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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Oh boooo, Ned didn't give Olivia any kind of grief about what her pointless Dead Baby Lie cost him and his family.  And wow, that was some ham-fisted product placement (although, believe you me, I already have my tickets).


It definitely seems Dr. O's on the way out, one way or another.  I want her to at least go out in a blaze of evil glory, preferably while wearing a kicky wig.


Just like I don't care about his drug problem, I could give two shits about Dr. Michael Easton's budding bond with Joss.

  • Love 4

Why would Ned give Olivia grief? He was the one who volunteered to give the shares, Olivia was the one who begged him not to. He was also the one who volunteered to help with the baby lie, encouraged it, fostered it, played an equal partner in it.


And promised to be Leo's dad, help her raise him only to a few months later decide he'd changed his mind and wanted to rock out with Brooke instead and dumped her and left the ENTIRE mess in Olivia's lap. Even suggested she tell Julian, despite the fact that he was originally dead set against Julian knowing because of THE MOB nonsense, all to escape the responsibility he had eagerly taken on.


Ned's a douche.


She should hate his ass.

Edited by Vella
  • Love 2

You know, I haven't watched yet, and when I do, I'll come back and compliment or rant as needed. I just have to say it. There's no reason for ANY actor to be on this stinking show more than three days a week(and even three days a week consistently is pushing it unless they are wrapping up a major story-which NO ONE IS right now). Has FH been on every stinking day thus far? IDK.

I feel like, no matter who it is, three days a week, max. Because if you can afford to pay someone for four or five days a week, and hire more newbies, even if they are recurring,  you can afford to have WK back on contract, or at least give JE more than one day a week. It's ridiculous.

Dang it, show. Get it together. In this day and age of social media, where show runners get almost instant feedback, there's zero reason for this crap.

Carry on.

  • Love 4

Tracy and Easton were the best part of today's show. Easton was good with Monica and Joss too. And then he talks to Carly and it all goes downhill. But Tracy teasing him about backgammon was fun. I love seeing her so animated. And she and Ned were good too. Basically Tracy <3 Yes I used a heart emoji or whatever, sue me.


O: (long pause) Children should be seen and not heard. 




Monica: We can't let a good doctor like this slip through our fingers


Don't worry Monica, if that happens, you can just hire him back 6 months later out of the blue


Well Frank Tracy if you want Ned to stay in Port Charles so bad maybe you should offer him a contract.


The close-up of Sonny's stuffed beaver was hilarious. Someone really wanted to make sure we saw that thing. 


Lord at Sonny crowing that Alexis has *finally* fallen off her high horse. He says that to her annually, this isn't a new thing writers/Sonny.


I could not stop staring at Julian's hair today. Wow. Olivia's face seemed very shiny.


previews: Shouldn't Dante and Lulu be taking Nathan aside and being all "u sure about this dude" instead of throwing them a party? Oh well, I'll take a party.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

I liked the brief Olivia/Ned scenes, and despite the dead baby lie crap, I want those two crazy kids to get back together, even if most of their relationship is offscreen since no one can be bothered to give WK a contract. 


I continue to have very little interest in this Anna/Carlos/Paul crap. 


I would prefer if Jordan went to work with Sam as a PI and someone else got stuck with the Commissioner position. 

  • Love 5

I liked the brief Olivia/Ned scenes, and despite the dead baby lie crap, I want those two crazy kids to get back together, even if most of their relationship is offscreen since no one can be bothered to give WK a contract. 


I would prefer if Jordan went to work with Sam as a PI and someone else got stuck with the Commissioner position. 


I would like it if they get back together too. They're cute and I am always look for alternate dad figures for Dante so that is a bonus!


I dunno why Frank can't be bothered to give WK a contract. They actually use him! Why can't he get whatever contract LLC has? Hell, taker her off it and give it to him. Is it some sort of "if I give him a contract, then the rest of the vets will whine at me for one" thing?

I used to like Anna.  Now, I don't.


I feel like that sentence applies to every character. GH!

  • Love 8

I used to like Anna.  Now, I don't.


I feel like that sentence applies to every character. GH!


New t-shirt idea: "I used to like _____. Now I don't." And the blank can have some kind of erasable fabric so you can keep changing it every time they ruin another character.


I fast forwarded a lot of this ep because I was in a hurry but I liked what I did watch. Not much to say about it though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 8

Nice to see Carly barges into Sonny's office the same way she barges into everything else. Hee.


Whatever makeup they're putting on JE to look "sick" is doing the exact opposite. She looks amazing.


Sonny's stuffed beaver


First, I'm 12, so ha! Second, it's a badger, not a beaver.


I liked Ned's extremely passive-aggressive attitude toward Olivia about Leo and Julian. 


Nice plug for that small indie movie that's coming out on May 6. It needs all the promotion it can get.

  • Love 7

Tracy and Easton were the best part of today's show. Easton was good with Monica and Joss too. And then he talks to Carly and it all goes downhill. But Tracy teasing him about backgammon was fun. I love seeing her so animated. And she and Ned were good too. Basically Tracy <3 Yes I used a heart emoji or whatever, sue me.


O: (long pause) Children should be seen and not heard. 




Monica: We can't let a good doctor like this slip through our fingers


Don't worry Monica, if that happens, you can just hire him back 6 months later out of the blue


Well Frank Tracy if you want Ned to stay in Port Charles so bad maybe you should offer him a contract.


The close-up of Sonny's stuffed beaver was hilarious. Someone really wanted to make sure we saw that thing. 


Lord at Sonny crowing that Alexis has *finally* fallen off her high horse. He says that to her annually, this isn't a new thing writers/Sonny.


I could not stop staring at Julian's hair today. Wow. Olivia's face seemed very shiny.


previews: Shouldn't Dante and Lulu be taking Nathan aside and being all "u sure about this dude" instead of throwing them a party? Oh well, I'll take a party.


I ffwd through Alexis and Julian, because they both bore me to death, and I just can't either way with NLG in any storyline. But I did stop to PnL at Julian's hair. Very Jimmy Neutron-ish today. Same with Sonny/Alexis and Sonny/Carly. I just don't care.

I don't mind Olivia around Ned, but he SHOULD be mad at the fact he gave up stocks for her secret she then told two minutes after he left town. But when not with Ned, I have no use for her.

Loved Finn and Tracy, but their scenes are too short. I want to see more before I decide if I want more than friendship. I doubt the show has the brass to go there, but would love it if they did. Mainly because I doubt they'd hire someone on just for Jane E, and even if Hayden's daddy makes an appearance and they do have a past, I can already tell the man would be a complete douchebag. And I'm tired of the douche bags knocking on Tracy's door. She DOES deserve better, even if she doesn't think so. So far, I like Finn. He could turn out to be bad, and if he does, I'll change my mind I'm sure. But for now, I like him, and I like the Tracy/Finn friendship.

And even if I didn't think Carly was a rotten excuse for a person, I still wouldn't see it with her and Finn. I see more connection and warmth from Finn to Joss than I do Finn to Carly. Finn kind of actually acts like he doesn't care if Carly is present or not-doesn't sound like much of a connection to me.

Besides-so far-*crosses finger* he seems to be a nice guy. And Carly is just gonna chew him up and spit him out. Plus, the way this regime likes writing the mobular characters as good and others as bad-if Finn IS bad, I don't want him written so all to prop Carly.


Anna is now the worst character on the show. Sad, but true. And FH's acting today was just not good. Duke can be alive and come take her away.

  • Love 2

I understand, because if I were a huge Anna fan, I'd be furious. The entire SL is ridiculous.

At this point, even if I wasn't already mesmerized by JVP, I'd be rooting for Carlos out of sheer spite.

I cannot believe I forgot to tell about my absolute favorite part of the episode(besides Tracy counting her money). Ned and his mama.  I actually think WK *likes* doing both Days and GH and isn't he also doing that "Ladies of the Lake" thing? So even if FV offered-ahahaha! *giggle* *snort*-I doubt Wally would say yes at this point. Perhaps if they pitched a great story, otherwise I think Wally's perfectly happy doing the recurring thing, which leaves him free to pursue multiple interests. More pity, us. The man has grace and style and CLASS. Something several of the leading men in his age range probably can't even begin to fake.

But yeah. Ned saying the bit about how his mother taught him family sticks together, and they held hands. Then started bickering. I heart them. Best part of the show, by far.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 6

I honestly think at this point that Sonny hates Carlos merely for the fact that he not only won't scurry away and die/run away, but literally gives no fucks about Sonny and his mouth licking threats. Well, and Sonny has had to kill him himself and we all know Sonny hates that.

Anna is acting like a Stephanie Meyer character. Whining about love that wasn't healthy at all, relying on men to save her while hiding under the strong woman facade, having the emotional maturity of a preteen, grieving for a vampire, arguing with a werewolf. Someone stop this before the Volturi shows up, or is that the Badger and Sonny?

  • Love 6

I think Finola is doing a decent job but it's gotten so repetitive that I can't take it anymore. They need to hand half her teary apologetic scenes to Dante, he could use them. Speaking of, him and Nathan should be trying to help her out instead of having a party. Lame!

She cries every.single.day. I wouldn't even call it good acting anymore. It's the same expressions and reactions daily. It's exhausting and boring to watch.

  • Love 6

I agree but I don't know what she can do.* Unless her own choice to add the crying and not the script's, then yeah she needs to stop.

*Well yes I do screw the creepiness outta Griffin.

I'm not even really blaming Fin. It's the material and the writing. I'm sure it's written for her to be emotional and crying. I'm beyond over it. And it has made her character completely hypocritical.

  • Love 5

Yeah, today Anna was a bit further into "The bitches must pay!  All the bitches must pay!" territory than usual, which does her no favors.  And it was with Andre, too, which irritated me because I'm still pushing for #teaandsympathy and this appears to continue derailing that.  Even FH's awesomeness has limits, and we're probably right at them now.  Then again, going off the promo for tomorrow's episode, that may be by design.


JE and WK definitely were the best part of today's episode that wasn't "...and cut to Bob the Badger" and LLC in that blue dress.  (Liv, as much as I love her, is wallpaper at this point.  But she's pretty, pretty wallpaper.)  Tracy and Ned were, simply, love.


And I rather liked the nonverbal bits in Carly and Dr. O's chat, though (Monica subtly nudging Hamtaro to just stay the hell out of the way, and Joss's bemused "Wait, what?" look when Liesl referred to her as offspring), though the chat itself indirectly seemed to count as another tick on the deathwatch for Dr. O.

Edited by Bill C.
  • Love 5

This whole ELQ storyline has been nothing but an enormous disappointing nightmare for the past year. So why shouldn't it end like a giant pike of shit? JASON gets to play savior. The boring, useless and pathetic Michael gets the keys to the kingdom back, after proclaiming himself to be Michael Corinthos. Tracy seems to be totally fine about all of it and Olivia doesn't even get as much as a "bitch, please" side glance. Brooklyn was blackmailed into signing over her shares to protect Olivia's stupid kid. And it all led to the loss of the damn family company, but hey, Leo has a dad! WTF?

And the less said about the stupid Anna crap, the better. Why the fuck is Duke suddenly Sonny's BFF? I hated damn near everything on the stupid show today.

Where is Dr. O's hatred of Dr. MorleyClayMcBainFinn coming from? Couldn't care less over Jocelyn liking him and the lizard. It just screams Todd/Starr to me.

  • Love 5

I am days behind but I seriously can't believe they have Alexis out here stumping for Julian a.k.a. Rogaine Roth* to 'represent' Carlos just so he won't flip on her husband, who literally had ol' Duke killed. That's pathetic even by Alexis' current sub-standard.


And yeah, Finola does a great job crying but she's been crying altogether too much in the last year, in front of the wrong people often over the wrong shit.


And this Paul shit is so insane I don't know where to begin.


Dr. Michael Easton's new wardrobe already has about ten times more personality than his last half-dozen characters. And he is really working hard even when he's OTT with volume and bits of business, which is shocking to see.


I still have next to zero interest in NuDillon but his body has my full attention.


(*Now to unpack this post's obscure reference: 'Roth' is a reference to 'Hyman Roth' from The Godfather Part II. 'Rogaine' pertains to the state of William deVry's hair. Thanks for playing at home!)

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 10

Tracy and Ned were my favorite part. I love seeing them together. I do like LLC but popping up to tell Julian stories seems pointless. I liked her and Ned before but if Wally Kurth isn't on contract I guess that wont be happening. 


Anna, if you never have to talk about Duke again it will be too soon! However I am a fan of her and Andre. He just needs to break up with Jordan and call it a day. 

  • Love 7
Even FH's awesomeness has limits, and we're probably right at them now.


I steamrolled through four episodes.  Anna and Alexis (and of course Tracy) are hitting it out of the park.  Nina/Franco are not the antidote to the mob and if they would just add a couple of more lines to each scene - it would improve the show a wee bit (but not nearly as much as getting rid of the entire Corinthos clan).


That huge painting in Sonny's office is disgusting but not as disturbing as the lines that Carly and Sam continue to spew to prop up the 'good' violent thug.  Writing of which, is it just me or does anyone else still have problems with one of the most feared gangsta in this country strolling into the police department like he owns it?  It strains credulity that Duke/Sonny are portrayed as anything but the violent thugs that they were/are.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 6

Let me recognize the one true milestone, after all these years, I'll take it:


Tracey is okay with not running ELQ if a Q is running it.


I know this is Michael-propping, and even with Michael with the C name, but after her melting down with Pickle Eddie and "MY COMPANY! MY PRECIOUS!" for decades, it's a fucking relief.


Please, Michael and Show. Give her something to do in the company.


I love Kathleen Gati, but if you're going to kill off Dr. O just to promote the Most Special Bearded-Dragon-Owning Doctor in the World, do it quickly.


I expected Dr. O to tell Joss, "You were better when you liked Krampus."

I think Finola is doing a decent job but it's gotten so repetitive that I can't take it anymore. They need to hand half her teary apologetic scenes to Dante, he could use them. Speaking of, him and Nathan should be trying to help her out instead of having a party. Lame!


I hope the wheels going around in Andre's mind is that Anna is far gone enough to be criminally insane, thus getting her a "Get Out of Jail Free" card and allowing her to get a Franco waiver that it was the mythical tumor.

  • Love 6

Dr. Michael Easton's new wardrobe already has about ten times more personality than his last half-dozen characters. And he is really working hard even when he's OTT with volume and bits of business, which is shocking to see.


I still have next to zero interest in NuDillon but his body has my full attention.



I know it's like a broken record for ya'll by now, but I attribute most of ME's appeal so far because he's been stuck with the Qs. Most of those actors(BM not withstanding) are NOT lazy, and most are above average actors. JE, WK, LC, will NOT let him slack and be lazy. He's actually trying, and when he tries, he's more interesting than certain other characters/members of the cast.

LW, OTOH, even though I do adore her, has spent too many years opposite MB, for the same to be said about her. But they probably will be paired, if only temporarily, so ya'll gird your loins. Carly and Sonny don't really know how to be long term faithful and loyal to one another. A ONS or more is probably gonna happen between Finn and Carly.


Dillon takes very good care of himself, a fact that Kiki appreciates. I knew they would be sparkly together and they are.


And agree with everyone who said, because I'll say again....Ned and his mama, best part of yesterday. It's nice to have a guy Ned's age around, who isn't a murderer or overall scumbag.

  • Love 5

I'm waiting for Anna to wake up and realize how stupid she is for fawning over Duke- especially since she was in a secret OPS mission to set him up for putting a hit on Jordan in the days before his death and arrested him for being an accessory to murder- and rock Andre and/or Finn like a hurricane. If only, if only there were two or three people with brains and emotions that were deeply affected by Duke's criminal activity and could speak to Anna in her jail cell. You know, like two young men, one who lost his father (the one that was the first and only one to give Duke a legit job) or another young man who almost lost his mother to Duke putting a hit on her because he thought she was a rat (Duke knew he was wrong as well, as he paid the kid's college tuition ). Or maybe the mother that Duke tried to have killed. Could they appeal to Anna's mother and child argument? Because AJ and Jordan tried like hell to see their kids. To date, AJ spectacularly beat the crap out of Franco upon learning Michael was raped. They didn't ignore their clearly being held hostage videos.

The mob ruins everything.

  • Love 9

First, I'm 12, so ha! Second, it's a badger, not a beaver.



I'm probably gonna forget again. For whatever reason, my mind goes straight to beaver, darn it.


My mind goes to WTF IS that! Why does Sonny even have that hideous thing in his office? It is creep-y!


I am so bored lately all I could think was no way Julian would eat toast with butter or Sonny would eat a giant muffin. No way either of those two narcissists eat carbs.


When Dr O was yelling about Finn leaving town ASAP I was like For Gawds Sake NO! He'll just come back as someone equally contrived! Him rubbing the back of his hair continually is driving me as B-A-N-A-N-A-S as Anna.

I'm with Andre...me thinks Anna has flow over the coo-coo's nest!

  • Love 3

I did notice they had Griffin clearing his throat, like he wanted to modulate his voice, before he first spoke to Nathan. So I'm leaning toward that he is Claudette, and that it's a transgender storyline. 

 I don't see a transgender storyline at all.  The big neon sign that I see hanging over Griffin is that he was a former priest or something.  He talks about faith and forgiveness WAY too much.  I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn he was Father Griffin at some point, and he is avoiding Maxie.



So Michael dumped Sabrina, and now wants her back because she and the baby will be safer with his mobster ties than it will be with Carlos'?  

Michael is not a mobster, and he is not active in the mob.  I mean if the Qs can be around him to run ELQ, then I say it's fine.  Carlos is a murderer and a mobster several times over.  I'm more upset that the writers feel this incessant need to put Michael with Sabrina, and I"ll be really pissed off if it turns out that Sabrina chose to be with Carlos and Michael's storyline is about him fighting to get her back.  I HATE that crap.  He should be swearing off women and relationships at this point, just like Kevin, after what's been done to him by practically every woman he has ever dated.  I'd rather he get a different story altogether.


The only good scenes were Kevin and Laura. I'm still not sure how exactly I feel about them going romantic though. And it seems pretty obvious that's where it's heading. I just find it so odd they didn't have Kevin on for like a year and now all of the sudden they've brought him back to be Laura's love interest. I don't get it.

I don't mind.  PLEASE bring Kevin/Jon back to GH full time and permanently.  The writers were smart in getting Wally back and so now let's grab Jon too.  GH needs to get its vets back on the canvas and STOP adding newbies.  


Was it just me or was Jason's response to Sam inapropriate (inapropriate is not the right word but I can't think of what the right word would be).  She's all teary eyed going on about how she lost him and she couldn't survive losing him again, and he just kind of chuckles and is all, 'hey i'm here now'.  I know that he has no memories, but he does have emotions, does he not?  If someone was sitting across from me, essentially crying because they'd lost me once, I would be in tears with them.  But no real emotion just a 'aw shucks, youre fine' kind of attitude.



This has been my complaint against BM since he arrived.  He is NEVER in the same emotional zone as the other characters or with the writing.  If he's suppose to be intimidating and scary, he's smiling; if he's suppose to be deeply affected by a moment (Sonny remembering him, Tracy telling him that his grandfather would be proud), he's all "Yeah, whatever," and in the truly emotional moments, he's completely disconnected. The other character delivers the goods in a scene, but BM?  Not so much.  Jakeson takes me out of almost every moment between him and another character because he's never on the same page, emotionally, as the actor he is playing against.

Edited by Bishop

GH has gotten tedious and vexingly boring of late what with Anna's constant whining over justice for Duke; Lulu and Dante's couple's therapy; Sam's whispering explanations of every damn thing she thinks she knows; and Sonny's daily self-righteous posturing. When is something actually going to happen on this show?

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 4

I don't mind.  PLEASE bring Kevin/Jon back to GH full time and permanently.  The writers were smart in getting Wally back and so now let's grab Jon too.  GH needs to get its vets back on the canvas and STOP adding newbies.  


Do Kevin and Ned have any kind of relationship?  Because scenes featuring both of these actors would be fun.

  • Love 2
So Michael dumped Sabrina, and now wants her back because she and the baby will be safer with his mobster ties than it will be with Carlos'?

Michael is not a mobster, and he is not active in the mob.

He's a Corinthos, and everyone knows Sonny is a mobster. Michael has repeatedly been hurt because of this. It's not unreasonable to think Sabrina and the baby might get hurt if they are around Michael and the rest of the Corinthii. "I can keep you safe" is one of the biggest lies ever told in Port Charles.

  • Love 8

He's a Corinthos, and everyone knows Sonny is a mobster. Michael has repeatedly been hurt because of this. It's not unreasonable to think Sabrina and the baby might get hurt if they are around Michael and the rest of the Corinthii. "I can keep you safe" is one of the biggest lies ever told in Port Charles.

Exactly. Avery hasn't begun to walk and she's been kidnapped twice. Michael was shot a couple times, committed a murder, had a psychotic break, was put in prison and raped before he turned 21. Morgan is a gambling addict and overall hot mess who maybe can tie his shoes, I'm not sure till I see it, but he's balding before 25. Kristina has already been in an abusive relationship, faked an abusive relationship, stalked two older men, hidden a fugitive, gotten married, been kidnapped twice, been blown up in a car, used sex to get grades, and gotten kicked out of two colleges. Dante was shot in the chest by his father on purpose. Wtf does Michael think will happen to Sabrina and the child of Carlos? Lol. He murdered your bio dad, bro. He'll meathook Sabrina while eating pasta and petting the badger.

  • Love 8

I can't with his hypocrisy and, when called out on it by Alexis, his 'meh, that's different" posturing. I swear I saw the beaver roll its eyes at that one.

That was ridiculous. I was also a bit distracted by how it seemed MB was reading off of cue cards since he kept looking away while saying his lines, and only looked at Alexis after he finished speaking.

  • Love 1

I am days behind but I seriously can't believe they have Alexis out here stumping for Julian a.k.a. Rogaine Roth* 


Look at his hair everyone! LOOK AT IT




Also here's the badger:



My DVR didn't pick up yesterday's GH. We get it at 3 in the NYC area- ABC channel 7. I thought maybe because of Prince's death? But it seems it was on for everyone else?


It was on in the NYC affiliate, minus one tiny interruption. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

After seeing that badger pic. I am sure that a badger is Sonny's spirit animal.


  • Love 3
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