love 5
48 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Since Jason decided to start banging Sam that kid is an afterthought. 

All the kids are afterthoughts and "at a sleepover", "at Grams", "at Mac and Felicia's", "with Alice", "at Monica's", "with Laura", "with Olivia", "with Molly and TJ" until they're brought out for plot point purposes. It's why I always thought it was weird when people would just focus on Liz for this. It applies to them all.

  • Love 7

I think with Liz, it was partially due to the fact that the only child who got to matter was Jake - the pyro and Adorable!Aiden got shuffled off to the attic. 

But the Danny thing is just as bad because Danny was a BIG DEAL for them. For yeeeeaars they talked about raising a child together. His conception and loss nearly broke them up permanently and Jason finding the kid is what reunited them. Danny should be a bigger part of their reunion - but it's hard to address that if the writers aren't willing to deal with what Franco did to them. 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, backhometome said:

Why I hated the whole rape/non rape story because it was all about Jason and his pain. 

Ugh, he was such an asshole to Sam. I was okay with him being a little iffy on whether he could raise a rape baby—that was a legit consideration—but then when he came around, it was as if he was making the biggest sacrifice on the planet. Uh, no, he was just being a decent person. (Not that deciding he couldn't raise a rape baby would be wrong. Not everyone would be able to get past that. It was just more deification of Jason that was so gross.)


6 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Danny should be a bigger part of their reunion but it's hard to address that if the writers aren't willing to deal with what Franco did to them. 

It's hard to address what Franco did to them when the show is trying to whitewash Franco's past at the same time. As always, the writers want to have it both ways.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I think with Liz, it was partially due to the fact that the only child who got to matter was Jake - the pyro and Adorable!Aiden got shuffled off to the attic. 

But the Danny thing is just as bad because Danny was a BIG DEAL for them. For yeeeeaars they  talked about raising a child together. His conception and loss nearly broke them up permanently and Jason finding the kid is what reunited them. Danny should be a bigger part of their reunion but it's hard to address that if the writers aren't willing to deal with what Franco did to them. 

And that goes along with my point. The reason Jake was/is more important than the other kids was bc of the specific plot point story. He's Jason's. He causes conflict and drama for the adults.

And, yes, Danny should be brought out NOW bc this is a story in which he's necessary and needed.

  • Love 2

Tracy, I feel ya on wanting to get out of the hospital ASAP. The longest wait in the world is between them telling you you can leave and actually leaving.

Hey, new dude. Nice to see you look comfortable on camera from the get-go. You have no idea how rare that is.

Playful Jason will never not unnerve me.

Hayden, using someone else's money to make up for your father's fleecing isn't the way to make amends. 

Morgan's "Don't all girls experiment with girls in college?" was hilarious. What a bro. But I also think Kristina is kind of a jerk for wanting everyone to gasp and clutch pearls. Just because her sexuality is a big deal to her doesn't mean it is to everyone else.

Lauren and Dillon are...not unwatchable.

  • Love 10

Yeah, I don't believe it's Franco either.  But who else would stick around to watch Jason & Sam get it on?

Dillon is making Kiki worth watching…so nice to get a Goergie mention and they are actually kind of cute together.


I loved that Morgan was shocked that Kristina was suspended from school (no matter the reason).  And I figured he'd be fine with Kristina's "sexual fluidity", so no surprises there.

I need JE to take me shopping, I know she wears her own stuff for Tracy and I'd welcome the input.

  • Love 6

See, I can actually take this Morgan. He wasn't whiny or demanding. The story should have been Morgan and Kristina bonding over their shared "loser" status, and turning against Sonny with them vowing to take him down.

Kiki and Dillon, still liking. She's almost like a different character around him.

So, is everyone in agreement that the new guy is the fourth Ford brother? Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate looking at him and he wasn't horrible acting-wise, but he just screams Ford to me.

Hayden, buck up and be besties with Curtis. He can take you to sporting events and you'll eventually learn to love them. I really liked her scenes with Tracy, great acting, dialogue, everything. Finn I could give a flying rat's ass about.

Jason and Sam are not feeling like Jason and Sam to me, even though they're attempting to. I can't even begin to guess who the stalker would be if it wasn't Franco. I guess I could make a joke that it could be Liz, but I won't.

  • Love 4

NGL I really enjoyed yesterday's ep. I did fast forward Julian/Alexis and Jason/Sam though.

I tentatively like the new guy but also I am waiting for him to turn out to be bad or something. IDK I just can't see them having a normal guy who just wants to hang out with Kristina and hiring this guy to play it. 

I continue to enjoy Hayden/Curtis, Tracy/Finn, and Dillon/Kiki. 

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Hayden, buck up and be besties with Curtis. He can take you to sporting events and you'll eventually learn to love them. I really liked her scenes with Tracy, great acting, dialogue, everything.

 I can't even begin to guess who the stalker would be if it wasn't Franco. I guess I could make a joke that it could be Liz, but I won't.


Liez is paying DNAJ to stalk Sam and Jason.

I wonder if Hayden/Tracy are done. It doesn't seem like they're going to make Tracy her mother so I can't think of any reason why they would interact now. 

It would be nice if the writers got their heads out of their asses, stopped this Hayden/Nik trash, and tried putting her with Curtis. 

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

See, I can actually take this Morgan. He wasn't whiny or demanding.

I agree, although I still kind of expected him to bust out, "hehehe. That's hot, Beavis."

Jason and Sam are not feeling like Jason and Sam to me, even though they're attempting to. I can't even begin to guess who the stalker would be if it wasn't Franco. I guess I could make a joke that it could be Liz, but I won't.

Just for me I can't take that "oh ya feel safe now? Do ya? Do ya?" voice. Otherwise they're okay. I was glad when they finally got out of those wet clothes though. Blergh being in wet clothes in the worst imo, and then cuddling up to someone who is also in wet clothes? Nooooo.

Yeah, I don't believe it's Franco either.  But who else would stick around to watch Jason & Sam get it on?

Heather. Or could possibly be Dr. O for some reason (for what reason, I dunno, maybe she's trying to do Franco a favor somehow. I just saw someone suggest her and that it will be tied in with all these anvils that she'll be off the show soon).

The day I like Kiki in a couple will be the day she stops tilting her head to the side so we can see her whole face, even when they're filming the actors' profiles.

  • Love 5
38 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Just for me I can't take that "oh ya feel safe now? Do ya? Do ya?" voice. Otherwise they're okay. I was glad when they finally got out of those wet clothes though. Blergh being in wet clothes in the worst imo, and then cuddling up to someone who is also in wet clothes? Nooooo.

That voice bothers me too. And the clothes, how would a wet jacket warm someone up? Weird. 

I forgot to mention that casting continues to do a good job. That dayplayer really looked like an FBI agent.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

The new guy (did we catch his name?) looks like he's straight off the Ford Brothers assembly line.  Frank Valentini, sometimes it's okay to hire a young dude who's a blonde.

Nudillon doesn't count as a blond? I guess not, but I think of his hair color as a dirty blond. anyway, he seems like a decent actor but he's not doing anything for me so far. He looks like some low-rent Matt LeBlanc. Although Mo and Dominic must be happy cause he looks shorter than them, heh.




Is Dillon considered blonde?


jinx! He's not a blond technically but I think a lot of people think of that color as "dirty blond". I do. But I guess dirty blond is really light brown.

Edited by ulkis
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